Created 100 top lists, 2056 items, 11 comments.
Member since 17th of August 2012.
Top Lakes in Tennessee 20 items ranked
This is all of the recognized lakes in TN. This is my personal preference of them.
8 points added 12 years ago
20 Biggest Dog Breeds 20 items ranked
Big dogs are big babies at heart, here's a list of some of the biggest breeds in the world
6 points added 12 years ago
Top Cruise Locations for 2012 21 items ranked
Some of the best places to go on a cruise this year.
4 points added 12 years ago
Top funniest jokes 41 items ranked
Some of the funniest and oldest jokes around
4 points added 12 years ago
Most unique vacation destinations 20 items ranked
Some of them most beautiful and unique places to go in the world
3 points added 12 years ago
20 Strangest and Rare Animals 26 items ranked
20 of the strangest and rare animals from across the world
2 points added 12 years ago
Best Olympic Womens Gymnastic Performances 20 items ranked
A list of the top twenty performances given by female gymnasts at the Olympics
2 points added 12 years ago
Top 20 Vampire Diaries Moments 20 items ranked
Some of the best moments in the first three seasons of the show
1 point added 12 years ago