Most Essential Books for Early Childhood Educators
20 items ranked
This is my list of the books an Early Childhood Educator should have in their library to be an effective in their job.
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This absolutely essential book helps a teacher determine a child's literacy ability and helps find ways to assist in remedying weak areas in a child's literacy ability.
This is an essential book to ensure that all scientific explorations of children in the classroom are conducted safely. It also helps reassure parents when they see that you are concerned about safety of their children.
This book helps teachers in their first days of school set the right atmosphere that will help set the tone for the entire school year.
This book provides teachers detailed information as to what is developmentally appropriate for given ages, although a teacher does need to use his or her knowledge of the children for specific ability. This is a great resource.
Each teacher should have a copy of the Standards of their state for reference so that they can ensure they are covering that which should be taught.
Books on classroom management such as : Beyond Discipline: From Compliance to Community by Alfie Kohn

Book on a variety of assessment techniques such as Natural Classroom Assessment by Jeffrey K. Smith, et. al.

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