The Bible, yes, 10 times more than number 2, now not true. Rhapsody of Realities by Pastor Chris now (December 2018) available in 1000 languages
The Bible was translated in almost all languages of the world. The full Bible has been translated into 545 languages, and 2820 languages have at least the New Testament
The stories of the Brothers Grimm were translated in almost all languages where books are printed
Tamil is the language which has given "Thirukural" the poetry which is common for all the relegions and for all the countries. This Thirukural is the second book that have been translated in more languages where Bible stands first. Bible is the holy book only for Christian community but this Thirukural can be kept as Holy book for all the relegions and for all the communities in the world.
The Bible is now available in whole or I part in over 2,800 languages.
The commentator's adoration for the literary work is not in question. However you need to get acquainted with authentic statistics.
Never go with the Wikipedia under "List of literary works by number of translations". Read the very second line in the article "This is an incomplete list, which may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by expanding it with reliably sourced entries". Thirukural should be right up there along with bible.
I checked in Wikipedia under: "List of literary works by number of translations" and the list is different:
1. Bible 2527 lang (469 complete)
2. Pinocchio 260 lang
3. What Does the Bible Really Teach? 244 lang
4. Pilgrim's Progress 200 lang
The Thirukkurrall, even though is said to be general, actually hints the most ancient Dravidian philosophy, Saiva Sithaandham. There are many references to Padhi, Pasu, Aannavam, Karmam and Maayai. In the 9th couplet, yeNguNam refers to the 8 Special Natures of God (Siva). Further indication of this work refering to Siva, when God is concerned, is the term vaalaRivan; Saiva Sithaandhins refer to Siva as the Transcendental Omniscience and to Sathi and the Pervasive Omniscience. There is questions about the authenticity of the Bible as, what we have today, is a work put together by Emperor Constantine and it is well known that the 'human' feel, as portrayed by the Gnostic Bible, has been removed from the character of Jesus to make Him seem more alien, if not, Godly. So, the most authentic book translated into the most number of languages, is the Thirukkurrall, making Thiruvalluvar Naayanaar the most translated author as well.
Who Said Bible is just meant for Christians, No where Bible says so infact its God's Word for everyone who want to know the True GOD
This is a book ever youth in this world. The given ideas and messages can be applicable for all times and for the whole human beings and living things. The wonder is this book is not related to any religion and general for all.
it is said that thirukural is the book translated most after bible. But why is not placed in the second place
after the bible?
plz mail 2 Venisshathevy@ymail.com
ya ofcourse but i heard that thirukural is the book which translated in more languages
can u clear my doubt my mailid is

Actual number of translations unknown and may be the second most translated book after the Bible
Rhapsody of realities is now in over 600 languages. The most translated book in the world after the Holy Bible.
The book written by pastorsChris and Anita Oyakhilome has over 147 translations and distributed in over 193 countries of the world. Has sold over 50,000000 copies sin its first print in 2001
this is the most translated material worldwide second only to the bible. You guys should check the records. It's not about voting. the records will speak.
It is now translated in 210 languages
It is a wonderful devotion that will teach you the Word of God in an easy and inspiring way.
Currently translated in 110 languages and it is an incredible book me no other!
The watchtower (by jehovahs witness) is the Most translated magazine in history. Google that. Jw.org by jehovahs witnesses most translated website in history
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