The Worst Presidents in U.S. History
25 items ranked
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He has, along with his historically unpopular congress, succeeded in transforming America into an unconstitutionnal socialist aristocracy.
Am I saying that he is a good president? No. But please stop with your "unconstitutional socialist aristocracy" fear morgling. How the hell could he have "transformed" your country when he did pretty much NOTHING? Now to be fair, his presidency started in a recession and the guy was and still is in over his head. Did Dubya help the old and poor more than Obama did? Nope. Just look at how he dealt with Katrina. In politics, we pretty much have to choose bad or worse. I'm convinced that Romney or McCain would have been as bad as Obama, just in a different way. The people I thought might have done a decent job didn't even stand a chance in the 2012 and 2008 elections.
Dont forget his illegal aunt and uncle living off our taxpayer bucks.!!!! for god's sake, cant you get them jobs with your rich Hollywood cronies obama???
Everyone at my school is starting to get worried about him! Even the teachers!, we have about 30 people who come here and all 30 are very worried about his qualifications and truths!
He is worse than Bush, solyndra, fast n furious, gitmo? did he pull us out of any war like he promised? NO, we are out of Iraq because it was the Bush timeline , Obama wanted to keep the troops there longer but the Iraqis wouldn't give them immunity.
We do not know if Barack Obama is a bad president or not. George Bush put the USA in a hole so deep that no one can dig us out. Also, people judge Obama too quickly. We don't even give him a chance to speak before saying "UGH! THIS MAN IS AWFUL!" All we need to do is cut the guy some slack and then we'll see what happens then!
i think he has done nothing to help the elderly and poor he sucks get rid of him NOW
Smooth talker, but like many smooth talkers, they can talk the talk but not walk the walk. He has done nothing to help the economy, every bill he comes up with always included spending more money and driving the national debt up higher. I said from the start Obama was going to be another Jimmy Carter, making promises they can't keep. But, to give them credit, that is on par with both the republicans and democrats.
I think he is in over his head, seems like a nice guy though.
He has demonstrated the ability to be one of the best, and has yet to do anything worthy of inclusion on this list. Irrational hatred is not a good reason to put someone on this list. And stop using the word socialism unless you have looked it up, it doesn't mean what some of you think it means.
Barack Obama has done a really good job with his foreign policy, the afghanistan and iraq. He is a very trustworthy president and and he has my vote again.
HE is one of the best presidents ever in helping out the United States, I would so vote for him again in 2012.

There was just a book written by a leading Liberal writer that stated that Clinton was actually more conservative than both Bush's
NAFTA is actually worse for us than the whole Lewinsky thing.sad
"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998
"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998
I just saw a show on prime time news where he had an affair with a young 19 year old intern, the things he made her do to his council named Mr Powers was rude!
Did nothing to challenge the spread of slavery and is generally blamed with allowing the Southern states to form the Confederacy completely unchecked. Did not have the foresight to see the country's problems leading into the Civil War
One of the rare Presidents to be dropped by his own party after his term, Pierce was seen as giving in to the slave states by signing the Kansas-Nebraska Act. He was also heavily criticized for advocating the annexation of Cuba.
At 68 years old he was the oldest person to be President until Ronald Regan. He makes the list for dying 32 days into his first term. He wasn't a bad President as much as he wasn't really a President at all. He barely had time to change the stationary before he kicked the bucket.
Only time will tell where the younger Bush winds up on this list, but his resume for worst ever is impressive. He started two illegal wars, invaded Iraq under false pretenses, eroded American civil liberties at a frightening rate, and sent the economy into a dangerous tailspin rivaling that of The Great Depression
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