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Best Motocycle Movies of All Time

28 items ranked

My list of the best motorcycle movies ever made!

Rated 1 point - posted 15 years ago by working-girl-usa in category Movies.
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World's fastest Indian Report Abuse
50 points - added 11 years ago by ibew98 -


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Any which way but loose Report Abuse
45 points - added 11 years ago by ibew98 -


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Easy Rider (1969) Report Abuse
Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson star in this classic movie about a cross country bike trip with great action scenes, beautiful country scenery and classic music. The absolutely best motocycle movie ever made!!
12 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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On Any Sunday Report Abuse
11 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The Wild One Report Abuse
One of Marlon Brando's best movies (this is the one that inspired those famous leather jacket pictures of him). Brando plays the leader of a rough motorcycle gang who falls for a good girl. Great storyline - one of my personal favorites.
9 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Running Cool (1993) Report Abuse
8 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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Winners Take All (1987) Report Abuse
8 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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Evil Knievel Report Abuse
8 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The World's Fastest Indian (2005) Report Abuse
7 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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The Wild Angels Report Abuse
Another Peter Fonda bad boy movie about a gang of outaw bikers. With Bruce Dern and Nancy Sinatra - this movie caused quite a stir with the Hells Angels gang who sued for demifation of charecter!
7 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Run Angel Run Report Abuse
6 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Wild Hogs Report Abuse
Hillarious movie starringJohn Travolta, Tim Allen, William Macey & Martin Lawrence. This movie is about over 50 guys who go out on a motorcycle cross country road trip and just get into fiasco after fiasco!
6 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Motocrossed (2001) Report Abuse
5 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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Timerider (1983) Report Abuse
5 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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The Born Losers Report Abuse
The original "Billy Jack" movie - Native American VietNam vet Billy Jack brings vigilante justice to a nasty biker gang after they gang rape several of the local girls. This movie began the series of Billy Jack movies which potrayed the good over evil by kicking their butts theme
5 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The Lords of Flatbush Report Abuse
Starring Sylvester Stallone, Henry Winkler and Perry King. Some of these actors really made their debut in this movie - about growing up in a gang in the 1950s. This movie potrays the good guys inside the tough exteriors.
5 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Supercross (2005) Report Abuse
4 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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Electric Glide in Blue Report Abuse
4 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The Losers Report Abuse
4 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Ghost Rider Report Abuse
4 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Hells Angels on Wheels Report Abuse
Jack Nicholson starred in this great biker film - included in the film were the real members of the Oakland chapter of Hell's Angels.
4 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Satan's Sadists Report Abuse
3 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The Mini Skirt Mob Report Abuse
2 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Rebel Rousers Report Abuse
2 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Psychomania Report Abuse
2 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The Glory Stompers Report Abuse
2 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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Angel Unchained Report Abuse
1 point - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -


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The Cycle Savages Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by working-girl-usa -
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