20 Tips for Cheap Gardening
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Obtaining plants for your garden can be expensive. With a little investigation, though, and some hands-on propagation, you can be thrifty and enjoy all your favorite plants.
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The longer a plant lives, the money you get for your money. Perennials are more cost-effective than annuals, which you must replace every year.
Some plants are just naturally more resistant to disease than others. Look for varieties that are resistant to diseases particularly prevalent in your area.
Why toil over a bed of potatoes when you can buy 10 pounds for $5.00? Leave the cheap vegetables to the truck farmers.
Keep a watchful eye out for signs of insect or disease damage so you can take prevention and control steps early and save more plants.

To find great deals on plants, join your local garden club and participate in its plant swaps and sales

One of the best reasons to belong to a graden club, apart from the friendship, is that members give each other or sell cheaply perfectly good plants.
To save money on seeds and plants, and to increase your selection, join a seed-savers exchange club or plant association

Gardening magazines often have a seed-savers exchange section. There are seed-saving clubs, such as the Seed Savers Exchange. In addition, plant associations abound for nearly every kind of plant.
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