Hey you are only considering the bollywood, but south indian music is far better especially the tamil music industry is the best in india don't go after Bollywood it is a garbage
To me he is No: 1 to No: 10..... rest all comes after that.....
Just like BigB is known as One Man Industry, RDB is one Man Music industry in India.
He was not just a music director, He was a Music Factory where anything can be made and every creation is masterpiece.
Undoubtedly RD is the best music director India has ever seen. what the present music directors are doing now RD had done it in 1970’s.
RD Burman is unsurpassable. He is a true genius of melody. He is to Bollywood what Mozart is to Western Classical music. No one comes near him.
R.D.Burman is the best. No comparison please.
Jaikishan himself used to say to his musicians that RDBurman will remain unsurpassed.
Ilayaraja is only poular in 2-3 southern states. I have heard his music, but never understood the craze.
Please some one need to listen songs of shree 420,awara,mera naam joker ,aamrapali and lot lot more and decide that copycat rdb is even .01% of these genius.
R.D.Burman is great music director ..i agreed.but no 1 music director Ilayaraaja
R.D.Burman is the greatest musician the world has ever seen.
No body in this world like R D Burman...a Great
Teacher , Experimenter , Musical Scientist....
He is above all....Just listen Music of ...
Hum kisise kum nahi, Yaadon ki baarat, Padosan,
Pyaar ka mousam, Carvan , Tisari manzil & many more.... Thanks....
Versatile music composer, the most talented music director in playback singing for hindi cinema as well as bengali cinema. Experimentation in music with western tunes with indian folk and classical tunes.
RD Burman is easily better than AR. REvolutiosing mucic in the 60's is a far greater achievment than doing well now with easily acceible technologies and an interconnected world. When RD entered films, he had Shankar jaikishan, Op Nayyar, Naushad & not to mention his PA'a giant shadow as his competition. AR had Nadeem shraven, Anu mallik as his rivals. RD introduced a lot a western instruments and synthesized indian classical with western music.. something that AR does now with his touch (ofcource)
RD Burman is definitely the best ever from Bollywood. I'll place him ahead of everyone,including AR Rahman,ahead of everyone(except Tagore,of course)... He was the pioneer. He was single handedly responsible for revolutionising the sound of Bollywood. His brand of music was totally fresh,brilliantly fluid and powerfully moving. Without RD Burman,Bolly music might have passed off as alright,but never would it have managed to get so close to our hearts! And generations of future composers have extracted careers in music from copying him. And careful assessment will reveal that that includes even Rahman.
You mean he is just a OK music director but not one of best.He is a legend.He is so great that a music award in filmfare is named as RD Burman award.He is the only music director in whose name a filmfare award is given.You should know that modern music directors make remixes of his songs.You call those music directors as great who copy from RD Burman's songs & make remixes of his song.But the original music maker has no value.What is this?By copying in exam also a student can secure higher mark.But we can't him as a tallented student.
he is ok music director bt he should nt be in 3rd place its impossible
No doubt he is the best.Many modern music directors who are known as the best music directors make remixes of his songs.It is very strange that the copier are known as best but the original music creater don't get respect compared to copier.I think his rank should be at 3rd position after
Nadeem Shravan & AR Rehman.

Bring Nadeem Shravan back or we will loose
Flavour of Indian Melody.
Those who are criticizing Nadeem Shravan here....2 words for you
No one can beat Nadeem Shravan ever in the history of bollywood. They give the new life to Hindi music.If anyone has any doubt then he should listen his unbeatable songs.
bring back nadeem shravan
the best composer,our industry needs this time.
why no comparison
a.r.r is the best composer ever ever n ever....
I think Himesh Reshamiya is also a good music composer.he has an ability to compose a variaty of songs.
The best music composer ever of india and actual no comparision
Nobody parallel to Shanker jaikishen
In there school of music They influenced LP Kalyan g anand g RDB n Nadeem sharwan also
Nadeem Shravan, No.1 without a doubt. Other composers come very far behind them. Annu malik wud b second aftr them. Nadeem Shravan's heavenly soothing soulful melody z uncomparable... No wonder u listen their songs till date in towns n villages still where u find real India. Even in cities, in shops, taxies, auto's evrywher u hear mostly NS songs.. Their melody vl exist till eternity.
according to my view arrahman is the best of all if nadeem shravan fans throw out their ego they will accept that rahman is best .he is the pride of our nation , if you didnt accept with my point just hear arrs tamil songs as they are auesome. he is pride of our nation.he is the mastero who changed the style of indian music and brougt new play back singers to our industry.now all other composers are simply copying him.he is humanistic person who donates lot of money to several organisations. he is the pride of our nation
No 1 is the one and only Rahul Dev Burman ( R.D. Burman ) whose songs are the most listened.discussed,analysed and remixed ,19 years after his death and his popularity among young,old and serious listeners are increasing by geometric progression. He is the real phenomenon. Nadeem Shravan had both informed that they were inspired by R.D. Burman's scores particularly "Mere Jeevan Sathi " to become composers. He has influenced all the recent composers in a big way - the composers themselves proudly and rightly say so. He brought in many genres,rhythms,styles and instruments in Bollywood music and enriched it. His experiments ,tals,background scores and versatility is the ultimate. He is the NO1
Ar rehman is the best..we cant even compare rehmans usic with any others music...
Shankar-Jaikishan should be at no.1......... they were inspiration to laxmipyare, rdb etc . Even nadeemshravan are great fan of them...........
Notwithstanding hereinwith to any of the rating given to the Music Directors, i give No:1 Ranking to ShankarJaikishan
Nadeem Shravan Music Never staples.today, much of his music was sounding in the world.Nadeem role in the murder, and if not, they are still No 1. no doubt
All like old style songs..., no new gen song from ..,always ar is d best in updating the music
according to me the list of top music director on the basis of num of hit songs,melodies , awards, consistency versitality, trendsetters, achievments goes 1. Laxmikant pyarelal
2. R D burman
3.A rahman
4. Shanker Jaikishen
5. illaya raja
6. S.D. Burman
7. Rajesh Roshan
8. Kalyan ji Anand ji
9.Anu Malik
10. Nadeem Sharvan
11.himesh reshamiya
12.Shanker ehsaan loy
13 Jatin Lalit
15. Roshan
16 Bappi lahiri
18.Vishal Shekhar
19 op Nayyar
20. Anand Milind
nadeem shravan became md by following laxmi pyare's footsteps, as admitted by them in an interview so how can u rank a follower above a creater ... they were not innovative did nothing new unlike ar rahman or rd burman cudnt create any records of hit songs or awards unlike l-p ....they are far far away from no 1
Evry individual has the rights to voice his/her opinion. Personally fr me I don't think nadeem shravan should be in the list of so called "The Greatest Music Director''..Popularity doesn't mean that you are delivering quality..Instead of calling other music directors are copy cat..i personally feel that nadeem shravan was the biggest copy cat..
If he has given lot of hit hindi numbers it dosen't mean that he is the greatest... I think nadeem shravan should learn music first..I definately rate ilayaraaja as the best along with RD burman...
ARR....is the BEST....not musician but a copier.... He defines copying as INSPIRATION.....Hear the track Larger than Life of Back Street Boys n feel the notes of O humdum of Saathiya.....Also hear Sweet Dreams are made of this of Marilyn Manson n listen to Delhi 6
who is having more no. of national awards for music( in his debute movie itself, & also who won the ascar award and make every indian proud ARR the best ever.
Nadeem/shravan &ARR oh my god??? big difference,how peoples are listening ARR? I can"t hear him for 1 min also.very bad MD,all music are like south indian style.he doesn't know indian music ,so he is trying to get the hollywood music to get impress ,Nadeem/shravan i the best best...........
Shut up, the songs of Junoon 1992 will beat all Indian film industry songs. Let alone other melodius Nadeem Sharavan albums. So get your facts right. and listen to Nadeem Shravan songs first then comment.
Nadeem/shravan or both will not remain in indias top 10 list. Then how could you say he is No1.????ARR is the best Music Director that india has ever seen.
even a comman man can give good music by lifting the songs from others what's so great about it, if we inspired the song it would be great, in that case AR.Rehman is too good than any other music director
nadeem shravan is the best, just check out the music- popular songs like- thumse milne ki thammanna (sajan) , kisi roz thumse (pardes, premi aashik (phool aur kaante) , aye ho meri (raja hindusthani) , humko sirf thumsr (barsaath) , dil ne yeh kaha (dhadkan) , hum yaar hain (haan maine bhi pyar kiya) , mein dhuniya (dil kya ka kasoor) and lot more
After all copies and Inspiration still Nadeem Shravans songs are most played by hindi/urdu speaking people in India,Pakistan,bangladesh Middle east etc etc...
A.R.Rahman is a global music composer, don't compare Him with any one, He is handling keyboard right from age 4.. his blood is full of music, His fame is not only in Hindi & Tamil, He entered into world to contributes his Music... you wanna to know rahman more just listen roja, bombay theme music...
nadeem shravan is best music director in india because nowadays also in many places i saw of listning his songs like "raja hindustani","saajan","ashiqui","dilwale","kasoor"....etcand even if we listen these songs many times also we can't get bored. and even his songs are like mind relief medicine
What you are saying is just from own opinion What i am saying is the real facts. Yesterday i saw one man in jeddah playing saajan songs. When i visited bombay people were palying saathi and dilwale songs . Again in riyadh i have seen people were playing kasoor songs . So dont say blindly this music director is good or that music director is good. Do u know no one listens to songs of rangeela these days why becoz those songs can be listened when it was releases after 16 years no one is listening to rangeela songs ,this is just an example this is happining to all music directors. With the exection of nadeem shravan where.still today NSs songs are played as is the songs are just releases . So observe first then comment
no........they are good composer no doubt, bt cant be at no 1, Listen to songs of RD Burman, LP, A R. Rahman, Ajay Atul......... RD Burman should be at no 1 place......his all songs are unbeatable
Observe yourself all. Wherever Hindi songs are being played more than 70% songs are composed by nadeem shravan .I request all first observe and then comment
No one outside india know about this nadeem shravan,but if we say about indian music, they will surely say d name A.R.
A.R is d icon of indian music
What??hit rate of Nadeem Shravan is less than Rehman?? Have you heard each & every song of Nadeem Shravan?First listen each & every songs of Nadeem Shravan & then post such comments.I am listening his songs for last 2 decades.But I have rarely found any flop songs.
I dont understand how you can compare Nadeem with A.R.Rehman, Tell me something where is nadeem now. He couldnt stand in this new generation and left out ...
Check out the Hit rate iof nadeem and Ar.
A.R wins ... it.
those who belives nadeem is the top should listen to the songs of ilayaraja.then u will change ur belief.
All those who think Nadeem Shravan is the best need to know the difference between quality and quantity. Producing a lot of music is not the same as producing good quality music. Their music ( and not "his" music, Nadeem and Shravan are two different persons you fools) are all the same in every song. If you know what is innovation then you will know that Nadeem-Shravan are far behind AR Rehman, Ilyaraja and MM Kreem
hey every one, you all first find the meaning of music then you won't fight. every set of people have set of taste if you like Nadeem Shravan then hear his musics for only mind relaxation dont search points to argue from his music. when one music gives refreshment to mind then definetly accept he is an best music director.dont lock music in ratiolism.
before rating music directors u have to hear the music of other music directors atleast 10 best song of their composition type "povae sempoovae" in you tube and hear the first 1 min of song...im sure u will be mesmerised....take another song "paruvamae"...just hear the instrumentation and chord changes.....if u have real music knowledge u can understand wat is that music the above songs are composed in early and mid of 80s by first ever symphony composer from asia..and his song stands in bbc world rating and hear that song "rakamaa kayia thattu"..and "sundari"...from talapathy..mani direction...then give the rating
Many talked about Nadeem Shravan as if they knew them. Lets make it clear that they are two individuals. They had a very gud run, especially in melodies. Yet there is Madan Mohan, Noushad and the all time great RDB. And from south Illayaraja, ARR and Keeravani.
What!!! AR Rehman is better than Nadeem Shravan?no way......... Do you have real idea of music?AR Rehman is also a copy cat.If you have doubt then check this on youtube.
Tamil industry have good music directors.But it doesn't mean that Hindi industry doesn't have good music directors.Listen all songs of Nadeem Shravan & then say who is best.South Indian people hardly understand Hindi for which they always right against Hindi.A long list of Nadeem Shravan's song are given above.
who the hell is nadeem shravan... a r rahman is god of indian music industry
Yes the Best Musicians in Inda are from the Tamil Nadu State. In such case Ilayaraja and A.R. Rahman are considered as the best Music Directors in India.
plagiarism is not restricted to Nadeem Shravan. Almost all composer did copying of tunes and inspiration.Ultimately what matters is soothing melodies. Which Nadeem shravan by far and most superior to Ar Rahman and other composers. This is real fact buddy observe in India and other hindi/urdu speaking part of the world.
Nadeem-Shravan have been accused of committing plagiarism on several occasions, some of their popular Hindi film songs have been directly lifted from Pakistani singers, itwofs has a list of 49 songs lifted by the duo.
sorry to all people who speak hindi.i am lawrance from london.i have heard that the best musicians in india are mostly from tamil if i am right its madras(chennai) state in india.example-A.R.RAHMAN.but dont try to compare with hollywood.
I am not saying that Hindi music directors are best.I am saying that Nadeem Sharavan are best music director in India.I also listen south Indian, oriya,bengali & bhojpuri songs.If we see the current music then I like south Indian songs more than Hindi songs.But from 90's to nearly 2005 Nadeem Shravan were unbeatable.If you have doubt then listen their songs.A long list of films of Nadeem Sharavan is given above.In India Nadeem Shravan's song are played more than any music director.
Still you think that Music Composers for the Hindi Film Industry is the best because you dont listen to any other language songs from Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Asamese, Bengali, Oriya etc. It is not. If you have to understant about Indian Music I have only the words of Mahatma Gandhi "Indias soul lies in the villages". Like that you have to listen many songs from all the different languages. So I am not ready to admit Nadeem Shravan as the best Music Director and more over they do not know the ABCD of Indian Classical Music called "Carnatic Music"
You mean to say if Ilayaraja will come to Hindi music industry then he will produce a lot of hit Hindi songs.But who told you that Hindi music industry willn't allow Ilayaraja to work with them.He has also composed music in many Hindi films.If you have any doubt then check Ilayaraja on wikipedia.You will find his Hindi composed songs there & after viewing the list show that list to people & ask them that in which film there are good songs or hit songs & then count the number of hit songs & then tell me the number of hit songs of Ilayaraja in Hindi music industry.The number of hit songs list is very less or we may say rare or we may also say zero.It shows that what type of music director is he ?Don't post anything if you don't have any idea about that thing.
Again I will say Nadeem Shravan was the best, is the best & will remain as the best music director.
If you consider hindi songs as the best songs in India, I feel Pity on you. You have to hear songs from other Indian languages too. Nadeem Shravan has copied song "Pathirakkili" from Malayalam movie "Kizhakkan Pathrose" which is given music by S.P Venketesh and which is released in 1992 for one of his movie directed by Priyadarshan. The name of the movie is not sure to me. You please hear the above song from Google or Youtube. then you will understand which song is that. Music Composer should always have a consistency. In such case no doubt Maestro Ilayaraja is the great music composer India ever had. Only thing is that Hindi Music Industry wont allow him to work with them.
Nadeem Shravan was the best, is the best & will remain the best.No one can beat him.
Who is Nadeem Shravan?I don't know him.
If you will say these above two lines then you have zero knowledge about music.If Indian music is a school & you will say the 1st two lines then you are the weekest student of that school.
Of course he is the best.From 90s to nearly about 2005 he was unbeatable & now also he is producing beautiful compositions.Thanks friend for posting his film list.Now after viewing this list no one can argue that he is not the best music director in India.
Someone have told that he don't know Nadeem Shravan.For him I am giving a list of film in which Nadeem Shravan has worked as music director.The films are Raaz, Dil hai tumhara,Yeh dil ashiquna,Tumse achcha kaun hai,Hum tumhare hai sanam,Jeena sirf mere liye,Dil ka rishta,Andaz,Bewafa, Hungama,Qayamat, Do knot disturb, Gumnaam,Mere jivan sathi,Dosti,Haan maine bhi pyar kiya hai, Kasoor,Andolan, Ashiqui,Saathi,Saajan, Phool aur kaante, Dil hai ke manta nehin,Sadak,Dil ka kya kasoor,Deewana,Panaah,Rang,Dil tera aashiq,Dilwale,Andolan,Barsaat,Raja,Saajan chale sasural,Raja hindustani,Jung,Judai,Pardes,Maharaja,Jeet,Sirf tum,Aa ab laut chalen,Salaami,Agni sakshi,Dhadkan,Ek rishta etc.
Now say who is the best music director of India?Now also if you will say that he is not a good music director then either you are a mad or you don't have any knowledge about music.Search him on google.
Many people told that AR Rehman is the best music director in India as he has won a lot of award.But winning award doesn't mean best music director as for winning award you have to give good music in just one film in a year.It doesn't matter whether you have given good music or not in rest of the films of the year.AR Rehman's music is just like that.He is not consistent in producing hit music like Anu Malik & Nadeem Shravan.No dout Nadeem Shravan is best music director in India.He has not won much award as compared to Rehman bust he has produced hit music with consistency.If you have real knowledge about music then definitely you would say that Nadeem Shravan is the best music director in India
If you will say that Nadeem Shravan is not a good music director then I am 100 % sure that he has zero knowledge about music.If you know that what is music then definitely you will say that he is the best music director in India.
If u don't have any idea about Nadeen shravan u do not have any idea in Indian Music industry
who s this nadeem shravan in chenai v r not hearing his songs n any bus,cafe,street & everywhere.kanna!!! world s very big.AR s far big.he s King of Music,no music no melody understand
Every where in the world Nadeem Shravan Songs are played more than any music director's songs.You go to any Shop any bus any cab and pan shop any cafe any street any place every where every where this is why they are the best ever. better than any music composer in india. This is a real fact
King of melody no doubt.....they should be after A r rahman...

Working in India's various film industries, international cinema and theatre, by 2003, Rahman, in a career spanning over a decade, has sold more than 100 million records of his film scores and soundtracks worldwide,
A R Rahman Sir....Greatest Of All Time...No Comparison....A R Rahman is In a league of his own
Undoubtedly the best so far and will be further,....... thanks to ARR for such a good music
common he is just a time pass music director if compared to madan mohan roshan sankar jaikishen etc
He should be in the first place,no doubt at all
how DSP came in to this,mokka music director..same music,same beat,same singers..
There is no comparision with A.R. Rehman. As for Nadeem Shravan, there is lot to be said.
Rehman might be the good music director, but not a great music director. Just go to youtube and type a r rahman copycat, you'll find true colors of his music, almost all of his best songs are inspired my other music legends. In my opinion ilayaraja is great..
In One Word He Is The Maestro & He Changed The Path Of Indian Music & Showed The Greatness Of Indian Music To The World
Only Rehman...he changes the indian music in a great way...fresh tunes...he intruduced many singers&musicians to the industry...he is the best
He is a legend.. His simplicity keeps him in a very gud position al the time...
If Beethoven hear the master works of Rehman He would accept Him as his Music Teacher
A.R.RAHMAN, no doubt He is the present Mozart of music in the world...............................
if any one asks me"which is the most essential thing to support your life?i will suddenly burst out with the answer that " my breath" but rahman is different that "once he was asked by the question by a interviewer,whether he will enter in the film industry to act.but rahman replied that"music is my breath and i can't breath none other than that".so my view is a.r.rahman IS THE UNIVERSE 'S BEST MUSIC COMPOSER AND SINGER.
A R Rahman is the best music director, that India has ever seen. The fusion and perfection in his music can never be compared with any body else. The traditional and repeatitive music scored by IlayaRaja is nothing other than waste infront of Rahman
sorry...arr not a music composer but a music businessman.he know how to make awards than making filmbackground music.in backgroundmusic he is utterly zero.big producers to eliminate ilayaraja lift arrehman to a height.thatsall.all is castism in india
a.r rehman is really a good music director.he develop himself as a best music director.
we are proud about ar rahman for he born at india.
he was going unlimit hights , he create path for became indian composers.
a r r is no 1 composer in india nobody can reach him. a r rrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooockkkzzzzzz
AR s best...not currently...if u need to belive just hear his songs in every format....mainly tamil songs..of course hindi and english songs..if he s not best..then how can he win oscar for india....stil now he s very simple....some AR songs wont attract u at d first time..wen u hear it atleast 3 times..u can understand legends music......its not over..there r so many awards waiting for AR..
He brought new style of music in music history.He doesn't follow anybody's music.He is unique.He is also the good human being.Even he touch the high still he is praising every best music without any jelousy.From the first film Roja he has not turned back yet and he need not that so.Amazing talent Great creativity Great person definitly He is NO 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Really great minded person....Thanks to A.R for giving external music to the world....
Currently AR Rehman is best music director in India.But you can't call him as the best of all time.RD Burman,SD Burman,Laxmikant Pyarelal,Nadeem Shravan,Anand Milind,Jatin Lalit are the top evergreen music directors of India.Making just one musical hit film per year & then getting award for that can't make him number one.
he is the no.1 music director and singer .we are proud of a.r.rahman.
He gives extraordinary music in a film per year for which he gets award.But music in his rest films are worst.So for this reason he can't be counted as best music director.He doesn't have consistency like Nadeem Shravan,Anu Malik,Shankar Ehshan Loy.These three haven't got so much award like rehman but they have produced more hit songs with consistency as compared to Rehman and their songs give more pleasure to listener.In consistency Rehman is not even comparable to these three.
what so great about a.r.r mixes all types of music its worst sometimes they can be extraordinary but sometimes he has a worst compositions i give only 3 marks out of ten
Yes, AR is genius now , but ILLAYARAAJA is the strong root for that genius, he is great b'cos RAAJA was already a maestro (ISAIGNANI) when the technology was not developed (80's & 90's)...
dei sappi! dont compare him with iliyaraja la...iliaraja can go nowhere higher already...he only knws limited..he is only at india..and he can stay with his dapanggs! arr has most the musics in his tips and also international culture musics aswel..
no body can say anything wrong about the a.r because rahman is the top most he is the so different director in the world
abhishek kaniojia
its dare to compare anybody with AR.iam proud to be a Tamilan
ar rahman is the best music director in the world after micheal jackson......
the one & only legend who is not compare with anybody else,a.r.rahman is always evergreen,HE is the everest of music
my favorite & world favorite musician he very very simple man but his record is everest
iam akhila from a.p. iam very big fan of a.r.rahman. he is the greatest music director. i just love his songs
dont talk only in india peeps...world wide!!...i still cant find any competative for ar rahman..
AR Rahman is the music director which india never & ever seen before & after$$$$$$
yes u r correct. ar rahman is not at all comparable with ilayaraja. because ar rahman is far lower comparing with ilayaraja. ilayaraj songs are evergreen.
A.R Rehman is the best music director in india.
I heard Yemaya chesave songs those are awesome.
A. R sir is brilliant and produces fresh tunes and have a kind heart......Jai ho
I am proud of A.R.. The only indian got the oscar for music... I am proud to be an indian(Tamilan) because of A.R..

DSP is an energitic music director in India
I likes his music.Iam always waiting for his new albums
Mokka music director........... he should reborn to reach the heights of ARR
its not a worlds best jok .its a universal joke.all the fans of dsp may be junglee fools and directors giving him a chance are
country broots
dsp is the future oscar award winner no doubt about it wishing him all the best for bollywood entry energy transformer is going to start all over world
title songs and different music can be only possible with dsp
still he don't know how give music for big heros.....even he dont know how to use instruments......always unsing drums .normal peoples also can play drums very well batter than him......
I left the site when i saw dsp in 3 this shows ur definitely from andhra
He deserves this place. he never copied from others sound tracks. He mixes his tunes well and keeps entertaining in every album he makes.
And the Fact is He is Yet to see a flop in his career.
Well deserved.
I agree Devi is a good music director, but its not far placing him in 3 rank, when there are greatest music directors like A.R (Oscar winner), ilayaraja.
I like DSP music. because he didn't disappoint us till now. I think he is only the best music director in tollywood.
he is known any instruments not only very poor drums. his melody song is none different with his previous melody one. place no: 7, ayyo
we r not joker
I am from north India.But I listen south Indian songs also & 80 % of my favourite south Indian songs are of Devi Sri Prasad.
will he deserves for this place? no way...Even Yuvan is far better than him.Now a days yuvan is the rocker in south india. You wont listen more than 10 times of his songs
Are you crazy to say that he is next to raja and A.R. He is good music director thats it. I can't understand he is best because he did not create a new style follows his elders and some other music directors.
he is the"YOUTH ICON"."KING OF REMIX" in south.he is an extra ordinary composer.only person after MJ who can give such stage performane
He is one of finest music director in India.Generally he gives music in south Indian songs.I am from North India & also I don't understand telugu, tamil & other south Indian languages.But I like his songs so much.His songs are famous all over India.Mainly he has made Telugu songs popular all over India.Songs of his movies like Arya,Arya 2, Bunny,Mass,Shankar dada zindabad, Aata,Bhadra,King etc are my favourite songs & also these are famous all over India.His songs like ringa ringa from Arya 2,mass from mass, aakatesthe from shankar dada zindabad,bunny bunny & maro maro goli maro from bunny, you rock my world, feel my love, nuvvunte & thakdinitom from Arya was the biggest hit all over India.Drummers play ringa ringa & mass so much in marraiges.So clearly he is one of best music director in India.I will suggest the producers of bollywood to take him as music director.He will rock in Hindi music industry.
he is the "KING OF REMIX".
he is only music director in ap can give such type of stage performance
devi the king of music in andhra
he is the music director who made audio launching an event
the one and only rocking music icon in ap
Who said he was a copier.. He was the one &only great musicdirctor of southindia after rahaman&ilayaraja.. Devi rokzz...
any way he has given some nice music for tollywood but he is recognised as copy king

Rabindranath Tagore is Asia's greatest composer. Tagore is one of the great composers of the world and his over 2000 songs are amongst the most profound musical works ever created. A very small number of Tagore's songs are arrangements of western tunes, and the vast majority of Tagore's songs are great works of astonishing originality and depth of musical expression.
Since when did Rabindranath Tagore become a music director? He was a composer, but i don't think the term music director applies to him.
His name should not be included here ,,,he is a genious and god gifted. He is a class of his own which is unparallel and beyond comparision. I sometimes wonder how a man can compose so many songs during his lifetime. It is not possible for a human being, he is super human. Pranam to him.
Rabindranath Tagore is the pride of India who is well known all over the world.
he is a noble award winner .he is not a person to be in this list .he is god of traditional music .he is uncomparable.his geetanjali is superb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please remove his name 4m this.he is already the no.1
It's a shame that the God Rabindranath Tagore's name is at 30th position... He who composed (also wrote) the national anthem, is at #30... what a shame being an Indian...
Only one in this world can be compared with Tagore is Tagore himself...
Apart from that, I think Tagore's name should not be included in this type of list, Because he can't be included in any list... He himself is a list of all...
...Conveying my Pranam to "Gurudev"...

making history in Tamil industry and giving more different type of music in 1 movie.
There is so much of romance and love in Yuvan's music. What is unique in his music is the different kind of beats used by him.
Yuvan is versatile music composer in indian cinima. he is best music composer after ilayaraja and arr. Yuvan given best music ever. Yuvan master pice albus is Pudupettai. really amazing work. But he is not good choosing albums. he best albums is pudupettai,paruthiveeran,mounam pesiyathe, kathal konden,mankatha,billa 1,2,pattiyal, thulluvatho ilamai,chennai 28 1,2, ram,nantha...etc.
yuvan number 1 music cimposer in india he goes hollywood with woolfell yuvan great 2016
king of music !!! soul stealer !! only musician to get international award fr tamil movie !!1
His music is unbeatable.1ly Indian to get Cyprus International award.He deserves 1st place in India.No comparison.
yuvan already win international award 2006 ram flim in abrod he is no;1 music composer in india
yuvan is english rock music composer best best great great yuvan
yuvan is best music director in south album billa ;.billa 2 pudhupetta vanam nan mahan alla sarvam raja pattai mankatha avan evan 7/g rainbo colony vettai siva manusala sakthi boss engera baskaran kettavan padenerru parithiverren lot of album rock song hip hop melodys fock song background music is best
yuvan is best in world yuvan give drifferent music yuvan is icon yuvan great music composer yuvan best
good music composer and his themes, background music is miracle in all times...
Talented & new trend inventor for tamil music
Really yuvan will become one among the great music legent of india all the best.
He is a legent in music world. My love starts and moves for his music. Am the best fan of him in world . | | ]
I am ur die hard fan sir. Ur music is fantastic And fascinating
who is yuvan?
A synonym for innovator.Its accepted,indeed a fact.
his father is god of music.bt he is king of music....no body can be equal to him of his different music...he wil not copy anything from another music ....i am u r gret fan from chennai .my name g r vignesh raja
just tell me some song's name which are composed by yuvan shankar raja and that are popular all over India.Then I will say he is the best.
the most efficient music director is yuvan soon going 2 rock the world
he is the one that who knows how to compose a music and how to give hits songs in every movies.
watch he will be in 1st place soon
I am Arshad from SriLanka. I Big fan of Yuvan Shankar Raja. He is Change the Tamil Cenimas Musical System & Trend. He is Innovative & Different Music director So I Believe Musical Genius is Yuvan. Only One Composer to win a International Award for Tamil Film. In 2006 for Raam at Cyprus international film festival.
U1 is the best MD forever in india
U1 is Next Generation MD
I feel his song through my heart
his music is different - no one can beat that
Voice (man, it vibrates my heart)
match all the melody songs in india
U1's music takes a different place to prove it
the single bit of his music makes me fly
what a take off method! (when it fades out)
no never ever beats Yuvan(U1)
Its different friends try to feel it
Last thing:
Recently i went to Boss,Naan mahan alla,Payya...
not to see the heroines,heros,..
Only i've seen these movies in a Centre seat in a theatre to feel his Music
He makes me mad of his music
(no one can. But, he can that's Yuvan)
U1U1(Yuvan)U1U1 Fan
He is a great composer and trend setter. Hope he will go places soon

Ilaiyaraaja has been a prominent composer of film music in southern Indian cinema since the late 1970s
Being a music lover, I listen to MJ, Akon, Calvin Harris,Shakira, Adele, Ellie Goulding, Himesh, Jeet Ganguly, Shankar Ehsan Loy, Yuvan shankar raja, AR Rahman, Santosh Narayan, Anirudh, Teejay, Vidya Vox....but when I am sad, I listen to only one 'Ilayaraja' There is a sould in his music. I cried many times by liistening to his BGM. but I have not cried for any other's music.
The best music composer ever in India is Ilayaraja, by a mile. Rahman pales in comparison.
Ilayaraja has composed for 1000 films, 5000 songs and very good BGM all with pure use of instruments and avoiding modern day technology
There are many music directors in India. But Ilayaraja is the only Indian Music Composer who is versatile in all areas of music - composing, conducting and orchestrating. There can be no parallel to him in the current generation whatsoever awards one may have won. We have to be proud of him rather than posting silly comments comparing him with others and arguing without knowing music. Besides he is the first Asian to compose a full length Symphony for the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. He deserves the highest place in Indian Music. Please do not for heaven sake compare this genius with other unworthy people who are good at marketing their work globally. Bach, Beethoven and Mozart never marketed their works. It has reached us even after centuries. The same will be applicable to Ilayaraja's music. Other music directors will definitely have to stand the test of time.
There are three elements of Ilayaraja's (Raja to His fans) music, the first is the folk music of the Tamils, such as the work songs and march songs. The second is Carnatic music and the third European classical music. His non-film albums like How To Name It and Nothing But Wind are a class apart. In cinema, a good music composer is not necessarily a good music director. Ilayaraja's comprehension of cinema is evident in his background scores, which add a new dimension to it. He pays closer attention to this aspect as few have done before. Ilayaraja has shown that just as imaginative lighting could enhance the visuals and their cinematic quality, so can background music. This can be pointed out as his defining influence. One film in which this is evident is Balu Mahendra's "Veedu." The film had no songs. His music is as natural as a bird on the wings, a river in full flow, or the soothing southerly breeze. One has to understand the infinity of expressions in his background scores. Alas, there are very few... Balaji Prasad, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Above all I rate Ilayaraja as the best music composer, he has a unique journer all his songs are unique.. you can't find anything like that in the world.. his compositions are complete with accurate accompaniment. AR RD I respect but their compositions are plagiarized - Prakash P
In Todays Fast Food World Most of the south indians r getting peacefull sleep only because of ilayaraja"s heart touching Music, He not only a music composer but also a very good psychatrist who is giving relief from depressed mmod, For me he is the one & only best composer in this world in this century. s.jothi basu.
Ilaiya raaja legend Music composser...
No one can beat him ... .
The greatest composer this country has ever seen n will ever see.True heir of mozart,beethoven,bach etc.
He was the only composer greatest ever................................ The 1st of all......................... i don't like this rating
A Music Director's talent is judged by the Background score......
So Raja Sir is the best for ever
“Maestro" Ilayaraja is one of the greatest music directors from India. All his songs on 80's are masterpiece. He might not have composed many Hindi songs that do not make any less than legend. Guys listen to his songs from films like 16 Vayathinile, Mouna raagam, Jhonny, Thalapathi, Mella Thiranthathe Kathave, Sagalakala Vallavan, Muthal Mariyathai, Sindhu Bhairavi, Guna, Nayagan, Thevar Magan and list keeps on going... truly deserved much more recognition for his works..Also I won’t agree with comparing Maestro with AR. Both are legend in their own ways.
while saying that A r Rehaman the best music director then The Maestro ilayaraja know that A R rehaman worked more than 7 years under ilayaraja's orchestra
Please do not compare Ilayaraja and ARR.
Both belong to different generations all together
and produced music that was in demand during their days. IR made a unique blend of western classical and indian folk music whereas AR introduced the concept of electronic music.
Just for your info I would also like to add that IR is a gold medalist from Trinity university London in calssical guitar.
He is No.1 in my view, may be North Indian people have less knowledge about ilayaraja.
u know some thing ilayaraja music has not participated in Oscars race...for getting Oscars u have to do music in their production...there is a foreign category an they select one film from 155 country which is over all best direction..AR also admit this point in a felicitation function...so dont say raja won oscar awards...for sample hear the bgm of "johnny" and "nayagan"..........
never came accross this site....hmm..iliyaraja vs ar rahman...well i agree both are maestros...but then again, it is because of rahman that we are now listening electronic music and also modern times music in indian music industry....and also because of him...hollywood is now turning towards indian music..and its begun recognisation world wide...he change the whole industry...he was the first to introduce western to indian....kizhaku cheemayileh songs has the best village theme this time...swades, duet.,roja,taal,dilse,kadhalan,muthu,ada,VTV, india anthem vande mataram,love birds,bombay,jodi,jane tu ya jane na,rythm and hudrends more master piece compositions which can never fade, and iliyaraja is only ever green india..bur ARR songs are worldwide and demanded by all genres and all cultures around the globe
As I am a north Indian so I have not heard songs of Ilayaraja.But many people have told that he should be number 1.So definitely he has something special.So I am interested know him.I heard his hindi songs which are not so impressive.But I think his south Indian songs are impressive.
I want to listen his songs.So please tell me some best songs of Ilayaraja.
considered to be the greatest depending upon other musician. He should be at number one.
No doubt he is the Great Music Director in India even though he is not my favourite Music Director
Ilayaraja might be the best music director in south India but not in India.He has also composed many Hindi songs.His maximum Hindi songs are boring.If he is really the best music director then why his Hindi songs are boring?If he is the best music director then he can create good music in both South Indian music & Hindi music.AR Rehman is best example of that type.He is one of finest music director in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi & even in English music industry. So we can't say Ilayaraja as the best music director in India.
He is the music genius...hear his song...its very beautiful...a well know musician in the world
please read the headline carefully, this is the list for best music director in India,not only in South India.Don't be silly.
I heared,hear and ll hear his music ...........Monster of the music
your life is waste if you don't get a chance to listen atleast one song of illayaraja. you will feel taste of gulab jamun if you listen the song of illayaraja .he is the maestro, legend of music.
**** iliyaraja...he cant even defeat his son wana go againts arr...who cares if he is the guru of arr? guru va minjina sisyan!! bad attitude and has ego againts arr...what would it be like if raja composed for slumdog....oo saya...dandanaka dandanaka! lol
The ONE & ONLY maestros MAESTRO illayaraja is a LEGEND... b'cos even a wild & cruel human being makes a being of human....
I n
hi i am edwin . I am proud to be ilayaraja fan.
I like to say that there is no one in the world has the quality to be compared with the legend..........
may be more metals in the world but we like gold the most but the costliest metal is platinum
arr gold
ilayaraja the maestro is platinum
man illiayara is good la...but then after listenin to ar rahman and current trend melodies...some of his musics are lame and so not cool...and he has bad ego againts ar rahman...
he is really a god of music. No one can stand in front of ilayaraja.
any body can compose music of others,but no one can compose music of ilayaraja. he is the god of music he would be the no.1.
whenever i heard the name Ilayaraja ,i am not feel this is a name.I feel this is one of the best music name...

List 2 to 8 really bogus. LP will always be either no 1 or in top three.
Really Anand-Milind Must go at first level because they have almost composed all type of musics Rock, Pop, Smash Hit, Classical Etc...
Anand-Milind are in fact one of the very few composers of Bollywood who still thrives on melodies. Their music primarily is reminiscent of Indian music with soulful tunes. Most of their melodious gems went unnoticed due to the film failing poorly at the B.O. They deserve their place in the top 10. My number one composers of all time.
Anand Milind has one of the great composer of bollywood film industry because every times he has composed evergreen hits songs as compared to other composer
Anand Milind is a good composer of bollywood film industry because ha has composed unforgetable music like as clasical music sangeet,beta,mirtudand and the mordenisation songs film lika as Rakshak,Dil,Coolie no-1,hero no-1 many more,Two or three film will be release in year 2012.has comosed great music of film yeh khula aasman,Mad lover will shortly release alwayess people compare with anand milind music's with anu malik,nadeem shravan but this is fault beceuse anand milind alwayess comose indian folk,Pure indian melodies no mix with paktistian music or holywood music
Anand Milind has good composer of india because its music always melodious.No doubt Anand Milind has not won many award as like A.R.Rehman,but as composer to Rahman Ji's Music Anand Milind music has always popular rural devlopment ,its music all about age people are heart touch
Yes, the son of the legendary Chiragupta had pure Indian melody, be it, Lal Dupatta Malmal Ka, Ayee Milan ki Raat, Sangeet or Mrityudanad etc.. Great!
Anand Milind is a good composer.Sona kitna sona hai is my all time favourite song.But you don't deserve rank above Nadeem Shravan,RD Burman,AR Rehman.
Pakistani-music-copier was Nadeem Shravan. All his biggest hits like, ashiqui, dil hai ki manta nahin, sadak, dil ka kya kasoor etc had pakistani music. still they were good. But AM's music had purely indian melody.
Yes, without a doubt, there were among the most melodious music creators. There work in Dil and Beta is awesome.
Whoever has doubts over A-M's creativity must listen to the music of Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, Lal Dupatta Malmal Ka, Aayee Milan Ki Raat, Sangeet, Mrityudand, Dayra and many more.
They are the most under-rated music directors of Bollywood.

When Top Banners/Directors during the 3 decade tenure of Laxmi Pyare demanded music from them, no one can question their populariy. Yes, post 1990 music deteriorated, but undoubtedly they always to be rated in Top 10 list by any standards
Music composers over 3 Decades. competed with all top music directors during their tenure and still remained popular. their music is melodius. No doubt.
undoubtedly laxmi- pyare were the most profilic ,consistent music director of all time they ve competed all there contempreries like tiger from shanker jaikishen to R D burman and from Bappi Lahiri to nadeem Shravan they always had an egde over ...and poved themselves till laxmikant left the world otherwise i can assure they still would ve been giving tough compitietion to the current lot shanker ehsaan loy or himesh reshamiya or the great Ar rahman
they have won 7 filmfare awards.They ruled the the late 60's, The whole of 70's & 80's. Top arch rivals to RD Burman.
Laxmikant Pyarelal, by far are the best music composers ever in the bollywood. Their career span was almost 38 yrs. From 1963 - 1998. Had composed music for more than 500 films. They can boast of having a vast collection of superhit albums & larger number of super duper hit songs, much more than any of the composers. They have composed the largest number of songs for Lata Mangeshkar, almost 700 songs. They rekindled the career of Kishore Kumar. So Long LIve LP n their music... rests come after these maestros.

S. D. Burman, was one of the most famous music composers for Hindi movies and a Bengali singer and composer.
If there was a composer who made genuine and innocent tunes that was dada.He knew the spirit of the music.According to naushad saheb there were many maestros to start and promote indian film music,but it was burman who completed this subject.When Burman was at top of his music in 70s most of old and his fellow composers were alive,but could not even touch him.He promoted kishore,asha,geeta dutt specially under his supervision and made them greats.Most of composers of his time made mockery of kishore as singer,but after years they had no other choice to call him and put colours in their compositions.,There is no comparison in film composition if we match Burman with any composer in any era.Burman had all the qualities what a composer needs that even his own son Rahul did not posses.
They should be ranked number one because they started they carrier having no god father or filmy back ground to support them. Their talent and hardwork make them number one.
The greatest of the greatest composers to have graced the world of music. Leave aside the later generations, their peers and contemporaries were huge fans and drew immense inspiration from them. The well they have dug will fetch waters for a lifetime of generations to come. They are no more, but they have carved their names in letters of gold in the hearts of trillions of music lovers all across the globe. Long live Shankar Jaikishan.
kindly listen to their songs and you will definitely you will become fan
sj the top most music directors of Bollywood even today their songs used for adds in tv example mud mud na dek mud mudke hum jab honge 60 saal ke ye nargise mastana and many
from 1958 film fare awards for singers were introduced .from sj music md rafi got 3 times and mukesh got 3 times mannadey got 1time and Kishore got 1 time . that is snigers got maximum awards from sj from no other else
sj first md got Padma sree award in 1968 rest got after 1968 had they lived they would have got Padma bushan and dadasaheb palke award
if 100 top songs are selected 40 to50 songs will be shanker jaikishan songs
sj s' first movie was barsat every song of that movie is popular as on today no md has given such music in first movie expect lp in parsmani
my adice to younger generation is to listen to sj songs and I am sure they put sj no 1 position
they were no 1 during 50's 60'sand early 70; they are deserve for dada sahib palke award
illairaja once said had jaikishan would have not passed away sj would have ruled over lp and rd
as on date adds in tv channels use sj tunes they should be placed no 1 position
sj were highest paid md 25 percent of movie budget goes to sj financers used to finance the producers only when sj were md of that movie
SJ are far ahead to rd,ka,SD and all.No one is even shadow of them.lp is little bit closer.
Who are this R D Burman, Nadeem shravan, A r rehman & others They all Were, are & will remain SIPAHI only & Shankar Jaikishan is the Emperor of Music & No.1
Shanker Jaikishan's duo was the father of modern film music not only in India but in the whole subcontinent. They brought a revolution in film music in terms of melody,tune, rhythm and orchestration.They were masters of classical and modern music. I strongly emphasize to those true music lovers who have yet not listened to their music, to listen to their music.Then they will definitely rank them No.1.Kalyanji Anandji, Laxmikant Pyarelal, R D Burman, Rajesh Roshan, Ravindra Jain, Nadeem Shravan, Anu Malik etc., all of them seems greatly influenced by SJ' work because whatever they have produced, which got admiration, it is only due to following the SJ's work. In other words, all these music composers have not done some new but to work within SJ's already set film music norms or framework.
Witout question SJ are number one! Their songs are fresh even today. And they were so prolific.
If there is number one it has to be SJ. No rdb no rehmaan. reason sj did not depend on media, 60 years on people still talk and humtheir songs from awara across the world. They are and will be no 1 for ever
Yes, they were magical pair who inspired generations of music directors.

salil is a very good composer but his hindi compositions are not very easy.... so didnt get much popularity.
salil chowdhury at number 29. isnt it ridiculous? bogus list. should be within 5
salil choudhary should among the top ten this rating is done by a man with no music sense where is devarajan and raveendran masters in this list eh
Probably people has forgot Hemanta Mukhopadhyay, the greatest music director and singer from bengal. He has composed in more than 200 films (Bengali & Hindi) and is a legend by himself.
He is the one of the finest music director in Indian music industry.He has produced nice songs in old age,middle age of bollywood & also latest songs.
Rajesh Roshan's talent has been under estimated. Unlike other colleagues he is a quiet soul and does not indulge in self promotion.
Soundtrack of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge was judged the Top Hindi soundtrack of all time by on-line voters on the BBC Asian Network.
Jatin-Lalit is also a good music director's as same as Nadeem-Shravan, Anand-Milind, Anu Malik and Viju Shah. Jatin-Lalit has also done many numerous hits like D.d.l.j, Sarfarosh, Ghulam, Kutch Kutch Hota Hai, Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Ghum, Hum Tum, Jab Pyaar Kisise Hota Hai, Veer-Zaara, etc..... They r ma one of among fav music directors. BY Saikumar, Navsari, Gujarat.
Harris Jayaraj is a film composer from Tamil cinema. He has written scores and soundtracks and played music for many Tamil films, as well as Telugu and Hindi films.
really he is a genius........he is the best music director in south india.......
any way the useless and workless people are always making negative statements about an individual,but good people appreciate others.So stop blame others and try to be good people.
after ar rahman harris is best music director in south.........
in 2011 all the films of harris is in top of the list........ what about yuvan....?
his 7 am arivu and force(hindi) is in top and surely he is going to win award this year also....
Awards and Nominations
Filmfare Awards South
2001 - Best Music Director - Minnale - Won
2003 - Best Music Director - Kaakha Kaakha - Won
2005 - Best Music Director - Anniyan - Won
2005 - Best Music Director - Ghajini - Nominated
2008 - Best Music Director - Vaaranam Aayiram - Won
2009 - Best Music Director - Ayan - Won
2009 - Best Music Director - Aadhavan - Nominated
2010 - Best Music Director - Orange - Nominated
International Tamil Film Awards
2003 - Best Music Director - Kaakha Kaakha - Won
2008 - Best Music Director - Vaaranam Aayiram - Won
Vijay Awards
2008 - Vijay Award for Best Music Director - Vaaranam Aayiram - Won
2008 - Favorite Song of the Year - Ava Enna from Vaaranam Aayiram - Won
2008 - Vijay Award for Best Music Director - Aadhavan - Won
2009 - Favorite Song of the Year - Hasili Fisili from Aadhavan - Nominated
2009 - Favorite Song of the Year - Vizhi Moodi from Ayan - Nominated
Tamil Nadu State Film Awards
2003 - Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Music Director - Kaakha Kaakha - Won
2005 - Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Music Director - Ghajini - Won
South Scope Awards
2008 - Most Stylish Music Director - Vaaranam Aayiram - Won
2009 - Best Music Director - Ayan - Won
Meera Isaiaruvi Tamil Music Awards
2008 - Best Music Director - Vaaranam Aayiram - Won
2009 - Best Music Director - Ayan - Won
Special Honours
Kalaimamani from the Government of Tamil Nadu
sir u hav a huge fan followings here in canada sir and i m 1 of those die hard fans.
His songs are too good to listen and compared to yuvan harris songs are good
One of the best composer in south india who has bagged 5 film fare awards in tamil language comparing to yuvan harris is too good to listen
all r telling him as copy cat.........compare to other music director all the aged people wil use to hear his music...............bt other music directors song wil not be heard by old people...
Harris is Copied Company. His Composing is Prooved it !
ARR is Inspired Some Music from YUVAN.
Will u want to Proof that please Join with us in Facebook :- Arshad seven.
U1 is Musical Genius
in my view harris jayaraj is the present top music director in south india(most bttr thn ARR),,,
once u listen to his musics,,u'l be addictive...sure..
and he knw, hw to develop bck ground musics very well...
he deserves top 5 slot.., guess u havnt listened all of songs.
harris jayaraj is very very very bad all in from old songs only minnale songs only new and all copy
note that he is a fantastic person.but yuvanshankarraja sucks.
harris is the second most top director in india.....
he is the man
he is the best music director who gives hit sonngs,some say he is copy,,,,,wath AR rahman copy in youtube,harish is better

He is the best music director according to me. He has had a great influence in my life. Whenever I feel sad or happy or something, I just listen to his music. Wonderful music director. He is an unsung hero in Indian Film Industry. He deserves better.
main thing is directors wil not using him in proper way otherwise he can give music and backgrund batter than others....... i hope he wil giv music for bllwd films...he started his career with film RATH......WHICH WAS DIRECTED BY ramgopal.......
king of bgm's.. this is funny.. can somebody tell me for which movie his background was noteworthy???
mani sharma position should be at 1st cause , I think mani sharma (god father of tolly wood) the reason why he is at back rows is only because of giving music to telugu . he scored number of songs than any one ,more than 150 films &more than 1000 songs there is no comparision between Mani &others ,back ground score of his is unbeaten , people who says that mani is not a good composer ,they dont have luck to feel his music.
manisharmas may not be legend but he is a good music director.His movies athadu ,pokiri and other chirnajeevi films are good musical block buster as well.These all are not his copied version from other tracks.
Mani is great,coming to copying songs even ARR also not exception he also did and doing. If you take top10 Telugu block busters,for 8 movies Mani is the music director. And he has more than 5 silver Jublie movies :)
People who comment him should listen to Morning Raga, murari, arjun, khaleja and a lottttt.... out of his 1000 songs he hardly got inspired for 20 songs and I bet those so called copy songs are far better than originals.. Excellent orchestrization. No doubt he is the king of BGM. any doubts??? Lots of Mahesh, chiru and Balakrishna's movies are hit coz of the BGM provided by Mani..
just listen his background score in athadu.u will understand what mani is.
Yes, Mani Sharma is the best music composer in South India but only BEST in copying songs :) He cant create a single TUNE himself >> PUCCA CHOR CHOR CHOR, should be casted in Dhoom 3 instead of AAmir khan :)
no doubt he is one of the greatest back ground scorer in india than A R Rehman
mani sharma ,he is alrounder in music he jst rocked in telugu n tamil ,excellent den rahman
he is the fatest keyboard player in india.not even rehman plays the keyboard like mani.look at his background scores so amazing.mani is the only competitor to rehman
even an ordinary keyboard player s far far better than manisharma.He s a waste
its rubbish to compare manishankar with AR.mani sharma is a spec whe compared to AR.
after the arrival of manisharma only telugu songs gets its recognition
manisharma is one of the best music director in south indian composition ,espescially in telugu and i can confidentallly challenge him that he is one who can be the compitetor to A.R.rehaman .
He has a caption as"melody brahmma"

He is the best music director, singer and composer of
India. He is also a very good actor, lyricist,etc. He deserves the 1st position. He is one and only rockstar of India.
himeshji is great music director of india ..,who can compose any type of song with descent melody. even classical also like baju band khul jaaye in movie banaras 2006.he has lot of knowledge about composition.
ya he is a great composer music director,but not an actor .i love your evry song,please keepour trust as like and more our best wishes with you. and also your songs are legendry and you are also a legendry person
you sing your song only your voice please not include any other singer in your song
himesh sir you are rock and you are no 1 singer and composer in the india
he is the one that who knows how to compose a music and how to give hits songs in every movies
he is d god father of music ..He is a great composer ..Legend in the making
no doubt he is one of the greatest music director in india than A R Rehman ..... ar rehman toh fudu hai sala madrasi
the voice of himesh ji is very good and the music was also good
best music director in the world and he gave continuously 36 hits in 2007 and after completing 100 films he breaks all the past records with teri meri teri prem kahani JAI MATA DI LETS ROCK
Please don't mind for the above long comment Himesh ji. I don't want to hurt you.This is the fact .I am always a great fan of you composed music.I always love your music.I always argue with my friends that Himesh is the best director in India .But I always dislike your voice. I am a big critisizer of your voice.
He is one of finest composer in India.But he is not getting offers from producer & also he is not having reputation as before.The reason for this is clear.He destroys his composed songs by singing himself because his voice is so much irritating.Better one is to stop this thing.The films in whick he has worked as a composer but not as a singer are supe duper musical hit films.Examples are tere naam,maine pyar kyun kiya,dil mange more,aitraaz,kya dil ne kaha,kahin pyar na ho jaye,Dulhan hum le jayenge,hello brother,kyun ki,pyar kiya to darna kya ,ishq hai tumse etc.These are super duper musical hit films in which Himesh has just worked as music director , not as singer.The songs of these films are melodious,sweet & evergreen.So Mr Himesh please stop singing and then see what reputation you would get as music director and also there would be a long line of producer for taking you as music director in their films.This is good for you as well as music of India.
he has introduce sufi song with bass...and named sufirocks...........which accepeted by all music likers
He is the 1st Indian to perform at Wemble....and many concert world wide and made India proud

For me he is the best....people call him CHOR.....so what??....atleast he knows what to steal....gets the best unheard music from all round the world and produces superhits....even others lift music from other places.....but do they produce good music???.....NAKAL KARNE KE LIYE BHI AKAL CHAAHIYE....it needs brains to even know what to copy.....and some of his best ever songs from jannat and tum mile are purely original......everyone praises other directors....lekin sunte hain sirf pritam ko....I sincerely wish that he is given more credit....he certainly deserves it.....we need good music.....from wherever it is got....AAM KHAAO....GUTHLIAN MAT GINO....when someone is producing good music....listen to it happily...why bother from where its got???
PRITAM is the KING OF ALL jonours of songs specially ROMANTIC Songs He is a COMPLETE PACAKGE .............
the most genius of the music in the world...i listen song only due to pritam
he is the best. amazing one. i just love his songs. he should be at no.1.afterall his music rockzzzzzzz.:)pritam sir u r awesome.

No Doubt , he is a legend , he degrades himself by overpraising other industry music directors , self respect needed for him .
Keeravani is the living legend beacause of him only telugu music is der ..no expiry date for his songs lst 20 years he has been in industry he is great nice melody king
I would say he is the best after k.v mahadevan and ilayaraja.. the whole ratings are not correct.. and yes more than others keeravani can compose any type of music..
He is an ultimate background music director but we cannot expect good songs from him except devotional type.
he is best composer in india he can compose any type of music
MM Keeravani is the best music director for using violin but he is doing telugu nativity musics....

what a music director and singer he is, no comparison, his most songs are touchy and famous.
I rank ANU MALIK the best melodious music composer. Hes the best
has he ever created any original music...probably there is a scarcity of music director thats y his name came in the list
jisne pritam ko chor bola bo sayed ye nahi janta ki
after2000 pritam music is the highest selling all over india.
above proves, he is biggest CHOR of bollywood music (after PRITAM).
Someone has written that Anu Malik is a Chor.May I know what is the thing which he has done CHORI & from where he has done the CHORI?Just give some examples.
in one line ANU MALIK is a CHOR music director.
he can't create music.
Listen to any melodious number of Anu Malik, you will love it!
Anu Malik, is one of the most famous music composers for Hindi

He s the best and also composed for more than 300 films and also composed for stage plays,private albums.Also won National Awards.
Believe me you get addicted to his compositions once you listen to his songs . He should be in top ten but unfortunately most of his compositions are in kannada and few tamil and telgu so is not that popular in other film industries.He deserve to be in top ten . people call him "Nada Bhrama" which means The bramha of music.
Naadha Brahma should be in top 10.. beautiful lyrics and music
deserve to be in top10.. not here.. introduce new style of composing and lyrics... top most music director,lyrisist,human being.............
An excellent composer and lyricist, for me he is definitely in top 5
SPB considers Hamsalekha as the best composer. But the composer is restricted to Kannada and hence is not popular but he definitely gets in top 10.
Yes Hamsalekha sir should be in top 5 list. People dont identify originality which he has given to music composition. Sir's Lyrics writing is awesome and meaningful i am really proud i born in karnataka to listen to sir's music. Plz listen to his songs Sir is Master No one can be Like Hamsalekha Sir
may be he is the only one who tried 5 different style of music in a single song...he should be in top 5 list,unfortunately he got 32nd herehe has composed 33 films in a single year(he has written lyrics for them too!!) and most of his songs're hit....one of the pure,genius music composer hats of hams.
Legendary composer. Best thing about Hamsalekha is that he is allergic to copying stuff. He has told in interviews that, whenever Directors approach him to copy some telugu/tamil song, he has rejected such offers telling If I compose it will be my composition. His songs are totally, pure 100% his creations. Even with all this, he ruled kannada industry for nearly 1.5 decades. LEGEND.
Checkout SriManjunatha, Haalunda tavaru, Muttina hara, prema loka, and endless list.

yes ur perfect...if we hear his songs, it's painkiller and makes life so lighter and practical
he;s son in law of great legendry music composser G.K. venkatesh...
he's creatin a way of newmusic ERA in sandwoodal...@
Winner Filmfare Award for Best Music Director
Winner Karnataka State Film Award for Best Music Director
Winner Suvarna Film Award for Best Music Director......and so many
he is best ........he got so many awards
Won 3 consecutive Filmfare Award for Best Music (Gaalipata, Raaj The Showman and Jackie)[4][1]
RNJ awards in 2009[5]
Suvarna Film Award for Best Music Director (Raaj)
Filmfare Awards for Raaj the Showman
Karnataka State Award for the film Raaj The Showman
DiFFeREnT.............AND AMAZING music director and composer.........v luv u....sir
his all songs are suuuuuuuuuuuperb in kannada.....................
BEST IN SOUTH INDIA...........genius music director..........nim dodda fan naavu sir
BEST COMPOSER THAT I HAV NEVER SEEN..........he is mostly liked by all type of music lovers...........specially by students
Very good composer. Check out Gaalipata and Jackie albums from kannada. They are really good and composed by V.Harikrishna

O P Nayyar is the first star composer of India. He was the highest paid music composer during 50s. O P Nayyar is the only top composer of indian cinema who has never used the voice of melody queen Lata mangeshkar. O P 's music was unique. He was uncomparable. According to me the top 10 composers should be like this:
1. Anil Biswas
2. Naushad
3. S D Burman
4. O P Nayyar
5. Shankar Jaikishan
6. Madan Mohan
7. C Ramachandra
8. Roshan
9. R D Burman
10. Illaiyyaraja
Mithoon from his first song till now has given tremendous music songs.i think current chart should begin with AR Rahman then Shankar Ehsaan Loy and then Mithoon.
naushad though is a legend but doesnt have much variations............ an has limied capacity.
Are best composer and music director. They Composed songs like 'shree ganeshay dheemahi'...etc
Ajay-Atul got National award for there work Jogwa which is Marathi film.
In current music directors Ajay-Atul doing great job
with movie singham and Agnipath is best.
different jonor of music in each films..jigarthanda,madras,soodhu kavvum,enakul oruvan,pizza,pizza2,...and now THALAIVAR SUPERSTAR'S "KABAALI" on the way..
Young talented music director in Tamil film and Tamil music albums
As well known him waiting Tamil song
actually he shud b the no1. music dir in indian film industry.bt unfortunately he got only commercial movies.......
he is the no.1 music director in malayalam. he is called as the melody king. he has many hits in tamil,telugu& hindi also. he is a national award winner. he is called as vidyagi.
he is a good composer of music. Many of his Malayalam songs are evergreen and shine
vidyasagar(MELODY KING) is a versatile music composer..whether it is a folk or classical or western,he gives complete justice to the song...he has changed the style of malayalam music..gave superb melodies in telugu,tamil and malayalam..he composed music for over 200 movies in all south indian languages and hindi
he revolutionised the indian music with his digital music, and has inspired many music directors to use modern instruments.
he's sandolwood super strar music composer...kannada industry took great by his own way of haven
His compositions may be less in number but no compromise on quality of his songs.One can witness magics in music if he hears to his music.a great caranatic vocalist.
The future of Indian music industry. Taking inspiration from his uncle,Anu Malik,he is composing sum pretty rocking and melodious song. Those what touches ur heart. Mark my words,He is future top composer.
Still Malayalam music lovers are waiting for his come back. If he comes again the Malayalam music Industry will be in its top with full of melody songs of its Golden Era of the 1980's. We await for your coming Shyam Sir.
Still his melodies in the Golden Era (190) of Malayalam Film Industry is great and his back ground musics for "Oru CBI Diary Kuruppu", "Irupatham Noottandu","Sagar Elias Jacky", "August 1" and "August 15" are used as Ring Tones for Mobiles even by the new generation.
Though not nationally, but Mr. Nachiketa Chakraborty has been showing his great talent in the field of Bengali music composition... And it's known to everybody that Bengali music talent is the best in India... Nachiketa has been a whole-life devotee of Bengali songs... That's why he couldnot be popular nationally...
Those who don't know Nachiketa contact me at avi.pgm@gmail.com
[For a reference, you can listen the Bengali part of the song "Tanha rahi aapni raha chalta jayega" composed by A.R. sir and sung by Nachiketa]
Nachiketa Chokroborty is an original talent. His lyrics, composition, voice everything is excellent.His composition in movie " Hothat Bristi" is enough for justification
Great musicion
Awesome music
Always gvs different music
Give hort ful music
Like muvies r
Yoganiki okkadu
Endukante premanta
Kakka muttai..
///he wil not copy anything from other......//
i agree that , his music such a different with tamil composers. he give super molody songs are very nice
Im Hashan frm Sri Lanka. And this man G.V is a Awesome Music Director.
he wil not copy anything from other.......he is great in music.......he is the power of music............

Amit Trivedi is the future of Hindi music. His work in Dev D and Aisha is exceptional. Udaan too shows how ORIGINAL and talented he is.
Mindblowing compositions?????????
No way.............................
He is one of most foolish composer in India.Except Aisha he hasn't composed good music in any film.About rest films we can use a simple word called घटिया.But we foolish persons say that he is one of finest composer.No way.........................
If you like to float in Music with the sound of Yesudas better hear Songs Music Directed by Ravindran. You will forget the surrounding and melt with the music. The way in which melody and classical touch sublimes with difficulty in segregation can be viewed in his music very prominently.
He is one of the most versatile music composers ever. Sadly, apart from keralites, no one else listen to malayalam songs. So, in terms of poppularity, him being in 54th position is justified, but in terms of talent he should be in the top 5.
AT 46th position?? He can easily come in 1st 20th.. Greatest from malayalam industry.
he is m.sc gold medalist from mysore university and he love music in such a way.he left his m.sc field and shifted to music.
100% hit song in kannada industry till now.........
HE"s another one young talented Music diector n singer of kannada film industry....He's a pupil of hamsaleka n well guitarist, key board player n good music composser.....#
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