Best Tasting Fish
79 items ranked
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If you like salmon this is of course a great tasting fish. You either like salmon or you don't. Great for dips.
Salmon is a fish incredible if fresh, wild and the right kind, fishy otherwise. If you think salmon is fishy, you haven't had the real thing. Best is king, followed closely by sockeye, with coho a distant third. Any other kind is bad. Farm raised is bad. And it must be fresh. But good salmon.... Ooo baby! (from Alaska)
If you don't like salmon, or even fish in general, you've never had fresh wild King salmon. It is unbelievable. The rare white king is even better.
It's good but ilsa is best guys you gonna test ilsa than u realize which is best
Try a marinade of soy sauce, maple syrup, orange juice, ginger and garlic. Fantastic. Serve with a mango salsa.
All you need is some breadcrumbs , the best herbs around , little flour and canola oil plus a skillet. I GUARENTEE!! you. Best fried smoked salmon EVER!!!!!
Salmon to fishy? I don't think so. Best fish in the world especially when smoked.
Don't forget that the Grizzly Bears just eat the skin and fat and leave the flesh for the birds. I never met a dumb Grizzly Bear so they must know whats good.
you probably overcooked it.. salmon cooked medium rare is fantastic
To me Salmon tastes too fishy it reminds me of Sword Fish which also can be strong especially the darker meat. But if fishy is what you like then Salmon is for you.

Mani is an over rated fish. I have had better fish such as monk fish and white fish. Fatty tuna is also exquisite!!
Very nice but I find it too oily with the skin and too dry without.
Overrated in my opinion, good but Chilean Sea Bass, Monkfish and others are better.
its my favorite. Catch them every year off the coast in Zihuatanejo. Fry it, bake it or add bread crumbs and a dash of lime. Wow!
having read this thread - it's clear there's no answer as this is really subjective. different palates like different fish. bottom line is - most fish are edible. if they come from trusted waters, give them a try. for my money, yellowtail sashimi style is my favorite.
Not even a question. Used to be known as dolphin but people thought it was flipper.
I have caught like ten of them- they get better every time

Never caught a full-blown walleye but saugeye (hybrid) and sauger (smaller cousin)are both great
I've tried most of the fish on this list. Walleye is the best tasting fish in my opinion
A mild freshwater fish that is almost sweet. Excellent eating if you don't like your fish to taste too much like fish.
Agreed. I've had a solid variety of freshwater & saltwater fish, and Walleye is by far the best tasting of them all.
As a life long fisherman I've always polled others about the "best tasting" fish, either from salt or fresh water. Walleye usually comes out on top. This is a target species for me this year.
It is sooooo good and I have caught them- they taste sooooo good when you eat them fresh
not a fish in the water this good. I don't care for fish but the walleye is awesome. Not many bones either
Yeah that's a best fresh water fish they called the king of the lake because its very tasty

Kumu is the most highly sought after type of goatfish, found almost exclusively in Hawaii. Fresh at the markets it costs $28 a pound!
Chilean Sea Bass is best fish I have eaten, it is sooooo good unfortunately there aren't many left so I no longer eat :(
Tautog or Blackfish is better than Sea Bass, we get both here in Newport for about 8-10 weeks each year but everyone wants the Tautog, we now have a big Asian community and they love it too.
This Fish is by a stretch the best. Unfortunalty it is quite expensive and many will not be able to afford to experiment and taste this wonderful fish that is only in season 8 weeks out of the year. When I am not eating Sea Bass, I enjoy Ahi Tuna & Wild Salmon
Sea Bass has a great texture and taste. but Blackfish or Tautog as we call it in Rhode Island is the best.

I catch small rainbows in the rockies, coat them in bisquik or flour, salt, pepper, and pan fry them whole that night in camp with oil and butter. Meat slides off the bone easily with a fork, and the taste is exquisite. If freezing, put them in zip locks full of water and freeze the whole thing as a block, almost as good as fresh.
I love fresh trout that I catch straight from a mountain stream and wrapped in foil, covered in butter, salt and pepper and even a little garlic powder every once in awhile!
Trout is my personal favorite fish as both a table and game fish. Fantastic taste and just beautiful fish.
The taste of trout is the definition of Old World refinement and finesse but not only. America and Australia has long introduced and quickly learned the value of trout. Always get white meat trout before it turns into the steelhead form and becomes more of a salmon. Happily, brown and rainbow trout, the most common are also the tastiest.
butter and lemon pepper cooked over a fire in tin foil...right after you caught it. :) you can't beat it. :)

I catch this on deep sea fishing boats that tie up to offshore oil rigs. Fry it in a butter cracker batter and you can't beat it.
One of my favourite fish for family dinners!
Big fish, big fat grates like in a cartoon :)
I fished one out of the waters near Cape Town and another one up the coast closer to mozambique.
Deep sea...
A great catch for casual rod and reel anglers-- scale it, clean it, and remove the head, then slit the sides with a knife and rub in salt and pepper into both the body cavity and skin. Pan fry in a shallow layer of oil or steam with ginger, soy sauce, garlic, and shallots. Meat flakes off in large chunks and is quite savory.

Nice full bodied fish, almost with the consistency of a steak - very hearty and tasty.
You can't ruin halibut. Even microwave reheated it's good. How many fish can you say that of? Possibly not as many people have tried it. If not sure how fresh the fish is, pick halibut! Or if you just love good, mild fish with a firm texture.
Best fish hands down! Truly a delicacy. Just filled the freezer full of it this past weekend. Thanks you Seward, AK.
Halibut Cheeks are not to be confused with halibut filets or steaks. Halibut is good, but the cheeks are a delicacy.
I don't know why this fish isn't No. 1, you can do so much more with it than Mahi-Mahi.
I'm a walleye fisherman from the midwest who often travels to Alaska. Halibut makes walleye a very average fish. You can do anything with it, a fish that's as versatile in the kitchen as a chicken breast.
I've caught most of what's on this list. Nothing's better than halibut.
Now we're talking. From finest fish and chips to the very best steaks, the use of halibut in general is virtually limitless. And the taste, especially when fresh and not frozen is as good as it gets.
The ABSOLUTE BEST. the only reason this is listed so low is because not many people have had the privilege to taste it.

Yellow perch is definitely worthy . Its genius species name is perca flavasans for a reason!
To give perspective. Walleye is in the perch family and it's number one. Yellow perch is especially nice if you can't get Wally. Sauger too. Or the hybrid saugeye.
perch is very often served in fine dining restaurants at least in europe
Should be top 3. It isn't only because it's not as popularly available. Fried, grilled, pan-seared with butter and garlic, etc... There is no wrong way to cook it.
Beautiful fish, high in Mercury, can be tough,
Not a very tasty good fish to eat, admire them don't fish or eat them.
tried it and did not like the taste/texture, but it was frozen fillet so maybe i should try it fresh and deboned.
very mild and delicate flavor. The flesh can be a little mushy but still good eats. Guaranteed to be Great with whatever marinade you like.
Very good white flesh fish, should be above tilapia ,mackerel and catfish on this list. Delicate flavor not "fishy".

Hands down Cod is delicious and reminiscent of childhood fish and chips, excellent texture and flavor!
I haven't had 95% of the fish listed here, but some of the best fish I've had is long john silvers fried cod. lol.
FYI for you cod lovers...Alaskans throw cod back in the water while they're halibut fishing.
A very non-fishy nice texture fish. it's almost like your eating meat with this fish.
very good fish

better than 90 percent of the other listings. also think bass fresh water is high on list ( largemouth and Smallmouth.}
I agree... crappie is sweet and mild.....gotta be caught when water temps are cold
Crappie needs to be #2 on this list.
people are just putting up what they last ate...duhhh
If you have never had fresh fried crappie you have never tasted the very best fried fish. Hard to explain how good it tastes.

Should be number 1 its just too hard too catch therefore not many get to taste it. Delicious fish that gives lots of meat!
Pompano being very affordable white tasty meaty fish should be top 5
Rank should be no 1 not tasty fish ever in the world.. Superb...
The taste of this fish is extraodinary.Though it has lot of bones its worth the time because it tastes so good.
World's best fish....I don't know why people are considering other fishes but there is simply no comparison of Hilsa fish to any other's the most expensive fish in the world and sweet and ever best in taste. Just try once.
Hilsha is the best fish in the world. Who have not ever tasted, he cannot imagine how delicious fish is it!!!
Hilsha is called 'Ilish' in Bangla and is the National Fish of Bangladesh. Of all hilshas, tastiest are ones caught in the River Padma at Goalonda ghat. Hilsha caught in the River Meghna at Chandpur is also famous. Largest source of Hilshas is the Bay of Bengal. Hilsha fry, cooked with mustard paste and Ilish Polao are top recipes. Good hilshas cooked with mastery can be the top fish recipe in the world.
Known as the queen of fish.. The most delicious and delicate fish ever.. A 1.5kg plus hilsa can beat any fish in the world by its taste..
Too many bones and overly smelly. You either like it or you don't.
Hilsa may be most tasty fish in the world. I have eaten lot of fish through out world. Definetly Hilda is the topper in taste and smell.
Hilsha is the national fish of Bangladesh . most delicious fish i ever test.

Atlantic Salmon is "farm" raised and the meat is generally dyed pink so it looks like wild salmon. It still tasted pretty good but nothing like wild caught.
Salted and grilled. And never use white wine to kill fish flavor.
Most fish eaters think that they like fish. But really, they'll only eat mildly flavored fish drenched in white wine and oil to mask any flavor. there's nothing left, except the texture, which is why most say they like Sea Bass and snapper, because they have great texture.
For ultimate flavor of the fish, try fresh grilled mackerel or saury at a real Japanese or Korean restaurant.
One of those fish for people who like fish. Full of those healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Fishy and delicious especially grilled.
This is the best fish to eat in a curry or fried with turmeric and masala (red chilli powder) and salt also to marinate before frying. Finger tasting good fish. Been eating this since I was a kid. Greatest fish ever to eat.
Just finished a couple fresh mackerel fillets. They were amazing which is why I googled this topic. It was a simple cook. Pan fried with olive oil, fillets were dusted with salt, pepper, and light garlic. Just a minute and a half on each side on medium heat.
Overpowering definatelly not a top fish. It has always been the 'fish for the masses'. Cheap taste and pungent. Must be marinated, oiled and aged in order to be truly palatable.

very taste and sweet, probably the most sweet fish you will ever taste
You have to have compound nicknames to like Billy-Bob or Jimmy-Jack. Then you are qualified to like catfish.
Most people probably never tried this fish... by far the best fish i have ever had, hands down!
Surprised it is this low way better than 90% of fish ahead of it. People probably have never had. Kind of like a cross between Chilean Sea Bass and lobster, excellent hard to find fish.
Live in Florida, not too crazy about snook. I always say if you like snook, you don't like fish. No flavor at all. I like to know I am eating fish, not tofo.
Snook is easily arguably the best tasting fish there is. TRY taking your filet and putting in a small paper lunch bag,,,,,but first dip and douce the bag in melted garlic butter and then seal it with toothpicks. when its done you tear open the paper bag and get the fresh aroma of buttered Snook. this method is caled Grouper Papillon
They don't call it Lemonfish for nothing. Perhaps it's their steady diet of crab and squid that makes cobia so delicious.
A very common fish that has great tasting meat without adding a bunch of extra "flavorers"
Blue fish is a great fish to catch and tastes delicious. It all depends on how u cook it though.
Significantly better when smoked. Soak in simply salt and sugar solution overnight. Smokes well in a Weber grill with the coals on opposite sides.
Must eat the day you catch it. Better if soaked overnight in milk to get out fishy taste. Can be great if eaten right away!
Strong flavored. Great grilled with a little lemon, garlic, and soy.

The farmed raised Tilapia from China is not good at all, but I have it from Ecuador and it was delicious.
Farmed tilapia are fine, no feeding of human waste or contamination from living in the sea
Don't know what some in this group are eating, but I've never had a bad tilapia. Parmesagn crusted tilapia? Yuum!
tilapia ? if you like long john silvers and golden coral fine but try some real seafood
Well if you like Tilapia the world hunger problem is solved because there are 100 million Tilapia in the Salton Sea.
Flavor is OK. I like mild fish, but the texture leaves much to be desired when considering best fish.
The only reason this fish on the list is because it is so cheap to produce and is readily available. the texture is soft and the taste is bland. In that respect it is perhaps a blank canvas and works for the unsophisticated pallet. There are many mild white meat fish with superior flavor and texture. For my tastes, tilapia would be square in the very mediocre category.
This fish shouldn't even be on the list, it is disgusting, the Chinese farms feed them human waste and they taste like they lied in mud all their life. You have very bad taste if you think this fish belongs on any list of top tasting fish.
One of my presonal favorites you can cook it almost any way you want and it still great

tried this recently and was very surprised that i liked it, very tasty.
It tastes great,should be way up on list, easy to cook, sustainable and has little or no fishy taste, a bluish pink purple color when raw but turns white and flaky when cooked. Grill, pan fried or seared and baked..all taste great. The filet is pan fried on skin side for crackling skin...also it has the omega 3 profile of Salmon, taste like a Sea Bass and a Swordfish had a baby. It is the Aussies #1 consumed fish...they love it.
An excellent fish for pan frying. Skin becomes crisp without being dry but the flesh remains tender and moist.
just getting into fish, and this was all that i had ever had, fried, but i love to pan sear it and add various seasonings each time i use it, one of my top 5.
Should be higher on this list. Good tasting white/hard/dry meat.
Carefull as the biggest specimens can carry ciguatera,which is a foodborne illness caused by eating certain reef fish whose flesh is contaminated with toxins originally produced by dinoflagellates such as Gambierdiscus toxicus which live in tropical and subtropical waters
Although it isn't sold in markets very often specks out taste any other fish in the Gulf of Mexico
One of the best eating fish on the planet. Catching it at 600-900 feet of water. People say it contains lots of mercury but they are liers.
Because I am a chef that knows fish
How many of you have eaten grilled Dorado ? It is really good and im extremely surprised to see so many freshwater fish at the top end of this list, Even the best tasting fresh water fish do not come close to fresh tasty slat water fish . IMO trout is the best fresh water fish and its not even in my top 20.
Never mind the slime. Easy to clean and the skin just peels off. Fillets are thick with meat that is tastier than any freshwater catfish. Should be top 5 in this list!
Invasive species in the Atlantic with poin dorsal spines. When filleted the meat is exquisite! Easily the best taste in the world... And by eating them you help the environment. Bon Apetit!
This fish is not only very tasty but also very beautiful . Light bread crumbs and seasoned batter makes it taste amazing.
Extremely good tasting fish great fillets in light batter is one of the great recipes for this fish.
Steamed with ginger it is firm but tender, sweet but refreshing. Also makes a marvelous sinigang (tamarind-based seafood soup)
Also known as black scabbard. Angry looking but wow what a beautiful white fish full of flavour that I experienced in Madiera. Tryed many fish from bass to swordfish to tilapia to tuna but this one had the edge.
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