Ethiopia is the best country ever to exist on africa.The only which wasn't colonized, the only home for the orthodox tewahedo christian religion and the only one to be stated as a starter of life in both science and religion. No doubt ETHIOPIA is the best country
I have never seen a country like Ethiopia. She is the symbol of dignity and reputation of African countries. She is only one of the two countries including Russia that has not been colonized by any one. Even US and UK haven't got this privilege.
Off course Ethiopia is the most Influential. Check out who is currently administrating South Sudan and Somalia.
the last emperor founded the UN and so it is the founder of united peace.
It is not only a matter wealth. It is also a matter of history, independence, military, politics, diplomacy etc... In all perspective you could not found any country which is more influential like ETHIOPIA in Africa. Just remember more than 20 African countries took the flag of Ethiopia after the battle of Adwa. In economy now Ethiopia is rising from the ash. Don't worry Ethiopia is going goooood
Ethiopia used the first railway and telcome in Africa, ... Coffee first grew in Kaffa region of Ethiopia. The first humans lived in Ethiopia
Today, Ethiopia is SS Africa's Mightiest Military power, 4th biggest and fastest economy, with no drop of oil.
Ethiopia defeated Italian colonials at Adwa, then Africans realized a black man is capable of saying No! to Europeans. Ethiopia (along with Russia) is the only sovereign nation that hasn't been ruled by a foreign power, (A privilege even US, UK never enjoyed) Africans knew that it's possible to be still be Black and yet mighty over history.
Ethiopia drew its calendar from the beginning (commemorated new millennium just 5 yrs ago -) writes with its own alphabet system (ሀለሐመሠረሰቀበተቸ .. if your Unicode sys captures it), it's own version of Christianity not dictated by European guns, Then Africans learned it's possible to draw Black-man's version of lifestyle.
The first 'Azan' - prayers world wide were screamed in Ethiopia after founder Mohammad and followers were persecuted.
Ethiopia rejected Neo-liberalism (the Washington consensus) and adopted DDv'tal State system, recorded upto 3rd fastest growing economy world wide only behind China and India in 2008 when global recession harassed big nations. So Africans discovered that their continent can say No! to western preconditions to survival of their own citizens.
Ethiopia is building Africa's biggest dam - GERD - with 5 bln USD funded by itself to show Africa that it can dream big and satisfy it with a means d/t from only foreign aid. Ethiopia has its airline in 1940s when others were suffering from evils, the first black African to captain those crafts - Ato Alemayehu is Ethiopian.
The first black African who won Olympic gold Abebe Bikila in 1950s bare-footed on the streets of Rome, that Ethiopia defeated twice within 40 years of colonial agression - he said he run bare foot bcz he "... wanted to show that my country, Ethiopia has always defeated with courage and commitment."
hell yeah ethiopia is the most influencial country in africa lets start with this "THE FLAG" green,yellow and red colours now a days it is the most popular color in africa. it is called the pan africa flag. ethiopia was the first country to have it after adwa war (italo-ethiopian war) it shows the development and the history or the future and the back of the country. it is also the only country to never colonized and fall in european hand. now a dayhs if you see most african flags it is copy of ethiopian flag. why? becase ethiopian is influential country
I totally agree!!!! Ethiopia is an example of freedom and liberty!!
I also agree because ethopia has africa's second strongest military after egypt. Ethiopia is considered so great jamaicans worship our last emperor and consider ethiopia heaven on earth this is called rastafarianism Bob Marley was rastafari.
i havnt heard anything about ethiopia in over a decade! what are you guyz doing?
Ethiopia is the origin of human beings, the origin of civilization and currently coming back to its insentient history and laying another history of development and growth
Ethiopia is a face for Africa not because of its recent representation on climate negotiations, and also not because it hosts many continental and international bodies such as the AU, UNECA and others… But because Ethiopia has been and is being a symbol of PEACE from earlier times to present in its contribution for freeing most African countries from colonialism including South Africa, Zimbabwe and helping peace processes in Liberia, Uganda, Rwanda, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, ... and since Ethiopia is seen as a symbol of peace by most African countries, they have derived their flag colors from Ethiopian flag only changing in some way...at least 22 African countries have derived their flag color from Ethiopian flag. And recently, Ethiopia is enjoying a rapidly advancing economy that has been justified by IMF, the UN, EU, AU, US, UK and other international bodies and partners. And Ethiopia is building massive infrastructure projects such as national rail way project, telecommunications and ICT to reach 50 Million subscribers within the next 3 years, biggest dam in Africa and 10th in the world to generate 6GW of power, bringing number of public universities to 40 in 2015 distributed all over the country from 6 in 2005 and so much other and apprized by the THIRD fastest economies in the world next to China and India!
should be better than this coz everywhere Africa is represented by Ethiopia
I DISAGREE TOTALLY..infact i ws in ethipia the only thing tht stands is BOLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT..having AU headquarters means nothing..its just doing nothing..
This country serve as representative of the whole African countries. It host African Union and other many continental meetings. It is also one of the fastest growing African country with large human power and also with a strong military power.
no country in africa has the most influential power than ethiopia. Let's just say ethio is the power house of africa. What u c is what u get.

Despite the hypocrisy of Apartheid, this settler colony has advanced further than any other African nation in terms of economy, politics and stability. It long standing reign as a white country garnered it respect with the West.
With the largest standing army on the continent Egypt is a force to be reckoned with, and while it’s economy and political structure may not be as strong as South Africa or Nigeria, it’s military might gives it a strong voice.
No country is a military power until it is really tested , any other comment is just empty talking
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kenya is a wonderful place to be.the only place you will find men and women so strong, they can run any distance and win comfortably with a smile and sweat on thier faces.the country that if you are a visitor everyone welcomes u as if its ua sister/brother.(karibu kenya!/welcome to kenya)
It was recently voted as the one of the best places to live in the world...in terms of humanitarian aspect, this follows the vast number of refugees hosted in camps around kenya, this shows we are the best neighbors ever. Everyday you hear illegal immigrants comes from uganda, tanzania, somalia and even ethiopia..they all come here seeking for greener pasture, and save for the recent insecurities encountered, we used to accomodate them
JESUS is the provider,not Illuminati.Satan the blood of JESUS is against you!!!
Kenya only needs leadership, then its brains will start dripping back from the West. We have "the best" skilled workforce in the continent, exporting even to the continent's powerhouses like SA, and western nations especially UK, EU, USA, CANADA, UAE, and Asia
kenya deserves better its already have a working space agency with working satelite in malindi that convey information to larger eastern and central africa the government is planing to start space programme that will send working satelites in space to man kenyan boarders as from 2008 government introduce courses in university that teachs about space exploration like atrophysics and astronomy. Also with growing uptake of technology and the grand ict plan of building ict park in kenya like the one in california kenya is a sleeping giant watch this space kenya is going to be much like china position in asia
Kenyan army is the best equipped in Africa. recently, it smashed the alkaida linked alshabaab to a point of no return. now Somalia is stable where even Britain has opened its embassy for the 1 st time for 22 years.
also imf recognized the Somalia government. WERE IT NOT FOR POWERFUL KENYA DEFENSE FORCES???
remember also KDF has the most intellects in any army in Africa.
Kenya has dreams with aggravations and there She goes.pg up kenya,you are great
Kenya, being the economic hub of east and central africa is an influential nation whose powers are not only felt within its region but all over africa. Its new constitution makes a role model kind of a nation that is only and very similar to the south africa constitution that any nation should adopt
More focused on the development of her people and region,..like pacifying the somali region and the economy in east africa...while focusing on what works for her vs what works for the west...unlike most countries.
Kenya is in Halo,...along with Ethiopia and the east african continent in general....lol
The culture of corruption is slowly dissapearing and the saving culture is slowly showing up...much like the Chinese did before their meteoric rise to awesomeness...:)
Discovery of Oil,gas,increasing technological prowess and an increasing trade suplus thanks to the East africa community,..kenya will be Africa's great britain....South Africa,here we come!
by fact and figures kenya is the 2nd most influential after south africa..its current new constitution has already started making inroads into these term..INFLUENTIAL..from tourism to stability,democracy,economy ,security and and its people are all prowess'...in africa and compard to none only S.A.
Kenya is a powerhouse in human resource capital. With the most educated population on the continent its also the fastest growing ICT hub in the continent. Its infrustructural development is fast catching up with south Africa and other Arab African countries. Its main strength is o its human capital where its professional traverse the globe.

This oil rich nation is comparatively stable, it’s large economic presence makes it an important contender in African and world affairs.
Thanks to boko haram,..we are going down every single minute,..that along with jonathan's failed economic policies
I think Nigeria should be placed higher than this because Nigeria has really compel forces in different areas to her sisters.Egypt for example does not have the concern of Africa but Arab.Nigeria has been sending troops to many nations in Africa for support, also supplying petroleum product to many nations in Africa and showing concern on the development of other African states. South Africa standing reign as a white country does not impact anything to her sisters.
Ugandan army may not be the most advanced in Africa but it has show that it is the most courageous and it has proved its self better than most force from the rest of Africa from 1993 when participated in stopping the Rwanda genocide,protected the Kenyans in 2008 fought the Rwandan rebel in Congo up to date,when its keeping peace in southern Sudan and largely in Somalia which was abandoned by most Africans great powers like the south Africa and the African Arab countries.
Take away sanctions, zimbabwe is a lion with a stone heart. they told yu on bbc that their people starve bcoz they dont know how to farm... tell me who is feeding them today.
take away the evil sanctions and the nation will rise forever infact.. it is rising.
zimbabwe were ever they have gone in war they have prevailed so dont underestimate zim army n the economy is gonna grow as changes come to play
The only country that has not followed conventional development strategies as directed by the western countries. though structural changes implemented by the Mugabe regime have resulted in economic backsliding, the fortunes of the country will become better as new structures start forward thrust. the advantage is localisation of the vast economic wealth/ dividends moving forward as opposed to recording good GDP when in actual fact the country is nothing but a western resource extraction ground. these economic adavntages coupled with the hardworking nature of general zimbabweans, high literacy and a highly capable and desciplined military favour zimbabwe to emerge as the nuclues of african economic and military power. this natuarally will see accumulated wealth by the local people being used to invest and influence sorrounding countries and probably creating the mightiest global country spanning from DRC to Cape town and from Mozambique to Angola. it is the ability to think outside the box and emulate what western countries do without following what they say that differentiate zimbabwe from the rest
Rwanda's armed forces is quite efficient. It is known for its impressive light infantry operations and anti-guerrilla warfare.
The UN itself recognises their skills, especially in the area of civil-military operations, after their deployment in different UN missions.
the only country in africa with the little left over of the continents dignity , religion , biblical history
Because Ghana is the most influential of all in terms of
hospitality and demonstration of peace.
Long considered Africa’s only real success story, Botswana has become the model of stability in Africa and it is a model that many African nations are struggling to recreate.
Angola is the country who fastest growing in the world in the last decade. Right now is one of the best economies in Africa and has projects of urbanization rebuilding the global level (and even won some competitions project of construction in France, China is Dubai. Has one of the largest and best equipped is trained (military partnerships with Russia , China is Cuba Israel) armies of Africa.
Tanzania has high intelligence and army secrets. Try them, you will follow Idd Amin. This is the liberator of Africa and one of strongest armies in the World. No one comes closer in East Africa. Gaddafi and Iddi Amin were beaten altogher!!!!
Tanzania is constantly playing a huge part in international issues you cant say African development without mentioning Tanzania so it deserves to be in the top 10 list
Gabon is a rich oil country but people don't see where money goes. More than 2/3 of the population still leave in poverty. Some people have to use garbage dumps to find something to eat. Also, election frauds are legion. Same Bongo family controls everything. Too much corruption and embezzlement in Gabon. As we say in Gabon: we don't eat peace! Bongo family in power for 46 years has managed to ruin such a beautiful country, full of resources. The only influence of Gabon is for the Bongo to buy consciences and peace with oil money, for their own egocentric interests. Gabon is definitely a kleptocracy. Bongo family live a lavish life while most of people of Gabon are struggling to make ends meat. There is no sustainable development without democracy and respect of human rights. In Gabon, there is no democracy and human rights are violated daily. Politicians eat, yes eat children hearts for promises to gain youth and power. They call them «ritual killings»; where children, young women and others are slaughtered and their organs harvested while they are still alive. This type of country can't be proclaimed to be one of the most influential in Africa. The truth needs to be told. Not all 46 years of lies from the Bongo family.
Gabon is one of Africas oil producing countries. The country has taken in 13,000 refugees, is keeping peace between its surrounding neighbors (Eq. Guienna). It's GDP is almost 4 times as high as it's surrounding south african countries. Gabon has literally stayed out of basically all conflicts and although theres a lot, a lot of ethnic groups they coexist peacefully. Definetly deserves higher up on the list.
The Ivory Coast is world's largest exporter of cocoa and also ranks highly in coffee and banana production. Although there is considerable civil unrest between the Christians and Muslims, Ivory Coast continues to have one of the stronger economies in Africa.
Possesses the second highest GDP in Africa due to petroleum reserves and low population. It is the fourth largest African nation.
Namibia should be one of the top countries in Africa due to having no civil wars. coups and any other destabilizing factors
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