20 most stressful jobs
204 items ranked
Did you just say that you feel too stressed out at work? Read on to find out who are the people who actually experience stress on a daily basis.
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There is the constant threat of being robbed, either by a bank robber or by check fraud.
You are responsible for peoples money - solving problems, handling complaints, representing the company's policies and procedures.
Not only do you have to know both the teller line and the platform, there are audits, and tests on banking regulations.
A single mistake can have devastating consequences for both the customer and employee.
Don't forget possible civil and criminal penalties by omission or commission and for the little we make it's really not worth it.
razor thin profits at the branch level put stress on the no mistakes part
You have to deal with children who have major separation anxiety from their parents. Sitting in a room with 12 babies screaming all at once. Then having to feed about 5 all at the same time. Making sure you remember all their allergies and dietary needs, one can't have dairy products, another is vegetarian, someone isn't allowed nursery baby wipes, someone else can't have a particular type of soothing cream. Some sleep on their backs, some sleep on mats instead of in cots, some sleep with a blacket, some won't go to sleep without being patted. ARGH! It's a nightmare! A horrible life long nightmare!
You have to take care of everybody, brokers on both ends, buyers and sellers, lenders, insurance, title, etc etc
I use to be a professional riding instructor that took my students out on trail for 3-4 hour lessons. Loved the work, the students and the horses. The only stress came from not having enough clients. That was 8 years ago and I wish I could do that again but I moved to a different part of the USA where it is not practical as a job right now.
This job takes lots of skill and a truck load of nerves. It requires checking your equipment daily for problems that may cause a failure. If you make a mistake and someone gets killed and if OSHA can prove you did the wrong thing, you can be charged with involuntary man slaughter and do prision time. And or face a civil suit. Mistakes must be kept to a minimum when you have 400,000 lbs on your hook and you have people handing and working with equipment this big. I'm not saying that it is the most stressful job but it should be on this list somewhere in the top 20 I think.
When you work 10-12 hours a day swinging upwards to 60 pieces a day while keeping your mind on where the iron workers are, you leave work completely mentally exhausted. You have to make sure the steel doesn't hit the boom or the boom will buckle (collapse). Many times you can't even see the connectors and have to rely on radio communication to be told where to place the steel.
Should be up at number 1. Peoples lives are in our hands everyday. When we make a mistake it can kill someone. Crane operators are the unsung heros. When you sit in the seat of a crane and lifting something to 90 percent or more of the cranes capacity and they always want you to do that ofcourse. One wrong move and that crane is going over. When you sit in something that heavy and it feels light as a feather behind you that is just anyother day. Stay safe boys.
Neither employers nor workers want to listen to your good advice until there is an incident. Then it is your fault. Extremely high turnover. You know you are the scapegoat when you accept a job!. Absence of a reward system (measure what didnt happen)All smoke in mirrors.
I transitioned over from being a banker, making a salary, with an expected paycheck every two weeks, with full benefits paid for, 401(k) at that time matching up to 15% with $1.00 for $1.00 (1979), three weeks off, (paid) vacation, 12 personal days off for necessary child care, elder care, or personal days. Now, because of a choice of an emergency for 2 years I was the unpaid caregiver for my mother with Alzheimer's Disease, she now has declined to the point of needing 24 hour care, and burnout is especially high in this field. I am now a paid/non paid/volunteer for this same profession. Those that do this profession do not do it for the money. We typically start out, because of no choice, financial, then when time moves on, we realize the gratitude of this position, just helping one or two people in society (no benefits, no paid days off (if working as self-employed, then the agency does not get 1/2 of your salary). You can create your own hours, and this has to be the most fulfilling, and stressful job in my life. It will be what I do for the rest of my life. It takes a village, and I am part of that caring village.
Deadlines, And no help and the district I work for just wants money no thought process on how planning hekps contribute in wriring a good grant
Listening to lawyers mumble all day and trying to type what they are saying is hell. Legal documents that are really really long and so boring too. And not to forget that everything is super urgent and then you get the queue jumpers and lawyers bullying you into doing their work first and also female lawyers are the worst bullies. Sheer hell.
Coordinating cleaning, building and grounds maintenance around the set up of nightly/ daily sporting and educational events creates ulcers and is a thankless job. Not only do you have to make sure the paperwork is done properly, you still have to clean up the messes that are created thru-out the day. Most of the messes are created by parents and teachers, not the students. Nobody thanks you for what you do they treat you like you are a second class citizen and you are never included in anything.
Patients with smelly mouths and rotting teeth come in hoping to look like celebrities by the time they leave. What more can I say? Patients have unrealistic expectations that are sometimes impossible to achieve. Dentists have the highest suicide rate in the world, true story.
Continuously short staffed due to the stressful nature of the job (71 officers resign in the US per fortnight). Expected to catch all drugs, terrorists, weapons, etc while ensuring the speedy faciliation of people, cargo, vehicles. Border Patrol in particular have to deal with Mexican violence, border bandits, etc. Always being abused by the traveling public. Remembered for their failures but never their successes. They do the work of Immigration, Customs, Police, Search and Rescue, Agriculture for low wage. You wouldn't catch me working for them!
In my opinion, this is a full time job. You have several classes and several assignments from those classes. Being a college student is very stressful. You have to worry about books, housing, meal plan, tuition, projects, assignments, tests, quizzes and so on.
It is! Especially when you're twenty years old, majoring in arts, working a full time factory job to help pay bills at home and your own tuition! I'm stuck going to a community college (there isn't anything wrong with that), but I always dreamed of going to a university, meeting new people, getting OUT of my home town where everyone I graduated with seems to be having babies... This economy is tough on us, too, whether we're working and going to school, or just going to school. Our generation is expected to all go to school, but it's far from affordable, and how I see it, everyone is too busy spreading their legs and not getting the proper preventive care that is provided for free where I live. But even then, these girls can live for free now anyways. That wonderful welfare I'm paying for every paycheck...
This is a joke right? College would be a dream only I gotta work to pay bills, but I can see how it would be stressful if you also had to work FT, care for children and a household and keep your grades up. Get a grip, you're in for a rude awakening dude. This is considered preparation for the BS of working in the real world, sorry to bust your bubble.
College is wonderful! Sure its a bunch of work, but you can go about it your own way on your schedule. And college is filled with so many awesome memories. I worked full time and went to school full time and i can tell you that the job was def more stressful.
Whats stressful: graduating from college and not being able to find a career using your degree
I totally agree with the last comment! I have a degree and many other certificate courses and yet I have yet to find a decent paying meaningful job that will use the skils I have learned. I am angry because I had student loans and paid alot of my own money into furthering my education and yet I have been struggling. It makes no sense - some degrees pay better than others and are more recognized. It's hard to get ahead too and take more education if you can't even afford the basics of living...a vicious cycle..
College student?!?
What a joke! Ya sleeping in until the mid afternoon, smoking excessive amounts of weed and banging a fresh floozy every week is terrible! Just wait until you're in the real word buddy THEN let's talk stress. This 'occupation' has no place on this list. If you can't hack in in college I'll be seeing you in McDonalds. Yes, I will supersize my fries thanks.
I went through school and I know that in this moment it can feel very taxing, but you will be pleading for a return to your earlier years in regards to the level of stress and expectations. When you are maintaing a management carrer in business, 60+ hours a week, paying a mortgage & helping raise 3 children then come back to this list and reconsider your post.
I can't agree with this more. I'm double majoring (trying to be more marketable for the job force) and I'm working two jobs to pay my apartment rent and buy food because my parents have three kids in college and are trying to pay their own mortgage payment. I go to class for six to eight hours a day, and then work, so I easily put in twelve hours a day, and then come home and do homework until the early hours of the morning. I know I'm not the typical student out there, but this really is a full time that others don't understand.
Are you kidding? If you can't handle college, how can you handle a career? College was the best time of my life and I know why there are so many "professional" students. Scheduling your class times, always some extracurricular/social activity going on, easy work study job. I wish I could go back. I agree with being careful of the loan debt, and by all means, get a degree that will get you a decent job.
It should be college graduate not college student. Pick your degree wise or else you will graduate, have no job or prospect of a decent paying job, have student loan’s out your ears, lose your self-worth, live paycheck to paycheck while struggling with the decision to start a family and regret each and every day making the decision to pay thousands of dollars for an education that is paying nothing in return. Pick your degree wise!!

From overseeing the facility, making sure the equipment is working/up to date to managing all employees including front desk, child care, maintenance, and sales. Increasing revenue and creating new marketing strategies. Making sure each department is running accurately and efficiently. Create relationships with members and businesses. Dealing with all complaints from employees and members. Always making yourself available whether you are at home or at the gym.
You're not quite a cop, though expected to enforce and secure as if you were. Lots of paperwork, secretarial duties, lack of respect from people constantly/threats of physical violence and the stress of handling emergency situations with minimal training. Long hours, no breaks, crummy pay. You're either sitting in a small, dusty guard shack or doing rounds and standing for long periods of time.
I work as one as well you get no respect at all no good pay and you don't have a gun at some posts.
I've worked as a Security Guard while working in Canada for a year. I went into a security job after working in law enforcement for 6 years. I think the job is more frustrating than stressful. It's frustrating that you're expected to act like a cop, when you have minimal powers to enforce your companies rules and regulations.
We critique advertiser's works of art. The work we analyze and tear apart is their recent entire world, their baby! It's like we call their baby ugly. They have very hard set deadlines that we have to meet.
The job description is to tell the future. See if you can do it! Guess what happens if you're not prophetic enough!
Very stressed specially if you are sincere, honest & faithfull to your company. you always have to maintain good sources price wise ,delivery wise . very stressful in the event of rush requirements. Dealing , negotiating with suppliers & always have to careful to avoid mistakes in buying wrong parts ,wrong supplier , overpricing .
Sometime no support from your Boss, suboridinates make the things more worst.
I work in manufacturing unit & how stressful is being in purchasing .
Constant multi-tasking, everyone needs everything now. No time to really evaluate the requirement. The chances of errors are enormous due to this constant pressure.
Any job can be stressful, especially in this economy where all companies are operating so thinly.
However, I do believe that any job where someone's life may be on the line trumps all the others. That would include policemen, firemen, surgeons, air traffic controllers, pharmacists, et al.
16 hour days, record labels wanting minty sounds to sell, bands that can't play to save themselves, listening to the same song for days at a time, not amazzing money. (most of your clients don't have any)
Anyone thinking this job is easy will be in for a shock, dealing with customer complaints never was anyone's cup of tea. The majority of retail staff smoke due the stress of this role.
I have to agree that this is a stressful job. I can't believe that this is so far down the list! Like other people have said, you are like a punching bag for customer and the managers above. Then on top of that the bigger supermarkets only care about the bottom line/dollars/the big bosses big fat bonus if they make budget and this then leads to cuts in cost of staff. Unfortunately you and other staff members have to pick up the slack from lack of staff. Customers get crabby because things are not available when they come in or there are no staff to serve them, and we as retail assistants get the brunt of this. We are all a number to the big corporations that don't mean diddly squat. So many people leave/transfer/step down from salary jobs because it just isn't worth it. I personally stepped down from a salary job which lost me about 10,000 a year because I had to go on stress leave due to the expectations of the managers and constant customers berating you over things you can not control. *sigh* venting done...
I have worked in two supermarkets now and all I can say is I HATE it, the managers are all up themselves and say one thing and do another, your shifts keep getting changed around at very short notice and most of the customers are rude and give you dirty looks for trying to be polite to them. Some of them have the audacity to yell at you for trying to do your job properly. It's not my fault that I can't sell alcohol to under 18s and you look 12 or that your card got declined and I'm not allowed to let you walk out with fifty quids worth of shopping for free. Also, just because I wear a name badge doesn't mean that you can call my by my name or worse, shorten it.
Pride swallowing? Yes.
Stressful? Not really.
I'd rather deal with customer complaints than have any real sort of responsibility. In this job you are s pin cushion. That's a given, if you accept this, it's becomes very stress free...
I work in a big box retail store within the service department. Most of our customer base is angry people who don't know how to work their units. Everyone in my department who lasts more than 6 months becomes a drug addict or alcoholic.
I've been working in retail for almost two years now. There is nothing worse, you're treated horribly by customers and even worse by managers if you don't learn to deflect blame it all ends up on you, I've seen two entire staff changes including two managers since I started, I've been given promotions that lead to more responsibility with none of the benefits of money, respect, or time off. I'm only there still because there are no other jobs in this city that are hiring.
What is retail asistant? Also I work in a gas station and i never see my job on any of these kinds of lists, and let me tell you about a stressful job. Were the punching bags for every ahole that walks in the door, i really cant do anything about the (gas) prices so givin me a hard time wont solve anything. Also the job is as dangerous as a cop or cab driver. I dont think there is any job out there where the workers are treated worse or more abused by both the boss and costumer. If a cop gets cursed at he maces the f&@€r while i get to apologize when i did nothing wrong!
True, I smoke. There is one person at my job that "doesn't smoke" and she still smokes occassionally. I've worked at the same store for three years and customers are not always right, they are mostly wrong. The trick is to pretend like they are right. I just greet my regular customers now. Other people generally give you a dirty look....just a word of advice greeting is part of our job, dont flatter yourself and assume that I really care to talk to you. I wish perverts would stop talking to me the way they do and DONT TOUCH ME! Thank goodness I almost done school!!

elephants are dangerous and big animals. they can kill there handelers easily proved in books about the animal
The sales man job is more stressful because
1. There are targets which are always unachievable.
2. Day and night you get screwed for not generating business required by company.
3. Other department people will earn good or equal salary with very little stress and work.
4. This requires mental and physical activity many times. you have to work as you are working for your own company to close the deal and won't get much benefit in salary or commission.
5. There is very less security in this job become underperformed or ask for salary hike employer is ready kick you off.
6. It requires skills and commitment to get sale for p/s of company so people should understand the importance of sales people.
easy as 1, 2, 3... Why the heck is this so hard? When I was a salesman, all I did was talk to my co-workers, fold clothes, talk, talk, go on break and than clock off...
This is the cruise-iest job I've ever had, yet I have had nothing to compare it too. So if this the most stressful job there is, then bring on the surgery
This is by far the Most Stressful job in the world! Anyone that has attempted this profession would agree!
This job is nice. Having to be nice to jerk people isn't that bad, just think about the figures and everything will be alright.

The most depressingly stressful job ever.
First off you have to lie to your clients about how much better your company is than some other agency.
Then you have to falsly advertise to ensure you have a candidate for when above company books.
Then you have to lie to potential candidates about how great your client is and it will 'proberbly be ongoing' knowing full well it could be just one day..
Then you have to grovel to your client when it all goes wrong..
On top of all this you have to deal with a constant barrage of incompetent idiots calling looking for work all day whilst trying to please your boss by increasing sales. Unfortunately your boss will never be happy and will make you redundant, it's just a matter of time.
Total hell.
Completely agree. Not just on the consulting/agency side but on the corporate side too. Too many demanding hiring managers, you feel like you report to 20 different people. You have no control over the outcome no matter how hard you try, because ultimately it's not up to you. Want to help people find jobs? Please...It's not up to you who gets the job. Managers shun candidates who are most interested and available now. They want the one happily working somewhere else and expect you to magically get them over to their company without much incentive. Your success is not up to how much time you put into your work. It's up to the Manager or the candidate. Very unrewarding, draining, and soul crushing. Pay is good, but you'll be overworked, unappreciated, you're only as good as your next fill, you're expendable, and seen as a roadblock. If you value your soul, stay away.
Recruitment is one of the best occupations - IF you are working in the right firm and in the right place within the food chain in the firm (i.e. Director and above...even better if you're the owner). For front line consultants, researchers & Jr Managers it can be he'll. Little or no job security and a revolving door of staff coming and going.
I completely agree. Its one of the most difficult and stressful jobs in the world. You can give a gurantee or a warranty on a product but never on the performanece of a person, you could out in loads of man hours and still not find a suitable candidate for the client. Both the client and the candidate can change their minds at the last minute and thtrough the entire process the recruitment consultant has their fingers crossed! Total crap, The single biggesr problem every employer has is getting good employees. There comes a point where you actually feel - what the hell, i dont care that you dodnt have good staff - what can i do!!!
This job is worse than people realize because there is zero reward in it other than the money you can make.
Teachers stressful? Sure. But it's also something you can love. Recruiting just sucks.
An airline pilot? At least they love to fly and make great money.
Recruiting just sucks. You're forced to lie, people lie to you. All day long.
i agree! i hate lieing to people ALL day. its a drag, then dealing with people calling in and being soo rude! It stresses me out likie crazy

24/7 on call. Customer complaints. Very high level of service expected. Unrealistic deadlines and workload.
There's a saying in my team - We've done so much for so long with so little without complaining that they now expect us to do even more with even less.
The pay is not bad but a call centre agent has no knowledge requirements and responsibility of doing anything that could potentially bring down the infrastructure which could cause companies thousands (possibly more) per hour/day when the systems are offline... We do not only have the annoying parts of people screaming and shouting but the responsibility to ensure optimal uptime of entire production lines etc, it becomes interesting, any choice we make could have dire consequences...
At least you get paid a good chunk of money. A call center agent is being yelled at all day long for a close-to-minimum wage.
I agree. People need to understand the fundamental difference between "Technician" and "Magician". The latter doesn't do computers and the first can't wiggle his fingers and make computer problems go away just like that.
We work long hours that go beyond our assigned work schedules, We have to contend with the dissatisfied who think a computer is this magic box that has decided to plot against them.
And when anything goes wrong, they point the finger at you, like it's your damn fault for opening so many windows all at once or installing limewire on your PC when you were told not to!
And what to say of the "extra-curricular" requests of some superiors who think that you can fix their relatives toys for free?
I sometimes hate the false sense of self-entitlement that some give themselves. We, who are IT professionals, are unsung heroes in the workplace, let me tell you.
We are the ones making sure that your database is working, We are the ones who make sure that email goes through. We are the ones who make sure that important teleconferencing call is static free and the connections unbroken.
We check every little blackberry, we inspect every little packet, remove every little viruses and go out of our way to make sure the networks that are used stay usable.
While the big boss is catching some rays in cuba or some other exotic locale, we, make sure his computer is pristine when he returns.
When the new intern, who is about as tech savvy as a lump of clay, comes in and screws up his or her workstation, and that they feel the heat from the delays, we have to take it on the chin. Repeatedly.
The IT man, is not a weak man. We can't afford to be. You depend on us so much!!
I hear that! I have been under such pressure trying to please everyone, make things work, correct problems and keep up with work load. That is why I done a search for this list, I honestly thought it would be much higher on the list...

Highest suicide rate? 1st, if you are trying to do PERFECT, you have an extraordinarily difficult goal to achieve. Imagine if you are OCD. When is something perfect? You are working in a tiny space! As with surgeons, U are always aware of the untoward potential consequences. Unlike an MD, a DDS is not compensated when he is merely ‘talking’. He makes his bread/butter by ALWAYS CUTTING hard or soft tissue. We are surgeons every hour that we practice. We worry about the business end – that is important in order to be able to continue w/a viable practice. We hire & fire. Then we have to worry about being compliant w/ the regulations/gov’t that regulate us. Everything from bloodborn pathogens, material safety, disposal of X-ray solutions, taking of X-rays, disposal, of waste water, or contaminated waste [blood/teeth/gums], silver filling, etc., & of, by law, educating our staff about these very issues. Then comes the emotional complexity of all our different patients, esp. as we ‘invade’ one of their most private parts & ‘do work to them’. And what an environment that is, one w/ about as many strains of bacteria/viruses as anywhere else in the body! Not to mention complying with other rules that a business must deal with, like keeping the street clean 18 inches from the curb. Etc. Did you know that we can’t even just pick up and move? - we are not allowed to just practice in any state. Like saying that a DDS in NY is not capable of filling a tooth in FL. & unlike a shrink, who merely supplies tissues, a DDS has an enormous amount of $ invested in dental equip. wh/ is hard wired into the physical structure in wh/ he works – air compressor runs drills, suction machine to evacuate your mouth, water, drains. To become a dentist, in addition to the 4 years of college, you need 4 more years of DDS school – can cost as much as $75,000/YEAR
Constantly having to perform your job within 3-4 feet of other people, who are constantly staring at you. Requires the ability to perform complex mathematical solutions while maintaining a calm and relaxed exterior AND simultaneously socializing with guests. When dealing to someone who is rude, there is no option to walk away. You simply must stand there and deal with it - sometimes throughout the duration of an 8-10 hour shift. You're dealing with tens of thousands of dollars on a daily basis, so your next honest mistake could cost you your job, so your guard can never be let down - unlike most jobs, which can often be done on auto-pilot. Casino dealers work every holiday known to man during the wee hours of the morning, sometimes without a set schedule. Having to constantly re-adjust your sleeping schedule adds added stress to an already very stressful job.
YES! I am about to start that lifestyle. For me though the stress will definitely be worth the money. Yes beware that you must ALWAYS be courteous to others because remember...the cameras do not lie and are always watching. Procedures to dealing are key, you can not steal (not that I would because the money is great), you can not be rude, most of the times you can not make decisions outside of your duty. Very military-like structure as far as a "pecking order". Know your place in the casino, the game(s) you deal for, know the payouts to everything, and if you are a poker dealer, KNOW WHATS IN THE POT AT ALL TIMES TO THE DOLLAR! So do not think you can weasel your way out of trouble once you make a wrong move...
Oversee invoicing, watch profit margins, control shrink, maintain your staff to keep people happy. Watch purchases vs sales weekly, cut meat and make it look pretty, maintain prudent merchandising to maximize sales. Give 110% to working towards generating new business. Answer the door, answer the phone, answer your boss, and the bombardment of questions that never end from customers, staff, salesmen, etc. This is not to mention the overkill on food safety and all the proper procedures you need to follow to make sure no one gets listeria! Put your order away, boxes that weigh 100lbs or more, and do it all in a refrigerator all day long up to 70 hrs a week.
No credit for extreamly high responsibilities which involves making decisions and carrying out tasks that can have a huge impact on the cost of a construction project. Once something goes wrong, site engineer is the fall guy and politely makes his way off the site bringing with him any expensive equipment which he can get his hands on to sell on the black market. Then he goes to the next job until he makes another ****-up and the proces repeats itself.
This is more of a seasonal issue than year round. From mid-October through the first of the year being a portrait photographer at a department store should rank in the top 10. With appointments booked 10 minutes appart and parents wanting the best photos of their child/children, sometimes with clothing changes will not be content with a 10 minute session. There are too many varriables to count that can set you behind schedule. Cranky kid, mothers like the ones on Toddlers and Tiarras, dads that are missing kick-off, it's a recipe for pure madness
long hours, standing on your feet all day, lots of people pleasing, hectic time scheduling
Very dangerous work being just feet from 70-90mph traffic. Constantly on toes. Can't hear instructions from manager. High death rate from accidents.
Especially difficult for recruiters returning from active duty. This occupation is related to a high number of suicides.
I have a degree in this field from a tech school. What a mistake! I worked long stressful years in NYC for many years. I don't have a family but often wonder how people do it with a wife & kids at home. Also, very little room for advancement unless you want to be a Production Artist for an ad agency. And advertising is another industry with another bunch of headaches. One set salary for unlimited amount of work hours. Get ready to spend 85% of your life at work and the other 15% of your life at home in your bed with enough time to sleep and head right back to work!
Ive got 30 years in. Im 46 and look like 60. I own my own shop and the only time I look at a clock is when my alarm goes off in the morning. Constant deadlines, multitasking with minute details, staying current with technology that will eventually put me out of business, crazy competition and even crazier clients. Every day we pull it off with perfection. Every day we wonder when we will be obsolete. I think I will finish my scotch now and them go to bed. Tomorrow is another day, at least we are busy now and the house is warm and the kids are fed!
Printing folks burn the midnight oil and have to be perfect! Trying to manage last minute changes from customers while maintaining very TIGHT deadlines... talk about stress!! When projects change at the last minute.. they have to work nights and weekends to pull off changes. Also sometimes clients and customers don't send in all their files until the last possible minute.
In an administrative role, you are the " go to" person. You are expected to know everything - even if you just started in the position. It is your job to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. If something falls through the cracks, you are deemed as unorganized and unprofessional - which will come back to haunt you during the performance review. You are expected to handle calendar and travel arrangements, distribute mail, chase down mail, create correspondence, answer phones, order and fetch lunch and serve as a multi-tasker - just to name a few. In a nutshell, you are expected to make things happen - no matter how ridiculous or humanly impossible the task is - the department/team depends on you to work your magic to make other folks look good. For example, if your boss screw up on something, you have to fix it - and if you don't - you will come off as incompetent - even though it wasn't a problem you created. Everybody's problem in the department/ team is YOUR problem - as an admin - you better be able to deliver - which is why this role is stressful day in and out. In this role, you need to becareful since so many people are demanding something from you and "want it now" it is easy to be overwhelmed, stressed and feel extremely unappreciated and question your self-worth.
This is the most stressful job I have ever had,
especially since everyone says they can get it
on the internet, but still want to real person (me)
to book and handle their stuff! It is very detailed, dont
send someone to the wrong city or hotel....do you know how many holiday inns there are in Orlando,
LA or Ny? Dont forget their frequent flyer numbers, their upgraded room, their window seat,
and oyh yeah it is my birthday....can I get anything for free?
I used to ask if a new travel agent I was dealing with smoked - if they did, I knew they were the the one I wanted to work with - all my best agents have so I can't imagine what being a travel agent does to your health.
this one needs to be moved way up the list! As a Travel Agent i am so stressed about time limits and people stranded that my hair is falling out.....this is not about a vacation - most of us are corporate agents with Execs and travelers yelling at us all day long for stuff that is out of our control!
Picking up and dropping off packages in rain snow and shine in your personal vehicle, dealing with deadlines, rush hour traffic, and trying to park in congested downtown areas without getting a ticket (imagine you're getting paid $5 to deliver an envelope, and the only place to park is a garage that charges $3 for the first 30 minutes). Not to mention that you get paid per job, so if you want to make good money, you have to work long hours and burn ALOT of gas.
I don't need to explain. Anyone who has worked in fast food knows how stressful it can be,
couldn't agree more, the whole idea of being able to make hundreds of sandwiches per day, on top of keeping it under about a 2min 30sec timer all by yourself, then you have to deep clean the restaurant itself like you were a literal maintanence man, its rediculous
I could honestly say I could not imagine anything remotely more stressful for the same pay, you get shouted at if people wait more than five minutes, you take abuse off of customers constantly and you can't defend yourself. Everybody thinks your brain dead!! You work all night and the companies keep adding and adding to the menu.... How can you expect to run a drive thru with unrealistic targets, unrealistic labour limits, and some idiot smashing the restaurant windows because he's drunk and doesn't want to wait 3 minutes for a burger??? Stress!!!!!
please. everyone in high school deals with this job if they don't have a silver spoon. fast ffod, forget about stress. eat your free burgers, smoke your pipe, and go home at 6pm.
Hear hear! Have to be availble to work pretty much any time the store is open, deal with a boss you can't reason with or negotiate with, deal with holiday traffic and constant rushes of people, I work near a bus station so all the people want food before they get on the bus so they are always rude and impatient, have to deal with lines of people, making 3 things each, that stretches to the door, on my own. And we get paid the absolute minimum for it. The only good thing is that they are very easy jobs to quit, its not like you spent 8 years going to college for it.
From the time you clock in, to the second you clock out, it is go, go, go. Example: you are constantly on your feet, running from kitchen to patient's room, back to kitchen, resume your current task. Or from kitchen to Long-term Care, back to kitchen. Don't forget about the other two things you were doing at the same time. You take calls. These must be answered w/in 3 rings, or management will believe you don't care. Many interruptions. Many delays. But a certain task must, must be finished at or before the appointed time. Legally, we get 1/2hr break. Later, IF YOU ARE CAUGHT UP you may take two separate 15min breaks. Often times, with each day different, with unexpected occurances it will take longer than anticipated. Resulting in a long, tiring day of 8 hours with only that 1/2hr to sit and relax. (Seriously, you're constantly moving all the time. Not a quiet desk job.) Not to mention, I'm in a kitchen made up of 11 people. 8 women. Yeah. Eight lovely women all working together at the same time, in the same small hot kitchen, each trying to get through the day... Think about it.
The amount of disrespect janitors receive is disgusting. I'm working at a college dorm doing that right now so I can get the benefits of college being partially paid for in return. Its so degrading and makes you feel completely run down, especially when kids younger than you treat you like you're a worthless slave to them...and the amount of work pu onto each person is ridiculous(where I work at least). Its hard and dirty work someone has to do, but doesn't mean were worth nothing. So damn stressful.
The goods there are deliberately overpriced for a start including gasoline, plus people are stressed from driving at long journeys also as part of their job. What do you get, a lot of abuse, worse if there is a large queue to deal with. Not to mention that a majority of these places are delibarately understaffed, staffs are always on sick leave, sometimes delibarately. Also you are made to feel undervalued by the supervisor, if not the management and you know you want to hand your notice in but you need the money
in filling stations, like above but you sometimes have people who fills up his tank of gas, then he either try to pay with an overdrawn card or have an invalid card, scarier if that person is a marine just coming home from his tour of duty in Iraq. Worse is sometimes, these people after filling up, they just drive off into the sunset.
trust me, I used to work in one, both a shop and in filling stations
I strongly believe this occupation should rank higher than a fast food worker. I work at a self serve gas station and no one really understands the emence amounts of stress that it delivers. For one, the computer system at my work place crashes, as it does at many other gas stations, and people drive off without paying for their gas. Usually there is one person working at a time, and to be left to deal with a person's business and money under these circumstances, is indeed stressful. In a day, employees lose a great amount of cash due to "drive offs" and they deal with the owners, or pay out of their own pockets. Also, people are rude, and take out their anger over gas prices on myself and my co-workers. I'm a 17 year old girl, is this really my fault? And to keep up with the maintenance, along with trying to be there to allow people to pump their gas is difficult. But overall, it is absolutely more stressful than fast-food, because you are souly responsible for a person's great amount of money and their business.
I strongly believe this occupation should rank higher than a fast food worker. I work at a self serve gas station and no one really understands the emence amounts of stress that it delivers. For one, the computer system at my work place crashes, as it does at many other gas stations, and people drive off without laying for their gas. Usually there is one person working at a time, and to be left to deal with a persons business and money under these circumstances, is indeed stressful. In a day, employees lose a great amount of cash due to "drive offs" and they deal with the owners, or pay out of their own pocket. Also, people are rude, and take out their anger over gas prices on myself and my co-workers. I'm a 17 year old girl, is this really my fault? And to keep up with the maintenance, along with trying to be there to allow people to pump there gas is difficult. But overall, it is absolutely more stressful than fast-food, because you are souly responsible for a persons great amount of money and their business.
Constant Steam of Demands...Not allowed to take the cream of the sale or have the power of the purchase....just dealing with the intricacies and only spoken to or noticed when needed....no international opportunities, no massive bonus opportunities or commission...just long hours, stressful days....and grey hairs on medium to low wages....but need to be very aware, alert and concentrate every minute of everyday....
Not only dealing with an environment changing daily by the minute, trying to please store customers, store owners, store managers, subordinate staff, upper level staff, execution and penetration of 500 products and packages that change constantly, 60hr. and more weeks, e-mail that does not end 24/7, pricing, contracts, off the chart expectations, lower end pay, lower end bonus structure, high quantity of health issues across the board, thankless.
I think the words "simultaneous" and "translation" would be more than enough to put this really stressful job at the top of the list!!! You listen and remember and translate and speak - all at the same time and mostly on topics you may have absolutely no idea about
State laws to follow, customer service, time lines, dead lines, regulations to follow, ensuring injured workers have the care they need even though they think you are out to get them.
You are behind enemy lines and stealing top secret information. If you get caught you are killed.
Sure, that's a given; but give me a break. To be a spy you have to be broken down and rebuilt so that espionage is a second nature. I would have to figure that any spy has the capacity to deal with the stresses as a part of their personality... anyone care to share?
Going to places unheard of, travelling close to enemy lines to bring news live to the millions of viewers back home, journalists do lead a stressful life.
its a stresssful job...i feel from birth since i m a son of a journalist....
There are a bunch of hard decisions and if you do the wrong thing a bunch of people are shouting at you.
Ditto on you couldn't pay me enough to do this job. The whole country knows what kind of vegetable you like and hate, whether you smoke, where you take your wife to dinner. Constantly getting interrupted night and day because most of the world is uneducated and also armed, or because of any random natural disaster. Half the country trying to convince everyone that you're the devil himself. Every victory is painted as a failure because you either did too much or not enough. Striking a deal between people who idealogically despise each other just to get anything done. Oh, and let's not forget: constant threat of death.
The President of the United States does not do the work; he deligates it down through the chain of command.
More stressful to be a truck driver than the president??? Get real. Truck driving through a minefield, perhaps.
When I was a child, I dreamed of being President. Now, you couldn't pay me enough money to have the job. With all of the problems of the modern world, the press watching your every move, and the constant partisanship on the Hill, I'd probably be the first President to die of a heart attack, stroke, or suicide.....

all day looking for new words to put in/ old ones to take out. Danger of deadly paper cut. Highest suicide rate out of all jobs!!!
Wanna know, go ask Fabio Capello (of the dismal performance by England in South Africa World Cup) why it is stressful to be one, plus they get a lot of flack, from the genereal public fed by all these garbage by tabloid journalists who have never kicked a ball in their life
On call 24/7, assisting people in the best and worst moments of their lives, subject to criticism and second-guessing, people project their own problems on them. Expected to be warm and welcoming, object of suspicion if they are. Expected to be instantly available to everyone. As someone once said, "We put clerics on pedestals so that we can get better aim."
People in the money market are bound to be under tremendous stress. Split second decisions could either earn them huge profits or result in major losses.
Failed list, add investment advisors and any other financial professional in charge of making money for other people! Then move it into the top 25 at least...School bus driver??? Give me a break!
Wow, seriously wow that stockbrokers are listed way too low...Also, as posted above, traders -especially derivatives and commodities(trading with leverage in 24 hrs markets) traders- should be top 3 easily...
Goals that are unreachable. Your job based and threatened daily on numbers made by someone. Who has never worked in the feild (college idiots who think they know). Equipment that does not work. BUt you are to get your job done with it. Seen 6 employees in 3 years have heart attacks with 2 of them not surviving. Anyone that works here. Will tell you how bad it really is. And how bad it has got. Customer service is not important. The bottom line profit is.
Try managing a customers money the way they want it directed, then have them cuss you because of new policy an regulation, you cannot allow them access to the money.
Deadlines, Pinpoint Accuracy, Commission, Low Base Pay, Travel, Billing Issues, Customer Service, and Unreachable Sales Quotas.
That the problem if the supervisors would do job right they wouldn't have to deal with the union.
Granted there are our share of Psychos... Management has its hands bound by the archaic requirements of the unions that don't allow any of us to get our job done efficiently... We will go bankrupt solely by the grievance payouts to the union because of the lazy 15% that will do anything to get out of actually working! Reference our brother carriers in Philly... in the bar...all day...
There is a reason so many of them have gone postal. I am married to one of the sane ones, but he has to walk on egg shells around the phycos he has to work with. The supervisors are stupid and it is no wonder that the service is in debt. Poorly managed and spending countless hours fighting stupid battles with the union.

You are constantly under pressure to provide hit songs to major record labels. This may require you to make hundreds if not thousands of songs with the possibility of only handful ever becoming a hit. If you're lucky.
Then there is the stress of dealing with drug addicted music stars everyday in the studio and trying to get the best performances out of them and working around their unpredictable schedules.
Checks are few and far between with everyone trying to rip you off of your publishing and royalty fees which are your main source of income.
The job requires an ungodly amount of work hours, sometimes going days without sleep and incredible pressure to deliver.
Ok, there is no such thing as a record any more. A musician or band is signed by a label, independent or if they are unlucky one of the major three. The folks working for the label may get plenty of sleep as do the musicians while the internet full of free downloads sucks them dry of any thought of making a living.
Exactly,It's a stressful job for who want to be famous like C.Ronaldo.
I wish I could make just 10% of what most ball players make. I went to high school, trade school, the U.S. Army & graduated college.
If you don't perform well, all of your fans hate you - and then you get sent back to the minors.
I suppose press conferences can be stressfull. How about trying to keep a family together being away from home 9 months out of the year?
What stress? Getting paid millions a year for doing something a lot of people would do for free? Please.......

There are women that pay for their own home, car and support their child's education dancing. It comes with a price. Pressure to be 'on' at all times, physically and mentally. Putting on a flirty front for random men. Like costumer service on steroids! (Introverts beware) Strangers from all walks, will try talking to you and treating you in ways they never would outside the club (that goes for club staff as well, sometimes). Don't forget independent contractors- you pay to work. Working out all week and getting ready for two hours does not mean you show up and get paid always. Slow/bad nights can still =no money. Dancing is not recession proof either. While going to school, I danced. It takes a women with a thick skin who doesn't get caught up in drugs or heavy drinking to survive. Dancers have to deal with a lot of rude and repulsive behavior up close- that can be stressful. When they get paid, the money can be good. That is because not everyone can do it and certainly not survive it unscathed.
Really i was thinking of moving from a buyer and a mom to becoming a private stripper...what do you think people?
Because young kids have to deal with school for years when there fun time is just flying away
You are overloaded with homework and are constantly being judged by your peers and your teachers. People are constantly picking on you, and there's no rest.
Exactly! Especially on public transit when the driver, adults, and seniors stare at you. One false move and everybody tries to have you kicked off. We actually are abused! Just over time!
it kind of depends. Highschool is tougher than it was 50 years ago. Though people think the quality has lowered which is has, but at the same t he expectations placed on high school students are high and at times unrealistic. I've taught as a substitute teacher, and I see what they gotta do. Prepare for high stakes exams at the end of every grade, test, essays, in class assignments, homework, yes part-time job. And depending on where you are and the student's background some are work to support their families, some are coming to school starving, and some are functionally illiterate with no way to give them the attention needed for them to catch up to their classmates. Being a teacher is tough, but high school students get it tough in the US. not even mentioning the crime and drugs they MUST deal with as young people, going through metal detectors and getting harassed by police officers with guns. High School was not like this when my parents were attending it in their youth.
Most all of us were high school students once. I assure you that this is just the begenning of your life's problems. I don't think that this should even be counted as a job much less in the top 200 on any list. Yes we had part time jobs, stress at school, boy/girl problems, parent problems & then we learnt how to deal with them & still got good grades so we could go to college. You can do this just give it 100%.
Trying to deal with state test and worrying about college.Also of corse natural teen drama . (just graduated)
I can't even begin to tell you how stressful it is, day in & day out. I would have to have 10 pages to tell you about the stress that comes with this position.
High quotas, deadbeat debtors, long hours, verrrry high turnover-rate, work stress...
Are you kidding me? 87...I have ben in collections for 5 years and each day is a stress jungle and it never gets any better. I cant remember the last time i called or was called by a debtor that didnt frustrate me by either there anger, attitude, incompetince or just lack of accepting responsibility for paying back money they completly agree they spent. Always, always someone elses fault. Some debtors treat there contract like emmidiate or or even continuous payment is optional.
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