Haggis is a savoury pudding containing sheep's pluck; minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock. I'm Scottish, so I should know.
Basking Sharks are not dangerous & will not attack people. They are friendly curious giant fish with the title of Shark attached to it. There are over 100 different species of Sharks & only a handful are dangerous. They are to be admired & in awe of not hated.
basking sharks are not man eaters people they are found in the north of Scotland and eat little fish they do not have sharp teeth they have gills and do what whales do and keep there mouth open all day to catch filters
basking sharks are harmless so they won't try to get you OK because everyone is afraid!!!!!!!!!!
Why! Why, why why!? i love the beach but now, now! arrrrggg y'd u tell me about this STUPID shark! its a thret to humin kind, aaannnddd its... GIANT! By: Lucie, Ellie and Laura x Lucie: 10 Ellie: 9 (her b-day 2day! :D) Laura:9 xxx
Why! I thought scotland was a nice place to live, but now when i go to the sea side i wont go in the water because im scared that i mght get eaten!

A plant native to Scotland, said to mean ‘solitude’, something all of Scotland’s native creatures crave!
Hi i'm Kayla, im 12 years old, i have one eye no nose and half an ear, if your reading this message post it on five other sites, if you don't i will come into your house and stab you right in the heart! After you have posted it press add a coment and post the five sites you posted it on. See you in hell...
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