My siberian is my lead dog for pulling and untethered he can out pace me on a speed bike and I can pull at least 50 km/h he is also not even a year old
Siberian huskies can run up to 40 miles an hour at a sprint and for a 3 mile distance can even average 30mph
Sibes are run competitively... I guess you have never heard of sled dog racing. The reason they are on this list is probably because they are the fastest of their style of running(endurance). You put a grey hound up against a husky in a race longer than 800 meters and the husky would destroy the GH. Also huskies will not run away from you if you give them the proper exercise, mental/physical, and love. My huskies will always come back to me when called. They love to explore, you just need them to love you more.
I would ask, then, why do they not race Huskies competitively? If they are faster than Greys, the gambling industry would have snapped them up for racing long, long ago. They are cheaper to keep, and could race in all kinds of weather without ill effect. If they WERE faster, THEY would have have a bus company named after them. (Either way, the dog tracks have to close.)
My husky did 40 with ease behind my truck in the snow i can't imagine any of those dogs mention being able to keep up. This is real life watch him on YouTube his name is Hercules. If it were a sunny California day and a track meet. the husky would smoke all competors. As far as in the snow none of those dogs can handle a husky speed. And my best friend happens to own a greyhound as well as a dobie and they have never once had a step in front of my dog in anything true speed lies with breeding and to run for 1000 years its one of the eldest breeds
Sibes are speed-endurance dogs bred to pull light loads quickly over medium distances, but they can't touch the sighthounds - who were bred to run unencumbered over short distances (sprints). I reckon due to the body shape of siberian huskies (I mean the racing type not the show type) they'd be about as fast as a wolf at top speed (approx 36mph) the same as any wolfish looking breed (including GSDs, working type border collies/sheepdogs, Belgian shepherds etc). Dobes are faster over a short distance usually due to the addition of greyhound in their breeding - they don't have the endurance of the aforementioned breeds though.
Blah blah blah. Siberian Huskies, the real ones, not the box types bred for beauty exhibitions, are racing dogs. Sure they can run for 1500 km at lower speeds, but I had a siberian female that we measured at 60 kph (over 36 mph). She once let a whippet pass her at full speed, and in less that 50 m put in such an acceleration that reached the dog, put her front legs on her back at full speed and tumbled her. It took the whippet 20 m to stop rolling.
I see two Huskys at my park. My Dobie is much faster and more agile than both. Huskys strength lies in their muscular endurance in pulling large objects vast distances. They are not among the fastest dogs. In terms of jumping I would also rate the Dobie higher. I have never seen a dog with so much spring, they can clear enormous obstacles with great ease. 14 foot fencing? Not a problem. Overall though, the husky is a powerful dog with tremendous endurance and wanderlust. Amongst the top end on almost all areas of performance in my opinion.
I have three. Two are pretty fast.. But ones the fastest dog at my towns dogpark. He likes to chase the whippet around and often beats every dog to the ball but ends up passing it cause he's going too fast lol. They can also jump extreamly high and pull very hard.
I think huskies should be lower down the list because they are bred for endurance not for running. If they did run at 47/48mph they would be faster than horses and they are not !! Sorry !! :)
Huskies are fast dogs and all but are mostly bred for endurance. They do not belong on this list.
My Siberian can run up to very high speeds and just at 4 months of age.
The siberian husky is a great dog with great speed and endurance. But I warn you if it runs away it will never come back (it loves to see new sites).
siberian hushies are the best long distance running dogs in the world and they can run up to 48mph

yeah greyhounds are so fast. I love them and I really like lurchers (greyhound crosses)
You guys need to take a look at the African wild dog it can match the speed of a greyhound and keep it going over rough terrain for miles rather than a couple of laps and then will eat the beaten greyhound when it finishes
I have been to Wentworth Park in Sydney many times to watch the dogs race, and I swear no other dog could possibly reach those speeds! If people seriously think any other dog could beat a racing greyhound go see Fernando Bale race!
i have a 7 months old grey and i call him bullet. I always take him out hunting and i tell you the name says it all. the guy can can run down a springbok with relative ease. his acceleration is just out of this world. what a dog to have and i love him so much.
I have a jack Russell Dalmatian mix and he can run bout 45 mph but he is never slow at anything he catches squirrels and other animals all the time haven't ran him for any sport because he'd rather hump another dog than race them!! Put a car beside him he will run like the wind until he can't!!
no there not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
greyhounds are like international runners like usainbolt and blake
Sorry... Greyhounds are the fastest dogs in the world. If your dog really is that fast, you need to take it to a race and your dog would be the worlds fastest dog.
I have seen the dog races with greyhounds and they run really fast😈😈

I have had four boxers. All of them the best dogs ever! So sweet and smart. All of them have varied in speed. All fast but my 2 year old has to go for run w me on an atv otherwise she's just humoring me! The atv goes about 40mph and she has no problem keepin up w me when I have it maxed out. Doesn't even look like she's straining herself. Everyone gets a kick out of it.
I've had three boxers and I can say that they do differ in speed some are much faster than others. I had one that was twice as fast As the other this was due to him being a larger dog and more muscular. I don't know what his speed was but it was very fast and I would put it pretty high on the list. Maybe he was just an exceptional boxer.
Boxers are amazing dogs there strides cover quick groung. I have got a boxer and she loves doing agility Terms of speed boxer dogs should be way higher in the list. My friend has got a Rhodesian Rhidgeback and my Boxer is faster at short distances and long distances. Boxers were breed to hunt big animals so the got be strong fast and have high enduranbe. Boxers all the way.
I had no idea how fast Boxers were untill the other day when my 6 month old bolted out the door. Not only was she super fast, but she was taughnting everyone to chase her.
boxers are the best dogs ever they are super fast i have one love her a lot !!!!!!!!
Boxers are the most energetic dogs i have ever seen!
they run damn fast and should go further up this list
boxers are one of the best and energetic dogs i nothis because my brother has one
the boxer IS fast, but, certainly not faster than a dozen dogs on this list
boxers are really energatic and i read there fast and i know they are!!

This is so wrong. Yes shepherds are fast but they don't hold a candle to greyhounds. There's a reason why you'd only see greyhounds in dog races
Lovely dogs especially the fluffy long haired ones! So fast and amazing
I love German shepherd and there really nice and sweet and there really really protective
German shepherds are great and fast dog but also very protective which is good but can be a bad thing as if in my case as I was offering a man money for a hood of a truck and one his German shepherds bit me on the back of my leg lol
My gsd is insanely fast I worry about him catching deer in my back yard and he's only 7 months
Our family German Shepherd used to regularly run down whippets and greyhounds at the local park when playing, much to the shock of their owners. He had a habit of knocking bigger dogs down and pinning them under his chest, too. He just liked to prove himself, I guess.
I miss him more than childhood.
My GSD is pretty fast... She is nearly 3 years old, about 60cm /schoulder, and weighs 32 kg....
Most GSD has more kilos, and therefor are slower
I have a whippet. He can jump over a German shepherd from behind while German Shepherd is at full speed
I hace a whippet. He can jump over a German shepherd from behind while German Shepherd is at full speed
German shepperd are the best dogs ever how come he is the 3 rs
No way grey hounds are the fastest dog in running but a german shepherd is fast at stamina
German shepherds should be the 10th fastest. The greyhound is the fastest breed!!!!!!!
Wait so your telling me that German Shepherds are slow. But why do we use them as police dogs.
I have a gsd and a grey hound my german shepherd always beats him in a race
I have a german shepherd it is very fast it is also faster than grey hounds gsd rock//////
No way, greyhound is the fastest dog breed in the world, period!!!
I have a gsd it is really fast I try to race but I can't overtake it.
i love German shepherd, apart from that they are fast, they are also intelligent and hardworking. they do scare people.
My german shepherd is really fast I normally race with it but it can't catch up 2 my Speed. I love my gsd and it loves me 2.
German Shepherds are the best dogs I have a 6 month old GSD and a greyhound Rhodesian ridgeback mix and the mix is lighting fast and the puppy keeps up with her but only because the mix lets her. They are very fast and beautiful. They are so smart! Very strong and heavy, still very speedy though.
German Shpherds are all around great dogs! Fast, strong, beautiful, obedient, smart, and loyal. They are the best. I love GSD's!
I have a 3 month old German Shepherd and I bring her on a mile long run in the mornings and she she tries to sprint the whole thing! GSD's are beautiful, strong, fast, and very smart dogs. I love them.
my friend next door said the black lab was the fastest and i said no
German shepherds are one of the best in almost everything .they are the best
these dogs are so ugly i would never own one of these ugly dogs
Had to look this information up with my now 12month old German Shepherd not only out running my Shetland Sheepdog but also changing directions so quickly out smarting him as well, amazing play time. Surprised to not see Shetlands listed being a herding breed.
GSD is the only ideal dog in the world. It is regarded as 3rd most dangerous dog, 4th most popular dog , 10th fastest dog and a brilliant bodyguard. I' ve a GSD named Derek . He runs faster than a whippet. I clocked it at around 43 mph (69.2 kph).
I have a GSD. They are very strong,heavy and fast. But not the fastest.So please make a proper list. I think GSD deserves 7th or 8th rank.
I have a german Shepherd in fact 4 of them they a strong build but they are fast
My German Shorthaired Pointer is 3 times faster than any GS around and only ranks one position higher on the list. I have owned both breeds...German Shepherds are nowhere near the 8th fastest dog....I call BS on this list.
Are you kidding? German Shepherds are way too heavily built to be on this list. They are strong and all, but very slow.
There 2 heavy to be fast. I think they should be a bit further down. I love them tho

My dog is a mix breed. He is VERY VERY VERY Fast. But he is not a greyhound sadly.
My golden can reach speeds of over 30 mph.She catches birds all the time. Golden retrievers can catchbirds too not just huskies.My golden retriever can catch any prey she wants to, birds , chipmunks, rabbits , etc.She has done it many times.
Golden Retrievers are very smart and they are the nicest dogs because they won't even bother killing a bird or really barking at someone. Unless for a good cause. So faithful and loving to their owners.
Golden retriever faster than a racing husky? Sure, in your dreams. The only dogs I have seen faster than my siberians were greyhounds. And in terms of acceleration, no other living dog. Racing Siberians catch any prey they want, even smaller birds, cats, anything that makes the mistake of underestimating their speed.
my dog's name is Toby, He is a golden retriever. His fastes is 1.7 seconds. My name is Abby and i am 8 years old. I have been testing him for 3 days and I am teaching him about space and cutlery.
luv Abby
Actually the smartest dog is a border collie and the fastest are greyhounds, golden retrievers are know for being loyal and friendly but not fast lmao
My golden,Abby is the best she`s pretty,cute,loving,king,sweet,smart easy to train and if you get hurt she licks you like crazy

Dalmatians were breed to run along side a horse and carriage. They are very fast and capable of running really long distances like 30 miles in one treck. They are fast enough to keep up with the horses and have the same stamina. I own a dalmatian and 2 labs. He beats both my labs to the ball. One of my labs is very fast, she's out run 2 retired greyhounds at the dog park, but I don't consider that an accurate test. Running around a dog park for a ball is not the same at running on a official track.
dalmatians are super fast we had one that we used to herd our wild horses she had no problem keeping up with them in a horses full sprint something else neat about a dalmatian they have a natrual calming effect on horses our wild horses would let her walk under there legs and they wouldnt would just stand there if one of our blue healers done that they would send him flying
Wait a minute, you just rated labs faster than Dalmatian, yet you just said that your Dalmatian is faster than both your two labs. I've never seen a list so out of order. I noticed the ones that you say are one of the fastest that I have never seen on a list before are dogs you own.
Yes you're correct they ran alongside carriages but horses pulling carriages don't go faster than 10mph (usually slower than this) so this is not an indication of speed. Certainly is an indication of great endurance though.
Horses and traps/buggies (small open topped vehicles) can go faster but I've never heard of dalmatians being called "buggy dogs" :P
I deffinately think dalmations should be way up this list. My dalmations cross greyhound has beaten all other dogs that she had run against track and field. They have great speed like the grey hound and has the stamina and endurance to keep going for longer.
I think dalmatians should be higher up on the list past huskies, poodles, german shepherds and also doberman as they r 1 of the fastest breed of dog that has ever lived !! They are meant to run and they can run and beat those dogs that I have mentioned at the top ! ! ;)

I have a high pedigree border collie male that weighs 43.5 lbs and is 17 months old. At the 70 meter mark on a collegiate track with police radar, he hit 44 mph. Every breed has its phenoms and no two people run the same times; it only makes sense. He can also do this all day long with very brief stops for recovery.
I have a border collie and it's faster than a jack Russell. 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
I was on a field with my brand new quad and my 4 year old purebread boarder collie, she was trying to chase me so when I got to the end of the field I whipped around and took off and I read the speedometer 10 to 20 to 30, she was right with me until i hit 45
I have a border collie who stopped growing from a heart condition and is relatively small. But it made him unusually thin, he gets out of collars all the time and wiggles through any fences and I've never seen a dog so fast. He chases motorbikes and beats them . I reckon he'd give a greyhound a run over a short distance.
Quick, fast and turns on a dime. Smartest dog I have ever owned or been around, by far.
rescued a boarder collie mix last year, she's right around 40lbs now and can run like a bat out of hell. We just timed her chasing a squirrel over approximately 50 yards in a little over 3 seconds and out ran another boarder collie by 10 yards at least.
My 80 lbs purebred working line border collie, "Big Boss" is almost fast as a car in 50-60 km/ h but he cant keep up that speed very long thou.
Hes also big and tall as hell but not fat. I wonder how he can be so damn fast.
Border collies are way faster than hound dogs..i have a five year old border collie.that can outrun and out think my buddies german shepherd
I have 1 boxer and 1 pitbull and the boxer definatly tops it out in speed and quickness
My Border Collie was racing against a siberian husky on the beach and my dog won. He kept up with a podenco (Ibizan hound) too. I don't think border collies are the 4th fastest dog though! Surely all the sight hounds should be first!
i have a two year old border collie and my friend has a golden retriever and my other has a chihuahua and my dog always wins when they play at the park
anythings faster than a border collie ive raced them against a walker coon hound the collie cant touch them walkers are way faster
border collies are much faster than you say, where is your information taken from? I think your list has been made up from the top of your head. A jack russel IS NOT faster than an italian greyhound that is just stupid.
i have a border collie and it is faster than a beagle jack Russell

oh yeah im sure yous are all telling the truth oh yeah bro your awesome
Whippets are fast deadly thin and should be thurther up th list at 2
I have a whippet she is very fast and is only 9 months old😃😃😃😃😃😎😎😎😎
whippets should be tied with greyhounds. At a short sprint, I put my money on a whippet. They are more agile than a greyhound. Whippets are quick & fast! GREAT DOGS
Great dogs...full of energy and extremely playful. Great with kids and other animals. Mine is a 2 year old girl who is the greatest with my kids, very protective over them, but never aggressive towards them. Great dog to own!!!!!!!!!

My Dobie can jump a five foot fence and beat most breeds in a race. My Ridgeback though is slightly faster and can run for longer at speed.
With the exception of the scent hounds and possibly the Viszla, dobes will outrun most of the dogs in this list. I have 3 dobes and all of them prance faster than most of the dogs on this list. My male outruns my buddies Rhodesian all the time.(at 10, most dogs don't keep up with him)
Dobies are much faster than many of the dogs listed here; I have a 75 lb female and she would SMOKE a GSD, lab, Aussie Shepard etc. The list should go like this: greyhound, whippet, saluki, dobie, pharaoh dog, then all others.
A dobie should be before most of the other dogs higher up on this list. Mine always outruns the dalmatians, retrievers, huskies, and Alsatians all the time.
dobie all the way.........mine catches me at full in 3months.......im eighteen.........
I have a ten year old doberman, one of my favorite things has been watching him run. He's fast and has great predatory skills!! Even to this day I'd put him against almost any dog on this list. Dobermans should be on the top of the list.
I have had many GSDs, and routinely see a Black Greyhoud at the park. My Doberman is much faster than any GSD and not very far off the Greyhound! I have a 28.5 inch European Dobie, so he is a real bruiser, he carries that bulk with grace and extreme acceleration and speed. I have seen a Saluki, but never seen it full speed, I have no trouble believing they are faster though.
I have a Doberman it is so fast and never leaves anyone in the family's side!!!!!!!!!!!
Dobermans are the most faithful dogs in the world in my opinion. My Doberman pulls my mom while she is rollerblading, going about 35 mph, that's pretty fast
That is crazy. I guess alot people don't realize that when they made the breed they use greyhound to make this beautiful dog
I would put money on my Dobie against almost any dog on this list. Who ever put a Shepard higher than a Dobie should have their head examined. Lean and fast equals Dobie.
Family & friends and mine have all been extremely quick, but my father's demonstrated such a burst across a field after a squirrel one day that I put seeing greyhound racing on my bucket list, as it must be amazing to watch a dog even faster!
This is ridiculous. Dobermans are slow and 'stiff' as hell. They can't even fully spread out their legs. They definitely do not belong on this list.
Such an overrated breed.
i rekan they are truely one of the fastest dogs ever and there top speed is 67 kilometrees an hour

My Ridgeback plays with many breeds and races them; she is slower than a greyhound, whippet, wind-hound, but she beats Labradors, Weimeraners, Pointers, Vizlas and all other breeds. After 10 minutes chasing, all of the other breeds are tired but she is still fresh and fast,
I've had several ridgebacks, and even the stalky ones can out run most dogs and do it all day. My current ridge is lean and tall, about 95 pounds and he can top 35+ mph with little effort still with a gear left. Remember, ridgebacks have Greyhound in them, and can outlast most dogs in an endurance battle. I like another commenter that said his Ridge can beat a boxer running sideways. I've personally experienced this kind of performance practically ever time we go to the park while he gets every other dog to chase him. That's their signature play thing, and if a dog can approach him, he simply finds another gear and leaves that dog in the dust.
Where is the Cape Hunting Dog and Coyote. This is a popularity contest and not a valid site. So sad when children make websites!
I ran 20 miles with my ridgeback hound mix today, with over 4000 of elevation gain. He's unbelievable, weighs in at about 80 lbs at 2 yo. He sleeping well deeply right now.
I've been a dog owner and lover for almost 40 yrs... mostly shepards and akc rotties, but I've had a female Pit-Boxer for about the last 5 yrs and lemme tell ya...I have NEVER seen an animal move this fast in my life!!! Not sure if her top speed is the fastest, but her acceleration is INSANE!!! 3-4 gallops and she's at top speed, so fast that when she hits foliage it explodes and she gets grass stains on the white parts of her beautiful brindle coat :-)
their bred for endurance, speed, stamina and strengh. truly over all a one of a kind dog!!
I have a 12 yo and a 10 mo. 12 yo is 92 pounds and lean and took a bit to get going but up to speed he would chase down any dog. my 10 mo is 71 pounds and takes off like a bullet. Also amazes me with his leaping ability. I'm 6'5 and he will stand next to me and jump straight up and be level with my head. Their mix of strength and speed is truly unmatched.
My ridgeback ran 46km/h when he turned one year old. It was his first time of running 100m straight. I don't know how fastly he can go now!
Ridgebacks have been clocked at 30mph +. They were bred to run down large fast game animals. I've had mine in a run with Greyhounds and Whippets and there was no difference in speed until the 4th lap when my Ridgeback was faster than all of them due to greater endurance.
my Ridgeback Pup - just over a year now, runs like the wind and likes to chase balls, over and over - but now after running at speed (and not wanting to stop) she falls over - doesn't recover well, so I'm having to cut down the time she spends on the fields. She loves it so, but she will literally run until she can no longer stand? Could something be wrong?
I've run my ridgeback with a viszla, whippets, italian greyhound and he's all over them, the one dog that has out paced him in a straight line so far which he still managed to cut down eventually was a bull greyhound (pitbull greyhound cross) which looks mainly like a greyhound but slightly chunkier. he wouldn't have a chance with a greyhound for the first 5 minutes but would outlast it all day with enurance. There is no tiring him.
the whippets out accelerate him but when he gets his stride he catches them.
he's only 10 months though. don't know if he will get quicker or slow as he is a stocky male
My RB is 14 months (81lbs) and runs faster, jumps higher than any dog i have ever seen!It's breathtaking!
I really like them cos the are big and smelly, thats a complement to them
My Ridge-back runs for miles with me on bike rides. Not only is she fast as hell but her endurance and heat tolerance is just insane.
My ridgeback is 6 months old and can run and jump like no dog i've ever seen. it's ridiculous.
My rb is only 8 months old and already out running my brothers 3 year old border collie which is a fit working dog
Both a sight and scent hound, Greyhound is part of it's lineage.
My Ridgeback can outrun a Boxer at full tilt while looking sideways.

I have rottweiler my rocky will bark went people came from out side
My rotti did 43km/h the other day, gona train him and see if i can up that to 50km/h
Best dog breed ever. They only want to make owner happy no matter how much effort you put them into. They love walking and loves to show off too :).
I have mainly had Rottweilers all my life. My kids ride them lay on them, jump into the box with Mum and Puppies. Never had a more loval dog than a Rottweiler. All will bark when strangers come around but isnt that half the point of having a dog to protect or warn you someone is around.
they are not at all freaky if they are raised right they are very lovable and loyal only dog my parents have gotten since ive been around they are beast
These dogs are freaky I would never ever get one in my whole intire life I recommened a Siberian Husky (pure breed).

I have a new Labrador puppy she runs very fast and is very playfull
i also have lab male puppie it runs like an adult boy .so its name is rambo
our lab dog Bud is in incredible shape we feed him taste of the wild food and he plays for hours a day. i had my brother drive his truck steady 35 mph next to our field and right when he passed us i used a chuck-it to throw a tennis ball far down the field, within about 2 seconds he was accelerating past the truck easily. im guessing about 45+ mph. you would have to see it to believe it. Bud is pure stud is our saying. he is also the best part of the family.
I adopted a lab mix 3 weeks ago. She is very fast and playful.
My labrador does dock jumping and disc competitions. I have had her clocked on a 40foot dock at 29.9 mph. She is very fast.
labrador are the best dogs in the world they should be much higher in the list.
A lot of labradors are fat and slow, they just love to eat...And because of this a lot of people think al labradors are rather slow compared to other breeds. But when they have a balanced diet and enough exercice, they can be very fast.
My labrador outruns a belgian shepherd with ease. (And that shepherd loves to run). And she keeps on running at a high speed longer than most other dogs i've seen. Only an alaskan malamute and a crossbreed with a wolf had enough stamina to keep up.
I've seen her run with whipets, and yes they accelerate faster, but it only takes a short distance for my lab to gain up on them. So in terms of top speed they don't even come close!
Our labrador runs like the wind and can take corners well too. I haven't come across many dogs that can outrun him - he can even keep up with the greyhounds in our village. He is from Working Labrador stock so he is very slim and has longer legs than most domestic labradors
I have a lab, she's a amazing runner, not white as fast as my boxer, but they have amazing stamina, she can jog all day! But she's scared of water so I don't know how fast she swims.
i here they can run up to 30 mpsh if their fast swimmers theyve gotta be fast runners plus belgians can run up to 35 mphsish so yeah
Labs are indeed fast. They can swim like hell, and my dog can run like super fast. He's caught a rabbit before!
Labradors are not near the top 20 fastest dogs...they may be truly amazing, loyal, and hard workers but they aren't that fast. Trust me, I've owned plenty of Labrador Retrievers, and I know for a fact that they're not that fast.
Sorry, labradors are not the fastest dog. In fact, short Labs can be very slow. Sweet dogs tho.

A friend of mine had a very loving pitbull. His mother took care of it for years while he traveled. It killed her and ate her face for no discernible reason. It had to be put down.
I have been around dogs my whole life ,hundreds of breeds and have never seen many dog breeds that can sprint, not run, faster than a pit bull, 40+ MPH. But a greyhound ,, many other breeds are equal or close , but pit bull should be in the top 5,, also pit bulls are the most loving, most loyal dogs I have ever been in contact with, only bad people , make bad dogs
My pit is a rescue, and she might be part greyhound, she's 60lbs and sprints 44 mph. It's insane. She can jump to where her head is a foot over mine. So athletic and beautiful!
I have been a pup mother of two pits one he will be 6 hes kept up with deer! Grounds hogs n saves ppl n other animals in distress. Second my girl sissy she has styed neck n neck with a deer she defenity has the speed of a greyhound mix she may b tiny but my lil miss can run. One more point I have to make its not the pit breed it The owner. If any body did there research they were bread for many dogs in Germany
I pacd my 85lb pit at 35mph for well over 1/4 mile, he really has a thing for looking at the front of moving vehicles.
I have 5 Pittbulls. These animals are extremely powerful, VERY fast, agile, and the most loyal and obedient, and sweetest pets anyone can own. You can make a toy poodle mean if you try, so please don't listen to the negative publicity about these beautiful dogs
A grey hound is much faster than a pitbull.
Do some research. Where would you find a pitbull at 50 mph?
I had an all white red nose pit named pearl, sweetest animal I ever owned. Anyways our police department put up radars so people can watch their speed in residential areas. The radar clocked my 5 month old pitbull at 41 mph. I've seen her easily catch rabbitts and sparrows out of mid air
well i can see that none of my comments have been posted probably because of prejudice but it should be posted here that NO other dog can out sprint an American pit bull terrier in less than 500 ft it is a fact i have personally witnessed a 50lb apbt out run an Arabian horse and have enough speed to turn and nip at the horses nose they have explosive power and you cannot out run one
the fastest dog is the greyhound (45 mph)
how in the world could a pitbull do 50 ?
dont be silly, please 50 mph that is nearly as fast as a cheetah.

i have a vizsla and when we go to the dog park she beats all the dog they be number 5
I own a vizsla and she outruns most dogs I've came across also has no off button !!
I have a vizsla named fizzy she is a very fast dog. I like its take up. I always run with its toy and she runs behind me. She always took the toy from me. She is of 2 years. She has won4 marathons. It's my best friend.
i have a 7 year old vizsla, I've just trained for a marathon and she trained and still does with me all the time, I've done 20 miles with her in the cold and it didn't faze her at all, she has slowed down a little now but at 2-5 years old i would've put her against anything,I've seen her run down an almost vertical drop and also up it
My Vizsla is 4 yrs old. Runs circles around my neighbor's Brittainies. Her accelleration from a slow run to full run is an amazing thing to watch ... She's a blur with a stride like a thoroughbred horse at the Debry. Can easily cover 25 feet in one leap to clear something in her path. Born to run. I owned a Weimarner that was taller and very fast, but not as fast as my Vizla. Very affectionate, very sensitive, very intelligent. Treat them very gently.
I have a 3 month old Vizsla named Pippa and she can keep up with my sprint already. She doesn't have a whole lot of endurance yet but she will. I myself am a runner and this is the primary reason why I got her.
We have 2 vizslas and have not seen any dog that can keep up. Border Collie is a little more agile, but overall haven't seen anything but a greyhound keep up. Our dogs have run with most on this list and would definitely be in top 5. GR and GS are no where close!
Great dog all around. Have had one for eight years and still the fastest and most loyal dog I know.

Breed Top speed
1. Greyhound 45mph - 72kph
2. Saluki, Sloughi 40mph - 64kph
3. Barzoi 37mph - 59kph
4. Whippet 35mph - 56kph
5. Afghan hound 33mph - 53kph
There are other sighthounds like Galgo, Hungarian sight., Poland sight., Azawakh...
I don't know top speeds of this sighthounds but i know they are in top 10 list, sighthounds are the fastest dog breeds in the world, slowest here is mutch faster then fastest dog that is not sighthound.
One of the fastest dogs that are not sighthounds are Rhodesian Ridgeback, WORKING German Shepherd, Doberman...
I’m really amused that you claim the Rhodesian Ridgeback is not a sighthound. They are not nearly as fast as a Greyhound, but they absolutely are a sighthound. Also, it’s Borzoi, not Barzoi.
My saluki x grayhound has been clocked at 47.3 mph she is quick but loves nothing more than cuddling up on sofa with my 2 daughters that are both under 3 me are so lucky we found her
my dog named twilight was recorded running 46 at max speed for 60 meters straight
I Have A Retired Racing Greyhond they are defiently the fastest breed of dog in the world
I have a saluki x greyhound, yet to find anything that can keep up and i do try.
Why does no-one seem to recognise the Irish Wolfhound? These are sighthounds & the tallest of all dog breeds. It has been calculated that these could run faster than a greyhound due to their superior stride-length though as far as I know no-one has ever been able to get a radar on one going flat-out.
Our retired racing grey, an ex champ, is astonishingly fast. Quite scary as he comes running back to you after retrieving the ball!
We've got 2 retired racing greyhounds and they can cover over 40ft in four bounds... our local fox & squirrel population is well down lol

I strapped a GPS unit to my 18-month old GSP this morning and his top speed was 27mph and he was not even pushing it. On one of his good days he must be between 30-35 mph. I'll keep clocking him.
It certainly matters each dog's exposure to running, but if you put my male gsp who runs every other day against most of these dogs I garantee he would win! B.S. list!!
my gsp is way faster than any dog it chases or plays fetch with; should be at least #10
Our 2 yr old gsp is so fast it has run down and caught two birds and one cotton tail rabbit in our back yard.
My GSP is 10 months old and out ran my friends 2 year old Greyhound so this list is somewhat B.S.
My GSP is 1 1/2 yo and he looks like he is a cheetah compared to other dogs. I also have a pitbull and my pitbull gets tired after 2 minutes of playing but the GSP wants to go on for hours.
our gsp out sprints every dog he comes across. he can run longer than any of them too. Only a Rhodesian Ridgeback has been able to keep up
My 1 1/2 y.o. GSP can outrun virtually any dog at the dog parks. Only Dobermans can keep up.
Our 1 1/2 YO GSC outran our neighbors 1 1/2 Weimaraner easily.

Saluki should be number 1 or 2. My saluki is a puppy and is already faster than our fully grown Doberman. You probably can't count
salukis are the second fastest breed in the world and although a greygound might run flat out for 20 seconds a saluki wud hammer it in a long run or in the corners salukis can turn in a coin and their smart and relyable and make good pets
The "Alaskan Husky" is a cross breed between a Husky and some other type of hound. It is not an actual breed. These are the animals used in Sled Racing however. Should be way up the list
I have an Aussie and I wouldn't say he's the fastest dog I've ever had but by far the most agile and the biggest ham haha. The only reason why the two shepherds and the Doberman at the dog park can't seem to catch him is because he can turn on a flipping dime without skipping a beat and I have literally seen him turn around and jump over a dog that was chasing after him and bite it on The ass and proceed to take off running again. He will have me in tears laughing and other dog owners scowling.
My guy is just over a year and the only dog he hasn't been able to outrun is a greyhound. He puts German shepherds to shame and slows down for most dogs to catch up so he can play with them. They should be up near border collies.
i think that they should be higher up because of the lack of the tail makes them much lighter. also it depends on the dog.
I have a Australian sheperd that is so fast that it chased a crow and caught it and ate it
My Aussie lives on a farm by railroad tracks. He races trains for about a mile at top speed. He then jumps in a creek to cool off. Top speed is 36 mph clocked with an ATV.

I have a weimaraner mix, they are so beautiful and definitely very fast. Should be higher up on the list
i have a weimaraner hat we found on the road starved and we toike it in her name is cheatoes and shes the fastest dog ive ever seen shes faster of the greyhounds.
hi i have an 8 month old weimaraner and she is bigger than a full grown pitbull her name is graycee and she is reallly really fast she tears up my backyard when she runs in a circle
Had mine keep up at 30 mph. Had her overtakd me with me driveing at 20-25 mph and a 75 yard headstart, oh and hse was running through several inches of mud and 4 - 5 inches of water.
Fanny weimaraner vs grey or whippet? Weim has no chance. Playing and running for a ball ins noting bring your weim and that grey to trek and you’ll see. no chance.
idk if a golden is faster i gave a 6 month weim and it keeps up with a 2 year old golden
i have a 18 mth weimararner and when he runs he sounds like a horse!!very fast dogs..they are very clever with the right training..like any dog,u get out what u put in
Weimeraners gets very fixated on toys ,asspetialy balls .watch out for that ,get something to calm him down ,like a belly rub or just hugging him ,they love human toutch.
weimeraners are one of the most cleverist Dog breeds there is ,you have to handle your k9 with respect and have a tought hand aswell ,u as the pack leader should show him from a puppy what u need of him and when his all grouwn out he would be the most obediant dogs u ever come accross ,it doesnt take to much hard work to train him .Its the owners fault if your weimeraner doesnt work to your standards ,then u have got only yourself to blame .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Weimeraner are very Quick ,and keeps on going , my friend have a grey hound ,but my weimeraner beats him every time to the ball on stech of about 70 meters ,and have gas left to go time and time again.
thats really strange as on many, many, many, websites and videos and in books they say that weimaraners are extremely clever, and i think that they should be way higher than this as they are faster than viszla's.
i have a weimarner i love him!! But He Is The Most Dumbest dog in the world but very fast and annoying and they have lots of energy! :) I would! recommend them!!
weimarners are like speedy bullets
if u get one they have tons of energy i dont reccomend them they are annoying stubborn and rambunctious but very fast

i disagree my pure breed beagle is as slow as a snail. he gets walks every day and runs every afternoon. we put him on a 25 meter run way and timed how fast it took him and it took him exsackly 11.5 seconds so i recon that they should be number 40
It is recognized as a seperate breed from Greyhounds according to AKC. It can reach speeds almost as fast as a full size Greyhound.
Using distance over time method my IG has easily hit 35mph. When he is loose at the dog park with other dogs he is always the one they are trying to keep up with.
I play baseball so I have a radar gun used to clock the speed of the baseball. Used it on my italian greyhound and was clocked at 33.4 mph top speed. 30+ every time.
Are you kidding! This thing is SMALL! It's less than 17 inches tall. Poor guy wouldn't be in the same area core as these other dogs.
These little fellas are fast for their size but run only slightly better than half that of a greyhound (25 mph)

Over 30 years, I've had three of these. Big dogs with long powerful strides. They're runners alright ! I've seen mine run down deer in full flight with ease. In the chase and at full speed, I reckon more like 30-32mph - not much short of whippets; and deserve to be far higher up this list.
Irish Setters are a vigorous sporting breed. Unlike greyhounds and whippets, they can keep up their momentum all day. I guess on acceration after game I get 28-30 mph out of my present one. With their lean build and deep chests, these dogs are built for serious speed and dobt disappoint.
They should be on the list. My old red setter boarder collie x (my vet was absolutly convinced he was a black setter) was clocked at over 50 k/ph over hilly terrain and kept the speed up for over 750 meters. I used to throw tennis balls as hard and far as I could when i was playing state junior indoor cricket (I have a pretty good arm) and almost every time he would catch it before it bounced, he was freakish, miss him.
Wilson my 7 yr old red setter ran 100m in 8.7 secs today. He was much faster 3 - 4 years ago.

All you people who have seen a chihuahua run than you are the luckiest human being in th world because you have the cutest site with there tongue out and there legs not touching the ground the only reason the chihuahua is not#1 is because not alot of people have them because of their size which is sad but I think they are good gard dogs and my chihuahua Tyson could out run any body who gives a bad comment
Here's a tip if you think a chihuahua is not fast then try spending time whith them they will prove you wrong
My 6 month old chihuahua tops out at about 14mph. It outruns all of my friends that aren't athletes. I'm willing to bet my chihuahua would easily outrun the last poster with the ignorant comment.
I can out run a chihuahua with a single step what in the world makes you think chihuahuas are fast.
My 14 year old Chihuahua is still the fastest dog in my neighborhood. I have kept him with a wonderful diet and always give him plenty of exercise. He still acts like he is a 2 year old dog. But he is 14. This breed might not be the fastest breed. But if you take care of them the will always be super quick and decently fast. THESE DOGS WILL LIVE FOREVER IF YOU TAKE CARE OF THEM.

Not nearly as impressed, am I, by how fast a dog can run and cover a certain distance as I am by how fast a dog can move its body. Jack Russells are small, but they can move their little bodies with more pure athleticism than any of the bigger breeds and probably more than any of the smaller breeds. If a greyhound, say, could move its body with the pure quickness and athleticism that a healthy and fit JRT can move its body, the greyhound would probably be able to reach a genuine top speed of 50mph. JRTs are simply little athletic dynamos. Pound for pound Pound and inch for inch, they leave probably all the other breeds in the dust.
my jack Russell is so fast and I can never keep up with her. she was able to keep up with our old lurcher(greyhound x german shepherd) and sometimes even overtake her
my dog is really fast goes faster then my go cart it mostly races my car and it went 30 miles per hour.its only 5 years old
I often measured myy (part) beardie collie at 27mph. It is not easy to measure speed but he could keep level with the car showing 27mph on speedo. Speedos in the UK usually read a bit high, so true speed would be more like 24 or 25, I suppose. I was amazed to see him running at top speed once, and yet be overtaken by a Jack Russell. The Jack Russell is much smaller, has short legs and doesn't look built for speed, but was still a good bit faster.
I wanna race one, they will probably win but I still wanna race one but I am a sprinter
Jack Russell's were bred to run with horses while hunting but kept small so they can follow prey into their dens. So yes, they're very fast.
My jack Russell is 11 this year and is still fast enough to keep up with me while I'm sprinting she chases cars down the street an is only about 5 m behind them
I have a Jack Russell Terrier and when I am on my bike going about 20 mph she keeps up with me. I bet she can run faster. We don't have a real way to test her in a field, since we live in the city
well don't know about your Jack Russell's but my neighbors Golden Retriever can't keep up and she is very healthy and so is my Jack russell
ommmggg, my jack russel his like not even 1 years old yet and can out run one of my fastest running friends, bloody fast cant even catch him! seriously :(
Cute little things, but should be lower down on the list, sorry
omg i had a jack russell she was super fast nd super cute u cant even catch her with 5 hyper kids

Its been around for centuries, and is in the same realm as other great sight hounds for speed.
OMG they should be in third my corgi is super fast faster than a boxer well my friends!!!
my miniature is 12 now but up to the age of 10 she could out run every dog at our agility class
My standard male runs at least 1-2 hours daily chasing a ball and has only been outrun by a few dogs at the beach or dog park. His stamina is very high and if push can to shove he can out maneuver and out distance most dogs too. An all poodle team of standards ran the Iditarod from 1998-1991 and finished in the middle.
I have a standard, he's faster than any dog at the dog park by a long shot. Shocks a lot of people who think the breed is just a prissy show dog.
Has actually been recorded as having the highest top speed in the canine world (45mph).
I have owned a Dalmatian (fast), a Weimaraner (fast), three German Short-Hair Pointers now (fast, fast, and fast), a Jack Russell (surprisingly able to keep up on those little legs), and now an English Pointer (together with one GSP and the Jack). All of my dogs have been fast and with incredible stamina. However this English Pointer is the fastest, running with an ease and gait that is just a joy to watch. He purposely slows down to play with the GSP. I would put him up against any Greyhound. All of these breeds are high energy, however, and one should think carefully before choosing one whether they can supply the necessary exercise (two are better than one as they exercise each other). Ours run on six open acres ALL day.
I would have thought they were further up the list...
my maltese is very fast and can even outrun me. therefore, the should at least be posted in the thirties, it not fourties
they have great stamina and they work realy hard and they won't give up not in the hardist conditions
We are on our third airedale and I would like to know their top speed, in MPH. At 10 months Oliver is spontaneously racing and beating other dogs around a circuit in the park. Not sure if they cover the same distances of course but he looks very fast and balanced as he leans in on the curves
Airedales are cute, but I am surprised that they are this far down. I own a ten year old airedale terrier who still seems just as active as a puppy. She is also very fast and outruns all the dogs in the dog park. I thought that airedales would be ranked higher up, like at number nine or something.
10th smartest dog in the world and in the top 10-20 fastest!! Very loyal, agile, independent, and excellent guard dog!
Afghan Hounds are so fast and can run faster than 53 mph. I don't know why it is not in the list.It deserves at least #5.
I don't know what you are, but you can make it to the other side of the dog park and back in 20 seconds flat, I love ya buddy.
It easily outruns the neighbor's border Collie and can keep up with a truck doing 38 mph for a long distance. May even run faster as noted when herding wild boar or cattle.
I own a 2 year old female Catahoula, and she simply loves to run. A friend of mine is a traffic officer, and we used his radar gun to clock her speed at just over 46.4 miles per hour. Frankly, very little seems to slow this dog down. She likes to sucker other dogs into a race and then she just totally dominates all of the others. When she runs at her highest speed, she demonstrates the body mechanics that remind me so much of a Cheetah running flat out to catch prey. The really interesting thing is that this Catahoula can run at this high speed for a much longer period of time than any of her competitors, and she can go without water for an incredible amount of time. But, I guess that the Catahoula would have to develop that trait if it is bred to be out herding cattle all day or chasing down wild boar in the Louisiana swamps. Yes, she would have to develop the ability to go for long periods without water breaks; what I like most about my Catahoula is that she is extremely protective of both me and all of the members of my family. God forgive the stranger who believes he can just walk right up to our front door without a prior announcement of his presence. I have owned a number of dogs over the years, but this breed, the Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog, is by far the best breed of dog I have ever known. She follows me everywhere, and no strangers are allowed to get past her unless she receives my command to let it happen. Wonderful dog, but not for the family who wants a tame, timid, passive, low energy, inactive dog.
Yay! Swampy made the list! My houla is 80 lbs. He beats all dogs at agility course. Just clocked him at 18.6 mph max pulling my bike on fairly level pavement. Averaged 14.2 mph over 2.4 miles. Not as high as most. But I'd say he was very restricted. And this was just my first time out with the bike and spedometer. Pretty casual.
My Catahoula only gets outpaced by a grey hound at the dog park. She plays with a German Shepard and Lab regularly and easily puts space on them. Only 48 pounds but pure muscle. Runs beside my mountain for 3-4 miles but will have spurts of 26+ mph (on my gps app and she's on a leash). Off leash the leash she would hit 30mph for sure. A bigger male catahoula would have to be able to get mid 30's
I can't beleive this dog isn't higher. It's origins are partly from greyhounds. Although they vary in size mine is small at 50lbs but runs like a greyhound. Should easily be in the top five. She reminds me of a whippet, jumping over other dogs while running flat out.
My catahoula can pull me (85lb) and my friend (120lb) while we are on the ground and if I even let go of the leash I might as well say good bye because I couldn't even catch up to him.
i love my catahoula, he's my best friend. he weighs 90lbs but is still fast and very strong. not as high energy as my lab so he enjoys hanging out with me. : )
Similar to Ridgebacks, classified as both sight and scent hounds.

Anyone who saw President George Bush's Scottish Terrier in his Christmas video of Barney racing around the White House and by the Christmas tree, and another of him and his female mate chasing each other on the White House lawn, would surely put this unbelievably fast breed just below the greyhounds, shepherds, and retrievers. I wish someone would time all the AKC breeds, both short and longer distances. While this list is a beginning, an official test would be quite exciting. gg
I have a little pug she is so cute and smart and so strong even if she is small but she is smart and so polite she hates running and taking a shower she loves all kind of food!
I have done lots of research, and I read that basenjis are the 15 fastest dog breed... Hmm... That one specific website must be confused. My basenji is really fast though! He's awesome!
Was running besides my car at 38km/h and not at his top speed. MUCH faster than my Labrador...
Naturasl athletic racing lines, boundless energy, can hurtle faster than a flying pheasant!
I had fast Doberman, now we have Brittany Spaniel, this male is only 16 months young and it covers same 300 meters field 3 seconds faster than my previous Doberman. He is faster than Neighbours pointer. He jumps 2.5 meters high. I have never seen in my 40+ years any dog that is so agile. I picked him at 8 weeks of age from 150 acre farm in Saskatchewan Canada. Amazing dog :)
They also have great vertical leaps can go over tops of cars and even vans.
they can actually reach speeds of up to 45 mph and have the ability to occasionally outrun a greyhound
They outrun German Shepherds and can maintain high speeds for 2-3 miles or more. My best friend trained them for Police/Military. His dogs could maintain levels of 45 km/hr for longish runs in the 2-3 mile range. His Sheps top out between 12-14 m/sec, with the Malinois in 14-15m/sec range for shorter runs. His fastest Malinois could maintain > 50-52 kmh for medium runs in 1 km-2 km range.
Breed Top speed
1. Greyhound 45mph - 72kph
2. Saluki, Sloughi 40mph - 64kph
3. Barzoi 37mph - 59kph
4. Whippet 35mph - 56kph
5. Afghan hound 33mph - 53kph
There are other sighthounds like Galgo, Hungarian sight., Poland sight., Azawakh...
I don't know top speeds of this sighthounds but i know they are in top 10 list, sighthounds are the fastest dog breeds in the world, slowest here is mutch faster then fastest dog that is not sighthound.
One of the fastest dogs that are not sighthounds are Rhodesian Ridgeback, WORKING German Shepherd, Doberman...
not recognized in northern america, a very,very fast dog with high intelegince
This may not count, but it should be up there. I have a wolf/ bull terrier and german Shepard mix, and she's only 60 pounds. She outruns a full sized akita easily.
cheeta cant run that fast a yorkie cant run 30mph you need help
!00 mph ! are u kiding me. Do you KNOW what is 100 mph? A Jaguar can't touch 90 mph then how can a yorkie do. I think u should make an appointment with a Pscychiatrist .
my friend has a yorkie and is is very fast, playful, and talente . eventho they have short legs and arn't very strong they r fast

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