Literature, Expressionism,in literature it is seen as revolt against realism and natuaralism. Writers like Kafka,August Strindberg and James Joyce were associated with this movement. As an artistic concept it presents inner vision as representation of reality as opposed to Impressionists.
A great poet in ancient india, wrote a book called thirukkural. this book is a treasure. This book was written in tamil language. this is the only book of India which has its own greatness. this book explains from ploughing the land to ruling the country. each verse contains seven words. A great philosophy is said in these seven words. there are 1330 verses. this book is translated to many world languages such as arabic, bengali,czech,hungarian, finnish, english,french,spanish,hindi,kannada,oriya,malay,malayalam,german,russian, japanese,etc.
This book is a non-religious moral book.
Everyone can learn the moral through this book.
US Secretary of State. A proposal made French Foreign Minister Aristide Briand that there should be a pact renouncing war as an instrument of national policy lead to Kellog-Briand Pact. At Kellog's initiative the Pact of Paris in 1928 formally condemned recourse to war. It was subsequently signed by 65 countries but the question about the machinery to punish aggressors remains.
Ancient Greek Astronomer,produced the first star catalogue which was in use for about 1800 years.About 850 stars were classified by him according to their brightness. Magnitude of stellar brightness forms the basis for the present scale system.
Charles Dickens wrote many great novels like "A tale of two cities" and "great expectations".
Latin Literature, odes, epistles and satire.Virgil,Ovid, Cicero, Pliny, Tacitus, Juvenal, Lucretius,Livy, Trajan, Hadrin, Suetonious, Tibubullus all marked the inteleectual fervour and remarkable output of literature.
Indian poet,5th c, Abhijnana- Shakuntla, also attributed to him are two othe plays, two epic poems and a lyric poem.
Anti slavery activist, author of Narrative of Sojourner Truth.Escaped from her owners in 1826 and was granted her freedom the coming year (4 July 1827) on Freedom Day.Campaigned against slavery all her life.
Thomas Addison (April 1793 – 29 June 1860) was a renowned 19th-century English physician and scientist. He is traditionally regarded as one of the "great men" of Guy's Hospital in London.
retired Congressman(D&R) from FLa, was Decorated Vietnam vet(medic), Doctor ,lawyer, and Pilot who spends his own time and money helping sick children in "Dr's without boarders"
Chico Xavier, born Francisco de Paula Cândido (April 2, 1910 - June 30, 2002) was a popular medium in Brazil's spiritism movement who wrote 412 books, ostensibly using a process known as "psychography".
Black botanist who created hundreds of new products from peanuts, among other things.
Russian Film Director,introduced cross cutting , bursts of action shown one after another.
German psychologist,(1885,Memory) first applied experimental methods to memory research.Introduced the nonsense syllable as a stimulus for such work.
learning to communicate despite being blind and deaf
Occupation: lecturer, writer, reformer
Dates: June 27, 1880 - June 1, 1968
Amateur Astronomer, built the first radio telescope in 1937.In 1970 the Very Large Array of radio telescopes is set up in New Mexico and Karl Jansky's discovery that radio waves reach earth from outer space is carried forward in radio astronomy.
(1923–2000) - Argentine cardiac surgeon who created the coronary bypass grafting procedure.
A legend while at Caltech, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1965 for his work in quantum electrodynamics.
US statesman, Washington's aide-de-camp,American Revolution,A member of the convention that framed the US constitution(1787), he introduced the clause forbidding religious tests, Secularism, debate till goes on whether Bible or Evolutionary theories should be taught in US schools.
Nuclear physics, Along with E T S Walton succeeded in disintegrating lithium by proton bombardment, the first artificial transmutation in 1932c, poineered the use of particle accelerators.
Is she this high on here because you just couldn't think of any other worthy women to put on the list?? Being a woman myself, I am embarrassed to think that these are the best women you could have picked as influential. I would take Marilyn Monroe before Eleanor Roosevelt- at least she had the influence to satisfy a president. Don't think Eleanor ever did that ;)
Eleanor ahead of Frank and Teddy? And who taught you how to spell?
Chilean revolutionary,played a major role in the Chilean struggle for independence.He became the first leader of the Chilean state in 1817, reforms caused opposition and he was deposed in 1823.Died in exile in Peru.
President, World Bank,The WB Group is a family of 5 international organizations and came into formal existence on 27/12/1945 following the ratification of Bretton- Woods Agreement. IBRD, IDA,IFC, MIGA and ICSID have their own Board of Directors and the Executive Directors approve the President's contract.As a part of the UN system it plays a major role in Global Democracy.Its current focus is on the Millennium Development Goals.The free market reforms and structural adjustment, knowledge production monopoly,neo-liberalsim, donor and NGO driven imperialism are the criticsm raised against WB policies.Zoellick takes over at a time when scandals of corruption rocked the Bank leading to the resignation of Paul Wolfowetz.
Wife of Late Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister India,Dynastic Politics, wields influence in Indian Politics with minimum public opinion.
US physicist, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation,used Towne's principles to build a laser.A laser is a device that produces a powerful beam of light.
German poet, playright, The Three penny Opera, his work wasconcerned with encouraging the audience to think rather than identify, experimented with alienation and epic theatre.
Japanese Prime Minister, Propounder of the Japanese Business Model, Economic ties with a commitment, Feudal loyalties are combined with modern economic relations in an aggressive technological and marketing setup. As investors they test waters by giving limited work while setting unachievable targets to overseas partners.Use and throwaway technology is often inconvenient for economies with a large recycling, repair, reuse sector where technology is sought to be given a larger life/time span.
African Statesman, Ghana,Formed the nationalist Convention People's Party.Was a significant leader in the movement against White domination and Pan African feeling. He had a deep influence in African politics and was the motivating force behind the Charter of African States.(1961)Judicial reforms and one party state marked the growing influence of leftists.However his regime was overturned in a military coup.
Political Economy, The Marshallian supply and demand theory of prices and equilibrium came under challenge as being a two dimensional representation and welfare economics studied how best to distribute the national wealth among competing persons. Walrasian General Equilbrium as a generalization of Marshallian techniques were also seen as a failure in social choice theories which kept trying to axiomatize.New Age Economics chiefly under the influence of Manu in Methodological Frame and Legum Baccalaureus relooked at spatial economics from the analyzer and market pulse in a deontic net. Epicurean pleasure seeking principle of utilitarianism died and it is the time taken for restoration of bio-physical third state became the basis of temporality.Marshallian price meschanism based on supply and demand is only about extremal values in Legum Baccalaureus.
Discovered that plants give off oxygen and published a work on gas exchange in plants. Jan Ingenhosz developed the notion of photosynthesis further and showed that green part of the plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen in sunlight and do the reverse in darkness.
With Josei Toda founded the Soka Gakkai (Jap. value creating society) association which is an association of lay Buddhists of the Nichiren School.Has millions of followers.
Author, her bold views left many enemies seething.Their collective hissing is treated as torture on vanishing wild life by lovers of nature.
Russian inventor, naturalized in USA; pioneer of aviation in both helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. After immigrating to the United States in 1919, Sikorsky founded the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in 1923, and developed the first of Pan American Airways' ocean-conquering flying boats in the 1930s.
Dwijendranath Tagore was an outstanding poet, song composer and mathematician. Tagore's works are neglected as they have not been translated.
Abanindranath Tagore is one of the world's greatest painters and writers of prose fiction. Tagore is badly neglected due to lack of editions of his paintings and lack of translations of his literature.
Journalism,Advertising,US public opinion expert.Founded the American Institute of Public Opinion.Evolved the Gallup Polls for testing the state of oublic opinion.
She has done great things for women in politics, paving the way recently by running for President.
Really? This is what is wrong with politicians in a nutshell.
Who would vote her up? she is a career politician and a liar. I liked her husband but everything about whitewater was her doing , not Bill's.
"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
-- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
you should know what exactly a communist is before you make such stupid claims.

Churchill disclosed the "Percentages Agreement" with Stalin, which he called the "naughty document", in his memoirs. Had Roosevelt secretly signed off on the agreement before Churchill presented it to Stalin? There's no hard evidence that Roosevelt had foreknowledge of it, but it stands to reason that he was informed "after the fact". Roosevelt was most certainly guilty of complicity in Churchill's treachery, before and/or after the fact. After all, Roosevelt never repudiated the agreement. I agree that both men were equally responsible for the "iron curtain" that fell over Eastern Europe and the Balkans after the war, and for the resultant "Cold War".
it wasn't Winston who 'gave' eastern europe to the soviets, to quote Roosevelt; "I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man. ... and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
do a little research before you spout rubbish about him please.
Remember Dresden? Churchill ordered the unnecessary firebombing of more than a thousand German cities and towns, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent German civilians, and injuring hundreds of thousands more. Meeting with Stalin in Moscow in October, 1944, he essentially gave the Soviet Union Eastern Europe and the Balkans. He was the "father" of the Cold War. He's the one who should have been tried in Nuremberg for mass murder and war crimes.
Winston not only kept his peoples morale high during the darkest time in their history,he inspired G.Britains ally to greater efforts.And amazingly did it by telling the TRUTH! Top 10 on any list.
most unique, amazing and patriotic man ever to rule a country.
god bless his soul.
One of the greatest and most determined people to have inhabited the earth.

Inventor, eastablished one of the first research laborotaries at Menlo Park, 39 km from New York City.Patented 1,093 inventions during his lifetime.He and British scientist Joseph Swan invented the electric light bulb at the same time.Having developed the lightbulb went on to create a complete lighting system powered by a central generator.His power plant opened in 1882, soon whole cities were lit with electrical connections.
Greek philosopher belongin to Cyrene. The Cyrenics believed that immediate sensation of pleasure is the only good, all such pleasures have equal worth and the past and future pleasures have no present value. Just like Indian philosopher Charvak and Greek Epicurus, was an exponent of hedonism as an ethical doctrine which maintains that only intrinsic good is pleasure.As a thesis refined by utilitarians.
The instinctual thesis was tried to be looked at as bounded rationality in new age economics.
He was the scientific director of the "Manhattan Project" and is often referred to as the "father of the atomic bomb".
His discovery was important because the Nazis and Japan were slightly behind in doing the same thing, there wouldn't have been a world if they beat him to the design
Perhaps the greatest humanity had ever seen. A well rounded personality and a perfect blend of wisdom and compassion. Buddhist philosophy is an education of how one must live life with simplicity, rationality and compassion.
he was only prince to avoid oldage god of longliveness should be placed higher in rank.
Should be within the first three. He is the Philosopher, Guide and Spritual leader treated as incarnation of God and worshipped in Asia in Countries like Japan, China, Myanmar, Tibet, Srilanka, India, Nepal etc.
The Buddha was the greatest human being ever lived in this world. He not only demonstrated the greatest potential humans can achieve but also showed the path leading to that in a very scientific way. Accounting what is going on to the cause and effect principle rather than outside super power the Buddha emphasized the power of human mind. If developed and concentrated for the good of the world there is no limit to what humans can achieve in this very life. Gautam the Buddha is definitely within the first 10 great humans of this world. by Wickrama Keerthipala
Should be ahead of Dalai Lama, not behind him... Dalia practices Buddhism, Buddha founded it.

Agronomist, winner of Nobel Peace Prize for development of plant species and cultivation practices throughout the third world which greatly increased crop yield
per acre commonly known as the " Green Revolution " during the 1940s through
the 1970s which during a period of increased fertility and lowered death rates leading
to large population increases putting pressure on the world's food supply.
Dr. Borlougs' teams' developments during this time are widely credited with preventing the death of one billion+ people from famine.
1 billion or more deaths from famine
Nicolas Steno (11 January 1638 – 25 November 1686) was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology. In 1659, he decided not to accept anything simply written in a book, instead resolving to do research himself. The consequences of this self-study is that he is considered the father of geology and stratigraphy. He was responsible for the the recognition of geological strata, and the theory that successive layers of geological formations (strata) contained a fossil record of life in chronological order. He eventually became a tutor to the de Medici family and, ultimately, became a Bishop and a strong leader in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. He is largely unknown, despite his many great achievements, which may have been due to his religious zeal in a time that was moving away from reasoned science and towards observational science.
Jurist, Japan, President International Court of Justice, primary judicial organ of UN.Other eminent jurists like Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawnoh, Kenneth Keith, Abdulqawi Yusuf and Christopher John Greenwood have greatly enriched international law.
Economist, In Engand the publication in 1939 of emperical evidence by R.L.Hall and C.I.Hitch concerning the behavior of firms in real world situations spurred a debate. In America the debate was taken over by R A Lester, F Machulp, H M Oliver, R A Gordon, M Friedman,J Margolis,W J Baumol , J N Bhagwati, R. Marris, H A Simon, D A Kuhen and others.Friedman lead the utilitarian critique.Business Mangement became a specialized course till O E Williamson and his model of Managerial Discretion came into challenge by new age Economics( See O.E Williamson.
Great novelist and short story writer Mahasweta Devi is one of the most notable names of World literature.
Analytical psychology as distinguisehed from psychoanalysis of Freud and Adlers individual psychology. His work Psychology of the Unconscious was path breaking.Exploration of collective uncosciousness,psyche as a self regulating mechanism in a process of individuation. Refinements over time in multi disciplinary studies lead to Historical consciousness.
Surgeon,demonstrated that a specific region of the brain controlled a particular body function.
A neo Freudian, he is known for his study of motivation, Escape from Freedom, The Sane Society.
Pop Music, with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best formed The Beatles. In 1962, Ringo Starr (real name Richard Starkey) replaced Pete Best.
Lennon was murdered in the streets of New York by a deranged idolator in 1980.
i personally think he should be higher, then again this list is all out of wack
He is well known for his empowerment of women in leadership . He is the President of Rwanda.
Black Consciousness Movement, student leader,An attitude asserting that Blacks by virtue of their history and ethnicity,possess a cutural tradition distinct froom others.It rejects the notion that the non-white population has absorbed into White society.Led African students out of multi-racial National Union of South Africa and founded South African Students Organization from which emerged Black People's Convention. Most leadrs were imprisoned in 1977 and Biko died in police custody. Inspired the movie Cry Freedom.
He and German chemist Lothar Meyer proposed the periodic law of properties in classification of elements.
President of India, sole contribution to society is closeness to Nehru family and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. Has a penchant for distributing national awards to unknown reciepients.
After Oda Nobunga restored order in Japan (1534-82) Hideyoshi reunified Japan.Ieyasu followed and founded the dynasty that lasted till the modern age.
but is unbelievable! Michelangelo is a genius as Leonardo da Vinci, has been the torch of the art for centuries! be the western art! My goodness! But do we want to forget us our origins? Are you sure to want to park him to the 150° place next to the Brazilian president Lula?
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