This site contains lots of fun things, such as mazes, tongue twisters, quotes, poems to finish & links for children & grownups.
Fun for kids and grownups. I wasn't bored for a change reading and looking around her website. Great job. Great job.
Definitely eye candy from a talented author of children's writing.
Cool site. My daughter loved the colors and reading poems there. Really is a cool site.
I'm a 3rd grade teacher and I use a lot of Ms. Heck's poetry in my classroom. April is national Poetry Month and the children have to choose a poet and a poem to learn and recite. They often choose one of hers. Good Stuff.
I only can say I love that website, thank you very much, barkingspiderspoetry.com !
I'm from Germany and even could understand the funny poems. I not only enjoyed reading them and my little sister listen carefully to the poems what CJ read. I only can recommend that website and its wonderful made too.
Barking Spiders is an incredible website in a flash design. It's 3D and simply beautiful. On the opening page, there is singing. I wrote CJ Heck and asked who it was and she told me it was her. This is a must-see website for anyone with children, and for teachers, too!
That website not only contains lot of funny things and poems for children, the website is a pleasure and a real eye candy. I cannot expect to see and read the new stuff.

This on-line coloring book is visually stunning, fun to use (for kids of all ages), and includes valuable educational elements.
Kids Vidz is a fun video and music website for preschool to kindergarten age children. All the childrens music on this web site is appropriate for your children. We have great songs and videos from Sesame Street, The Wiggles, The Gigglebellies, Playhouse Disney, Eric Herman, Smartoonz, Super Simple Songs and more...
Funny poems and videos for kids. Lots of kids activities, arts and crafts, and free coloring pages.
THis site is awesome - fun and educational and completely free - with lots of fun science downloadible activities, games, and videos. It’s funded by the NSF.
My son entered his idea into the competition and online entry was easy. He got a free science activity kit just for entering! Check it out and pass it on - it is a little hidden on the web - didn’t find it during my searches for sites for my kids. A teacher told me about it.
This site has tons of FREE printable stickers and sticker charts. Its a hit with the kids.
Kids printable activity pages, printable coloring pages, on-line games, puzzles, mazes, and more! A web site for kids and teens!
It is really hard to find safe and quality content for kids. OyuncakAt.com has great and safe free games for kids.
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