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Top 20 NBA Players without a Ring

29 items ranked

In the NBA, the ultimate test of a legacy is whether or not you have an NBA championship ring. There are a good many talented NBA players who have yet to grasp that elusive honor. Here is a list of the top 20 NBA players without a championship ring.

Rated 2 points - posted 14 years ago by kris in category Sports.
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Elgin Baylor Report Abuse
It’s amazing how few people know about Elgin Baylor, a man who had a career average of 27.4 points per game. Elgin was offensively gifted and was a great rebounder as well. However, he never managed to win a title.
56 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
Amazing career averages, 27,4 PPG (3rd All-Time) and 12.9 RPG, being only 6'5", also holds the NBA record for most points in a Finals Game with 61, it's hard to imagine that he'd never won a NBA Title.
Added 13 years ago by guest, -1 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Charles Barkley Report Abuse
Charles Barkley is a trash talker, hall of famer, and ringless. Michael once again was the main barrier between Charles and an NBA championship.
55 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Karl Malone Report Abuse
Karl Malone is one of the greatest all time with career numbers like 25 points and 13 rebounds per game and 13 all-star appearances. But the one which they call Michael Jordan was the one who ultimately kept him from a title.
45 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 2 comments
for now.
Added 11 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
Also the second player with most total career points of All-Time.
Added 13 years ago by guest, -1 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Allen Iverson Report Abuse
44 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 2 comments
1997- Rookie of the Year 2001- MVP 4 Times Leading the League in Scoring 3 Times Leading the League in Steals 2001 Eastern Conference Champion 2001 NBA Finals; 35.6 Points per Game (48 points in game 1 victory over the Lakers)
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
At only 6 feet tall, he was the most explosive scorer of his generation, curent holds the 5th highest career scoring average in NBA history (26.8 ppg) and the 2nd highest in Playoff history (29.7 ppg) only behind Michael Jordan, he also holds 2 NBA records; 'Most steals in a Playoff Game - 10' and 'Most Consecutive season leading the league in Steals - 3', and was one of the very few player with consecutive 50+ point games in the Playoffs.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Patrick Ewing Report Abuse
40 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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John Stockton Report Abuse
John Stockton is yet another victim to Jordan and the Bulls. He made it to the finals in 1997 and 1998, but lost to the Bulls both times.
40 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Dominique Wilkins Report Abuse
29 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
Top 10 All-Time in total points and scoring average for his career, and maybe the most athletic NBA player of All-Time.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Steve Nash Report Abuse
27 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
I guess the name says it all
Added 12 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Reggie Miller Report Abuse
23 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 2 comments
Also the only player ever to score 8 points in less than 9 seconds.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
One of the greatest 3-point shooters in NBA history, second best in 3-point field goals made All-Time (behind Ray Allen).
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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George Gervin Report Abuse
22 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
Holds the NBA record for most points scored in a quarter (33), enough said.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Chris Paul Report Abuse
One of the best leaders of all time, and THE best leader currently. Penetrates like Nash, passes like Kidd, and handles like Iverson. You combine those things, you get Chris Paul. An unbelievable player.
18 points - added 12 years ago by guest - 2 comments
Got a chance to win one soon, gotta get passed OKC and Heat
Added 12 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
Best point guard in the league right now.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Tracy McGrady Report Abuse
18 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
13 points in 35 seconds is enough to be in the list, but he's also one of the few active players that have scored more than 60 points in a single game.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Vince Cater Report Abuse
16 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
Probably the greatest dunker to ever play in the NBA, sorry Jordan, Dr.J, Dominique and all the other great dunkers, but Vinsanity has brought the dunking game to another level, the same way that Dr. J did it in his time, Jordan did a decade later, and the final "Dunk Revolution" happened at the hands of Vince Carter at the beginning of the 21st Century, let's see who comes next.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Alex English Report Abuse
13 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Carmelo Anthony Report Abuse
12 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Pistol Pete Maravich Report Abuse
12 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Kevin Durant Report Abuse
9 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Shawn Kemp Report Abuse
8 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Lebron James Report Abuse
8 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 3 comments
He should not be on this list. He already won!
Added 12 years ago by guest, 3 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
LeBron is a 3x MVP and won an NBA championship in 2012, as well as finals MVP and an Olympic Gold Medal. The only other player that accomplished that in one summer was MJ.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
He is only 26 years old, and is in good position to win a title in the next couple of years, so I think he shouldn't be in the list just yet, but if he never wins a ring he will probably stand among the Top 5 players of this rank, maybe number 1 if he keeps playing like he has been playing in the last 5 years.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Penny Hardaway Report Abuse
7 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Bob Lanier Report Abuse
5 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Chris webber Report Abuse
4 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Grant Hill Report Abuse
4 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Tim Hardaway Report Abuse
4 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Buck Williams Report Abuse
4 points - added 12 years ago by guest -


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Walt Ballamy Report Abuse
3 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Dave Bing Report Abuse
2 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Jason Kid Report Abuse
Kid is the kind of point guard that comes once every decade. He is a general on the floor and can bust a triple-double on almost any given night. However, Kid has yet to win a ring despite a couple of opportunities.
2 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
*Kidd; He won a championship in 2011 with the Dallas Mavericks so he shouldn't be on this list.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Dirk Nowitzki Report Abuse
-2 points - added 14 years ago by kris - 1 comment
Won his first championship in 2011 with the Dallas Mavericks
Added 12 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
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