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Worst Free Agent Deals Ever in the NBA

20 items ranked

Free agency is just another part of the NBA that makes it so interesting. Free agency can really change the dynamic of a team and turn it into a championship contender, but not ever deal ends up helping a team. Here is a list of the worst free agencies deals of all time in the NBA.

Rated 0 points - posted 14 years ago by kris in category Sports.
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Jim Mcllvaine Report Abuse
The Sonics gave Mcllvaine a multi-year $35 million deal. Mcllvaine gave back 3.8 points and 4 rebounds.
21 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Jon Konack Report Abuse
After winning a contract worth over 13 million in six years, Jon Konack was set to make more money than other NBA greats playing at his time such as Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson.
19 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Jerome James Report Abuse
Jerome James got a five year $30 million contract with only a career average of 5.4 and 4.2 rebounds. After his big deal Jerome never managed average more than 3 points.
18 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Austin Croshere Report Abuse
From the Croshere signed his seven year $51 million contract, his game went into a steady decline until he retired just a few years later.
17 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Kenyon Martin Report Abuse
Kenyon Martin did have a couple of above average seasons before his big deal, but after he signed a huge contract with the Denver Nuggets he fell in to mediocrity and was often.
16 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Allan Houston Report Abuse
15 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Joe Smith Report Abuse
14 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Grant Hill Report Abuse
13 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Vin Baker Report Abuse
12 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Juwan Howard Report Abuse
11 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Brian Grant Report Abuse
10 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Raef LaFrentz Report Abuse
8 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Eddy Cury Report Abuse
8 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Jermaine O’Neal Report Abuse
7 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Peja Stojakovic Report Abuse
6 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Ben Wallace Report Abuse
5 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Gilbert Arenas Report Abuse
4 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Elton Brand Report Abuse
3 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Darius Miles Report Abuse
2 points - added 14 years ago by kris -


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Bobby Simmons Report Abuse
1 point - added 14 years ago by kris -
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Top 10 Worst Free Agent Deals Ever in the NBA are especially marked