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Famous Pilots

31 items ranked

Being a pilot is a dangerous job. Here are some brave souls that are (or were) very good at it.

Rated 8 points - posted 14 years ago by keilania in category People.
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The Red Baron Report Abuse
Baron Manfred von Righthofen was the most feared and celebrated pilot of the German air force during World War I.
256 points - added 14 years ago by keilania - 2 comments
80 planes downed(confirmed) many more possibly his.
Added 13 years ago by redbarron80, 14 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
spelled von Richthofen
Added 13 years ago by redbarron80, 14 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Erich Hartmann Report Abuse
This man was the most succesful air fighter of all times, since he shot 352 russian airplanes from the sky
243 points - added 13 years ago by guest - 2 comments
Which War
Added 11 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
It was a bigger feat to stay alive since he was in the Eastern front from beginning to the end, 4 years long.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 3 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Hans-Joachim Marseille Report Abuse
Marseille, also known as Star of Africa, was a member of the German Africa Corps. He was there the most succesful pilot in WW II on the Western Front. No other pilot claimed as many victories as Marseille. He shot down 158 airplanes of the RAF and lost his life, when he failed to open his parachute on a non-combat flight engine failure.
237 points - added 13 years ago by guest - 1 comment
On 1.9.1942 he shot down 17 airplanes on this one single day!
Added 13 years ago by guest, 7 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Hans-Ulrich Rudel Report Abuse
This man was incredible. He was flying one of the slowest war air planes in WWII, the Ju 87. But he was the most successful pilot of the whole war. He sank alone teh Russian Battle ship Marat. He sank also a cruiser and a destroyer and 70 landing vehicle. But his main success was the destruction of 519 tanks and 830 other vehicles. Besides he destroyed 150 artillery sets, countless bunkers and bridges and shot 9 airplanes. All in all he accomplished 2530 flight campaigns. More than any other pilot of the WWII. And he survived. He was the German soldier with the highest decoration. But as capable and brave he was, he had a severe setback. He was a follower of Hitler. That is why he did not become famous outside Germany. The Russians hunted him, but never got him. He must have been a superbe pilot, because he had a very slow airplane and he outmanouvered apparently all his ennemies.
235 points - added 13 years ago by guest - 2 comments
Sad story. After the war he fled to Argentinia and became an adviser of the military, he was protected by several south american governments and protected and supported himself old nazi-pals. he was a successful supplyer of weapons and tried to have his right radical party into the german parliament. But he failed.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 9 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
Sometimes he also flew the FW 190. And he was shot down 30 times, mostly from anit-aircraft, which is also astoinishing. How can anybody survive 30 crashs? And although he went down with a parachute, how could he escape the Russians?
Added 13 years ago by guest, 8 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Oswald Boelke Report Abuse
Father of Modern air warfare . mentor of the Red Baron
204 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Charles Lindbergh Report Abuse
He was the first to make a solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean.
172 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Lothar von Richthofen Report Abuse
Younger brother of the Red Baron, had 40 victories in less than half the time
169 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Otto von Lilienthal Report Abuse
He was the first to build and fly an airplane
158 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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Chuck Yeager Report Abuse
125 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Orville and Wilbur Wright Report Abuse
They are credited with inventing and flying the first airplane.
117 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Duke Cunningham Report Abuse
did you see the movie "Top Gun" ? the Tom Cruise character is based on his life.
115 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Eddie Rickenbacher Report Abuse
USA WW1 ace. also the first person to wear a helmet in the Indy 500
85 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Pappy Boyington Report Abuse
The TV show "Black sheep squadron" was about this real life ww2 marine pilot
85 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin Report Abuse
65 points - added 14 years ago by keilania - 1 comment
His name was not "count" but "Graf"
Added 13 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Billy Bishop Report Abuse
Canadian who Downed 72 Enemies in World War One. He even fought the Red Baron and Nearly won. He ranked as number 3 best ace in World War 1
55 points - added 11 years ago by guest -


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Albert Ball Report Abuse
The amazing Albert ball was on of Britain's leading aces in ww1, was shot down by the Red Baron
34 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 -


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Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger III Report Abuse
He saved every passenger aboard US Airways Flight 1549 with his successful water landing on the Hudson.
29 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Amelia Earheart Report Abuse
She paved the way for women pilots everywhere.
14 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Howard Hughes Report Abuse
12 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Frank Hawks Report Abuse
5 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Jorge Chavez Dartnell Report Abuse
3 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Tex Johnston Report Abuse
1 point - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Walter J. Addems Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Douglas "Wrong Way" Corrigan Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Richard Byrd Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Charles Kingsford Smith Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Glenn Hammond Curtiss Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Wiley Post Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Florence L. "Pancho Barnes" Lowe Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Steve Fossett Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -


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Louise Thaden Report Abuse
0 points - added 14 years ago by keilania -
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