Ways to make waking up easier
20 items ranked
If mornings always seem to come too soon, try some of these tips to wake up feeling refreshed.
0 points - posted 14 years ago by
kris in category
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Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day
this routine will keep you on schedule
20 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Try to get eight hours of sleep
this is a must for feeling refreshed
19 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Put your alarm clock far away from you bed
this will make you get up and turn it off
18 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Make sure your room is completely dark at night
dark rooms are great for sleeping
17 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Eat breakfast every morning
this will give you the energy you need for the day
16 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Stand up as soon as you hear your alarm
15 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Do not hit the snooze button
14 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Do not eat right before bed
13 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Do not sleep with the television or radio on
12 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Get exercise during the day
11 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Do not drink caffeine late in the day
10 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Try meditating before bed
9 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Take a shower in the morning
8 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Use aromatherapy shampoo (like grapefruit) to wake you up
7 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Put on some energizing music when you wake up
6 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Do yoga or stretching in the morning
5 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Do something that makes you happy each morning; you will be more eager to wake up
4 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Set the coffee maker to automatically brew in the morning
3 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Keep your bedroom warm enough that you can hop out of bed comfortably
2 points - added 14 years ago by kris -
Set two alarms if necessary
1 point - added 14 years ago by kris -
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