Created 3 top lists, 95 items, 1 comment.
Member since 07th of April 2013.
Please rate based on: 1) International prestige (please based ONLY on the music department if a multi-department school). 2) prestige of the faculty/staff 3) facilities 4) number of alumni who have distinguished themselves as international soloists or perform with major orchestras.
32 points added 11 years ago
Please rate the best places in the world to study orchestral conducting based on: 1) quality and prestige of the faculty 2) prestige of the institution 3) famous conductors graduated from the program
11 points added 11 years ago
Best Opera 33 items ranked
Please rate: 1) best music 2) best vocal parts 3) best dramatic development 4) best orchestration 5) operas with more "memorable" "tunes"
3 points added 11 years ago
Page: 1
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