Created 24 top lists, 470 items, 1 comment.
40 years old, florida, female
Member since 26th of June 2009.
Top Female Singers of the 20th Century 440 items ranked
Here is a list of the top female singing artist. Now these are based on my own opinion so other thoughts might vary.
1545 points added 15 years ago
Best Female Actress' 63 items ranked
Now this is a list of only my opinion.
15 points added 15 years ago
The safest cars to give you new driver. 21 items ranked
If you have a teenager in your house you must read this. This list is compiled using The National Automotive Rating for safest vehicles.
6 points added 15 years ago
Top Home Remedies for Toothaches 20 items ranked
Some of these will really surprise you.
3 points added 15 years ago
Top Fast Food Chains in the USA 21 items ranked
Any fast food junkie needs to read this.
3 points added 15 years ago
Hottest Headlines of 2008 20 items ranked
This is a list of the top headlines for 2008. From the " they're in the headlines again" to " extremely tragic".
2 points added 15 years ago
The Collective works Of Dr. Seuss 20 items ranked
A list of his most popular books. Starting in 1937
2 points added 15 years ago