Mars Ultor
Created 14 top lists, 114 items, 59 comments.
Member since 07th of November 2013.
Best NHL Teams 15 items ranked
Which team in the NHL is the Best
28 points added 10 years ago
Best Fighter Aces 7 items ranked
Don't Rank just by Kills only
26 points added 10 years ago
Best Gods 6 items ranked
Best gods in history none that are around now
26 points added 10 years ago
Best Canadians in History 6 items ranked
26 points added 10 years ago
Most evil people in History 10 items ranked
Real People
24 points added 10 years ago
Most efficient Gangs 5 items ranked
24 points added 10 years ago
Best YouTube Stars 14 items ranked
24 points added 10 years ago
Best Comedians 7 items ranked
23 points added 10 years ago
Most peaceful Countries 10 items ranked
20 points added 10 years ago
Greatest Empires 5 items ranked
20 points added 10 years ago
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