Most Annoying Software 15 items ranked
Most Annoying Computer Programs
46 points, added 16 years ago
Best Open Source applications 10 items ranked
List of best Open Source applications
2 points, added 16 years ago
List of Vector Graphics Editors 26 items ranked
This is a list of vector graphics editors.
2 points, added 14 years ago
Best CAD Programs 26 items ranked
This is a list of the best CAD programs on the market.
0 points, added 13 years ago
Top Software in a law office 23 items ranked
Software that keeps a law office operating smoothly
0 points, added 14 years ago
Top 20 Room Scheduling Software Programs 21 items ranked
Scheduling rooms and people can be a chore. But, if you have the right program, it can be fairly painless. Here is a list of some popular room scheduling programs that you might find to be helpful.
0 points, added 9 years ago
Unique applications 20 items ranked
These are some applications found on that most people may not have considered to be likely to have been developed.
0 points, added 15 years ago