Heartthrobs of Today 11 items ranked
The most crush worthy guys of today.
4 points, added 12 years ago
Top advantages to be a psychologist 11 items ranked
You may asked what are the advantages to be a psychologist.You can find here few suggestions
0 points, added 14 years ago
Top Things We Hate Seeing People Wearing 10 items ranked
Makes you think WHY did they wear that?
1 point, added 14 years ago
Which London Commuter-Belt Town in Surrey is Most Typically Upper Middle-Class and W.A.S.P.? 10 items ranked
Which of London's upmarket 'stockbroker belt' towns in Surrey lives up to the stereotype of being overwhelmingly upper middle-class, White, Anglo-Saxon (meaning native English and not a descendent of recent immigrants), Protestant and Tory voting. Please don't take offence, i'm not trying to marginalise any group. I'm simply planning a short story to write and I need a setting like this for one of the characters. I'm thinking of the kind of place where people generally send their kids to private schools, but not jet-set rich, I'm thinking more professional and managerial upper-middle-class. The kind of place that's home to Surgeons, Barristers, Senior Lecturers, Judges, high-level Civil Servants, Upeer management types in City firms, etc. Note: wealthy and comfortable but not super rich.
0 points, added 14 years ago
Lebron's 2012-2013 Season 10 items ranked
The experts gave him a perfect 10.00 on the pwer rankings. What do you think he deserves? Rate his season on a scale from 1-10.
5 points, added 11 years ago