31 items ranked
25 Top Universities in America
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Based on schools with outstanding examples of eight types of academic programs that have been shown to enhance learning, including first-year experiences, learning communities, writing in the disciplines, senior capstone, study abroad, internships or cooperative education, opportunities for undergraduate research, and service learning.
Based on schools with outstanding examples of eight types of academic programs that have been shown to enhance learning, including first-year experiences, learning communities, writing in the disciplines, senior capstone, study abroad, internships or cooperative education, opportunities for undergraduate research, and service learning.
Based on schools with outstanding examples of eight types of academic programs that have been shown to enhance learning, including first-year experiences, learning communities, writing in the disciplines, senior capstone, study abroad, internships or cooperative education, opportunities for undergraduate research, and service learning.
Based on schools with outstanding examples of eight types of academic programs that have been shown to enhance learning, including first-year experiences, learning communities, writing in the disciplines, senior capstone, study abroad, internships or cooperative education, opportunities for undergraduate research, and service learning.
Based on schools with outstanding examples of eight types of academic programs that have been shown to enhance learning, including first-year experiences, learning communities, writing in the disciplines, senior capstone, study abroad, internships or cooperative education, opportunities for undergraduate research, and service learning.
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Top 10 BEST AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES are especially marked