Top 20 young internet Entrepreneurs
20 items ranked
The internet links millions of people together. Goods and services are traded valuing billions of dollars of a daily basis this simple fact has driven many entrepreneurs a few of which are extremely young.
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At the tender age of 14 she has already accomplished what many adults will never do in their lifetime. Her website grosses 250,000 hits on a daily basis. Ashley is one of the youngest self made millionaires.
Creator of MyYearBook has managed to get 5 million members on her websites. In the years to come we will be hearing and seeing a lot more of this young lady.
An lover of video games to lead him to start up his internet business. At the tender age of 14 he thinks just like the big boys on wall street.
Carl Ocab first started at the age to 13 to generate money from his website. Now at age 15 he is making several thousands dollars monthly.
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