best anmiated TV shows
14 items ranked
all American and Anime series
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best music, highly original, stand s the test of time. Subtle, action but not constant in your face, best portrayal of a "space cowboy"(iconic north American folklore)
i would have liked to put on more anime, because most is great, but i wanted to have a cross section of all adult animation
great story combining western sensibilities;IE the savior that leaves the Earth only to return when humans have had time to choose whats important to them, the buddy story, and romantic tension between attractive characters, with the beauty of japan-influenced art and shinto/kung fu
so adorible protaganists without being corny. hope to see more things that have higher concepts like"math!" being used in place of "cool!"
great kids show(dont make them like this anymore) with high quality, very unique toy spin off, and adult-loved Movies spinoff(all waaaay ahead of its time for USA kids shows)
Mystery, thought provoking concepts, humor. wide potential fanbase, in young girls, comedy buffs, all anime buffs, sci-fi and fantasy buffs... ect.
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