"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine."
36 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"We'll always have Paris."
27 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"You stop breathing, you die. You stop fighting, the world dies."
26 points - added 12 years ago by guest -
"Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake."
Spoken by Ilsa
20 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
-Rick (final lines)
19 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that."
13 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life."
10 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Who are you really, and what were you before? What did you do and what did you think, huh? "
- Rick
9 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Oh, he's just like any other man, only more so."
Spoken by Rick
9 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.
6 points - added 10 years ago by guest -
"Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects. "
- Captain Renault
5 points - added 14 years ago by plink - 1 comment
Round up the usual suspects. Quentin even made a movie with that name.
Added 5 years ago by guest, 0 points
I'm shocked, shocked there's gambling going on here......
4 points - added 10 years ago by guest -
"Was that cannon fire, or is it my heart pounding?"
- Rick
4 points - added 14 years ago by plink - 1 comment
this quote was by Ilsa.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 4 points
Play it Sam
3 points - added 10 years ago by guest -
If he gets a word in it will be a major italian victory
3 points - added 11 years ago by guest -
"Kiss me. Kiss me as if it were the last time."
- Ilsa
3 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade."
3 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
You stop breathing, you die. You stop fighting, the world dies.
2 points - added 12 years ago by guest -
Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win
2 points - added 13 years ago by guest - 1 comment
- Laszlo
Added 13 years ago by guest, 1 point
"I was informed that you were the most beautiful woman ever to visit Casablanca. That was a gross understatement."
- Captain Renault
2 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Naturally, there will be some incidental expenses." Senor Ferrari
1 point - added 6 years ago by guest -
"Whe it comes to women, you're a true democrat." - Captain Renault
1 point - added 6 years ago by guest -
"She was asking about you earlier in a way that made me very jealous..."
- Captain Renault
1 point - added 14 years ago by plink -
"I wouldn't bring up Paris if I were you, it's poor salesmanship."
1 point - added 14 years ago by plink -
"As the leader of all illegal activities in Casablanca, I am an influential and respected man."
- Senor Ferrari
1 point - added 14 years ago by plink -
"How careless of you throwing away women like that. Someday they may be scarce." - Captain Renault
0 points - added 6 years ago by guest -
"I don't have any scruples if that's what you mean. I blow with the wind. And the prevailing wind is from Vichy." - Captain Renault
0 points - added 6 years ago by guest -
"Make it ten. I'm only a poor corrupt official."
0 points - added 6 years ago by guest -
"You know how you sound, Mr. Blaine? Like a man who's trying to convince himself of something he doesn't believe in his heart."
- Victor Laszlo
0 points - added 14 years ago by plink -
"Tell me, who was it you left me for? Was it Laszlo, or were there others in between? Or - aren't you the kind that tells? "