Runescape Bosses
20 items ranked
The best bosses from Runescape, the popular online RPG.
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The strongest monster in Runescape, the Corporeal Beast. Drops a ton of rare and valuable items.
TzTok-Jad is one of the strongest bosses in the game. He gives you a reward of 16,064 Tokkul and at the completion of the quest a fire cape.
One of the easiest God Wars bosses to kill. He is one of the most popular Runescape bosses and appears in a lot of different forms of Runescape media.
One of the best bosses to fight for money. Not only can you get a lot of money, but the Dagannoth Kings are a challenging and fun boss to fight.
One of the toughest Runescape bosses, and one of the few that drops the Dragon chainbody armour.
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Top 10 Runescape Bosses are especially marked