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Best Horror Movie Deaths

15 items ranked

Rated 3 points - posted 14 years ago by ambereli in category Movies.
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Paris Hilton -- House of Wax Report Abuse
Who doesn't want to see Paris Hilton get impaled through the forehead? Super graphic too. Count me in.
12 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Asian Girl With Her Eyeball Hanging Out - Hostel Report Abuse
So not only does this girl get your eye burned out, then cut off, but she looks at her reflection, decides she's disgusting, and jumps in front of a train. Awesome.
5 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Rose McGowan - Scream Report Abuse
So Tatum (Rose McGowan), thinking her friend Randy is the one wearing the ghost-face costume in the garage starts joking with him, then when he cuts her she starts pegging beer bottles at him and then tries to escape through a doggy door, which she, of course, gets stuck in. Ghostface pushes the button on the automatic door opener and she is crushed to death and just hangs there.
3 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Hostel 2 - Heather Mattarazzo Report Abuse
Commissioned by a woman who obviously is twisted, Heather Matarazzo's character is kidnapped, hung from the ceiling naked, and whipped with a sickle while a woman lays underneath her naked and bathes in her blood.
2 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Johnny Depp - A Nightmare on Elm Street (Original) Report Abuse
2 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Wheelchair Guy - Friday the 13th Part 2 Report Abuse
Jason machete'd a guy in a wheelchair right in the face and he proceeded to wheel backwards down the longest flight of stairs ever, in the rain.
2 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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The Final - Nick Zano Report Abuse
Nick Zano plays a character who is too cocky for his own good, so obviously has to die an embarrassing death. His lucky coin falls to the bottom of the pool, all of a sudden theh pool draining system turns on, sucking him to the bottom of the pool, fastening him to the drain by his, um... bum?? and then literally sucking out his insides.
1 point - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Scream - Drew Barrymore Report Abuse
Opening credits of the movie, Drew Barrymore is on the phone with the killer, flirst flirting, then fearing for her life. She is slaughtered while only a few feet away from her unknowing parents, stabbed in the throat, then hung from a tree in her own front yard totally gutted.
1 point - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Final Destination 3 - The Tanning Bed Report Abuse
Two ditzy girls goes tanning, naked of course, in side by side beds. A series of seemingly impossible events cause the beds to overheat and a shelf to fall and pin the girls into the beds, which burst into flames and give the girls a slightly crispier tan than they had originally anticipated.
0 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Pet Sematary 2 - Dirt Bike Kid Report Abuse
That kid that was always mean to Edward Furlong and the chubby kid gets his face torn off by a dirt bike wheel, courtesy of the chubster's step-dad/sheriff.
0 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Katie Cassidy - A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Report Abuse
Katie Cassidy is sleeping in bed next to her boyfriend, next thing you know she is tossed all over her room by Freddy, hung in the air, and sliced (5 slits, of course) from pelvis to neck. Gross.
0 points - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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Saw 2 - Emmanuel Vaugier Report Abuse
The hostages are all trying to find their way out of the house they are trapped in, and looking for antidotes to the poison that they have been breathing in, and Emmanuel Vaugier's character finds one in a glass case. She sticks her hands in to get it only to realize the opening is made of razorblades and she can't pull her arms back out. Her only option is to stand there trapped until she bleeds out.
-1 point - added 14 years ago by guest -


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Ghost Ship - Opening Scene Report Abuse
People are dancing on a boat... a lot of people... and it's more like a yacht. The mask splits, a wire goes crazy, and literally slices about 50 people in half at the waist. Way to start a movie.
-1 point - added 14 years ago by ambereli -


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13 ghosts (remake) - Matthew Lillard Report Abuse
My favorite character of the movie (or almost any movie for that matter) and he is cut literally in half by a sliding glass wall, leaving a shocked look frozen on his face and each half of his body sliding down its side of the wall.
-1 point - added 14 years ago by ambereli - 1 comment
Happened to the lawyer guy not Matthew Lillard.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 1 point Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Final Destination 2 - Rory and the Annoying chick. Report Abuse
Bitchy girl thats trapped in the car - air bag explodes, she impales herself on the pole thats gone through her window, makes her drop her cigarette with causes an explosion and leads to... Rory - hit by a barbed wire fence that is flying through the air due to an explosion, and the barbed wire slices his body into 3 chunks.
-1 point - added 14 years ago by ambereli -
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