Wonderful bass player and great singer in a great band. Folk-jazz-rock!
Well known in the punk scene but has amazing speed for all the riffs he plays. Just listen to any song!!!
you gotta be kiddin me man.see the speed he plays
listen to bring out your dead
Great Bass skills, carrys all the songs, great mix of punk, funk, and ska!
This guy is an amazing Bass player, it is sadening to not see him on this list
Fantastic polyrhythmic grooves that the man could keep up seemingly indefinitely. Genius !
yes , Hugh was one of the best bass players of Progrock; but where`s Richard Sinclair on this list ?! ( Caravan and Hatfield and the North ) ; not only a great progrock bass player with a sound of his own but a great singer as well !!
Hatfield`s `The Rotter`s Club` may well be the finest progrock album ever !
I don't care how many concerts you go to-o. You will never hear a better bass guitar than Paul Goddard.
Although most well known for his work with Queens of the Stone Age, Nick Oliveri has played with several other bands as well, and alwarys contributes his own unique style to everything he's involved with. He's also extremely talented. In a nutshell, Nick is an extremely underrated bassist who can really kick some ass.
Steve is a god of the bass. C'mon, playing a fretless bass and dominating the metal scene? This guy is legendary.
Loved The Specials back in the day.
DK, too, plus Pat Travers Band (Mars Cowling[?]); good, fun, wholesome bass playing.
The Specials rocked with Nightclub, though.
=Lance in SD
Is one of the best bass players in punk :D, listen "Chick Magnet", "The Theme Fiasco" and "GSF"
64 charted hits in 18 months at American Studios in Memphis Tn.Memphis Soul Stew,Skinny Legs,Suspicious Minds,Memphis Underground,Funky Broadway,Son of a Preacher Man,The Letter,Sweet Caroline,Dark END of the Street and this is just the tip of the iceburgThese bass lines are incredible..They both did it on the same bass guitar, a 59 precision.My guess would be that that bass played on more charted hits than any other one musical insrument in history.Although Tommy passed in 82 Mike continues to be an A-list player in Nashville having played on numerous hits the last three decades as well as a member of the Highwaymen,Merle Haggard and other Nashville luminaries.Both of these guys had taste coming out their ears.The whole world was influenced by their creativity in the studio.I would list them seperately but they were so entwined as the heart and soul of the"Memphis Boys"(American Studio House Band) it just seemed wrong to seperate them.Pop,Rock,Funk,these guys invented alot of what you hear today. Simply the best at what they did! Put em in the top tier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anybody who knows Rory Gallagher knows Gerry McAvoy. They played together for 20 years. Go to YouTube and check out Rory's live stuff and you will find McAvoy. TOP NOTCH!!
Sadly died in 1991. If Alan was still with us today, he would simply be ranked highly among the best in the bussiness. A true profffesional and full of natural talent and ability which has been rarely bettered.
R.I.P Legend
What blew me away when i Heard Ten Years After in '68, was the interplay Between Alvin Lee and Leo Lyons. Never heard anything like that ! He should be on this list. Your welcome
Bass player of Santana. Fantastic groove, and a very emotional presence on the stage.
First bass player with Jethro Tull. Listen to the Stand Up album and the memorable bass line to 'Living in the Past'. Should definitely be on this list.
Wonderful melodic bass lines. "801 Live" contains some fantastic playing - particularly the solo on "Rongwrong".
He really drives the entire Kings of Leon band.... every song of theirs has and excellent bass line thanks to Jared.
listen to 'GETTING TO THIS' album by Blodwyn Pig' ..... if you love bass - this prog/jazz/rock will blow your mind! ...AMAZING.....LEGEND....still got it
Should be way higher. Listen to PiL's first two albums with the bass turned up and you'll know.
His solo work is amazing! He is so perceptive as a musician, and knows exactly what the bass can do!
He is simply, technically and stylistically one of the most accurate, innovative, brilliant bass players of all time. There's a lot of people in this list who are only there because their bands are popular, there's not enough people who can actually play!! (well done on Paul McCartney, Flea, Pino Palledino and Mark King)
A real groove master. Can be as simple as needed and kill it on a slap bass line (listen to "Forget Me Nots" by Patrice Rushen, or "Just around the corner" by Herbie Hancock).
This fella has been credited on so many recordings and is still an awesome in demand session musician.
To not see him mentioned in this list is simply scandalous...!
It's a shame he didn't stick around longer than the 2 albums he did with little River Band.
Dark, brooding jazz bass driving Magma's monumental rock-opera pieces. Check it out, rock/metal puppies !
Another relative new comer from the J.P. school of bass playing. This dude is unbelievable! Just wish he had more music out.
Steve Harris has a incredible side of playing with amazingly talented guitar players by his side. He plays real well and makes himself noticed from the stage at all time. Personally, he needs to be in the top 10, but we'll try to work him up there.
With a counted total of ten repetitions on this list, I have nothing further to say.........except that Steve Harris is the absolute greatest bass player ever. I LOVE YOU STEVE!!!!!!!!!
Redundant entry, see Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) up much higher on the list
Here's all you need to know: He played with Dizzy Gillespie, Art Tatum, Charlie Parker, Ella Fitzgerald, Oscar Peterson, Frank Sinatra, Billy Eckstine, Tony Bennett, Sarah Vaughan, Nancy Wilson, and Qunicy Jones. (and he mentored Diana Krall).
Anyone who thinks playing with Take That means he's not much good doesn't know what a good bass player is. Watch him play with Rick Wakeman, Steve Hackett, Focus, It Bites etc etc. An amazing bass player and catching up Pino Palladino as the UK's busiest session bassist. And all upside down!
Although foremost an inventor, he was the originator of the electric bass. Deserves honorable mention.
the little man makes it look so easy!....simply perfect ... watch him live (great vocal harmonies aswell) currently touring with 'the zombies' (rod argent & colin bluntstone)
Hey "tard", all of the bass players you mentioned either borrowed from or were influenced by Jamerson! If he is not number one on your list, you are stupid!
Really, stop wasting your time and vote up the much higher ranked (in the top 20) James Jameson (it's the same guy that played on all of the motown records, trust me, people just miss it and post duplicates like this one).
He's also listed nearer the top with about 760 votes at the minute.
Sid Vicious should be moved up, screw you guys he was one of the greatest influences in Krist Novaselic's playing
Let's not forget to mention Glen Matlock. Maybe he gets his own entry on this list
This idiot could barely hold the instrument. He should be removed - a complete poser!
Steve Jones played the bass parts on Never Mind the Bullocks

Frank Zappa's longest tenured bassist! Also played Mini Moog, when needed. Probably has more musical knowledge in his littlest finger than most on this list. Also played with Dweezil Zappa, Fear, Waterboys, Andy Prieboy, Young Republicans. If you've never heard Scott, go get an education. (PLEASE REMOVE THE DUPLICATES ON THIS LIST!)
I mean, listen to the bass tracks for Gods of War, Rock of Ages, and Women.
Plus Leppard is awesome. No way Sav should be this low.
Bill Laswell is another one of those awesome bass players who knows when one note is ALL that's needed. A lot of the people on this list just spray notes because they can. What really counts in a piece of music is what fits with ALL the other parts being played. Listen to Laswell when he plays free-form improv bass then you will understand that this man has the chops to go beyond what most bass players don't even think of when they play. Also listen to his dub stuff and bass and drums stuff to hear that perfect minimalism of his.
The Fabulous Thunderbirds in their prime. Johnny Winter.The Tail Gators,Jr. Brown.This guy could play Texas blues like no other Had the pleasure of seeing him live on numerous occasions with the birds and he could just drive you through the back wall.Incredible grasp of tone and true understanding of playing the bottom One of my favorite roots rock/blues players.
If anyones in any doubt as to the reason why this awesome slap bass player should be on this list then watch this youtube video of him playing alongside Kenny G.
Apart from Mark King, i've never seen anyone do it better.
Emma's compelling bass lines, her seamless switch from slap to picking, and the originality she brings to the music deserves acknowledgment.
And still goobers will ignore that Claypool is up at number 12 or 13 already and will angrily try to vote up this repetition with maybe a wtf comment.
Look for Claypool higher up on the list if you fall into that category.
This one is a double post of Claypool, he's ranked up in the 20's, ironically with a comment on that entry that also cites a double post
Seriously... people that want to be "artsy" or pay homage to a past generation, GTFOI...
There are so many modern (hate to say it, mostly rock/metal) bassists that are... LEAGUES ahead of these other guys. Les should be in nothing less than the top 5. Les less... heh =)
This was an entertaining list to read through... Until I reached "#41". I'd put him in the top 10, could understand him in the top 20, but 41? Something in the milk ain't clean!
The problem with lists like these where everyone can vote:
Popularity of bassists due to the popularity of their respective bands pushes true quality down.
Proof? Paul McCartney on 5, this guy on 50, Flea on 54, Larry Graham on 38, Bootsy Collins on 36...
World's gone mad
Watch this guy play bass. It's INCREDIBLE. Not to mention he fancies 5 or 6 string fretlesses. Such a challenging instrument, and he plays it flawlessly.
On pure talent alone, I'd say he's at least top 3. But in the context of the group he was with (I'm talking about Primus, not the lesser known Holy Mackerel or Frog Brigade or Sausage or whatever) is when he rockets to 1 in my book. He WAS Primus. And not because of his vocals, but because of his amazing basswork.
So should Les get his points doubled because he is also the frontman and lead vocalist? And pretty much has written who knows how much material.
I completely discredit this list due to Les being at 33... do your homework!
22? thats crazy he defintiley beats half the people on this list

His music is awsome and if you have never listened to it check it out your in for a treat r.i.p. Audie pitre 1970 to 1997..
One the minds behind Herbie Hancock's brilliant album “Headhunters.” Grooves better than any other bassist. If not the best, then surely the funkiest!
A damn good bass player. I think he deserves to be on this list. A lot of people put players that are pretty ****ty. I'm a bass player, I haven't been playing for long and I don't say that I'm good but I think I can recognize a good bassist when I hear one and Dave LaRue is one of the best. And I don't see why players like Gene Simmons, Roger Waters, Duff McKagan or such are on this list. They are great bass players, but c'mon, anybody who has been playing 3 years or so can play that. They were good, but their time has passed, music evolves, people. ;)
Traa is a solid guy, and has added to an incredible metal/R & B band. He came from a jazz/funk background, and it has made P.O.D.'s sound what it is today. I've learned a little from Traa, and he is one awesome bass player. God bless ya, Traa!!!
Find a copy of this bands first album and listed to Louis' solo on "Bullet"
Maybe not so technically flash, but pioneeringly inventive and extremely solid on Can's 20 minute+ epics (Yoo Doo Right, Halleluhwah....) Once heard, never forgotten.
Bill Black appeared on most of Elvis fifties recordings. First on double bass & then on a Fender bass. In the sixties he had his own band which produced hits before he passed away in 1965.
That guy produced so many amazing riffs, yet his hand always stayed in the same fretboard position. PLUS, he had really groovy hair!!! Without a doubt the greastest bass god ever, ever, ever!!!!
A great bassplayer which played on all ABBA tours and recorded on most records. The baseline is the groundwork in all ABBA mixings together with the drums.
Just went through the whole 5 pages and can't believe this guy is not on the list.
Just listen to his work with Bill Evans. The way he plays with tempo is awesome and his short life only serves to justify this listing - what would jazz sound like if he had lived longer
One of THE BEST bass players of ALL TIME. He used to be a guitar player, and then went on to play in Adam Lambert's band. He is INCREDIBLY influential, and deserves at LEAST the top 20.
The harmonics this guy pulls out on his 6string fretless are impressive to say the least. even tops jaco for use of harmonics. should be top 10.
My goodness, Woody had chops for days. He re-invigorated the Allman Brothers Band, his work in Gov't Mule was amazing.
Mel’s unique bass delivery became a staple of Grand Funk recordings and concerts. His huge "lead bass" style helped create the signature Grand Funk sound and his muscular approach to music has inspired countless musicians to blend rock-solid support punctuated with fluid riffs.
Grand Funk was wildly popular in the 70's and Mel's licks were a big part of the music that turned so many people on.
Ask any music journalist from the 1960s... The best live group of the era. Bass guitarist second to none. Massive influence.
My mistake on the bass: I thought it was a double neck 12 and 4 string. It appears to really just have been a double necked 2 four string bass, which was probably for comedic effect since, unless you're doing different tunings on each neck, a double necked 4 string makes little sense.
Harry, "Derek," played a 12 string on "Big Bottom," gotta give him props for that. -- and to Spinal Tap for making a sound with 3 basses and a keyboard bass riff that actually didn't sound that awful. I'd heard that Harry Shearer mostly plays an upright acoustic bass and still practices a lot.
Too funny. Even though this was a satire band, I believe Harry did play bass, just as he played stand up bass in the movie "A mighty Wind." I suppose the most memorable bass song Spinal Tap has is "Big Bottom," but of course the guitarists all played bass on that as well.
Just listen to his playing with Pat Travers Band. He's a much stronger force to be reckoned with than most are aware.
I know that Adam Nitti is not the GREATEST bass player of all time, but he is definitely good. He has a solid fanbase in Nashville, and has played with some of the greatest names in Christian Music, including Steven Curtis Chapman (holder of the most awards won by any CCM artist), Nichole Nordeman, Casting Crowns, and many others. I've worked with Adam at a music camp for a day, and he is definitely solid. Great guy too. I support you Adam!!!!
Pantera, Down, started as a jass bassist in NOLA and now one of the best metal bassists off all time. turned down a music schlorship to the UNiversity of Texas to join Pantera.
Upright bass player who was voted in 1994 as the number one Country bass player of all time. Played with Elvis, Dylan, Jerry Lee Lewis, Quincy Jones & many others.
Nashville session player who played with just anybody. (Elvis, Tony Joe White, joan Baez, John Hiatt, Jerry Reed & many others).
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