Best Military Leaders of All Time
67 items ranked
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Not known for most people because the Eastern African warground did not play an important role in WWI. But what this general with some hundred Germans soldiers and Tanzanian Askari auxiliairies achieved was unparalleled in modern war history. He fought many battles against numerical superior British forces and did not lose one. Actually he was not defeated through all the war. If there was a General of great skills to whom his troops adorably clinged to, it was him. And it was right so. The British talked about him with highest respect and deplored that he was on the wrong side.
He was victorious with a little more than a hundred German soldiers and one thousand askaris in all battles against several thousands of British. He used the tactis of quick assault to get new supplies from the enemy and vanish away as quickly as possible. He is in high esteem even today in Eastern Africa. His British adversairies are forgotten.
He went throufgh many battles victrious although his ennemies was often outnumbering his forces, he created the Prussian kingdom and extended his sovereignity wide to the East
His most famous quotation: I am the first servant of the state. He was a tolerant ruler but he was a ruthless soldier. His country bled and he laid the foundation for a militairy orientated Germany which cost the Germans a bright future and Europe a more unitarian future. But as General he was of outstanding talents.
This Austrian general is responsible for pushing back the Turkish armies from the gates of Vienna to the Bosporus. He was vistorious in 123 battles
He was not once defeated, except his opponents had too big numbers on their side which was always the case almost from the beginning of his militairy career as a general. Nevertheless even then he was hard to be beaten, because he made always the best from what he had. He was even victorious with fake attacks. He commited suicide to save the life of his family!
Patton wiped the floor with him. Even Monty beat him, and Monty was pretty mediocrel.
Hannibal was one, actually, the greatest military strategist of all time. He crossed the Alps to defeat the Romans on Roman soil. Greaty outnumbered in every battle, and he still managed to crush the Romans. This military mastermind can withstand any battle, any army, no matter what the odds are. He is great by Roman history, who hated the Carthaginians, especially Hannibal, imagine if it was from Carthaginian history.
intelligence are not to be measured by success, but by accomplishment, Yes, Hannibal was defeated, but here is one fact that you all need to know " No one, no General would be able to lose not one battle." Some , you may said, never lost on the battle field, but you know what all are to be defeated, Alexander lost his people trust, Caesar
was killed by senators, aren't those defeats? if you can't even win the trust of the people on your side, no matter how great or superior you are, you know what? you will never really sucess. Here i would say hannible was the greatest because he had not been killed by his own men, non of his mercenary had betrayed him, no carthage politicians murdered him. He had their trust.
Hannibal was defeated Caesar and Alexander were undefeated, so how is he better
He was good but was defeated by Scipio in the end. Most of his army were mercenary fighters. Also Caesar or Alexander would easily have beaten him there soldiers were hard core and would die for them.
This Prussian General saved Wellington and his British troops and brought the decision in the battle of Waterloo
He was one of the most notable monarchs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, from 1674 until his death King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania
Sobieski's greatest success came in 1683 with his victory at the Battle of Vienna, in joint command of Polish, Austrian and German troops, against the invading Turks under Kara Mustafa.
Upon reaching Vienna, Sobieski had planned to attack on 13 September, but with the Turkish close to breaching the walls he ordered a full attack on 12 September. At 04:00 the united army of about 81,000 men attacked a Turkish force of about 130,000 men. At about five o'clock in the afternoon, after observing the infantry battle from the hilltop, Sobieski led Polish husaria cavalry along with Austrians and Germans into a massive charge down the hillside. Soon, the Turkish battle line was broken and the Ottoman forces scattered in confusion. At 17:30 Sobieski entered the deserted tent of Kara Mustafa and the battle of Vienna ended.
The Pope and other foreign dignitaries hailed Sobieski as the "Savior of Vienna and Western European civilization."[18] In a letter to his wife he wrote, "All the common people kissed my hands, my feet, my clothes; others only touched me, saying: 'Ah, let us kiss so valiant a hand!'"[19]
Sometimes history has its desisive moments and certain people are there at the right moment. Sobieski was such a man and his performance made world history in a way which not many people replicated
The best of the best in the Confederate armies - on the wrong side, but loyal to his fighting men and doing what he thought was the best thing for his country.
Lee and Stonewall Jackson were the two best commanders of the war, and they worked very well together, which only multiplied their effectiveness. Lee's decision to invade the north was not a military mistake like many believe. He weighed risk vs. reward and knew that he had to hit the North with hammer blows because the South simply could not survive a drawn out war. God clearly wanted the country to be unified because while the invasion, the battle, and Pickett's charge were all sound decisions, every possible circumstance had gone wrong for Lee, but not because of his decisions. J.E.B. Stuart did not arrive in time with the intelligence that Lee needed, the lengthy artillery barrage preceding Pickett's charge was overshooting the Northern position, Stonewall Jackson had died a few months earlier, etc... And yet, the charge almost succeeded. Lee is enigmatic--he had that Southern Gentleman philosophy that made him loyal to Virginia above all else, and yet he was basically against what the South was fighting for--rather like Jackson. He was also a bit of a contradiction, he was a Southern Gentleman, and yet an absolute killer on the battlefield, also like Jackson.
I don't think the C.S.A. had better soldiers but they believed in what they where fighting in which is what made them strong
The father of our nation, who knows where we would be as a people without this strong, brilliant, devoted leader who inspired so many to keep fighting and to keep hoping for freedom.
Washington won only a handful of his victories, it was the French, Spanish and Dutch that defeated the British. He was not inspirational in fact he was considered a solitary person (socially that is).
I agree that Washington is an amazing inspirational leader, but his military tactics are next to mediocre. It wasn't until Von Stuben trained his soldiers at Valley Forge that he started winning the war.
To all you un-read people who say he wasnt good, He was fighting an Army 20 times bigger than him, who had the best navy in the world with a handful of farmers with no training and won. David vs Goliath was much more of an even match. The British also had the Hessian's on their side.
i mean i do not know why he is at the top. there is alexander, khan, hitler but washington? he betrayed britian and made u.s thats it the rest they conquered the world

he founded the macedonian empire, the macedonian army and the league of corinth. he conquered thracia, illyria, epirus, thessaly and many greek towns. Philip's greatest victory is the battle versus alliance of thebes and athens at the battle of chaeronea in 338 BC. in addition, he was the father of alexander the great, who carried out his plans for the conquest of Persia
Just edging out Lee's tactics and strategy, much of our unity as Americans can be attributed to this great general.
He was the father of Hannibal the Great, Great, though not as great. He should be like at 15th based on the few poorly chosen great leaders that shouldn't even be there. If it was a true list of greatest leaders, he should be 20th. He fought in the first Punic War against the Romans. He campaign in Spain was unforgetable. He counquered part of it in record time.
Otherwise known as Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, the Roman general who extended Roman territory in the east ans later got into politics with the rogues Caesar and Crassus.
I believe the South would have won the war (a bad thing, obviously) had Jackson not been killed. He and Lee together were basically unstoppable. He would have been able to counsel Lee at Gettysburg, but he also would have been on the battlefield, outmaneuvering and outsmarting union forces, like he always did up through his death at Chancellorsville.
I red somewhere that after Hannibals defeat two of them had a nice little chat about who was the best general. Hannibal said that #1 was Alexander and #2 was Hannibal.Allegedly Scipio was little Insulted because he wasnt numbered among top 3 or something, after all he did just beat Hannibal. Hannibal than said : If you didnt defeated me I would be #1. Scipio was content with that answer, and I remember that it was implied in a text that Hannibal was making fun of scipio but scipio didnt get it.
A genius in effective strategy, custom designed for the arena he was called to, Schwarzkopf was a hero to his men and to the American people in a touch and go time.
Ground commander for the D-Day invasion and beyond, chosen by Eisenhower over Patton. The "GI General".
A mastermind behind the successful invasions of Poland and France, he was also a down-to-earth commander who cared for his soldiers and refused to send them to their deaths for Hitler's imaginary attack to lift the siege of Berlin. Very underrated in my opinion. And I don't think of him as a Nazi, just a soldier because of his indifference to the Jews and others persecuted.
Holding the Alamo against wave upon wave of Mexican troops, encouraging and inspiring his men and fighting alongside them to the end, Travis is an icon for military victory, even in loss.
He could not lead like Caesar or Alexander could he won one great victory they won many victorys greater than his.
One of the few great generals in history who never lost a battle along with the likes of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Genghis Khan, he was famed for his military manual The Science of Victory and noted for the sayings "What is difficult in training will become easy in a battle", "The bullet is a mad thing, only the bayonet knows what it is about", "Perish yourself but rescue your comrade!".
WWII Commander of Strategic Air Forces in Europe. Favourite of Eisenhower (along with Bradley) and even Patton rated him as indispensable.
British WWII general in South-East Asia. Had mostly Indian and other colonial troops, who started off very poorly motivated, and by far the worst equipment of all the British armies. Still klicked the Japanese out of Burma and was probably the best of the British generals.
He was leader of the Hunnic Empire, which stretched from the Ural River to the Rhine River and from the Danube River to the Baltic Sea.
During his reign he was one of the most feared enemies of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. He crossed the Danube twice and plundered the Balkans, but was unable to take Constantinople. He also attempted to conquer Roman Gaul (modern France), crossing the Rhine in 451 and marching as far as Aurelianum (Orléans) before being defeated at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains..
Well he did have best equipped and disciplined army in Europ at that time . But i dont think that brietenfeld and lutzen are enough to qualify any higher. Unless you are swedish than Yeeeah Gustav adolf!!!
Alp Arslan means "Heroic Lion" in Turkish. At Manzikert, on the Murat River, north of Lake Van, Diogenes was met by Alp Arslan. The sultan proposed terms of peace, which were rejected by the emperor, and the two forces met in the Battle of Manzikert. The Byzantines were totally routed.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet; was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. At the age of 21, he conquered Istanbul and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire, transforming the Ottoman state into an empire. Mehmed continued his conquests in Asia, with the Anatolian reunification, and in Europe, as far as Bosnia and Croatia. Mehmed II is regarded as a national hero in Turkey!
Reference is made to the prospective conquest of Constantinople in a hadith (a saying attributed to the Prophet Muhammad):
:"Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will he be, and what a wonderful army will that army be!"[7]
Tran Hung Dao is one of the greatest generals in history because he defeated the Mongol empire 3 times at its height of power. He was undefeated and he earned the title as "Most Best Great Saint Master Tran Hung Dao".
He was never defeated in battle and he defeated the Mongols three times while being outnumbered in every battle.In his greatest battle,the battle of Bach Dang,he was outnumbered 10-1 and killed 80,000 Mongols while losing only 4,000 men.This is the reason why the Vietnamese call him Most Best Quoc Cong Tiet Che Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan.
He was the first general to decide not to just charge the enemy in World War 1 and is the inventor of the Vimy Glide. He planted the seeds of Nationalism in Canada. He was also the first Canadian General. Also only time a British Province's Army was led by some one from there.
Despite any military training, Gideon was able to defeat 135,000 enemy troops with only 300 soldiers.
He was certainly a dominant man in the US army and an impressing figure. But he appeared on the war scene when there were not many challenging battles clould be fought due to the constant retreat of the breaking ennemy.
His skills are difficult to judge because he had always a superiority of manpower and material on his side. It is easy to win a battle when you have all the advantages on your side!
You just have to look at the casualty figures for Patton's Third Army against those of other armies, and of the Germans, to see why Patton was a genius. Despite being the most aggressive and fastest-moving of all the armies, you were a lot safer in the Third. He was born with his foot in his mouth though, and became an embarrassment to the establishment.
A brilliant Tank commander who plowed through the German forces. They don't call him "ole Blood and Guts" for nothing.
so "Guest", I am sure you will tell me that Germany won the war next!
Surely not! His drive into Brittany was accomplished with almost no opposition. He came to a dead halt in western Germany just as the other Allied armies did.

Yeah ! For me Ceasar is number 1. Many strategist on this list were put there because not many people have heard about them or because they made some kind of "against all odds " feat and that is fine and well. But in my process of judging who was best i try to incorporate as many factors possible- number of battles , numerical and technological advantages, diversity and number of different theatres of war, and ability to get out of crisis. Ceasar , Alexander, Napoleon, Ghengis Khan, Belisarius, thats my top five !
He marched across the just to prove he could. He built a bridge went across came back and took the bridge down.
JC did fight Germans! One reason for his military presence in Gaul was invitation from his gallic allies to defend them from fearsome and heavily equipped germanic tribe confederation led by Ariovistus,.They were wreaking havoc among Gauls and built quite the reputation for themselves , so much that battle hardened legionares were afraid to fight them. Ceasar had to shame them into fighting and won. Battle of river Vosges 58 BC
Did you know his greatest role model was Alexander the Great because Alexander had conquered the world at the age of 29.
He conquered Gaul (France), And Egypt. Also he beat up The Britons, and The Pontics
Caesar lived before Christ. At that time the Germanic tribes were mostly far away from any Roman territorries, hundreds of miles east of the Rhine. As for the Germans. What you call Germans today is not a people of the antiques. body of people who did not existHistory teaches that the first Germans did not make it
He did fight the germans acutally one of his soldiers chucked a javelin across the rhine river and killed the enemy german general
Oops acident no germans i ment Gauls my mistake but still amazing battle no one can say it wasn't Julius Caeser was amazing
I typed into google the battle of Alesia. There were no Germans and no Germanics in this battle, only Romans and Gallics. Caesar never fought against Germans. But his nephews armies did and vanquished in the forrests east of the Rhine collecting their biggest defeat ever.
Defeated 300000 Germans with 60000 Romans. He conquered The Germanic Tribes, The British Tribes, Egyptians, and The Gallic Tribes. He also defeated a ship full of pirates with 20 Romans and was dictator for life.
I'd say he was more of a rabble-rousing politician, although he was pretty good in a fight. Pompey was more of a proper Roman general.

I am quite amazed that this man is not in the top 10 and firmly agree that this ranking is biast. George Washington, Robert Lee, Stonewall Jackson all appear to have done next to nothing next to the likes of Napoleon, Hannibal Barca and many more!!!!This ranking has just been contributed to by disillusioned yankees who care not to view from the world wide perspective.
I agree ! Third under Caesar and Alex ! But i think that battleground tactics in napoleons time were much more demanding in terms of complexity and i think that napoleon had to process much more information and act upon it ,than ancient generals Also due to sheer manpower of Europ it was much more difficult to obtain decisive victory Also I belive that he was smartest of them all ) IQ and photografic memory kind of smart
His russian campaign was a complete desaster. He ignored all warnings. He was stubborn and underestimated his opponents, climate, russian army ...
Without a doubt, Napoleon should be at least in the top 10 if not top 5. He masterfully defeated many coalitions against him in industrial Europe, which in my opinion, is more impressive than Alexander conquering empty lands in Asia. So what if he lost in the end, it doesn't make him any less a brilliant military leader.
he failed. On his death-bed, it is said, he said: I have won so many battles but I have achieved nothing. Jesus Christ had no army at all, but the whole world will be his.

I think whoever was talking about nazis and Crete was a little drunk, what's Alexander got to do with them.
He hardly deserves the fame he got, because he treated his best men like a reckless despot. And he fought against a weak ennemy. He only fought against the erroded Persian Empire whih had not succeeded in 200 years to defeat the smallest of all European nations: Greece
and without greek pilots in defence of crete, whole world would be taken by nazis if they wouldnt win.

Sir Winston Churchil, the heroic prime minister of Great Britian during both the first and second world wars. He won on more than one front, he won pin the trenches, he won on the beaches, he won in the hills and on the plains, but most importantly he won in the hearts of the Brtish people.
I read his book about warfare and the history of war. It is plain to see that he was not brilliant because he lacked intellectual capabilities. But he mostly know very well to make the best out of his means. This is sth not every general accomplishes!
Ghengis khans right hand! Some say even better tactician!, Unlike Ghengis he was never defeated ,but I think that he didnt have personal command in as many battles as him. I remember reading somewhere that he was usually standing on a hilltop above the battle giving commands by waving flags, This was in 13th century! How about that !
Khalid was easily one of the top three greatest military commanders in the history of mankind. He was an apostle of the prophet muhammed (peace be upon him) the prophet of islam.
Khalid accomplished something no other leader did, he was undefeated, ever battle he found he one, and often vastly out numbered. He defeated the persians with 10,000 troops, against over 500,000 at the time. He forced the romans to retreat from the area of Al-shams (Current day egypt, syria, israel, jordan).
It is an amazement he was not mentioned first.
A tactical genius, independently invented the envelop maneuver which he used successfully in defeating the Persian army (first used by Hannibal), , won all battles he ever fought, in almost all battles he was greatly outnumbered, broke 9 swords in the battle of Mu'tah, brought down the Persian empire, significantly weakened the Eastern Roman Empire by taking its crown jewel which is modern day Syria. Definitely deserves a position in the top 10
One of the only English kings to be remembered by his nickname, Richard I was a crusader, and on the wrong side of history but did all he could for what he thought was right and "Christian". He was beloved by his people and treated them better than most royalty of that time.
He was certainly not the noble man Hollywood made out of him. But he was courageous, mayby a little coarse and uneducated, but his men followed him.
King Richard was a brutal man who mercilessly beheaded 300 muslim prisoners. he was known for his brutality, not for chivalry. Hollywood films are nothing but propaganda. He brought not peace to the Holy land but war. Only after he was captured and jailed in a castle in Austria, peace could be made in teh Holy Land by the emperor Friedrich II.
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