I had a Brown coat golden retriever named Cocoa, she ways answered to either Cocoa or Toto. She was very loyal fun loving playful. Saved me one night on our routine walk from a man who wanted to assault me. She growled and when he tried to grab me she but him on the ankle and she and I ran home and I called the police they found blood drops but the man was gone. She was 4 when I lost
Her. Best protection friend I ever had.
my cousin has a golden retriever and his name is jingle because her singing sounds likes bells. cutest breed of dog ever
My Golden Retriever was my absolute best friend of all time. When I was eleven, I always used to get bullied and tortured by others, and Wayne, my Golden Retriever, was always there for me. He would scare away those mean kids. He died in 2001, and I miss him so much. He was an old dog too, 23 years old, if you can believe it. I think about him everyday........
Roy, my Golden Retriever, is probably the nicest dog I've ever had. Even for a 19 year old dog, he is very playful.
I'm glad this dog is number one. My family and I have this Golden Retriever named Roy, and he is very sweet, gentle around kids, likes everybody, knows tricks, obeys commands, and is very playful. I would take them over a Siberian Husky or a Labrador Retriever, my two other favorite breeds of dogs. They are really awesome in my opinion. If you're looking for a dog, get a Golden Retriever. You will see how great they are.
I have had many types of dogs. Less than 2 yrs ago I had to put down my best friend of 15 yrs. He just go old. Than I got a golden retriever puppy. We have had him now for 3 yrs. I did not think any dog could take my heart like the one I had for so long. But this golden did. The other day we received horrible news. Our 3 yr old golden has a rare form of cancer and has 4 to 12 months left to live, depending on how he responds to his cemo.
I was going to get a golden but opted for the lab instead. What a smart choice I made. I have three labs now and they are so much smarter than any of the goldens that my friends and family have.
they are the friendliest and playful dog I've ever had. His name is Sean but sad thing he died in November 17, 2014. he was very kind and playful. he will never bite. Golden retrievers are the best!
The best dog in the world. I really want get one. Best Choice Trust the dogs
we heve a beatiful golden retriever who is the most friendly loving dog in the world. best breed ever!
My Golden Sammy lived to be 17. He was the best friend I ever had.
I've had many dogs. Many good ones, too. Last dog was a golden, the current one is a golden, and that's all I'll ever own.
Loyal, smart, sweet and eager to please. Great companions!
i have a Golden!!!! She is dirty very dumb and hard to train.....
It the best dog ever!!!! It is best with children and my dog always want to be clean. It is lovely and intelligent and his name is Romine
I have a Golden it is called Biscuit she is really lovely and Intelligent .
I love Golden Retrievers because I have one
Their very intelligent and friendly.Golden Retrievers
are pretty dogs especially the brown ones.
this dog is absolutley class we have one and it is the best dog in the whole world if you were getting a dog for a family it would be the one to get!! i love my golden retriever marnie xx
Loyal, great with kids, intelligent, loving & beautiful :)
I own a make Golden Retriever named Dylan :) xx
Loving, loyal, beautiful, smart, and playful! I love my little golden Gingi!
i love golden retriever sooooooo much the best dog to have to ur family
those dogs are prety smart, but the german shepherd is way more better becaus they are smarter ,very protective and they also work with polices
This is such friendly dog breed but its not really a guard dog its more of a dog that is always going to want to be right beside you protecting you. its very alert and very trainable with high inteligence. its one of my favourites
their the best dog in the world.They have the most beautiful color & they are so loving. I used to have one, but it got sick & passed away.

Alert and energetic, beagles are very athletic dogs while not getting too large in size. They make terrific hunting and outdoors dogs due to their tracking skills and energy. They need constant exercise though, and may gain weight or cause trouble if confined to a house.
my favorite breed of dog is a husky i love there eyes especially the blue ones
Easily the best eva! Beagles can be lap dogs or outdoor dogs, but whatever they seek to please and stay with their owners. Sweetness is defined by the beagle. As the saying goes, all dogs are pets; beagles are family!
Absolute best dogs in the world. Sweet tempered, loving and hands down the cutest dogs on the planet.
I have a 10 year old beagle he is soooo sweet, and so good with kids.
Ive got a Beagle It is Really Nice but the only problem
is the nose when It pickes up a sent its off it even follows me to school it escapes from the house too
whoever put that there stupid should realy shut their mouths before i shut it fo them cuase thier really smart
They can be awful pets if you don't have enough time or space for them . People who are thinking about adopting one really need to consider this seriously.
totally awesome but sorta small AND you need to either go to a local park alot or have a big backyard......

WOW! Absolutely not true! GO to AKC and look up smart dog breeds, This is not even on the top 15 list.......LOL.......
they deserve to be on the top of the chart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a Boston Terrier called Tiga. He had a little spot on his forehead. He was so cute!!! Best dog ever??? DEFINATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a Boston, and I nickname him "Velcro" because he is always, always next to me!
boston terriers are the best dog breed. They can be really active but also love a good time sleeping on couch while you watch t.v. You will love one if you get one
spike is my boston and poodle mix he is off lish and love people

I live in the country side. Most people have this breed.
Very unstable breed. should be working dog only. Have bad habit of nipping.
it is called the most intelligent dog breed int hte whole world.
Obedient is not the same as smart. Border collies are extremely obedient.
They are very Cute and as well as most Intelligent Dog in this Whole World........
I Love my Border Collie a lot...........................................................
they are very smart i have one and is the best and smartest dog i have ever had
i have been brought up with collies in my family, the only dog my dad would have! they are very loyal, beautiful and intelligent
well now you've met one i just got a 8 week old border collie they are THEbest
I think these are beautiful animals . I have never known anyone who owned one but I have heard that they are very smart but need to work.or they are unhappy?

One of the most versatile dog breeds in existence, these dogs can serve a number of purposes. They are strong, intelligent and athletic and have a ton of confidence. Their outgoing personalities and take charge attitude make them a favorite of law enforcement agencies and the military.
German shepherds are the greatest dogs ever. They are soooo cute and deserve the number one spot for best dogs. They are beautiful and loyal, sweet and effecionate. They are extremely protective. i LIVE for these dogs. I have two young ones called diggs and koda. They are wonderful with children. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM.
I do like these dogs and I do think that they are okay, although I heard that they aren't actually as nice as people say they are around children.
German Shepherds are one of the most intelligent breeds of dog in existence. They are versatile, agile, fearless, confident, loving, and have great stamina. This makes them good at just about anything, such as, police work, military work, service dogs, herding, disc dog competitions, agility, dock diving, flyball, jogging partner, and even just a great family pet. If looking into getting a German Shepherd, it is important to understand that if you do not want super high energy, get a low drive dog. High drive German Shepherds will completely overwhelm an everyday person who is not willing or able to work with their dogs several hours a day. If not adopting, be sure to buy from a reputable breeder. German Shepherds are prone to hip dysplasia, which is hereditary, so make sure both parents are OFA hip certified or have no history of hip dysplasia or any other health concerns. German Shepherds generally cost a lot to buy and they eat a lot, so prepare to put out a lot of money. There are many different colors that you can buy. The one that people are most familiar with is black/tan. They also come in black/red, black/silver, all black, all white, liver, and varying shades of sable. Getting a German Shepherd is a decision that should not be made lightly. However, for the right person, German Shepherds are loyal, loving, and exciting companions.
we all know it is your opinion that u like rottweilers better. but we also have our own opinion that german shepherds r better
Hah, Rottweiler's are and always will be the all around best dog to own. Because it only has one downfall, stubborn, but if you have patience, the best dog ever by far. Rottweiler's will gaurd your children and family. You can't trust a Sheppard with kids, buddy just admitted it . by the way Rottweiler's are used as cop dogs as well and prove much better results than Sheppard's do, it just takes a bit more time to rain a rottweiler. So don't kid yourself Sheppard fans, don't be as certain as you think you are.
THEY ARE AWSOME!! Mine has stub tail.. Name is Max Baer Ramsey
German Shepherds are the BEST dog breed in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are the best breed. It is intelligent, loyal, somewhat good with children, has a good size, very cute as puppies look awesome
just wish I had one...
should feel proud to own one...........the aweeeesooomeeest......dog ever in this world. this breed should stay the same as it is now for always.............. this breed is ALL IN ONE. love gsd's stay the same dude just go to #1 in ranking.........
i own a German shepherd and these are the most wonderful dogs in the world , mine dog's name is SIMBA i really love him ........... they should be #1 in place of 3 ... the best dog ever made.
i'm from Germany and there i got my sheperd and its AWSOME!!!!!
i have a german shephard his name is shadow it is all in one i think it is the strongest in the world..............................
I'm Prince from India.I have a german shepherd dog.It's a very versatile and wild dog generally a fearsome and a guard dog.With their unquestionable intelligence,these dogs respond well to training.
my cousin has two and they are the most agressive dogs, bit a hole in my sisters leg
german shepherds are the best in the world,they are supper intellengant .very easy to train ,they would risk their own life for you and not run away like most dos ,and finnaly they are very good police dos
Words just cannot describe the sheer beauty, loyalty, intelligence, versatility, and personality of the German Shepherd. Best dog ever, excellent with kids and should be number ONE!
they never stop barking allll day looong
they are cute though :)
The best breed around. German Shepherds are everything in one package..smart, protective, enjoy working,great family pets, loyal. The most amazing dog ever!!!!!!

BEST DOG IF YOU DON'T OWN A BELGIUM MALINIOS YOUR DOG IS JUST A DOG....Seriously have grown up with German Shepherd, Doberman, Rottweilers, Chow and never seen a dog like this. NOT everyone can own this breed they now passed the German Shepherd in the police, military. Completely amazing breed. Do your homework before getting one. Completely UNSTOPPABLE. LOVE MY ZORRO. ..
the balgian malinois is the best dog out there
they dont get the respect they deserve. I have a rhodesian ridgeback and a belgian malinois. both dogs are incredible but hands down it took me about 2 weeks the train the malinois and about 4 months for the ridgeback. these dogs should be in the top 5
i like this dog because its very obedient. Brave but patient in children.
In police work, there is no quicker dog than the BELGIAN MALINOIS in defending against attack or in grabing suspect.

Cutest puppies ever I adore him and would get another one xxx ❤️❤️❤️ xxx
Another dog that's not really attentive.hard to train,poor listening and hard headed.
They are so loving and careful with the family members. More tops presenting the most intelligent dogs think this breed is indeed full of resources, but professor Coren wouldn't have said so in his top of most intelligent dog breeds.
Many people consider this breed one of the most intelligent dog breeds. They are so loving and careful with the family members. More tops presenting the most intelligent dogs think this breed is indeed full of resources, but professor Coren wouldn't have said so in his top of most intelligent dog breeds.
They are strong to pull sleds, one of the best dogs you can get!!!
These are gorgeous dogs filled with love!! and such stunning blue eyes!

I have a jack russel called Oliver and sadly he is blind but he protects his territory
lets go jack russel your the best dog in the world that's why I vote jack russel
My Jack, Ruby, is by far the greatest dog I've ever owned. She's incredibly smart, loyal, friendly with other dogs AND KIDS, despite what some people might say. She plays when you want to play and she snuggles up to watch tv when you want to do that too. I love this dog to death. I couldn't have asked for a greater fur baby. Oh, and she's absolutely adorable. That's a huge bonus :)
If anyone says that their dog is a jerk, it's probably because they aren't good doggy parents. Some dogs, like humans are jerks and were born that way, but 90% of the time if a dog is disobedient or mean, it's because the parents did not raise it properly. Dogs take a lot of time and effort for the first 2 years or so of their lives, but it's so, so worth it in the end.
I would definitely recommend a jack russell for anyone looking for a dog. You won't regret it!!
I love my Jack Russell Gus - Smart, cheeky, lazy, cute & friendly! The most friendliest dog I have ever known and he sleeps 80% of his day ☺
Luv my Jackie Mac. She is actually a Parson, but practically the same dog. I think she is uber smart!
Love my J.R. He's playful,fearless of big dogs, and is so cute to cuddle.
Very intelligent,once told what cat is then after saying 'cat ' he looks for it everywhere!
My jack is so smart! I will show him how to do something once, and I won't have to repeat it. Plus he's a snuggle bug
Jackies have unique personalities. Our Sake is goofy, playful, energetic, fearless, very inquisitive, but obedient and loveable, extremely intelligent and a wonderful "kid" to have.
jack russels are the best breed of dog there strong loyal fearless and very cute
jack russells are awesome.. (: they are very energtic and love to play. (:

The most consistently popular breed of dog for Americans, The Lab is considered the perfect family dog. They are smart, affectionate, loyal and make very good guard dogs.
I had a black lab, he died saving me in a flood, I miss him so much. I love you Eddy... labs were always mans best friend.
I have one mine is called Evie when she plays with other dogs she spins round in circles madly and very enejetic but at the end of the day she lies next to u and goes to sleep
i had a black lab he was only a pup but they wonder and attack sheep he got ran over
i had a black lab and she was really good but she ate mushrooms and she ate the wrong one and died yesterday but she was really good and i liked her alot definitally recommended for families
, I have a yellow lab. She is the BEST dog I could ever ask for. Loyal, protective, smart, funny, easy to train, etc.
I have black Labrador and it is very intelligent, clean, lovely, cute. I love it very much. For me it is the best dog ever!!!!
my niece had a black labrador named cleopatra she died because of heart failure and she visited her everyday to remember her always leaving flowers in her tomb just beside there house. she was 10 years old.
i had a black lab mix named miley. she died at 6 because of kidney failure. But that doesn't mean that you should not get one. They are fantastic dogs. Miley was smart, she learned (sit, paw, other paw, down, stay, come and other words) in one day!! I miss her like crazy she was put down on April 30, 2012. But they are the best dogs out there. Also we never had to leash her anywhere we went!!
i had a lab but had to give it away and now looking for a new one but it has to be cheap
I used to have a lab but when we moved to New Zealand we had to give him away.He was very cute and he dose not care what you do to him
I've Had a yellow lab/ chesapeak bay for 6 years, They are smart, protective, and very amily friendly, A lab is a great option

Beautiful, smart, playful, sweet, funny dogs. Energy to burn, so don't get one unless you live in the country or are super-active.
I know TONS about dogs. I have been studying and looking at them since I was 7! I currently own a dog now, and help my grandma with hers. The Australian Cattle Dog does not have fur like described in that other comment. They have short hair that is very smooth. They also weigh 30 to 60 pounds, NOT 17 to 33! Also, unlike mentioned in the other comment, which is very important, they are 17 to 20 inches tall, this is important because, how will you know how big they are if you don't hear it from a professional?
These dogs are usually just 17-33 pounds. I own them very loyal, not aggressive, goo guard dogs, very cute, and good with herding cows and sheep.
If you have heard of the paintings "Blue Dog" It was made after this dog. Look on Wikipedia if not known. P.S. Not as Hair as a poodle but hairier than a Chinese Crescent
Have 2 girl pugs , love them , great house dogs , love to play, very curious at times. They Follow me all over the house. Wouldn't trade the for the world!
the most intelligent , cutest, playful and the best of all friends.....that's my darling little PUG Lucky is his name..He stands to his name.Really AWESOME
the world's best dog and a family member...the best companion...truly my family adores it
Best dog ever, they shed very little, they don't need to much exercise, and they are one of the most carting dogs, the pug owns the person you don't own it and she is the queen of my house
They are very careful and they eats a lotbut still they are very Intelligent........
I love my Pug a lottttt........
My dog is adorable and yeah careful they eat alot and pugs are very very playfu
sweet dog that loves you and attention they also can eat ALOT!

I lost my Aussie on July 3, 2013. He by far was my most loyal friend. He was very intelligent and loving. He was always there to help me when I needed him.I truly miss him.
I lost mine to cancer 13 years ago, and I still miss him and mourn his loss. He was incredibly intelligent, and he was able to sense my moods and respond to them. He was great with the kids, and he was one of my best friends. I can't even imagine that he could ever be replaced. Love you and miss you, Tyler...
My Aussie, I put to sleep last Friday, had him almost 15 years. I have owned from Poodles to Great Danes, with many breeds inbetween and without a doubt my Aussie love was the most intelligent, loving, protective faithful friend I ever owned or who ever owned me.
My Aussie is probably the smartest, prettiest, best behaved, friendly, athletic, affectionate dog alive.
Very protective of yourself and your family. They treat them like their flock, thats typical in herding breeds..
I had a smart,, energetic, sweet, loyal, handsome, friendly, playful Australian Shepherd. He died 7 years ago. :(
Best breed ever! Best one youll ever get! I own 2, do agility, obedience,and trick dogging with one! The aussie is one of the smartest dogs on earth!! So loyal, gentle, great with kids, love to work, but love to people so much than anything else!! :)
These dogs are great. Friendly, intelligent, hardworking, and extremely loyal. Very underrated. I own one. They are awesome!!!!

Great with kids, easy to take care of, energetic, this breed is for almost anybody. Also they are amazing watch dogs so they are great with elderly too.
My first dog was this one. She was always playful, loyal, friendly, etc. She would always be filled with excitement and energy.
TIP: When you drive into/out of the driveway, make sure you know where they are FIRST. My mum's friend drove over mine.
This breed is always looking to please. It truly fits the phrase of mans best friend.
These little dogs are amazing. Not only amazing with kids but a great adult friend that just wants to please. Cuddling to watch a movie or a swim in the sea.

thy can get rough when playing my 7 year old got a nip from ours.
i have a pom it is so playful. his name is Sean Jr. he is still 4 months old
I have one, his name is Lucky and he becomes very sad when I go to school and he cries, but, when I come he always smiles, nudges, and begs although he is not trained, he begs for food and now he is chubby but I have been giving him exercise and then he starts doing tricks and he is becoming to his original size
They are fearless dogs. They may be small but they are fearless dogs. I have one and he is a great little dog. I am so happy I got him! I made the right choice.
German shepherds are NOT weak and coward! they are strong and confident! if it is weak you should ask a vet o look at it or maybe it is old!
Beautiful and friendly all around, ready to take on the world, as well as Boxers, I plan to always have one.
Pomeranian is the laziest,coward,dirtiest,powerless,unintelligent and idoit fool. Even a cat is much better than Pomeranian
The one and only champions, strong and friendly in the world is the Labrador
I am very unlucky bcoz i have one German shepherd which is to weak and coward. My brother is very lucky bcoz he have a Labrador whi is very strong and powerful.
I have one, he so cute, but he thinks he's a human, lie he tries to eat with a fork
pomeranians are the most precious creatures on the planet especially my pom
poms have the cutest smiley faces on them, they're also very smart... very possessive of their owners and turfs...

Poodles are considered the second most intelligent dog in the world. Some are known to have learned long lists of words and their meanings.
The Poodle is a breed of dog. The Standard Poodle is regarded as the second most intelligent breed of dog after the Border Collie, and before the German Shepherd Dog. Otherwise notable is this breed's keen sense for instinctual behavior. In particular, marking and hunting drives are more readily observable than in most other breeds. Even Toys will point birds. Most Standard Poodles make great watchdogs and some even have mild (and sensible) protective instincts, but this is not an aggressive breed. Their attitude toward people varies from friendly to politely reserved.
Such cute, friendly dogs. Me and my BFF want one of these loving, popular companions when we're a bit older. The name Bella really suits a brown and white one. I think they should be the top dog breed for the UK. They are amazing dogs!
My dog is called Gucci. He is so smart, and loving and the best dog anyone would want
I love these dogs! Mine Lily is my best friend, they're playful,curious, and ADORABLE! they're so energetic to new people but they wouldn't harm a flea.Its soo fun watching them!
SOOOOOOOOooo good with kids small, cute and good for first time owners with kids!
"A watch dog" not at all really. Much to loving. Mine is adorable, she defends my kitten against the older cat who hates the kitten.
The most loving dog you could ever own. A loving companion who will truley be your "best friend". The have no enimies and believe nothing will hurt them. Friendly to everyone.
BEST DOGS IN THE WHOLE WORLD. I love them they don't bite and are very great for children; I grew up with one!
They are so handsome best family dog should be first on the list they are the cutest dogs ever!! I love them they are friendly and adorable!!!
They the most cute and beautiful dogs ever!!!!!!I LOVE THEM!!!!!!
GREATEST DOGS EVER!!!!!!!!!! I love both of mine: Charlie, and Chester. They listen very well, and are amazing family dogs, although they are quite expensive.
The cutest dog! Easily trained and great family dog. A watch dog, and a lap dog,intelligent, loving,and loyal!

this breed is fast, agile, strong, intelligent and willing to help you whenever you need it
I have had five Dobermans. They are the most loving, intelligent, family protector and the greatest and most loyal companions and best friends. My daughter and three grandchildren live with me and my Max absolutely adores them. He has to ride with them as my daughter takes them to school. I have loved everyone and still miss all of them that have passed away. I want everyone of them to outlive me, but of course, they don't. I have a 2year old male, Max, and he is my very best friend. I love my dobies!
I have 2. Great with Kids. Male very headstrong, If got from puppies they are the best all round dog breed
Terrible with kids! good guard though I recommend against getting one for kids!
There is NO OTHER breed as the Dobie. The ORIGINAL 'bad dog' of the 80's. My lovable pup is our family's greatest prize. He is truly man's best friend!
Had a dobie, most awesome creature on the planet, extremely intelligence. , great sense of humor, loving an loyal, was the bright spot in my life for 14 years
Very easy to train,very loyal and beautiful. Will protect its family.

This breed is very popular with men, as these dogs are athletic, powerful animals made to be guard dogs. Although they look fearsome, they can be surprisingly affectionate and make great family pets.
Lost my Boxer, Max, in January. Sweetest, kindest most loving dog EVER. I have a hole in my heart that won't heal. I miss him everyday. You will NEVER go wrong with a Boxer.
the Boxer should be after German shepherd. GOOD WITH KIDS! good sizing, low shedding/grooming just needs to improve intelligence! :D
I am also surprised that Boxers are not higher on the list. They are loyal, fearless, yet funny and loving. They have a personality closest to humans of all the breeds. I have had 4 of them now...just got my newest puppy 3 weeks ago and he's already awesome. I'll never have any other breed.
The friendliest and most loyal dogs ive EVER seen, and the best dog all around for children, they are smart, friendly,playful and protective of there families, especially there main owner and children, i will always have this breed for the rest of my life.
I love my boxer but lately I recieved full custody of my children and they moved in she sleeps with them every night . And now I'm finding that she is fighting with the other dogs in the house when they are getting close to me or the children anyone help with this
These wonderful fun loving dogs are by far the best breed for a family because they do well for about 9 hours by them selfs amazing digs I recommed getting one for a forever home
Can't believe the boxer is not higher up the list,amazing dogs.

Were bred to hunt LIONS, look death in the eye and don't back down. Can keep up with a running horse for 30 miles. Extreme indurance. immune to insect bites. Webbed feet for running in sand and Swimming.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks are really cute especially the puppies. They're great pets!
My friend has a Rhodesian Ridgeback who is very protective and well behaved. He is good with children and likes to play. I think if you want a large, protective dog, then this is the perfect breed.
With one exception, our Ridgebacks have been very smart. They have also been very loyal and loving, but are NOT immune to insect bites. Benadryl helps a lot though. Very strong, agile and good stamina, but Salukis have more stamina/endurance. Great dogs and very loyal.
I had 2 RRs, male and female - absolutely brilliant temperament. Fearless with intelligence to match, loving, brave, excellent watchdogs and great with my then new-born baby and all the kids who would frequent our house every week. They never bark for absolute rubbish like some of the breeds ranked higher up on this list. When they bark, go check it out because something's up! Stamina, strength, agility and endurance unparalled
I have a rhodesian/boxer and I got attacked by a dog while walking my dog down the street and my dog jumped in front and attacked it and it was a 80-100 pound pitbull and my dog got beat up pretty good but the other dog got hurt more and my dog was still able to run home.
Rhodesian was not used to attack the lion, but to destract the lion so u could kill it. They were used to be expendable.
Our Rhodesian Ridgeback was house trained at 10 weeks, came back off the lead at 12 weeks and has developed well ever since. She is like a sister to our 3.5 year old daughter and they are insepperable. Given clear boundaries this is a breed of dog that will never let you or your family down.
my grandma had one, most loyal, loving,caring dog that stayed by her bed for a month while she was sick, and i miss him dearly
I really want a rhodesian ridgeback but my mother thinks its a bad idea because we have a younger brother who is 3 years old, any links that say that the ridgeback is a great family dog?
the rr is the best dog breed brave,loyal,loving,protective,good with kids and an great guard dog!
sweet......going to get one and cant wait. Seem like a great dog. My fam always had shorthaired pointers growing up. Sweet but skiddish.
I couldn't agree more. They probably aren't really dogs, but Einstein in fur. This breed excels at search & rescue. First will hunt by sight, then scent like a bloodhound, will also scent from air. I can't think of any other dog that can do everything a RR does splendidly.
I agree. I have a Ridgeback and thay are the best breed ever. Extreme indurance, inteligent, fast, beautiful and a great family pet.

You have to prove to rotties that you are more stubborn than he/she is. Training is an exercise in persistence. This can take quite awhile as they are very headstrong, independent, and perceptive. Once you get there, they are the most amazing dogs. Loyal like crazy (and really just to you), defensive of you, careful and calculated. They don't just march into anything like a pit or bulldog, they are leery of new people/stimulus.
Make no mistake, this is not a golden retriever that will crave obeying you and love everyone. Rottweilers are a two-way relationship dog, you have to give and get. With time, the "get" far outweighs the "give".
I also have a rottweiler but their very stubborn and hard to train, but i will advice u to send it for about 2 to 3 years of training and it will be the best dog in the whole world and even be better than German shepherds,FYI rottweiler are stronger and their bite are more powerful than a German shepherd's bite which makes them a better garde dog,they may gain intelligence and fitness in their training process which will make them the best and the number 1 family and garde dog.
I have one rot one lab n one Gsd dog.. Bt I like rot cz its very protective n obedient to only me.. My lab is sweet n sporty n obidient as well my gsd is very good companion while hunting rabbit bt I like roti
Very stubborn hard to train dumb dog.I've never been around one yet that has been smart.
Had one and there adorable and sweet!!!! Very good with children. I would perfer this dog to any family. There easy to train and if your reading this please'O'please get one.
Yea who put that crap above one of the best all round dogs in world prob after german shepard
crab....one of the most versatile dogs....very easy trainable since its in the top 10 smartest dogs!
it is surely a good dog but the only negative point is that it is not that easy to train it by the owner .

Exactly like a cute and playful doggie in an oversized package. Excellent with kids, dogs and even cats. Truly the downside is they can get pretty smelly, their gas can sure make anyone run or open up a window. As well, they do need a lot of attention whether its making sure that you exercise him/her well so that they don't chew up all your belongings or to simply spend some time with them so they feel loved. As they are IMP emotional dogs. But seriously their farts....
I have an American bulldog and I love her! She's very playful and funny and very protective. They are not that difficult to train. My family had an English bulldog and then we got our American bulldog. English bulldogs and American bulldogs are the best! They will be lazy with you, they will be playful with you, they will cuddle with you, they are easy to train, and they are good with kids and adults. American bulldogs can act really crazy something, but other than that American and English bulldogs are the best dogs ever!
I've had two during my life, I currently have one of them. I've had a male and female, & find that females listen & mind better. I love the breed they're very loyal, & great family dogs
I have had (6) American Bulldogs over the past 20 years. I would not trust any other breed with my children as much. Unreal animals. Anyone who as ever had one, rarely changes breeds...
Awesome playful cuddley funny, like a little dog in a big package

The only dog I've ever had, but by far the funnest dog I've ever met. My weimaraner loved everybody he met, and was infinitely lovable. He was pretty intelligent, and extremely athletic. He loved to hunt and chase tennis balls. Great dog for an athletic family. The one thing I didn't like was how much he would bark.
Weimeraners are even used in the police force ,they have got 2 types off tracking smell ,( ground and air ) they can track down human smells as well as narkotics .
My Weimeraner are the most loyal Dog that I have Ever had or come accross .He is loyal .very active wants to run ,love to chace hokkey balls ,and are one of the best hunting dogs ,for small to medium game . will protect you with hes live and are very attached towards your family .
very playfull ,loyal,have run constanly ,exsersize needed.best family dog (friend ) willing to protect your family at any cost .needs allot off attention and love ,
Need to have a stong hand from a puupy ,then he will follow you to the end of the Earth.
Most loyal friend ,companion ,playfull ,and there owner meens everything to them ,can not be without you . loves children very protective off family ,and willing to Guard you in any situation .rating weimaraner. 110% Loyal .

I have had 2 shelties and no one is getting in your house without you knowing.Train them right and there is no better dog.
I love sheltie. They are excellent family dogs and even though they take time, it's worth it to own one of these beautiful doggies!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##!!
Shelties are one of the smartest, most loyal dogs who have more energy than most people can handle. Sure, they "talk" because they love attention and they love to be noticed. You can train the bark out of them--it just takes time, Give them love and they'll respond in kind, tenfold.
Overall: intelligent, beautiful, graceful, loving, loyal, funny! People that can't deal with a talkitive, smart animal need to shy away from this breed. They have a lot to say about just about everything which is why I love these guys. Shelties rule! I have 3 of them.
although i thoroughly agree that sheltie's are beautiful, they can be annoying when they fnd something annoying and continue to bark!

My husband and I had the pleasure of being owned by an Airdale. She was the best dog. She was easy to train. She stayed in our yard, off leash. She understood her boundries. The kids in the neighborhood would come into our yard to play with her because she knew she had to "stay in the yard." She wasn't overly affectionate, but she let you know she loved her humans. She was alert and protective, she always had my back. She was also very entertaining. She got Evans Syndrome and passed away. We miss her very much.
our pap is 7 years old. He thinks he was bread to fight lions, he trained so easily that my children were teaching him 2-3 new tricks a day when he was a pup. He is quiet unless he is protecting his yard from squirrels, and he wants to be near his people every second. If I pick him up, he wants down, but as soon as I sit down he is on my lap and if I move to another room he will get up and follow. The ONLY downside to my little canine person is that his beautiful coat sheds so we end up with white hairs on everything.
They originated from ancient egypt. The akita is a loyal but dominate breed. They can be overproctive. They are very strong dogs. Rumor is that two can take down a full grown bear. Also, akitas are very freindly towards kids. They make a great companion. In all, the akita is a loving and protective companion.
we has an Akita for years and hands down was one of the very best friends we ever had. We would take him for ice cream every Sunday. He would have without hesitation gave his life to protect my family. He grew very old and we had to put him down. Its been three years now and I still think of him everyday. I would have hated to go all my life and never have know an Akita as a friend like he was to me. RIP Shiro old friend
Watch Hachi. Its so sad. it shows you how loyal these dogs can be. Its so touching.;(
I have a japanese akita x rottweiler ... Good with friends and family. We thought she was full breed but as she grew you can tell that she is a rottweiler because of her features oh and she was dark brown colour when she was 2months and now shes a tan colour ... She's 10 months old and shes a beauty :D
Yes akitas are from Akita island... Japan!...I have a 9 year old Japanese Akita BEAR awesome dogs and yes she had had more the one bear up a tree!!!!
Our male puppy Akita is 8 months old. He love to be chase every morning, especially before I go to work. He love to walk and love to be pat on his head by co- walkers that appreciate his handsome look:) He love hugs and kisses.
they are actuallty from japan. they were bred for hunting bears. ps. im an animal care student :)

Staffies should go first!!! How can a German Shepard be first! I always c Staffies & Labradors walking about the place with their owners!
These dogs are getting bad rep for no reason. Along with the Pit bull, Rottweiler, and many more. i love these breeds of dogs :)
Staffys should be first! Or at least in the top 10. I've owned different dogs and staffys are very loyal! Their also very protective and I agree with the other comments, THEY ARE NOT CALLED NANNY DOGS FOR NOTHING!!!!
I had both my Staffordshire bull terriers for 16 years, they are not called "nanny dogs" for nothing, they are so loving and loyal, mine were a little hectic at times, but only because they used to get so excited to see me. Easy to train and very smart dogs, staffs as there known as don't get the credit they deserve, my number 1 dog, you will never find a more loyal, family loving dog, fantastic with babies and children! Plus there always smiling at you : )
Should be at number 1, for me this is true anyway, I've owned many different breeds and it us said (which I believe to be 100% true) that no other breed will love its family as unconditionally as a staffy, even your golden retriever or your collie will hide away to get a moment or two to itself in the hallway away from its family, not a staffy, he or she will be glued to you from the word go, right now I'm writing this on the toilet with my trusty staffy laying by my feet, if you like something wanting to be with you none stop and showing constant love and affection then this is the breed for you, :)
Best dog ever. So loving, loyal, gentle. Mine has never met a human he did not love. He watches over my toddler grandkids like they are his own. He is protective of me as well. Smart, easy to train. Just a wonderful animal. Love my Staffie!
I agree that these dogs should be in the top 5. Every dog i have ever owned has been an english Staffordshire bull terrier in some form. At he moment i have a staffy cross border collie and a brue english staffy. They are the greatest dogs of all time. They have an amazing temprament and are great with small childred, they are loyal and would follow me to the end of the earth.
Are you kidding?!?! The dog breed referred to as "The Nanny Dog" because of it's gentleness with children, disabled, and elderly so low on the list! Top 5 as sbould be the AmStaff! This list is a joke!

The most beautiful dog breed!! These dogs have a very nice fur and a very bright face also they are kind and they do well with people and other animals! The other name for samoyed is smilie dogs because the shape of their lips is like they are laughing... The are one of the most ancient dog breeds!!!
Even tho im10 I m the BIGGESTdog freak ever and my dagger dog breed is the SAMOYED,,!!!They ar esm art,funny,cute fluffy,and soooooooosweet!So even tho I'm a kid I reeeelly want a samoyed if I had to choose one I would coose the Samoyed!So please forgive me if I mispeld some words but I'm in a hurry I'm soooooo tired but I wanted to tell evrybody how awesomly amazing Samoyeds are to me and hopfuly someday evrybody els!!!
i have a samoyed and he is the cutest smartest dog i have ever had!!
Beautiful :) I own a Golden Retriever called Dylan, and hopefully be a proud owner of a Samoyed to! :) xx
my very first & favorite breed, best dogs ever! highly intelligent, though, prepare to "baby" proof your house
most beautiful sweet natured dog I've ever looked after.
simply stunning.

Friend has two. great with kids very beautiful 'Donut' the large 3 yr old male corrects himself. Stepped on the 'Muffin' their New Malamute puppy and flinched. careful around her ever since when owner is scolding the 'muffin' 'donut' barks or gently nudges 'muffin' Really awesome!
Probably the most popular of the small breed dogs, Yorkie's are known for their winning personalities and loving attitude. They are ideal pets for children and the elderly, as they love attention and are not very athletic.
yorkies are loving dogs even know there small their faster than people
Yorkshire Terriers are intelligentand very active. They almost never shed. Andsome are so small they can fit in your coat pocket. They do yap a lot but make a grate family member. I suggest you buy one.
They are the best dogs ever they are go for kids 6 and on and they are smart too my dog always goes to find my 12 year old when she is hiding and all ways finds her. they also are good for city living in Apt.
Yorkies are very, very athletic. My dog could run all day. She does tucker herself out, but she loves ball and will play for hours.
I don't have one either, it's just that i'm not sure if i will be able to take care of one because i've never owened a dog before! :( it's either a yorkie, a toy poodle, a rat terrier or some other small dog...

Very energetic breed. one of the most versatile hunting breeds and make great family pets.
I have owned 6 shorthairs over the past 20 years and am about to acquire two new pups for Christmas. Besides being extremely intelligent friendly and athletic, they are also very trusting around little children. I have never worried once about them showing any aggression to a child even if that child was hanging all over them. If you are considering a GSP, get one with an even temperament because these dogs have big engines that can go all day. If they are going to have access to the home, they need to be able to shut that engine down when they cross the threshold. Once inside they will crawl up into your lap or be the first to the bed at before sleep. In summary I will match any breed against the GSP. It is bred to be a breed that keeps on giving in all categories and look great at the same time while doing so.
They are beautiful dogs, i owned a yellow and chocolate lab for a long time but after they passed i got 2 gps. They are a little energetic as pups but they are very loyal and fun to be around. They have a remarkable sense to smell, i used both for hunting and they became perfect to point and retrieve. If you are interested in these dogs you must know that they need a lot of outdoors to run around.
Very energetic always wants to play it's loyal , cunning , smart , fun and always gives you kisses when you et back from school or work.
This one should be MUCH higher on the list! After owning a wirehaired for years, we decided on a shorthaired. With an extremely minimal amount of work (less than a week) commands are followed consistently & he has bonded strongly with my 3 & 4 year old sons. Quite possibly the best breed I've ever seen with kids ( I also own the #1 breed, the German Shepherd. No contest, the pointer is a better choice).

Collies have a soft, sweet personality, great with other animal and have the most beautiful gate.
Wonderful with kids.
they're really great all rounders. they love walks and have endless energy. really friendly- i've never seen an aggresive 1 EVER!
Can't believe they are at #53 mine does tricks by sighn or by voice command.
I have a standard longhair black and tan boy named Howie and he is the most goofiest, laziest dog ever! :) all he does is sleep on his back lol. He's 35 lbs, lean, and healthy!
I have 2 mini doxies and they are such sweet little girls. These dogs are very loyal, loving and have great personalities.
Cutest ever when pups but a little snappy when older and seem to develop a 6th sense which makes them twitchy.......
lovely animals. theyre sweet and sociable. each have thier little personalites :)

Our Shiba died recently at almost 13 yrs old. He was an alpha male, so embodied all of the Shiba traits to the nth degree, and we loved him for it. This breed is highly spirited and I would strongly advise against getting one if you are a first time dog owner. Shiba's require consistent, assertive and loving handling. They respond to respectful commands and requests, not forceful demands. Independent, yet unfailingly loyal, clean, with almost no doggy odor, but shed constantly and copiously, intelligent and expressive, they communicate frequently but rarely bark. They charm everyone they meet, so long as they know it's safe, and can become vicious protectors, if the situation requires. They are not lapdogs and prefer to sit beside their owners, for they view themselves as your equal. if they obey, it is because they choose to, as a sign you have earned their respect. A truly dignified, tenacious, stubborn,magnificent creature who will test you at every turn and hopefully deem that you are worthy of them, for if you are, you will be transformed from a mere dog lover to a human who is proud to know he is loved by such a dog.
I love these dogs! I've never had one but I've heard great things about these dogs!!!!!!!
I have only one Pyrenees left. he is "Theo" at 9,"Little Papi", was the biggest weighed 165 pounds and stood taller than I do at 5'4" and all of my dogs were very very loyal protective dogs until we invited our guests in. We never had to lock our doors. No one in town knew our names but everyone knew us as the people that walked the 3 huge white dogs with the 2 Boston Terriers
Sweet, calm and loyal, our Pyr was like a nanny to my children when they were small. She took her job very seriously. She seemed to figure out what was expected of her without much training at all. I never thought I would have a favorite breed but this one is a standout!
bull terriers may look like bad dogs but they are the funniest dogs one time I got mine a bucket of water to drink from but he dunked his whole head in there.
I have three bullies the smartest, loving and beautiful dogs in the world. one learn how to open fridge door and the closet doors to where I keep the treats
Newfoundlands are the gentle giants. They are the very best dog for children, experts even say. They are strong, and help as water dogs. Absolutely the best dog and the most beautiful dog you could have.
Miniature schnauzers should be in first or second place, preferably first because they are sweet and loving dogs, when you are closest to the dog your bond is un-breakable . They are also very smart, my puppy learned sit at 3 months old !(when I visited him of course.) this should be the first :)
they should be No.1 position Because there smart, loyal ,loving , Fun, great watch dog and more
Our schnauzer is a smart, fun and loving dog. She is great with kids and has learned to get along with our other dog and 2 cats.
Great Dog! They don't shed and love to play and have fun. They are energetic and are good around kids. They love squirrels and love to chase them. I don't know why they aren't number one though.
fun, loving, and GREAT with new born baby's, toddlers and ALL people. ( not so good with rodents/squirrels though)Also great with other dogs. they can be good with cats if you train them to like them.(very trainable)
They don't shed which is a pretty cool trait. They also have nice fur colors.
Miniature schaunzers are the best! they are very loyal and smart! they love to get attention and are the best dogs ever! :)

I don't know what dog you have, but if it's 130 pounds It's definitely not an english cocker spaniel..
Best dogs ever I have a 130 pound male and an 80pound female huge dogs great with children and one of the finest guard dogs I've ever had
They are really good dogs but like other dogs they can suffer from rage syndrome and attack suddenly.
Faithful and obedient dog breed. Good companion and loves very much his master
Best dog breed in the world confident, smart and high energy but they need an owner who is the same or they will walk all over you.
They are active, smart, energetic, obedient, love kids & family. Highly social if trained.

They are beautiful, loyal, smart, loving, trainable, and my Liberty is the best companion dog I've ever had.
I love my sweet baby's this is my opinion I think they are the sweetest and frindliest dogs in the world and I love all dogs but sorry I think that they should be #1
i love my little boy but he yaps A LOT and hes agressive around little kids
I just love my little girl sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have 4 bichons, great, loveable, they do not shed, and full of personality never have a different breed. Ages 7 to 9 years had them since birth
i love bichons they should be number 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a Bichon Frise and it is the most lovable adorable pet I have ever seen they are totally great for kids are very playful easy trainable and are up for anything I never seen a breed type of dog so perfect just the way it is I love my pets and always will they are so fun and crave attention.
My Bichon Frise runs alot but he is smart i am surprised it is the 32 most i think it should be around the 10s or the 20s
White fluff of love.. excellent temperment, great with kids, full of personality, captivating black eyes and nose... geneous breed!!
I THINK TH BISHON IS ONE OF THE MOST BEST DOGS AND HAS THE BEST PERSONALITY FOR A BIG FAMILY, NO MATTER WHAT AGE YOU ARE !! i am shocked how low the bichon score is !!! it might not be the most popular but it is the most rewarding dog at the end !
Ya a pretty harmless breed here. Mom has a BF and she just sleeps and goes limp when you pick her up to cuddle. So easy, almost cat like.

Sophie my shih Tzu is a lovely dog. Got her at two weeks and is very surprised at what she has learnt already!
My shih Tzu (Chewy) is the best little boy. We love him like one of our kids. He understands two different languages..very smart.. and respond to both. He loves to eat and is on the "C" diet, meaning what he sees he wants to eat.. We love him because he is our baby...
My Sadie is the most intelligent dog of many breeds we have had over 55 years, she will never be neglected because she barks whenever she wants a drink, food, snack, walk or pee pee, and is adorable, she is now 12 and is still sprite and enjoys a short walk everyday
Shih tzus are the most loving dog ever. They really attach to their owner, mine's my best friend :)
Dumb, and look like they ran into a brick wall, plus the incessant panting becomes irritating. Not a hod pet, more of a hairy ornament
Can't believe how smart mine is. it's just me n her since she was 10 weeks. Best friends. I think time spent together is a big key...

Owned a few other breeds. The Brittany is by far the overall best I ever had. My next dog is going to be another Brittany.
Best breed. Most loving and loyal companion. They make great family pets.
no way! dobermans are totally awesome and GORGEOUS, if they turn out mean blame the owner. maybe its the inconsiderate owners that should be banned from england, not the dog. i agree with Dogs4life.
I think they should be number 1 cause they are smart fast athletic cute awesome beautiful strong and friendly
theyre very beautiful and they dont have to be mean, they can be very friendly and gentle and theyre so sweet. :)
doberman is a beautiful dog and and very friendly why would they want to be band from england there is no reason
My mother-in-law had 2 and they were the biggest babies and so gentle. beautiful animals
It depends on how they are trained or what you think of them they can be awesome to some people and horrible to others
Them 2 comments are untrue, doberman are beautiful in their own way and what you have said shows that you can't love dogs THAT much.
dobermans are ugly and horrble dogs they should be banned from england

Our Hav Bailey is the PERFECT small dog. No joke. Only flaw is bc of her black coat, she doesn't skype well. But seriously folks.....she does not shed, barks little, studys everyones faces to best please and looks like she fell out of a cute tree and hit ever branch on the way down. Unless you want a bigger dog for hunting or guarding, the Haviness is the only choice.
beautiful/graceful hunters and are extremely good with kids. And are very graceful,smart, goofy, loving and loyal. although they need lots of exercise so would be best fitted with outdoorsy or athletic peoples.
my irish setter just died but he was the best and great hunter
I have one and he loves playing with my kids. even though he likes to tease them sometimes he is always gentle with them and I can be totally comfortable leaving my children with him. he is like a nanny
The St. Bernard is a lovley Dog that helps around the world. He is also a BRILLIANT guard dog. He has beautiful looks and barks loud... Still not as awesome as a German Shepard though.
Ok i know this is already on the list, but they are the sweetest little dogs! They are very handsome, intelligent, and friendly! Great family dogs! I love them, they are ssweethearts and are adorable
Loyal, cute, fluffy and smart and they bark if they think something is wrong. 12 in tall on average
i am a bichon lover but i have to admit i love this breed ... the only thing is you have to watch it carefully when it is young because it could fracture its leg when jumping of high furniture. Honestly, i think the bichon and italian greyhound should be higher !
they are a mixed between a pug and a beagle it is a great dog but has health issues but i is perfect for young kids and adults usually
I have a puggle and no matter what my grandchildren do to him he is great with them. I wouldn't trade him in for anything.
I am the person from before but highly recommend a Puggle for families with kids
Incredibly beautiful dog, i am very surprised that barely anyone has heard of them. Very loyal and friendly dogs. They were bread specifically to protect sheep from wolves. They are fast, strong, confident and protective of their owners, especially younger children.
Fast,loving ,strong,protective,playfully with my kids he makes a wonderful pet and very intelligent He is easy to train...!
i found my pit a year ago on the side of the road it was 3 months old I honestly wasnt going to keep her because of the ignorance ive heard about the dog and boy was i misinformed this dod is the sweetest nicest best dog ever and how glad am i that i didnt believe the negative hype.
I have 2 pits and love them both the most gentle and honestly loving dogs I have ever owned. They are very intelligent, energetic, but also a bit stubborn and can walk all over an owner if they are not prepared for it. If trained properly they will be the best family dog you have ever known.
Pit bulls are really sweet but nobody wants to
adopt them because they have a bad reputation. I guarantee you these are some of the sweetest dogs on the planet. If you don't have one and are looking for a dog I recommend this breed, however DON'T ABUSE them
Pit bulls are great dogs all you hear is the bad things that they do when really their are more good things then bad so before you spread rumor about them look at pit bulls from a different angle and maybe you all will see that they are great dogs
i had a pitbull and he was the greatiest dog any one can have, he got sold off without our permission to pay someone elses rent, we found him a few years later at a house known for dog fighting, and yeah he was mean. but for those of you who thank pitbulls are mean and vicious for any reason other then the owners resposibility can go to the deepiest parts of hell where ill be waiting for you there laughing at your filthy half-breed ignorence.
Anyone who thinks the most widely owned dog in the United States isn't going to be abused and have bad repuatation associated with them is probably also a supporter of the anti gun laws... You aren't intelegent congrats.
any dog can be good for people . Dont abuse your dogs and stop beating them and making them fight
Wow so far down for such an amazing animal. One of the few animals that used to be considered the babysitter dog. Incredibly loyal, loving, and friendly.
PS people with small dogs...train them to be around other dogs, big dogs get bad raps because when a small dog acts out and hurts or scares a big dog and the big dog protects itself, its always the big dogs fault. Not exclusively pits but bigs in general. Socialize your pets!!
Pit bulls are one of the most, if not the #1, smartest dog on the planet.Pit Bulls are wonderful conpanions of all dog breeeds and are easy to train if you start early. STOP MAKING THIS BREED SO HATED!!!

They are very good hunting dogs for up north and very good ugly dog so they have beards
Loyal Bubbly energetic easily trained loving and an all round energetic striking looking dog!
Gentle giant most definitly fits the description of this beautiful dog! They are great with children and are the loving companien i would strongly recommend! If you have never heard of these dogs, then do look them up on the computer then you will see what i mean!!
Very intelligent, friendly, loves everyone and everything. A clown. very much a people dog, full of energy but just as happy being in the house with you
My dogs name is camo. She stopped mom from stepping on a rattlesnake and saved our chickens from being eaten by raccoon's opposums skunks and foxes. She is my best friend.
It's the way they are raised just like any animal loving when raisd with love aggressive when raised aggressively.
Best dogs I've had the pleasure 2 own and b around.there so loyal and attentive there very easily trained and never leave your side.they are very protective when need b.they listen so well and can b trained for anything.its almost like they understand u but are unable to talk back.they are very strong so coming accross a mean 1 will do much damage because of there strength.I don't understand why they are not used as police dogs.best breed hands down,they have every thing you would want a dog to do and have.
pitbulls are a good but the trainers of dog make the dog go bad
I have a pitpull and a American bulldog, they never bit anyone. Pitpulls are not aggressive it depends on the owner.
A lot of people today who want a tough, aggressive dog, today that is the pitbull (just like in the 90s it was the rottweiler, and in the 70s and 80s it was the doberman.) that is why the pitbull breed has attacked a lot of people now a days, but the breed itself is a great dog. In short the pitbull gets a bad reap not because it''s a bad dog, it's because of bad owners.
Best Dogs Ever, Ban them? No way! i have 2 pitbulls and there the best dogs ive ever scene
your baby brother shouldnt have been around the dog in the first place. slap your mother for me
almost killed my grand mother by bitting her ,but lukily my grand father was ther and shot the fuc out of the pitbull
i have a rottweiler pitbull mix and she is so nice. I love her!!!!!!!!
vicious, they were bred 2 fight. wouldn't reccomend gettin 1 BUT it depends how you train them- i hav seen nice 1s but not that many...
pitbulls are misunderstood. how aggresive they are revolves around there owner and there background in life.

They are smart, energetic, gentle once trained and learn quickly; although they can be a bit disobedient before being trained.
They are also capable of training their owners...
The Miniature Pinscher is a small, fun, loving dog. Loves being the center of attention. Very Loyal, Intelligent, lively, and brave. Needs plenty of exercise. Quick to learn new tricks.
chinese shar peis are amazing. i think these should be in the top 3 most gorgous dogs ever! even if they are quite dangerous, they are still ultra cool and amazing.
I av 2 sharpeis and they are far from being dangerous they are both soft as teddy bears my male has been bitten a few times with other dogs and also. Was attacked by a cat and he never fot back
i have 1 and he is so loyal always by my side also he the cutest dog ever his name is twix because of his cookie and caramel coat also playful but once done he will sleep 3 hours
i had one but it got ran over and its name was blue becuz he was blue
i have 7 shar pies dogs 2 r adults and the rest r pups and i am sellin them for 200 they r great wit kids and mine is called chula the girl and coco for better than beau
i have a chinease shar pei they are ver beautiful. mine is called beau which means precious

The best all purpose dog you can find. Excellent family pet, intellegent, strong, athletic and affectionate.
I agree. this should be at the top of the list. They are always getting bad rep and mistreated. We should stop BSL and learn to love these breeds of dogs. I am not trying to reach something but you guys should really take it into consideration
Will fight to the death protecting family and home. Kills any other animal that moves unless told not to (won't harm our chickens after being told not to). Only animal I know that can kill a skunk before the animal sprays. Extremely loving, powerful, energetic, smart, athletic and has very high tolerance to pain. Mostly hates all other dogs not living on property and must be the alpha. Our Great Pyr is submissive to the Catahoula. Jumped the fence to go after 3 pit bulls chasing grandson and took down 2 while the third ran away. Had to call him off to let the other 2 injured ones limp home.
I had a Weimy for 15 years. Bigger than avge at 110 lbs (male). The most loving dog I have owned, wanted to be with me at all times (would awake from a sleep to follow me to the bathroom; waited outside shower door; when on the phone I swear he got a tad jealous....lol). Incredibly smart, almost becomes a detriment in that they are escape artists. This is no cliche', my dog got out of a hotel room (heavy door that was locked and opened inwards..??) when I left for no more than 5-10 mins. Broke out of two different dog-hotels, one of which had a locked chain-link fence. Poor vet tech opened the outer door, only to see my Weimy waiting at her feet. She screamed and ran away, assuming a thief was on the premise. If you get this dog, be sure you have plans to run or work this dog virtually every day. If you don't, these dogs can get a bit rambunctious.
I own a Catahoula mix border collie/pit/ blue merle and I must say that they are indeed the loyalest, protective, and extremely intelligent dog I've ever had. Shes so gentle and protective of my 2 grandsons, its as if she were their mama. Its so precious!! They are like humans in a dog body.
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