I have a group of friends, but I don't hang out with them a lot. I find more joy in hanging out by myself. Yes, it can be lonley at times, but I'm a weird kid, so I'm not gonna fit in anytime soon.
I fit pretty well into this category. I have “friends” that I talk to sometimes, but usually I just listen to them talk to each other. I don’t really know how to enter a conversation and I’m not very good at communicating with people for group work. I just sit and do my work and let people talk to each other. I don’t think I’d have much that anyone would be interesting in hearing in a full conversation anyway, though. Maybe that’s just past experience talking. I don’t know if I just started a tangent or not, so I’ll stop typing now.
i kind of guess i'm between a loner and an emo. i have the emo style and i have a small group of friends. all the popular kids are generally either nice to me or just ignore me, which i'm quite alright with. i don't have friends in most of my classes though because they aren't as smart as me (and i'm not saying that to be mean, they're just in lower level classes than me). i also don't participate in many clubs or anything outside of school.
In a sense, I'm a loner in my school. I have a group of friends, but over the past while I've sensed and experienced a rift between us. I don't talk to a lot of them like I used to. When I'm in the same class with them I mostly sit on the other side of the room... But the thing is I'm not sad about it, and I'm definitely not attempting to "renew" or fix anything. I don't enjoy being alone most of the time in school, but I don't hate it...
Being someone with social anxiety, sometimes I need some time alone. It's not that I don't like people, I have plenty of friends, it's just that every now and then I need a breather.
Well, I'm the outcast of the outcasts. People act nice to me meaning I'm known throughout the school, but I understand their game... It sucks how people portray me as that weird white kid, just because I've never really reacted to them being horrible and now they think I'm gonna get back at them lmao. Everyone stares at me like I don't belong there, also even the group I hang with ignores me and don't talk to me or hang out with me outside of school. Luckily people keep out of my way and I keep out of their way.
i'm a loner i have like too friends but i have a hard trusting people i would rather be alone. it gets kinda lonely but then again nobody can deal with just yhow strange i truly am :P
Lonely people tend to be different and influence the world with their complexity. Parodoxical, isn't it?
I am definitely a loner. I have no friends at school, but I talk to people every now and then.
Definitely me. While I have "friends" that I might talk to at school (friends in " because most of them are backstabbing pieces of crap who talk to me once a week or something). I'm awkward and can't quite control my emotional states. My parents are worried for me because they think I might be depressed or have social anxiety. They want to send me to a therapist, but I don't want to go because 1) I'm not comfortable with opening up to another person, let alone a stranger who's being payed to listen to my problems and 2) I've tried therapy before and it has never worked. Things seem to be getting better though because people at school seem to realise how sad I am. The popular girls (the nice kind, not the bitchy kind) have been starting to invite me to events and talk to me at school. My life seems to be getting better by the day and I might be 'normal' by the end of this school year. Thank you to everyone reading through my post, I know it's long but I just needed to get it out of my system :)
I an the most unpopular kid in class, and everyone just gets on my nerves. A lot. I have one or two friends, but not that we are BFFs. I like being a loner. Though nobody likes me and sometimes I feel like I need some sort of close friend, it's better going off solo sometimes rather than to listen to all he annoying chitter-chatter around me.
That's undoubtedly me.
No one knows me in my school, and after school I go to therapy for depression and social anxiety.
To dumb it down, I get help to not be afraid to talk to people, and to be happy.
Never works though.
I'm 16 and a loner at my high school. People think I'm weird because I have a hard time controlling my emotions. They think I'm wierd because I sing opera and I want to be an opera singer. I hate the popular culture of 2013 with it's rubbish movies. I HATE rap music and that frothy pop that everyone listens to. I love 60's and 70's music and opera. I don't have friends. I don't even have a boyfriend. It's strange, because I'm pretty. People tell me I'm pretty, but I still don't have a boyfriend. Sometimes I feel like I should live in the 1960's, and not in 2013.
People always thought that because I never hung out with a lot of people that I was a loser. In reality, I'm an introvert.
some people chose to be loners and others have no choice if everyone ignores them
i have always been a loner. no matter how hard i try i cant make friends. i hate it.
just because someone is a loner doesn't mean they don't have friends! We just choose to be alone.
I'm popular, athletic, smart, and good-looking but I choose to be a loner....people get on my nerves so much...I have friends but I prefer to be on my own...especially around strangers
i was also a loner from grades 3-7 but i loved to have friends as they always were with me. but in my final grade at primary school, i left for overseas 3 months before end of semester. so when i started highschool i knew no-one and i was classified as a loner. i am now quite popular in my friend group and i am happy that i was able to experience being a loner because i can understand how others feel and i always talk to people at my school if they have no-one to hang out with.
i used to be a loner all the way from year 4-7, when i got into highschool, i was picked on a lot because of my height. after a while, a group of people asked me many times to hangout with them but i often declined politely as i am really nervous around people i dont know as i am used to being alone. but now im in year 9 and those same people are my closest friends and i am friends with nearly everyone in my class, as they are like school family. i have more friends than i have ever had now and i am happy. keep in there guys!! you'll make friends and make sure to just be yourself!!
Almost always people are loners because they choose to be. I am a smart athletic loner with some friends. Some people are just stupid so I ignore them and henceforth made my self a loner.
To all loners: just be yourself. Screw what other people think. We're in the same boat. :)
people dont realize being a loner is not so bad its gots its perks such as not having to deal with drama ,not having be frustrated about grades becuase we focus and we do make friends (the right type who will listen and you can be yourself around)
"Nobody's interested in me." My suggestion? Be more interesting.
I feel sorry for loners. I was one once but then I found a group of friends eventually. Theres still hope. :)
This year is the first year I'm a 100% loner. It's my senior year and I made the choice to become one. Totally fine with it.
Ugh, this ones me for sure! Sucks soo much. Been one since 5th grade & still am as a Junior. Can't make friends, not sure if it's because i'm shy or what.. Nobody's interested in me.
i'm a loner, and it's not because i want to be one. i moved in fourth grade, and at my new school a lot of the girls were really mean to me and started spreading rumors. it took like four years b4 i really even had like 3 good friends. and to this day i only have 3 good friends. its been 6 years. and still only those three people talk to me
being a loner myself I wait until people come towards me I won't try to get to know strangers because I'm very shy and it's hard to talk to people I don't know well enough
i'm a loner, but i like having friends. I just have issues with my self confidence. i feel that people won't like me and will think i'm a dork so i wait and see who talks to me.
Being a loner myself, I think that it's that people with friends surrounding them simply can't read the mood, (y'know, simply -sense- when someone's bored, happy, etc.), because they have friends that have their emotions practically on a billboard.
In other words, it's just lack of understanding.
^Aw, I want to take you to my house and bake you cookies. Bless.
Hang in there! (But don't go hating on the arts - being an actor or singer can be a tough profession, and it takes a hell of a lot of drive to be successful. It's not their fault if they have lame fans.)
I'm a loner at school, I only have like 3 real friends there and I don't speak much to people.
It's not that I don't want to, it's that I don't have the right comebacks, or I don't know about stuff they do (dyou think I give crap about *actor* or *singer*?)
As a kid I had friends, but in 1st grade, people just started driving away from me for no reason (I didn't change from the year before, like wtf?) and it became hard to have friends from that point on.
Anyways it's really lonely and I'm not the kind of person who likes to be lonely...I actually enjoy talking to people. A lot. (:
Yea. Most loners are only loners cus they don't have a choice. Often everyone we try to talk to simply doesn't talk back cus were allready labelled a loner. Its a never ending circle........untill the end of school.
not always by choice. some loners may be loners bc they were outcasts.

I’m an loner, nerd , and artistic welp, I’m def not gonna make it through high school
All of the papers I turn in are just covered in the random doodles from when I would get bored and/or done early. I also keep a random sketchbook on me at all times and everyone thinks I’m taking art. When I look at drawings from people who actually take art though, they do much better realism than I do. I’m okay with this because I usually draw in a cartoonish style that I can’t really compare to realism anyway.
Yep this is me. Drawing is really all i do. I am quiet and stay to myself usually at school. I love digital art and doing amimation along with a slice of thw video game life
Damn I'm an artist and it's not really a stereo type as much as it is a name for someone with the skill to make art. It's not a stereotype, because everyone is and/or would be an artist. We all have a creative bone in our body somewhere. And damn in on winter break I have to do more fucking math?!
"Quiet, but gets along with everyone." If this is what an Artist is, I'm an Artist.
well i think am an Artist because i just doddle through and class and i am kinda quiet but i do not go along with everyone and i have fought with some teachers before so i am not sure abouth benig quite but i doddle a lot, on walls, my desk, board, books everywhere.
yeah thats me an artist i doodle in class and get in trouble i dont care and everyone always want a pen tattoo and i dont like a few fake girl but i do get along
Yep. Thats me. I'm artistic, get along with nearly everyone, and I do enjoy quiet. But at the same time I am 6'3, athletic, and (shamelessly) pretty good looking. Yet I still keep my privacy.
I'm artistic, though I rarely doodle. I also don't draw cartoons. I find them kind of a waste of time. No, I prefer really dramatic drawings of zombie apocalypse that truly satisfy me! I'm not exactly a perfectionist period, but when it comes to the good old drawing, yes I am
Yup this is me. I am famous for my pen tattoos, surprisingly enough though the teachers seen to like them nearly as much as the teens *shrugs*
That would be me! Doodling all the time, don't wear name brands, and just sits back and gets along with everyone.
Thats me... I just got an art scholarship, I am described as the "nice one" everyone likes me, I am as a "fashionista" apparently I do like posh things...
this is sorta like me. at school, art and french are some of my most interesting and best subjects, and im quite shy and some people just think im a classy nerd, but i get along with everyone else. im quite kind too, always helping others when they need it.
I feel like these traits explain me...
But I'm not really artistic at all...
i was an artist and i kinda hated it but no one knew i was so they classified me as a nerd and a jock
The artist, at best, is 'artistic'. There. Conversation solved :D
artists express themselves in different ways, therefore its incorrect to put them all in the same catagory. I'm an artist, but I'm shy in public, my friend is an artist, and she is one the loudest and most obnoxious people I've ever met
disagree with comment #3
the artist is very introverted and SHY
i agree with comment #7. I'm proud to be artsy, thats what i like to do. it shows who i am, and if you don't like it then i won't let it bother me.
^whats wrong with taking pride in yourself, its not like every one else is so giving at times.
^Why all this self-gratifying? God, I don't want to be an artist if they're all so vain!
Independent..excellent observer, as it goes, a great listner.
code: you dont have to say a lot to get a lot
the creative and outgoing one. also has good ideas and is a great listner

I go to a private british school. Always have. American Stereotypes sound really biased and outdated. There are rarely any stereotypes in England. I dunno why everyone is so scared of mean girl. They cannot do anything to physically harm you, just pretend to scare you. Well guess what mean girl! I’m not scared of anything high school related.
It was originally based on people who like emo music, but now emo has kind of evolved into its own subculture. Though people might group these stereotypes together, emos are not to be confused with goths, punks, or scene kids, as their subcultures and music tastes are actually quite different
Yes, I believe the stereotype is not true at all... Emo stands for emotive hardcore, not emotional, but I feel like it has become these days. Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, even *cries* My Chemical Romance, who are supposed to be a part of the "Emo Trinity," have gone away from their roots and turned into punk pop and alternative rock...
It's used to be a music genre, now it's known as cutting and suicide, like honestly XD? No, and myself being labeled this by others is just crazy. Almost funny.
I mean I'm stereotyped as that because i dress up to it but people thing "emo" is cutting and being depressed. Nope just like showing of my bands haha. and well skinny jeans are pretty popular. idk. Its just a stupid stereotype.
I have to say, I've never met an "emo" kid, and I'd love to meet someone of said characteristics, but id hope to think we'd get along. They seem like a shy but generally nice clique
i'm a emo-punk-goth and some say we cut ourselves, no we don't and we have feelings and we aren't always deppressed. i'm the sort of goth-emo-bookworm-nerd-punk-funny girl
Emo is not emotional. If that were the case, everyone would be emo. No, its short for emotive hardcore, a music genre that started in the 80s by a band in Washington D.C. Most people who believe that "emos" including emos themselves, commonly make this mistake. Another mistake is tgat all emos cut. This is not true. I and a group at my school are emo, and we dont cut. But it is a typical question we are asked by "popular" people.
i'm belonged to the group of emo's at my old school and honestly if people come and talk to us we are cool and we will talk to them..but people stay away from us cuz we look "intimidating" which i always found funny! and now i'm the emo girl at my new school. Everyone knows me as that...and it doesn't bother me. People think i'm weird but honestly i like being different from everyone else. Some people say they admire me for sticking up for what i want to do and ignoring all the hate-full comments. :)
I agree, Im not a emo kid, but I hang around that crowed and Im really getting sick of ally these sterotypes...
Emo is actually an offensive term people use to discribe someone who feels nothing but truthfully emo is short for emotional and aren't we all emotional?
How about you guys STOP making stupid stereotypes, maybe emo people LIKE who they are and want to be different, not like everyone else
I agree with both comment #5, and also with the comments about it being a music genre. Both are right - yes, this is a list of *stereotypes*, so there's no need to get your knickers in a twist because they're not accurately portraying you (I'm talking about you, comment #6) - it's almost as if you want to be emo! And, as far as genres go, isn't that how a lot of stereotypes or styles are born? I mean, emo (as a "style") is just a product of punk and new-wave, which both are taken directly from genres of music.
Also, to the author of comment #6: I am bi-polar. You could say that *my* emotions get in the way of everything, but I don't sit around pretending that nobody understands or feels as deeply as I do. When all is said and done, you can't possibly know exactly how strongly other people feel, and they may find it insulting that you feel you're on a higher plane than them emotionally. It seems elitist, when you're not even the elite. Personally, I think it seems like you *want" to fit into a stereotype, which means you're just as apparently shallow as the people you condemn. Nobody's emotions are superior to others, and no two people feel things exactly the same. Let's not be narrow-minded, now...
Yeah, emo is a genre of music. It's also short for emotional in music/fashion. emo's don't always cut themseles. Most do but not all!
I agree with the last comment. emo is actually a music genre but people decided to make it into a look.
ACTUALLY! emo is none of what you idiots above say. emo is a music genre, the longer name is emotional hardcore. as in hardcore punk. look up the band embrace on youtube.
im an emo n ive never cut myself, i occansionally wear skinny jeans, i do have the stereotypical emo fringe but i wear it back an awful lot! n i normally try to stay out of peoples way (so im not an attention seeker) bc i get bullied bc im an emo. i do wear eyeliner but no more than any normal girl wud!
to all: emo is neither a style nor a "I want attention" stereotype. emo is the way a person is. its not their fault if they just feel emotions stronger than others do. i would be stereotyped as what some would call a "wannabe" but if you KNEW me, you'd know i was emo bc my emotions get in the way of everything. so make sure you know what you're talking about before you talk about it. i dont wear my hair in my eyes. i dont always wear skinny jeans. im a classy dresser, but im EMO!!!!!! i dont cut myself. i dont cry in class- well i do occasionally, when i've had a stressful day. but im not the "stereotyped" emo, but im still emo, when the day's all done. PEACE!!!!!
People, you've got to remember that this is a list for high school STEREOTYPES. The 'emo' description is exactly how people stereotype emos, and they stereotype them that way because those characteristics are largely shared by that particular group. Don't get defensive over it. I'm not bothered by the 'cheerleader' description because it's obviousely stereotypical.
i'm with comment #2 and they dont want anymore attention than anyone else in the world. so you really should know what your talking about before you say things like that.
To comment number 2, you're in the wrong section, buddy. You're in wannabes. Also all emos are in the "I want attention" section.
uhm. correrction to your little comment there. emo is a style. and most emo people dont hate there life. how do i know? im one of them. and btw i rrarely ever wear eyeliner.
The kid that has longass hair that covers his eyes full of eyeliner, and hates his life

not a jock since im physically a girl but i think jocks are not all that :/
I was a jock in high school. I was 6 foot 3 inches. I could have let it all get into my headI played football, basketball, baseball, and I swam. I got all A's in some of the hardest classes including APUSH. I graduated highschool with an associates degree from local community college. I was also a senior nationalist swimmer, and a scholastic all american. I got scholarships for all 4 of my sports. At school I just treated everyone as a friend and tried to be nice. I was easily the most athletic kid in my whole state, not to mention my school. I ended up going to Stanford. On my way to a swim meet one night my senior year, I got in a car crash with my friend driving. I almost died, but my friend didn't make it. I had to be hospitalized, the doctor said I had a 50 50 chance. I lived. Once I got back to school, I was treated like even more of a celebrity than before. I hated it. Some kid came up to me and said he wished he could be me.
Being a jock doesn't have to mean your not smart because you actually need brains for sports
Jocks are said to be dumb, hot, and really mean, but at my school, they are smart and nice.
I'm a jock and most of us are smart and popular. We wear Nike and hollister. Lots of girls like us
Jocks are sports fans with few or no other interests who are popular for the sole reason of being good at sports. In my experience, many misuse their popularity, are very egocentric, and are typicly not that great of a person, but they still manage to have more "friends" than most other people. But of course this doesn't address the main point. I think that jocks are sometimes stupid egocentric jerks, but they can occasionally be nice, good people.
i was a jock, but you would never expect it bcause i was always in honors and AP classes, never failed anything but people didnt know that either or they would have classified me as a "nerd"
stereotypically no brained, popular, plays a lot of sports... stereotypically
Jock: athlete who abuses his popularity and usually doesn't have good grades.
Athlete: Student who plays school sports
There's a difference
At all previous comments, if a jock is simply taken to be a person who participates actively in school athletics, then there is no need to attach additional information which does not exist. Of course, all of this may or may not be rubbish if you do not agree with the given definition. Otherwise, designating a specific associated intelligence is completely arbitrary.
If your saying that jocks are stupid think again... you do realize in order to play sports in high school you HAVE to maintain good average all the while juggling your schedule.
i was a jock in high school. i played softball and volleyball i did AP classes and never failed any classes and was in 2 clubs outside of everything. we have brains people were not stupid
You'd be surprised. they may act like they don't have brains, but it's most likely just that. an ACT. bc i know a LOT of "jocks" that are actually very smart, they just choose not to show it and goof off in class. besides, they have to have brains to play sports bc if they fail, they're off the team.
a guy who is all in with the footy and goes after the hot chicks. A lot of them don't have brains

I wrote the last message for.my friend an I guess I'm pretty bad too
I get stereotyped I'm emo but I don't cut I just dress like one I don't know why I'm not depressed I just really love the colour black nod also I hang in my room alot on my own and people say I'm not emo because I don't cut I'm confused I don't cut but I swear alot of black am I emo or not
"pot heads" are by no mean stupid, if that were the case, then how do all the famous people manage to be succesful?
And how are most of the people at my school that are "pot heads" graduating with some of the highest gpas???
When i was 7 i started doing pot because of my older brother who was 5 years older than me and we both are very dumb
I have a friend who smokes weed and was accepted into Harvard for math
People who are addicted to weed. Bags under eyes, shaking, that sort of stuff.
sterio type "stoners are dirty, lazy, and un motivated." Reality, I'm a stoner girl who strives for what she wants. And I love doing my hair and make up. so dont sterio type (:
My friend smokes weed and just got into Cambridge. Behold, people. Proof!
I agree, anyone who says a stoner has no future, is stupid or anything similar has no clue. Two of the smarts, and most promising individuals at my school are pot heads.
Based on your grammatical and spelling errors, you have just contradicted yourself my friend.
not every high school kid that smokes weeed will go nowhere or not all get baaad grades 0R they can care about schoool ! so screw offfff.
not all potheads get bad grade or not care about school and not all of them fail at life.

like teh populars, always saying "OMG OMG"
dress in brand name clothes and have their groupies
Lol people categorize me as a smart prep. Although I wear probably Hollister, lactose, and maybe nike and tommy hilfiger to school. Tbh they're like the ones that like encourage people and like know everybody as acquaintances but have close friends :) And its true, we preppers are really well rounded
Preps in fact can dress just cuz their like it, and be cheery cuz their are simply happy, and do NOT look down at people simply cuz their are different, oh and also their can be preps who are smart.
Typically "preppies" are some of the most impressive people in the school. I've found them to be smart, motivated, uptight (not always a bad thing), and all around high achievers. They also tend to have excellent people skills and are usually good looking. People's problems with this group seem to be mostly based on their perceived arrogance. In many cases, their arrogance is more or less justified. They are often extremely well rounded, and tend to be above average in almost everything (although they rarely excel at any one thing, besides social stuff).
yup...i hate all of em..the ones at my school no one likes em yet they think that every one is in love with them...
"q" is nowhere near "g" on the Qwerty Keyboard. It's nowhere near "g" on any keyboard, for that matter.
Anyways, to my knowledge, "Preppy" is a shortened version of "preparatory," referring to the attendance of preparatory schools, which would be most closely linked to the status of wealth. In fact, this may not be a proper stereotypical class at all, as there are undoubtably various social structures and personal distinctions within these preparatory schools, akin to those present in public schools. Just my 2 pence.
obviously you guys are all retarded and can't just realize that you live in different countries so you spell things differently. or you realize that and are arguing for the sake of arguing cause you have nothing better to do in actual life. you guys would probably be labeled the "loners" accordingly, in reference to this list. why is everyone so stupid?
Preppies in my school are annoying... the only they do is jump up and down and go 'Yay!' It was freaky, one day, when this guy imitated them and they came into class at the exact moment. poor guy was labelled 'gay' for the next three days before he told it to their faces that he was imitating them. It was like World War 3...
btw it isn't spelled, it is spelt.
LOL, To the person who said "Everyone is sort of one" - No they're not. Lol. No they're not. I go out of my way to be friends with anyone OTHER than the Preps.
They really like the social environment and are very concerned with being accepted, so they dress in brand name clothes, as said above, in order to fit in. They don't like to be alone, and are almost always seen with their friends.
reguardless was spelt wrong-
Sorry that was me spelling requardless

At my school, band kids seem pretty normal during the day. The only thing most would notice is a complaint about band practice and getting home late because of it. Or at pep rallies where the marching band doesn’t play. In the stands at football games though, it’s like we’re completely different people. We all act so loud and chaotic up there. It is really fun to dance during the cadences and do horn flashes. My band is really big, so it isn’t too hard for new people to make friends.
My friends are the band geeks... But they classify me as the "orchestra snob" since I play only the harp now in our city's youth orchestra XD
Ha Ha I actually have a friend who says that whenever everyone is quiet (he actually did go to band camp)
It is BAND NERD!!!!!!!!!!!
and trumpets are the best ever!!!!!!! and band nerds are actually some of the greatest people someone could ever meet!
My friend ran off with m French Horn... NEVER TAKE A BAND GEEK'S INSTRUMENT!! You will pay the price.
In my band we aren't always the most popular but! We rocked our festival last year! And we where Pretty dang awesome this field season! BAND GEEK FOR LIFE!!
Band Nerds are the best. i play trumpet in a high school band in Alabama, and in my own personal opinion, we're pretty damn good:)
We have a 180-person band at my school and i'm not gonna lie, we're awesome. 8D But we don't get treated like it. :/ We went to the Midwest Clinic in Chicago a year ago, which is a huge deal(you have to audition to be invited, only about three high school bands in the WORLD get picked to go every year), and no one cared about the hard work we did at all. Our peers and the staff don't appreciate the tiny things we do either. They just use us. :/
awsome people but i heard someone overtallking saying that we had obligations to sit their jv football game and play
at my school the band is state champs. plus nobody really even cares if there in band or not
... My school is band crazy... your not cool unless your in band lol and there are people who hum pieces all day... the band people are there before school, at lunch and stay after school... weird.
the one who practices their part of music or work in class...with other bandies
not necessarily....... they could just hum band pieces all day....... lol.

i am the one who does the most weird stuff at my school, i burp all of recess and lunch, i do weird truth or dares and that makes everyone laugh but my class is very boring because we do accelerated english and maths so some part of it has to be fun.
Pretty much everyone has an amazing sense of humor in our section :)
i live in sydney, australia and at my school (which is quite large) and in my grade, there are not really any popular kids or cliques, most people have friends and pretty much everyone knows eachother, but there is a class clown in my class (the smart class, im not bragging or anything, that is its name) who is quite popular and easy to hang out with. he is quite annoying at times though as he unties peoples shoelaces and is always annoying my group (the girls)!!
At my school, there is no such thing as, "popluar" and there are no, "groups" (ex: emos, jocks, preppies, etc.). So honestly none of these stereotypes apply to my school at all haha.
Differently of popular kids, this Class Clown kid didn't have to look amazing to get the attention and be popular... they simply are themselves. And they make everybody laugh. So people want to be with them cause they are funny, and not for shallow reasons like the way people want to be with so called "popular" kids, that just gain everybody's attention due to their "stunning looks".
also can be a class clutz- someone who falls a lot, trips over nothing, drops the beaker filled with dangerous acidic chemicals, etc. lol.
they don't have to be popular they can just be someone to make everyone laugh cause i'm a class clown and i'm a nobody kind of person or normal lol

I'm goth and I've found it quite fun being myself stuff the haters and with me everyone at my school thinks oh his just goth for attention and I'm like well actually I'm goth because i love heavy metal music such as siousie and the banshees,bauhaus,the cure and the Amity Affliction being goth is another way to express yourself without conforming to society
To be goth or to label someone as goth you have to first know what goth actually is. To the answer goth is what ever you want it to be.
I think most people dont just fit into one of these stereotypes, but many of them. For example, I dont cut or dress like a goth, but I love dark music like Doom Metal, but also listen to Alt. Rock, Grunge, and even a couple older bands. I also do drugs, but that doesn't mean Im just a stoner either. I dont think its fair to stick a label on someone, especially someone you don't know well. Cause u cant always go by what u see on the outside.
Goths did not start dressing the way they do because of movies. They where inspired by the way band members from goth bands dressed. Bands such as Siouxsie and The Banshees, The Cure and Bauhaus. Being goth does not mean that you are a loner or like to hide your emotions. It just means you enjoy goth music, probably like creepy movies and the supernatural, gothic literature and find beauty in darkness and in the unexpected. They don't always wear black and not everyone smokes...just like normal people. All the goths I know off are happy and have friends. The majority of goths are very artistic. Some play music, others sing, other draw, paint or sketch and others write. It depends on the individual.
A book that it has very good facts and info on goth is Gothic Charm School by Jillian Venters ( The Lady of the Manners)
Plz, excuse my grammar. This is not my native language.
An offshoot of early punk called death rock was when it became a subculture . Influenced by the gothic era
I agree witht he second post. If you want to know what a tru goth is then please read this book:
Nancy Kilpatrick "goth Bible"
traces the origin of goth
Goth started off as a style. They copied it from movies, however it adapted into what you'd think a goth is.
Most goths I see, including me when I look at myself, yeah. Those comments say mostly all of it. Most of my 'friends' barely know me and don't even try to get to know me because they know I wont share about myself:
Not all Goths smoke. A lot of people need to know "real" Goths .. none of the poses, nor the GOTHS with a capital G ..
Research and knowing what Goth is helps ..
im the biggest goth at school and i dont smoke, i have about 5 good friends, i nearly always wear black, dont smoke think deep and really HATE how i look
I am absolutely delighted that the comments on this section are all correct and aren't insulting goths. Perhaps besides the 'most smoke' part, however.
i agree with number 2. they are (in my opinion) basically the opposite if emo. emos wear their emotions on their sleeves, whereas goths hide their feelings. not bc they're afraid of getting hurt by someone, but just bc they dont really want to get personal with anyone. they LIKE the distance, so they enjoy it when you try to avoid them in the hallways.
well she or he didn't say always they said likes to wear black lol but thats a good description lol
Stop. Goths don't always wear black. They are good at hiding their mind, and they think deep. They usually don't like themselves or anyone, but they can seem like they do. Some skate, most smoke.
likes to wear black clothes and tries to be undected. not to be confused with Emo and Punk

Drama is hella awesome. I just don't know why but in my class almost everyone hates drama. I think it's to the point where drama is underrated in my class.
im a drama kid but i get bullied for it. although to be fair i get bullied for everything. so i guess im kind of a loner as well
YAY DRAMA PEEPS! I love theatre and although we may seem weird, it's who we are. Often I have noticed I ma better friends with theatre people over school people. I also notice that we seem more comfortable doing somethings like holding hands because we do them in shows. Me and a guy are waltzing. So what?
Im such a drama kid it's insane. But at my school it's "weird" to be one. A kid asked me today " why would you ever do theatre?" :( some people just don't except all interests.
OMG I love drama!!! We have a show this Saturday! It has to do with a bunch of stories that Edgar Allan Poe wrote!!!
I'd probably fit under here, even though I don't like to stereotype people. Theatre kids usually don't care about what others think of them. Yeah, we're weird, but at least we can think for ourselves.
Drama kid at my school means the one that does too much to get attention like: fighting cursing out teachers and simply starting things like an intigater...
as soon as possible i'm gonna start my future as a drama kid. Wish me lick
Outgoing and great with the arts. These people are the best! :)
Annoying and act in a manner that is different to other people. They like jokes that only make sense to them.
Yay! I love that there are no negative comments here! Oh, fellow drama kids... I love you guys.
. The coolest people I have ever met are in drama club. I love drama club and acting!
Always outgoing and gets along with everyone. sometimes considered wierd, but rarely in a bad way. God blessed theatre people!! lol. gotta love 'em!!

Not trying to be a hater but sorry playing minecraft or geometry dash doesnt exactly make you a gamer lol
(or fortnite, though i just hate fortnite cuz its overrated)
dont judge doe
I play video games and watch Jacksepticeye and Markiplier non stop. Games are my life like horror ones. Like bendy and the ink machine and FNAF. Games are love. Games are life
It doesn't matter if you play leisurely or intensely, if you like to play games, then you are a gamer.
97 percent of our class Are gamers. That includes girls. We play Minecraft or Geometry Dash or whatever.
I posted the last comment I forgot to say that it amazes me how many girl gamers there are now but they still go for the cool kids and douche bags rather than people who have things in common with them. :(
I am a gamer and it is amazing. I love being me but... no one else seems to like gamers other than gamers which means its extremely hard to get any sort of relationship with a person who is not a gamer as they just see me as "that kid who plays games" I have fully functional people skills but no one sees that because I am a gamer and it sucks, thank god I always have a quest to do when I get home xD
Halo 4 here i come!!
+ my yearly exams are in 2 weeks
oh well, ill postpone to Halo 5 then...
GAMER FOR LIFE (i still study and excercise though) and i hate stereotypes about gamers only being middle-aged single men, because im a girl, and i love FPS games, especially on xbox & pc!!
world of warcraft 24/7 even while in school! The best dam people on the face of the earth, they don't give a crap about cheerleaders, there's plenty of night elf strippers on WoW !!
I'm more or less a gamer. Just know that while we use a lot of our time gaming; there is usually more to us than that.
haha at my school lots of people are gamers. im on the basketball team and more than half of us play games constantly
Oh.... those people are so annoying. The only time they are okay to talk to is if you know what they are talking about and have played that game before
We are the best to talk to on games...Go combat arms,Fable3 and fallout new vegas... we kick ASS on games

I love blasting Five finger death punch and allot of otter shit very loud i even managed to boost my volume limit
i feel like skaters, punks (not as much), rockers and emos can all be categorized into one because I'm pretty much all of those and they're all the same type of people and same with scenes
This is me to! I love listening to Ipod loud. I try and tune my family out sometimes and i like it and let it stay loud!
yea this is all me! i Love listening to my i pod HELLA loud..wile on the bus..wile in class nd teachers dont say anything to me :) while im walking throught the halls..basically all the time! Music is my life
Black or dark tee shirt, rocker belt and jeans with boots, plays guitar
Lol. Rocker people are usually the ones that are the EXPERTS at rock music. Or the ones that have their song writting or bands or the guitarist haha
Deaf people don't listen to their Ipods "hella loud"
It ruins your hearing
Due to this they understand that they cant listen to music hella loud for, it will make them more deaf.
and hair styles typically involve spikes or board-straight hair. you don't usually see rockers with curls or waves. some tend to have many piercings, as well, such as nose piercings, eyebrow piercings, gages, etc. but, that's just the "stereotype" (i hate that word soooooooo much!! lol.)
okay who doesnt listen to there music hella loud???? its an image to not just listening to there ipod. it's wearing band shirts like pink floyd and ac-dc ext.... and alot, not all have long hair

thats me but i dont wear DC and my hair isnt long. But they arent even popular, including me
i wear a lot of DC and i always say dude a lot but I am a biker girl
Skating is so old...everyone wanted to be on when they were younger and now hardly any one does
i taught my younger brother how to ollie and now he is HEAPS better than me :(
Alot of skaters are dirty looking and smoke...
Haha im proud to be a skater...definitely a gnarly life (; but screew dc, Nike sb Is 10000 times better haha
Lol. not nessesarily get introuble all the times.lol And haha. XD you got the dude part completly right, lmao me and my friends are always sayin dude. SHEEAAH,,

Are a little bit of everything, people who are just trying to fit in and get through high school a.k.a your average high school student.
No. Not the normal kids I feel like it should be "the wild cards" for students that doesn't fix in any other stereotypes, like the normal kids. That's me a wildcard because one no I'm not a loner or an outcast (even though I feel like one). I have a friend or two in one of each stereotype like... For example, I have two friends that are "jocks" four friend "nerds" plenty of "emo kid" friends and family members that are considered "popular girls".
That is kinda of like me. I'm not popular neither am I an outcast. I also am a lot of other stereotypes like bookworm, artist, etc.
At my school, they were called 'background people'. Like if central casting had to truck in a bunch of extras...
Everyone is different so there is no such thing as normal ✨So be yourself✨
I am a normal kid as well as a slacker, I want to fit in and but then i think I'm too tired to try😄
no one is normal everyone has their own thing , you just might not know it yet
if we all think we are normal but ither people aren't normal. What is Normal????
people need to chill. you act like calling someone normal is a slur. this is called "high school stereotypes", this is the group of people that don't fit into any one stereotype. its not a bad thing.
this one shud be removed, nobdy is basically "normal" they have SOME thing out of the ordinary!
Normal just means the kids that aren't part of any particular stereotype. They're the kids who haven't been labeled. I think everyone should be considered normal, and no one should be given a label! Giving someone a stereotype is totally judging. For fun between friends or something, it's alright. But in real life, stereotypes shouldn't even exist.
Let's see, I read the phrase "average high school student." Thus, let's analyze this problem. High school student obviously refers to some unnamed member of the set of all high school students. Thus, we create this set, and we find the average of all of them. Since "average" or "mean" are arithmetic terms, they must be performed on quantitative, like values. Further, since each student is described by more than one value, quantitative or otherwise, one must quantify every aspect of each student, and assemble a set of very specific characteristics which describe the "normal kid." However, as certain crucial data about any given person is necessarily, irreconcilably qualitative, the best which is realistically possible for description of high school students is the arithmetic averaging of all available quantities (height, weight, number of chromosomes, etc.), accept the mode for well defined qualities (eye colour, level of participation in organized extracurriculars, etc.), and indiscrimination for all other qualities. Thus, it may be possible to for the image of an average high school student, though a wide range of people may be considered normal for aspects of humanity which can not be analyzed.
So true, even the most "average person" has something y'know, different about them doesnt have to be something big, just something.
Normal kids definitely do exist ! It is possible to be a little emoish, popular, jockish, preppy, geeky, artsy and a class clown. If you think about everybody knows one. They're usually somebody everybody knows, nice to everyone, and fits in no matter where they are. They're most likely decribed as the All- American.
Ummm...There is no such thing as 'normal'..That word shouldn't even exist...Nobody is,was and ever will be 'normal' and you can't be a bit of everything, that is impossible.
LOL! Average high school student? The normal kid? Haha that's funny, there is no such thing as normal. If so, define normal.

I love to read I just wish people wouldn't find it shocking that I love to read. I'm I've read the divergent series, hunger games, most of the house of night series. Plus much more I'm proud that I'm a bookworm.
My nickname at school is literally 'Bookworm', however I am friends with almost everyone within my grade. I find it insulting when people think it's 'boring' or 'nerdy' to read.
I like reading books, that'sounds my hobby. Even though, others tease me as a 'bookworm', I don't care. I actually have a good social life.
I'm a bookworm but I'm never bullied. People are always just "dang girl! How many books do you read?" And I take that as a compliment. I wear my fandom shirts all the time and I have people compliment me because of them. You don't have to be afraid of coming off as a nerd, you just have to confident and assertive.
Me I'm always in the middle of three books at once
My worst fear is dieing before I finish a book
I bring like all the books I'm reading to school and carry them around with me
I want to meat authors and become one
I'm writing two books at once!!!!!!
a group of students told me stop reading and to socialize because my head is always in a book even during assemblies. not ever seems to interest me.
Reading regularly isn't the same as being a bookworms. Bookworms devour books. ALL books - Christie, Dickens, Twilight, Ender's Game, H.G. Wells, encyclopedias even.
I'm a bookworm, a loner, a musician, and a "geek". Loners are often thought of as anti-social, but we're not. We just like to be alone. It helps us concentrate without people talking all around us. Bookworms and geeks are often teased because of what we are. So what if bookworms are the only people who read more than three books a year and learn big words because of it. And "geeks" are really smart and love school. Well, we don't love it, to be honest. We just want a good education and a good career so we can support our families. People tease us because they see us a threat. And musicians, we're often called sluts and studs, especially the band kids. Meanwhile, choir kids are treated like the geeks and they're only given any recognition by the choir teachers. These are my stereotypes and the truth about how they're treated. despite that, I'm proud of it.
I LOVE READING! I got a really high Reading level and some of the kids in my class where like "Whoa" I love reading and don't care what anyone has to sya about it! BOOKWORM FOR EVER!
I'm a big bookworm. There is nothing wrong with wanting to read books. I love to read and am not gonna take being bullied because of it. I'm a small girl and can take care of myself. People beware..... DON'T MESS WITH THIS BOOKWORM!!!
reading should not be a stereotype as it is a neccessity if you want to get anywhere in life.
i love to read, and when people call me a bookworm, i take it as a compliment!! ('you're such a bookworm" - "thanks, i know"). i still love to do PE and i love gaming too!! hater of stereotypes!!
reading is good. i dont think that this should even qualify as a "sterotype"
I'm one of the "popular girls and i know at least 5 of the girls in my group (including myself) read regularly!! :)

i'm gay but not all extra like the people at my school, i'm in honors, color guard, and look straight but i'm not and it kinda sucks
Damn... I wish there was a gay guy at my school (ok well, maybe there is one and he hasn't come out yet). They're often really interesting people and we have quite a few lesbians.
Gay high school guys are the biggest drama queens I have ever seen. That's really the only big stereotype I've seen with us (besides being mostly into theater).
I'm a bookworm first, an artist second, a music-lover third (listening, not playing), and an enthusiastic cook. My attraction to other guys may be inserted anywhere above, because it's just ONE PART of me, it doesn't DEFINE me.
Guys it's not a bad thing. At my school, this is one of the stereotypes. The gays are the feminine guys who like to discuss fashion and drama. Most people get along with them, and even the open homophobes coexist with them, because it's just another stereotype. I fall under "the Artist", but my best friends are "the Popular Girl", "the Gamer", "the Eo", "the Gay Guy"—pretty much everyone. It's jut another grouping.
You don't necessarily need to act feminine to be gay. That's the entire stereotype in one word. An athlete, jock, prep, band geek, nerd, emo, goth, teacher's pet, and any other person categorized into any other superficial group, could be gay. Why does it have to be "The Gay Guy"? Girls can be "gay" too, they just like girls..Wow the things we realize when reading stuff... :-/
Exactly you are who you are and you cant help the way you feel
This shouldnt be a group because just because you are attracted to another dude doesnt mean you have your oen category. Gay peoplecomefrom all types of different groups

All of this shit is wrong and this is just what you guys see from the outside. Not to be conceited, but I'm the most popular girl in my school and I'm not drop dead gorgeous whatsoever. I've struggled with being overweight and other insecurities for years. Being popular isn't about being mean and admired by all based on looks. The popular kids are the people that everyone wants to be with because they're so kind. Looks don't matter because I'm definitely not that pretty at all but I'm still student body president, homecoming queen, and more. It's about how you treat others, not looks. Get it right.
Popular Girls: a stereotype I'll never be able to be known as.
To the person that said it's human's instinct to WANT to hang out with pretty people: you are so wrong.
You are obviously stereotyping. A pretty girl walks into the room, everyone drops what they're doing to look at her? ALL the boys feel romantically attracted? ALL the girls feel envious?
I'm a girl. If that happened to me, I'd ignore it. I don't WANT to hang with people because of their attractiveness, I want to hang out with them based on their personality. So, no- hanging out with people based on how pretty they are isn't human nature, it's shallowness. Like you.
I think sm of them (in particular, the one that I like), can be nice, but others can be egotistical arrogant idiots just like the jocks that they love so much for a reason that is still unclear and hated by me (my crush likes one of those heartless types of jocks if it was a nice one it'd be fine but a egotistical idiot? *shakes head*)
Cheerleaders in my school aren't technically 'popular', I'm one of them. We may be more I don't know noticeable than other kids, but people don't really like us at my school, they do a little bit but not a lot, like the Band Geeks. We also get stereotyped as well, people say aren't you supposed to do this aren't you supposed to do that? I'm about getting the crowd & student section excited, and pumped for our football players. It doesn't matter who we are we just like what we do.
I'm a cheerleader and I know it can be really hurtful when people call us sluts and airheads. And, cheerleading isn't about short skirts and popularity. It's about raising spirit, and getting people excited.
In my experience, after a while that is, most popular girls have hard edge toward other girls and, of course, are great with guys and stuff. I tend to associate a popular girl with someone to steer clear of because they can be kind of cruel in their own way, whether they really mean to or not.
there's a difference between popular girls and cheerleaders. You CAN be popular and not cheer of be a mean girl. Some of you guys are confusing popular girls with preps.
They are people who attract the most attention
in school. They can take advantage of it
and put down people.
Okay my school doesn't have cheerleaders, and most people can't be fit into stereotypes... ive had things from many of these... and the one cheerleader I do know would probably be classified under goth, punk or emo..maybe even hipster
I was very popular in high school and I wasnt the most attractive one or the bitchy one or the mean one. I was just nice to everyONE. And that got me far in life. I have a great family, friends, and job and couldn't ask for more. Just give someone a friendly smile every once in a while and see what happens. :) higdfhjf
Plus, that's what makes popular girls popular: they simply gain attention easily and are admired, envied and desired. But for the simple fact they look gorgeous (flawless hair, flawless makeup and flawless flattering style) in a way that everybody desires. And if they are total bitches, people will just talk bad things behind their back, cause they wouldn't have the guts to risk their social status for fighting with a beautiful girl.
Believe me, beautiful girls WITH girly beautiful style intimidate and gain attention easily. That's why they are popular.
Society is superficial, just like teens, even if you deny it.
When you are in a place full of people, if a perfectly BEAUTIFUL and STYLISH person enters the room, won't everybody automatically look at her? And won't simply most people be attracted to that, both girls and boys? But girls in a manner that admires or envies, and boys feel romantically attracted.
Well, those are Popular girls, and they might be bitchy, but they are still desired because they are ATTRACTIVE, so they ATTRACT everybody else's attention, both of girls and boys...
And that's because they have flawless hair, flawless beautiful faces and they dress stylish and pretty... and this overall look makes them simply damn attractive. And you want to LOOK like that or be with someone attractive like that...
Even if they are damn bitches!
I mean, you might not be superficial, but it's human INSTINCT to WANT TO BE LIKE or DESIRE to be with a beautiful flawless looking girl... and that's why POPULAR GIRLS are popular... cause they are desired... and that's for their FLAWLESS looks and style.
Being popular is desired by the rest of the school population but why ? they are all bitches who just ***** about eachother behind their backs - wouldn't you rather desire something worth your time ? like a real life because the popular are left with nothing once school ends, its us nerds and geeks that have a real future ahead of ourselves
they are also a bunch of sluts even if they try not to seem so and most think they are not sluts but they are just a bunch of sluts... get use to it.

Guys...I'm pretty sure they mean people who play instruments that aren't generally considered "band instruments," such as stringed instruments, vocals, etc. You guys are musicians, but we just needed another category for everyone else.
There isn't really a difference between a band geek and a musician. They both almost always play an instrument. Musicians aren't necessarily 'classy'. I'm a musician AND a band geek. I play acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and keyboard. I also play in a rock band
I play: Flute, Guitar, French Horn, Drums, clairnet and I like to sing alittle. I am a TOTAL Band Geek, Musician, and regular geek!!
that was me below, and I sing, play electric guitar and bass, piano, drums and anything else I can get My hands on!!!!!!!!
to be a musician is not to be confused with band lamo's. we're much more classy and sophisticated, and mostly play instruments such as the chello, piano, trumpet, violin etc. i love violin and the piano, but i am not stuck up like some people would think.
I play flute and piano!
I'm not really a loner but I'm not very popular either, but when we're in music class everyone wants to pair up with me, even when it's individual work!- that's why I kinda like music lessons :)
I understand. I have a friend whose love for music is so great I think he's going to do something in that field years from now. He would compare composers, their works, but not obnoxiously.
I'm a popular girl but i'm a Museo. I sing, play guitar and piano!!
Also a bit of more mixtures.. i dance (modern, hiphop, contemporary and ballet) and act.
there is always stereotypes within each clique
I'm in the children's choir in church.
It's for 2 graders all the way to highschool.
I barely fit any of the groups.
Although I have friends I consider myself a loner.
I'm totes a band geek, but I get it. Band geeks have marching spirit and like the social aspect of band. They watch marching videos. Musicians love...music. They practice all the time and they have a high level of musical knowledge. It's COMPLETELY POSSIBLE TO BE BOTH!, So don't be hating.
the difference is that band geeks play brass instruments and a singular drum etc the music they play is completely different -.-
these people are in rock bands i think and play instruments like guitar bass and drums
Seriously...this is the same as a band geek. THERE IS NOT A DIFFERENCE!! They both play instruments. Please tell me what's so different about them!
im guessing they mean students who play an instrument outside of school, like people in local rock bands and such.
Band kids are MUSICIANS!!!!!!!!!!! if your gonna place band kids under the term "band geek" then this category shouldnt be here!!!!! orchestra kids would be under "orcha-dork" . do you even no what the definition of musician is???? here i'll tell you.Oxford dictionary defines it as a person who plays a musical instrument.

I am a cheerleader at my school but I'm not a total bitch. sure the cheerleaders fit the stereotype a little. I mean I'm head cheerleader and I'm dating the quarterback. yet, I've gotten the top scores in the grade. we have to have straight A's and a 4.0 GPA to be on the squad, and the only reason we are popular is because we are nice t everyone. :)
they get everything handed to them like they are princess they are just rich girls that get there way and think it is funny to rub it in other peoples faces
I am a gymnast but at my school, the cheerleaders take on their stereotypical profile. they are pretty much all blonds and they are rude, they are sluts. and they all are dating football players. I am also currently dating the most popular guy at my school and ya the cheerleaders are being bitches about it but ya it is common
cheerleaders are not dumb, slutty, and rude, i'm a cheerleader and i have A's and B's i always where sweaters and leggings and i include everyone but i'm not saying everyone is me im just saying most of the cheerleaders i know are kind and smart and should not be degraded as a hoe or a slut
No one has commented here for ages, but I always feel the need to get a word in when the sport I love is taken down at all. I don't do high school cheer, but I am still a cheerleader (all star gym). People assume cheerleaders to be bitchy, popular, etc because that's the way they're portrayed in entertainment, but those tend to be the girls who join cheerleading because they think it will make them popular and pretty then quit after finding out it won't. The cheerleaders I know are driven, athletic, fun to be around, persistent, and they never give up. We give our all for a few minutes in routines that could (and have, mind you) killed us, and we do it while looking fabulous ;)
I'm a cheerleader and at my school the cheerleaders aren't the popular kids. The stereotype is completely off we aren't all blonde, most of us are brunette, we keep good grades and we don't hang out with the popular kids. We care how we look and stuff but we wouldn't be a cheerleader if we were like tomboys were girly and there's nothing wrong with that
That's so not fair! Just because we enjoy doing a sport that involves short skirts and skin showing, that's the only real reason people label us as sluts.. I know I get super nervous around boys and its hard for me to make new friends too. Cheerleader isn't a stereotype. It's a sport.
Cheerleaders aren't always popular, I'm one of them, and we are more noticeable than other kids but we're not popular. it's different at other schools.
I know someone who used to be a cheerleader. She was very athletically fit and nice to boot.
normally wear bright clothing/ aeropostale and abercrombie and normally perfect hair either straight or loose curls
Im a cheerleader... but I'm not really what you call "popular" I fit the drama geek discription better
Don't forget about guy cheerleaders too. They're the ones who have to do the heavy lifting too.
i am a cheerleader. im not "easy" or "skanky" and im not stuck up. none of the girls on either of the squads at my school are either. (jv or varsity) we are not stupid or ditzy. go ahead and judge me. but im not at all like the stereotypes people put me in.
I don't know about other places, but the cheerleaders at all the schools in my town are fat and ugly. This may be because nobody really cares about sports teams or who's on them.
at my highschool our captain is african american, so i disagree about the whole mostly white. usually they aren't over weight because they are picking people up all the time and running and exorsizing. and if any of them are "sluts" its because they chose to be that way. it has nothing to do with the fact that they are cheerleaders.
Sometimes hey may look down on others. no offense to any cheerleaders ive met some pretty cool ones. but i have been bullied and pushed around by many. :O so they are some
Maybe I just go to a weird school or something, but at my school, the cheerleaders are by definition not cool, there are a couple who aren't skinny, and more than half of them are asian.
They are worried about their weight and there never is a fat cheerleader thats like over weight. and usually white.
yes they are they just try not to seem so i put more coments on cheerleaders on theslut and populer kids.
they're also automatically assumed to be "easy" or "skanky" but they're not, really.

The girl/boy who is generally shy around people, until they get to know them better. They tend to attract people, but they don't necessarily talk. So, they are like the ones that are always quiet in a conversation, until someone asks their opinion, and they'll be like, oh, yeah, I totally hated that movie.
I am definitely the ghost. People sometimes ask me why I’m so quiet. I just don’t know what to say all the time. I really don’t talk unless someone asks me a question. I don’t find anything wrong about being a ghost. I am proud!
This is me xD I kinda fit in Artist too but I'm definitely The Ghost
I'm not the most popular person in my school, in fact far from it, so this is the best suited stereotype. I mean I'm not bullied, (only sometimes) but it would be nicer if people would appreciate me a little bit.
Pretty much me. I won't talk unless I HAVE to, and when I do I usually have something interesting to say. (But I'd really rather no one talk to me. Just trying to be nice.)

Not to be confused with goth. this person listens to mainly hard/classic rock and wear a ton of chains
people who are usually rebellious , listen to punk rock and do what they want really.
Punk is an attitude. Not a look, fashion, or genre of music. The attitude of being a punk has paved the way for all of the other stuff to exist.
punk usually just implies that a person dousn't like 2 blend in or do something just because they r expected 2. may b rebellious but not necessarily rude or anti-social
Punk - an individual who liikes to stand out in a crowd, who knows themselves to be more creative then most. can be caught wearing black and greys or band shirts and alot of studs and mostly in jeans. the hair is major you can be like euro punk mohawk spikes and all. or 90's style just long hair that will grab the eyes especially if its fried. Im 18 n a girl I wear a fohawk, everything i do or buy must be absolutely different then everyone else. I love to be very versatile in my music and ways, I like to get along with everybody buy I promise I'll never blend in.
Yeah, um... Punk is a style that was defined by punk artists, therefore "punks" listen to punk rock or pop punk. I don't know many metal or classic rock listeners who dress punk rock
yeah they dont have to wear chains to be punk, its a kind of really good music and there own way of expressing themselves. i'm a punk myself and i dont wanna look like everyone else in my school and being punk thats not a problem
They don't always wear chains.
Punk is also not to be confused with skater.
Some do skate, others scooter, other bmx.
And not all listen to hard or classic rock. There is a genre of music called punk, along with metal and pop-punk, plus more.

OMG! I can't even count how many times I've blasted Slipknot, Metallica and FFDP in my earbuds on the bus, in class, at home, doing hw, the list goes on and on. This one kid calls me and my friends who listen to this kind of music emos and obviously he's stupid and retarded because he doesn't know what emo means.
METAL!!!! I can't tell you how many times I blasted bands like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, Venom, or Slayer in my classes. Doesn't get any better than that. The popular crowds will never understand the joy that metal brings to us. They'll always view it as screamo (which pisses me off because screamo is a subgenre of punk). To me, heavy metal is more than just music... It's a brotherhood. I'm proud to be a metalhead, and I'm not afraid to stuff that in their faces. Be true to yourself. METAL RULES!!!!
love metal a lot ( not so much nu-metal or doom). it annoys me when people think that its just people screaming and nothing more -_-
I'm not a metal head but I do like cradle of filth and I hate it when someone says that it's punk or emo. They just don't seem to get it -.-
I completely agree with that last comment. My friend thinks that ALL metal is screamo and that ALL metalheads are goth. Neither is true!
amen! we are not punks or goths! we just enjoy GOOD music! and its not ALL screamo!
Live for heavy metal music (of pretty much any subgenre except nu-metal/metalcore). The general public frequently confuses us with emos or goths- I have no idea why!

They are "uglier versions" of popular girls. Except that they are extremely un-stylish and don't look their best, so they are not considered 'cool'. And they try really hard to gain attention from popular girls and other people... but fail.
you don't admit to being a wannabe. that's not something you're publicly vying to be accepted as.
I sleep a lot too im the worst academiccaly at my school and im not good at sports but I have loads of friends and I am popular
There's this one guy that sleeps in all of his classes, doesn't take notes or anything, but still ends up getting over 90%. Then I work my ass off for a measly 80%...
almost every class 555
Also when we sing the national anthem in the morning....that's embarrassing

Scene is usually the bright colored energetic person. (: They occasionally have teased hair and colored hair.They are veryy random. and very interesting people. they can also be adventerous and daring.
Whats the problem with scenes? The best people in my family are scene. I love dying my hair but I dont consider myself a scene because of all of the hate to scenes and to bisexuals.
This is probably me, my friends are like either normal, outcast, or jock, I guess. People seem to always pay the most atention to me when I walk into a room~ they stare at me, or notice me first in a group of people they know. I used to have bright blue hair. I love being adventurous. I joined cross ountry~and theres hardly annyone who does that. When we run in the mountains, I always stray off or have my friends come with me. Doing things inside the rules is boring AF. I am super random. And I think I'm interestingish because I'm quiet in some classes and loud in others, so people always watch to see what I do next.
This is definitely me. I always have random hair colors. As soon as I get used to having my hair a certain way, I HAVE to change it. Dying my hair is basically an addiction for me. My hair has been all kinds of colors; blue, green, purple, red, blond, brown, and pink. I'm also super random and love to laugh, but I'm shy until you get to know me. Some people think of me as a skater because of my colorful hair and I love to ride my bmx bike and I wear DC's and Vans and can pull of a beanie. But really I'm just creative and adventurous. I'm kinda a mix of a scene, the shy kid, and a skater.
I always have bright unatuel hair, I dye it a lot (I have pink/white hair at the moment) mainly cause I don't want to be like everyone else. wear skinny jeans/band T's/graphic T's like every day. the way I do may hair depends on how lazy I am in the morning, and my make up Is usaly just eyeliner, or eyeliner with white/silver eye shadow (I do dark make up sometime not often though)
I feel kind of like a scene because I'm creative, bright, daring(almost violent), energetic, and always skipping through the halls swerving around people looking like an idiot(interesting). However, I don't dye my hair or anything "unnatural" like makeup and things like that.
No. they are not, all they do is cry about there life and have colourful hair.
To comment number five I think, scene in America is pretty much the same minus all the Japanese and Anime obsessions, and most of the scene kids listen to Blood on the Dance Floor, Cobra Starship, Hollywood Undead, Jeffree Star, Saosin, The Medic Droid, Brokencyde..
huh, that sounds like me, i color my hair all the time! i love bright colors and im really really random
The differences between scene emo and emo is that Scene makes other wanna kill themself. I really can't stand scene... I don't know how scene is like in America, England e.t.c. But where I live all scene people MUST love cupcakes, must make "rawr, I'm a dinosaur" pictures, must watch Naruto and Death Note, must go with unmatching clothes, dye their hair every week, listen to "Cinema Bizarre" and other asian bands, they also learn Japanese outside school, and use their entire year planning their outfit to coscon and aicon and their favorite shop is "Neo Tokyo" And for some reason nearly all the scene girls are bisexual. They also wear hipster glasses. (I have a lot of bisexual friends, and i adore them. Just wanted to point that out so everyone don't think I hate them :) ) But they are usually nice people. (Sorry about the bad spelling)
Me but without the colors you know what I mean? I just stick to blue xP
They are the ones at concerts who do their own dance that doesn't fit with the music and gets in everybody's way. They don't really talk to anyone else there but still want to be noticed.
I love bright colors I usually take one color like yellow and get a sweater that cokie and wear it with my brightest shirt the same color. But I'm also the weird kid and the hyper kid :)

Annoys the rest of the class by keeping everyone in school a bit longer to ask questions and appear interested in the subject, when in reality...a good grade is what is desired. So everyone has to sit in until there are no more questions...which could take hours...
There's this kid in my class and he gets on my nerves always but he doesn't keep the rest of the class he's just like always near the teacher and like and he always sucks up to the teachers and does everything and doesn't let anyone else do at least one time he just wants to do everything him self
Omg there is this one girl in my Science class who will not shut the hell up Like she get's on everybody's nerves always jumping up and down with her hand up yelling "oh I know I know"!!!!! She loves school she is really annoying
This one really rude and unthoughtful girl who was the teacher's pet even got a Christmas card and candycane from the teacher... I'm generally a good student (average grades, pays attention in class, doesn't talk 24/7). The girl who got the candycane, constantly talks, never does homework and is a terrible student,,, wth?
I'm definitely a teacher's pet, but I don't keep everyone back to ask annoying questions, and I genuinely AM interested in school.
A person doesn't need to hold the class back to be a pet! There can be a very fine line between suck-ups and people who have genuine interest in the subject, and actually DO enjoy conversations with their teachers - people just blur the boundaries, that's all.
Wait wait wait.... hold up. I'll openly admit it, I'm a teachers pet. I'm called that all the time, I joke about it with everyone, me and my friends have made it like an inside thing, but I DO NOT do any of the things listed above. I do not 'appear interested in the subject', I AM interested in the subject. I do not just desire a good grade, I want to know about those things. I do not keep everyone back, I'll stay back all by myself and the teachers are happy to help. D*mn it, I'm a teachers pet but I am not ANY of the things you said above.

generally black, but don't have to be. grew up in the hood (a bad neighborhood) and are often interested in the 4 parts of hip-hop. probably dress very "G" as well. can be obnoxios as hell if they'er posers, who are known as "wiggers", regardless of skin color.
imo gangsta's fall under the catagory of punks .and they're the one's that won't go far and that are sooner than later prison bound
"Gangsta" is a state mind created for survival. Bad neighborhoods exist everywhere so that "hood" comment is so ignorant! Gangstas could be of any race. The biggest "gangstas" arent nearly black. Hip Hop music is a genre listened to by many who are most likely not "gangsta." Posers wouldnt even fall under this cateogoy- the would fall under moral disgrace !
buy hipster mugs, tshirts and magnets
Referring to young people of around 18-30 years of age, who drink cheap beer (most often Pabst Blue Ribbon, on occasion Budwiser), smoke Parliaments, Lucky Strikes or hard to obtain foreign cigarettes (such as Gauloises) and take recreational drugs, coke being the most popular. Use a great deal of sarcasm, claim to be ironic. Are usually less than 5% body fat, drink copious amounts of coffee and eat children's cereal. Listen to Indie Rock, rely heavily on Pitchfork Media to tell them what's cool. Don't dance at concerts. Wear a mixture of thrifted clothing and items bought at American Apparel (commonly Tri-blend v-necks) and Urban Outfitters. Extremely tight jeans worn by both sexes, pairing these with either a band or b-movie t shirt and a plaid shirt/v-neck and a cardigan along with Nike hi-tops/Vans/Keds. Females often wear retro style dresses and racerback tank tops without bras. Eschew public transport and instead choose to ride fixed-break bikes. Often claim to know about literature and film - will have googled a good deal of Vonnegut and French New Wave cinema.
I'm one of these but I don't do drugs and neither smoke. I don't drink either. But I dress and act the same way.
Apparently I'm a hipster because I dress in the grunge style (according to everyone I meet).
Becuase I don't dress/act the same way as most optehr people in my school I get called a hipster a lot, but reading this... well, I have no idea what half of that stuff even is!
I'm pretty much an Artist/Weird kid, with ocasional 'bookworm' and 'that guy' traits. I don't think people at my school have any idea about anything beyond the 'norm', all of them seem to either be the popular kids, wannabes, sports nuts or chavs....
i hate hipsters. I really do. They seem to get all their clothes and their stuff from a really tacky shop and claim its vintage.
Hipsters are also commonly known as Indie, which I highly prefer. We don't ONLY listen to Indie rock, just anything below the radar, and not all of us dress weird. And we always wear a bra. But, yeah, we like artsy movies in French. What's wrong with that?
not all hipsters are skiny, most know about literature and film, all most all dance at concerts, only some drink large ammounts of coffee, most are ironic, not all do drugs, not all smoke cigarettes, and they dont only drink cheap beer. almost all the rest is true

Im a slacker, but I still make all A's. "Work Smart, Not Hard."
I am totally a slacker. Imagine a Alex Russo from wizards of waverly place without all the disrespect, that's me😊
Might as well name this one 'Brilliant, but Lazy', haha. But laziness isn't all purely wasted time. Being a slacker myself, I've taken the time to observe the behavior of almost every one of my classmates. Being a fan of Jung, and Freud, it's interesting to see how social butterflies are like when no one's around.
im a slacker i dont really do my work or care about most stuff but i am a very deep thinker and 75% of the time im in my head thinking about complete random stuff XD
generally the kid who doesn't care about anything. doesn't do any work.

Does listening to MLP EG* music (just background noise), knowing most of the lyrics, and making obscure references to MLP count as the weird kid? Because if so, I guess that's me.
*My Little Pony Equestria Girls
I'm kinda a combo between Bookworm/Loner/Ghost/Drama Kid/Emo/ COMPLETE WEIRDO. Just remember, it may be that we're actually the normal ones, and everyone else is completely and utterly insane.
I am definitely the school weirdo I tell people to go away or I’ll set my demons on them
I'm mainly grouped as a 'weird kid' because I like anime and Japanese music, and my best friend and I are always making anime jokes and references in class that no one understands other than us. I'm weird and proud!
I could of been punk/prep/nerd/ party animal but this is where I belong the most. Saying yay after I say the word terrorism. Talking about drugs that no one knows about even though I don't do drugs. Weird rules dudes.
im the weird kid at my school... ^.^ i love it ... i like the fact that all the weird kids dont care wether or not if anyone else likes them :D it makes me feel loved^~^ i now know my place :)
Considering the fact that I am always going on and on about diseases and I randomly break into weird accents...
I am a Scene, Party animal, Prep, Popular girl, Musician, Drama Kid and WIERD KID nd im loving it :D : O o_O
Dude!! Everyone is weird. There is no normal kids on this day. Just pretend like they told you how awesome you are.
I'm deffinitely the weird kid! I am totally proud of it too, i love sparkles and bright colors, often go to school with no shoes (they annoy me) and am just very random, I never had any trouble making friends, every one was just like yeah shes weird, i love being the weird kid, its never gonna change :) people did think i was a witch ;)
My whole group of friends were the weird kids. The preps would talk to us all polite but they were afraid we were going to shank em or something like that because we wore leather jackets, combat boots, played violent video games, painted disturbing art and listened to Disturbed. The occasional homicidal poem didn't help either but most of us were just eccentric. I loved It!
I have been labeled as the weird girl spfor as long as I can remember. Sure I'm random, insane, unbelievable, unpredictable, but I have to agree with the other comments, we are unique. My friends are weird, and we aren't afraid to admit it. The fact people don't want to befriend us is bull, we make good friends.
Who wrote this?? We're not weird. Just unique and different from the others,
we're not weird other people just find us "different" from others
This would be all my friends and I. Lol so my school has a tottal of 8 weird kids in grade 9 we had 9 but she changed schools and btw weird kids often befriend the gay guy :)
The weird kid is almost never ignorant of being weird, sometimes being labeled as the weird kid is just too painful to accept
Neither 'painfully' aware or ignorant.
This is me. Build a bridge and deal with it.
The one who normally hangs with the outcast cliques, although still doesn't quite fit in. The one who talks to themselves and glares at people they hate. Most likely thought to be a witch, and usually says strange things in class that makes everyone stare. Probably nicknamed "Freak", and is mixed with other stereotypes such as Nerds, Emos, Goths, etc. They're either painfully aware or blissfully ignorant of their weirdness.

Almost every high school has a debate and forensics program, and those who participate in it form a whole new breed of students. Hard to describe, unless you know a debater.
I'm a debater and it's not that we love to argue for no reason we just like proving that we are right when it matters. In my school we don't stay together we are just people who like to prove our points. I don't think any of us our particularly cleaver we are just persuasive and have a way with words.
These debaters.. I don't even know what to say.. They're always debating. ALWAYS!
Get in an argument with me you will never win even if I'm wrong
I have lots of friends who are on the debate team and are super popular. they werent like the mean type of popular either..nice and well rounded well at leats i thought so lololo
my brother was more of a debater in high school and he was reallyyy outgoing, and even if he wasnt very "popular", he was still well known. He is very intelligent, but slacked off a lottttt
Pretty much the biggest hipsters ever(that is a compliment by the way). The debaters I know span from all social groups, and are not just smart but witty. Everyone enjoys talking with a debater(:
travel in their own clique, but again they aren't nerds but they are veryy smart. i love them, they have all these inside jokes SO AWESOME
personally i love debaters. they are not nerds, but they are intelligence and it's interesting to talk to them.
they like to argue and they make sure to do their research just to prove you right or wrong.

I was a teen mom but it wasn't my fault I was raped 6 times when I was 13
you do NOT need to have sex in highschool!!!!!!! you people are idiots!! JUST WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I go to school in Southern Maryland(an hour away from D.C.), and there're at least four girls that've gotten pregnant this year. Two of them were freshmen(15), and a girl in middle school(14) even got pregnant. Most people are rednecks where I live, and don't leave the county.
let's just consider those who got pregnant by rape, they're still good pepole, and I feel sorry get teased in school for this when they've done nothing wrong
I was a teen mom myself. I had my first son a week after I turned 16. My sweet sixteen was a party shower. I stayed in school and by the time I was 21 I had three boys just because you have a baby when you are a teen doesn't mean the world is ending it just makes some things a little harder. I am in college now and working on my BA degree. My world didn't end.
I'm sorry, you love this show!? I'm not sure how you meant that to sound, but I'm going to take that in the least offensive way. THIS ISN'T A SHOW!
Oh yeah, sure she could have an abortion but what if she feels strongly that she shouldn't. I would admire her all the more. Think how brave she has to be to keep going to school, endure all the abuse you people (that's a generalization) throw at her everyday, and raise a new born baby. I mean, give her some slack, sure she probably should still be at least trying to do well in school (another generalization) but when did you last try to take care of a newborn baby?
I'm probably taking this way too seriously aren't I?
why slutty or misunderstood? things happen for a reason, doesn't make someone a bad person. she could have gotten an abortion.
Actually, most teenagers do NOT have sex, but just because someone does, does not necessarily make them a "****"
slutty? really most teens have sex. it's normal. some get knocked up. **** happens. its waht you do next that makes you the person you are. which could be good or bad.
As in the afford to take care of the child and have the time to take care of him/her!
this person may either be slutty or misunderstood, generally become very responsible after the birth of their child

People always tell me I'm the shy kid but truthfully people just tend to get on my nerves, which is why I rarely talk to anyone. Basically I only speak when spoken to and I mind my own business. But when I'm around my friends or people I'm comfortable with I am super loud and random as hell and I love to laugh.
Gosh, everyone thinks im shy at school... but when im with my friends, im like the loudest thing ever!!! Yay shy people! :)
see at timez i start off shy its a habbit but it dont yhu lower classed shydd yhy jes tryna get a view of society b4 yhu start speakn to people lata if yhu knw wat i mean
I agree that shy kids appear a little boring (kind of like bookworms) but we are always extremely creative and those people who give the floaty, DIVINE, impression. Plus, we can be really loud and funny once you get to know us.
Yay for Shy People! ;D We have got to be some of the MOST creative people in the world. ^.^
I'm known as the shy kid but I am only shy when I first meet people and once you get to know me I'm really loud. Everyone is unique in their own ways.
Not all shy kids are kind, or unique. I should know, I'm not kind but I'm sometimes cripplingly shy. :3

cool kids in my school got busted for drinking in 7th grade, smoking in 8th and now they party every friday night with the seniors. they look down upon others and EVERYONE tries to be in the group. most of the girls arent too into school and the guys could care less. there are some exceptions. and no, im not just hating and i shouldnt just "try to get to know who they really are" they are going in the wrong direction and have nothing going for themselves and they will recieve a hella loud wake up call in college, if they make it to one, or at least one with class.
They are good looking and dress stylish, and they get a good amount of attention for that, and that's what got them well known and the label of cool.
But what differ then of typical popular kids then? Well, cause these Cool Kids are actually nice.
So people want to be friends with them, because they have two things that people desire: cool looks and style (shallow and stupid, i know, but that's how most people in society is and it's undeniable) and, for a good reason, because they are nice.
Also a great thing for Cool Kids: people would not **** talk behind their backs, cause they Cool Kids might look like Popular Girls but they are way NICER.
My close friend breaks down into Russian sometimes under stress. I've been learning it for purposes not unlike a translator.
LOL. Being an exchange student is really hard.
and I love when they don't understand my language while I knew theirs.
Our foreigners are scared of us and run away from anyone if they try to talk to them :/
we have a french kid at our school and he is so sweet. he talks all the time now and when he first got here he wouldnt talk at all. he is like 7 feet tall and plays basketball and he is amazing : )
They always want to be with the preppies and pretty much look at everyone else like they are freaks or something like THEY DON'T BELONG HERE?

Ones that always hangout by the auto shop working on vehicles. Very loyal people but no to be messed with.
One who relates to Skater traits, Gamer traits, and Emo traits.
Commonly known as outgoing and shy. Most cover one eye with their bangs, draw sonic/mario things and talk to no one unless they like them.
Pretty much me i love playing video games, i love to skate and i buy skate clothes, and people say i have emo traits
Aparently this is me i guess :P these all overlap... so i guess it's easy to be a bit of everything?
it's interewsting to see what people stereotype others as though.
im not being obnoxious but i love to skate, i love games and i'm into all the so called emo genres of music!
I'm not that fat or anything but I do relate to these things and generally have a different style. I just like super mario bros 3. even though really I wish I had an old school nes with smb3 anyhow. the only thing is. I can't skate. lol. so I relate to 2 things. though I'm not that skinny. lol
THAT IS SOOOOO ME!!!! :D I thought i wasnt anything. Im really myself but so many people lable me as a fakemo cause im mixed nd my hair is curly instead of straight. I love anime and vgs(especially Kingdom Hearts) and I do skate/play guitar stuff like that.

Sluts in my school are flat out hilarious. There is this one girl that went through 7 guys in 3 weeks! and then those other girls starting drama
I love our school sluts - they are the sweetest girls. If a little morally unsound...
At my school, this and the above are the same thing. (except like, 2 goths)
Usually a girl who is highly sexually involved with the male race of the school, sometimes even the females. A lot of times she is this way because she had/has a bad background. It isn't just girls, though. Boys can fall into this category as well.
hitey reed is the most sluty in curwensville history so far. she has done most of the strait dudes in school but most guys here are gay. but they try not to seem so next to her is codies fenchks nees. and then lacy micormic. oh and all the cheerleders are on the list of that.
the girl that basically sleeps with evry guy she met, also full of STDS

Jocks tend to describe a stereotype in America so when you said football (no. 1) you were most likely talking about American football which is basically another form of rugby. They just have slightly different rules. So in this case you are saying a type of jock who plays rugby instead of American rugby. So at the end of the day they are the same.
nah in new zealand we don't have many stereotypes a skuxx is just someone who has heaps of girlfriends nad is pretty much a popular kid
In my town in Surrey if you are a Chav you basically have no future. It's not always true but it often is.
Don't get me started! I'm Welsh and they absolutely infuriate me! They have no ambition, no dress sense and are complete ignoramuses.
Chav: A person, usually a teenager, who acts loutishly, usually disrespectful towards adults.
Trust me, I'm British. I know plenty of chavs, and they usually are very disrespectful towards adults, especially teachers. They do wear trackies sometimes, but I haven't really seen any with any 'bling' round their necks, which is a stereotype I've heard. Yes, they are stereotyped to be the cause of crimes such as shoplifting and vandalism, but not all of them do that. Most are just looking for attention, I suppose.
In response to the one about the blonde girls, blondes are still stereotyped as dumb, but dumb blondes and chavs are not the same thing. Dumb people, blonde or not, are usually numpties, bimbos or bampots here.
Ya, in America they're just called blonde. You know like when some one says that was a blonde moment. (I'm talking to #3)
In britain, they are girls who have a certain accent, stereotypically, blonde and dumb
Idiots... it's the 'fashion' that should never have been made. Don't also forget obsessed with their cocks and think they are cool, and that they can pick up chicks.
people who wear tracksuit tops and bottoms or flat bill hats under a dark hoodie. They are stereotyped mostly for commiting various crimes such as shoplifting, vandalism and street fighting. They hang mostly on street corners on their mobile phone. They mostly travel in groups as they may seem intimidating at first but are mostly cowards when threatened. Not all chavs are criminals but because of a few intimidating features and dress scense, they look like people who would start a fight.

Peope who are addicted to anime, games, or anything related to japanese in a respectful way. Completely different from weeaboos who just wants to be japanese. There are very few of them mostly but they are very cool, kind , and cute for girls. They have average grades
OMG MEEE! My friend watches a bit of anime (not an otaku) and being the only Otaku that I know of is lonely... :// I can't talk about anime to anyone but her (but she doesn't get all of my references cause she doesn't watch much anime) ;-;
The otaku is me and my friend group, and two of us get really good grades, and the other two have slightly above average grades. We're the only otaku group in our class
They can have a little group of mixed personalities, but have other groups of friends with different types of people also. They are not popular, but they are not outsiders. They are not classified in a certain group- including jocks- accept they can be called Misfits.
Omg! Finally after searching I have found my stereotype! Lol! I can be quite shy, ghostly and a selfdoubter. I can also be quite outgoing, funny, smart, crazy, selfless and kind. I am not popular but I'm not an outsider. Most people know who I am and I love being a misfit with weird hobbies and interests and a small group of close friends who are quite similar but quite different. Xx
Me and my friends didn't know who we were...we were looking for a stereotype to fit us because lets face it everyone needs one. we were looking but couldn't find it...then we came across the misfits and realised that's exactly us! we are awesome misfits and we are proud of that!
The one person in your class that is just obsessed with a certain thing. e.g: dragons, scorpions, The Hunger Games(we all know someone), etc.
The boy/girl who always stands up for their friends. They usually either fight, or know how to fight. They are tough, usually brave, and they are slightly intimidating.
This is me, and they all think I'm a psychopath so they don't get on my nerves often and if they do they back down imeadiatly
The Head-*****-In-Charge. The female counterpart to the H.N.I.C or the H.M.F.I.C. The "Alpha female". Usually a cheerleader who's mean to everyone except for her closest friends.
not all tech nerds are student like at my school all the tech nerds are teachers
all tech nerds are popular/humourous/friendliest in my school, i don't know why
They are the ones, who live round technology, fixes the computer when it stops being nice to you, I should know. I am one.
they're the ones will find jobs and make money right out of high school,as the really know about computers.most are caucasian of course

he's that guy. he does everything wrong. he the one who tells a rape joke to the girl whos been raped. that sorta thing. despite his dumb-assness, he is generaly accepted by some clique as the mascot type guy. (can be a girl, but is usually a guy)
Honestly, this is so me. My life is like one long drawn out awkward situation..I've literally gotten so good (or bad) at being non-embarrassing, friends immediately face palm when I start a story. But people always wanna be with me because I make them look better.
I used to have a friend like that . . . you can spot her because she's in the place everybody is saying "Awk-ward." She's nice, though, but considered a wanna-be mst of the time.
i love these kids... so goofy and hilarious without meaning. but makes me wanna facepalm
These comments are really stupid and people should worry about
I don't do everything wrong but I'm proud to say that I am that guy
That is one of my best friends , hes got us shot at ,kid out of many a concert/sporting event but we all still love the kid

I was the Unintentional Mooch, was too poor to buy lunch or go to the movies but my friends would pay for me just so they could hang with me. I felt pitied on.
I have a best friend like that. He's too adorable for me to say no to!!
in New Zealand also called a "scabber"
i.e. hey, don't scab from me
Lmaooo so many of those 'round here, gotta luv 'em...no..not really...
They certainly like to ask for food at lunch without buying it themselves...
why would i say i'll pay you back?? you and i both know i won't......... lol. also called a bum, bummer, and a moneyhog.

A mix between the emo, otaku and stage stereotype. Pastel goths are into the gothic style, but think it is a little too extreme, and mix it with more brighter and pastel colours, like light blue and pink. Originating in Japan, they combine creepy with cute; for example, some pastel goths like to wear bows with skulls in the middle.
Lol, I don't know what 75% of the terms on this list even mean. Or, at least, I DIDN'T know what they meant until I read the descriptions. I go to High School and it's pretty all right there. I'd describe myself as maybe normal.
this is lame just because its an italian from jersey shore. really?
Idiotic girls. Can be smart but are too self centred and naive to realise they are not the center of the universe. They generally are quite attractive.. with some exceptions of ugly girls dying their hair blonde and wearing expensive slutty clothing on their tiny bodies. They are hypocrites. They think they can get away with doing all the things that they ***** about when it's someone else doing it.. They use whatever new catchphrase or acronym that comes in fashion and uses it in sarcasm to beliitle anyone who might use it. Their general tone is sarcastic incase they say something when they are serious then people disagree; putting their popularity in danger.
In their minds everybody loves them and they are all that matters. Which is clear to everyone else that that is not true...
The kid who is some how in and gets along with every single stereotype in the highschool from Cheerleader to goth to computer tech to jock. they relate to everyone.
this me idk how it happened I just talked to every1 cause yeah ...
this is totally me . I hang out cheerleaders, potheads, nerds, dorks and none of them care what I am.
I have my main group of friends, but if I'm stuck in a class with none of them, I can always make new friends with whoever is in there. I became friends with the pot heads, a lot of the preppies, the jocks have been pretty nice to me lately ( mostly because I end up filling in as a den-mother for them after they get blasted at parties ). I just generally can talk to anyone in school with little effort.
This is me, I am friends with everyone and I'm invited to all party's
i guess this works but antiprepy kids and gossipers hate me...
funny I thought we were called shadows or chameleons cause we blended in with any group at our school.oh well live and learn/
This is me!
I think this is the best "stereotype", because it isn't really a stereotype! This is the person that gets along with anybody, from the preppiest, snobbiest girls in the school to the nerds and geeks that play Dungeons and Dragons and stuff. I used to worry about what other thought about me. Trying to conform never worked for me. Just being myself has earned me a whole lot more friends than when I wore a mask of conformity.
I mean, I still wear Abercrombie, Hollister, and other name brands, but that doesn't mean that I am a snob. Just because I wear brands preppy people wear doesn't mean I act like them. I play all sorts of games nerds play, like Minecraft. I am a girl, and I have played some 1st person shooters a few times......
People appreciate my fresh attitude (as well as my gum). They don't have to worry about conforming or being uncomfortable because I get along with everyone!
Thats me, friends with everyone, funny, dressed well, mormon, gay, metal head, cute, ect. I'm in every group (even those that hate each other jocks-emo's) never a dull moment and a lot of differnt pesonalitys I have to act
I know this guy in my school, who gets along with everyone, yet he wants to be an loner (he finds people annoying). Also he never changes the way he acts to fit in, everyone is attracted to his personality.
Im one of those teens who is completley accepted and its not for a lack of personality its just I have an easy personality to get along with. Im always me, even if I dont agree with some things I dont judge people for it, and thats why people naturally like me. Im nice and dont judge.
Agreed. My friends and I call them "Compatibles" though. Some people just have "that personality" and get along with others really well. They're just themselves and they just naturally "click" with other ppl.
I don't see how it's a bad thing to get on with everyone? I got on with the stupid white kids/skaters in my school, the 'goths', the football team, the basketball team, the band. And the really interesting part is that I didn't have to change my personality in the least to hang out with them all. :/ So it's not 'being fake' necessarily. Maybe if you're being a Ditto and transforming into every clique out there, but if you gel with people easily because you're passive [usually], I don't think it's really fair to say they're fake. :3
I HATE THEM! my ex bff was one. she gets all quiet and moody with the emos, slutty and flirty with the sluts, funny and cheerful with the populars. They dont have a real personality and it is really creepy :(
They are fake people. Don't have a true personality and copy a certain group. One was one of my best friends when i was popular. He left me cause i wasn't popular.
Its a very slipery position. Its hard to stay cool with everyone.

Me: *breathes*
I am one, but there is a negative side to it. You become that one irrelevant kid
My best friend is one of these everyone calls her a robot even one of our teachers joke about her "robotness"
It's certainly quite lonely whence you are a know it all. When my peers had to study for genotypes, I was searching up tautomeric shifts in DNA...
lol we call my friend the living dictionary. she memorized all the last words of the presidents
Pretty sure I;m at least a little know-it-all-ish. I mean, my classmates have nicknamed me Athena XD
That's my sister. Not that I'm not happy with her being interest in all knowledge but it's hurt my ears almost the time.
That's me. The living dictionary: now with English, Spanish AND Italian functionality. :)
Walking dictionaries. We had a girl who knew what seemed like everything. Always answering questions, knowing things beyond our level. We called her the walking dictionary or walking encyclopedia.

Some people are neither goth nor emo, but are pretty morbid and have a huge obsession with ghosts, horror movies and zombies.
Because I have become a misunderstood one year I was this energetic ,playful girl till my parents fought a lot and had a divorce :( and I turned into the super shy ,self-conscience and shy girl. I feel like everyone see's every flaw in me...I hate it!
there's always a few. usually people gossiping on their cell phones are what you see now.
Every school has only one. MAYBE two. Keeps to himself but takes no ****. Generally very bulky and "silent cool."
I'm a floater. I don't usually keep friends for more than a few months to a year. Some I've kept as long as three years, some I've kept for a few weeks. I don't argue or "break up", I just kind of fade off and find new people.
im like a scene weirdo floughter chic that for some reason its considered a bad ass, bad girl and popular. But im soon goonna b a cheerleader hopefully.proberbly gonna floaght away from the other cheerleaders
Have to admit about that loneliness part. It does strike-even when I'm with close friends.
A person without a set group of friends or place to belong to. They drift around and meet new people, usually if dating someone. But if that relationship fails, they move onto the next lucky/unlucky clique. Floaters can either work alone or with a partner, but never exist as more than two people. Floaters are usually strange, creative, troubled, and/or have an offbeat sense of humor. Floaters usually don't mind being a floater, although bouts of loneliness may strike at times. A floater is usually single and plays the field.
they people who float around between everyone with no significant signifier to what they truly are

Me: (A blonde otaku who loves anime, manga and reading. Gets mostly As and Bs without cheating)
My best friend is blonde and she's alot smarter than you think we like to tease her but she also teases herself about it. It's just a hair colour! But I've figured out that most movies have the blonde girls as mean and stupid what's up with that? We like to call people like that hairist.
That's why I'm so happy that Asian doesn't have different hair colors. LOL
I've met many blondes that really smart.
right now i am just laughing at the girl you thinks that Bs are good...
I'm blonde and I'm in the higest class in my year (not bragging but just making a point). Most girls in my class are blond. Unless they dye it.
ummmmm, actually, its proven that theres more copper in brainy people, and also turns your hair blonder..............
GO comment #1. I am blonde but the thing I here people say about me the most is that I am smart. I don't mean to brag but I make A's and B's and no I didn't cheat. even though I know some people won't believe that because humans tend to be narrow-minded and stubborn.
Hey, most blondes I know get better grades than the brunettes. It is only a hair color!

skaters, basically, but in a skiing enviornment. most found in the north east(NH), or colorado-utah area. they dress incredibly steezily, with mucho swag. they probably smoke pot. probably skate. probably partly like a mofo. generally loved by all.
That one guy/girl in your class that knows how to make everyone laugh. Not really a class clown, because they can get away with practically everything. They are usually smart, and can hold their own in a debate with a college professor. But they show funny videos, make hilarious comments, and tell awesome jokes, so that's all good.
Totally me I am in gifted program and I entertain the class by arguing with that old teacher who tries to be 21rst century, that hates bc I'm smart
Well I entertain the entire class by frequently arguing with the teacher just for the sake of it; even if I'm wrong, if I'm mid-argument, I'll never back down
I have to say, this reminds me of myself. I get along with most people, and sometimes even manage to get my professor to laugh. I think I'm smart, and whenever we get time in the computer lab, I change the desktop background to some funny picture. I don't get in trouble very often either. One of my teachers said that she had an Instagram, and one kind of jock-ish boy yelled 'how many followers do you have?' and i yelled back 'she has more than you!' The entire class died laughing. c:
The girl who always wears the PERFECT outfit to any occasion. Usually a subspecies of chearleader or dancer. Always keeps up with the latest trends and can be found saying" can you believe she wore that?!"
Contrary to the stereotype, the fashionista doesn't necessarily wear exclusively designer clothing. A true fashionista has her own style (in terms of not dressing by the latest trends) and dresses to ExXPRESS, not impress.
I'm into fashion (though most of my friends are theater geeks and artists) and I have to say I am nothing like this description! The reason I love fashion is that it is a way for people to express themselves and their style. I'd much rather see people dressing for themselves, than wearing what everyone else wears, so I'm really not critical of people wearing avant garde or unconventional outfits!
I've been called a goody goodie because i'd rather just stay out of trouble I've never smoked, never gotten drunk, never gotten high, parties given me panic attacks lol i don't really suck up to teachers but I've also only had detention once in my life. fun is what you make of it and im proud of myself and happy to be a goody goodie.
I'm "classified " as a goody goody and its not fun. Even though your'e accepted by the teachers that not really all that matters. Also another thing, we ARE NOT LONERS. We have friends but we also give more respect to teachers than other peers. Its ok to be a goody goody.. LOL represent!
i have a goody goody in my english class hes annoying as hell, i think he has a crush on the professor
This person is the smallest kid(mostly a boy) on the school, they think they can beat anyone and anyhting. They may be 4'8, but their ego is as big as mtn.everest.
The one who is all about god, always tells you the 10 commandments and tells you off if you do something wrong
The girl who calls her self ugly but sometimes is ugly and people feel bad for her : (
The guy/girl who always seems so have some project he's working on, and always has wood or metal shavings on their cloths, usually smells like burned wood or oil. (That's totally me) everyone goes to them if something doesn't work
Someone who acts like a Big Lad is someone(mostly a boy) who thinks they are just the sh*t and think they are superior to everyone else, but really they are losers and arseholes.
My sister was a Britsh kid in the U.S.
she was the same as everyone else. Just because we are Britsh does not mean we are any different. The only differences that will be true to alot of us is that We may use different words and have a different accent.
A loser that happens to be everywhere and involved with everything for no aparent reason. He is never good but hes never horrible.
Usually dancers or cheerleaders. Always involved in some sort of problem and are very defensive and moody.
Mod (from modernist) is a subculture that originated in London, England, in the late 1950s and peaked in the early-to-mid 1960s.[1][2][3]
Significant elements of the mod subculture include fashion (often tailor-made suits); music, including African American soul, Jamaican ska, British beat music, and R&B; and motor scooters. The original mod scene was also associated with amphetamine-fuelled all-night dancing at clubs.[4] From the mid-to-late 1960s and onwards, the mass media often used the term mod in a wider sense to describe anything that was believed to be popular, fashionable, or modern.
There was a mod revival in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s, which was followed by a mod revival in North America in the early 1980s, particularly in Southern California.[5][6]
every time you’re in your car, they’ll be there to remind you to not idle your car and turn off the engine when you’re not using it. they’ll be there when you’re washing dishes and letting the faucet run carelessly when you’re putting a dish away. they may wear a mask to protect themselves from car emissions and never ride cars, only bicycles and skateboards.
I am "The Holy One" but I will never judge someone. I am not perfect so I have no right. Idc if you are A guy, girl, plus-size, skinny, gay, transgender. Idc I will be nice to you. I WILL tell you about God IF you want me too.
"I read the Bible. Don't judge me until you stop wearing Jeans. Those things are a sin."
No, it's not ALL religious people--it's the religious people who are judgmental (often based on rumors and what clique a person hangs with) and feel the need to snub others.
They're basically passive-aggressive gossips and in their own way, as big a snob as the popular mean-girl stereotype. Maybe worse, because they believe they're endorsed by god.
HEY! I know what puerile means! You're probably never going to read this post again anyway but still!
Actually I'm going to have to say that at least twenty percent of Americans are "puerile", but twenty percent is infinitely better than all.
you do realise you are basically saying that religious people are idiots. are all Americans completely puerile or something because I am British and have yet to meet one that isn't ....or do you not know what puerile means?..

Most of them are revered by the school, being on the same level of respect as the jocks, being plain old douches, but some of them are truely the most sincere, nice, and funny people you could meet. they are dedicated, but spawn many of the wannabes that are spoken of. close-knit to the longboarders, and are mostly asian.
it true I'm a black b-boy specialty pop and lock, housing, and few acrobats but most guys of this group are Asian
My small group of friends and I were considered these, yet they say that I'm the overachiever because I'd write an essay if they say "write a summary for the paragraph above."
though they would achieve high imagine all of the hard work it takes, studying all the time, listening really hard and doing extra work. Everyone wishes to be perfect but nobody is they probably have problems and flaws too in fact they probably are really hard on themselves.
The high achiever has it all; but at the same time they don't. Once everyone sees that they are the best, everything becomes a contest. Whenever they do anything everyone compares themself to this person. ----> not me. I wouldn't want to have to be perfect all the time with everyone idolizing me or trying to beat me... no human can live up to that expectation,
I never heard about this one. But I will try to set it: The High Achiever is very rare. This kid achieves high, meaning, he achieves what all other kids in school want and at THE SAME TIME, and that's what makes them so envied: They manage to look cool and be popular, they are the top athlete in school and they still manage to get the highest grades in all the tests.

Basically put it's a Scottish hooligan, Usually wears sports clothes, Mostly come from poorer areas of city suburbs in Glasgow, Northeast Scotland, Forth Valley etc. But they come from all over Scotland.
Usually the popular ones, Some older ones eventually join gangs. Its common for them to wear sports gear.
If you come across a Ned the best thing to do is respect them
Me: *Walking through school*
Vegan: *Bumps Into Me*
Me: oh hai
Vegan: *is basivly saying: STOP EATING MEEEEAT*
Me: I don't want any damn vegtables
That one person who hates everyone and gets extremely bitter towards everyone they meet or hear about, they have no real friends and they are sometimes involved in some sort of fight or school shooting
That one kid in every year group who walks around with a tin foil hat to prevent being abducted by aliens. Probably most likely to listen in on gossip and start rumours. Spends most of their free time sharing conspiracy theories or researching them.
The guy/girl who you don't want to be around, and they don't want to be around you. They will be rude(No "Thank You"[s] or "Bless You"[s])making them come off as rude, or an idiot. Usually sticks with people they've been around since Elementary, or Middle school or people their friends introduced them to. Their the kids that despise sitting with anyone or drown out the chattering of with music on the bus. In group projects, they won't talk to anyone unless it's one of their friends or by "force"(Participation Grade). Their "true" personality can vary. Some are socially awkward, some are all A students, some can be fairly cool, while others truly hate everyone. In short, their like Kinder Surprise Eggs, you don't know whats inside...until you choke on it.
We have 2 of these girls in our grade... They don't like eachother so they can't hang out together and try to tag along with any group they can... My friend group tries to be nice... but they're so annoying (a bunch of girls consider 1's laugh to be 'nightmare fuel' and I can't say I disagree...) and one of them always steals stuff (and doesn't give it back) so that just adds to the hate....
This is me. I have my music up all the way on the bus to drown out everyone's chatter. In group projects, I do not talk in them until the teacher comes by and says "You have to work together".
A person that doesnt reall fit in to that emo stereotypes but does at the same time. Doesnt talk much, fun, laughing ,crazy, dark ,creepy, alone, etc. If you get what im saying.
Basically everyone wants to be BFFs with this person, regardless of their social status. No one really knows how they do it. Not often confined to cliques, they tend to be morally grounded and well dressed. The charisma they own along with the fact that they arn't actually a fake ***** means that they are likely to be the only one able to maintain real friendships with everyone by the end of senior year.
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