"If you're from Africa...why are you white?"
"Oh my God Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white"
I am so glad I found this post ( and blog). I just started a new story of paranormal mystery, and in the opening chapters there is a sexual scene which is the start of the whole story. But it isn't the sex that will connect these two characters but rather a flashback that the ghost allows my Main Character to experience. Which of course draws her to discover and unravel the mystery.
HELLO to my friends out there i am testifying about the good work of a man who help me it has been hell from the day my husband left me i am a woman with two kids my problem stated when the father of my kids travel i never help he was living but as at two weeks i did not set my eye on my husband i try calling but he was not taken my call some week he call me telling me that he has found love some where easy at first i never take to be serous but day after he came to the house to pick his things that was the time i notice that things is going bad i help he will come back but things was going bad day by day i needed to talk to someone about it so i went to his friend but there was no help so i give it up on him month later i met on the the internet a spell caster i never believe on this but i needed my men back so i gave the spell caster my problem at first i never trusted him so i was just doing it for doing sake but after three day my husband called me telling me that he his coming home i still do not believe but as at the six day the father to my kids came to the house asking me to for give him the spell work to said to my self from that day i was happy with my family thanks to the esango priest of (abamieghe)esango priest he his a great man you need to try him you can as well to tell him your problem so that he can be of help to you his content email is this esangopriest@gmail.com indeed you are a priest thank you for making my home a happy home again. remember his email is esangopriest@gmail.com

Yo Yo Yo! All you sucka MCs ain't got nothin' on me! From my grades, to my lines you can't touch Kevin G! I'm a mathlete, so nerd is inferred, but forget what you heard I'm like James Bond the third, sh-sh-sh-shaken not stirred - I'm Kevin Gnapoor! The G's silent when I sneak through your door. And make love to your woman on the bathroom floor. I don't play it like Shaggy, you'll know it was me. Cause the next time you see her she'll be like, OOH! KEVIN G!

"I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy..." "She doesn't even go here!"

"...and on the third day, God created the remington bull action rifle, so that man could fight the dinosaurs…and the ho-mo-sex-uals. AMEN!"

Gretchen! STOP trying to make fetch happen! It's NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.
this quote is obvs the best ..
it the one everyone remembers its awesome!♥
Random Girl: People think I lie about be a virgin because I use super jumbo tampons, but its not my fault I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina! Principal Duvall: Okay I can't do this.

Hahaha I laughed so hard with this:
''Chlamydia, K L A ..'' xd
Don't have sex, because you will get pregnant and die. Don't have sex in the missionary position, don't have sex standing up, just don't do it, promise? Okay everybody take some rubbers!
actually he said dont have sex, because you will get pregnant.....and die. and then he said if you do touch eachother, you will get Chlamydia.
they say it twice n the movie so your both wrong and your both right at the same time lmao

Actually its.
"I don't know why. Its probably because I have a big, fat LESBIAN crush on you. Suck on that! Aye aye aye!"
Why should Caesar just get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar, right? Brutus is just as smart as Caesar, people totally like Brutus just as much as they like Caesar, and when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody because that's not what Rome is about! We should totally just STAB CAESAR!
I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Nobles. And I'm sorry for telling everyone about it. And I'm sorry for repeating it now

"where's Cady?" "She went out." "She's grounded." "Are they not supposed to be let out when they're grounded?"

Oh it's sears? I always thought it was zeros. What does sears mean? :L
Regina: Why were you talking to Janis Ian? Cady: I don't know, I mean, she's so weird, she just came up to me and started talking to me about crack.

Regina: She's so pathetic. Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. We were best friends in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend, Kyle, who was totally gorgeous. But then he moved to Indiana, and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like "Why didn't you call me back?". And I'd be like "Why are you so obsessed with me?". So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like "Janis, I can't invite you because I think you're a lesbian". I mean, I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their bathing suits. I mean, right? She was a lesbian. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack.
"My nana takes her wig off when she's drunk."
"Your nana and I have that in common."
Karen: Do You Wanna Do Something Fun? You Wanna Go To Taco Bell!?
Regina: I Can't Go To Taco Bell I'm On An All Carb Diet! God Karen You're So Stupid!
Cady: Oh, Regina gave me some perfume.
Janice: You smell like a baby prostitute.
Why should Caesar get to stomp around like a giant while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet. What's so great about Caesar huh? Brutus is just as cute as Caesar. Brutus is just as smart as Caesar. OK people totally like brutus just as much as they like caesar and since when was it ok for one person to be the boss of everyone huh? Cause that's not what rome is about we should totally just stab Caesar!!!!

Actually it's after Regina says one of the best lines of the movie 'Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's NOT going to happen.
Gretchen says it after she doesn't get any candy canes from Regina ...i think
"whatever those rules arn't real" "they were real that time i wore a vest" "that's because that vest was disgusting" "YOU CAN'T SIT WITH US"

the person above is right. it's "you're fat because I hate you." she's saying that she was behind hateful towards someone and that it hurt her feelings and that sh'es sorry
why would she say youre cool because i hate you?? its youre fat because i hate you
"I don't hate you because you're fat. You're PHAT because I hate you"
Fat = a person who has lots of weight
Phat = person who is cool

At your age, you're going to have a lot of urges. You're going to want to take off your clothes, and touch each other. But if you do touch each other, you *will* get Chlamydia... and die.~

Gretchen: OMG that is so. fetch. Regina: what is fetch! Gretchen: its like slang; from England. Regina: GRETCHEN STOP TRYING TO MAKE FETCH HAPPEN. IT IS NOT. GOING TO HAPPEN :L :L

It's slang from England? How come I didnt know that, when I live in England? Oh, yeah, it's NOT SLANG FROM ENGLAND!!!!
The first part or your quote is right. The part where regina says "stop rying to make fetch happen..." is right after the holiday show where as the beginning of it is when they are in the cafeteria.

How sad to correct the misspelling of a surname fictional character. You know what she means
Somebody wrote in that book that I'm lying about being a virgin cause I use super jumbo tampons. But I cant help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina.

Janis: That little one, that's Gretchen Wieners. Damian: She's totally rich because her dad invented Toaster Streudels. Janis: Gretchen Wieners knows everybody's business, she knows everything about everyone. Damian: That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets.

Boy 1:" I'm voting for Regina cuz she got hit by a bus..." Boy 2: "I'm voting for Cady cuz she pushed her."

I'm not sure if thats correct LOL, but this is my faaaav :)
Don't go in there. Don't go in there. Don't go in there. Don't go in there!!! (Zombie-bride Cady runs in) Ahhhhhhh! (Damion and Janice drop the popcorn)

Hello Planned Parenthood, is (Girl's name) home? No she is out. Tell her we have her test results back, tell her it's urgent, thanks! She isn't dating anyone now!

Regina: This is susan from planned parenthood, i have her test results,if you could tell her to give me a call,its urgent, thank you
LOL PLANET PARENTHOOD. Its soulds like an amusement park. Definitely NOT Planet Parenthood.
LOL. it's definitely not Planet Parenthood. it's definitely planned Parenthood.
Its Planet Parenthood, and the girls name is taylor rodell :D
Hello, may I please speak to Taylor Blydel? Oh, this is Susan from Planned Parenthood, I have her test results, if you could have her give me a call as soon as you can? It's urgent, bye...
This is Susan from Planned Parenthood, is Taylor home? I have her test results. If you could have her call me as soon as she can. It's urgent, Thank You.

Mrs. George: so you guys. what is up? what has everybody been up to? what is the hot gossip? tell me everything. what is everyone listening to? what are the cool jams? Regina: MOM, could you go fix your hair?

Regina: Why were you talking to Janis Ian? Cady: I don't know, I mean, she's so weird, she just came up to me and started talking to me about crack.

Regina: She's so pathetic. Let me tell you something about Janis Ian. We were best friends in middle school. I know, right? It's so embarrassing. I don't even... whatever. So then in eighth grade, I started going out with my first boyfriend, Kyle, who was totally gorgeous. But then he moved to Indiana, and Janis was like, weirdly jealous of him. Like, if I would blow her off to hang out with Kyle, she'd be like "Why didn't you call me back?". And I'd be like "Why are you so obsessed with me?". So then, for my birthday party, which was an all-girls pool party, I was like "Janis, I can't invite you because I think you're a lesbian". I mean, I couldn't have a lesbian at my party. There were gonna be girls there in their bathing suits. I mean, right? She was a lesbian. So then her mom called my mom and started yelling at her, it was so retarded. And then she dropped out of school because no one would talk to her, and she came back in the fall for high school, all of her hair was cut off and she was totally weird, and now I guess she's on crack.
"I wish we could bake a cake made out of butterflies and rainbows and we could all eat and be happy"

because it is awesome
Do you go here? No, I just have alot of feelings. Okay go home.
SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE! Do you go here? No, I just love being happy. Go home.
I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy..." Damien"She doesn't even go here!"
some one needs to watch the movie again lmao i love stupid people..
I wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school... I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy...
you people should all just get along, i agree that it is Ndebele(how do you know that by the way?) but calling them miss know it all isn't the nicest thing to say when she or he was trying to politely correct the comment. they even put a smiley face! And its also not great to call them a dumb broad. maybe they weren't a massive fan like some of my friends so they didn't know how to spell it. it is hard to spell correctly. i'm only 10 and i know all this. plz dont fight!!!!
pah! this is funny reading all your arguments:')..
but i agree, shes only correcting what uouv done wrong. deal with it.
She was just being polite and fixing your mistake. That's one of the reasons why this site has a comment box.. Think.
oh my god, you peole dont have to fight over this thing. That is so immature.
she wouldn't have to be miss know it all, if you would just get your damn quotes right dumb broad.

"You know what everyone says about you behind your back? That you're a homeschooled jungle freak who's a less hot version of me"

'What day is it?'
'It's October 3rd.'
If you knew how mean she really is. You know I'm not allowed to wear hoop earrings right? Yea two years ago she told me that hoop earrings were her things and I wasnt allowed to wear them anymore. Then for channukah my parents got me a pair of really expensive white gold hoops, and I had to pretend like i didnt like them and it was so sad"

Kevin G tells Janis: "Damn! Rather see you out there shakin' that thang!"
And he tells Cady "Damn Africa, what happened?" after she fails her calculus test.
Kevin G says that to Cady when theyre walking into the dance at the end of the mathletes comp. and he says it to Janis when the plastics are dancing at the talent show . duh ;)
no sweetie . she's right. this is quotes from mean girls. not say whatever you want. if you can't quote it CORRECTLY then don't post a quote and make yourself look stupid. daanks
beeyotch you need to get a damn life and let people write wtf they wnt to...u damn *****
This isn't right, it's damn I'd rather see you out there shaking that thang. " (Kevin says to Janice.)
he says "damn! Rather see you out there, shaking tat thang" and he says it to janice

first of all its some people dont think i am a virgin because i use jumbo tampons but its not my fault i have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina! :))
No actually youre wrong as well. It's "some people think im lying about being a virgin"
when they're in the gym after Mr. Duvall asks all the Junior girls to go there and they're all sharing their "issues."
you are not stupid Karen, no I am actually, I am failling almost everything.. well thers most be something you are good at?..I can put my whole fist inmy mouth.. wanna see?

Regina: Some of us shouldn't have to be here because some of us are just victims in this situation.
Ms. Norberry: That's probably true. How many of you have ever been personally victimized by Regina George?
^^it happens twice in the movie. one says pregnant and one says chlamydia.
And I don't think my father, the inventor of toaster strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this.

When we were thirteen , she made people sign this petition saying that Janis was a.. DAMIAN! please!

Cady just spilled coffee on miss Norberry's shirt. It's see through and mr. Duval finds it interesting.
Caddy: There has to be something your good at Karen: Well i have a 5th sense....my breasts can tell when its raining

becuase everytime i hear this i almost pee in my pants!!!
Someone wrote in that book that I lie about being a virgin because I use jumbo tampons, but its not my fault I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!
Cady: I dont know if anyone has told you about me, I'm a new student here.. My name is Cady Herring. Cristen H.: Talk to me again and I'll kick your ass!

Because it's pretty funny
Regina: Homeschooled, that's really interesting. But you're like really pretty. Cady: Thanks. Regina: So you agree? Cady: What? Regina: You think you're really pretty? Cady: oh, i don't know.. Regina: OhmyGod, i love your bracelet, where did you get it? Cady: its my moms in the 80's. Regina: vintage! so adorable. Cady: thanks.

You have your cousins, and then you have your first cousins, and then you have your second cousins...

Karen at the Halloween party with Gretchen.
My Name is TRACY, From United Kingdom. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called dr ideshi has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great spell, I was married to this man called Steven we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email, then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great dr ideshi for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:
1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money
- you can contact hem via: email ideshispelltemple@outlook.com or cell phone
Janis: Here have this *Throughs Painting at her* I won a prize Damian: *Drives off* AND I WANT MY PINK SHRIT BACK! I WANT MY PINK SHIRT BACK!

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