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Report Abuse

Craziest Leaders in the History of the World

32 items ranked

How did we let these sickos get this kind of power...

Rated 7 points - posted 16 years ago by pxc0 in category World.
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Mao Tse-tung Report Abuse
415 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Josef Stalin Report Abuse
A lot of these leaders are wacky crazy, Stalin was more of the horrific and terrifying type of crazy. He never made a horse a priest or outlawed beards but he did murder approximately 10 million to 60 million people during his reign. I'm not sure if he was crazy or just pure evil.
409 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Lenin Report Abuse
388 points - added 15 years ago by juki64 -


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Saddam Hussain Report Abuse
379 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 - 2 comments
caused the worlds biggest oil spill, bigger than the other top 10 combined, but the others were accidents, he did it deliberately. it was the biggest non nuclear environmental hazard ever !
Added 7 years ago by humpy, 12 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
Killed 4xs the amount of people as musilini
Added 13 years ago by redbarron80, 49 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Obama Report Abuse
350 points - added 13 years ago by redbarron80 - 2 comments
What "Historians"? The guy was bad "PERIOD"!
Added 6 years ago by redbarron80, 6 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
Historians are now saying that Obama may be regarded as one of our ten greatest presidents. To include him in this list of monsters and nut jobs is beyond irresponsible.
Added 7 years ago by guest, -16 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Iranian president A. Report Abuse
just read his crazy speeches in front of the UN
329 points - added 13 years ago by guest -


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Khomeni Report Abuse
the former religious leader of Iran
315 points - added 13 years ago by guest - 1 comment
a misleading misleader who is now rotting in his grave
Added 13 years ago by guest, 13 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Pol Pot Report Abuse
292 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Hugo Chavez Report Abuse
276 points - added 15 years ago by guest -


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Ajatollah Sejed Ali Hosseini Khamenei Report Abuse
Iran’s dictator
271 points - added 15 years ago by artin -


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Adolf Hitler Report Abuse
241 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Kim Jong Il Report Abuse
231 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Fidel Castro Report Abuse
192 points - added 15 years ago by guest -


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Caliph al-Hakim Report Abuse
103 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Idi Amin Report Abuse
The Ugandan Dictator was no slouch in the crazy department himself. He executed 9000 soldiers from his own army during his first year of power, which two-thirds of the entire force of the country, crippling his own military strength for no real reason. But you want real crazy? One day he announced that he had defeated the British and wanted himself to be called the “Conqueror of the British Empire and King of Scotland". Okay then.
101 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Benito mussolini Report Abuse
96 points - added 15 years ago by guest -


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Muammar al-Gaddafi Report Abuse
Lybian Leader Tried to set up a tent in central park, and on Donald Trump's property for the UN conference in 2009
95 points - added 15 years ago by guest -


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Omar al-Bashir Report Abuse
91 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Ivan the Terrible Report Abuse
79 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Caligula Report Abuse
Really, could there be another guy at the top. A thousand years later and his name is still synonymous with insane debauchery. When sleazy porn producers make movies about your life you know you've been wild. Some highlights: he committed incest with his three sisters, he He had a temple built and made his horse the priest of that temple and he also demanded that he be honored and worshiped as a god
79 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Nero Report Abuse
77 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 - 1 comment
Unlike Stalin or Pol Pot or Hitler, Nero and Caligula committed their atrocities without any idealistic reasoning - just pure sadism. I find that to be much more evil.
Added 13 years ago by guest, 3 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Henry VIII of England Report Abuse
74 points - added 13 years ago by captainobvious -


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Robert Mugabe Report Abuse
63 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Vlad the Impaler Report Abuse
How nuts was this guy? Well, he was the basis for the character of Dracula for one thing. The Prince of Wallachia tortured thousands of people as he feasted while being surrounded by impaled corpses on stakes. He also ordered the killing of every person in the city of Amlas, which was around 20,000 people including women and children
58 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 - 1 comment
This dude definitely was macabre. Hitler was evil, but Vlad's hands got bloody. Hitler's didn't. He had other people do it for him.
Added 14 years ago by guest, 2 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Augusto Pinochet Report Abuse
50 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Elagabalus Report Abuse
47 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Genghis Khan Report Abuse
45 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Emperor Justin II Report Abuse
42 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Saparmurat Niyazov Report Abuse
This dude runs Turkmenistan. Hear are some of his greatest hits: Young men were forbidden to grow beards or long hair, listening to recorded music and radio was banned, he build a giant ice palace in the middle of Karakum, the hottest desert in central Asia.
42 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Charles VI the Foolish Report Abuse
40 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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George W. Bush Report Abuse
-32 points - added 16 years ago by pxc0 -


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Donald J. Trump Report Abuse
Media is false unless supports him-Instigates hate and racist groups-Arbitrarily makes up history and lies often-Calls to change voting requirements when losing vote-Attacks All those who disagree, leaders, sick people, media, other races, etc-Is being considered for first president to leave under 25th Amendment-Is being investigated by FBI for Russian collusion-Is being begged to resign-Is being considered for impeachment-Antagonizes other countries with nuclear warheads-repeatedly Fires perceived enemies-Paranoid, delusional, grandiose and unwavering-Tweets online in frantic tantrums, worst time is early am, right after he awakes-Puts all his friends and family in important government positions-Takes credit for what other politicians did before him-Creates his own bias media-Holds America hostage with funds when doesn't get his way by refusal to pay bills Or to shut entire govt down-Reacts with hate under any criticism-Is unable to let go of vendettas
-50 points - added 7 years ago by guest - 3 comments
Better than expected
Added 6 years ago by redbarron80, 7 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
Copied this statement from comment on Nero, which applies to Donald Trump as well: "Unlike Stalin or Pol Pot or Hitler, Nero and Caligula committed their atrocities without any idealistic reasoning - just pure sadism. I find that to be much more evil."
Added 7 years ago by guest, -17 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
And that is just a start, doesn't touch domestic terrorism, hate rallies, failures to act accordingly, speaks grandiose "like the world has never seen" only he can change the world, acts like dictator, cult like following, Thinks everyone loves him, lies about anything, feelings of entitlement, Yale & Harvard and other prominent college professors agree he is unfit for office, still can go on but he is famous enough
Added 7 years ago by guest, -17 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
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