Many people believe Friday 13th is an unlucky day.
However it is one of my favorite days.
I was born January fri 13 at 13:13 military time about an hr after midnight. Must be bad luck cuz girl I know attempted suicide. Last night
[[evil smile]]
My daughter was born friday the 13th and shes the best thing that has ever happened to me her birthday this year is on friday the 13th again for the first time since her birthday and we are doing a bad luck birthday party with all the bad luck superstition things we can come up with :) will be great fun.
Is it that movie? Because I'm pretty sure that was October, no two months out of the year. 😒
Every day for me is unlucky bad things always happens.
However.... Friday the 13th is the most luckiest day I ever have! Shame the lottery wasn't on this day as I might just win lol
My mom's friends dad was buried on Friday the 13th and I got punched the same day
at this club i go to whenever it is an activity night on friday 13th me & my friends win!
I don't believe much in all the Friday the 13th being bad luck yet since this past Friday the 13th my luck has ran out. My home has been burglarized, my car stopped working, I lost my job, I am getting a divorce, and the list keeps going...
people born on friday the 13th are supposed to get good luck, not bad luck because it was there day of birth.
if you were born on the 13 friday the 13 is good luck and if your born on friday the 13 all thats bad luck is good luck
i was born on friday 13th and i'm still alive ,13 years in counting
i don't believe that as i was born on friday 13th and so was my mate

apparently if you open an umbrella where someone died it releases their spirit so it's good luck.
I don't get this. I done that before and nothing happened to me....but I did that when I was 8
To open an umbrella in the house is bad luck, someone could get their eye poked.. (-¿o)
I was taught that opening an umbrella will invite a death of someone near to you.
My grandma says that if you open an umbrella indoors, you're releasing the spirits that may have been "captured" in it while you were using it outside...
My mom says if u open an um brella in the house you wont getmarried
y'all are wrong (no offence) an umbrella was sometimes veiwed as a sheild from evil spirits and by opening an umbrella in your house where the residential "good" spirits watched over you with think you feel them unnessisary and leave you to an unguarded house :(
the reason bcuz the person with the umbrella may accidentally poke someone's eyes with the umbrella, that is how the superstition came out.
i heard that if you opened an umbrella inside of your house, nothing will happen. I did it once, and nothing is happening. So, it is all just a myth.

I broke a mirror in my room on Halloween 2012, and that night I got hit by a car going 45 mph. The lady was texting and driving and didn't see me on the cross walk. Knocked all my front teeth out and was in a coma for a week.. Left with permanent brain damage and headaches.
To reverse the 7 year bad luck I heard off several people and even mediums to Bury the pieces and walk around the buried glass 7 times to get rid of the 7 years. But I can't remember if it's clockwise or anti clockwise... Going the wrong way can double your years of bad luck.
The only way to reverse breaking a mirror is letting it stay where it broke for 7 hours, but no longer or shorter.
i broke a mirror but i found 4 four leaf clovers plus a five leaf clover, all this happened within a couple of weeks but ive had the worst luck ever !! Does anyone know why or know how i can reverse it because sooo many bad things have happened !!!! :/
a long time ago, your reflection in the mirror was thought to be your soul and breaking it would result in utmost impending doom..............dun dun duh dunnnnn
in the ancient time.. mirror used to be an expensive item... only the royals owns it.. so if any maids drop the mirror he or she will have penalty of death.. dats y they say breaking a mirror will bring bad luck..

that is true because i saw a black cat and i had to wait for 4 hours in a place for my dad
Haha, I do this every day. I have two black cats. I was told once in passing that white cats are bad luck, but I don't believe it.
I heard that it was only if you were driving and a black cat runs out and crosses the street in front of you its bad luck. Therefore to reverse the bad luck you take your finger and put an invisible x on your windsheild.
A black cat crossed my road on a TACO BELL drive through but I'm pretty scared
Nonsense...how can an animal be unlucky for man?! All animals are god's gift to the world.
Is it bad luck to hear a cat yowling like its in pain at night ??? Because I heard it last night. At least i think it was a cat...........
cats run only when it is danger
when cat runs that means danger/tiger is coming
because cat is the 1st to get to know about a danger approaching
Christians used to say(while fighting paganism) that after 7 years a black cat would turn into a witch, devil, or demon.
Very Likely Wiskers
in those days.. where there is no electricity at night.. people who walks on the road used to tip over a black cat (a black cat cant be seen at night) and falls down.. thats how this supertition came up..
to avoid the bad luck.. spit 3 times on the place where the cat has crossed. the u can cross it.
this is the most comman and the fearest bad luck supertitions of all.. it works all over the world..
to avoid the bad luck turn and go the opposite way of the cat

The origin of that belief is that when a ladder is up it forms a triangle, the symbol of the holy trinity. If you walk under the ladder you break the triangle and show sympathy with the devil
I walked under a ladder and I have not had no bad luck at all
I have got a basket of polished beach stones in my house. I have never had any good luck, so am going to chuck them out !!!
I collect stones and paint them. I have never had bad luck. Then again I don't believe is luck+
I didn't know about this. Whenever I'm Bored I just put nice-Looking rocks in my poket. Ive had bad luck all year.
is it bad luck to have a vase full of rocks that are surrounded by a piece of bamboo??
What about good luck stones and pebbles..
I know MANY people with stones or rocks I their house and they gave well paid jobs and loving fmaily and lots of good luck (makes me jelouous really... I know I spelt that wrong..)
Mmm I did this and something terrible happened in those apartment and \i got very sick there too and had very bad luck. though I didn't know about superstition i later thought it very bad as in jewish religion stones/rocks are put on graves in memory each year.

very old superstition, surprised it isn't up here already
Based on that dropping the salt thing. the devil is very perverted
Dropping the salt is supposed to be a sign that the devil is looking over your shoulder, making you mess up. By throwing salt over your shoulder after you drop it means you are throwing it into the devils eyes so you can move away without him seeing.
spilling sal alone is bad luck tossing it over your left shoulder is supposed to get rid of it
thats one of the classic ones. i thought if you spill pepper it was bad luck XD
I totally believe it is bad luck. once, my uncle spilled salt in a restraunt and he died in a car crash within the next hour.

the make no sense i alway step on a line and my mom still alive. its a myth!!!
That is untrue it was originally step on a crack and break your mothers back the black thing was just something some disrespectful punk came up with down the line
The rhyme is 'step on a crack break your mother's back' the original line was racist 'step on a crack your mother will turn black' The superstition was you'd marry a black person and therefore have a black baby. Obviously this was a belief held only by Caucasian people.
I've stepped on hundreds of lines if not thousands... And my mum is still alive with her spine in tact (as a broken spine results in death unless lying down and never moving again)
that is sooo untrue :/ ive done it literally a million times and my mum is perfectly fine !!!

because this has happened to my family before... course we were the murderers, but.... the principle's the same.
this is true . me & my mother was in the mall & she split the pole & within 2 hours . she slipped in WalGreens on baby oil .
Any group of friends two or more our a couple walking together should never split the pole. When you split the pole you split the relationship.
i think that its not true cause ive split a pole a million times
I think it's talking about two people walking while holding hands. If they approach a pole they are supposed to walk around it together, not let go of each other's hands and "split the pole". Not sure why this is said.

If someone is given a gift of a wallet or purse and it contains no money, the receiver will have bad luck.
its actually believed.. if u r giving a wallet or a purse 2 someone.. put some money inside.. by doing this u r actually giving prosperity to the receiver.. it is also believe in that way.. the receiver of the gift will have money in their wallet or purse as long as they are using it.
Found one by the bike path and the very next day I backed over a squirrel my great grandfather died and Michael Jackson died.
Is it bad luck to hear a cat yowling like its in pain at night ????? I heard it last night and ive had a bit of bad luck :/

At least I think it was a cat........... does anyone know what it means ??
It's true cuz today it did it to see if it was I had the worst day at school I got ran over by some people 2 times and forgot my homework got 2 shh papers that is all
I once rocked a solitary rocking chair, only to later sit in it and land on my head... RIP chair.
I did this once and went to bed and i woke up in the freezer amaizingly it isn't as bad as you would think it is actually quite relaxing
i've seen it happen and the next week some little girl got hit by a car , she only just survived it!!!

I broke a mirror but also found 4 four leaf clovers and one five leaf clover and ive had the worst luck ever !!

does anyone know why ? i lost my best friend, my ipod got taken and tonnes more stuff happened , but shouldnt the clovers overwrite the mirror ???? Please help, how can i reverse it !?
walk clockwise in a circle i think 3 - 10 times will reverse bad luck
the only way to 'reverse' your alleged 'bad luck' is to think positive thoughts. Think about good things happening to you, more about 'i will' 'i can' 'this will happen'. if you think about "i hope this won't happen" you are sending negative brain waves, yet the univers does not percieve them as negative, they only hear "i want this to happen" so instead of thinking "i do not want to spill my coffee, instead think "my coffe is staying in this cup" thats not a good explanation but please read the book "THE SECRET" BECAUSE IT IS AMAZING AND EXPLAINS ALL!!!!
find a left-spiral shell, a lapis lazuli, and bury the mirror under the full moon singing 'lorenzo catalina', or sun and moon. i have this on
Try carying a rabits foot around. Or spill some salt and toss it over your left shoulder
simple,bury the pieces of the mirror in the monlight of a full moon. Five leaf clovers are bad luck after finding a 4 leafed clover and breaking a mirror.I would expet you tohave bad luk u broke a mirror .
Apperently you can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle. Also try and find a horseshoe and wearing your birthstone is good luck!
the 4 leaf clover would have bumped out the bad luck from the mirror, but its even worse luck if u find a 5 leaf clover (or any uneven number of leaves, excluding 3)

its said its bad luck because if hes walking twords you it means your going to die
If you drop any type of chinese food on the floor you will have 50 years of bad luck.
Dick move sayin she wont make it another 50 years show respect for your elders
Someone i knew chinese food at someone once. Had very bad luck after but she's too old to live another fifty years! ha ha! mmm well \i am clumsy so \i drop everything on the floor so it's good it doesn't apply to a lot of foods.
It doesn't say you'll die, it just says 50 years of bad luck...

If you pop an inflatable toy you will have bad luck for the remainder of your life.
You will also be attracted to your same gender.
Maybe that's way me and my while family have had bad luck that gets worse month by month for years... We keep getting poorer, electric stuff blow up the day after guarantee ends, fights death threats arson threats.... And my life is so crap that mates stay away from me now as I attract bad luck..... And I did accidently pop an inflatable toy... As far I can remember anyway.
the bigger the hole the longer the bad luck also it doesnt start the day you pop it and it happens to your family not just yourself
look, i've popped so many beachballs and nothing ever happened

I saw an oil just a few weeks ago while walking my dog. ..it was in a tree about 2 feet above me and just staring at us. I stared back and it flew up to the next tree over and stared at us again. ..so far no truly bad luck altho no good luck either :/
guys.. once i saw an owl in my back yard that too.. during day just when.. i came back from church. & 1 of my hindu friend was saying.. that it was.. mahalaxmi or mahashivrati something.. & it is really.. lucky to see on that day! well, yea.. i agree its lucky. :)
seen an owl during the day on the way to a basketball game nothing bad happened and we won the game that day

my grandma used to believe shoes upside down mean death ( maybe they would put a dead person's shoes upside down for he was no longer to walk anymore ? )
In Hispanic culture, if someone sweeps your feet with a broom, you will never get married
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Navajo legend states that the person who through the rocks will be cursed for a long time
Except of course the practices that you are suppose to bring your old broom with you to your house as it brings the good luck of the old house to the new; there is the belief that old brooms are better than new ones at sweeping out evil spirits.
good to know!!!!... I will be moving soon and will now leave the brooms behind
Black cats are not bad luck, unless they meet you at a crossroads during a full moon. Then it means that your inevitable death is near. Don't ask me how you can reverse it, because honestly, you can't. So just... Be careful. Please.
Black Crows are a sign of death. If there are 3 or more black crows there will be multiple deaths. if a crow flies out in front of you, the death is of someone you know through someone else. If the crow caws then the death is someone close to you.
What the heck? I've made like hundreds of trips on a Friday and never had misfortune from it and neither has my mate (who wins nearly everything... Luckily woman)
I went Spain for my birthday with my partner. We nearly split up. We argued I was in such a state never again it was like world war 3
if you bump into three men ibn the space of two hours....... men will never be attracted to you!!
I have done that a couple of times but my boyfriend is still attracted to me
I have bumped into at lest 5 men with in 2 class periods...and they are still attracted to me...
If you play loud music near a cemetary, it's bad luck; you'll wake up the dead people.
So much for all the cultural practices of playing music at the graveside, at or after burial huh? No bagpipes playing Amazing Grace; no violins playing for the dead. So basically more than half the world's cemetery practices are bad luck huh?
When people have a funeral they usually play there favorite song!!
What about in a bowl on the table? At a party you seen advertised on craigslist.
duh...if you leave keys on the table it's bad because someone could steal them
it is said that tables where near windows and when one puts them on the table robbers steal or keys and back then they said elvfs did to

the number 8 on my house has been screwed on upside down. its been this way since the estate was built 15 years ago. is this a bad thing?

My mom told me that if you purposely kill a frog that at night you will feel as if the frog was stuck in your throat choking you and my cousin told me it happened to her.

the Secret tells all, and your thoughts affect what happens to you during your life. Negative = negative and positive=positive it is the way of the world so think positive and "bad luck" will go away
The number 13 is unluckey and so is opening a umbrella in a house
You aren't supposed to cut your hair at night.This is believed to have originated because way back when,there wasn't any light to guide you as you cut hair in the night.Legend has it that either your fingers would be cut off or the hair's owner would get chopped.Either way,they said you'd die without God's blessing,and would burn in hell,even if you weren't injured in cutting.
I did that One time and I did it at night because gum was stuck in my hair I'm so scared
Really I cut my hair at night but that was only to get a broken hairbrush out of my hair. It was super stuck
I cut my hair at night when i was 5 and im 8 now i hav no bad luck. but my sister is sometimes mean to me.
It is also beleived that it is bad luck to have a haircut in march.
it's bad luck to cut yur hair at night because you can't see what you are doing - this also explains cutting off your fingers

A ladybug was on something I owned and I killed because I don't really like bugs. Also I had some good luck because I had a 100 on a reading test but bad luck because I spilled a WHOLE cup of Gatorade.
I heard if the ladybug landed on you don't shoo it away it brings harmony to life
this will bring bad luck into your home, they say if you wear a hat in the home it takes all the good luck into it?
If you drop a Rosary and you don't kiss the cross in under five seconds you will have a year of bad luck.
If you break a hard to open pickle jar then you will have bad luck for the next 3 and a half years
the chinese beleive if a building or house facing north,it would bring in ruin to the family .
I am chinese and I know the chinese culture ,when you have a house facing north its good luck this is the opposite because north is where the sun is most at and facing it brings good luck(This applies not only to the chinese but to most asian cultures as well)
well where i live the sun will only shine on the front of the house for a few hours each day if it faces north
Putting your purse on the ground grounds your money so you'll never make more.
If a woman walks through the door 1st after New Years, who ever lives in the house will have bad luck.
This is acually true.I saw 1 magpie and then I found out that my friends hamster died (and I likes that hamster). Did ya the first two also apply fo crows to.crows is:1 for sorrow,2 for happy,3 for health,4 for a baby,5 for illnes,6 for death and 7 well, the death was a t 6 so whats the point in 7.
1 for sorrow 2 for joy. 3 for a girl 4 for a boy 5 for silver 6 for gold 7. For a secret never to be told.....
they say one magpie is unlucky , two is lucky , three is a sign of marriage and four a baby will be born
one shouldn't leave the hair untied when sleeping at the night. it is said that it will bring ghost to you.
There was a bat in my house..2 days later my beautiful dog died. Looked it up on omens...a bat in the house IS an omen of death
I don't think this one is true because the year a bat made my basement lamp it's home was one of the best years of my life.
oh no when i was little like 6 years old one time a bat came in my house!!

If someone is sweeping the floor and they sweep under you feet you will never get married and if your divorced you will never marry again.
Its not sweeping under your feet, its sweeping your feet....That's why you spit on it.
its not BAD luck. The only flaw is that the stone's properties wouldn't be as enhanced, as if you were born in the actual birthstone's month.
it is just that before, when someone died in their home, the corpse would be put on the dining table for people to gather around and pay their respect. This also why you should never put shoes on a table.
It started in the Hispanic culture! But the way it actualy goes is if you put a baby or a child that has not been baptized then that baby/child could die. laying down on a table either sleeping!
oh realy?At the class teacher was saying some boring things then i got sick and suddenly i passout
Why would it be stupid? It's something most people do unwillingly. Like when I study for history and reading the textbook makes me fall asleep right there on the table.

A common superstition is that bad luck will come to a person who places shoes on a table, whether in the form of a family argument, or risking death to a family member. It is believed that the superstition originates from the fact that new shoes originally had the soles affixed by hob nails, and these would cause scratches on a new table if they had not already been worn down.
actually its good luck if u pick it up on tails and bad luck if u pick it up on heads
it is said... in those days where there is no electricity.. people cant cut their nails at night coz they might cut their finger. this is why one shouldnt cut the nails at night
It is because you will eather mess up, turn beat red, freeze or die of imbarassment!
mine is up against a wall so i have only one choice unless i jump over the bottom or top side but I'm to lazy in the morning to purposefully get bad luck
True. My bed is rectangle and I always get in and out on the right side. One day I decided to get in and out through the left side and threw up like 4 times that day. I then vowed to never get out of bed on that side ever again. I haven't done that since that awful day.
What if your bed is rounded and does not have any sides???????
haha hilarious.no u wouldn't have to be carried out of bed. I am a superstition expert
What if you were carried into bed would that mean that you would have to be carried out of bed
I do this all the time and nothing happens, I have been doing this for many years and nothing ever happened to me that couldn't be explained.

if you wear 2 braclets on your right hand on friday the 13th then youll be attracted to guys for the next 2 months.
is it true!
my friend screamed when she saw that but than she reilised that it was on the 13th of friday
my friends went out one night on friday the 13th and they had a list of things that they were going to do that was bad luck. and this actually happened. everytime a guy would be around he'd get this really weird look on his face

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