20 Best ABBA Songs
121 items ranked
Not necessarily their biggest hit. Just their best songs.
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I think that this is the most beautiful song that I have ever heard.
I think this is the best Abba song ever - true masterpiece that will be played in 200 years from now. Clever music writing.
This song is truly amazing. It has so much meaning to it and its so heart felt. I never get tired of it
best song ever and not just by abba. i think hoever that the day before you came comes ina close second tie with sos. it just makes me want to sing everytime i hear it. so does every abba song.
what can you say about this song that has'nt already been said

With "Lay all your love on me", Abba composed an hymn. It has a slight gospel feeling to it in the chorus.
I love the bouncy disco beat, and the way the synths whirl and surround the echo-y vocals in such a complimentary way. Happily surprisesd to see this get such a high ranking. Y'all have great taste in ABBA.
A shame they only released this as a 12 inch, if it had been 7 inch Im sure they d have another top one in Germany and or britain, From hwat I read a peoples favourite in the nights club even before the maxi single release, it was bad management to do it 12 inch, with hindsight
The production on this is ice cold (I mean that in a good way). Utterly stunning. Probably my favourite ABBA song.
I like Benny's synths and I love Frida's haunting "opera" sound.
ABBA's final song. Their swan song and it is a haunting and beautiful piece of art! The Best!!
Die hard Abba fans have always loved this,while the more average fan will go for the obvious,I recall using my pocket money to go and get this,Cassandra was a good b side too.
A very diverse song with nice synth layers, background choir and an opera like frida chorus, it was a NO 5 in germany and some other countries, too, so the chart success was much better than with under attack, this is the musical direction they should have taken and imo would have taken had they carried on.
wonderful lyrics! i dont know how anyone can dislike it. in my opinion abba is better than anyone like mcfly who epicly faild at singing the winner takes it all
a fan's favourite.. it's a beautiful song, with great choir by frida :)

I've honestly never liked this song; it's repetive and doesn't really have much meaning. I usually go for the lesser-known songs, though.
My personal fave of theirs, but a lot of people don't know that this wasn't even released on one of their albums. It was an additional bonus track on the Best of ABBA 2, album, and it just took off from there, which was a surprise for the band. Doesn't hurt that it was sampled by Madonna, either. Helped to keep the song alive in people's memories.
The most famous and commercial Abba song doesn't mean it's automatically their best ! It seems that a lot of people have never heard any other Abba song....
Good song but this shouldn't be no.1 - not even top 10 - sorry

Next to "my love my life" this is my fav of their early period. The songs still striking directly to the heart even after almost 40 years. If it were remastered technically it could be a chart breaker even today, maybe.
I really, really love this song. One of the very best songs from early Abba.
This song has a sense of tragic and urgency that moves me each time I listen to it.
A great song,
Their best song EVER! Should be #1m followed by "Honey Honey".

Absolutely captivating ,haunting melody...my favorite Abba song.
This song is so incredibly awesome. Take a toke sometime and just dance away to this fantastic song. Makes you just want to fly high!
Excellent song. One of my favourites since the day I purchased the vinyl album over 2 decades ago.
Honestly, I can't really describe this. It's so haunting and meaningful and it's really not a conventional song. So much work was put into that song. It's beautiful.
One of the very best songs from the "Visitors" album. Some people use to say that Abba is just a "hits" band, but that song proves the contrary: Abba can improvise a lot in their music if they wanted. But I think it's a pity they did so few instrumentals, "progressive-like" songs, improvisations... I really miss in Abba some kind of "10 minutes songs" with solos, instrumental passages, big intro, etc. Like some Pink Floyd or Genesis long songs.
Abba was so much talented !
Yeah of course this song is one of their most popular. But it's also one of their best. Although I'm not too keen on their disco-styled songs, this one is the exception, along with "If it wasn't for the nights", in the same vein. Anyway I can listen to Dancing Queen over and over and never get tired of it (contrary to "Gimme Gimme...." for example, that bores me).
Every time I hear this song I start to dance and sing along at the top of my lungs
as close to perfect as a song will ever get. not a note out of place. brilliant. why Glasgow because it rhymes with "last show" of course
Possibly my favorite ABBA "hit" song. I play it constantly. I love the overall sound. The synths, the drums, the bassline, and of course, Frida's beautiful vocals.
This is one of those songs that wasn't a favorite of mine that, over the years, has truly grown on me. I actually think it deserves a spot in the Top 10. Beautiful! 💖
In my opinion, "Super trouper" is maybe their best song. If not, one of their best songs. Surely one of my favourites ones.
34 years on this song hasnt aged at all and is as fresh and lively as ever.

This song seems to be the "Winner takes it all" translation of Anni-Frid, in her own ways. Whereas "The winner..." has a dramatic feeling, "When all is said and done" is more harsh and "expiditive" ! Great song anyway.
In answer to the guest who was responding to my own guest comment: I did know it was released as a single in a few countries, most notably the US, but not in their biggest markets, like Holland Germany and England, thats why I didnt count it as a proper single. The only proper Visitors singles are/were One of us (no 1 in germany, No 3 in england) and Head over heels whoich topped at No 25 in these countries, roughly.
Just one the great tracks of "The Visitors" album, the best album of ABBA.
In answer to "Guest": indeed, this song WAS released as a single. But unfortunately it did top quite low in the charts, the only "real" hit-single from "The Visitors" being "One of us".

A very beautiful piece. Just as some other great ABBA songs, it is indirectly about one of the divorces of the band.
A beautiful melody off their best studio album, deep touching lyrics and a wonderful agnetha lead
Nice - but not even top 30 material - strange how this is no 9!
I've always felt this song is the more uptempo, "sunny" version of "Dancing Queen". This is an unknown masterpiece !
Classic Abba song and seriously underated, so glad it was in Mamma Mia 2
in the "Waterloo" song style, we can say. Not the ABBA i prefer anyways.
i don't know if it's their best song, but it is a hiden gem indeed... i don't think its that happy, has some sad things on it, but its a beautiful song
In my opinion their best song. From the begin until the end a very happy song. You can listen again, again and again and it will become never boring. A true masterpiece, but in the most times very underrated and forgotten.

Agneta's voice is almost aetherial here. Im not a huge fan of their early period, but this song's an exception, it must be in the top 20 Abba overall, imo, and probably in the top 5 of the first third of their career. (up until 1976)
This song really deserves to be in the Top 20. One of the most beautiful ABBA songs in my opinion.
Incredibly beautiful song, that comes directly FROM HEAVEN in my opinion !
This song was not on "The Visitors''. It was in fact the b-side to the singel "one of us'. Apparently ABBA did not consider it good enough for the Visitors. Too bad because it is a very good song indeed!
One of the best songs in "The Visitors" album, in my opinion.
The verses particularly, are quite original and inventive, they are sung like an echo,
At this point in their career, Abba was experimenting with new technologies of the moment (reverb, echoes, samplers, etc.) and for me this song is a bit of an experimental one, but for the best result.
because to not rank it up is to to be a voulez-vous denier, reason enough to be shamed in this politically correct age i would think! why this isnt the top 10 of abba's best is beyond me, is it just a personal reminiscence thing only, for just me? c'mon, cant be.
I'm afraid to agree with the last comment.
I love most Abba's song but I must be honest and say also when I'm not so enthusiastic... Even though this song was a great sucess, it's a bit of a let-down for me: no memorable melody, and something quite repetitive.
Abba at their disco peak...
I can see why it was not in the Top 10 - it sucks. ABBA has so many other fabulous songs!
I play the visitors album almost daily, this one is a song I never skip not even once, a very intense, very delicate song. The metronome seems to indicate how abbas time was running out as it was the last song on the original visitors album before it got remastered. Every time i listen to this song (and most of the rest of visitors) i imagine what abba could have been like had they continued instead of breaking up. Their swan song album was their very best and by a margin, imo.
No I dont think your appalling assessment cant be apologized :-)
This superb song which is unique in abbas catalogue and was covered by madonna amongst others is a wonderful piece of music worthier than a few of their more popular 1970s releases, imo
Great song with mythological subject matter. Cassandra was the daughter of the King of Troy, who was gifted with foresight but cursed in that nobody would ever believe her predictions.
One of my favorite ABBA songs. I love the contrast between the slower, more serious segments and quicker, catchy chorus. I like that it, unlike many songs in general, is about something. Cassandra is severely underrated-- it doesn't even have a Wikipedia page-- but it's beautiful.
No, never officially released, just bootlegs. After ABBA, Benny and Björn were involved with a duo called Gemini who released a version, but it's nowhere near as good as ABBA's.
Was this title released as a demo, or some kind of working song for any future album ? The band released quite a few songs after their last album "The visitors", so it's hard to know if they were commercial hit-singles or just attempts to...
This song is more than great, it's absolutely PERFECT : the verses, the bridges, the chorus, the chord progressions, the arrangements.... everything matches perfectly, the melody is pure magic, and the voices of Anni-Frid and Agnetha never blended so well together.
I just CAN'T BELIEVE this masterpiece never got a chance as a single ! So this is why it is ranked as the low level of "41", probably because a lot of people never heard this great song, but for me "Me and I" is pure musical genius.
just because its one of the ones i listern to most and i wonder why it's not already up here
Part of a two-way tie for first place in ABBA songs in my book. I love the intro; it always makes me think of a tropical scene, oddly enough. The lyrics are captivating and haunting and dark but the energy is so present that it's hard to notice. Should be higher on the list.
One of their BEST. They also sang this in Spanish and German, those singles also hitting number one. The people that put this song down are NOT true ABBA fans.
Overrated song as "Chiquitta" and "I have a Dream". Abba crappy kitch stuff. However, "Put on your White Sombrero" is worse.....
catchy, brilliant and makes you feel alive. why wasn't it already up there? one of my favourites anyway.
The topic of the song reminds me a bit of "Don't stand so close to me" by The Police ... LOL
What slightly spoilt this one is the verging on screechy vocals.
I think Bjorn said this was his favorite song ever. Love to sing along with Agnetha.. ONe of these days---
when i kissed the teacher - is in my opinion one of the best songs from abba

Only a true ABBA fan can appreciate this song for all it represents. All the proceeds go to a girls charity organization. Beautiful song!
oww this song deserves to be in the top tens...it meks me nostalgic and reminsce old memories...i love it
Great song - I remember listening to the first broadcast of it when it was released
It's nice if it weren't for the chorus, which makes it a little bit tacky
listerning to it now and i feel like dancing. it makes me happy
Come on guys, I really love ABBA, but this is one of the worst songs in the music history, and it makes me really sad to see it on the top of a list called "20 Best ABBA Songs".

"Under attack" is one of the only three Abba songs I really don't like (especially for the chorus), along with "Voulezvous" and "So long"... Sorry !
The songs not bad, reminiscent of traditional abba style, but it came too late and the music world had moved on too far for this kind of song to have chart success, actually Abba at that stage of their career knew better songs to write, you can sense their heart wasnt in it, but still its a catchy tune.
The funnest of all ABBA songs, and that's saying something. The men should have sung more.
Ties with Elaine for my favorite ABBA song. I love all of it, from the twangy opening notes to the gentle melody and appropriately soft lyrics. Everything fits together beautifully in this song, and while I will admit that I prefer the version from the soundtrack of the second Mamma Mia movie, the original recording is beautiful as well.
Should be higher,hated it years ago,never liked ballads,however love it now...
#1 SOS. #2 Honey Honey. #3 Lay All Your Love On Me. #4. Dancing Queen. The rest of them all below these 4 - coming from a monster ABBA fan!
The album version is not very good, but the live version as shown in ABBA The Movie is absolutely brilliant and worth checking out.
Listen to this song on youtube or whatever and you'll know that anni-frid's(frida) mezzo soprano lead vocals are brilliant. Its good that when you get into ot and learn the words u can sing along! I do! Please rate this song because it is frida's number one vocals!
Currently, this is my favorite song. It just sings hope in the face of a failed romance and promotes a last bang. It's so soft and honestly just makes me shiver.
The harmony of Björn's,Agnetha's and Fridas's voice is shown in this very original song
The song has some comical aspect the "sexy husky excting sounding" voice of Alice Whiting should be Bjorns, really, the chorus of the two girls is very nicely done, all in all this song while it surely rankls as one of the weaker songs on that album, has its merits. Especially seeing Visitors is their very best album all time (imo) so the song's still better than half of what they ve done on previosu albums. As I said in one of the previous comments it doesnt fit in mood wise.
Pure dreck... The chorus has some beautiful harmonies, but as a whole, it's lacking any depth. It should have been on one of their earlier albums. It was sorely out of place on The Visitors. "Should I Laugh Or Cry" should be in it's place on the album.
Underrated song with some exquisite harmonies. In "The Visitors" album musical style but it is true that that track doesn't fit the "dark" mood of the album.
Weird how this song is forgotten. Fantastic beat and great sounding voices from the girls. An absolute diamond in the rough. Definitely ABBA at their very best and I would rate it as probably their best song!
I love this song. It's so catchy and the lyrics are really fun; the energy is great.
The best song of their Voulez-vous album and when asked, Frida mentioned this song as one of her favourites that wasn't a single
One of Abba's very best rock 'n rolls.
It's a great, great song, in the same vein of "Does your mother know".
It's sad that so many Abba's songs are down on the list, just because they were not "hit singles".
There are so many Abba's "forgotten-songs" that must be rediscovered !
Simple and perfect. The live version with only accordion is touching and powerful.
Agreed about the live version being the absolute best. Perhaps the most underrated ABBA song of their entire discography, in my humble opinion. I love how it rises and rises to a crescendo. Freakin' epic.
so breath taking, like our last summer and i let the music speak, i cry because it is so perfect. I must remember to write on themas well. Our last summer and the way old friends do and i let the music speak are deffinatly my faveourite songs by any band ever. Full stop.
Highly underrated. Beautiful song and beautiful vocals by Frida.
As I said before about Chiquitita, this song is even tackier.
i have a dream that all my friends in year 9 will see just how good this music is.
Pop perfection. ABBA's most underrated song. Leaving your woman before she even wakes up never sounded so beautiful.
The kitchiest song of ABBA. Worse than "Fernando", "Chiqitita " and "I Have a Dream"....... Total crap.
Oh, along with 'The winner takes it all' and 'The name of the game' I of course had forgotten to add 'The day before you came' ... a song of particular great depth!
mmm, such a low ranking for an absolutely amazing sophisticated song? This song definitely should be in the top ten along with ‘I am the city’. These songs were recorded at the end of ABBA’s career and display a degree of depth that had only previously been captured within ‘The winner takes it all’ and ‘The name of the game’, both of which are phenomenally well crafted songs. Had ABBA continued onward, I believe they would have produced even deeper more meaningful sophisticated songs.
One of their best, it has a lingering after taste that makes you want to
listen to it again and again.
Well. It is complicated and fast whitch means they put alot of effort into it and it should be in the top 5. I haven't got much to say.
Time for me to jump in with my (obviously) unpopular opinion...
This song is CATCHY. Like... really, really catchy. The lyrics are typical of early ABBA, pretty simple and repetitive, but it's nice that you can clearly hear them. This isn't a song that you'd have to look up the lyrics to. But the best part is the end--the girls doing arpeggios, it's so unique even as far as ABBA songs go. This is definitely one of my favorites.
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