His recent passing brought new waves of adulation and analysis to a decades old body of work that is unsurpassed in stand up comedy. Carlin turned cynical curmudgeon-ness into comedy, when he wasn't challenging decency laws and morality by taking his Seven Dirty Words routine all the way to the Supreme Court
G e o r g e . C a r l i n
c h a n g e d
e v e r y t h i n g
i n
c o m e d y !
Louie CK will always be my favorite. But George Carlin will always be the best.
Jammin' in NY 1992.
George carlin's personal favorite of all his specials.
See it!
Thinking man's comedian. Not the funniest, but undoubtedly the smartest, most observant, and educational comedian ever. His shows open you eyes and make you realize stuff you've never even thought about. He's in a class all by himself, with Louis CK catching up with every special he releases. This guy is so far ahead of the competition he should have all top 10 spots to himself, with the next guy coming in at #11.
He is one of the greats he made me think of the tricks that the people are using to control us
"George Carlin was Lenny Bruce's revenge"
-Comedian Steven Lolli
The reason some people don't like Carlin is because his "brand" of humor in his later years pretty much read an attack on everyone senses and insecurities. And if you felt insulted by that? Good, he made his mark. He also had the tenacity to say what he wanted when he wanted to say it... Even if the joke was not well rehearsed.
we are blessed to have ever heard this WISEMAN. stop hating Carlin is .......(i don't know but you can't argue that he is the best to have ever lived)
he didn't make me laugh out loud. but damnit he made me think in a totally different spectrum. i love carlin for that but i still don't think he was the funniest. maybe the wisest.
Woot! When I was loading this page, I was telling myself, "Please be Carlin, please be Carlin!!!".
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THE KING SO FAR BUT at the LOUIS CK AGE and his routines and what George Carlin actually taught him himself he could surpass him at some point of time in future. These two are the true stand up comedian who dedicate their entire career to it. Others become movie stars etc. A big ego. I love Chris Rock as well. These 3 then whoever comes next it doesn't really matter
For most comedian I watched, I laugh myself stupid but George Carlin raised my I.Q!
So huge was his body of work, that yes, he did have some good stuff. Just didn't ever bring me to tears. Seen his act in vegas 12 years ago.
carlin evolved for a leny bruce and open so many new roads, no 1 hands down
Didn't take long for his comedy to get tedious. A Lenny Bruce wannabe
Funny that "merbac" would write RIP. As an Atheist, if Carlin is right, he's not doing *anything*, let alone resting in peace. :-)
well obviously you prefer to pop people in the mouth than think... Nobody has to listen, but if they do, they will learn somehting from George.
Who should be top 5 then if you're not confused and/or too young ?
whoever ranked these is confused. And or too young to know any better.
One of few comedians with really something meaningful behind his act along Gervais and Izzard - the rest are a lot more shallow
Of course among the bests! True talent. Awesome gift! Check out his "Modern man" and realize that all of his shows is verbal performances!
For me George was the best because he wasn't just a comedy guy. He watched life and human behaviour and commented our mistakes with humour.
Each and everyone of the HBO specials is different but they have something in comment that makes him the best there was and that is, that after each show you watch it changes you a bit inside and you don't even regret being changed.
He is responsible for me questioning everything. A true comedy saint
Nb 1 by far... I can understand why some people doesn't like him, obviously because he so smart, and got balls....he has no limits and give rise to subjects that might challenge the values and beliefs created by other man over thousand of years...he has a better idea of truth than most people living on this earth. he is honest, and not restricted to taboos....hope you are resting in peace now..Respect
Not only was he funny as hell, he was like a modern day prophet towards the end of his career. Calling out big brother and douche bags alike on their Bull!@#$% and indoctrinated mentalities. The truth is funny; just listen to his most recent shows. He should be #1...By Golly George Carlin You Were The Greatest!
can't believe that this guy, one with the most inteligence homur and really smart messages behing his comedy is this low... he actually try to teach us something trough laugh, he try to open our eyes and tell us go f..k off world religions, politics and economy and to enjoy life, and he do it by showing us how to at the same time... no lists and wotes will ever prove me wrong - George Carlin was the greatest! r.i.p.
Took his mainstream success to another level beyond and only really got killer funny in the late 80's early 90's....check out JAMMIN IN NY...his best show and one of the best of all time: "The middle class does all the work. The poor? The poor are there, basically, to scare the **** out of the middle class so they'll keep going to ****ing work."
The best stand up comedian of all time ..
and when i say of all time i mean it !!
He was real thats why i adore his sayings so much... Actually he had a lot of things to make good comment on but there is one thing never will be used on past tense : He is the best!
Saw him about (3) months before he passed. What a great show. RIP

Definitely Top10 comedian of all time already. Maybe someday Top5 - if he continues. However: Bill Hicks is Number2, sorry Louie;)
Among the living/active? Number 1. Clearly.
Although: Bill Burr? Seems to me, the C.K. reign is about to come to an end.
This guy is the new Carlin. Without any argument, this guy is the best in the business today. He might even surpass Carlin one day if he keeps releasing these specials like he has been, although that's going to be hard to top a GOAT like Carlin.
Ck is the best comedian hands down! He is a legend in my books. Cant stop laughing
If you think Louie CK is the best, then I'd partially agree with you. He is great, but don't forget, Carlin was a boss.
He's kinda funny but I like his show Louie and his appearance on letterman a long time ago.
Favorite comedian makes sense he's number 2 tho with no carlin there's no ck
all Louis talks about is his kids and wife and kids and wife and mother and kids and wife its not even funny
Louie is definitely #1.. With quite a bit of space between him and whoever is #2...
best comedian today he is honestly the best all round comedian ever he doesn't talk about one thing like russell peters he talks about life and makes it hilarious
amazing is the only way to describe him, only guy that can talk about hide and go seek with his daughter and make it laugh out loud hilarious.
under-rated, similar to David Cross and Jim Gaffigan, but less whity, however he makes it up by displaying his lack of whit, mostly social subject matter - but his age helps.
louis ........ this guy is the funniest guy alive he should be #1

The first and perhaps only "Rockstar" comedian, Pryor's populairty in the 80s rivaled any athlete, actor or politician. Best known for his dead on impersonations, legendary story telling and uncomfortable honesty Pryor simply changed the game forever and showed everyone that the funniest guy in the room could also be the coolest.
I have been a fan of stand up from the time there were merely a handful of comics making a living at it. (David Brenner, Robert Klein, Johnny Dark) Two of the best stand up experiences I have ever had were Richard Pryor's Wanted, and Live on the Sunset Strip. Although I believe Lenny Bruce (my 2nd all time Fave) was the real trail blazer, Pryor, I believe, turned it into an art form. His humor came from a more honest place than where other stand ups would care to reveal about themselves. He said everything warts and all, and people could relate to his gritty outlook the way that others related to Bill Cosby's sentimental reflections. To me it's Pryor, Bruce, Hicks are the Holy Trinity of stand up, with nods to Louis CK, Patton Oswalt, of course Carlin, and I am becoming more and more fond of Bill Burr. Chris Rock, Bill Cosby are in the conversation... but I stand by my main three. (oops, let us not forget Sam Kinison, with Maria Bamford as my fave female)
The original back comedian who started the "you ever notice how white people" routine. All others were followers.
Like this one comedian said "if there was a Mount Rushmore of comedians, Richard Pryor would have to be included." Nuff said.
This guy's jokes are just plain stupid to me. I don't see what the hype is about. He's far from bad but doesn't crack the top 3 imo. Carlin, Louis CK, Hicks are clear top 3 simply because they were funny and smart, this guy just doesn't have the same level of thinking. Still in the top 5 though, and better than most trash coming out today, ie Kevin Hart or Dane Cook.
Seen George Carlin live twice. Richard Pryor was funnier. George's jokes were to grim for some. Not me, but some.
He wasn't that good as a comedy actor, not so hot in skits, but the best damn stand up comedian EVER. His swearing was part of the stories he told, not just put in to be funny in and of themselves.
"When I die, I'm gonna be in that long-ass line, Jack."
Richard is and will always be the funniest. "Funniest" sounds lame. Richard was a more than a milestone, he is a funny MTHRFR. As a white man I know Prior is funny as hell. The truth about the way life is is sad but when Richard had the S#T flow through his mind. We all could see differant. RIP RP
A person who was able to turn great tradgedies into humor. What a great if not the greatest comedian. RIP Richard!

Underrated and obscure thanks in large part to his early death at 34 from pancreatic cancer, Hicks has attained cult status in the years following his passing. With a reputation as an "Outlaw Comic" Hicks hilarious take on drugs, politics and humanity straddles the line between base humor and high satire. Uber-intelligent, cynical and biting Hicks raised stand up comedy to an art form and showed the world just how powerful the genre could be at delivering a social message.
Hick was the best. The slow burn to white hot. From clean to blue, to deliciously filthy. Hicks was miles above everyone else in his day, and his stuff is still very much relevant today. Those who witnessed him know this to be true.
Love Hicks. I always referred to him as "comedy with a conscience" His stand up was like a punch to the face to get the audience to WAKE UP to the state of where we were, as a civilization, and where we are headed. Angry with an undertone of hippy optimism. He is the one stand up I wish were alive over the last 20 years to hear his take on the state of society and government.
His social and political satires were a watershed moment in the annals of American comedy. It's true that his dark poetic style (covered in numerous colorful profanities) was not to the liking of "decent" audiences, but he broke the barrier of social norm expected, namely mediocrity and cliche which were prevalent during 80's and 90's on hindsight!
Definitely, he was the most important social critic of his time who happened to be damn good at stand-up comedy! If other great comedians' rants and tirades (such as George Carlin) were tickling your funny bones and opening your mind, Bill Hick's not only tickled and opened it but it also bit into our collective subconscious to draw out greater realization (if not enlightenment) of relevant topics that haunt the society today!
I see Bill Hicks on these lists all the time and I just don't get it. I've watched all his clips on Youtube and he's made me laugh a couple of times maybe but mostly he's just angry and obvious in his humor. An example - the joke about the Christians who approach him after a show and say "buddy I don't like what you said about Christians in there" Bill says, "well then forgive me" Gets a huge laugh and applause from the audience. I don't get the big response. If you're looking for great comedic beatdowns on religious people look at Bill Maher, David Cross, Ricky Gervais etc - then go back and look at Hicks. You'll see the difference.
The fact that most people my age have never heard of Bill Hicks is a sad fact. He makes so many great points without sounding like he is preaching the hypocrisies and lies of America. Such a talent lost much too soon.
Love this guy,for me he is the best.He rip into the system like no other stand up I have ever seen.1 Hick 2 Carlin 3 Pryor
He had one bit where he repeatedly told anyone in marketing to kill themselves....possibly the greatest, simplest bit I've ever seen in standup. May he rest in peace.
I wouldn't say he's obscure. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who hadn't at least heard of him!
Hicks and Carlin would be on my Mount Rushmore of comedy. Both were geniuses.
He should be number one. He's in line with Carl Sagan in the most beautiful minds department!
Was good originally but soon became a blind partisan and was downright caustic towards the end. An otherwise brilliant comic.
In potential the best comedian i have seen. its all about the message with Bill and some jokes carry a long way, like into the next millenium he failed to be a part of...
Utherly well informed and brillant in building up jokes, that will stay with you long after the laughing part is done
I've seen lists where Bill was rated much lower, I think his rank here is fitting. Thanks youtube.
The Greatest And Best Comedian Who Ever Walked On The Face Of The Earth Is This Man Right Here.
AWESOME, needs to be in the top 10! Comedian Joey Vincent MPLS, MN
Bill Hicks should be way higher on this list. Hicks is a legend and Dennis Leary stole his entire act from Bill Hicks. Bill Hicks' comedy was so true and intelligent that nobody wanted to hear it. So Leary stole his jokes and reappropriated them for his own act. Move Hicks to the top of the list. RIP Bill Hicks
BILL HICKS WAS A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! WAY before his time and died WAY too soon! The man deserves MUCHO praise.
"this man..this man is a philosopher in a comedians dress" -- nicely put by someone..
A genius,he was trying to save us from corporate america

This guy should be below Hicks, but coming in at #4 he's not that far off from truth. Very funny, although with only 2 stand up specials I don't see how he's in top 4. Needs a couple more special to stay at #4 imo.
Greatest delivery ever, sucks that he quit on the industry then didn't write some stuff; seeing him trying to do stand-up after taking a break for so long was just sad. If he ever goes back to doing stand-up, I think he shoud go in with at least a ittle material
Dave is great, he's worked so hard for his success and it came out of no where. He used his success as a joke instead of showing off his dough
Good pacing and clear philosophy and point of view, mostly social material, not as good as some others who have more diversity and wisdom like Izzard, Carlin, and Murphy
He was my inspiration to become a comic &now I am a actor & a stand up comic
Ever since he pulled a Kurt Cobain (Whaaa, I'm too successful, I'm making too much money. . .) I have NO respect. He was AMAZING but . . eeeuuuwww.
i know i love dave chappelle i wish he will do another stand up special
Not for the weak of heart. "Pure Awesomeness" would be an understatement for this man. Even if you buy all of his DVDs "thrice", you still owe him.
HE'S RICH, BIA*CH!!. (Ah man, those golden days of chappelle's show.)

When I listened to this guys stuff I thought "yeah that's clever" after twenty minutes however I was thinking "I get where you're going with this enough already" Carlin, Pryor, Louis CK are and will always be great because there's a truth to their material. Hedberg was Gallagher without the sledgehammer.
hilarious witty fast pace one liners that will leave you dying with laughter
The king of comedy. Funniest man to ever live. Should be way higher than number 7.
Most original style and superior content.. Amazing logical-literal comic who views the world from a slightly different angle... Love the way he thinks!...
Yeah that is all we need is
another dumb hippie who is not funny!
A real comedian makes people laugh without having to insult anybody. Thats what this man did. Thats why he's the best there ever was.....
Amazing, clever material that made you think while you laughed. A truly unique mind at work.
Great one-liners with his own style of delivery that hasn't been matched. RIP Mitch, enjoy your broken escalator, I mean stairway, to heaven!
Oh My Gosh! The fact that he is 121 is such a tragedy ! He is so amazingly funny! While he does curse he has a really clean sense of humor! Truly amazing. RIP

Rapid fire...Best bar room comic ever. Took corny to new level.
Rodney Dangerfield below Norm McDonald, D. Martin, Regan, Black, Hart, Tosh, Gaffigan, Izzard, and goddamn Sinbad is absurd. These guys are funny but don't hold a candle to Dangerfield.
This is how you know it's not a real list, Rodney is at 28 on the list. He is a top 10 above almost every one of these guys.
how the hell is rodney dangerfield 150?! with all the comments on random people saying 'oh this guy isn't a real comedian" how can he be so far down? this is a disgrace! no respect for THE man
far and wide the king of one liners. for him to be 21 is an abomination. sam kinison and redd foxx should also be ranking higher
Rodney is the best. These kids have no clue what they are talking anout.

This guy is the only comedian that's genuinely made me laugh so hard I had to pause the video so I could hear the next joke
Starting to hit his stride now, his earlier stuff wasn't on a high level as his new specials are at now. He's funny and educational, another thinking man's comedian, although mixes in too many dumb jokes in between all the profound stuff. Deserves to be in top 10, definitely.
Laugh out loud holding your belly funny and that's comedy. Happy smiling laughing.
from the moment i first heard his stand up, he instantly became my FAVORITE comedian ... dude is hilarious!
He's on a different level with most of today's stand-up comedian. The way he delivers his material is truly astounding amazing, voice change and all...
He and CK are at the top of their games. No one else produces quality material as consistently as these guys.
Pristine delivery! He takes everything Louis C.K. didn't think of and revs it up. THAT'S how it happens!
Burr has the best delivery evar!!! Chappelle, Louis CK and Burr are probably the best comedians in terms of knowing when and how to crack a joke.
brutally funny, seen lots but this guy has total valid and appealing subjects, now if he could just jump the plane and come to nz.... i'll put the word out.
Bill Burr is so aggressive and I love it! He's truly the funniest comedians today
The funniest man doing stand up today. He deserves to be in the top ten at the very least but in my book, he's number one.
I have to agree with the other guy. Him and Daniel Tosh are my favorite
"Why I Do This" is the most hilarious routine I've seen over the past decade.

More people are probably familiar with Lenny's legal troubles and drug use than his actual comedy act, and I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult to his prodigious personality. Yes, Bruce was hilarious and revolutionary and boundary breaking - but his most important legacy are the struggles he faced to getting to stand on stage and say what he felt. Every single comedian today who curses or uses sex or race in their acts owes Bruce everything.
Listen to Live at Berkley, or Live at Carnegie Hall and ask yourself , "why isn't he wayyyyyyyyyy higher on this list?" Sure the material may be dated, or even tame by today's standards, but you climb into a time machine, go back to the time he was saying these things, compare it to the material spoken by others, the power of the religious and political sensibilities, then come back and ask yourself, "how important is he to this list?" He spent himself poor to defend his right to say what he wants, in accordance to their Constitution. So smart was Bruce, he was practically an expert on Constitutional Law, or First Amendment Law by the time he died. Listen to how smart and well crafted the material sounds.
How are Brian Regan, Sinbad, or anyone else ranked above this guy?
This man invented the art form!
I saw his act, it wasn't very funny, but it's true, he opened the doors for everybody, and anyone who laid the groundwork for guys like carlin deserve an A+. His guts alone to swear before anyone else takes him into the top 5
His influence alone should bump him up into the top 5 at the very, very least.
Yes, there is something wrong with putting Lenny Bruce way down here. It's like ranking Jesus as number 93 on a list of influential religious figures.
putting lenny bruce at 156th on this list shows that this list is way out of touch with reality

He is an all time greatest stand up comedian. He has a wide arsenal of mature and immature material and if something goes wrong he could make you laugh without saying actual words
He is so funny he brightens up your day when you are sad all that you really need is a gallon of ice cream and to binge watch robin Williams he should of made it into at least the top three if not number 1
more silly than funny. Makes strange sounds and faces to make up for lack of talent
The best comedian of all time, and the best at improv as well.
I absolutely adore robin williams, he a hilarious light-hearted comedian!!

The AC/DC of standup. And hes right! Why doesn't the camera guy feed the starving african children?
80's indulgence at it's best. He meshed comedy with rock music so awesomely. I saw him twice and the audience was cracking up! Rodney Dangerfields best find.
has to be in the top 5 his material will last for ever and nobody can deliver it like Sam
HOW THE HELL IS HE 2nd TO LAST!!?!?!? this isnt right at all hes ATLEAT top 5 material

Can we agree on Top10? I know he wasn't that political and dark, but he was just so fun to watch. He raised the bar of comedy. And he only needed two specials.
RAW 1986. 100million gross
Nothing has even come close.
The peak of American comedy!
Can't hold a candle to the greatest stand up comedian of all time, Richard Pryor. But he was way better than Pryor in comedy acting, skits.
His first two stand up acts, the second of which was called "delirious", were among the very greatest stand up acts of all time, and then it all fell completely apart by comparison with "raw", a massive drop a cliff compared to "delirious".
rehashing stereotypes doesn't qualify him as 2nd greatest of all time, everyone has their own tastes but he wouldn't be anywhere near as big if he tried stand-up again
Great pacing and pronunciation, great character and fluid movement, mostly social subject matter but makes up for it with accuracy, vividness, and honesty. Should be just under Dave Chappelle.
YAWN. He was funny for 20 seconds in the 70s (or was it 80s?). If curse words hadnt' been invented he would have faded after SNL.
Without a doubt, Richard Prior's successor and the original voice of great immitations: Michael Jackson to Elvis. Elvis to Mr T. Without him, there would really be no Chris Rock, Martin Lawrence, Chris Tucker, Kat Williams etc. DELIRIOUS was and will always be the greatest stand up special of all time. Should be number 1. Maybe not now, but the Eddie Murphy of old, most definately

Yes, he's known predominantly for racial humor but black or white, young or old - funny is funny and Chris Rock is one of the funniest human beings on the planet. Perhaps the greatest testament to his skill is how mainstream he's become: despite talking about controversial topics such as race and sex and working very "Blue" he's loved by inner city minorities, white suburban dads, and elderly WWII vets.
He should be WAY higher in the ratings!! Only black humor? He comments on everything and does it with insight and hilarity....
To you who are complaining that chris rock is only talking about race it's because racism affected him as a child and even now racism is a big problem in the society it's good that by his stand ups he's showing how we can change this, he's like tupac of the comedy industry
In terms of actually being funny, he should be ranked much higher. I don't really like his delivery, but he always cracks me up nonetheless.
nah nowhere near number 1 you guys are crazy, hes good but all he can talk about is being black and in a loud annoying way any more than an hour of him i feel like commiting a racial attack
His early stuff was amazing. Not great in movies, but this is stand up.
LOVED him in the beginning. Was DESTROYED by his first hour show. Was mostly turned off by 2nd hour show which painted us as white devils. But if you ignore that and focus on his prior stuff - he is the SH*T!
If talking about active comedians then chris rock should be #1.

He's like a boring stuffed animal!
Comedian Joey Vincent, MLPS, MN.
A true comic voice and feel good comedian to remind everyone of their favorite class clown in high school. Truly fun.
Gaffigan is hilarious, but I don't watch enough comedians to comment on whether he is worthy of the top 20.
he's funny, but not a top 20 comedian, and barring a major change in his act, he's never going to be.
Really not impressed by Gaffigan, especially as of late. I saw his most recent special live and was seriously underwhelmed. Definitely Top 10 material.
By far the funniest comedian of all time, his pace and material are un-rivaled, he moves effortlessly from comment to commet attacking the status quo in a friendly and calm fashion.

"Dressed to kill" ranks among the best comedy specials ever made. It's up there with Carlin or Hicks shows.
The rest of his specials are good and occasionally brilliant. But "Dressed to kill" is unrivaled.
best ever, clever humor this guy needs to be #1 seen it all and its re watchable
I agree. Kinison is highly underrated and could make me wet my shorts I'd laugh so hard.
I'd rather have Eddie Murphy, Sam Kinison, or Seinfeld in these spots. Izzards good but not better than those genius's
Smartest and most well read comedian. He is an outstanding actor and his stand up transports you into the most fantastic suppositions-- he is amazing!
Eddie has been my no.1 comedian since I first saw hibes work. Most breadth of knowledge and interests, all delivered with wit and superb acting. He's the best!
did not find him funny at all. to much rambling on about things that didnt even make sense...
Simply terrific. None other can carry off such a high level of instant comedy which is spontaneous and really catchy. You get the feeling he is just as he appears, quirky, funny and intelligent.
I only just discovered this guy, I looked him up and streamed one of his standups because of this list. Oh. My. God.
One of few comedians with really something meaningful behind his act along Gervais and Carlin - the rest are a lot more shallow
For me, Eddie Izzard is the best. Well as I do not realy know all the others welle Eddie deserves to be at least in the 4 tops.
Raja from Morocco
Ok, he's good but 11th place, nope sorry, not that good in my opinion.
By far the most whitty, and has the most subject matter of ANY comedian, his clear logic and reasoning are a friendly puncuation on his diverse material, ranging from world wars to the development of organized religion, to science fiction and economics. BRAVO! A true performance!
Eddie is is my favorite...
of course this rankins are just for fun cause its all relative to a certain degree... I love his material and his delivery... his bit about the star wars cantine is the definition of comedy....
Love Eddie. He's just got such a magnificent style of comedy and his delivery is always mind blowing. Should definitely be higher up on the list.
Eddie and Bill Bailey - the best of the best from England.

For those calling Seinfeld overrated - keep in mind its not just sitcom watchers who rate him high - guys like Chris Rock and Louis CK rank him as one of the greatest comedians ever.
How many comedians can make a career without relying on easy sex , race, or drug jokes. Not many but he did it.
Who is the comedian who said Jerry Seinfeld is Woody Allen without testicles?
Steven Lolli or Daniel Tosh?
I always thought he was pretty funny, but I recently saw some youtube videos with him on Larry King and he came off as being really pretentious. So now I don't really know how to feel about the guy - even if he did have some pretty funny observational material
How can be ranked just behind Chris Rock? Chris Rock is way out of his league....overrated!!!!
Number 1 observational comedian ever! Even before the sitcom he was among the best. To this day, he stands as the greatest american stand-up along with the likes of Pryor, Black and Martin. Intelligent stuff, qand not everybody gets him.
over-rated hack, just because hes well known doesnt make him funny
Great observational comedian, no easy stupid racial jokes.
Just plain funny ...
The most successful among all comedians, that tells you something

Genius to come out of LA underground, completely capsized Black, Def-Jam comedy style. Became the top grossing comedian in North America without ever being the center piece of a movie or tv show. Never was even a regular at a mainstream comedy club. As important to Black comedy as Robin Harris! All-around Bad Mofo!
i watched most of the top rated ones, and i only see dudes coming up on the stage striving to impress the audience. Katt's just a natural comic. I understand he gets hated for lots of swearing though.
Katt williams is the king his the only one say Thing like it z .
This is bs he should be top 5. He is like the only one that makes me laugh, him, kevin hart, and chris rock.
I didnt like him at first, but you have to give credit where credit is due, not easy to make me laugh and he has done that several times...
Ghetto comedy its played out because middle class white kids like him doesn' t make him worthy to be on this list
BS.. He's one of the only stand up comics I've actually laughed to.

Sarcasm 101 ... delivers like a King!
I like comedians who make me feel awkward when laughing with their jokes :-)
yes, he's juvenile but he is funnier than everyone ranked above him.
He has (yes I am willing to go as far as to say this) the best delivery ever. This is how he can pander for 60 minutes straight without everyone leaving the show as soon as it starts. His new stand up is okay, and his show tosh.0 is very underrated, but his old stand u like "Completely Serious" is hilarious! Definitely one of the best.
He was my all-time favorite comedian BEFORE Tosh.0. He's been doing stand up comedy for more than 10 years. He has the best local jokes ever. I've seen him in 3 different cities and he was equally hilarious when making fun of all 3.
The most overrated hack ever. He's as much of a sell out as Carlos Mencia. In Carlos Mencia's defense his stand up is great.. his show is the over regurgitated sellout.
He does have some really good jokes. but like dane cook he's over rated and will die out soon. He steals a lot of dave chappelles stuff in his new stand up 'happy thoughts'
Might be a decent at performing lines that are written for him, commenting on viral internet videos, but he is nothing more than a tv host, wake up people this guy should not be above greats like Eddie Murphy, Jerry Sienfield ect.
Probably one of the best comics out there but only if you can handle mostly racist jokes
not that funny, subject matter is mostly juvinile social matters, tries to make up for a lack of whit by obvious contradictions
This is the funniest comedian I have seen in ages. Not too many people can handle his style of comedy, but it's his crude style of humor that sets him apart from all the rest.

Definitely the best comedian ever.He deserves his spot at number 1.
First few specials were hilarious, really funny. But lately he's just running out of new material. Still deserves to be in top 25 but needs to step his game up to crack the top 15. There are plenty of races and nationalities out there to keep the same jokes about indians, arabs, asians, and whites.
Last night he used the mic as a prop, placed it at his crotch and stroked it from the bottom with thumb and forefinger to the "head" of the mic and then acted as to flick the semen off his penis complete with a second flick to the floor.
He even yelled out of nowhere; "stop recording me man!" What a jerk.
awesome comedian! i really love him. his routines are spot on. watching his videos is like joking around with your friends. very real!
You know what, I think he is amazing. But I think there are better out there. Right now Donald Glovers set is a lot better.
who woulda thought an indian canadian would this funny, truely remarkable
This dude should be number 1.
All the others trying to be funny by making funny sounds and screaming, but Russell is just REAL
Racist but VERY FUNNNY! Great accents and attacks every race from chinese to indian!
His jokes are clever, Peters is able to integrate people from all racial backgrounds and show to the audience the steryotypes that exist among them, and he is one of the few comedians who engage with the audience.
His jokes aren't clever he just mimics accents otherwise he would not be funny
I cannot believe Russel is so low the in the list..
He is the best in the world right now..period..
He is so versatile, he has performed in all continents, he has a huge fan following all over the world
Definitely one of the boldest and funniest one out there.......
It's amazing how he interacts with the audience, well apart from Richard Prior I have never seen anyone else do it so brilliantly. His show is "mind blasting" :)
His acts are astonishingly simple and realistic.....he is spontaneous & bold, a great mimic, a DJ, a boxer....His material is extremely funny.....
best living epic comedian,words not enough to say how funny he is

Doug is realistic pure art, but like Spinoza Nietzsche or
Schopenhauer he is way ahead of his time to be understood and well rated by the masses, most living comics walk in a thin safe line to please the crowds and create a carrier, i'd put him king of living comics 2d after carlin.
my favorite... just above Bill Burr. Not by a lot. But this guy is seriously underrated. he is perhaps not as personable as Burr... but being friendly isn't really good comedy (except in Burr's case, which is why I think he is brilliant...).
How is Dane Cook and Dmetri Martin ranked higher than Stanhope???
Doug is hysterical as well as honest. Brave & brutal comic that purists will recognize immediately. He's right up there with Hedberg in my book!
Obnoxious! The funniest! He will make you gasp. "Hi, this is Doug Flutie of the United Way..." Classic!

He is a great comedian with such sick coms suchas the office the best sick com of alltime and some legendary stand up that maek you laugh 4 hours
pz vote for him cos we al know how amazing he is ....
the most funniest person ever with the most hilarious laugh and the podcasts with karl are the funniest ive seen of him
Gervias needs more experience in the 'stand-up' gig.. He's probably the funniest ever at ad-libing in loosely scripted situational comedic roles.. But has a way to go, in order to top several others on this list...
One of few comedians with really something meaningful behind his act along Izzard and Carlin - the rest are a lot more shallow
His stand up is brilliant. I like the topics he discusses. Very intelligent little fella.
It's spelled 'Gervais', the word is 'Sit com' (Situation Comedy), and yes, he is pretty damn funny.
Oh. A sign of a great comedian is someone who takes the world into his own hands and makes it his own. Jerry Seinfeld is huge in the States. But only in the States. Everywhere else in the world, nobody can grasp his concept of dull and pointless humour. I agree Gervais should be way up there ahead of Seinfeld. Although I do have great respect for the success and accomplishments Seinfeld has achieved. And I believe Friends was the most successful sitcom of all time. I know. Who the hell judges these things?
^^^ No he shouldn't!!! Seinfeld is a comedic genius. Gervias is okay with the Office but he is still no where near Mr. Show About Nothing (aka the most successful sitcom in history)
Great comedian! should be above bloddy jerry seinfeild for gods sake! :)

If he starts another home with "you know why?...I'm gonna tell you why... Here's why..." I will kill myself. Decent material, not polished.
He's like Katt Williams without the talent!
Comedian Joey Vincent, MLPS, MN.
Comedy for kindergarten kids. His jokes are just lame. Delivery is good, not complaining about that. But the actual material isn't funny at all. He shouldn't even be in the top 50, let alone top 10. The problem is the genre is dying, so the industry is diluted. This guys is the perfect example, not funny but people put him in top 20 all time because modern kids don't even know who HIcks or Stanhope are.
the best comedian period...he should be number one...am always on the lookout for his shows...
I respect other people's opinions, most of the time, but he is below Sam Kinnison? Kick Kinnison out of the map, put Sinbad in his place and move Kevin to 4th place
i dont like other specials..but "im a grown little man" is legend..
he should be waaay at the top of the list.. absolutely funny!!!
click that green arrow button so we can get him where he belongs!!!!
He's an amazing comedian, keeps you laughing and perfect timing.

After Carlin passed away (RIP), ol' Lewis definitely took up the mantle of angriest comedian there is... and the mantle fits him well.
100% political humor, you hate politics you love black not top 10 because he lacks diversity (almost)
over the top ham, needs to calm down and stop trying to force me to laugh
I love this dude, his vulgarity is comical and his policital views are spot on to what us realists believe as well, give him a listen hes hilarious.

Yes old age and to much acclaim and money took the edge off his humour later in his career but his early stuff was legendary!
Being funny without being offensive is a huge undertaking....very few can match Cosby and Seinfeld
Bill Cosby is one of the inventors of modern comedy. He was a story teller and truly one of the best there ever was. The man is a giant. He has made a huge impact on our culture and while he get lamer with age he has recorded some of the best comedic stories ever heard. Truly top 10.
Real comedians make you laugh without needing to 'go blue'. Cosby is one of the all time best. This list needs a serious edit.
Bill was funny without being insulting. He could go into Texas and get them to laugh. Maybe even Paris Texas..
Again. who is the "genius" who thinks that Mr. Cosby is ranked so low?
"I need you take to take one of those hippos back!"
"Because they're both male!"
(Neighbor) "Hey! Whatcha building?"
(Noah) "It's an arc."
(Neighbor) "Well can you get it out of my driveway?"
Noah's Ark bit- the greatness of Bill Cosby

along with Jerry Seinfeld, larry david, Sacha Baron Cohen,, Don Rickles, Milton Berle, Garry Shandling, George Burns, Albert Brooks, Andy Kaufman, Buddy Hackett, Billy Crystal, Mort Sahl, Jon Stewart, Adam Sandler, Gilbert Gottfried
Jack Benny, Rodney Dangerfield, Roseanne Barr etc. my favourite with Seinfeld
The GREATEST insult comic of all time - a true legend that is a patriarch to comedy. HAIL RICKLES. Why isn't he in the top 10 or possibly 5???
this guy is top 15. period. way underrated. maybe he killed himself so people would start to appreciate him. Mitch Hedburg would already be out of comedy, working at starbucks if he hadnt OD'd
The most underrated comedian of all time. When Comedy Central makes a documentary about you and includes some of the biggest comedians in the world (Conan O'Brien, Jon Stewart, Daniel Tosh, to name a few) saying nothing but praise towards you, you know you've got some serious talent. I wish I coulda met you man. He's a comedic hero of mine.
He was an attorney, and had amazing attention to detail on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. His recklessness at the end still didn't offset his style. Great comic.
not so smart? He graduated from Harvard with a law degree dill weed! He was friggin intellectually brilliant! Didn't really make the best life choices though, but If you had done as much blow and drank as much as he did you might stumble around with your words a little too, yeah? =)
ummmm not SO smart, pay attention a lot of his Sh*t doesn't make any sense at all
Was an awesome Comic! Comedian Joey Vincent MPLS, MN
This b*stard was SO smart, SO funny. . . .and SOOOOOO stupid with his drugs. FU Giraldo!
Greg was one of thee best underrated comics to ever take the stage! He had an honest approach to the art of comedy, and refused to compromise integrity even if it meant not getting the credit he clearly deserved. Greg's ability to make reality hilarious is true testament to his authenticity. RIP brother, thanks for the laughs.

We saw Norm two different times and BOTH times I swear, he came out on stage and had "No Idea" of what he was going to say! Nothing rehearsed, planned, thought of.......nothing, zip, nada BUT he was one of the funniest guys ever! I think he is near genius or MENSA smart too. Has to be! Go see him.
You have to see Norm Macdonald to understand how funny he really is. A lot of people haven't seen him. He's a comedians comedian. Too funny for the average person.
Every bit as funny as Pryor, Black, Carlin and Hicks but doesn't have to resort to foul language to make his audience laugh.
who said he's as funny as Pryor, Black Carlin or Hicks? Get your head checked!
He's a clown, not a comedian. Nothing wrong with clowns, but it's an apples and oranges scenario.
Sinbad is not funny! It's little kid, Disney humor, at the most!
Kidding me right??? I could argue that he shouldn't be on the top 100.
This website was recently posted on Yahoo as a main story so I would bet that all of the votes in the last week are legit.
What ever happened to Sinbad?? Seems like 'Jingle All The Way' unjustly commemorated a rock star comedic performer...
Excellent comedian with great timing. Not surprised he's #1 over some of the more dour comedians rated after him.
Saw him in Vegas twice. Best shows of any other comedians I've seen there.

Steve Martin was my introduction to stand up comedy when I was a kid. Some guy played it for us when I was 12 or so and I never laughed so hard in my life. I think it warped my mind just a little bit. I was never the same. It was absurd and fantastic. He stopped doing comedy after only 4-5 years and never did stand up again. His movies went on but he was never as funny in movies.
One of the best all-around comedians w/some class, and a good actor. Loveable guy.

Jim Carrey's retarded brother!
Comedian Joey Vincent, MLPS, MN.
Todd Glass at Thanksgiving dinner, "Brian Regan, Brian Regan, Brian Regan"
I liked his act, for being refreshingly simple, no difficult politics, no racial slurs, no obscenity. He is simple, observes the simple things in life, and is very good at that. not a comic who walks the edge, but funny in his own right. He's in my top 20 comics, but not near the top. I think he is quite well ranked here, maybe a spot or two higher. #15 should be appropriate.
Anyone who votes for Brian Regan to be outside of the top 5 has clearly not seen his show. The guy is freaking hilarious
There is plain and simply no funnier comedian than Brian Regan! I saw him recently at the Honeywell Center in Wabash, IN. He came out with white hair and just said "Now I know what you're all thinking... what's the deal Captain Frosty Locks?" OMG the entire show was hilarious.
Woah, wait... 58? I guess you guys just CAN"T SEE THE NUMBERS!

this rating really discredits this whole rating list, beats many in the top ten by for, legend
Why isn't he number 1? Maybe it's because I'm British. He has almost definitely released more dvds/videos than any other comic. In my opinion, funniest man ever.
No reason why Connolly shouldn't be in the top 3. Amazingly funny and witty!

Talk about writers... If you're old enough to remember him as an MTV VJ then you know how much of a boring douche bag he was.
Jon Stewart deserves to be higher on this list as well, the top comment pretty much says why...
Has one of the best, longest running comedy shows T.V. has ever seen and it doesn't look like he will be off air any time soon. His comedic satire of our political and national media is both penetrating and enlightening, showing us both the hilarity and seriousness of current events in America. Jon Stewart uses his comedy as an introspective way of viewing and critiqueing America, its politicians, and the filtering of news media. Not only funny as balls but very intelligent humor. The Daily Show is easily the best show on Comedy Central

Not sure about this one. I'd put him further down in the list. I find him to be a bit of jackass. All of his material pokes fun at other people. A true great comedian could find something funny out of nothing rather than someone elses short coming.
not even a comedian, more like a hack, don't let his spontenuity fool you, other people write his material, even they can't manage to be funny
Yes, he is great. And his SCHTICK has surpassed the master that bore him - Jon Steward.
I'm shocked that he isn't higher up. The Colbert Report is probably one of the best shows on TV right now.

im only 32 but my guess is his appeal is to the crowd younger than me because he steals the funny. Ive never even snickered at this fat idiot
Never made me laugh, very overrated because of Hangover. Way too corny.
the absolute vodka commercial he did is insanely funny, i pissed myself dry
He was funny in the Hang over but His standup special was terrible.
This man just can't get serious. He's the funniest guy of the decade. Some people need brains to understand how funny his each move and his each line is. Simply astounding in every aspects of performances in movies as well as stand-up acts. Trust me, this man is more than a comedian. Now tell me, who delivers stunning and cunning lines while playing exhilarating piano. In one word, he's a "magician".

Very funny black comedian. Life tragically cut short or he might have attained Pryor/Cosby like status.
He is best ever. He don't use any bad word. Use punches very intelligently. Awesome.
My favorite of all. And my mom and kids can watch him with me without being offended.
Has the best comic timing by far and away. Wish he had better material, and new material.
Ron White is the only person that makes Blue Collar Comedy tolerable.
Ron is really good! His humor is sarcastic, but very funny. He is in my top 5 all time!!!
Just the way he talks is funny, his whole delivery is great. I listen to him on satellite radio, and often have to pull off the road because I'm laughing so hard.

Besides the amazing job he did playing Terry on Reno 911? His stand up is some of the funniest stuff I've ever seen with the strongest flow. His new show Pretend Time is going to be hilarious.
Dave Attel is hands down the funnest comic I have ever seen. His wit and intelligence is on the same level as the greats. Its his bar humor that turns people off, but his comedy is pure brilliance.
The comment above is severely lame. The person who wrote it obviously is either Deaf or a complete idiot. Im going with idiot
Get serious and get your facts straight. None of the real top five is on the top five of this list.
Dave Attell is one of the most brilliant comedians ever. If you don't take time to check him out you have no clue what stand up is all about. Comedian Joey Vincent MPLS, MN
Dave Attel is as funny as being beaten to death with a twizzler. It might seem humorous for a few seconds, but dead is dead, like his career.

His giant nose and bowl haircut make me quiver with expectation! His wooden personality and ball-less approach to comedy are what I order up to get to sleep after a long day writing thank you notes. Mitch Hedberg is Superman and Demitri Martin is Bizzaro!
Comedian Joey Vincent, MPLS, MN.
You think this guy is funny because you never saw television before the 90's
where is he now if he is so funny. At least the other guys are dead or very old, he is still young and i havent seen him in years on anything. He gets no respect in the comedy circles
Honestly, you may not like him, but he's hilarious. Just because his jokes aren't mindlessly funny, his stuff is amazing. It makes you really think. And he's so much more different than most people. Not to mention his jokes are all about millions of different things. Have you guys seen his tv show? It's GENIUS.
Idk, I think he is hilarious.
When you watch him, people are cracking up, they aren;t clapping, or forcing themselves to laugh, they are just cracking up.
People who have never seen a real comedian will LOVE demitri martin!
Stop hatin Demetri Martin takes things to levels people dont even think about he should be number 1!!!!!!!

Hysterical. Just got DVD "A Thinker Who Loves *****". Never have seen anything like this guy. The Jews and Blacks stuff is brilliant! Imagine Lenny Bruce in front of an all-Black audience. Unbelievable!
conservatives: you use the word "communist" far too liberally...my fav line!
Saw this bloke on trip to Los Angeles at a place called 'Industry and Jazz'. Host of the show was a Blues band. Only a few comedians preformed, all of them African-American, except this guy. He killed us dead. It was unique and personal but angry as hell too. I got the dvd afterward, there was a lot of screaming on it but the show we saw was not that way at all. It left an impression. I liked that he especially made fun of other comedians and declining American culture, pretty viciously.
Fearless, Brilliant stand up comedian under the radar status, could be as funny as CK or Rock...maybe funnier
"they roll out the red carpet for me at the open mics" Steven Lolli
"Sex is a board game...women play clue, men play monopoly." Might be the funniest that I have seen in a loooong time.

He doesn't curse as much although it is not a problem and he does funny impersonations
Fluffy is the best stand up comedian I know, he deserves to be number one.
I judge a comedian by how often I have to pause the DVD so I can catch my breath. Not only do I have to pause, I have to back up!
Gabriel has been calling himself fluffy for years, long before Ice Age.
All his jokes are "Hey, I'm a fat Latino". He spends about 15 minutes on one joke, and when he gets to the punchline, you just don't care anymore.
I was trying to figure out, how Gilbert missed the worst comics list? Completely and utterly unfunny, we get it, You are Fat. Ray Romano orinally used the line "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy" in the movie Ice Age. Talk about ripoffs.
His impersonations really make him great and he's funny from start to finish no matter what. A very great upcoming comedian.

Top 5 at least for me, maybe top 3. His jokes are perhaps the best crafted and his delivery is outstanding. And the content is not the obvious material that you see from many of the comics on this list.
Patton needs to be higher on this list, so long as he doesn't pass Giraldo, Patton wouldn't be cool with that!

This guy is an idiot! Not from the south, the accent is fake, and he placates to ignorant "middle America" .
Listen to David Cross's open letter to Larry the cable guy. Now that's funny!
What can I say? He makes fun of all the type of guys I grew up with!
He's not funny at all. Pretty much the stupidest comedian available.
Check out his early stuff before Cable guy with his given name Dan Whitney

Why is he all he way down here? He should be the number 1 comedian. I check out all the above and not that funny to be honest. JImmy Carr is one of my favorite
excellent.....this is joke telling to the core...no stories just jokes!!
So many jokes, so much bang for your buck.
And just so poshly rude.

King of stand up comedy! He's insane and hilariously offensive. MUST WATCH!!!!
Remember, he's not racist, he's a bigot - big difference!
And hilarious to boot.
Yeah love that podcast, shame Eddie Ifft doesn't do so well on there. He's much better live than on Pcast.
hahaha thats true. sounds like the Aussie version of bill hicks. funny ass dude
To the guy with the first comment: He's Hilarious! And your right, I do see lots of Bill Hicks in him. He's so underrated, but then again, he's still trying to get his name out there. He needs more HBO and CC specials.
Yea he shouldve been ranked better on the list cuz hes better than half these comedians
Simply amazing! One of the best modern comics of the last 5 years! Bases a lot of his comedic style on Bill Hicks, George Carlin, and Bill Maher. He's going to be the next big name comic one day.

Joe rogan is bisexual. He tries to hide it, but listen to him on his podcast when he talks about men's bodies and cocks.it so comes through.
Joe is one of the deepest comedians alive today...end of story SON!
Funny thing is even he admits he is a horrible MMA commentator but the people who say his stand-up is bad thinks he is good at it.
Joe Rogan is a genius, he's EXTREMELY intelligent, and funny as f*ck to boot.
Joe is funny even when hes not trying to be. He's one of my favourite human beings
Anyone who dosent like Joe Rogan's stand-up is either not intelligent to get it or your taste in comedy is extremely narrow. Sorry for you if you don't get it. And if you don't laugh at Joe Rogan.... YOU JUST DON"T GET IT!
Joe rogan is a very underrated comedian. I have 3rd row seats to his show in june. Whats funny is how you guys thrash his name but yet Bill Cosby is top 10? LOLOL
He has a very different style of comedy. Not for dumb people. Probably why most of the people who commented don't enjoy. He is amazing
In time Joe will be respected for his comedy and truth, if you don't like Joe Rogan you are just not informed'
you guys must have never heard joe rogan.
his stand-up is hilarious. definitely not for everyone, i guess you people just arent the right crowd for joe rogan.
Rogan has a great podcast, his commentary is great in the UFC, but I do NOT enjoy his stand-up at all. Really out of place on this list.
rogan is great he's comedy is great did you saw talking monkeys in space well its going to pee you off
Regardless of how bad music, movies, or even stand-up can be, there will always be some moron who thinks it is genius. ie: Nicholas Cage, Nickelback, Joe Rogan... I understand that these things are all subjective, but bad is bad and Rogan is as bad as it gets.
i respect joe rogan, as a man, commentator, actor, etc but his standup needs work
This guy should not be on this list, who is voting for this guy.

lol if Dane Cook took Denis Leary's act and souped it up...then they both owe a debt to someone higher up on this list...because without Bill Hicks...Denis Leary didn't have an act, either lol. not saying anything negative...i think Denis Leary is funny, but lets give the credit where it is due :)
Dane Cook is awesome. He took Dennis Leary's act and souped it up with Crack and Red Bull.
How many comics do I have to listen to that are pissed about something?
He was good in Mr Brooks.
At first I loved him, then despised him, now I feel bad for him. Louis CK has said he didn't believe Dane intended to steal anything, two of their jokes just happened to end up similar. He gets laughter out of me, not as much as Louis but hey, he's all right.
he's like Creed and Nickleback. Insanely popular and no one has any idea who likes him. his first ever standup was good. after that i wanted to gauge my ear drums
He is funny, the stand up live with thousands of people waas funny but that is it. There is funnier comedies that are ranked lower on here. He was teen sensation for myspace everyone had him as a friend and that's how people know him not cos of his jokes. from 1 to 10 i give him a 3. LETS BE HONEST
why isn't he #1 ? Dane Cook is the funniest comedian out there hands down.
Would not even be famous if he was not talking about his belief all the time. complete dick!
Best comedian ever! The people who don't like him are haters. Christopher Titus, and Nick Swardson are also funny too.
hahaha if I laugh at my own jokes that make them funny (NOT)...has ok moments but is at best a average stand up comedian
Dane Cook is negative funny. Walking around a lot and laughing at your own jokes doesn't make you funny. Stop, Dane. Just stop.
Very funny, energetic, with innovative perspective on every day things. Really knows how to engage the viewers in his show. Don't know what you people have against him...
garbage? dane cook is worse than garbage. he is a pro-active, self-lightening, material stealing, piece of gargabe. not even a whole bag :(
Nearly everyone here is just regurgitating crap they've heard, when most of you actually loved Dane Cook when he first hit the media. He may have done three similar jokes. But the fact is that a lot of comedy is borrowed and the TRUTH is that he got too big and now everyone wants to destroy him. You heavy breathing, media humping, mindless bandwagon riders.
Stole from comics like Louis C. K. I wont forgive him for this
I have no doubt that anyone who rips on Dane Cook as a comedian should get up in the middle of 50,000 ppl and make them all laugh for an hour straight. Maybe when you think you can do that you will shut your ignorant mouth and get a clue!
This guy is great. Even if he did take "some" jokes from others, most are his. He make a joke come to life with his actions. He awesome. Love the end on "my best friends wedding" 10 drinks bit. Epic!
he may not be the funniest guy ever, and he may even deserve this place way down at 163 but the fact is the guy gets the laughs and in my humble opinion he can be pretty funny now and again. how bout you guys hop off the 'i hate dane cook' bandwagon and formulate and actual reason not to like him.
he can turn anything in to a laughing matter. anything. he has great energy and hilarious expressions. should be a top ten'R!

Anyone who thinks "gross" when they think of Letterman is an idiot. Sure, his routine has gotten stale over the years. But when he was younger, he was one of the best and funniest comedians ever.
You Guys Are Freakin Loosing Your Mind Without Cristpher Titus... This Guy Makes Me Laugh So Freaking Hard!!!
Saw his Love is Evol show a couple of years ago and I have never laughed so hard at a comedian in my life. That show is as close to perfection as any routine that I have seen
This guy deserves to be in the top ranked comics of all time. Check out his HBO special. Not for the easily offended. Very funny!!
Patrice was and is one of the best ever!! In the new age ranks with chappelle, Dave attell, Brian regan, Doug Stanhope.. Look up oneal no way you won't laugh!!!!!
Patrice was for me the second funniest black comedian after Chappelle. Rock, Tucker, Hart, Griffin, Williams didn't do it for me.

one of the best, and definitely most intelligent comedian of all time.
Saw Dylan live a couple of years ago. Absolutely hilarious - clever observational humour with a real ironic twist. A comic genius - deserves a much higher ranking.
Totally unique style and hilarious to boot, definitely deserves much higher
Dylan Moran is THE comedian. I'm both a fan his stand-up and his Black Books. The most charming, drunk, witty, satirical, eloquent comedian there is.
He needs more exposure in the US. He would be well received. A hysterical genius.
Almost unknown to most americans but he's a genius. Better than CHris Rock even
Hilarious on Black Books and live...every sketch is perfect...
My favorite at the moment...I'll never think about a Smurf the same was again!
Yep - unlike Tiernan, Dylan actually has talent - manages to make unrelated ramblings appear easy. Well worth checking out.

"One man, one joke, drawn out for decades."
I've watched a bunch of his stuff and seen him live. At first I liked him, but he is not first-rate.
best puppet master, but a stand up made around one line (mostly), now that's just sad
This guy is not funny at all. He repeats the same **** over and over ("I kill you!") because his base audience still laughs at it. Pandering, unintelligent humor.
He only has one act that's actually funny, and thats the achmed act for the first 10 min.
What? DANE COOK is higher than Jeff Dunham?! I thought this list would be intelligent.
i just stood out in front of the irs builing and flipped them off
This is a "comedian" who shows us that people will literally laugh at anything. Simply not funny.
He's not a comedian. He's a ventriloquist. Just because the puppet said the joke it's funny.

I'm sooooooooo pleased that this man is on here. I was scrolling down and thought his name would NEVER show up. I found him a few months ago through his book actually. and then I watched his stand up. Oh my god. Honestly one of my top 5 favorites. The things that have happened to him in his life are hilarious! And the way he tells them makes them funnier!!!
His "dentist accidently injecting himself with novacane" sketch is one of the funniest of all time
Shandling had a long and successful career as a comedian, writer, and comedic actor. He influenced the best and brightest comedians out there today. And his show "The Larry Sanders Show" is widely recognized as one of the best comedy shows ever.
Co-creator of the show Seinfeld and star/creator of Curb Your Enthusiasm. But, before all that, he was a stand up comic; well-respected by his peers.
Andy Kaufman should be way higher up on this list. His "Great Gatsby" motif may be the ballsiest and most brilliant form of comedy I have ever see. The fact that people would listen to him read the book cover to cover may be the greatest joke ever because people stayed to listen to him read "The Great Gatsby"
whether u luv him or hate him, AK isnt goin to be forgotten anytime soon
Andy was just plain WIERD! I think people laughed "AT" him instead of "WITH" him.

Their wry, off-the-wall, irreverent and frequently politically-incorrect humor not only made people laugh, but it gave them something to think about.
What Craig Ferguson do is unbelievable. He doesn't just tell jokes, he discover jokes with the audience, I haven't seen anything like that on TV before. Is he a top 10 stand-up comedian? I don's think so. But I think he has the potential to change the late night genre. by Paul Soong
This guy is hilarious. He can make any topic funny. Should be #1 on this list.
you just can't help but laugh. the funniest man on television hands down
Seriously don't compare this genious of an entertainer to Conan. Can't wait till Letterman retires and I can watch Ferguson EVERY night. He is a riot. Purely hysterical.
Craig is like a much-improved Conan O'Brien (think Conan at his absolute best). Whacky and BRILLIANT!

One of the most billiant commics to walk the earth. he has manny points and is actualy an intellectual comedian who seems to be extremly underrated outside the UK
Star of the show "King of Queens." But he was a hilarious stand-up comedian before he got that show.
Ali G! Borat. Bruno... OK, forget the Borat movie. Watch Ali G. interviewing the Beckhams. You'll cry laughing.
like a Black Leprechaun who lost his Pot of Gold
-Comedian Joey Vincent MPLS, MN.
Easily top 20!
His vulgar, yet truthful style is truly unique.
He is a must see!
I really didn't find him funny at all till I found out he was a Jewish guy pretending to be a tough Italian.
But seriously hickory dickery dock this chick was sucking my was a awesome rhyme.
I had to explain the little boy blue joke to a co-work for half an hour then when he finally got the joke he was laughing hysterically.
He is top 10 material. He sold out Madison Square Garden 2 nights in a row. A feat no comic has done, except for the DICEMAN.
This kid is still on the rise. He has improved so much over the last 6 or 7 years. This kid went from being the most overrated comic to the most underrated one!
he needs to be on the top 25 he is great and his music isn't half bad.
This guy is greatly talented! Should at the very least be top 20. Not top 10 though, not yet at least.
He's got a good act, but there's no way he's in top 10. No way.
IF you do not like this kid you do not like comedy... Go watch a documentary. DUDE IS HYSTERICAL
Way to low on this list. One of the funniest comedians I've ever seen

Here's Your Sign Live is one of the funniest standups I've ever seen. He keeps it clean, which is rare. Buy it, rent it, borrow it from a friend!
go back and check his stand up acts - they blew me away - i had no idea he had such great material!
Not very well known, but his few tool time stand up specials were incredible, the material is original and commonly experienced, he doesn't over act or force you to laugh, a welcome quality,
Eugene Mirman is funnier than 95% of the people on this list. Check out his Comedy Central Presents special. Absolutely hilarious.
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