SHUT UP! THIS IS THE BESTZELDA GAME EVER!!! Thank you fo listening to my opinion.
this game was so dumb. a step down fromOoT. ive never said any zelda game was bad but this one.
Just wasn't into this game after i play OoT... I was super excited to play it until i realized that almost everything from this game derived from OoT. It was nothing suprisingly special to me. However the story line was interesting and the ability to utilize a goron and a zora was quite interesting. On the other hand, what was the deal with the saving system? Every time I wanted to turn off my damn game counsel I either had to go to a stupid owl or play the song of time, which would either cause 1.) make me go back in ****ing time or.... 2.) Leave the spot I was at .... dumb. I would rate this game behind OoT, windwaker, a link to the past, twilight princess and skyward sword. Additionally, the guy who posted someting about the water temple below me, I would like to state that the water temple probably hard, it was not impossible. The purpose of zelda is to be a challenging game and the water temple did what it was suppose to.
My favorite game of all time. The dark atmosphere, the dungeons, the story, the side-quests, the characters, everything about this game is awesome!! Too short, you say? Well better short with tons of quality content than the ****ING WATER TEMPLE!! Save system? Never got in my way. Three day time mechanic? That's what made this game for me! Every aspect of this game shows it was thought out and it came out a masterpiece.
I can't say OoT was better than Majora's Mask. Don't get me wrong, OoT was an amazing game, that defined my childhood, and holds a very strong and special place in this fanboy's heart. But...MM was simply better. A far more in depth world to explore. Colorful characters that kept things interesting. Dynamic schedules for NPCs that changed each cycle depending on what you did. Difficult boss fights. Challenging dungeons. And all you needed to do was look up to remember what was at stake through the entire adventure: You're on a quest not to stop some power-hungry ruler or dark being from world domination. The world itself is the price of failure; not living up to your destiny means the literal end of the planet. God. No matter how many times I try to reason with myself, I cannot say OoT was better than MM.
I like this game a lot. My only complaint was that it wasn't quite long enough.
Would (in my opinion) be better than OoT except since all the gameplay mechanics originated from OoT this game wasn't as innovative. That's the only reason it's worse.
majora's mask came out on the N64.Not the game cube because the gamecube came out in 2001
It should be noted that it was available as a n64 cart first! Later it was part of the gamecubes collector edition.

Considered one of the best games made on the Nintendo 64, this entry featured Link's first foray into 3-D and boasted a fully realized explorable virtual world.
this really is the best Zelda game ever. Best story mode as well. i still play it on my wii virtual console ive probably beat it about & times over. it never gets old. its epic i think its the best game ever.
Many people love the Drak Link-fight, but it´s easier than it looks: Dark Link learns every hit you do, so it´s very bad using a special hit. Dark Link hasn´t got the hammer, so that´s a good way to beat him. But I always use the sword. The reason why: I want a challenge!
Played it on 3ds, then watched a video where someone played the N64 version. The "Iron-Boot-System" is MUCH better on 3ds!!!
I've heard people claim Ocarina was the best Zelda game, so I recently tried it. While I loved Wind Waker, Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess, I just could not get into this one. I can't help but wonder if some of it's popularity simply derives from it's being the first 3D Zelda, so that people who played it when it came out just have this strong memory of how amazing it was at the time.
I like this game, but i don't actually think it's the best (in my opinion). I played Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. The Twilight Princess is the one that I have more fun while playing... That is what i really enjoy in a game, having fun while I play it.
Doesn't age well WTF? I bought the 64 Version a few weeks ago so I could compare it when the 3DS Version came out, it aged just fine. Having the innovation of Z-Targeting and an open world bigger than all games before it, it's easily the best. I really don't see the "this game does not age well" argument considering A.) It's still regarded as the best of all time and B.) It's controls are better than many games today. If graphics are your only argument, then you don't respect games at all and only value multiplayer.
This game does not age well and therefore is not the best zelda game of all time.

The most controversial title on this list, some hardcore fans hated the new animation style debuted in this game, which abandoned a more realistic look for more of an anime feel. Still, there's no denying this game is a blast with challenging dungeons, cool story arcs and excellent enemies.
Dude u are judging it by its graphics and the wind waker is awsome
this game just wasnt that great. it was good not great. OoT is the best. sailing got boring
by far the best zelda game ever created. myamoto your surely outdone yourself with this game no doubt. you combined a great plot, great dungeons, and lets not forget the kick a** music you put in that game. my first REAL zelda game if you dont count the collecters disc and my favorite. great job with this masterpeice shigeru, and keep up the good work
I simply found the sailing to be a major hassle and just too long. The dungeons were fine and just as entertaining and difficult to be expected but this was nothing more than an experiment for nintendo to base more games on. Ex Phantom houglass and Spirit tracks. Which by the way were much worse.

This game had it all: a mature look, werewolves, horseback riding and stunning visuals. Add in the fun of using the Wii's motion controls and you get one of the best Zelda games ever.
Twilight Princess is one of my favorite Zelda games. Yes it was easy, had some dull moments and had useless items, but it had the best temple design in the series. They were massive complex cerebral structures.
I didn't like this too much, I liked skyward sword better. The storyline isn't as long as other Zelda games and The bosses in my opinion are TOO easy. Skyward sword had many bosses and was puzzling ^_^ For all the people that cheat and use walkthroughs on Youtube and the guide books just don't get the point of the games, they're SUPPOSE TO BE HARD, in my opinion people that use books just don't like the game and just want to beat and get it over with -.-
For me, it looked a way too dark...
So I decided on Skyward Sword ^_^
I love this game even if its diffrent from all the others because thats what i think is awesome about
this is the best (n first game) i ever played and it was great! I looked at all those other games through wikipedia and found out ( in my opinion) was the most high graphic game
A lot of people say this is the worst Zelda games because it was different. I know that Majora's mask and Ocarina of Time are VERY different but it is still different. It is my favorite (probably because it is the first Zelda game I played but) because it was different. Link wasn't a kid and the story was, dark or light, depends at how you look at it. It was dark because of the environment and that the world was being turned to Twilight because of an evil Twili named Zant. It could be light at the same time because of places like The City in the Sky or Temple of Time had its light spots! Then there was Zora's Domain and Hyrule Field which is lighter then most other places (except for the monsters). As said above the game is way more mature then previous Zelda games and it had stunning visuals too! The replay value is very good for me at least. I am playing it right now after 5 years when I first played it. I actually went out and bought another copy of it just to play it! To compare the games Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess I bought a Nintendo 64 and Ocarina of Time in the original box and played it. I have only gotten about half way through but Twilight Princess hooked me from the start while Ocarina of Time took a while to hook me. If I have made my point here then I am done. This is more of a game review then a comment. Hehe...
In my opinion i think this zelda game was just plain amazing with the amazing style of art and creative dungeons and fun bosses Nintendo really worked hard to make this amazing game
This is the worst zelda game, in my opinion. I thought the art style was lame and the dungeons and bosses were WAY too easy.

It's not really good until zelda gets taken to the castle and u get the master sword it just gets good
Great art style and story telling. The dungeon design was a bit simplistic (but for the time it was groundbreaking). It shows its age now, but still not bad.
My only regret about this game was that I was never able to play it. I ordered it online and was extremely excited to play it, but instead i got ff IV.
this game is one of the best zelda game ever,with quite a good graphic for a handheld and has a amazing storyline.
it also has great many puzzles with easy functions, cool skills.weapons,items many more.
zelda fans should try this game at least once, its only 5-9 mb GBA game.
This was a great zelda game. I believe that the only reason that it was rated so low is that it is not as easily accessible as minish cap and other hand held Zelda games. It had a great story, and retro feel that is hard to come by nowadays. It is definitely the greatest hand held zelda (not including link to the past there for the record) and possibly one of the greatest zelda games that I have ever played.
The groundbreaking first entry in the series, younger fans my not remember what a unique experience this game was. The compelling story, fun combat and interesting puzzles made this game one of the first immersive RPG experiences on a home console.
That was pretty hard, but a real challenge! Well, the original was better, because the master quest is TOO hard!
Utilizing the same hand-drawn animation style as Wind Walker, this recent Zelda game for the DS looks gorgeous and features a classic Zelda storyline.
One of my least favorites. Puzzles are simplistic and obvious, the world feels so small, sailing is a chore, returning to the Ocean temple so many times is grueling. And worst of all, monotonous music.
You (playing as Link) must complete the quest to destroy the three "Seeds of Darkness" using your sword, shield and a special bomb you will be given. Explore the forest of Hyrule defeating enemies along the way. Slash at plants to find hidden bonuses and open up secret pathways, but be careful as there are also enemies hiding in them too. Find and destroy the three seeds.
Some of the game's conversation text reads a little strangely in places because the game's author is French and his English isn't quite perfect, but it all still makes sense and plays perfectly.
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