punishments for kids
60 items ranked
Break a rule at home or at school....here's a few things that could happen:
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You don't need other punishments, spanking is the most effective, just do that.
Yes, when I was little, my dad and mom used to do it until my bottom was bruised like heck. My dad used to bend me over his lap, pull down my pants and panties and spank me with his belt. My mom would do the same, except she used the wooden spoon. I cried and kicked my legs, squirming, every time.
It does seem like a good idea I used to have it when I was 8 - 10 I had it until my ads was bright red.
Yeah because what could go wrong in teaching a child that if you have a problem you can solve it with violence?
I was spanked and left with a sore butt for the next few days. I hurts but i think it taught me lesson. since i was also left with a corner time writting lines and diaper punishment...........
i believe to teach a kid right from wrong u spank um with a paddle and send them to church!
I got spanked lots of times by my mum and believe me, it is nooo fun!

You get really if you make stand up for a hour and if their nose leaves the wall they have to another hour!!!!!!!!!
I think it would work better if their nose wasn't pushed up against the wall but out in the open! That would be fairer.
I tried that on my child and it worked I even added an extra hour cause she kept talking back
Oh give me a freaking break. It's punishment. It's not supposed to be fun. And if you're standing in the corner you can't get hurt.
That might hurt and the person can put their nose sideways on the wall and do something fun.
I totally disagree with you sorry but that's a bit too harsh for kids...
one hour is way too long for any child at any developmental age. Experts say 5-10 minutes is sufficient for children under 10. If older they can spend time in their room. Nose against wall for 1 hour is absurd.
i don't want my child to have a flat nose. a spanking sounds a lot better!
I am a child and Dad says I can't go to one of my BFF's parties. I am balling my eyes out and I want to replacce that punishment with one of the worst ones here. PLZ!!! I need to change his mind, I am willing to do anything!

I have this punishment each night. My mum says it washes the evil our of you. It's really discussing. If I say a bad word I have to eat 5 bars of soap. If I refuse my mum brushes my teeth with it and makes it the only thing I can eat for the rest ospf the day.
I've been in trouble alot and never had this one reason: my dad had this too
I got the following though:
Spankings (bare bottem usually)
Being told to look into the punishers eyes while they lecture me and if I would move them, they would scream look at me (scared the heck out of me, they used this on me even in school)
At school they will do the lecture and the look at me even for things like getting in fights and disrupting class resulting others to get detentions and suspentions
I had this done to me but my parents are dicks, I had to eat a brand spanking new bar of soap within a hour for saying freaking.....FREAKING
You could use a bullion cube those things are sooooo nasty my mom used to make us hold those in our mouths and they won't harm you if swallowed.
I'm 37 and my mom and grandmother did this to me and I turned out fine. Its not the fact of swallow I g because u spit it out....its trying to get the taste out of your mouth u need to worry about!!!!
That is a stupid idea im 11 and if u were to swallow that u could be poisoned
Well considering you all think you are such amazing mothers, you should be using organic fresh made soaps and then it won't poison them. Grow up. For anybody above the age of 30 this was a normal punishment and we are still alive and better more well adjusted non entitled people than you millennial brats.
Eww! It probably tastes disgusting and if they swallow it they can get poisoned.
Hey!!! What kind of punishment is THAT? I'm a kid and if my mom EVER did that to me, I would never forgive her!!! Bad idea, in my opinion
wouldn't that be really disgusting and it could make you feel ill if you accidently swallowed some

Sooooo... This one time, we were all in nursery, and a bunch of us were misbehaving, not me or my sister though. But the supervisor did the most stupid thing, and said to pick a chair, we were getting a time out. We had to sit there for however old we were, I was 9 and looking back at this, I am LIVID!!!
This is exactly what my parents did. 9 minutes was the most I've ever had.
Have fun in the corner and if it is a fun corner, then it's not really a punishment.
You know I'm 11 and time out did not teach me anything when I was little!
people who will try this: This doesn't work AT ALL!!!
my child will not understand the message!

Who would want this this terrible it sucks for my child what parent would do that
My dad made me do it once and I accidentally wrote something else so I had some spankings and I wrote them properly
You just have to imagine you're Harry Potter writing "I must not tell lies" in your own blood. Works if your a Harry Potter fan.

I got it for 6 months.the worst but its not my fault im a bad kid
Never got one of these my teachers thought it wouldn't work
Sure did deserve one though
Used to disrupt class and get into fights
Instead they would make me look them in the eyes while they explain what I did was wrong and if I move my eyes they would yell look at me
"well how am i goin to contact my parents in a emergency or call the cops in a emergency OMG are you trying to kill us kids!" Oh please- whenever you might go, someone will have a cell phone or landline you can use.
When I was young we didn't have cell phone. Guess u could learn how to use someone else's like we used. Cell phones don't keep you safe. Listening to your parents does!
Thats mean bruh... That's like the karate instructor who was cruel, no one should go though that experiencc.
Not an appropriate punishment. What sick parent is doing this.
Oh no bad idea I think the best way is to talk to them... I mean really... I'm a teen and I don't wanna remember when I was a kid...
Its not harsh! Ppl cry over spilled milk sometimes! If you want to spoil your kid then go right ahead but wat ever happens to that kid is on you !
the workout in their legs will make them learn quick what they did was wrong.
I read this one story about a mom who did this, and at the end of one week the kids had found other ways to entertain themselves and didn't even want to watch tv anymore. :)
if this is highly ranked tht is great thing because at this household if yo do something wrong you move 153 bricks from one end of the yard to the other and stack them i aan orderly fashion!
My parents did something similar to this when I was a teenager - they made me pull all the weeds in the backyard (it was not landscaped!!!) And you better believe I didn't do it again! I think this works great
are we back in the days of the freaking flintstones or something? come on now. what teenager is gonna learn a lesson from moving bricks across a yard for a day or two?

8 year old threw a stone at a car. This punishment was completed in the neighbourhood she did it in.
This one may not work if the room in question is equipped with a tv/computer/phone/video game!
Depending on how much stuff is in the room, take it out. Leave nothing but the bed.
it's enjoyable!!!!!!!!!!!no one is to disturb you while playing video games!!!!!!!!!!!!ha ha ha ;) .
Even if they don't have a TV, computer, video game whatever all kids have something "fun" in their room. Even if it's just stuffed animals on their bed. My mother stopped sending me to my room when she realized that I just went ahead and read books.
If you were rich, or have a spare room in your house, you could make it a dull room with nothing but a simple mattress, like one to put under a sleeping bag, a metal hard uncomertable chair and send the to that room. And they can think about what they've done
agreed its like thanks for sending me to my room with my phone computer ipod books tv video games guitars and other stuff to do!

Works good too if you have to have your face straight down with no arms to rest on.
I can dream and sleep while I do that and someone can wake me up unless I don't want to!
My art teacher made the class do this, but since I was feeling a bit rebellious (and I wanted to finish my art project) I didn't! My friends told me I had to put my head down and I didn't listen to them. My art teacher didn't care and even winked at me. I think I was his favorite student. :)
if they look like they are having fun, that is banned for 1 month, so if they look like they are having fun at school: no school for a month
Fire is not the word. Temporary dismissal is. Making the kids be maids for a week in a 3000 sq.ft. to 10,000 sq.ft. house will work very efficiently.
An even better way to do it is saw style by taking away their chargers it is a much more efficient punishment
if my parents take any electronics from me I WOULD SERIOUSLY DIE I'm not kidding
hey! thats mean dude! i would just go to the library myself and go on the computer there... because... computer can watch tv.... (no phone calls though)..... maybe chatting.... etc.
I don't think it's all that harsh. Depending on what the child did, it takes something like this. Growing up, this ALONG with "no friends" was a commonplace punishment.

Wow I'd love this. I'm a level 8 gymnast so this would be SO F*CKING EASY
I am a kid and I like these punishments but some kid can do gymnastics so I don't think it's a real punishment
This does NOT work once kids are old enough to realize that you didn't travel for 5 hours and pay for a hotel to turn back around again!
It will be a waste of money and oil if someone was in the car for days and had to go back.
Better yet let them go to recess, but make them stand by the fence and watch everyone else have fun.
I never really had any good friends to play with friends at recess starting fifth grade, so I just stood around in the cold waiting for the freaking bell to ring.
this is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had my kid right 600 sentences and a 60 page on the essay and they had 2 days to give to me
I have to do that already i'm just trying to get out of spanked
I don't know about 25 pages, but writing an essay about what they did wrong and why it was wrong and using resources is a valid punishment that works very well.
are you kidding??? im a genius at writing! i would make sure that they read all of my essay and qrite an essay about how you dont like this and then... i love writing.... and beisdes.... no one said you had to write an good essay... just answer the questions and say: because it is.
Writing a 25-page essay is nothing! Well...for me, at least. I'm twelve years old, I'm writing a novel that has 130 pages so far for the first manuscript. Writing a 25-page essay is good practice.
My parents would never use this punishment on me, though, because they know I love writing more than anything!

Parents should think about the kids adulthood or future before this. If life, they could be stopped from marriage or even having a family/car or even a job.Parents should have shorter punishments for their teens/ children.
Because some kids are really annoying so this will serve them right.
Put a piece of paper on the wall the only way to hold it up is with your nose or forehead because your hands are behind your back and you are at a tilted position your feet are as far back as they can get if the paper drops you must start the timer over or depending on how severe the crime was make them drop and give you 10-20 pushups than start again

It is a punishment that can be quick and to the point and always gets the job done or you can make it harder depending on how you see to be fit for the crime
My mum usually does this to me... it works!!! And sometimes she doesn't even give me a slap. She does yell at me lots though...
It stops arguments
It is we're you get put in a bucket freezing water and a old princely brush shrubs you on your willy ore private ore any were also
Make them drink water after an 1hour of exercise (painfully) and make them hold their arms out for at least 5 mins

It made me stop doing anything bad and wow dose it work 😂
We had to stand against the wall in the hall at school.Holding a coin with our noses.feet together touching the wall.legs straight and no movement.toeture.no it did not work!
Also we had to learn to face the wall.
Dress clothes are uncomfortable at that age,and having your shirt tightly buttoned up to your neck at lunch,standing up against the wall with tight dress shoes touching the wall just for whispering? Yup.
Another one was having to put your nose in the crack of the cement on the wall.
Face the wall all day.great education.
The corner was worse because your nose had to be pushed right into it.no air,ad for ling periods of time.recess lost meant head Down on desk,nose in crack against the wall or worse,standing up at desk with gum on nose.they did it all.
if the kid is a teen this is most efficient. it teaches the child that things could be worse than getting grounded or getting electronics taken away.
That is fun and I can jump into the dirt and find bugs to play with too and cool off in the dirt.
What does this teach your child? It does not teach them how things are in real life. When was the last time you had to move a giant pile of dirt because you broke the law or did something unethical?
That was a major punishment for me growing up! I would get pinched everywhere!
I get pinched from my parents and wow it works.well I guess it is because it was in front of my friends and it was on my boobs, butt, and private area. You would be wondering why I would share this
Wow seriously
Kids do that to each other at school!
I think the only result you will get is lots of yelling and crying from the kid.
I had a friend who's mom would pinch the skin on their backs and twist
pinching? my kid lies to me so i pinch them? wow..what am i 5 again? this site it is not helpful at all!

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