people also need to think about woods racing(like GNCC). races can last a few hours and it's full of difficult terrain. Your musles are constantly being worked as you hold on and keep your balance. there will be times you drop your bike and lifting a 250 pound bike in full gear is a pain when your already exhausted. I think there are some races that will last the whole day
motocross is by far the hardest sport ive played every thing about i also wrestled the 8th grade nationals winner and beat him just by mucseling him out in motocross you need every thing and im pretty sure in boxing or wrestling you dont wrestle around 250 pounds for 45 mins in too motos with 100 other guys a racer named josh lictile died in 2011 just because his heart out beated look it up so did many others so shut the heck up and stop saying motocross is easy u wouldnt last 3 mins. on a bike
I race motocross on the amateur circuit and I just want to point out to all the jerks out there that I would like to see them try and do a 15 min moto at full pace like i do and not die of heat exhaustion. and seriously soccer? my brother is one year younger than me and me and 2 of my friends went barefoot against his whole team when they where in cleats and all and still beat them so yeah. Soccer I definitely hard but not as hard as motocross and i swim all the time for training and it defiantly helps.
Racing a dirt bike that can chew you up and spit you out so fast it can easily kill you, is not easy. I race and just maybe putting around the track during practice can make a amateur ache in pain just from holding on the handle bars for his life. The track changes with every aching second with every stroke of the dirt bike and every rotation of the wheel. Not only is it an extremely dangerous sport but it is one of (maby the most) Physically demanding sport, think about taking a 100' jump at 60mph, now when you take off you using every muscle in your body to hold on to that bike so you dont come off the bike and you have to move the bike in mid air to go faster, then when you land you have a 200+ lb bike +your body weight crashing down to the ground. Thats just one small part of the track, when you get done with a race (whether you won or lost) it makes you feel like you are in hell.
most people think motocross is easy and they sit down on the seat and twist a throttle, well thats not it, it is super phiscally demanding and dont let anyone tell you otherwise

I saw a bumper sticker once that said"Its better to have wrestled and lost then to have played basketball and won"
every single person i have ever met who has played multiple sports including wrestling says that wrestling is by far the hardest. Yes that includes all of the above sports as well. the only sport above wrestling on this list that comes close is boxing. If you have not wrestled, do not pretend that your sport is harder.
Swimming is SO demanding. It involves practicing every day of the week and EXCRUCIATING pain every day. I can barely get out of the pool, let alone walk, after my races.
I agree with guest. The reason soccer is the most popular sport in the world is because you don't need much to play it, and the reason there's so many 3 and 4 year olds playing is because it really isn't that demanding. I too have played just about every team sport on at least a college level, and while I love to play them all, soccer is the least physically demanding of them all.
I've watched and played soccer and almost every sport on this list up to the city league level. You don't run non-stop in soccer. As a matter of fact you are walking 80% of the time. Of all the team sports I've played, basketball requires the most physically from you. But it all depends on the level you're playing at.
I would love to see cristiano ronaldo dunk, get rebounds, block shots and be a beast in the post... oh wait he can't
swim 2.4 miles. bike ride for 112 miles, run a 26.2 mile marathon...all back to back,
I can't beileve basketball has negative points. Its in the top 5 all time most difficult sports regarding athleticism and skill. Theres no way in hell it should be all the way down the list with these other weak sports that aren't even on its level like Volleyball or speed skating and for god sakes not cheerleading. Basketball is more difficult sport than people think
Its takes courage to preform in front of people, trust: to be thrown in the air 20 feet of the ground . And teamwork !
Absolutely NO time to breathe, MANY techical aspects (catch, finish, recovery timing, gunnel spacing, blade height), balance of INTENSE leg strength and endurance, training is very time consuming! Not much motivation other than self motivation
watching the tour de france has given me a great respect for cyclists. The mountain stages are an absolute blood sport with the fitest men in the world trying to physically break each other. An extraordinary spectacle.
All the big/major muscle groups is being used heavily and also the athletes with the highest VO2 maxes (highest oxygen uptakes) are mostly athletes from this sport. In the top ten there are 5 from this sport, 4 cyclists and one runner.
Temperatures can be roughly minus 25 degrees Celsius, and races can be from 2.8 to 50kilometers. Average speeds in the 50 km can reach up to 7.3 mps (26.3kmph / 16.3 mph).
One thing is modern CC skiers (whit their tactics and “mind games”), but people like Bjoern Dehlie which went all in from the first meter until the 50th thousand (not saying that's a smart tactic, but it actually worked for him quite a few times...), and then falls over the finish line like a potato sack and stays down for minutes... Kinda hard to match that on a motorbike (that being the top rated one at the moment.) ???
Besides, it also requires decades of practice when it comes to the technique being top level and painwise it's as bad as you can make it yourself, it requires putting in extreme levels of commitment to push yourself to the limit in this sport.
I've played volleyball for 5 years and I still find it very hard. Sand volleyball is the hardest sport I've played. It takes a lot of endurance to run, leap, set, and spike. It takes ton of eye, hand, and foot coronation and it works on your legs to try and keep your body low. Its like doing wall sits for the entire game! Its also one of the most communicative, I don't exactly see football players yell "Got it!" when the ball is being passed to them.
Water polo is a very physically demanding sport, most teams have practice 5 days a week, a game and occasionally a tournament on the weekends, not only is their a lot of practices, but the game itself is absolutely crazy. Swimming back and forth while defending your person on the other team or trying to get the ball to either pass or into the goal. When you are on offense the girl on you will try to hold onto your suit, unzip your suit, scratch you, put you under the water, swim on top of you, kick off of you. yes that can all get you kicked out but rarely does the ref see any of it. Your fingers get jammed, your nose bleeds, you get black eyes, concussions, bruises everywhere and other injuries caused by defense. it is not easy, and is extremely physically demanding, you may not think so until your in the water swimming back and forth trying not to get killed
played hockey throughout my youth and early adulthood. Yes, you need to be fit but not to be compared to rugby league or union, or any sport where man on man tackling is involved. Very safe sport. Only saw one serious injury while playing. When i played the rugby codes you could expect a serious injury in most games.
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