Credit cards are bad, bad, bad unless use wisely. Using them wisely means to use them ONLY for emergencies.
People do not like to throw things away. Often they will offer their unwanted items to a new home for free or little cost.
You would be surprised how much this will save you money on your electric bill.
Teach your children how to save money when they are young (which will save you money in the long run)

If your children understand the value of money, they will be less likely to spend yours so freely.
One man's junk is another man's treasure. And sometimes one man's junk is brand new or barely used!
Making special gifts for family and friends give you the chance to show them how well you know them and how much you care.
How fun is a potluck? Extremely fun, especially since you don't have to pull out your credit card at the end of the meal.
What's the cheapest way to eat? Grow your own food. The cost of a package of seeds is often less than $1. Grow your garden with love and it will reward you with plenty of food to eat and share.
If you don't like the idea of leftovers, just think of it as a preplanned, precooked meal for the next day's meal. Be creative and make a new meal out of the leftovers.
Kids love to spend their parents' money. I think they may be born with this talent. Even if you have to pay a babysitter a few bucks to watch them while you go out shopping, it will be worth the money saved. Trust me on this one.
The best way to track your spending and save your money is by creating and following a budget.
The cost of buying ingredients for a meal is far less than what you would pay for the exact same meal as prepared at a restaurant. If you don't know how to cook... learn.
These days there is a coupon for everything. Scour the newspapers and the Internet before going shopping to see what deals you can find!
Chances are that you and somebody else within a close vicinity to your home are heading to the same place on a daily basis. Find carpool buddies through networking or posting a flyer in your public library, grocery store or other high-traffic area.
Ask yourself, "Do I really need 5,000 channels? Or can I live with 1,000?"
Starbucks Mocha Frappaccino: Tasty? -- Yes. Worth the money? -- Definitely not!
Never buy books, movies, or CDs. Do you ever really get your money's worth? Even rental fees add up quickly. You can burn copies of CDs you borrow from the library onto your computer, CD, or Mp3 player for free.
Browse the entertainment section of the newspaper (which you can read for free at your public library) to find free local events for weekend entertainment instead of paying to go to the movies or out to eat.
Paying with cash forces you to determine if the intended purchases is a NEED or a want.
Strictly following a shopping list at the grocery store will help you resist buying items you do not need can not afford.
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