A GREAT MOVIE WITH AN UNPREDICTABLE ENDING STARRING KEIRA KNIGHTLEY AND JAMES MCAVOY. Fledgling writer Briony Tallis, as a 13-year-old, irrevocably changes the course of several lives when she accuses her older sister's lover of a crime he did not commit. Based on the British romance novel by Ian McEwan.
One of the best romantic movies ever made. James McAvoy is exceptional.
Cried my eyes out in the end, even cried after it was over. Such an amazing movie. So worth it!! And if you need a good cry this is definitely it.
film with Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck about a meteor heading to earth, and they are mans last chance of survival,
Beautiful story starring Sean Penn, Dakota Fanning and Michelle Pfeiffer. A mentally retarded man fights for custody of his 7-year-old daughter, and in the process teaches his cold-hearted lawyer the value of love and family.
Everyone seemed to forget about this movie, but this has got to be the only movie that i've cried about everytime i watched it. BEST MOVIE EVER!
We Watch this film every Christmas, without sounding too soppy it will make you fall in love with your other half all over again
A sadness ending plus beautiful score will make your cry so much!
Excellent acting! In my opinion, the most heartfelt movie possibly ever made. You will definitely be in tears with this one.
This movie is brutaly honest, very well acted by Josph gordan levitt. Not for the light harted, but deffinantly worth seening.
Made me cry so hard, like I never cried before. I love this movie so much... Its a must watch !
This movie is everything. So emotional and inspiring. It's about a man in his 40's who is a loser and lives in a world where there is nothing like telling a lie or flattery. He loses his mother in one of the saddest ways possible. This part brought me down to tears. He Later on becomes one of the best writers of his century.
I hadn't read a synopsis or seen any trailers or anything, so the ending, for me, was totally unexpected, and very sad, I absolutely hate Robert Pattinson, but even I'll admit he did alright in this movie, I would definitely recommend it.
A mentally retarded girl proves herself to be every bit as capable as her "perfect" sister when she moves into an apartment and begins going to college.
Giovanni Ribisi, Juliette Lewis, Diane Keaton
BEST MOVIE IN THE WORLD i literally cry EVERYTIME i watch it !! and ive watched it a million times
This really is a tear jerker. Left me in a total wreck at the end but I loved every minute of it, so well acted and truely amazing
I love this film. This is the best love story that I've ever seen. The scenes, the actors were perfect. I hope they would make such film again to be portrayed by Rachel and Ryan.
i did cry but only cause i new this would never happen in my life that love is never like this it just in moives
So sad, was in total tears at the end, such a beautiful film. :'(
i cried alot half way thorugh, just as i think it couldnt get any sadder, i start sobbing all over again :L xx

Watch it and you'll nderstand
i was like a river in that film!
its just terrible when the dog dies so sadd!
i didnt cry it wasnt sad in fact i larf cause of eveyone crying over something so little
Sad film yes. The film didn't focus totally on the dog but a whole family functioning with a cute, dopey pet who causes chaos at every turn which, made it funny but also very emotional as you felt the sadness not just because of the dog but the family too.
This Movie made me cry like I never did before while watching a movie !! I love It , It's one of my favorite !!
A true story of a dogs loyalty and undying love. This movie will make even the strongest of men cry.
This is one of those movies that I can only watch with my mother because we quite literally went through an entire box of tissues while in a hysterics. THE saddest movie I have ever seen.
this movie will show you the great wonders of family. this movie got me crying all throughout.
I love this movie
Can watch it again and again and it never fails to make me cry x
the only movie i actual ever cry in maybe cause i can relate to it
Such Ah Good Movie...iWould Watch it Over Nd Over Again Nd Cry
Believe me, it will have the strongest sobbing, especially if you see the original with Lara turner and John forsythia. If you don't cry, you're not human
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