Best Italian Cookbooks
21 items ranked
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The difinitive italian cookbook realy, gives the basic recipies for probably every italian dish you can think of, giving an invaluable knowledge base for anyone who wants to learn italian cooking properly. Its been around for nearly 60 years and its still one of, if not the most popular cookbooks in italy.
Features your grandmother's recipes, simple and exquisite at the same time.
Cucina Di Calabria: Treasured Recipes and Family Traditions from Southern Italy by Mary Amabile Palmer

It has some weird, nouveau recipes which can be fun and adds its own flair.
Trattoria: Simple and Robust Fare Inspired by the Small Family Restaurants of Italy by Patricia Wells

Features lots of simple and really good recipes - most of the classics are included.
It has a recipe for Salsa Ragu that uses salt pork, ground beef & pork, onions, garlic, mushrooms, basil, butter, white wine, tomatoes, and paste.
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