The Top 20 Funny Television Shows
211 items ranked
There have been so many tv comedies over the years, but which are the funniest?
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This show deserves to be n. 1. it's the best show in the world i've watched all the season a hundred thousand times and every time i watch it it still makes me laugh.
In Monica's bedroom and Joey pulls out a box of stuff.
Monica: What are you doing?
Joey: Remember last time when Ross and Rachel broke up and we were stuck in here for ages with no food?
*Chandler looks in the box*
Chandler: Food, condoms?
Joey: Hey, you don't know how long we're gonna be in here we may need to repopulate the Earth!
Chandler: And condoms are the way to do that?
Okay I'm pretty sure if Chandler gets any more awkwardly adorable i will actually die. I will just stop living because it is more than i can get!! Despite it's similarities, Himym can never even compete with Friends. It's a classic and as much as I adore Mondler; CHANDLER DUMP HER AND MARRY ME??!! No.1 watch it every single day of my life!
The Best Comedy Tv Show Ever Made.
You will Die Laughing.
Perfect in Every SectioN's Of WorK.
funny show.generate plot for other hit sitcoms like big bang,new girl,how i met.....its like colege for comedy sitcoms
I think this show is not funny at all. In all the episodes I've watched I haven't laughed once. A massive dissapointmment.
its most awesome show ever! its best ! it deserves to be at no.1!
i dont believe i will evver laugh again at any show, luckily i didnt start with it, if i did i wouldnt have watched any other tv show, friends is just ..... i dont know, i dont even know how to describe or comment it, N1 forever !
This was my first TV Show and will remain as the BEST show in my mind..
this is the best show ever, Ran for 10 years with continuing developing plot. Every character evolve as well. very welll written. Shoule be NUMBER # 1, then 70s SHOW # 2
nothing comes close to friends, have tried watching big bang , watchable, but jokes are so hit and miss. Friends was consistently laugh out loud hilarious. Watched it religiously for the 10 years it ran and endless reruns till it was taken off the air in 2010. Miss it! The bar was set with friends and it has not been matched
this has been a phenomenal show! hasn't met a match till date!! :) :) :) love it! i still watch the episodes again n again n i can still fall off the bed laughing! it's a great show!
This shows stretches out of all the bounds of time and place. Truly eternal and every lasting fun..
But believe me, don't watch Friends as your first show cos then you won't be able to like any other show for a very long time...
ther's nothin bttr dan friends. its the best show which has evr come.n seriously it should have been number 1.JOEY roXX...!!
FRIENDS is the best comedy tv show that you ever can see. i suggest it to everyone and they loved it. IT IS NUMBER ONE!
Look friends easily is the best show ever.The fan following is unmatchable.Even though the 2 idiots below me think otherwise, this show has the characters all as different from each other as they can get.Even thoug they couldve ended it a bit better it certainly is "THE GRAND DADDY OF EM ALL".
This show is crap. The characters are all douches and the writing is crap.
laughtrack and cheesy jokes that you can predict five minutes before there delivered. overated poop shouldnt be on anyones list.
Friends is the number one show of all! Followed by How I Met Your Mother!
Great show, was one of the best at it's time. but I can understand the #21 rating now, as there are better material out there.
Can't believe its #22, it should be ranked number one....this is nonsense
easily number one!!! i mean what other tv shows can you watch over and over again and it donst get old... CLASSIC!!!
I say best of all time, no doubt... How can this be 22... Seriously, haven't you watched it? -_-
HOW IS FRIENDS ONLY 9TH the only tv show iv ever watched that doesnt contain a bad episode and the best cast of a tv series EVER I dare anyone to challenge that
this is no. 1 to me. Honestly, I tried watching other tv series but nothing comes close to friends!
I don't understand how this can be nr 12. Seriously. It's a classic. It's millions times more popular than a lot of other shows above it. There's only really weird people here. O.o Well, at least I moved Friends 2 steps up :D
seriously??? No.22???? Should be number 1, I have laughed out loud watching this show more times than I can count
how the hell is it NUMBER 60?!?!?! no way is big bang theory funnier then this, the writing is amazing

This is a classic television show about the Bluth Family- Ron Howard definitely shows his funny side as he is one of the people behind this show.
This show is not very funny. Ranking it number 1 is the funniest thing about this show.
super funny, but not always slap-stick, makes you think every once in a while. mocudrama style, great show very under-rated!! may 2013!!
I've seen every epp from a number of shows on this list (AD included), and at least a couple of epps from most, and arrested development is one of the top 3 tv comedies of all time.
This is the absolute most brilliant use of satire I have ever witnessed! It's funnier than I could ever have imagined! It will leave you wanting more and laughing out loud forever!! You will be on the floor! Every character in the show is PERFECT! I have watched all three series numerous times and have gotten the series for friends for b-day gifts. No other show even comes close to topping AD! IT's BRILLIANT!
Agreed! So under rated but I'm sure we all appreciated how well they tied it all up at the end.
Arm off.
This show is by far one of the most intelligently hilarious shows ever made.
This should be number one, more hilarious than any show I've ever seen.
Probably the most underrated show of all time. Too bad people only started watching it after it was cancelled. Can't wait for the movie!!!

DESERVES TO BE IN THE NUMBER ONE SPOT!! Time to showcase some moves, jabronee!!
True, it's profane. But very well written, and even better executed. Tight acting that is often worth a second watch to better sift through the banter.
You can always expect some one getting hurt or cursing,which is what this generation obviously finds humorous. And so do I, a very profane, but nonetheless very comical Telivision show. I can easily find this show carrying on for 5 years at te minimum.
Awesome show!!! Definitely in my top 5 of all time. Plus Philly Rocks.
I've watched every episode at least twice now. Gets even funnier every frickin time! Funniest tv show. Hands DOWN.
Ok not sure if i laughed a lot, but i did smile and was addicted.10/10
laugh out loud comedy! characters are very well written with nothing off limits, definitely the best show i'v ever seen!
just finished this entire series .
really good sad its done :'(
everyone is really funny !
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the funniest show and Friends is not as funny as 20 other shows.
How the hell is this 1 and FRIENDS 22?? makes no sence..Friends is the best..
BEST SHOW! Every single character is hilarious! ive watched each episode multiple times and its still sick!
Can't wait for Fat Mac in Season 7, coming this september! This show is mindless and fun! 10 out of 10 black doctors would agree
really really funny! and Charlie's character is extremely fascinating to just watch do anything! its like watching a new james dean :) even if hes just standing around or mumbling something its funny and just captures your attention! the rest of the characters are just as essential and funny though! and it always seems as if there is alot of improvising or like they're all on the brink of laughing out of character :) which makes it even better!
This is my favorite show! Its original and seriously the funniest show ever. BTW its actually real humor (unlike family guy)
This show gets real boring, real quick. Stop shouting for goodness sake!
This should be rated No. 1! Best show ever! Charlie Kelley is the best character on a show ever!!
I swear this should be number 1 and nothing less ! It's hands down the most hilarious show ever made.
FUNNIEST SHOW ON can u retards say that 70's show and Big Bang Theory are better... you people have got to be touched in the head
It's so sad that this show is so far down the list. It is far better than almost any show above it.

Really funny but way too inappropriate and preverted sometimes!
20 years ago a show with a laugh track might have been 'legen...dary'. But certainly not today. Very weak acting.
It is the best of all tv series. And barney is the BEST in how i met ur mothr should be n1
Wow! this show is amazing, i definitely recommend it. Barney is amazing.
This is the most amazing show I have ever seen. And Neil Patrick Harris is a G, hes the only gay guy that Iv seen that can really pull off a roll like this. I have seasons 1-7. Hands down... THE best!
this is best series ever made really love barney ,robin ,ted,marshall,and lily....barneys greatest of all
LOOOOOL this show is just too funny :'D every time i watch it i LMAO !
watched it for the first time april 27 an finished series 1 2 3 4 5 6 and most of 7 (would of finished all of series 7 but isnt out yet) and its may 2 now waiting at my laptop waiting for the rest of 7 to appear
Barney single handedly pulls the show together.The other characters are moderately funny but Barney somehow makes up for them
it is hilarious and so relevant to everyone!!! should be rated way higher!!
Watching this show just for Barney.
He is "LEGEN wait for it DARY"
I'm younger than its recommended to watch this show but its so dang funny! My Favorite Show!
Best tv show ever, i watch it again and again every single day. It should be number 1
The humour in this shows is ingeniously scripted and unlike other tv series how i met your mother has a real story.
I struggled through the entire first series hoping I would see what other people liked about it. But no, nothing, not even a smirk or a giggle. Not funny. At all.
Me and my GF just started watching How i met your mother a few weeks ago and we watch like 10 episodes by day. Is insanely funny!
There's no way this shop shouldn't be number one - it is the ultimate humor and the most addicting thing ever! Relaxing yet hilarious!!!
This is easily the funniest show I've ever seen - it deserves the number 1 spot.
the funniest series i've watched. i am curentlly watching it over for the 2nd time.
I hate this show, I just don't like the Friends formula. Come up with something new!
I'm surprised how many people like this show. Not really my thing. Kinda bland humor.
i think this has to be the first. what is big bang thoery doing up there?
i think how i met your mother should be number 1 or at least in the top 10, its original and funny as heck.

i always love south park for the spot on social commentary. season 18 was one of the best yet. it's like the simpsons just so perfect. trey parker and matt stone are just really funny awesome people.
i would make south park 1 community 2 and friends 3 all the others are funny but not even close to those 3
South Park may come of as childish vulgarity at first, but anyone who has seen more than a couple episodes realizes its comical brilliance.
kenny and cartman are my favorite this show could have benn at least in the top 3
This show is created by two guys in, what, a few days? It stays current. It's hilarious. This show became popular because they showed it to their friends and got a deal and it has evolved since then. Corporate execs couldn't keep it down. This list sucks ass. Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Yeah! Southpark! Tray and Matt are geniuses! So glad Family guy wasn't above this. I would have closed the browser and walked away.
Southpark should be top 3 for sure. Along with Always Sunny and that 70s show.
# 13 what is wrong with the world when South Park is # 13. Easy top 5 no brainer.
My MUM? Okay? You showed me. Computer Class is Boring. I wish that they didnt block South Park. That show is too funny!
no your not stop posting **** up in school!im telling your mumm!
SOUTH PARK is a hilarious show , and if anyone doesnt think the same way then your on CRACK! South Park is Number 1
trey parker writes every episode.... every episode. no hired hands. just him making sure that nobody fu!!s up his baby. Cartman can feed me my parents anytime.
This show is the best! Its original and actually funny. There is one bad episode though. "Ms. Garrisons Fancy New Vagina"
14 seasons and counting...great parody and fun story ideas that get to the heart of modern social conventions!
Those bastards...
are you kidding me???? this should be number 1!!! this is pure original stuff!!
HA HA HA HA HA south park is one of the best shows on the planet

I'm a NERD; I love comics, play a lot of videogames (CRPG's are my favorite!) and I watch Sci-Fi and read Fantasy. And I LOOVE Big Bang theory. I don't feel like I'm mocked on when I look at it... It's hilarious!
i named my tortoise sheldon he looks just like jimmy parsons love u!!!!!xx
awesome program.... Love jimmy parsons (Sheldon Cooper) in this show. Hope this show remains forever in television. Please Chuck Lorris & Bill Prady, do try to gift us a large number of episodes. BAZZINGA!!!
I dont understand how anybody could NOT like this show. Its hilarious! And it never gets old to me, even when I see the same episodes over and over, it always funny. Sheldon is just something else; love him!!
This is one of the few series in my entire life to leave me crying from laughing so hard. Not really sure why there are so many negative comments? I watch it every week with my fiance. It is something we look forward to.
Sheldon!! I love you! I wish I could star on Big Bang Theory and then I could just die.
This is the funniest show ever. It so Perfect how well they all work together. You couldn't pick 4 better actors than Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, & Howard. Plus Penny is so HOT!!! Anyone who doesn't love this show must be too stupid to understand their humor!!! BAZINGA !!!
this show is hilarious, way better than how I met your morther. move it up
It seems to me the only people who don't find it funny are those who don't get the jokes. The show has real science in it. I can really relate to the characters, we all know someone a little bit like them in real life. :)
If it's debasing nerds, why are the top nerds on the planet thrilled to make appearances on the show?
I'm going to find 821 computers just so I can hit the red arrow on all of them until this show is below zero... this show is garbage
Hilarious!!! Sheldon will have you rolling from laughing so much!!!
the world is dying because everyone thinks this show is amazing.
why are you making this show number six over community? more importantly why is it on this list? more importantly why do people like this show so much?
It just seems while watching the show that the writers are not putting any brains. its just the same old jokes repeated over and over again.The charchters may be eccentric but after some time they feel sheer irritating.The concept may be new and pulled off well but its just that there is not much scope of being funny there.
Penny (knock knock knock) Penny (knock knock knock) Penny (knock knock knock)
There's really nothing to this show, same old jokes wrapped in a nerdy exterior, dissappointing
this show makes a mockery of nerdy people and is not funny at all. its not smart humor, its not nerdy, its a bland pander to morons. if you find that show entertaining you must have a missing section of your brain
This show is probably the least funny on this list. I am going to college for IT, I play CoD online, and I think it's horrible. I think labeling ppl as nerds is stupid, but I think I could qualify as one, and I think this sitcom sucks. It's the writing. Unimaginitve and horrible dialogue.
this should be the first in the list,it's the best comedy show.pls vote for it so it will get to no. 1
The Big Bang Theory blows ****ing Everybody love Raymond out of the water. I mean Raymond really. My parents watch this show and they have terrible old people taste. Must of been a bunch of old people who r confused on ****.
This show is so awesome, Sheldon is hilarious and I don't know how anyone with an actual sense of humor could dislike this show. If you dislike it well then your absolutely crazy and suck at life.
not funny at all, it isnt an american thing, it is a nerd thing. this show is like a mix between Bill Nye the science guy and Frasier. it sucks
This one makes me laugh all the time...... Totally entertaining........
this show makes me laugh all the time. you don't have to be a genius to get it, and they don't have all of the dumb traditional plotlines either. anyone who doesn't understand it must not be paying attention.
I have to wonder how old the people are who made this list. There's nothing on it before the 90's.
This show is so hard to watch because the humor is so terrible, not sure how anyone could like it
Awesome t.v. show! They talk about so much nostaglia from when I was a kid! All the cast are awesome together and they play off each other's sarcastic humor.
Ok show but the jokes are WAY too easy and obvious. Not much effort is put into the writing.
Get a dictionary? Almost all of the complex words and terms are used suprfluously and are of no importance to the plot. This is a mediocre show, Like 2 and 1/2 men, it is pretty cookie-cutter, in the vain of friends and all that stuff. You can guess almost every turn in the plot and punchline
Great nerd comedy, it's hanging up here with some pretty great shows though...
Nerds will appreciate this more, i personally think its the most goddamn funny show ever, but other people often dissagree
This show is AMAZING, I guess some people just don't understand the humor in it. ;) It's okay, just get a dictionary.

Before I do anything I Ask myself would an idiot do that? If the answer is yes i do not do that thing.
Did anyone cry when Michael Scott left cause I sure did !! BEST SHOW EVER CREATED! UK VERSION SUCKS AND SEASONS 1-6 ARE THE BEST
"You don't call retarded people retards. It's bad taste. You call your friends retards when they're acting retarded." - Michael Scott
I tried watching it at one time. I think it sucks and blows. Steve Carrell is just not funny to me. I did not laugh once when I watched. Just felt disgusted.
is this the office uk? because that is my favorite tv show of all time....but the office U.S....not so much
It's pretty much flawless, this show. Great humor that a lot of people can relate to.
The best show. Period. Michael Scott is just the best character, ever. Seasons 1-6 are off the hook. its not very watchable since michael left though.
how can something even remotely affiliated with that arrogant prick ricky gervais even be on this list seriously people?
Have seen both. The American version is better. Ricky Gervais gets very tedious in a short period of time.
wow you guys never saw the real office? ricky gervais? office u.s. has run too long and become stale. at least it doesn't have a laugh track.
I have cried with laught at the antics of Michael Scott in the Office, think of a 7 year old boy in a mans (and managers) body. All time favourites are when he burns his feet on a grill and the party he and Jan host for their work colleagues, priceless. Even without Michael they have a very strong ensemble to keep the sides splitting, go Dwight.
HILARIOUS!!! This show is the best cannot find a show that makes me laugh as much as i do watching The Office!
The most awesomest show you will ever watch it is my ALL-TIME favorite show I love how dwight and Jim go at it HE-FREAKIN-LARIOUS!!!!!
Not funny at all, never makes me laugh....though someyimes it makes we want to throw things at the TV...
Definitely the funniest of the last few years. If you disagree I think it would be wise you go back to school

The Simpsons bring great childhood memories. I recall going to school on Monday after viewing the latest episode on Sunday. The early 90's were awesome
the simpsons is just the best tv show ever. there is nothing that it could do any better. this should be the number one on every tv show ranking site. every show that came after the simpsons is just recycling humor developed by this show. the simpsons is the principal for every new comedy show developed since its creation.
The best animated show ever! The first 7 or 8 seasons are hilarious, it's not as funny anymore unfortunately.
the Simpsons is deff better than Everybody loves Raymond, why is it 14?
liked it as a child, too many seasons now. characters get old. Southpark is waaay better
the simpsons is the best thats all i watched growing up it has made my life exiting how could it be second it deserves 1st all the way
how can anyone say that the Simpsons is not the best?!?!?! They have some of the best writing ever, as a previous user noted, and have remained on the air for 20+ seasons. The material may not be as fresh, but, it's still great nonetheless...
The Simpsons still has some of the most clever writing of any show. It is a true classic and should be way, way, way higher on this list.

once the characters develop this show gets pretty damn hilarious, once you get in to season 2 the homage themed eps are worth it.
Amazing show with fresh ideas you wont expect but you will love. I love you Jeff, but Annie you steal the show.
Community is streets ahead. By far the greatest TV program of all time, when the networks Britta all the rest. The fact that this lists as #15 wrinkles my brain in a Troy-bad way, but the fact that others recognize its genius gives me hope for all mankind.
This should be at least TOP5!!!! Come on people, vote up! one of the best shows ever!
BEST SHOW EVER i love this show the funiest cant wait til the new seasons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
best two seasons of a tv show i've ever seen in my life!!! hilarious and as the characters develop so do you. it's a comedy you get wrapped up in and then feel like you're a part of!
This show is literally the best show i hsve ever seen in my life the writer is a pure genius
Hilarious show with an AMAZING cast! Not one episode that I haven't burst out laughing!!!
The most amazing thing to ever be put on a screen. This show ejaculates in the face of all other so called "comedy's" . But its going to suck if it only goes for 4 seasons :(
this show should be number 1, pierce hawthorne is the funniest thing out there
best show ever, sad how not enough people watches it but its freakign hilarious
Writing is so good, and the humor in it is spot on. Great characters as well
One of the funniest shows ever and probably has the best writing of any who I have ever seen!

canadian road trip was my favotite ep and kelso is my favorite character
This show is in the league of how i met your mother which should be at top, this show is nothing more than funny and I advice you reading this who has not watched this show to watch it, UR missing out!
This is the best show EVER!!! it Should be at least within the top 3.
the last few seasons of a show is what defines it. does it get stronger and go out with a bang. or do the actors get a big ego, quit, and be replaced by terrible alternatives. yes. that is what happened. by the end of that show the only viewer was ashton. home getting blown by demi, relishing in the fact that the show could not survive without him.
Its not funnier than Its Always Sunny but yeah it should be above Family Guy
one of the best shows ever! each friend has his own genre of comedy! stupid jokes! smart jokes! dirty jokes! this show's got em all :D GO WATCH!
How is this so far down? It's way funnier than It's always sunny in Philadelphia

This is a classic show I just want to see it more and more could not stop
Simply like it because of Phil, I would watch a spin-off that's just about him. And we all love Ed O'Neill.
i love modern family, its new but i laugh everytime, its so funny.deserves the spot of scrubs. that show is lame
modern family should not be this low!! this is one of the top 5 at least!!!!!!!!!!1
This show is the best!! Just finished season 1 and almost done with season 2!! Cant wait for more to come out!! :-D
This show should be WAY up there now...absolutely hilarious !!!!!!!!!!!
Looooove all the characters, this show's def up to par with the office!! Can never take your eyes off for even a few seconds or else you'll miss the funniest cues & jokes!!
A laugh out loud comedy featuring 3 hilarious family's!!! MO-FA will never get old.
AMAZING show it cracks me up every moment watch it and LAUGH you can't help to not 8D

In living color was halairious! My daughter and her friends were cracking up with the mc hammer skit, and the Jim Cary skit in which he's vanilla ice lmfao! That was too funny!
In Living Color is was a funny show, but not top 20. Not even top 5 funniest sketch show.
cant understand why this is number one must be any american thing there humors so much more obvious and in you face
People don't know what this is? This is GOLD. Better than South Park and Family Guy any day.

this show sucks. characters are annoying and the pace of the story and humor is extremely slow
Probably the only show I've seen that is consistently hilarious. Easily #1
Curb your enthusiasm is pretty, pretty, pretty good. Funkhouser is god.
I HATE this show. Larry is always in sme problem and he solves it in some stupid way. Its sooo retarded im glad its only on late at night.
This funniest and smartest comedy series ever made. Larry David is God. This should be #1 by a long shot
Brilliant writing and acting. Larry David is a genius and the supporting cast is perfect! The fact that it's mostly improvised blows me away.
Funniest show by a mile. Followed by It's Always Sunny and Seinfeld
It is the funniest show after Seinfeld, totally underrated. Love Larry David!
funniest show should be top 3. I guess alot of people dont have HBO suckers.
this is by far the funniest most clever and overall best show on tv

i do not like the first 3 0r 4 seasons everything after 2005 is much better then the earlier stuff pure comedy
Definitely one of the best cartoon comedy shows alongside the Simpsons
The Early seasons are good but, the newer seasons aren't as funny.
GREAT SHOW definitly should be above some of these other shows...definitly the funniest animated series
this should be no.1 with the big bang throery , the simpsons that 70s show nd south park
So funny death is my favourite and it's funny when peter gets drunk
first three seasons were awesome but it went downhill from there.. this show is dreadful now.
seriously... one of the worlds most popular shows is number 20 >.> is this guy retarded? lol
spongebob squarepants is funnier than this?!?!? i dont think so.
Anyone who still likes Family guy hasn't watched the cartoon wars episodes of Southpark. Southpark totally trumps this show. It was funny for the first couple seasons, but now it should be down in the 40s
woooow how is this not at least top 5? top 10? this list is mostly dumb
No other comedi like this...I can watch it all day long all the time...This should be in the first 3!!!!!!!!
I can agree with every one of those comments. But under Everybody Loves Raymond? Ouch.
it's funny that this is so far down, because it's not the greatest but you'd expect it to be higher
I don't even bother watching this show any more, but it has some episodes that are just so funny.
Oh, and one more thing. any t.v. show that has atleast one musical per season should be cancelled. it's not our fault that mcfarlane can't make it on broadway. "sorry seth, we can't all be as talented as Trey Parker."
Most like this show, but it has the worst humor ever. Its kinda a disgrace to comedy. I mean all it is is random references and puking. There are plenty of other shows like Southpark and Its Always Sunny that are ACTUALLY FUNNY
I like this show, but it's way to formulaic to be on any list anywhere, except maybe for best song about a bag of weed.
This show is so bad, first few episodes might have been funny if the rest of them didn't kill it by trying way too hard to be funny.

I watched the original four seasons all in a row on DVD, and it is by far one of my favorite TV shows of all time. It was funny, and the adventures were always interesting.
It has some extremely teary moments with the spice of humour right after it which makes it quite good and definietly better than The Simpsons or Family Guy.
Futurama should be #2, right behind South Park. I feel like Groening has more freedom with this show. That's not based on any actual knowledge, just a feeling I get.

The best Comedy ever. Love how they used all the different supporting characters.
It was decent for a couple season but, overall, it wasn't so great.
pretty funnny but i dont really know the characters names an excellent mix of comedy and drama
This has got to be one of the most original shows ever. Love it.
lol i cant believe scrubs is sooo far down, is one of the funniest shows evaaaaa.
A perfect combination of amazingly stupid-funny and meaningful. It's great comedy, but not only that. If you haven't seen it, you MUST! Zach Braff is amazing.

best show ever made. nothing was like it. you can not deny how funny this show was. so sad when i went off air.
It was a pretty funny improve show but, it was kind off like whatching the same thing over and over again.
no doubt the best stand up on the spot improve show ever made, it never gets old and its always fun to watch, it will even make your cat cry from to much laughter :)
This show was killed by "Friends" should have been the other way around.
Now this is the most original comedy ever. There hasnt been one episode That hasn't made me laugh my head off.

The fact that Seinfeld doesn't make top 5 is an abomination. One of the funniest, smarties and wittiest shows in the history of television. For me its #2 right after Arrested Development
Seinfeld is a class above anything that has ever been on tv. It should be taught at school instead of shakespear. It is one of mans greatest ever creations.
How isn't this #1!?!? The writers of this show are some of the the best who ever lived, and the show in general is the best there ever was.
Used to watch it while I was in my late teens. I was immature back then and thought it was funny, but now I think it's lame. Quit watching it a long time ago and never want to see it again.
One of the funniest shows ever to grace television...not at least in the top 10?!?
how in the world is this not in top 10?
i just started watching (im 12) and this is the funniest show i've watced (other than arrested developments, & parks and recreation)
Considering the fact that Seinfeld is below The Big Bang Theory and Everybody Loves Raymond, this list is obviously the most popular shows and not the funniest.
This show should be way up there! The humor was before it's time and still relevant. The characters are fantastically developed and it's not predictable, this should be up beyond How I met your mother!
This show should be before everybody loves Raymond, at the very least you owe this awesome show that. So funny
this show is not borring, its a smart show and a smart crowd would appreciate it.
There's always somebody saying "BEST SHOW EVAR!!11" for every single show displayed here. But honestly, having seen a lot of shows, I can definitely confirm this one earned its crown as "the best sitcom ever". I didn't understand most jokes as a teen, but I'm 27 now, and thankfully I can appreciate this sort of humor.
what the hell is wrong with you people this show is funny as hell. watch more episodes
I actually agree, I dislike the top 3 greatly. Seinfel, Friends and It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia bore me to tears :\, But the bass in Seinfeld's theme song is badass :D
Intelligent to who? This is one of the most boring, overrated shows on TV

Frank (Ray's dad) is a great character along with Ray's brother, Robert. The rest of the characters are good, but I think Frank and Robert are funniest. This is one of those shows where I didn't like it until I watched a few episodes and got used to it.
It's not that great of a show, every once in a while it's funny but, mostly it's pretty boring.
It's one of the better modern comedies out there, sometimes I think it's funny, but I think Ray is annoying. I like how Debra responds when she gets fed up with him.
This is the best show ever made. I'm full blooded NY Italian, and I can relate.
Am I the only one know noticed that this show is named incorrectly? It's EveryBODY loves raymond
This show is not funny at all I have watched a few episodes and didn't laugh
ELR is my all time favorite show of teh past 40 years. For us NY Italian dudes, no competition.
this is great,,, i cant even discribe how great it is! it is magnificent!
Decent and well-organised, I laughed all the way thru' when I was wacthing.
No1 commeted it? this show is soooooo funny, I laugh all the way thru' XD

I can't believe this is not at least in the top 5. What a disgrace. All I can do is my part and vote it up. Shame shame shame people.
Lucy seems to like to make bad choices then gets lucky at the last minute... Lame.
Best comedy of all time! The pioneer of comedy TV. Clean, hilarious & original. 'I love Lucy' will never get old.

My favourite comedy show because of the epic annoyance of Spongebob, dumb comedy of Patrick and Squidward being a total madman
Sponge bob Square pants was the first ever show I watched on nickelodeon. It's really funny.
Spongebob was actually initially intended for adults and was later made more kid-friendly because children were more appealed to it. In earlier episodes you can pick up some of the subliminal dirty jokes.
Not a valid entry into the list. This isn't a comedy show and was made for children, so it should be ignored altogether.
my favorite kid show patrick kind of represents me after ive had alot of sodas
i love spongebob squarepants he is adorable if i were to be one charecter from there for 1 day i would be Patrick he is so cute :)
Honestly if you watch it closely they hide so many adult jokes in these types of shows. Spongebob: YOU BET!, Fairly Odd Parents: EVERY EPISODE, they all have this kind of stuff hidden between the lines, and sometimes they are the lines
This is alot better than futurama, well at least the first 3 seasons
spongebob is hilarious. If you don't think it should be on the list, then you should make your own list of unfunny things that suck.
It seriously is one of the funniest shows ever, well until season 4. But season 1-3 are HILARIOUS!!!
its seriously so much funnier than people realize. i think it's great for all ages, even though people don't want to admit it. haha

I LOVE and still LOVE this show ...I wish it was still there!!!!!!!!
I love this serie to bad it ended after season 5 :( !!!! LOVE THIS OMG
I also can't stand this show, is so freaking predictable and kind of stupid, anyone with brains would find it boring.
This is the best show ever! Great actors, great story, great comedy!

i whistled for a cab but when it came near the license plate said fresh and had a dice in the mirror if anything i thought that this cat was rare but i said nah forget it go home to bel air. i can't not finish that theme song once its started.
Definitely should be ahead of both HIMYM and BBT, much funnier.

Don't get put off by the first season. It quickly catches up in the second and only improves from there. Honestly, it seems they've found the perfect formula for an episode's script, as Parks and Rec never seems to fail!
One of the only shows that makes you literally laugh out loud, and without using crude humor.
it's boring to people who can't really, think well, and who can't understand the jokes, to all those above the IQ of 1, THIS IS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST SHOWS EVER!!!!!!!
This is show is simply the one funnest shows and you thinks its boring you must me be stupid.
How is this boring?
By far funnier than those unfunny forced sitcoms that are above it..

A person's age makes the difference in rating such things. When I was a kid the shows were funny without having to resort to foul language, sex jokes, etc., so my ratings would slant more to the "good old days": The Honeymooners, All In The Family, MASH...surprised these are not mentioned too much here but again it depends on what age bracket is responding. I have to say sticking to more modern stuff, I have laughed so hard watching "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" (especially when Drew Carey hosted) that I cried; also find "The Big Bang Theory" pretty funny, though the longer a show runs the novelty wears off until rerun city. Also loved "The King Of Queens", reminded me of "The Honeymooners" some. Another classic was "The Andy Griffith Show", thanks mainly to Don Knotts.
Very good clean humor. Not to mention, it's a classic! The Flintstones was a spin off of this, also very good clean humor, and very funny, both make me laugh.
Yesss, married with children is a classic. I still watch episodes randomly, when I catch them on tv. Marcy and al had some funny arguments lol
Kinda both funny and crude. Watched it some back in the 80's, but don't care to anymore.
this need to be 1# show!!!!!!
all vote + for this show until it become 1# !!!
Lets remember that when MWC came out they were about to get cancelled cause they were too much. Should be ranked higher cause they raised FOX's stock in the late 80s
It ran so long because it had a bunch a viewers who thought it was funny.

It is the funniest show that I have ever seen. I have seen every episode and I still can't stop laughing. There is no other show like this.
It's so sad how NO ONE knows about psych!! It is probably my favorite series, and I have watched each episode at least 5 times.
OMG!!! If you have any interest in living you would watch this show. It's 7 seasons of pure tv show genus. WHAT IT'S ABOUT... This show is about Shawn spencer who fakes being a sychic for a police department that his dad used to work for. As he lies to the police he drag es his best and only friend Gus into his mess. Trust me, I know you are reading this, I know this show sounds awesome, I know your probably not gonna take my word for it my SERIOUSLY. You need to watch this Show!
my favorite show. it has action, suspense, romance, and of course, comedy. if you have never watched it you should be ashamed of yourself. i fell in love with gus and shawn
So funny! Love Guss & Shawn together. It's underrated in my oppinion.
one of the best tv shows ever.should be at least top !0 and better than chuck!
I love this show! It definitely is under the radar. You start watching and you can't stop. A show you must checkout!! It is like Mentalist but a comedy where the character pretends to be psychic but just has a gift like the mentalist. Fun fact Psych came out before the mentalist.
Hilarious show with a captivating overarching plot! Great characters! Smart funny MUST WATCH !
by far the funniest tv show ever not 1 episode gone by without me hurting me ribs from laughing. it amases me how many people havent heard of this show, one word CLASSIC
Hilarious Makes me laugh everytime best relationship between characters :)
OMG Shawn and Gus's side comments are so FUNNY! Def should be in the top 5!

best tv show ever ricky and the rest of the park are great a huge bonus for those who only watched it on netflix there is 3 movies from trp an they got a differn show out now well did i think it lasted one season lol
If you have not seen this show it is a must. The acting and dialogue are second to none. I watched the whole series in two days on netflix. I so wish it was still going. This should be number 1 by a long shot and I like a lot of the other shows on this list but they pale in comparison to TPB's.
Everyone who has seen a lot of episodes in a row, will attest to actually feeling dumber after a few episodes. Best faux-documentary/reality show of all time.
peep show
arrested development
its always sunny
and trailer park boys
best tv shows ever!
There is still millions of people who havent heard of the show, just emagine living in a trailer park with full of alcoholic, drug addicts, kids who have bad behaviour that shoots bottles at cars or people, grudges with the Trailer park superviser, every sentences involves swearing and cursing, selling drugs at high school, gun fights that most end with the funniest character of the show (Ricky) and out smarting cops all the time, Jail, and many more **** that usually goes on everywhere all put into one show. Its alot better than the Office, and Curb your enthusiasm etc... If you havent watched Trailer Park Boys and you want a good laugh? well then watch the show, and I guarantee that you will love the show if you are into mockumentry comedy. If your new to it, watch it from the beginning of Season 1 and work your way up, most if not all episodes are on Youtube, etc... this show made three characters one of the funniest trio in the whole world in many eyes.
Sorry about the spelling, I only have my grade 10. haha (o;=
If you have not seen trailer park boys you are missing the funniest tv program ever. The price of netflix is justified by this series alone.
This is an awesome show! Rickyisms, Conky, Steve French and the free-range kitties, purple squirrels, and more cussing and one-liners than could be expressed. You'll see how funny it is and I'll have to say atoadaso.

If you like It's Always sunny in Philadelphia then you will most likely like this show. I love it and it seems no one has heard of it. Check it out!!!
This and Parks and Recreation are the two funniest shows of all time. A few episodes sort of lack in the fourth season, but IT Crowd is truly incredible, especially if you like British television.
Ahhhhh i love this show! roys accent and moss is just hilarious!!
should be much higher i laughed at least twice every minute every episode its awesome
How is this show ANYTHING like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? I love Always Sunny and don't like this show very much. I guess I'm not one for a laugh track
Awesome show, love every episode, but seriously, comparing IT Crowd to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? They are nothing alike except that they both are comedies... If you liked Fraggle Rock then you'll love this!
If this show was on American TV, everyone would know about it because it is honestly HILARIOUS
the it crowd is one of the best everrr! i can`t wait for the new episodes!
i watched quite some of the shows here and i like some of them. but this show way funnier than the rest. so helarious!

this is the best show i've ever watched, come on people vote it up
This show should be #1, it is the funniest thing i have ever seen and it sucks that there's only 7 seasons, i could watch it for 100
i love this show one of the funniest ive ever seen should be at lest in the top 10
Yes... Yes funny, Hal is one of the funniest characters ever, if you like the Simpsons, you'll like this...if you give it a chance.

Daniel Tosh is a funny guy, listen to his stand up, he's very clever.
Funny, but only because of the videos, Daniel Tosh kinda sux. Anyways the Chapelle show is 100 times better and I wish it was still on
Hilarious! If you love shock humor then this is definately the show for you!
A bit of an newfag show... not to recent, usually reviews really old things, but its okay

One of the best written comedies of all time. Funny actors and amazingly original episodes
Great characters on this show and they each are able to play them up so well! Everybody can relate to somebody on here-and the silliness- LMBO!
Honestly, I didn't like this show when I first saw. A few years later, though, I started to watch it bit by bit, and now it's one of my favorite shows. It may take some getting used to, but the show is genuinely funny and entertaining. I would go so far as to say this show has replaced Seinfeld for my #1 favorite comedy show.
Recycle Everybody loves Raymond" episodes, which were already so unoriginal it hurts, vanilla laughtrack stuff.
this show should be higher up on the list. love this show funny as hell

Believe me it's One Of The Best Ever Made.
It's awesome till 8 th season.
After The Mr. Charlie Sheen Out Of the show and the downfall starts.
So Pretty Loveable Show.
Ashton is cooler than Charlie was. Charlie always womanizing and getting sloppy drunk was lame, although when he was sober, sometimes he was funny. It was mostly just about 2 brothers always trying to get laid in the Charlie days. I do think Berta is quite funny. But all around, I'm pretty tired of it. It's has way too much crude and sexual humor. Rarely watch it anymore and only because my husband likes it.
By far my TOP 3 sitcoms of ALL TIME. This show is ridiculously funny and EVERY episode there is a guaranteed laugh out LOUD moment, not just a figure of speach but literally bursting out laughing. I've woken many people up watching Two and a Half Men at night with headphones.
However, now that Charlie is gone the show is dead so just don't watch the latest season.
Not very original, and with no intelligence whatsoever. Don't know why this show received so much attention.
This show is funny to people whose mouths move while they read. The delivery of every line in every episode i've seen is just painful, and poor child actors only get ugly. Very ugly.
The only times Charlie Sheen made me laugh were when he broadcasted his cracked out videos and when he got roasted by Seth McFarlane on comedy central. Other than that, his only fans are all the older women and men that love crappy TV
The only funny part about this show is how you managed to spell the word Two wrong congratulations
Not a terrible show, but certainly not great! No where near the league of some of the shows on this list.
this show is so unbelievably terrible, i dont see the appeal at all... i have loved Charlie sheen since hot shots but seriously two and a half men doesnt even deserve to be on this list. you watch the show once and your might as well have watched every episode
Really cookie-cutter, mediocre show. Doesn't deserve its ranking.
Agreed, this is cookie-cutter crap, you can predict every outcome and punchline....snore.
It's the best! I hope it hasn't finished like i heard in the news.
FUNNIEST SHOW EVER MAN. YOU WILL CRACK UP EVERY EPISODE! too bad it got canceled because charlie sheen is a drunk :[ but hes funny as hell!
one of the funniest..sad that it might be cancelled. I love it
best show by far. Don't no how it can be 66th.
P.S. charlie sheen rules
maybe the worst show of all time. Classic cookie-cutter scenarios and predictable outcomes. Yuck.

come on people, we aren't twelve year olds! stale acting, predictable jokes, i mean do the writers even put any effort into this show
lol i love thad!!!!!! i watched 2 seasons in 3 days. I AM ADDICTED
why is this so low??? this is the funniest TV show i have ever seen. Thad and moran have the life. should be top 5
Need a certain level of unintelligence to appreciate the show. Probably the dumbest show on TV.
this should be WAAAAY higher especially before top
Favorite show of all time- any guy should love this and Thad is the man!
This should be number 1 for sure! Only reason it isn't is because not enough people have tried watching it!

at first i didnt understand it but then i thought it was pretty good
This show is fantastic; it's definitely stoner comedy a lot of the time but it's completely original and entirely underrated.
This show is overrated, and it's not even rated that highly.
The BEST show I have seen on TV in a long time. Great writing. I work in a call center and I exactly what they go through. Spot on... should be a lot higher up the list! I hope there's a season 2
this show is so funny. i watched this with a few friends and they all thought it was hilarious too
this show is funny but the script tries too hard to look cool to a young crowd and ends up looking lame

Hilarious dry humour, with some real funny songs. Downside is that the main characters are New Zealanders ha
I think the fact that they are from New Zealand makes at a million times FUNNIER haha. DOWNSIDE? LOL I don't even know what to say to that. One of the funniest shows ever, very dry, a little absurdist. Incredible musical genre parodies.
Why is it a downside that the main characters are from New Zealand? Are you retarded?
such a good show.. need a 3rd season... just wonderin do americans get the humor? only ones i know dont get it
Awesome show. First season has better music, but both are very funny

i think season one of this show is the smartest season of any cartoon ive ever watched. 3rd season lost my interest but its still incredible. most people don't get it cus the jokes are too subtle. if u wish jokes were smarter you should try this show.
skeptical until I understood the characters (episode 4ish), then it became so fantastic that I watched them all twice.
its ok and if u didnt notice the who does the voice 4 archer is bob in bob's burgers
Funniest cartoon on TV right now. The jokes are hilarious and complex, definitely should be top 10 at least
so stupid.... little bits of humour and such but really just stupid

The league is truly a hidden gem, for now anyway. It sort of reminds me of a vulgar and modern Seinfeld.
I DEMAND that this show make top 10! It's freakin hilarious!! Bobbum man????
I BEG to those who likes adult humors to give this show a try...can't wait for for the 3rd season...
Definately a good show...even for the ladies! Freakin hilarious.
Best show ever! if you like Jon Lajoie from the youtube hit "show me your genitals" you 'll LOVE this show! It's GOLD!
This should be #1 watch the episode "The Kluneberg" and tell me it isn't #1

Gr8 show, but same types of jokes again and again... Hilarious in the beginning, but gets boring after few episodes...
This show is SO much better than about half of the ones ranked above it in this survey.
i havnt really heard of this show before but mr bean is freaking funny
LOL love this show everything he does is what a kid would do.LOL

The most successful spin off of all time. Hilarious, pretty smart and the acting is infallible.
I love this show. When I was a child I would watch this and just enjoy the conversation and whatever humor I can get from it. I made everything feel good. Brings me to a happier time in my life. It has also allowed me to analyze things in my past and help me move forward. I still watch it, and enjoy it just as much.
I am watching it for the third time in the last 4 years and I again find it hilarious for it's diversity of subjects and elegant, sometimes bitter humor. Definitely it should be higher on the list but people can't see it unless they download...
Cheers?1? Really?!? Not voted in the top 10?!? I had to do a double take at the name of this list...and ya, it doesn't say of all time. I don't get it.
im only 17 but this is a really funny show cant belive its not higher up
How is this show 67th!?!?! It won 3 emmys for funniest commedy for a reason. Best comedy on TV today!
Props to Tina Fey for being a successful woman but wow is she the unfunniest writers out there with the kinda humour that only little teenage girls would like.
i found it really boring when i first watched it but now i love it

love this show so much im in secondary school and I can totally relate fave line well that was fuking dreadful
This show was hilarious! The movie however wasn't funny at all. They should have just stuck to the tv series!
Best show Ive ever watched the movies is hilarious as well, definitely the top 5.
Gotta agree that this is hilarious. Excellent when you are with a bunch of mates, relaxing with a beer. (Who cares if they are cheap shots at humour if they get a laugh). Boner boy
ugh i hate that show! Cheap attempts at humour through disgusting little boy talk. Those characters are all so pathetic it makes me angry. No kids say such dumb things to other people.

Has everything you need in a car show. You fall in love with the cast. Just started Watching 6 months ago... But thats ok cuz i downloaded all the seasons and got to enjoy everything in one chunk!!!! Clean humor too. no one should get offended by this show. if u simply dont like it, then dont watch it. i Love the fact that its been on for so many years and it has no threat of being canceled. EVERY ONE SIMPLY LOVES THIS PROGRAM!!! ;)
Tanner Foust? are you kidding? No one cares about the US version!! I give my points for Clarkson, Hammond and Captain Slow!
I assuming this is the UK version (the american version would not make it in any list)
With 200 million viewers globally Top Gear has proven it is entertaining
Watch the first 5 seasons for the best episodes, althought they are all good (13 seasons? about 120-30 episodes)

Simply used by Norman Lear & Rob Reiner to foist their agendas on the viewer. Pravda learned a few things from those two.
People never gave this show a chance. I know this because I was one of them. I used to think this was a completely pointless, dumb show. When I actually sat down and watched a few episodes, I realized it isn't pointless. The show isn't so much a comedy show as a "feel good" show. At the end of many of the episodes, there is a moral lesson or a "feel good" moment about growing up or family relationships. It has funny moments, yes, but it's really just a solid show that wasn't picked up by the general public. I wish they would have finished releasing all the seasons on DVD, but the show was so unpopular that production of the DVDs was stopped after season 6 of the 13 seasons.
King of the hill is terrible, worst animated show ever, it's about a middle aged propane salesman who never does anything and neither do the people around him, every episode is drinking beers, stupid kid, bitching wife THE END, just plain terrible.
One of the best loved british comedies of all time, Rowan Atkinson and Tony Robinson at their best.
This shud b way higher up d list. Unbelievable how this is ranked lower than most of d programmes here, most of which r utter garbage!!! Excellent comedy (Aside from d 1st series).
Seasons 2 and 3 were the best.
The Brits make the very very best comedy. Blows the US stuff out of the water.
its one of the best comedy serials and the fact that it could be watched with family and is hillirious it must be in the list
brilliant show! absoltuly amazing! one of a kind and so different then anything else out there. This man is not compromising. Best show i have ever seen.
This, to me, is the funniest show ever put on TV. He even made the depressing horribleness of season 3 FUNNY somehow and he's such a great writer. I don't think we'll see something this good for a long time, should easily be in the top 10 or 5 even, up there with community and curb.
How can Louie be so low on this list? The funniest and most relatable series on TV.
I dont mind his show but am I the only one that finds it super depressing at times, so much that it kills the humour. is he trying to be super dry or is he really trying to depress everybody.
Louie is too disgusting. It could be funny if he wasn't so gross!
underrated yet hilarious top 5 give it a chance youll laugh alot
shocked at how few comments this show is one of the best out there

hilarious and relatable!! definitely should be in top ten :( perfect for every age!! never fails to please!!!
one of the most hilarious series to ever be produced. the casting is brilliant and the script is on top form - every time
This used to have me infits of laughter would love to see it again
this show was good season 1-3 then after that it started getting kinda lame..still ok to watch though
Defenitly should be higher. Not only is it hilarious but you learn alot and its a good story line
Best show ever!! Wish thre were more seasons or more shows like this. Freakn hilarious ;)~
agreed this show was the top of the heep in it's day. I also think carol burnett has a place in here at the top.
Thing is that 90% of people don't understand the jokes because they themselves are not smart enough in the first place. It's sad that all the well-structured humour loses out to excessive swearing and racial slurs.