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Best "I Love Lucy" Episodes

20 items ranked

Rated 5 points - posted 15 years ago by mdolleris in category Television.
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Lucy Does a TV Commercial Report Abuse
This is the one featuring Vitametavegamin, which Lucy is hired to hock on TV. She does retake after retake, each time tasting the awful concoction. It's 23% alcohol, so Lucy ends up totally drunk and asks, "Are you unpoopular? Do you pop out at parties?"
100 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris - 3 comments
Lucy was just brilliant in this episode! The way she gradually went from eager to do a good job to totally crocked was hilarious. Just proved what a comedic genius Lucille Ball was.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
This is my favoir
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking
This is the funniest episode I've ever seen. OMG, this one cracks me up!
Added 13 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Job Switching Report Abuse
Lucy and Ethel get jobs at a chocolate factory and can't keep up. This has the famous scene of them stuffing the candy into their mouths as it moves down the conveyor belt since they don't have time to do anything else with the candy.
97 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris - 1 comment
Has any other female comedian been able to think on her feet as well as Lucille Ball was able to? She was the master and episodes like this one are classic and Comedy 101.
Added 12 years ago by guest, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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L.A. at Last Report Abuse
Arriving in Hollywood, Lucy goes star hunting at the Brown Derby restaurant, and finds William Holden and Eve Arden.
79 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy is Enceinte Report Abuse
When this episode aired, you couldn't say "pregnant" on TV. They skirted around it by saying she was "expecting." She revealed the news to Ricky by requesting his song "We're Having a Baby" at the club. Ricky gets quite a surprise when he finds out who requested the song!
44 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris - 1 comment
I tear up to this day when I watch this episode. Lucy and Desi were living out there real life love for each other and excitement at becoming parents in front of the whole world and it showed. TV at its best.
Added 12 years ago by guest, -1 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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The Freezer Report Abuse
After buying a meat locker, Lucy gets locked inside and turns into a block of ice, complete with icicles hanging down her face.
43 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy's Italian Movie Report Abuse
This one contains the famous scene of Lucy stomping grapes then picking a fight with a co-stomper.
40 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy Does the Tango Report Abuse
Lucy "boosts" egg production by buying several dozen eggs. But her plan to hide them in her blouse goes awry when Ricky asks her to help him rehearse a tango number. This gets the longest recorded television laugh in history.
33 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris - 1 comment
Oops this was one of the funniest of them all!
Added 14 years ago by andrewh, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Harpo Marx Report Abuse
In his guest appearance, Lucy and Harpo do the classic routine where they stand across from one another dressed alike and mimic one another's moves.
33 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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The Fashion Show Report Abuse
Lucy gets a major sunburn the day of a fashion show in which she's supposed to appear. Wearing tweed.
31 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Pioneer Women Report Abuse
This episode contains the classic moment when Lucy's loaf of bread explodes from the oven.
29 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy and the Loving Cup Report Abuse
Lucy puts a jockey's trophy on her head, and it gets stuck.
23 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Off to Florida Report Abuse
Driving to Florida to meet their husbands, the girls share the drive with a strange lady they mistakenly think is an ax murderess.
19 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy Goes to the Hospital Report Abuse
Lucy gives birth to Little Ricky. Papa Ricky was dressed in "voodoo" for a show then had to rush to the hospital, still in full costume.
18 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Equal Rights Report Abuse
The two couples go out to dinner, and the girls end up having to wash dishes to pay for the meals.
15 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy Raises Chickens Report Abuse
Lucy and Ethel buy 500 baby chicks before the incubator is ready for them. Little Ricky leaves the door open, and hilarity ensues.
15 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris - 1 comment
Love this episode one of the funniest!
Added 14 years ago by andrewh, 0 points Vote + to improve this comment's ranking Vote - to decrease this comment's ranking


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Lucy Is Envious Report Abuse
She and Ethel dress as aliens invading from Mars.
9 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy Misses the Mertzes Report Abuse
After living in the country for a little while, Lucy misses Fred and Ethel. They keep missing one another and all four end up in the closet.
6 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy and Superman Report Abuse
Lucy doesn't want to disappoint Little Ricky, so she dresses up as Superman. Trying to hide from Ricky, (who manages to get the real Superman to attend the party), Lucy needs to hide on the ledge outside the building.
6 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Lucy Wants to Move to the Country Report Abuse
Lucy wants a house in the country complete with chickens and cows and new neighbors.
6 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -


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Tennessee Ernie Visits Report Abuse
Lucy's cousin, played by Tennessee Ernie Ford, shows up and checks out the big city.
2 points - added 15 years ago by mdolleris -
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