good gun. Battery operated and has a clip system. easy to load. 3 darts per second. 18 dart clip.
Vulcan is a frickin awesome gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really like the recon cs-6.the only crappy thing about it is it only can use streamfire darts
the stampedes auto matic power is slow, but still fricken awesome
Electric guns suck, they are heavy, low ranges, low accuracy, and are generally harder to reload. The nerf Alpha Trooper Cs-18 is amazing, high capacity, high rate of fire, high range/accuracy and is insanely light. The raider is bad, i dont see why people like that either, its a heavier alpha trooper with 10 ft ranges and terrible accuracy.
The Vulcan is way better due to the fact that the Vulcan is big enough to block the darts in a fight and you can hold a "bunker" with it's tripod's rotation.
I own this gun and it is awesome
-it shoots about 3 darts per second
-if u aim it upwards it can shoot about 40 ft
- if u dont it can shoot about 30 ft
- it is very accurate
-it has 6 tactical rails
This gun is waaaaaaayyyyyyyy over rated it only shoots about 15 feet! All automatic guns are cheep and a Have about all of the new nerf guns and some old ones. ALPHA TROOPER ROCKS
i don't like the stampede they should have not changed the Spartan NCS-12 into it. The spartan is so much cooler!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hav 2 agree this is the best the only one that mite b able 2 compete with it is the raider
i have got it iits the best nerf gun i shot 20 18 dart clips and never had a single jam this gun is better then the vulcan. you can reach the trigger and the clip release button easliy eith your trigger fing or forefinger. overall great gun
this gun is the best because of how fast and it has only shot my dads eye out once
This gun is cool but why is the crossbow down at the bottom. it's eaisly the best nerf gun ever. Spring powered and can shot 150 feet. It doesn't get better than that.
the stampede is so awesome!!!!!
you two posters above me do not know a thing about nerf guns!
I got one small thing to say to the maker of this list.... ARE YOU CRAZY??????
Just brought mine... and you know what. its FREAKING precise. its prtty good. not too heavy easy to operate. and 18 clips is tha greatest... cant wait until im going to a HvZ :P

Men longstrike is really good great accuracy and great being an assault rifle
this gun does not shoot 35 feet. 10 maybe. but still looks intimidating. i like the accessories.good gun to buy.
i don't really like this gun because may as well buy a long shot because it has better range,accuracy and a direct plunger and long shot is cheaper
have it,it owns and looks amazing top of the chart
(good for all out wars)
Honestly, greatest looking nerf gun ever made
Performance wise....BRILLIANT longer range than expected. Does not jam at all. Shoots very powerful mod it and even better. Best gun in the world.
Advise it to anybody you won't regret it
don't have it, but have used one. weak because of reverse plunger. looks cool, though
its really good if your real stealthy but if you rush to things its real bad for you

The truth is that anyone who ever played with Nerf guns has wanted to play with a Nerf sniper rifle. The Longshot finally satisfies those dark, reptilian cravings.
My friend has this gun and he says it jams a lot, but I have never seen it jam once. NEVER.
pretty good gun 7 out of 10 low jam rate decent weight range isnt thet good though and is low on fire power dont think this is the number 3 nerf gun this has been over rated
dont have it but it looks too big and clunky.
longstrike is longer but it is sleek and extremely accurate when firing slowly (sniper style)
i have this. its great fun but it sucks in a nerf war. it jams and its slow firing. if u want a sniper id get the longshot because its a lot cooler and great firing.
the longshot is actually ok. i can reload fast and barely get jams
this gun is the best nerf gun that does not use batteries the front pistol has pretty great range. if the longshot sucks its because nerf made it to be one of the easiest guns to modify
What the happened?
This gun was number 2 last night?
i love this gun it has the best range out of any nerf gun (that uses normal bullets) this has better range than the longstrike and better accuracy the perfect sniper rifle.
it sucks i have one it jams every time the trigger wont connect it breaks a lot it some times wont shoot its got bat range and bad aiming my advice is DONT BUY IT
the longshot is waaaaaay better than the longstrike. Those people who say it stinks are either dumb, or got ripped of.
Longstrike is better, but this one is pretty good too. Fun to mod, and you can find some pretty cool ones onlin
which want is better this or longstrike? Which want should I get? Which gun's distance is further?
it is a very good gun it has the longest range. the barrel is attatchable gun. and also comes with 2 reload clips and darts . awsme gun
the Longshot sucks. I swear my brother had it it kept on getting jammed and we couldn't clear it. so i say to those people that are thinking about buying it think twice now. think twice!
Longshot sucks.has horrible distance and speed,jams,and because of the horrible range the scope is more of a hindrance

Best when built a bunker using a table (roof) and a pile of anything with the Vulcan sitting on the pile.
Although you need a non battery weapon, a screw driver, and some extra batteries.
If You can not run with it that means You are less than 10 years old im 13 and my brother is 9 and we Both can hold and run with it perfectely
you dont get it its not supposed to be used as a running weapon its realy for covring halls,stairs and barricades. I think its good but not great
well number 2 is 2 frikin high 4 1 this thing is mega hevy and without sum bigass batteries firing suks
I've shot it once without it jamming and even then its not good. every other time i shoot it it gets jammed on every single dart
I've had a Nerf war with it and it wupt everybody was saying don't shoot me please your gun is the best and it really is!
this gun i pretty cool but very bad accuracy and range except 3 bullets a second and 25 bullets cool
it rocks. me and my cousin built a barricade and shot my dad tonnes and it is my favourite Nerf gun
It fires randomly when the trigger isn't even touched. It's range judging by what I found on the internals when attempted modding, could have increased in factory models without even taking away air constrictors, the air compression tank is small and it leaves a big hollow space inside of the gun.
you have to use batteries to use it how bad is that the VULCAN-worst gun ever
it only jams if you got it from walmart or if it is the first or secound verson
6 d battries and its heavy and barley cocks in manul buy a magstrike for a machine gun.
don't have one but want one looks awesome my friend has it it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
have it and love it! shoots 3 dart per second maybe a little heavy but is great for shooting multiple people at once!
The Big Daddy. The Vulcan is a toy weapon of sheer ludicrousness. Great for covering long, narrow hallways.

Its a great gun, peoples say it jams alot but i have had my raider for 3-4 years and its never jammed on me once
I tore my oppentents up wed 18th. my main gun was the raider and I used that baby. at the last minute I thought I was going to be out but the raider saved the day.
destroys every person in battle. a good main nerf gun. almost like a machine gun.
best nerf gun in history. shoots like 100 feet. once or twice jams.
my one has really bad range and it has bad accuracy but i played with my mates and theres is heaps better
I have it, not bad, but gets jammed a lot because the drum thingy that u put in is almost broken
I do agree that the raider comes out on top.
However next should be the longshot and then the stampede.
I have it from 2-3 days ago. Pretty awesome, shoots really far, but the strength are sometimes uneven some are really far some and weak. Still I recommend this :D
The problem was, the only real advantage it had it just lost, because the drum is compatible with other guns too. I'd say it should be 6th on list
it is really good when you want to take multible eniemiesout but you need a extra mag but its great : )
i have it it is awesome, best gun, although the stampede is going to be great

haha u have to do math to post a comment :P this guns a good 1st gun but sooo not 1st on the list.
I had a nerf on wed 18th and my main gun was out of ammo and I won by having the maverick close by.
i like this gun because it never jams and can use any bullets it also has good range about 27 feet it is a perfect beginners gun
It fires smoothly reloading can get annoying especially when its not all the way in the rotating barrel.Other than these flaws its the best handgun nerf has.
mine is the best gun ever. shoots 77 feet and never jams. this is the best gun in the world. add a scope from long shot and you will never miss a shot
Ive gotten mine to go to about 45 ft. and it Never jams. Best Gun Ever
ive got it and is a great gun and there is also lots of mods if u want a better gun although i think its good to start of with and is a biginers gun
decent pistol. very popular. but not super powerful and doesn't shoot sometimes
I've got it, and it is true that you can shoot it fast. I can shoot all bullets in 2-3 seconds, so it does have rapid fire( if it doesn't get jammed)
the maverick is quite good as it does hold all types of darts and has a rail. It is quite easy to mod.
my brother has the Maverick and i reckon its excellent it shoots far. if you shoot it fast enough you can say its a rapid fire gun
the maverick is really good when you need it like if you lose all the ammo in your main gun
Not a good gun.reload time is long,jams,heavy in the front which takes away accuracy
the most overrated nerf gun of all time OF ALL TIME but a reflex and mod it. so easy
terribile!!!!! the worst nerf gun. jams every 2 shots 12ft range and when you have to reload it takes forever.
Occasionally jams, also has quite a limited range compared to the nite finder
Sometimes simple is the best. The Maverick is cheap and effective; a perfect toy for young and old.

because it is like a recon and a raider merged. it shoots farther than the raider and doesnt jam like the recon. it has an 18 dart drum. and it can shoot slam fire easily.
kind of like the raider... exept the drum is less bulky. wich is better. by far....
i have this gun and it never jams ever, it is soooo the best nerf gun EVER
tHIS IS BY FAR THE BEST GUN THAT NERF MAKES. I have it and The only time I loose a war is if I'm the last one left against an entire team. And trust me about this gun I have about all the guns nerf makes. P.S. This out-rankes the raider by a landslide.
this gun looks so awesome for a war. i have a longshot and thats not good in a war. i cant really afford the raider right now so this gun would be perfect...
better than raider. why?
more powerful
easier to re lode
smoother slamfire
and looks wayyyyy cooler
Several of my friends and I did some polls in our Nerf group and Alpha Trooper won by a landslide. It's easily stronger than a Maverick, Longshot, or Longstrike, and in my opinion is a league above the Raider.
i like the alpha trooper. i like the slam fire handle. you can do rapid fire with it. i had a nerf war with my friend and he didnt stand a chance (he ran away) i recommend this gun to people who like the raider cs-35 and also to people who like rapid fire. overall great gun.
dis is my favourite by far. doesnt jam at all! way better than raider
why is this gun so low i have it and i dominate in all my wars

I love this gun!but it sucks because you can only use streamline darts other wise its a fricken bad boy
the gun constantly jams in rapid fire shootouts and uses up darts way to quickly and tends to be shaky when shooting.
its alright, dont have it though but its good because of all those attachments.
it jams sometimes but it is a good gun only thing i dont like is the scope it comes with
i like this gun although it does jam. the accessories look great on my other guns. great starter gun.
this gun is ok. i prefer to have a more, rapid fire abillity. It is more of a"If you have a guard at the door" that's the gun they would have
i love this gun mine shoots as far as the long shot and has really good accuracy except it does jam occasionly
I have the gun it is real nice the one problem is the gun jams sometimes.Other than that it is the best nerf gun ever.
Its awesome. The only bad part is that it gets jammed sometimes. Other then that IT ROCKS!!!!!!
Its a really good blaster. If u know how to use it, its the best. It only jams when You dont use it properly. If anybody argues that the firing rate is less, it proves dat they dont know anything abt this gun
My friend has it and i think its pretty good, it fires further when you take the barrel at the front off but when its on it looks more cool and it fires further.
It also makes areally good noise.
I agree, pumping it is extremely intimidating, and then when you empty your darts everyone notices.
when you pump it people are like "o crap thats loud" then you kill em yeah
the first day i got it i started playing with it and lost 3 darts and couldn't find find them and then my sisters dog got ahold of a dart and chewed the dart up so i only have two left
i know a kid who looks like the guy on the box. i have the recon and it is pretty good but 1 of my darts got jammed and ripped up. its still ok to use but still. there are better guns but this is still pretty good
only good when it has been modded but when it is it is the best gun besides a modded raider
ranked way too high. reverse plunger is soooo weak
looks cool though
this gun is the worst gun ever. It jams too much and and it eventually reduces its range to 10 ft.
this gun sucks there are so much better guns than this one believe me so who ever has this gun im sorry you wasted your money on a bad gun like that.
best gun ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vulcan - worst
this is the daddy of all nerf guns i've got it and it is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

not a bad gun. only problem is the clean up. it can be loud to. but this thing is better than some vulcan. that F-in gun gets me so mad because first, you have to but all the bullets in that chain. then you load that into the gun and you fire. sometimes it gets jammed. but it is the most real looking gun. WHEN Spraid black
yeah the stampeade should be there not this 1 got it on christmas n shot my 2 cousins in seconds
this gun is rad it has awesome range accuracy and it is pretty light considering it is pretty big
Look, the Spartan is the same as the Stampede
ECS. The Stampded should be in this spot with the longshot and raider above it.
The Chinese Sniper
This doesn't exist!
If i am wrong tell me where i can get info on it.
it comes out in september 2010. It comes with 3x18 dart clips and one 6 dart clip. so sixty darts in all. Also it caomes with a blast shield and bipod

great range and i love turning it from from flashlight to blaster.And if you add the barrel of the recon it looks awsome
It is EPIC. It shoots over 40 feet and has 18 darts per stock clip. PLUS IT IS SEMI-AUTOMATIC!
you can shoot 2 darts at once or 1 at a time. has a thingy-mo-bobber that holds 8 extra darts. the only bad part is that it jams a lot. either it jams or my dad messed up the right barrel because when it jams it only jams in the right barrel but sometimes the right barrel shoots farther than the left so i have reason to beleive it is the darts. and you can only get it at toysRus. im not shure if it is my toysRus but it came with an "extra bonus" light thats GREEN!!! the beam is bigger than the deploy. it is also so fun to reload
This is a great secondary gun. I wouldn't use this as a main gun because it wastes bullets.This gun deserves to be top 3
AWESOME GUN especially if you have a secondary clip or a different gun on hand to back yourself up
This gun pones if you you are one on one.
Ifyou use this in a lrolonged firefight you are DEAD MEAT.
ive got it and it's so good and seeing those bullets spray everywhere is a sight to see

Over-the-top naming conventions aside, the Unity Power System is perfect for kids that need to dissemble and reassemble their weapons for maximum versatility.
really? ohhhhhhhhhhhh, i never would have thought of that. I mean, the name is rapid fire 20. it could be
Yeah, but when you pump it, it is extremely intimidating. I think it's pretty damn good.
my cousin has It and it is so good it has everything i like in a gun so damn strait you should get it.

holding 10 rounds and firing 30 feet (not that far) it makes the perfect assisan weapon. Its better that a mavric that shoots 12 feet and jams each shot.
Nite-finder sucks crap:
Reason 1: The barrel is a terrible design
Reason 2: The "flashlight" barely works
Reason 3: It only has three darts
The Element EX-6 is much better.
its an awesome blaster it should be in top 3 its loads better than the maverick
Doesn't have good accuracy but the last time I remember pointing that thing on my cousin's head it went past and got stuck in his bushy hair.
Doesn't have good accuracy but the last time I remember pointing that thing on my cousin's head it went past and got stuck in his bushy hair
Great gun if you are in a heated fight, super fast reaload and good accuracy, best thing about it is the weight.
good,cheap,range.very good acc. without light,my laser broke but it still is more acc. than radier,recon,deploy,mavrick,and stampede. (i have them all
Best pistol need has ever come up with. Accurate, quik reload time,portable,balanced,feelsngood to hold and shoot, easy to **** if you are holding two,easy modify,modify the secret strike to it for two dart action. Cons:laser, not accurate best to just get rid of it and make the gun lighter
Excellent accuracy and range for such a tiny pistol. Very simple, reliable workings.

Sadly, although this is a sick gun, it probably won't ever come out. :(
comes with an awsome target 2 versons of it I have the old but the new looks so cool PS plz comment on deploy and this #:-)
this things shoots 24ft at a 0 degree andle and 32 at a 45 degree angle. this gun is easy to mod and turns it into a sniper pistol. it is the THE best sidearm but nobody has one. I highly recomend this gun.
It's a good gun, 20 ft of range but easy to mod to 50 ft. Also kinda complicated to shoot. All under $4!
Its got a ok range but the best thing about it is the way the shells come out of the back
this ain't a blaster and can't hold up to the stress of close range combat and rapid fire combat. SUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!
There is no gun that comes close to this. 70 feet unmodded. This is awesome. It's also worth about 200 bucks.
Think twice before you vote down this gun.
pros; whole thing Fits in hand (smallest ever) pump 4-7 times clip on regular screws thumb trigger cute reccord size not too bad accuracy shoots a 1/2 as far as mavrik small enough to fit in pocket and extra weapon
conns; somtimes realseses air randomly rare air may leek (pump every 5ish seconds) poor hand fit range is far enough if you hide reload; practice one shot
3-5$- worth it don't bring it to school or you'l have to say '' it's not a gun; it's a special air pump''
my isnt shooting rite
its only shot once since i got it and that was 2 yaers ago
i love this gun all i did was take the air restrictor out and now it shoots 60 feet
My new favorite nerf all the way. I have a few others and this just has that ambush attack feel that can't be beat :D
cheap and it lasts for a long time. And the pump can't break that easily.

this should be highly ranked because it makes the gun that it attaches to more deadly (the gun is the Nerf Hornet AS-6)and it will be more effective in any stipulation match in a nerf war
this item should be high ranked because it makes the nerf hornet even a better gun plus making it more deadly it can shoot up to 60ft so that's 18meters
The full-auto Tommy gun may not be quite as fast as Vulcan, but this gun has by far the best range out of any full auto blaster.
Please don trash talk this gun it was my first nerd gun when I was like 6
this gun is horrible. i dont own it but who wants to shoot balls when you can shoot bullets.
its like the ball shoots half in inch it sucks frieken crap so don't buy it
it suks its the worst gun ever made 4ft range, jams every time you reload , and costs 25 pound

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