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So. We're supposed to believe that during Ron's first year that Fred and George NEVER checked up on or looked at Ron on the map to see that there was a "Peter Pettigrew" next to or near him? Ever? Recall, F&G "nicked" the map from Filch's office in THEIR first year, so they'd had it already, and even if Molly didn't know that they had it, she wouldn't have said "Keep an eye on your baby brother this year, it's his first year..."??? Or that they went through two (and a half, almost) years of Ron being there with "Scabbers" that they NEVER ONCE saw Ron next to a "Peter Pettigrew" and if they did, they never asked him who the Hell Peter Pettigrew was? As rabble-rousing as the two boys were, we are supposed to believe that they never once checked up on their little brother before they gave the map to Harry?
as far as fred and George keeping an eye on him its not like they were in different houses. they hung out a lot especially with harry and the twins being on the quidditch team and ron being harry's best friend. they were around eachother. seems more than over bearing to pick up the map to watch him all the time. and im sure that's not what mrs Weasley meant by "keep an eye out for your brother"
I know right why wouldn't they have notice the random kid following him around every where do they just not care about him
The twins were ok with another boy sleeping with Ron and didn't bring it up because he's their brother and will love him anyway. They can't possibly know everyone's name two years below them
It is likely that the twins, whenever checking the map would see a jumble of names if ever looking at the boys dormitories as they are a multi story tower and it would be easy to assume that the name peter pettigrew was a member of another year. And ron rarely took his rat around the castle with him.
You cannot see Animagus- think, the makers were illegal Animagus- they wouldn't have wanted it to fall into wrong hands and have themselves be caught. Only Animagus or those who KNOW the people ARE Animagus can see them. Remember, Harry doesn't see Peter Pettigrew either.
The twins gave Harry in his third year the map because they no longer needed it, so they probably had memorized it. They had it since their first year, and would be in their third when Ron started his first year. So they have had years to memorize it, what if they had just memorized it before Ron first year, and just did not use it because well... they memorized it. They have no reason to use it. Maybe because they did not use it the would have not seen Peter on the map, but Remus did because he used the map while Peter was actually on Hogwarts grounds, so he would end up seeing his name. Does that make sense?
@previous comment
well, except that he does show up on the map. It's why Lupin rushed to go after them. He saw "Peter" on the map going into the tunnel... unless only other original Marauders could see other Marauders on the map... but that's honestly a HUGE leap to make.
Peter knew about the map.He was part of the group who made it( Sirius,Remus,James and himself).So he would have known about it.Maybe he found a way for his name to not appear on the map,just in case someone figured out how to use it?For Scabbers name not on the map because of that,the map may only show the students and teachers names.So there would be no reason for it to be weird that Scabbers name was not there.
Maybe the map as linked to the bloodlines of it's creators and only they could see the others marauders.
That is true, even if they never really checked the map for Ron, couldn't they have spotted Peter Pettigrew while scanning the map, or couldn't it have caught their eye?
Also, that's BS about them thinking that Peter was another student, Sirius Black was infamous for his betrayal of the Potters, yes, but he was also infamous for the MURDER of Peter Pettigrew! They are three years older than Ron, so would have been 4-5 years old back then, when the Potters were murdered and considering their habit of eavesdropping and pranks, they would have heard Peter's name sooner or later.
Especially when Harry turned 11, there was a lot of talk about the "Savior" returning and so it would have stirred up conversation about Sirius, Peter, and the Potters. It is true, that their parents could have simply not talked about it, but they would have gone to Diagon Alley to get their books and would have at least heard something about it.
tbh I don't think either of them would have felt like pulling out the map in the middle of the night to make sure Ron was in bed. They would only have used it when they needed it, and would then only make sure the coast was clear for them to sneak around. They aren't the most brotherly of brothers.
Maybe they just assumed Peter Pettigrew was another Gryffondor and they didn't think anything of it
To all the people saying they only knew Peter Pettigrew as Scabbers...why did Harry see Peter Pettigrew then? Personally, I believe this is the only plot hole that there is not an answer for!
F & G definitely would have thought that Peter was just another roommate. They never asked Ron about Dean, who must have been around Ron a lot of the time.
To those people saying that Hogwarts is sooo crowded...there were at MOST 280 students total. I mean think about it, in all of Gryffindor, there are only 5 guys in Harry's year! do the math.
Scabbers used to sneak out and roam through the castle all the time, especially at night. Ron and Harry used to sneak out of bed too. he chances of the twins finding PP next to Ron are low.
One small think I would add is that Scabbers was not always Rons' rat. In the book, Scabbers was given to Ron after Percy was bought an owl (and new robes) after becoming a prefect during Ron and Harry's first year. Presumably, Scabbers could have been seen in or around Percy's room prior to the start of the series. As many comments suggest that is not in the nature of the twins to check on their younger brother; might it have been in their nature to check on their older brother (perhaps to plan a prank) during the first year?
To the people who keep saying that the twins wouldn't have ever checked up on Ron, keep in mind that Ron is Harry Potter's best friend, and that they are well known for sneaking out of bed. Think to 1st year when they get all the hassle for the dragon incident. Also with everything that happens to and around Harry and Ron, you think they wouldn't be looking 2nd year to try and find out about the Heir of Slytherin, or 3rd year with Sirius? It does take them a bit to give it to him that year after all. Beyond that, the sorting at the beginning of the year ensures that they know more or less who is sorted. With this being Harry Potter's dorm, they'd notice the students living there. There's only 5, not hard to remember.
I think that this plot hole has already been explained pretty well so I just want to comment the second to last comment: How could no-one create something similar to the Marauder's Map? Because not only were the Marauder's clever, they came up with the orginial idea to make the map and never told anyone, thus making it hard for others to do the same since they'd never thought of it.
I think there was probably so many people in Hogwarts and crowded together, it was really hard to see anyone. They probably used the map when they were sneaking around and Filch was the only one in the halls. Or maybe they thought Peter was a roommate.
While i think it's definitely an issue that Fred and George never noticed Peter, I think the biggest problem is - if this magic existed and could be wielded by a few students - how on earth could dumbledore, none of the teachers or the ministry of magic create something similar? And in that case, how would anyone be able to hide anywhere? Or be able to fool anyone with a polyjuice potion or animagus or the like?
hardly anyone had heard of Peter Pettigrew. McGonagall has to explain to adult wizards (who would've seen it in the news at the time) who exactly he was. How would Fred and George know?
Yeah, a plot hole. There are many plot holes in the seven books, lets see how many you spot.
no, ron's always had scabbers. hes on the train in the first movie; 'turn this stupid fat rat yellow' etc
Ron didnt get scabbers till his third year from his older borther percy i think
I agree with the person who pointed out the twins said they didn't need it anymore since they knew all the passages. But anyway, you clearly don't understand the characters of Fred and George at all. (Or teenage brothers for that matter). No, they would not have pulled out the map to check on their little brother. As for whipping out the map to check on him while he was sleeping- are you kidding???
did anybody ever think that since peter was in on creating the map that it wouldnt show him especially since they all were reffered to in their animagus forms
They assumed it was a child in bed next to Ron but was sleep walking, honestly check JKRs website or the interview she gave
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but when Fred and George hand the map to Harry, they say they don't need it for they already know all the secret passages and stuff, so what leads us to think the even used it? Besides since they used it for the secret passages, they'd only be looking for Filch.
I read a comment about them taking the map to their house, correct me if wrong but the map was intended to show just Hogwarts, not the place where the map was at layout.
readers commonly forget that there are ghosts in these books. since peter was assumed dead, could they not have thought he was simply a ghost lingering around but too afraid to show himself? i mean "everyone" supposedly knew how he died and all that was left was his finger, who knows? the boys may have even tried to rouse peter's spirit thinking he was a ghost and just wouldn't reveal himself so they discarded the fact after said failed attempt. it's a book, you're supposed to use your "imagination."
I'm pretty sure the Marauders Map doesn't show the common rooms and dormitories, this is because only members of a house know where their own common rooms (and dorms) are. The only way Harry Potter was able to find and go into the Ravenclaw and Slytherin common rooms was because he was led there. He followed some Slytherins to their common room and Luna led him to the Ravenclaw common room.
They didn't know who Peter Pettigrew was and they wouldn't have cared, and not bothered really checking up on Ron. Remember Harry only knew who Peter was because he learned it earlier, Fred and George weren't there.
even if they were in bunk beds ron and pettigrew would still have appeared on top of each other on the map a lot of the time
maybe they were intended to be in bunk beds? so maybe fred and george just thought peter was another kid on the top bunk or the bottom bunk
When one is out marauding through the castle you have more important things to worry about than what's going on in your idiot brother's room. Look at how Harry uses it. The Map is too big and complex to take in all its information at once and they wouldn't've whipped it out just to see if Ron's up in his room, anyone could've seen what they were up to. It was only when he was far from Hogwarts and missing one person in partucular that Harry thought of taking it out and checking to see if Ginny was okay. The twins wouldn't have had that kind of quiet time on their hands to say nothing of their lack of interest in what Ron was up to.
I'm pretty sure the map only show's people that are of interest being of course teachers, prefects, Mrs Norris, Flich and Peeves as it's a map for causing mischievousness so would aid you in avoiding being caught by people with authority and maybe know squealers. Also Ron always kept Scabbers locked in the Dorm/bedroom so he wouldn't lose him and to stop the cat from getting him.
easy, they thought he was gay with some guy named Peter & wanted to avoid an awkward conversation.
Fred and George say to Ron that they have been trying to deny that he is related to them for years, I think this shows exactly how un-parental they are. Why would they have bothered looking exactly at Rons dorms.. When they themselves share the same common room which is also only accessible to gryffindors. They used the map for sneaking around other parts of the HUGE castle where there are HUNDREDS of students and they also said they had it pretty much memorised by the time they gave it to harry.
Do you really think that they know every Gryffindor students name? Even if they did, do you think they would bother looking at a map of Gryffindor tower when they were out and about searching Hogwarts? Scabbers was described as being frequently lost. Ron loses him on a number of occasions and Hagrid had to return Scabbers just before they all went to the shrieking shack. Peter was probably outside of Hogwarts doing things to try and bring back Voldemort so he wouldn't show up on the map.
he always loses scabbers, scabbers is not faithfully with him all the time.. in fact i think the book covers this saying that scabbers goes out at night sometimes and randomly reapears after days and ron has no idea wher ehe was" stupid useless rat is never even around" .. weak writing yes.. plot hole no..
First of all, Peter would ALWAYS show on the map as Peter, not Scabbers. In GoF, Barty Crouch shows up as Barty Crouch even when he is polyjuiced as Moody.
Second, Fred and George only used the map to sneak about, not to spy on their brother.
Third, Peter was hardly ever mentioned to be with Ron unless it was an important part of the book. I mean, really, who would want to sleep with a rat in their bed?
Everyone's assuming that they only used the map at school. Surely they took it home with them in the holidays if they'd had it since first year, in which case there must have been a moment when they'd opened it casually to find some guy called Peter in Ron's room. Also, I think the theory of the map responding to the user's own knowledge isn't very foolproof, Harry didn't know Scabbers was Peter, so if you used that logic he would have only seen 'Scabbers' on the map. Also, Harry didn't know that Peter was posing as a rat, he expected him to be in human form, so the theory of the map not showing animals unless you knew it was a person doesn't make sense either.
I think the first comment is right. Pettigrew would probably appear on the map as Scabbers if you thought it was Scabbers. Or better yet, it only shows people, so if you didn't know Pettigrew could become a rat, you wouldn't see anything on the map at all. There's a good chance the perception of the map is based on the reader's knowledge, that's the way stuff goes.
If that's wrong, then the other comments about them not knowing/caring about who Pettigrew is are probably true. The only thing is that it would show Pettigrew as, like, right on top of Ron at all times.
And, being jokers, even if they noticed, they likely would've thought it was some funny map trick as well. It IS a magical map, and thinking a rat is actually named Peter Pettigrew is funny.
They knew Pettigrew as Scabbers, so they saw Scabbers. People who knew that Pettigrew could transfigure into a rat saw him as Pettigrew.
i highly doubt they paid all that much attention to who peter pettigrew was, for all they knew he was in ron's year, and they proabiliy only paid attention to teacher's names, flinches, ms. Norris's and the actually lay-out of Hogwarts
Fred and George gave the map to Harry because they thought Harry had more of a need for it than they did. It's likely that they already knew it by heart and wouldn't have given it away if they used it very often; since they memorized all the secret passageways, they probably wouldn't use it very much, let alone for the purpose of looking up on their sibling. Plus, they are hardly the parental type. I doubt they spent much time stalking Ron.
Well Peter was only detected when he escaped the cage, since animals can't wander the grounds, Peter never showed because he was caged up. Which is your answer to that question
Everyone seems to think that Fred and George would KNOW who Peter Pettigrew was- but they obviously would NOT. I mean, if they had the map, they are obviously not going to know excactly who everyone is-sure, they could've saw Pettigrew's name on the map, but why would they CARE??? He'd just be another Gryffindor student, and it's not like Fred and George would know or even want to know every single person they saw on that map. Plus, they'd probably just assume that Pettigrew was in the same grade as Ron, so younger then them, and so they would never have a need to hang out with Pettigrew or meet him. Plus, why would they care about Ron's friends? If you have siblings, you know that sure, you might know who your brother's BEST friend is, but you won't know/care/remember everyone he hangs out with.
Fred and George does not know who Peter Pettigrew was in the same way we guys dont know all the names of our parent's friends when they were in high school.
Well its a big school and why would they want to look in their own dormitory when they're already there; they could've just missed it
Aidditionaly, Harry did use the map in his dormitory. How could he not notice Peter Pettigrew?
Percy gave Ron Scabbers in his 3rd year. And they found out he was Pettigrew in his 3rd year. What?D'you expect Fred and George to be keeping an eye on Ron at all times!
Do you actually think Fred and Goerge usedthe map to "keep an ey on Ron". They used it for secret passageways and to see where the teachers were. Besides the map isn't very big. It shows ALL of the students at Hogwarts, most of the names must be very close anyway. Fred and George can't remember who Ron's friends are and who is in Gryffindor.
Quote: "
I might be wrong but I think Scabbers was genuinely a rat for years and then he died and Petter Pettigrew replaced himself as 'Scabbers'. That's what I thought anyway and I thought that was explained in Book 3."
Umm, no, not at all... it explains in Book 3 that Percy got Scabbers years ago and he was already missing one finger. Scabbers was always Peter Pettigrew, there was never a real rat named Scabbers.
I always assumed that they either didn't care enough or use the map enough to notice. I also assumed that they used the map more for finding hidden entrances to the castle than creeping on people. Furthermore, think of how many students and teachers there are at Hogwarts (not to mention ghosts, house elves, etc) how likely do you think it would be that in that rare offchance that Fred and George decided to creep on their brother, he was by himself so they only saw two small dots? Most of the time, I'm sure he was with a few people, and they most likely wouldn't bother to read every name around him.
It's is possible that Fred and George didnt know who Peter Pettigrew was as the map refers to it's creators in their animagus form, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
Who's to say they didn't know who Pettigrew was and simply thought he was a friend of Ron's? I'm sure they didn't care ALL THAT much, and seeing another name on the map that they didn't recognize probably wasn't to foreign of an experience.
I might be wrong but I think Scabbers was genuinely a rat for years and then he died and Petter Pettigrew replaced himself as 'Scabbers'. That's what I thought anyway and I thought that was explained in Book 3.
I don't think J.K. the books say WHEN the twins first learned how to operate the map? That could be the answer to why they didn't notice Pettigrew when Percy still had Scabbers.
Why they never noticed him around Ron? They didn't care about Ron I suppose.
Fred and George would have used the map for trouble making, not people watching. They really wouldn't care where Ron was, they would be more interested in where Filch and Mrs Norris were so they could use the secret passages. Harry noticed him because a)it was at night and he was one of the only people moving and b)it was a name that was in his head at the time.
to the comment about the number of students, it's a little bit iffy, but it's not necessary for J.K to name every single person in their year, they are simply the ones in Harry's dorm, and several y of the most common yearmates he associates with. And also, it's possible that the twins might have only had the map for even a minimum of a year before they ended up giving it to Harry. And Peter Pettigrew, by that time, was not a commonly referrred to name, so it's possible they didn't recognise it.
It was confiscated by filch before harry went there. Remember?
Umm they had even longer than Ron's time at school to have noticed Peter. You forget, Scabbers belonged to Percy previously. They had from whenever they nicked the map in their 1st year to the end of the year and all of their 2nd year to notice. And Percy was one of their favorite targets.
But there aren't thousands of students at Hogwarts. In Harry's year, there are 4 other male Gryffindor students (Ron, Neville, Dean and Seamus). That tells us that the total counts of students in a year should be about 40, and the total amount adding up to somewhere around 280. I agree, this is just a plot hole.
Seeing as there are possibly thousands of students at Hogwarts, it's easy to assume Peter Pettigrew got lost in the crowd, especially as Fred and George weren't specifically looking for him. If they did decide to check up on Ron on the map (but why bother, seeing as they could check up on him in person in the Common Room?) they would assume Peter Pettigrew was another student. Who knows the names of all the students two years below them? Harry, of course, would have noticed the name because it was on his mind, but the connection was not made to Scabbers because the rat was conveniently lost and the map conveniently confiscated for appropriate lengths of time.

so the ministry of magic thinks it's perfectly okay to send someone to Azkaban or to get a dementors kiss, but yet there are rules for using the truth potion (i can't spell it but it's something like "Vertiserum"). They could easily tell who is lying or who is telling the truth by using it and save innocent people (like Sirius Black) from fates of life imprisonment or having their soul sucked out. The morality of this is crazy. I would understand that they don't want to use the truth potion because it's unjust, but isn't it better then having some innocent person get their soul sucked out?
The story's (if you are really searching for flaws) are full of 'hmms'
To name a few.
The time turners could have done so much more (MR & MRS Potter)
The invisibility cloak that is supposed to be unique and provides complete total invisibility with no exceptions HOWEVER. It can be seen on the map, Moody can see through it, MRS Norris can see through it.
Things like 'fluffy' are silly because it could just be killed with the 'killing curse'.
Why don't they use mobile phones? Sirius wouldn't have died.
When they opened the 'Chamber of Secrets' why didn't they run and get all of the teachers.
Why didn't Crouch's son (disguised as moody, just take harry into the forest, stun him then disapparate with him. Or 'imperius' him then get him to use floo powder and go directly to the riddle house. Or stun him put him in the suitcase with the other moody and just leave.
Why didn't they use Veritaserum LOADS MORE. More than 50 occasions it should have been used.
Why does Voldemort always insist on a good long chat with Harry rather than just kill him.
Why wouldn't all of the order have 'Felix Felicis' on them at all times.
(this is a stupid one) Why does 'Mrs Weasley' say to 'Ginny' in the first book "What's the platform number" - She went to the school and it had always been that number.
There are hundreds of thing's that don't make sense (even in the fictional world) but you just gotta love it for what it is, probably the best children and teen book of all time.
The Veritaserum only unfolds what the person believes to be the truth. So it wouldn't be reliable say if used on someone who is demented.
well, but did you remember the Harry saw the basilic die in the Chamber of Secrets didn't he? I suggest you go back and reread the second book.
Nobody said the ministry was moral. In fact, the cruelty of the ministry has been sort of a point of protest, usually thought Hermione, for the last half of the series
Because with Veritaserum you would only tell what you believe to be the truth. For example couldn't ask someone who was dosed with the Serum how big his feet are and get an answer.
So since with Veritaserum you can only tell the truth you believe to be the truth it would be very easy to fool the potion since you could just erase the memory of a murder and the suspect would say he didn't kill anyone under the potion.
They probably did that to keep the story more tragic, so, who really knows????
I'll set the record straight. Veritaserum is totally reliable even if someone uses a anti veritaserum potion there must be a zillion ways to tell and modified memories can also be detected by a powerful wizard like dumbledore.
They probably also don't use it because it might actually prove Voldemort's existence. If Harry took the Veritaserum potion and said that Voldemort was alive, the world would be in panic and alarm. By not giving him the potion, they are able to brand Harry as a liar and the Ministry themselves are able to lie to the wixarding community in order to prevent panic from arising.
Noone ever said the ministry was moral, also everyone thought that sirius was guilty because of all the witnesses, they only use the dementors kiss in extreme cases, not even with someone like bellatrix lestrange. With sirius, they wanted to get it done with as fast as possible.
This isn't like taking a polygraph test, truth potion is magical and infallible. Sure, someone could tamper with a witness' memory, but it would still prove, at the very least, that Harry Potter didn't INTEND to lie about Voldemort, which is what he was accused of doing. And in a world where love potions are perfectly legal to trick someone into loving you, someone can't even CONSENT to taking a truth potion? That makes no sense.
youre forgetting one simple thing. if harry's mind had been tampered with by someone skilled enough (Voldemort or Dumbledore) into believing something the veritiserum wouldn't bring out the actual truth, it would bring out what harry's mind was made to believe to be true
exactly! And when they said Harry was lying, HELLO! TRUTH POTION=WHETHER VOLDEMORT IS ALIVE!
sorry but in real life too there are narcotic tests to find out the truth and lies but its not used for everyone..
same thing might be in harry potter..
Basically if you don't think you're lying you could still lie. You tell what you think is the truth. It's not infallible.
Just goes to show the character of the Ministry doesn't it? I mean, no where in the HP series is the Ministry referred to as a moral authority, if anything they are portrayed as a bunch of half terrified inbred power loving lot?
like we can just use "HYPNOTISM" in real life trials !!
great question indeed.
This is just silly- this is like saying "Because justice is not upheld perfectly, why should we try to do anything just at all"
The use of veritaserum is banned in the Wizengamot because it's a belief that it can be fooled by using various methods. Also, most of their prisoners are very skilled people like death eaters, so you would probably think they would know all such means...
Firstly, like with real polygraphs, if you think something is true then the test says its true. I would think the same is true with Veritiserum, for example, if a deatheater does not consider killing muggles or muggle-borns as murder, then asking a deatheater under the influence on Veritiserum if he murdered a muggle-born he would still say no, because for him it is true.
Secondly, in the case of Sirius, it seemed a open and shut case and there were a lot of witnesses who said they saw Sirius murder Pettigrew.
Thirdly, as regretable as it is, governments are often overly liberal, especially when it comes to giving criminals rights...
Veritaserum, which compels the drinker to divulge the truth, would probably not work on people who were either tricked, Confunded, or had their memories modified. After all, had Dumbledore not required Harry to remain with him until "Mad-eye Moody" was revealed to be Barty Crouch Jr he would have been convinced that it was the real Mad-eye that had manipulated events all year and would have testified to the fact because it was true... as he saw it. Because of such a glaring gap in the potion's usability, and the likelihood that an evildoer would Confund or modify their own memory in order to get around this obsticle, the Ministry would likely have ruled that such "confessions" would not have been admissable. Dumbledore no doubt believed the one Crouch gave because 1) He was a Death Eater, 2) He was supposed to be dead, 3) He was caught mascarading as someone else, 4) He had no time to Confund himself prior to his capture, and 5) Because his account of events matched up with the other available facts precisely.
"That's like asking why we don't use a lie detector test on our own criminals... People still have rights and it's unfair to do that to them."
That isn't why we don't use lie detectors. We don't use lie detectors because they are entirely unreliabile and give false positives/negatives all the time.
How could anyone have known Harry was alive? Anyone who saw Godric's Hollow and knew that Voldemort had visited probably assumed they were all dead. They weren't in a rush to search the ruins when they thought there would only be dead bodies.
it's just like a lie detecter - do you think every guy on maury isn't the daddy? i don't think so. those babies look just like them.
they know it doesn't always work because people can trick those things & simple human/technological error.
That's like asking why we don't use a lie detector test on our own criminals... People still have rights and it's unfair to do that to them. I'm sure when the Death Eaters has control over the ministry, they did stoop to such levels. Also, just like someone can be trained to lie and not be caught, I'm sure someone can be trained to lie through the potion.
JK rowling has said that, much like occulamancy, people can block there minds to Vertiserum. EG block its effects. in the case of Sirius the ministry thought that he was voldermorts 'right-hand man' and thought they had taught him some of his most powerful dark magic which would include becoming resistant to the effects of the truth potion.
I don't think this is a plot hole- I think its just a way of showing how unjust the ministry is.
That's the point. They're meant to be incompetent, inconsistent, etc.
rather than seeing this as a plot hole, doesn't seems that Jo is just lecturing the reader about a flawed justice system very alike ours?
The same reason Harry can't use it against Slughorn, Dumbledore mentions that Slughorn can probably resist it.
I've always wondered about this. Also, using the pensieve to study the witnesses' or defendant's memories of events in a trial Yeah, yeah, memories can be tampered with, but still, you'd think applying these two methods in combination with everything else would result in a more accurate verdict.
perhaps there are undesirable side effects to the frequent use of veritaserum? also, the MoM is a government which, like all governments, is on a budget. sending someone to Azkaban is probably far cheeper than constantly brewing veritaserum.
in usa u can be killed for a crime but have the right to remain quiet in questioning.
Yes, J.K. Rowling said that people can pretend to be under the truth potion's effects but actually be resisting it. If it was a matter of going to Azkaban forever, then knock the person out like they did to Crouch Jr. in the 4th book and I'd like to see them try and "resist actually drinking" that potion then. And as for them not working 100%, there are few methods that do, is even an eyewitness 100%? No. Veritaserum should be something that is used as one piece of evidence in an entire trial.
J.K. Rowling has stated that veritaserum is not relied upon by magical law enforcement because it is not 100% reliable, and people can develop a certain level of resistance to the serum's effects. However, I would also like to point out that the Ministry of Magic seems to have a legal system that is, for sheer lack of a better phrase, completely retarded. Maybe that's why Fugde seems to always appear to handle relatively minor matters, like arresting Hagrid in book 2and meeting Harry at the leaky Cauldron in book 3? It's as if this man has nothing better to do or no one capable to delegate these tasks to, both of which we know to be untrue.
Apparently if you get force fed the potion one can stop it from going down their throat and could pretend to be under it. I've always wondered why they don't us leginmency but I suppose it is illegal...
J.K. never went into what happens if you use veritaserum on someone who has been Confunded or Imperiused. The one person we've seen it used on was Barty Crouch Jr., who had no time to mount a defense against it. It is possible, even likely, that veritaserum has its limitations and is therefore not a reliable method of extracting truth in a courtroom.
Veritaserum is not infallible, Crouch (powermad) sended him to Azkaban without a trial, since there where many eyewitnesses. Even with veritaserum Crouch could have said that Sirius was using trickery to render himself inmune to it.
Hmmm... I've thought about that many times... I guess like real truth serum, the potion forces people to recount what they think is true, which may not necessarily be the actual truth... Tampered minds can render the potion useless... But I do find the ministry kinda efficient; underage magic detection anyone?
In the fifth book, it was revealed that Bartemius Crouch Sr. (who was half mad at the time) ordered people to be sent to Azkaban without trial. And the Dementors didn't always do the kiss, that would be equal to a death sentence in our court system.
The ministry of magic is flawed and often unjust, like many governments around the world. On the use of the truth potion, Veritaserum; like lie detectors, it is not foolproof and can be decieved.
I would just point out that in the US, polygraphs are inadmissable in most court rooms.

Why did harry have to go thru the triwizard tourney just to get to a portkey? Couldn't Crouch just have been all like "hey harry take a drink out of this giant cup" and skipped over the risk of having harry die during the trials, or someone else getting to the cup first?
because think if he was given a porktey the person giving it to him would disappear and he would know it was a trick so if they did all that they would have time during the maze to make the porktey
If Harry suddenly disappears, then Dumbledore would have been alerted that something strange is happening. I guess Voldemorts plan was sending Harry's dead body back to Hogwarts, so it would like he had have an accident in the maze.
Because if Crouch had just given Harry a portkey THERE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN A FREAKING BOOK!!!
Honestly? You know that pesky thing about making you work for your food so it's even more valuable to you? I think it works the same way with magic, the bigger the trials the prey goes through, the stronger it's blood will be. This is just my (and probably most fanfictioners') theory. Plus if Harry's exhausted, then he can't fight back properly, although, that backfired for old Voldy.
Here is my theory. Voldemort has a HUGE ego and wanted a spectacular return. The TWT was a MAJOR event that hasn't happened in a long time so most of the world (at least 3 countries) was probably listening. His original plan probably was:
1) Have Crouch Jr get Harry into the TWT.
2) Have Crouch Jr make sure Harry survives and wins the TWT.
3) Get Harry to the graveyard
4) Revive himself using Harry's blood.
5) Summon his Death Eaters to gloat.
6) Duel and kill Harry.
7) Take the portkey back to Hogwarts with Harry's corpse.
8) Present Harry's body and scare the whole world.
The problem is that Harry escaped. Voldemort first would be angry and then think about the Prophecy. He also probably later heard from Lucius that Fudge didn't believe Harry about Voldemort's return. Voldemort' comes up with a plan to lay low and have Dumbledore and the Ministry fight each other while he builds his army and tries to get the prophecy.
Voldemort wanted to stay hidden. If Harry just suddenly wound up dead, that would be a problem. But if he were to horribly die at the conclusion of one of the most dangerous competitions students could face, that doesnt require him to show himself
Since when did Voldemort value simplicity? You can't always blame what a character does on the author because their choices and actions are relative to their characterisation. Voldemort is smart, cunning and likes to work in secret. If the brewing of the potion is relevant, he would have seen the tournament as a golden opportunity to make a smart, cunning, secret plan. Yeah, it could have been easier. But he wouldn't have wanted it to be. I have my issues with GoF, but that isn't one of them.
One important thing to keep in mind is that Voldemort's plan went wrong. Harry wasn't meant to survive. So rather than looking at this plot hole from the standpoint of what DID happen, one should consider what was SUPPOSED to happen. (1) The portkey had to be something that only Harry would touch, or the whole plan was out the window. Something like a book or a shoe might have been accidentally touched by someone else. The TriWizard Cup only had the potential to be touched by four people - it would be easier to keep three of them away than it would be to keep the entire rest of the school away from something else. (2) Harry's death had to look like an accident. It would therefore have to happen with no witnesses. Voldemort knew that Dumbledore was keeping a very close eye on Harry, and couldn't be sure that at any given moment, Dumbledore wouldn't be watching. However, Dumbledore's sense of honor and fair play WOULD keep him from interfering in the tournament, so that was where Harry would be vulnerable. Crouch/Moody, of course, had no problem interfering. (3) If Harry died during a game, it would demonstrate Harry's weakness. Voldemort needed Harry humiliated, not just killed, so that the world would know that Harry's victory over Voldemort as a baby was just a fluke. (4) It was important that no one discover that Moody was actually Crouch, partly because the disguise would remain useful over time, and partly because it would be evidence of Voldemort's return - something he wasn't prepared to have the world know yet. (5) THe cup was probably already a portkey. It was likely set to make the winner of the tournament appear back in front of the crowd. It might not have been possible for Crouch to make a portkey from scratch that would work within Hogwarts, but he could alter an existing one.
If he would've been randomly kidnapped by Mad-Eye then that would've added more weight to his Voldemort story and if J.K. Rowling would've have set it up that way it wouldn't have allowed Harry to change through seeing Cedric die and Voldemort never would have set out looking for a new wand. Also it would've have put everyone at the school out looking for him, since it was done during the tournament they just assumed that he was having a hard time finding the trophy. In this way there was no risk that anyone would find Harry since they thought he was still in the tournament.
I read this book a while ago, but I'm pretty sure Harry used the marauder's map at some point, wouldn't he noticed there was a Barty Crouch in Moody's office? and regarding this specific plot hole, I believe its possible Voldemort was getting everything ready for his come back while the tournament was going on and perhaps making it so to return until the end of it.
It had to coincide with the completion of the potion used in the cauldron, he couldn't be kidnapped a month earlier or Dumbledore and everyone would get him and ruin the plans. The maze hid the activities in a way that would ensure (with Crouch Jr's help) that Harry would be at the right place and time to bring back Voldy.
In order for Voldemort to get a body he needed the blood of his greatest enemy. So if Crouch had killed Harry, Voldemort would still be dependent on someone else.
Er..Just wanted to add (based on the comments and on my knowledge after reading all books more than twice each)
1)You probably can't place a portkey within Hogwarts' Limits ; The TriWizard Tournament would be an exception
2)Voldemort likes big things,schemes and icons that represents his achievements.. As Harry asks in the 6th book, after they discover that Voldemort had - in fact - Horcruxes, Harry asks Dumbledore what kind of object they could be. Dumbledore says "An Horcrux can be any object, but Voldemort wouldn't make it a common object - it would need to be a symbol of his achievements". Now, how could Voldemort make his victory over Harry more phenomenal? Let it be at the end of the tournament, right when he picks the TriWizard Cup - A symbol of eternal glory. Then, this is sucked from him and the real glory will go to Voldemort, once he gets back to a real body and triumphs over the boy who supposedly defeated him years ago. And there is a symbol of his victory - The Cup.
I know right why couldn't mad-eye/crouch just say hey harry follow me and lead him to the cemetery
Not only was using the TriWizard tournament totally unnecessary to get a little bit of Harry's Blood or transport him to the cemetery, but the TriWizard tournament itself is totally unnecessary. Why is a school encouraging teenagers to fight dragons, or encouraging them to volunteer to allow mermaids to try and drown them in a lake? What kind of school is Hogwarts, anyway?! They don't seem interesting in protecting kids very much. All the adults there seems like psychopaths for allowing this death trap tradition to continue.
Also, why didn't they just make it a single-use Portkey? Why give him the opportunity to escape, when most Portkeys are only active one-way? Because plot device and lackluster writing.
Dude you realize that the potion needs to brew and an alibi was needed
As someone else rightly said,
Moody: Harry, pass me that book would you?
Harry: OK (grabs hold of book and is transported)
What am I doing here? (Grabs portkey and is transported back
What really happened-
(Diggory and Potter grab portkey at the same time)
"Hey, maybe this is part of the trial, let's stay and see what happens!"
That's not even a 'plot hole' anyway. It doesn't leave an error in the storyline so that point shouldn't even be there.
If Crouch Jr. needed to modify an existing portkey, really how hard was it to find one, modify it, and bring it to Hogwarts? If it would have made a boring story without the tournament, then Rowling should have revised her poor writing to get around this plot hole.
If Voldermort wanted to return without arising suspicion, then sending Crouch disguised as Moody to Dumbledore's school for a year is just as risky. Not only that, but after Voldermort returns to full strength, he activates the dark mark which summons his death eaters, which definitely would have aroused suspicion since that would alert Snape and Karkaroff of his return one of whom might alert Dumbledore.
First off, Voldemort had plenty a times to "just kill" Harry, but when he had the chances he never took them. He wanted to do more than to "just kill him" I guess you can say he had a sort of sentimental value in him. Also, Harry probably would not have died in the trials in the first place because Crouch made it so Harry would win. Plus going along with the Goblet of Fire, if Crouch gave him the cup, then everyone would know it was him. He was trying to get away with it without anyone knowing it was him. (which didn't work out anyway) but it was the whole point. Voldemort and his Death Eaters always have an elaborate plans and want to follow them through till the end.
voldemort wanted harry dead but he didnt want people to know hes back yet, so dying from a triwizard tournament task is far more rational than suddenly dissapearing or dying or found dead at voldemorts fathers grave.
Yeah your all right , I mean I would much rarther read a story about how Harry touched a cup or doornob or whatever and missed out the brilliant imagination of j.k for the triwizard tournament and the fantastic writing for the 3 tasks . But your right , your right , it would of made a much more enjoyable movie anyways... COME ON GUYS !!!!!!!!! J.k is the most successful writer in history to the most successful book series in history , plus the most successful movie series ever ... So I think we could all cut her a little slack on a little plot hole so she could make the book even more brilliant . Let's see if you could write a more successful 7 book series than j.k Rowling without making a few little plot holes now and then !!!!!!!!!!
okay guys obviously Voldemort is a psychopath who has a faulty sense of grandeur. He could have clearly done that but remember everything Voldemort does has to have a "special" meaning to him. For example Voldemort could have easily picked a random spoon to put his soul into, but he picked something of high value. its the same with defeating Harry. he wanted it to be special because he was the boy who lived and defeated him.
Crouch wanted to continue to be at Hogwarts. It would have been obvious otherwise. Also, Voldemort told him to. Voldemort is not the most rational person in the world.
Excuse me, but what is so bad about 12year olds?! I'm 12 and am reading the HP books for the 4th time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very true. Moody had Harry's trust (having joined the legion of would-be Harry-Father-Figures). Even if Apparition and Portkeys don't (normally) work within Hogwarts grounds, it wouldn't have been difficult for Moody to get Harry off-grounds. Forbidden Forest and Hogsmeade are close by. A basic ploy to get Harry into either of these areas would be infinitely simpler than the magic needed to infiltrate and pervert the Triwizard Tournament.
I agree that this 1 is pathetic. Dumbledore talks to Harry about this specifically. He says that Voldemort was trying to act in secret so no one knew he was back. Not gonna work with an authorized portkey made a Hogwarts, and Harry , last seen entering crouch's office, suddenly not showing up to Herbology class and dinner where he's expected.
by making it in the center of the maze, where no one could see, it created doubt as to whether or not harry actually went anywhere. in the 5th book, there are people who believe him and people who don't, which is what happened in the first "war". The good guys didn't want to believe that voldemort was back. If they made it a random object, there is more of a chance that someone would see him disappear, and therefore have more reason to believe that something was wrong
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named needed HP's blood. I agree with some of your "plot holes" but this one is just pathetic.
Because if that happened the Goblet of fire would be a picture book that looks pathetic on your Harry Potter bookshelf. Its not a plot hole, just sometimes fans need to give JKR some slack. I mean; it makes for a better story. This is a plot gap (simply absent from story) not a plot hole (a istake surrounded by correct info)
Everyone would've realized Harry was missing had he done it like that. Then they would've caught Crouch, interrogated him, and sent help to Harry. It would've been way too obvious.
the only reason i can think of that you might want to modify an existing portkey is to trick someone into going somewhere they don't want to go to, so if the ministry of magic regulate portkeys, why don't they stop people doing that
Portkeys are regulated by the Ministry of Magic, so Crouch Jr had to modify the existing one and ensure that Harry got to it first. It would've been very suspicious if the Ministry got word of an illegal Portkey being created inside the school.
The Dark Lord was conceited. He wanted the most powerful blood that he could have for his new body. That's why he decided to use Harry, and not just some random auror or Order of the Phoenix member. However, he wanted to confirm that Harry was the most powerful. That's why Harry was entered in the Tournament. If he'd lost, then the Dark Lord would've used somebody else or postponed the ritual.
Hey Voldemort wanted to resurrect himself during the summer equinox so that the ritual would be more powerful.
It was meant as a method to resurrect (or whatever you want to call it) Voldemort and to kill Harry without anyone becoming suspicious. There is a good chance that they intended to dump Harry's body back into the middle of the maze and hope everyone just thought "Crap, this thing really is deadly..." It was clearly stated by several people that no one was meant to know that Voldemort was returning. Harry being murdered MIGHT have sort of poked at that....
Seriously, Voldemort was still in that creepy baby body being toted around by wormtail. Would you want to sic dumbledore on your evil butt risk 13 years of rebuilding your body and soul when you could easily disguise it in a school tournament. Voldemort was still trying to be sneaky, and Harry was never supposed to survive to reveal Voldy was back. Seriously, voldemort only got his body back AFTER he captured Harry and used his blood in that voldy stew. If anything had gone wrong with that (seeing as wormtail was in charge of many of the potion preparations) Voldmort would want to have a back up plan. ie. nabbing Harry while he was hidden in the maze, and any injuries could be easily explained away through the tournament. No plothole
Maybe you cant make portkeys in Hogwarts, like you cant apparate in Hogwarts (except Dumbledore of course), and the cup was some sort of exception because it was supposed to bring you out of the maze instead of to the graveyard? Thats the only thing I can think of, and his death could be blamed on one of the creatures in the maze
Because then it would have been pretty obvious, voldemort wanted to return without anybody knowing. if crouch had sent him to voldemort out right they would have caught him and gotten the truth, but this way a monster might have eaten him in the maze
Because then there would be no fourth book. It'd go: 'Hey, Harry, drink this, would you? From one dark-wizard chaser to another (potential) one...' OH **** IT'S VOLDEMORT! And Harry would be dead, having no dying boy to divert attention from himself. And the series would have ended.
Well the school was having the triwizard tournament anyway and Harry had to be on it because the whole book is about him and it just makes it more exciting that he survives all this and in the the cup is a portkey
Crouch Jr. never intended for anyone to find out that he was posing as Mad-Eye.
Seriously it would not have been hard at all to "give harry detention" and make him write lines with a portkey quill or asked about him becoming an Auror??!?!?! COME ON PEOPLE.
Are there only 12 year olds on here? Seriously? So many retarded comments....
You are forgetting that Dumbledore watches Harry 24/7. Need I say more? Seriously, I thought this page would make sense. All the things posted here are merely questions of people who didn't understand the series and didn't bother searching for canon answers. If you will be considerate enough to do the latter, you will actually find that JK has sensible answers to every HP question asked of her.
Yeah, JKR COULD have made the portkey some random object, like a book or something, but it would have made the GoF an amazingly stupid book, ruined the whole series, and whate would happen when some random kid decides they're really thirsty and a cup is right there, or that book on the shelf looks really interesting? All these loop holes are very stupid loop holes, and if you looked a little closer very easily explain. And some of the answers to these plot holes ate merely there because if JKR hadn't included them the stories would turn out completly different.
Crouch: hey Harry pass me that book
Harry: okay *gets transported to graveyard* oh no, I'm in a random creepy graveyard for no reason. I should go back using the book portkey.
That is what would have happened if Crouch hadn't put Harry in the TWT. As opposed to:
Harry: look Cedric the triwizard cup! Let's grab it! *gets transported to creepy graveyard* wow, must be an extra part of the trial, let's stay and see what happens!
yeah i always saw this as Voldermort adding drama and intrigue to his return, setting harry up as a hero before murdering would make Voldermort look even more powerful than he was. when the plan in the cemetary failed he decided to tread more carefully afterwards and delay his public return
To the comment below, if it had ended just like that, people would start to wonder, where's the adventure, the drama, the thick spines!? Anyway it would be a VERY poor way to end The Goblet of Fire, not to mention, that it doesn't sound like J. K. Rowling AT ALL.
This is one of the things that bothered me about the whole series. Why go through all the trouble of getting Harry into the tournament, turning the cup into a teleporter, and helping Harry win the tournament? Why not just have Barty turn some other object into a teleporter (let's say a book), put it somewhere in his office, call Harry to his office, and casually say "Btw, can you pass me that book over there"? This made the whole plot of GOF pretty idiotic and unnecessary. And lol at the retards saying "Voldie's return was supposed to be a secret". WTF are you talking about? There would have been like a zillion ways of keeping it secret without going through all the trouble they went, like using the plan I just suggested >_>
Added 1 year ago by guest
Not even sorry this is a year later, but, Sorry - You think that you can do better than J.K Rowling? Good work, bro. YOU write a book, then tell someone else how to write. Good job, sport.
Some of the comments above are quite frustrating. Harry's not stupid and would not just be like 'oh yeah I'm dying for a cuppa' and take hold of a cup. Also, I agree with the comments saying that portkeys don't work in and out of Hogwarts unless Dumbledore authorises/creates them (he does this in OoP and apparates in HBP) therefore mad eye asking for a port key would set alarm bells ringing. Voldemort didn't want to have his return made public, therefore organising his return in the final and most deadly challenge of the TWT would be perfect- as it was already said that people died in the tournament. People would put both Harry and Cedrics deaths down to the horrors of the maze. And Voldemort thinks highly of himself- he'd want the death of Harry to be a momentous event in a graveyard with all his followers- not in a shed with wormtail there or anything.
Harry couldn't have died in the tasks because Barty Crouch Jr. made it so, he was helping him even when Harry didn't suspect! Secondly the reason that Harry had to go through the TWT could be that Voldemort needed time to contact his death eaters and start forming the little of his army again! Another reason Barty Crouch Jr. didn't just give Harry a portkey was, he possibly didn't want to blow his cover! besides if he had given Harry a random portkey and would have made Harry disappear, then everyone would know, and Dumbledore and the OOTP would be on alert! it had to be done discreetly and was to look like an accident! Voldemort's plan was to not notify the ministry of his return, which worked beautifully, just as he had planned!
PERHAPS the enchantments that dont allow anyone to apparate/disapparate from the castle ALSO dont allow anyone to use a portkey. And some of the enchantments were lifted on the maze, for some reason or another...
Voldemort was very materialistic. Obviously he would not make a paper cup or a tee bag a horcrux unlike at the triwizard tournament. Those port keys were ment to be hidden and things juggles wouldn't want.
Most people seem to forget that "Mad-eye" is already going to be the likely suspect because Dumbledore sent him to check on the cup. When someone suddenly disappears you always look at the last person to interact with them or interact with the means of their disappearance.
This was the biggest plot hole for me in the series. The entire 4th book seemed irrelevant because Crouch could have sent Harry to Voldemort in the first 100 pages. The entire drama of the Triwizard tournament was exciting reading but then when we saw why Harry was in it, it made no sense. In fact going through with the whole show ran the risk of so many things upsetting Voldemort's plans as Harry could have been easily killed or seriously injured in any of the tasks, rendering Voldemort's return indefinitely postponed.
Voldemort planned on returning Harry's corpse to the arena, making it look like Harry had died in the competition; no one would then have ever discovered him or Crouch Jr. The point was for Harry to be isolated in a deadly environment, get whisked away by the portkey for a few minutes, and get sent back dead.
People are saying the TWC was supposed to be a portkey to the beginning of the maze. I don't remember this being mentioned. I remembered Harry being really surprised by the fact it was a poertkey before he knew where it was taking him. I don't remember anyone saying it was supposed to be a portkey at all.
First of all LOL!!! "Hey Harry take a drink out of this giant cup" honestly though it does confuse me. I mean the whole thing with GoF is really interesting, so I guess it was just to make for a good story. But seriously, you could like make some object a portkey, have Harry touch it whilst in Moody's office and be like, "what, no I didn't see Harry!" and by the time people got around to thinking "hmmmm what happened to Harry?" voldys already killed him. I mean honestly the school won't go into a panic about Harry being missing for like an hour which is plenty of time for him to get killed. I mean if Crouch can manage to trick the GoF, which is some powerful
Magic, surely he can get around the whole "no apparating in the castle" thing
A portkey can only go off at a specific designated time, and needs to be approved by the Ministry, which I presume would take a while. How can Moody-Crouch be sure when he establishes it that Harry will be in the exact right place when it is set to leave? He can't know that he'll have Harry in his office, alone, at that moment. One could argue that when Harry touches the Triwizard's Cup it left at his touch, but Moody was manipulating that task, wasn't he? Who's to say he couldn't ensure that Harry would have grasped it by the time it was about to leave? Moody-Crouch had been working up to this moment for a good deal of his life. I doubt there's any other possibility he could have overlooked. And anyway, wouldn't that idea have appealed to Voldemort--valiant Potter, the Triwizard champion, suddenly being flung to his death.
Dumbledore is the only person who has the ability to create a portkey within Hogwarts. I suspect only the headmaster has the ability but they never mentioned any other headmasters doing so. Also they did mention that Dumbledore had "Moody" place the cup because he was trusted, so he must have granted Moody access to make the portkey. Also when Hogwarts students visit Hogsmead there are extra protections placed, yes people are allowed to disaperate there but I doubt Harry didn't have aurors following him or friends of Dumbledore whenever he was there.
Like Moody/Crouch said, he could make it look like an accident if Harry died in the Tri-Wizard Tournament, because people have before.
If Moody/Crouch handed Harry a Port-Key, it would have been more obvious someone was trying to kill Harry Potter.
Ya know how Fleur was being pushed under the hedges during the maze? It would have taken them MONTHS to find her under there, and she would have been dead. It was so easy for Moody/Crouch to make it look like Harry died in the TWT, but on a regular day at school...not so much.
Voldemort wanted to show the world that there was nothing special about Harry, that Harry didn't have extra-ordinary powers that enabled the downfall of him; if Harry had have been taken easily such as you's have said about the office, etc.. Voldemort would have killed him on the spot. He also had to have an exact time for his plan to go right, he had to make sure that nothing went wrong, the triwizard tournment enabled Barty Crouch Jr to enter Hogwarts posing as Mad Eye, but why go to that bother with out putting Harry through a few near death experiences, making Harry fear each day as it came; use some empathy and think like Voldemort, he would obviously want Harry to suffer for what he had done to him.
Maybe the potion that Voldemort used to return to his body needed several months to be ready or something, and so it coincided with the end of the Tournament. Like Felix Felicis takes 6 months to be ready etc.
harry would win because fake moody would make it so. Harry would need to disappear in a way that doesn't connect him to barty crouch jr., a task that did not work but...
Another hole: why does the portkey go back to Hogwarts just as Harry grabs it?
he would have to get approval from the MoM and they would be suspicious of moody using a port key at hogwarts
^3 The comment three above is pristine but to add my opinion i think ^ lord V's under lining fear that harry is more powerful went into the planing so the use of the TWT was also to exhaust harry physicality and psychologically so their could be chance of his victory.
Also if harry touches a book, discovers it being a portkey and ending up at a graveyard he probably would be a little suspicious and maybe touch it again to go back. Whilst in the book he thought it was a part of the tournament at first.
The above comment is the most correct.
The other explanations are part of it too though. Although it is impossible to make a portkey in Hogwarts (unless you are Dumbledore), there may have been other ways of getting Harry to Voldemort, like getting him while he was in Hogsmead and then disapperating. However, I think the factors like keeping his return secret, making Harry's death look like an accident, and Voldemort needing to use Harry only after he was fully prepared to transform- all make the Triwizard Cup the best plan to get Harry out of Hogwarts.
Basically, this is not a plot hole, it just requires thinking.
Apparition is blocked in Hogwarts - portkeys likely are too, for the most part. When they were worried about Sirius Black getting in, no one seemed concerned about him using a portkey, so it likely isn't possible. An exception was made for the Triwizard Cup, which was obviously supposed to return the winner to the maze entrance. It was likely much easier for Barty Crouch to tweak this portkey which was already geared to work at Hogwarts, than it would have been for him to create a new portkey and circumvent those protections.
Harry's death needed to happen without anyone realising that he had been murdered. How else would you abduct and kill Harry Potter without it raising suspicion?
Well, i wouldn't like that part if it isn't like THAT, get it? There could be so much easier ways to bring Harry to the graveyard where Voldy waits, but that portkey thing transports Harry to the graveyard is 'more dramatic'!! I love JK's creativity.
Wormtail was busy preparing Voldy for the transformation! They couldnt have Harry arriving too early now could they?
yes like the comment above, voldemort wanted everyone to think that harry died in the TWT. Dumbledore would get really suspicious so he will investigate and find out if harry just disappeared suddenly. and the last thing voldemort want is dumbledore finding out about his return. this plus voldemort's love for grandeur. think about how he would feel the satisfaction when he successfully put together this grand scheme of him which enabled his return to power.
I know there are other ways it could have been a secret, but it would have been easier to find out who Harry had been with, when he was last seen etc. The fact that they did it in the maze meant that everybody would know that Harry disappeared in there, but there could have been a number of reasons and nobody would have known where he went (except Crouch, obviously).
This is one of the things that bothered me about the whole series. Why go through all the trouble of getting Harry into the tournament, turning the cup into a teleporter, and helping Harry win the tournament? Why not just have Barty turn some other object into a teleporter (let's say a book), put it somewhere in his office, call Harry to his office, and casually say "Btw, can you pass me that book over there"?
This made the whole plot of GOF pretty idiotic and unnecessary.
And lol at the retards saying "Voldie's return was supposed to be a secret". WTF are you talking about? There would have been like a zillion ways of keeping it secret without going through all the trouble they went, like using the plan I just suggested >_>
well one, i think harry would be VERY suspicious of a giant cup (but i see your point) and two, Moody (crouch) recommended quidditch to harry, which led to accio, and Moody impiriused Krum who got rid of fleur and himself. Harry saved Cedric twice, so Cedric could have been gone too. Cedric could have been a problem though. and something could have gone horribly wrong in the lake task, and i don't know how moody (crouch) would have prevented that.
No one was supposed to know about Voldemort returning, so there would be no resistance.
Well with all the big crowd around the maze it would be handy for the Death Eaters to go to Hogwarts via the cup and torture the nearby crowds.
It had to seem to be an accident. No one other than death eaters were supposed to know about Voldemorts return.
Perhaps it was the grandeur of Harry being in the TWT... Voldemort does love things of high significance and power.

All the other "Plot Holes" on this page have been idiotic..... but this one is the only one that I've ever seen.... and it is an actual plot hole.
J. K. Rowling tweeted this answer. She said that one can only see thestrals after they've seen death first hand and have come to accept and understand it.
When Dumbledore died in the 6th book, a lot of students just saw the body but are surprised to see the Thestrals when going back home
How about "why couldn't he see the thestrals from say....always?". I mean he did witness his mom die....
In the beginning of the 4th book, in Harry's dream he sees Frank the gardener die. So he should have been able to see the thestrals at the beginning of his fourth year. This could be explained away because Harry only saw Frank die in a dream and was not physically present, but it is established, later when Frank comes out of Voldemort's wand, that what Harry saw in the dream was a real event.. Harry witnessed the death of Frank whether he was physically there or not.
But Harry saw the Basilic die in the Chamber of Secrets! I suggest you guys reread the second book. By Lila Cai 6 years old
I have no real problem with plot holes. They happen. There is a lot of stuff the keep straight. But when they happen, admit it. Don't give us BS about Harry not "coming to terms" with the death. Plain and simple, Harry should have been able to see the thestrals.
Jk Rowlings said in an interview that Harry did not see his parents crib since he was in his crib &in the book Harry's eyes were closed when Voldemort killed Cedric, how did Harry Potter even ever see the Thestrals , if he hadn't actually seen death ?
It specifically said that harry was closing his eyes when Cedric died, and therefore didn't see it. But what about his parents? Didn't he see them die???
Jk Rowling explained this one, he was still in shock and had not fully processed what he had seen.
good god, some of these are ridiculously easy to answer.
I don't think he can remember his parents death because he was so young, so it doesn't count for the thestrals
hello, it clearlt states he saw his PARENTS die. so he shoud have been ble to see them since FIRST YEAR.
I'm gonna throw this out there as far as death "sinking in" goes. My dad died when I was fourteen. Within the week after he died we had the funeral and yada yada. Three months later it occurred to me - and it was like being hit with a brick - that he was never coming back. Up until then it felt like he had been on a long business trip. I know a lot of people who have felt the same way. That it takes weeks or months to really, fully understand that someone is never EVER coming back. For it to SINK IN. Perhaps the same happened with Harry - and perhaps that's what JK experienced when her mum died as well.
If anyone remembers right Harry saw his mother die when he was a baby... Why couldent he see them the entire time he was at Hogwarts?
Actually shouldn't the real plot hole is that Harry NEVER SEES CEDRIC DIE? Everyone needs to read Globet of Fire again. In chapter 33, when harry sees Wormtail his scar begins to hurt " his wand slipped from his fingers as he put his hands over his face; his knees buckled; he was on the ground and he could see nothing at all" It was only after Cedric's body falls to the ground that Harry finally opens his eyes.
J. K. Rowling said in an interview that Harry was still in shock from witnessing Cedric's death and the full realization that he had seen someone die was not fully set-in. As for his mother's death, she says that Harry was still a baby and would not have been able to understand what he saw; indeed, in the last book, when we see Voldemort remembering the incident, we see Harry laughing about his mother falling down, indicating he doesn't understand she is dead. Harry didn't see Quirrel die either; he fell unconscious before the Quirrel actually died. J. K. Rowling also says that if she had made the thestrals visible at the end of the fourth book, it wouldn't have made sense to the reader so she made the active decision to leave them out.
the biggest hole, is why hasnt harry seen them all along, as he witnessed his mothers death when he was one.
When would Harry have seen thestrals at the end of the year? Does it specifically say, "Harry hopped onto one of the carriages completely oblivious of the big creepy effing winged horse pulling it." I mean jeez... Even if he DID take a carriage back to Hogsmeade Station... He was probably a bit distracted...
actually Jo said in some interview that Lily put Harry in his crib before Voldemort killed her, and Harry never actually saw it. He also passed out before seeing Quirrel die, and then in the BOOKS it is about witnessing, but also accepting death. Harry hasn't accepted it, as he kept refusing to believe it and having nightmares about it.
Okay, PEOPLE! What happens in the 4th book? CEDRIC dies right in front of Harry. He hadn't seen the Thestrals before because he was too young to remember seeing his parents die and he was passed out or "blacked out" when Quirrel died.
And I think he didn't see them at the end because he was still unwilling to accept it. Has anyone around you ever died and you feel like it's not real for a while? Like, any moment they could walk through the door and you wouldn't really be surprised?
"this one i can't ignore the book clearly states someone who has seen death as explained by hermione, harry is clearly seen looking at his mother crying while she is dead in his bedroom"
Harry is seen looking at Lily's body in the FILM. The FILM. They're don't count in terms of Rowling's Plot. And it's about accepting and understanding death, not just witnessing it.
He thought his parents died in a car accident. Obviously he doesn't recall their deaths
Harry had never actually seen death. He was probably too young to even realize his parents' had died, even though he had actually seen them die. Quirrel, however, died because of Harry...none the less, it is a plot hole. But nobody's perfect, right?
This is totally a problem. I've been bothered by it for years. But just to set the record straight- he didn't see Quirrel die. He was clearly alive when Dumbledore showed up. That doesn't really matter, of course, because this is still a hole regardless.
He also saw his parents die. So he should have seen him the very first day of his second year. I think 11 years is enough for the death to "sink in".
Because until he saw Cedric died he had never seen anyone die. He had been present but not witnessed it. Over the summer with the nightmares etc it all sunk in s when he returned for his 5th year walla. Neville could see them since first year but was to scred to say. Because no body mentioned them and was all mesmerised with th fact thy got pulled on there own.
the reason is because he hadnt yet accepted cedric diggory's death. it hadnt sunk in yet
he didn't see cedric die at all. he had his eyes shut. there's a plot hole pointed out further down which is that he wouldn't be able to see them in the 5th one
Its not about seeing death though is it? its about understanding death. Jk Rowling said that harry didn't see the thestrals in the fourth book because he needed time to let cedrics death sink in.
The first time he saw death, he was only 1 so wouldn't be able to remember. The second time, when quirrel died, he couldn't see for pain. It wasn't until when Cedric died that he truly saw death. On the way home though, he wasn't really concentrating on anything for all the feelings going on in his head. So he didn't notice them til on his way to hogwarts in his fifth year
I think that at such a young age death isn't understood and also nobody can remember anything from when they were a 1 year old. Quirrel was technically already dead from drinking the unicorn blood they said that because you have killed something so innocent you are no longer living a real live, a cursed life. But that's going by the movie. In the book Harry passes out and Quirrel is described as not dead only wounded. I think Harry didn't really see Cedric die, I think he only saw Cedric after he hit the ground. Remember he was looking around the graveyard and seeing Tom Riddle's tomb stone distracted him. Luna saw her mother die around the age of 9 so it makes sense why she could see them. Too young, too unconscious, and too distracted all add up to why he couldn't see them before Harry saw Sirius die.
this one i can't ignore the book clearly states someone who has seen death as explained by hermione, harry is clearly seen looking at his mother crying while she is dead in his bedroom and he is stand looking over the side of his crib, the you need death to sink in or to comprehend it, makes seeing death utterly pointless her saying she wanted to hide it from the audience until later because of story points doesn't stop it from being a plot hole it just means she accepted that it is a plot hole and decided screw it
he either rememebrs his parents death (because of aLLLLLLLLLL the flashbacks he has about it allllll thgrough the series... countless flashbacks of them dying nad him knowign they died later, still means he understood and acknowledged death, so either all the flashbacks he rmemebers are BULLSit or the thestrals or whatever are, but you harry potter fans cant have both its impossible, and j.k rowling has even said its a plot hole .. o well shes not jesus/
He was a baby when he saw his mother die. He was too young to comprehend that his mother was dead, and as for Quirrel, Harry was already knocked out before he died.
I've always wondered about this...
I mean he noticed them in the 5th book but, he saw his parents, Quirrel (does he count?), Tom Riddle (does he count?), and Cedric. He should have been able to see them every year because he remembers his parents death and was there to see it happen
It did say that Harry thought that his parents would soon pop up and laugh...He thought it was a joke.. He didnt really know it...
Harry MIGHT have seen the thestrals if he was actually LOOKING! It never says anything about harry seeing the carriages so therfore NO PLOT HOLE. Even if he did look he wouldn't see them because he did not yet process the thought that Cedric was truely dead. He did not understand Cedric's death and it did not sink in!
He did see his parents die as a baby and he did process it death is death even if your to stupid to get a clue the fact us you saw it regardless of age that's no excuse the writer just didn't create those creatures in the first book and the other then when she did she didn't fully think it through
you can only see the thestrals if you've seen someone die. When Harry was one years old, he might not've seen his parents actually die- he was a baby- he could've been closing his eyes or crying, or just simply not looking at the time! Or even if he had seen his parents die, to him it would've just seemed like they fell- when you're that young, you wouldn't have been able to tell right away. And also at the end of the 4th book harry took the TRAIN home, and even if the thestrals were there, he just wasn't looking in that direction!
When Harry was a year old and saw his parrents die, he was too young to process it. When he 'saw' Quirrel's death, he didn't see it. He had passed out by then. When he saw Cedric's death, he didn't have time to process it. He was still processing the death by the time he was making his way 'home' from Hogwarts. This isn't a matter of a 'plot hole.' It is a matter of you being too stupid to understand English literature. Muggles these days. Jeez. *rolls eyes*
Wouldn't Harry have seen the thestrals the entire time? I mean he did see his parents die when he was 1 yr old...
The comment about whether or not Harry saw Quirrel's death is redundant. Why would the death of someone who was trying to kill him cause Harry grief? Thestrals appear to those who have had the experience of grieving. Although Rowling allegedly admitted that it was a minor plothole, I hold with the ideas (as mentioned in previous comments) that 1 Hermione was the one that looked in the Thestral's direction or that Harry was in a state of shock and denial.
They don't go back on the Thestrals, they walk back to the train
Wow! You people don't pay attention! You don't see the thestrals because you see someone die! You see them because you can accept and understand death!
What about the fact that Harry never actually saw Cedric die either. Read GoF carefully, He had his eyes closed the whole time, only seeing cedric dead once he opened them.
He was in denial. DABDA, anyone? This is officially explained at some point in the series.
This is the one that bugs the crap out of me. He sees Cedric die, and doesn't see the thestrals until the beginning of book 5? I understand if he doesn't see the thestrals after seeing his parents die because he was a baby, but he sees them because of Cedric's death, but not until the next year. Hmmm, something wrong there. I even went back and reread, and the end of book four makes mention of the fact that the carriages are pulled by nothing and Harry is at least aware of this.
I know the answer to this:
Its because he was to young to remember, I mean can you remember anything when you were one years old. No you can't.
It doesn't matter if he couldn't understand his parent's deaths because at the end of GoF he had ALREADY seen Cedric die so he should be able to see the thestrals.
NOT A PLOTHOLE. Explained by Rowling: Death needs to "sink in." I take that to mean one needs to perceive and understand what is happening. A one-year-old doesn't understand death.
When Harry's parents died he didn't understand the true meaning of death, and when he was older, although he understood that they had died, he couldn't actually remember seeing someone die so therefore could not see them. Cedric dying and the school term ending happened in a short space of time- the death of someone doesn't sink in that quickly for some people, especially if he had seen someone die, saw Voldemort come back, almost died himself, then with all the stuff about mad eye it probably wouldn't have sunk in until he got back to the Dursley's when he was alone and able to think about what had really happened.
He never saw his parents die. In the movie if you watch the seen it looks like he did. But in the book he was asleep or looking the other way. But in the Goblet of Firehe sees Cedric die therefore he can see the threstrals
^^ Harry didn't leave by other means after 4th year. The train ride as well as Hermione giving him a kiss on the cheek is sufficiently covered at the end of GOF to put that idea to rest. Please stick to the original material. The books and movies don't always agree and they can't both be canon.
if you read it properly, you'll see that the book never mentions harry looking at the carriages. "Hermione turned away, smiling at the horseless carriages...." its actually hermione who looks at the carriages, not harry.
It could be that Harry left hogwarts in a different manor. Since mrs weary was there and a lot of ministry officials, it's quite possible they didn't want him speaking with other students about this incident and therefor they avoided him riding on the carriages and possibly even using the train to get home. Maybe flu power or a port key, since we know harrys first side by side apparition wasn't till later
What I have asked myself is, Why Harry didnt see the thestrals in his first year at Hogwards. Thestrals were seen by people who have seen death. Even that Harry was a baby, he saw his mother dying. He wouldnt remember, but he was a witness of it, and it was in his subconscience, as his encounter with the first dementor let us know. He could hear his mother screaming. So, wasnt he supposed to see the thestrals since the first year?
I would understand this not letting the death "sink in" if it had been Sirius's death in Book 5 that he first saw. That's what I would call not letting a death "sink in". I'm pretty sure he came to terms with Cedric's death before the end of Book 4.
Calling other peoples' questions "completely idiotic" when yours is quite easily explained is unbelievably ignorant.
I honestly think they Walk to the Station, They just get the Carridges when they got off the train because of the time and how tired they would be. The Arrive at night leave During Day.
I think it makes alot of sense that you need to come to terms with someones death before seeing the thestrals. If you're ignorant, you shouldn't have the opportunity to see such unique creatures.
If the death needs to 'sink in', it does seem fair enough that his parents deaths hadn't sunk in for the first 10 years of his life, he was only a year old at the time. If the Dursleys' were nice and treated literally as their son, he would have no reason to believe that they in fact weren't his parents and the death of his parents would never sink in because he can't even remember them (except for green light in dreams, but he would never attribute that to his parents death). However when he find the mirror of Erised he sees his whole family and cries his eyes out and goes back repeatedly, surely the death truely sunk in then?
So basically someone could see thestrals if they could convince themselves or could be convinced by someone else that they had seen someone dying. The actual seeing of someone dying doesn't matter, all that matters is if you thought they had died?
Well, actually he should have been able to see them since year one, considering he watched his mom die. Yes, this is a big hole, but surely no one can get everything perfect!
I think he didn't see them because he was more thinkig about voldemort and holidays
Well, introducing a new mystery at the end makes people even more eager to get their hands on the next book, so why wouldn't she want that?
'sunk in' I'd think he had enough time to let it sink in, don't you? It seemed like when he was screaming 'Cedric, no!' He realised the dude was dead, no?
She says on her fanpage that she didn't want to open that can of worms at the end of the book, and that few enough would notice this. Those that would notice would probably check her page for FAQs.
it never actually mentions the ride in the carriages maybe they don't ride in them on the way back
^^ He saw Quirrel die in the first MOVIE, but not in the book. If we are to pick on plot holes, we should probably stick to the original material.
also he saw Quirrel die in the first movie but he still couldnt see the thestrals
Also, Rowling didn't want to introduce a new "mystery" that wouln't be resolved until the next book came out.
Previous comment is correct, except that Cedric's death HADN'T sunk in at the end of the fourth book. It took a while before Harry came to terms with seeing him die.
Everyone commenting here is misinterpreting what people are saying. Harry should have seen the Thestrals at THE END of the FOURTH book, after seeing CEDRIC DIE, instead of in the beginning of the fifth book. When you're all saying J.K. Rowling said "it didn't sink in", she was talking about the years Harry had taken the carriages BEFORE Cedric's death. I think there's no explanation for this one, it's just a plot hole.
Either way, end of fourth book is in hermionie's perspective. Harry was too cut to realise the thestrals were even there
I would have to check, but I thought they only rode the carriages when they are arriving at the castle? Again, you all seem to be in agreement, so I'm probably wrong, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
^^I kind of agree, but wouldn't that kind of ruin the story a bit? When you're reading it, you don't want to be thinking "ah, she made a mistake here". Everyone makes mistakes and it makes sense for her to make it like she meant to. Even if she didn't.
"He hadn't let it sink yet"? Wow. That's the weakest explanation I've ever seen. I wish Rowling would admit when she screws up, as opposed to trying to explain her plotholes with BS like that.
rowling has said that the death has to be accepted, so on his way home, he had not fully come to terms with what he had witnessed.
It says in the Deathly Hallows, when he "becomes" Voldemort and it tells us how Voldemort saw the night the Potters died and he tried to kill harry, that Harry thought his parents were only pretending to die. He didnt understand that his parents died right in front of his eyes, so when he saw Cedric die, he had finally seen (and understood) someone die right in front of his eyes.
I never got this either. You`d think someone would notice huge black horses that look like skeletons with wings.
J.K said that Harry wasn't old enough to understand death when his parents died. He wasn't able to let it "sink in." He was when Cedric died because he was much older.
Maybe Harry just wasn't paying attention. It never says that Harry looked at the carriages but saw no thestrals. He might have been looking at the ground, or busy talking to Ron.

The real "plot hole" part of this is that if Harry had just done this, they could have shown Fudge the scene and proved that it had happened.
Clearly, Dumbledore already had the pensieve, because Harry had used it to accidentally witness the three Wizengamot's trials while in Dumbledore's office.
Of course, one could argue that Fudge just wasn't willing to believe Voldemort was back, and wouldn't have watched it even if they had offered him the chance- but that still doesn't explain why Dumbledore makes Harry relive the "horrors" of the graveyard scene by retelling them, when Dumbledore and Sirius could have just watched it instead.
dumbledor is old. 100+ his brain is full and there are a lot of important things he needs to remember and cannot afford to forget. i dont know for sure but maybe harry cant use it because his brain isn't quite filled to the brim yet
Only problem with this is that, as per book 6, memories can be altered, and Dumbledore is one of the best wizards in the world, who could most certainly make a proper memory alteration charm
There could be a difficult mental process to extracting a memory or thought. Like with making a horcurx, it's not just automatically done when you kill someone. Dumbeldore probably wouldn't have thought it sensible to explain the process to Harry in the state he was in. Maybe you have to mentally relive the whole memory in order to extract it anyway. I know it can't be that hard if Slughorn can manage it when he's wasted, but I still think it's more character choice than plot hole. We've only seen a few people utilise the pensieve and though/memory extraction, so it must still be complicated enough that it wasn't worth the time and effort of explaining to Harry.
Fudge was at the point where he wouldn't have believed Voldemort was back even if Voldemort had jumped out from behind Harry's hospital bed and introduced himself.
He would've assumed that the memory was altered by Dumbledore, who unlike Slughorn, could have altered the memory perfectly.
And Vensterim (sorry I spelled that wrong) would not have worked either since Harry truly believes Voldemort did come back or Fudge could have said Dumbledore altered Harry's mind.
The memory could have easily been altered by a wizard of dumbledore's skill. Slughorn had power but was lacking in finesse. dumbledore had power AND finesse and could have easily altered the memory without leaving any telltale "footprints". And don't forget that Dumbledore is the only wizard Voldemort was ever scared of and it was widely known. and Fudge had his head too far up his a$$ to see the truth
You're missing the point. Fudge wouldn't have believed it, no matter how convincing. He was so scared that it might be true, he wouldn't allow himself to face the terrible possibility.
They would have said Dumbledore tampered with it. And I'm sure he could have done so much better than Slughorn did.
In the film version, the Pensieve is said to show past memories, but the conversation between Harry and Dumbledore in the book says it shows memories AND thoughts;
AD: "It is called a Pensieve. I sometimes use find . . . that I simply have too many thoughts and memories crammed into my mind.
AD: "One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one's mind . . . and examines them at one's leisure."
HP: "You mean . . . that stuff's your thoughts?"
AD: "Certainly"
So Fudge and the rest of the Ministry could easily say that the vision is just what Harry THOUGHT happened.
@ comments talking about memory training and memories being altered ....
1.Slughorn's memory is tampered with, you can tell because it goes cloudy and stuff... Harry's memory of the graveyard would be crystal clear...
2. You don't need training to extract memories from someone, in HBP, Slughorn was very drunk, in DH, Snape was virtually dead, etc.
3. Fudge not believing Harry's crystal clear memory would be absolutely insane, just a way of JKR getting out of a situation where she's beaten herself in the universe she's created .
This is the biggest plot hole there is, along with questions like why Time Turners,Veritaserum and FF aren't used more often. These people are WIZARDS, Wizards of extreme skill, as well as the Department of Mysteries, can INVENT spells... Voldy and Snape learn to fly, Snape invents Sectumsempra, Muffliato etc... when you think of it like that, the whole plot can almost fall to pieces... so we wouldn't have the engaging books that we do if JKR started bringing in really advanced magic too much.
Showing it to Fudge wouldn't have proven anything. Recall that Slughorn altered his memory before giving it to Dumbledore. Harry could have done the same.
Also, for making Harry recount the events, it's possible that you have to be trained to be able to extract your own memories. Note that only adult wizards are shown to extract memories. Harry has had no training.
The same can be asked for Sirius' sake. Why would he spend years eluding capture when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Lupin were available to show Peter Pettigrew was alive in the Shrieking Shack?
for the bit about Dumbledore making Harry relive the horror, its only because "Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery" also Harry needed to talk about it because "numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it." It was better for Harry to tell Dumbledore and Sirius what happened than for them to see it because it would help Harry to accept the death and to get over the death of Cedric, he would recover quicker, it would be less painful for him.- Jedhev
Actually this goes back to someone elses point about the truth potion. Why wouldn't they give Harry the truth potion? Do they really believe that a small kid who knows no mental magic or very little at this point can defeat it. Well get a moggle truth detector. Also why isn't Dumbledores word enough alone? He is the most powerful and trusted wizard around and yet people just dismis what he says?
But Harry didn't know how to pull the memories from his mind... And like others said, the MoM wouldn't believe his memories anyway
Because the point of this whole endeavour is to torture three young teenagers, with the bulk of the torture on Harry. Why else?
memories can be changed and modified just like Professor Slughorn modified his memory to make it look like he yelled at Tom Riddle
No matter what Harry said or did, the Ministry would make up some weak excuse to say that he was lying. They would say that Dumbledore had modified Harry’s memory or taught Harry how to change his own memory. There was no problem that Harry didn’t have evidence (he had a dead body, Cedric, Barty Crouch Jr., a portkey, the burning dark mark of Snape, the fleeing of Karkoroff, a dead Barty Crouch Sr. and Winky’s testimony of Barty Crouch Jr.’s life. The problem was that the Ministry just didn’t want to believe he was back. Fudge was weak-minded and didn’t want to deal with the problems that would have arose.
Just saying but Dumbledore never seemed to want the ministry knowing he even had the pensieve as to my guessing it was an ancient rune artifact (I think it was in the 4th or 5th book he noted quickly hiding it from them when they entered his office), maybe the trade of letting the ministry know of Voldemort and risking loosing the pensieve was just not worth it and he had a different plan for it.
Yes, people can tamper with memories, but it's hard to do and when most do, they end up looking like Slughorn's memory. But do you really think that a 4th year student like Harry Potter would've known how to tamper with his own memory? I think this is a legitimate plothole. They could've just extracted his memory/he would probably give it up voluntarily to them if it meant that he didn't have to relive it himself.
Well Snape was able to procure memories of when he was only ten years old so it is possible to get memories of your childhood though maybe not when you still are a child. Regardless I think that would have been a better way of dealing with it since Dumbledore uses exact quotes from Voldemort when talking to Harry in the Half Blood Prince which I just think seems a bit unlikely. After all the trauma he;d been through I doubt Harry would be directly quoting word for word everything everyone said.
Not only that, they did mention at one point that extracting a memory is not as easy as it seems and usually only adults can give memories. And it usually cannot be done of memories when they were "children" I do not know if this means a certain age like 16?
People can tamper with their memories. I imagine that if someone got really good at it, the fog wouldn't show up like it did with Slughorn.
Additional comment: by relived, I mean re-told the story by means of the pensieve.

Why didn't the sorting hat see that Peter Pettigrew is a total coward and does not have any qualities a Gryffindor should have? Why was he still sorted to Gryffindor?
Why do you think Peter is a coward. The only indication that he is,is from what he says and he it's certainly not going to admit betraying them because he believed in Voldemort.
the marauders allowed him in theyre group and trusted him enough to make the map with him maybe over ttime fear changed his heart
He was a coward, but he always had a great capacity for bravery. Cowardice was his actions, not his character.
because your house represents not the traits you have but the ones you value. Neville is a prime example of this.
Plus, YOU PEOPLE STOP SAYING GRYFFINDOR IS THE HOUSE OF GOOD AND SLYTHERIN THE EVIL. This is a STEREOTHYPE, because in Harry's eyes that's what he sees because he hates Malfoy and he likes to think that Gryffindors rule. EVERY HOUSE HAS ITS BAD AND GOOD TRAITS. There's no such thing as "good house and evil house", of course Slytherin tends to have death eaters, but there are also good people. It's utopic thinking the way Harry thinks. Everyone has dark and light inside them, that's what Sirius tells Harry. So yeah, Pettigrew should be in Gryffindor, whether you like it or not.
I don't think the "hat takes choice into account" explains this. It takes into account if the hat is in doubt, if the person is a hatstall. Otherwise, everyone would be sorted into the house they worship. What people most do is wanting to be someone they're not. Everyone would be sorted into the wrong houses for them.
Here's my explanation:
The houses have many attributes. Bravery is not the only attribute in Gryffindor, therefore he might have been sorted for other qualities. It's not just about being brave, or being a nerd, or being loyal or being cunning and ambitious. A person's personality is much more complex than that. That's the reason why Hermione was not in Ravenclaw, she might be intelligent but she possessed a whole lot more of attributes that gryffindors have. Sometimes a person's personality might have traits from all the houses but the hat must choose the one that they possess more. He wouldn't fit in slytherin because he's not ambitious nor cunning, he isn't confindent at all and he'd most likely be seen by his house mates like a loser, a weak person that has nothing to do with them. Pettigrew isn't loyal or generous and hard working, obviously wouldn't fit in Hufflepuff. And ravenclaw, no comments. However, he was daring enough to turn to Voldemort's side and abandon all his friends. He had the nerve to do this. It's a different kind of bravery, you see. Besides, he had the chance to kill Harry, but he didn't, because he remembered what Harry did to him. James Potter had also traits that we could seriously consider slytherin, since he bullyed people, but he was sorted in gryffindor. Every house has its own good and bad sides.
Remember you can choose your house. Just like Harry chose Gryfindor, when he was supposed to be in Slythirin. Peter wanted to be in Gryfindor because that was where Lupin, James, and Sirius were.
FOr the same reason Lockhart was in Ravenclaw, it's about the traits that you value more than the trais that you posess, and it's often why people fit into their houses. if you value hard work and intelligence, yu're more likely to work hard and further your intelligence. if you value loyalty above everything else, you're going to work damn hard to be loyal.
JK Rowling states on Pottermore that the hat is notorious for not admitting its mistakes. So there you have it, even though it uses legilimency it can make mistakes in sorting.
That's kinda like asking why was Harry sorted into the house of lions, why hermione wasn't in ravenclaw and why Neville didn't originally go to hufflepuff. People change as they mature. Originally Severus was more suited for slytherin and pettigrew gryffindor
Well, Pettigrew ,at that time was brave, I guess. Maybe the hat saw his potential, but Peter did not.
The sorting hat cannot predict the future, takes individual preference into account as well as which house would be of benefit. This is not a plot hole if you understand the deeper messages that rowling attempts to convey.
As Dumbledore once said "Sometimes I think we sort too soon." Why was Snape in Slytherin when he was called "the bravest man I ever knew?"
JK had to make choices. Putting Pettigrew in Gryffindor was easier than trying to explain why 3 Gryffs would associate with a Slytherin, or Hufflpuff. People from different houses know each other, they even date. But it would only be the Marauders who could truly keep Remus' affliction a secret. Personally I would have thought Snape would have followed Lily into Gryff, even if he wanted Slytherin.
James and Serious were together on the Hogwarts Express. There is NO evidence that either Remus or Pettigrew even knew who they were until they ended up in the same house. Peter never did anything in the books except play "kiss up". He was a coward, thru and thru. He only did one brave thing is his life and that got him killed. He killed out of fear, not nerve. As for Neville not belonging in Gryffindor--I have always felt that Neville was always brave on the inside.
The hat sorts the kids into where they belong. I mean Voldemort had all of the qualities of a "Griffindor" just in his evil ways.
It annoys me that Gryffindore is always treated like the best house that can do no wrong. You can be in the house and be unkind, and bravery and nerve and daring also coincides with recklessness and arrogance. There are no 'good and bad' houses! Slytherin is always villainised , but just because ambition is there main quality how does this make for cruelty all the time? Sure, a lot of bad wizards have cropped up from it, but how does that make each individual a, well, Voldemort? It also reflects how close minded the Gryffs are for stereotyping them.
At your school are there four bodies of people that are brave, clever, loyal and ambitious? No. People are not just one or the other, everyone has their own complex personality. The housing system does not mark people as 'really brave' or 'so so brainy'. It looks into them and sees where they belong. Does Neville seem brave before the seventh book? No! He quakes at the thought of his grandma. Each house is not just a groupd of clever or loyal people, otherwise there would be four personalities in the wizarding world and I wouldn't read the books.
No, no, no. Peter Pettigrew was put in Gryffindor for a reason, just like he was made a Maurader for a reason. Furthermore, the Hat doesn't see into the future. If it had, it probably would've screamed "THIS BOY WILL GROW UP TO BE A KILLER" at VOLDEMORT'S sorting. It knew that Peter Pettigrew had drive, loyalty, and bravery. So it put him in Gryffindor.
Bravery isn't the only quality of Gryffindor. There is also nerve, chivalry and daringness, and they aren't just synonyms. For exemple, to kill someone, which i believe all Death Eaters have done, takes nerver, but is not an act of bravery
I believe Pettigrew changed during his years in Hogwarts. From the memories Harry witnessed it was clear that James and Sirius treated Peter a bit condescending. This is enough to create envy and even hatred in a man. Also coward as he may be, Pettigrew showed bravery when he helped Voldemort, even if it was bad. Nobody said all Gryffindors have to be good and kind.
I think pettigrew was a hatstall but in a fan fic the hat wants to put him in hufflpuff to teach him loyalty but peter begs the hat to put him in gryffindor with his friends. Like harry told albus severus that hat does take your opinion into account
Everyone changes, even he. He chould of been brave then but soon turned into a cowerd.
He had to be sorted somewhere. He was not smart enough for Ravenclaw, not loyal enough for Hufflepuff and not ambitious enough for Slytherin. He was a tinsywinsey bit brave.
he was brave. he just chose to use it in a negative way. as dumbledore said,"it is our choices that make us who we are". Pettigrew was brave to risk spying on the Order and relaying to Voldemort, just as Snape could be considered brave for spying on Voldemort for the Order. Pettigrew also had a lot of guts to take the mark and a lot more to sell his own friends to Voldie. He was brave, but in chose to use it for evil purposes.
Pettigrew did not die "freeing Harry and defying Voldemort". That is quite the stretch - Pettigrew died because of a moments hesitation when Harry reminds him that he once saved Peter's life. In that moment, the hand that was created by Voldemort for Peter betrayed him. I think the best explanations here have already been mentioned - Pettigrew idolized the qualities of Gryffindor, and failed to rise to these qualities when push came to shove (as opposed to Neville, who was a coward but ended up being very courageous).
peter petigrew died freeing hary and defying voldemort. somthing that took great courage. he always had it in him, it just took extreme circumstances to bring it out
On top of lots of other good points made here. The sorting hat does make mistakes, It just usually refuses to admit to them.
From Pottermore: The Sorting Hat is notorious for refusing to admit it has made a mistake in its sorting of a student. On those occasions when Slytherins behave altruistically or selflessly, when Ravenclaws flunk all their exams, when Hufflepuffs prove lazy yet academically gifted and when Gryffindors exhibit cowardice, the Hat steadfastly backs its original decision.
In addition to the people saying it was Pettigrew's choice, I believe JKR once mentioned that she believed the Hat considered him suitable because the traits of a Gryffindor - bravery, some kind of loyalty - were what Pettigrew idolized (not necessarily possessed).
He was sorted into Gryffindor because that's where he belonged when the sorting took place. In PoA he mentions that the information he gave up was tortured out of him. Maybe he had always had the intentions of a good wizard and only turned bad after he was tortured because he felt as though he had no other option after what he did.
Well it is also very possible that peter asked to be in Gryffindor as harry did, He may have never intended to be a dark wizard, but as Lupin and Sirius said he was attracted to power, and what sounds more powerful than Gryffindor the strong and brave?
People can change. Neville was a coward in the beginning so why wasn't he put in Hufflepuff? Neville rose to the occasion whereas Peter fell apart. Peter was a very easily intimidated boy. I'm sure he wanted to be put in Gryffindor to be popular amongst the entire school not just one house. In Gryffindor he would be more likely to find fame and glory, the qualities he wished to posses.
because he must have asked for it - that's the most important thing in hogwarts, that help will be given to those who ask. also, look how harry got sorted into gryffindor - because he asked.
Because JKR wanted to. If he hadn't then he wouldn't have been friends with the Marauders then there would have been no story.
He was brave, loyal (yes, loyalty is both a gryffindor and hufflepuff trait), and he had nerve. He kept Moony's secret through the school years and did not kill harry in the Malfoy Manor which may have been too late, but still showed his deeper, more innocent kid side from school. I do not think Wormtail was bad through out his life, it was daring and took nerve to join the death eaters. It may have been wrong from a certain point of view but he had that nerve. I do believe he always needed numbers. "friends" and so after school, felt his friends may not fancy him anymore, and tried to make some more permanent form of a "team" .. or of course he just asked the Sorting Hat to put him in Gryffindor.. :P
Useing the same lodgic why was Ron not sorted into Slytherin?
It's never said only Slytherin produces dark wizards, just that they have produced the most
I think the better question is how come it was said only Slytherin produced dark wizards if Black was in Gryffindor and everyone believed him to be a Death Eater?
for all you that said he was loyal and thats why he was sorted to gryffindor first as was said before huf is the loyal house and secondly look what he did to his ''friends" he wasnt loyal at all and he was a down right coward always looking to be under the shadow of other more powerful people!! i still dont get how he made it to gryf!
Also, Ron was sorted into Gryffindor and could be cowardly at times. But, he shows his potential in the series.
I agree with the comment about Pettigrew having the potential to be a Gryffindor and the fact that he could be brave and courageous at times. But, those of you trying to explain why this isn't an error with "Pettigrew was loyal", I just wanted to point out the fact that loyalty is the main characteristic of a Hufflepuff.
When Peter was young his mind was clear and he had no intention of joining Voldemort, he began supporting Voldemort after he was sorted into Gryffindor and during his time at Hogwarts I feel like he deserved to be a Gryffindor but after that Pettigrew went towards the dark side but before he was a fine man.
I don't think that he chose to be in Gryffindor, that was a Harry thing alone. But I do think that Pettigrew was brave and loyal, like a Gryffindor should be. At times, yes, he was cowardly, but Harry was also, sometimes. Pettigrew still was loyal and fought against the good guys. And Slytherins aren't necessarily BAD, they're cunning, just like the books say, so Pettigrew SHOULDN'T be in Slytherin since he's not one bit cunning. Pettigrew should be in Gryffindor because he was courageous enough each day to live through Voldy's taunts and to fight for what he wanted.
The hat sorts according to one's potential. Peter had to potential to be a Gryffindor he just chose another path when he got older. Not everyone in Slytherin is bad they are cunning and ambitious. Peter was loyal,he had to have some degree of bravery in order to be a marauder. I
The hat takes your choice in to account as it did with Harry. Pettigrew must have wanted to be in Griffindor with his friends and so told the hat to put him in there
Just because you are afraid, doesn’t mean you aren’t brave. Courage is feeling fear, but continuing onwards. How can you be courageous if you aren’t really afraid of anything? Plus, every student has the ability to choose what House they want to be in, for example, in Harry’s case. He chose to be in Gryffindor. That’s a big thing in the books: It is YOUR decision, always. The hat just makes suggestions.
To the two people who said Neville and Ron were soted into Gryffindor because their parents were brave - I think you are extremely, EXTREMELY wrong, that you couldn't be farther from the truth. Ron and Neville were both very, very brave. Ancestory has nothing to do with it.
Though Pettigrew should have gone into Hufflepuff or Slytherin I think, he did hesitate to kill Harry. He probably didn't know what would happen if he did though, but if Voldemort HAD told him what would happen, only a true Gryffindor wouldn't have killed Harry.
He was VERY loyal to Voldemort, though I suppose it was out of fear. I mean, he cut off his own hand.
I don't know why a lot of people assume that Hufflepuff would have suited him. Hufflepuff's are known for their loyalty, and Pettigrew wasn't loyal to his friends. He wasn't loyal to the Death Eaters or Voldemort either. He stayed with them out of fear. I imagine when he joined up, he did it because he was worried the Order would lose in the end so he wanted to be on the side that would most protect him. If you'll remember, it was a hufflepuff who stood up first to say that they wanted to stay and fight in book 7. I don't know what house he would belong to, to be honest. Gryffindor and hufflepuf don't suit him, he wasn't smart enough to be a ravenclaw and somehow I can't see him as a Slytherin either. Only thing I can agree on is that he asked to be a gryffindor.
Apologies, this was written over a beer. I meant Harry chose to be in Gryffindor, not slytherin. And pettigrew chose to be in gryffindor
As Dumbledore points out to Harry, (when Harry notes he can do all the things that Voldemort can do (I.e parseltongue, and with the fact the hat initially went to place him in slytherin, making him stress that he could become a dark wizard) he tells Harry that it is the CHOICES that make us who we are. Harry CHOSE to be in slytherin, and throughout the rest of the books demonstrated choices that showed who he was, and his character. The hat has no way of knowing what choices pettigrew might make later in life, just his potential to do things. Pettigrew could have been ambitious, courageous, and forceful in choosing grudgingly (much like Harry) but then he made his choices. Also the sorting hat in no way proclaims to be a 'beacon' fir bad wizards, as in it has no obligation or it seems desire to alert 'good' wizards to those it sees as 'bad', purely because it cannot see the future, merely the potential.
Could it possibly be because the sorting hat takes what you want into consideration? Harry specifically says that to Albus in "19 Years Later."
it isn't the Hat's place to judge, he is merely their to sort. working on this bases, the reason Peter was in Gryffindor could be simply he had no where TO go and asked to be in Gryffindor. he's not loyal and hardworking like a Hufflepuff. he's not cunning and ambitious like a slytherin, he's not smart like a Ravenclaw and he's not brave like a Gryffindor. so he asked to be in Gryffindor (because of his mother's pressure I'm assuming.
As other people (and Dumbledore) have said before me, people change over time. It's quite possible Pettigrew had the necessary traits to be sorted into Gryffindor in his first year at Hogwarts, but developed less desirable traits as time went on. Snape is a prime example of this: he was sorted into Slytherin when he was eleven, yet exemplified everything it means to be a Gryffindor at the time of his death.
The hat doesn't admit to making mistakes, but it does. This is probably one of them.
This is really simple if you think about it. The truth is that people change over time or possibly Peter felt diffently later. The sorting hat cannot tell the future no matter how powerful it is. While doing research into sorting you will find that only a worthy gryffindor would be able to pull the sword out of the sorting hat, I'm sure Peter would never be allowed to do so. But the saying "worthy" states that they're may be those that aren't quite as worthy. Not to mention as I said before, people change. Just because Draco was sorted into slytherin did not mean he became bad in the end, he seen the truth and became good. Peter was scared and worried and probably for tortured to gain information. Most death eaters are scared. It all goes into the fact that there is good and evil in everyone. Are choices make us who we are
1. Sorting hat takes your desires into consideration, so if Pettigrew *really* didn't want to be in Hufflepuff, Hat likely asked him which house he preferred. Perhaps he was brave in his first year. Who knows? 2. As far as I'm concerned, James Potter and Sirius Black SHOULD have both been in Slytherin. They were bullies, just like Goyle and Crabbe (only more charismatic). Both film and book canon paint them as bullies to Snape when they were children/at Hogwarts. The only one of the Marauders who I think deserved to be in Gryffindor was Lupin. 3. Did anyone else notice during Snape's last scene from the movie (Hallows 2) there was a Gryffindor scarf hanging in the boathouse ~just~ behind him? :)
If you remember the first book, nobody would believe Longbottom could have the required qualities to be in Gryffindor. Maybe the hat sees what is inside, but remember that the main message of Harry Potter series is that we are what we decide to be. So probably Pettigrew was just like Longbottom, but he ended to be very different from what he was expected to be.
I wrote the comment 8th down that said he was sort of brave in his own way. I hate Pettigrew. Don't get me wrong. But the elimination, I think, worked better than the bravery explanation. You say he would've made a better Hufflepuff? What's the main Hufflepuff trait? Loyalty. Oh, yeah, no one's more loyal than the scum who trades his friend's life for personal benefit. He's not exceptionally brave. Not really. But there are other Gryffindors who don't strike me as being extremely courageous. I mean, bravery isn't always a defining trait in a person. Someone can be brave but do some cowardly things. I think he desperately wanted to be brave, but was more concerned with what could better and elongate his life than what was right. The word "brave" doesn't constitute doing what is right. Voldemort is brave (to a certain extent), but I certainly can't see him being a Gryffindor. Also, he prized bravery. He practically hero-worshipped the Marauders. And people can change. He could have been braver when he was younger. Think of Snape; he went from being a deceitful, petty, jealous fool to the noble man he proved himself to be. James certainly acted like an 'arrogant toerag'. But he wasn't, not really. Sorry if this is kind of confusing. I have a lot of logic that I'm trying to dump on you.
@Comment above... Yeah well, hes telling snape that, not Pettigrew + I already know desires are a main factor with sorting. Pettigrew is just a pathetic, with no real desires or attibutes. Therefore he should have been in hufflepuff. If you want to retort this idea, please back up with related proof, not random quotes.
"you are a far braver man by far than karkoroff sometimes i think we sort to early' not an exact quote but there you go
LOL! The person always agreeing with the comment right above is clearly the same person. Not many people reply that close to each other, as this isn't a much visited website. “The Pot Hole in Kreacher's Tale (Deathly Hallows)”- On that as well, which further proves my accusation (sorry if I’m wrong, but hey, I’m just stating my opinion out there).
Anyways, there is no exact proof that he had made friends of any kind in the train (as I have explained above). It was just Sirius and James (along with Snape and Lily). So you can not presume that he wanted to be with his non-made friends (yet). As explained above, attribute wise he is a Hufflepuff. However, he may have been just as confused as Harry as to which house to be sorted into (Harry didn't mind any house except Slytherin). The only two explanations I can think of is, as somebody stated above, Gryffindor is conveyed as the house of 'good' as opposed to 'evil' being Slytherin. So, Pettirgrew might have been scared of Slytherin so he chose to be in the house of 'good' were he won't be bullied. He may have desired to be in a house which consistent of the attributes of brave and incoherently strength- he wanted to find a 'good' and 'strong' house to which he could rely on. Throughout the book, it never, ever states that he wanted to be brave! So please, stop making assumptions with absolutely no proof. -AKZ
doesnt it say sumwhere that the sorting hat will listen to you if you really want to go in2 a house... like you can pretty much choose anyway? he probably just wanted to be with his m8s... i think its awkward how theres a 'best' house - gryffindor, and an obviously evil house that makes all the evil wizards, like shouldnt they put some early childhood education scheme in place for slytherins teaching the first years not to be evil?
^ this is what I believe is correct too. It is very possible Pettigrew was so desperate to be brave and courageous and heroic that the sorting hat saw this and put him into Gryffindor. As Harry specifically 'requested' not to be in Slytherin, Pettigrew could have been wishing for Gryffindor. The sorting hat looks at desires and wishes of the person it is sorting, not necessarily their actual qualities. This makes sense as all students are sorted at the age of 11 or 12, when we are not really sure who we are and what we want to be.
Takes choice into consideration. Come on now thats in the 2nd Book.
@The two guests above me- Contradictory to what you just said, I believe you are mistaken between bravery/ shivery and plain crowdedness/ saving your own skin. You could claim that Pettigrew traits are "brave" when you can quite easily say they are ‘great’, but being a "coward" is the exact opposite trait of a Gryffindor. Pettigrew work is far from intelligent (deducting Ravenclaw from the equation) and he’s not "evil" or an exceptionally great wizard for Slitherin. Therefore, through the process of "elimination" as you state, the only house to except "the rest", I believe he should have been sorted into Huffllepuff. Gryffindor never run away, this is further shown when the most amount of people stay for the battle of Hogwarts. However, less people stayed in Hufflepuff in comparison to Gryffindor. Therefore, loyalty and bravery are more purposeful for a trait of Gryffindor. As I stated above, he is much more of a coward then loyal, and he is unexceptional- therefore through the process of deduction/elimination; I believe he should have been in Hufflepuff. Also, I'm sure friendship would have rubbed off other Hufflepuff’s towards him- he would have no reason to betray them or need to be brave at all within Hufflepuff. -AKZ
According to Minerva McGonagall, all four of the houses have produced exceptional witches and wizards in their time, but due to Helga Hufflepuff's policy of accepting any student and its usually poor performance in the House Cup, Hufflepuff is often thought of as the place where students are sorted when they don't have any of the qualities of the other three houses, which have more defined attributes. Perhaps as a consequence of the broad principles of acceptance upon which it is founded, Hufflepuff has been stereotyped as the house of the unexceptional (or, more unkindly, as "a lot o' duffers"). This also corresponds with the Sorting Hat's song where it states:
"Dear Hufflepuff, she took the rest and taught them all she knew."
^ that is a really really good point about the process of elimination and how even in his weak backbone he did have a lot of bravery to pursue the things he did, I agree with your opinions and like your explanation
I think there was a side to Peter few others ever saw, one that he probably didn't even realize he had, but the hat did. If you analyze his actions, there is a sort of bravery. He's brave enough to go and befriend the Marauders when he was clearly not at their level, he was brave enough to go to Voldemort and be prepared to face their wrath if it didn't succeed. He was brave enough to orchestrate a whole scene showing Sirius as a murderer, brave enough to feign his own death, determined enough to stay a rat for years. He was brave enough to undergo the transformation into an Animagus for his friend, though it was obviously much harder for him then for the others. And it can't have been a fun experience being a tiny rat in a room with a rampaging werewolf, a dog, and a stag. Some of his manipulativeness is sort of Slytherin-esque, but I don't think he was clever or "evil" enough for that house. He's obviously not a Hufflepuff. Contradictory to what everyone seems to think, they aren't just leftovers. Hufflepuffs are very loyal--can't say that about Wormtail, now can you?--and accepting. He's not smart enough for Ravenclaw, that's for sure. So, by process of elimination and looking further into his actions, I would conclude that he's a Gryffindor, yeah.
For the Patel twins, they could have been muggle borns, plus one was smarter than the other, even with idential twins this happens. E.G. Zack and Cody (disney channel show)- one is braver, one is smarter by far.
Hmm, Snape family was also in syltherin + he wanted to be in slytherin = that's he got into slytherin (bestowing the better judgement of the hat redundant). The choices you decide are the biggest factor in sorting. Like I just said, Sirius detested his family and he implied to James (on the train) "maybe I'll break the tradition". I just don't see how Pettigre would know which house he would want to be sorted into. In my opinion his he's way to useless, so he should have been in hufflepuff, J.K rowling doesn't state in any way, that he should have EVER been in gryfindoor. Although, she does state (indirectly) many factors why he should NOT be in gryfindoor.
P.S= Why did you menstion Sirius mirror, that he gave to Harry? I know its not a plot hole, I wrote a whole article above stating why it is not a plot hole LOL.
Ok, which House your parents/family are/were in has no effect whatsoever on which House you are sorted into (the Patil twins are in two different Houses, Gryffindor & Ravenclaw, & Sirius was the first in his family to be in Gryffindor after generations of Slytherins!). There's a part in book 7 where Dumbledore says to Snape, "Sometimes I think we Sort too soon...", as in some people end up in Houses when they would be better suited to other Houses (in this case implying that Snape would have been better suited to Gryffindor, as Dumbledore says this after Snape says, "I am not such a coward as that."). So personally, I think it's that simple & not a pothole at all. (Nor is the thing about Harry's magic mirror, that is all perfectly explained in the books. Most of these things are not potholes if you'd only read the books a bunch of times.)
"I mean Nevelive, had the blood of 2 brave parents (ron was sorted into gryfindoor for the same reason, because of inhertiage). Pettigrew as far as we know, his hertiage has never been stated, we have no idea who are his parents."
Sirius Black did state the he was always a cowards, and he always stayed with the people who were the toughest- therefore James was no longer considered to be the strongest, so he switched his allegiance (Pharaphrased). Therefore, I'm guessing he was always a coward- also in the 7th book, harry see's Pettigrew being overwhelmed by the fact that he was friends with James, Sirius and Lupin.
Where did they say in the 3rd book, that he was similar to Neville?
Hmm valid point there, that he could have matured into a cowards, contrary to Neville becoming brave. Also, Dumbledore saying the the sorting hat might sort too early (2nd book).
Conversely, Pettigrew did not know sirius and james in the train (wasn't with them- in snape memory). Therefore, he couldn't have known which house he wanted to belong to, as he didn't know who was the strongest (which person he could depend on).
Perhaps Peter was different when he was in first year. The earliest we see of him when he is in fifth year in Snape's memory and at that point he doesn't seem very disloyal or overly cowardly. These negative traits might only have been his defining traits as he matured over the years. The teachers also compare him to Neville in the third book but I can't quite remember exactly what they say that could either refute or reject my suggestion
Additonal comment to the one posted above:
I mean, this is a plothole, if pettigrew was in hufflepuff, james and lily would never had their fedelious charm broken- leading to arry not having a scar- leadin gto the prohecy not being created about him etc. So pettigrew being in gryffindor is key. In my opnion, J.K rowling should have spent more time thinking about pettigrew and as to why he was sorted into gryffindor.
Please do reply back, and give me some feedback as to what you think :)
Please do mind my grammer mistakes, I couldn't be asked to read it back :P
hmmmmm, OK.
Many people have given reasons as to why he was sorted in to it, and I would like to state they are all wrong (unless proven otherwise).
Did pettigrew even know James potter before he was sorted? If i recall, it was sirus and james talking alongisde lily and snape. NO PETTIGREW.
Loyaliy can be shown in many forms, but when pettigrew owed his life to harry, I do not believe this be loyality. I mean, owing somebody and loyality are 2 different things. I mean, if you owed somebody money, it wouldn't mean you are loyal if you pay them back, it just means you are fuffling your in-depth. It makes you 'even' with the other person. I can understand if pettigrew never, but he has remorse- he isn't a bad guy, but that still doesn't make him loyal- because he does betray them many more times (just hesitating and showing a sign of remorse, meant betraying voldermort- which got him killed lol).
He is much more suited for hufflepuff.
I mean nevelive, had the blood of 2 brave parents (ron was sorted into gryfindoor for the same reason, because of inhertiage).
Pettigrew as far as we know, his hertiage has never been stated, we have no idea who are his parents.
For me, I just believe this is a miscalcuation on J.K rowling part- she never was good at maths.
I mean she states in a interview, that she thought there should be many thousands of students within hogwards (and states it is the only school within britain- britain population is millions). In all fairness it is the best school, as it is under the best head master (best wizard in his generation) dumbledore (parahrased from hagrid, and the choclate frog card- and obviously we all know this- through conclusive information given to us about dumbledore greatness).
I ask that same question to myself all the time ¬_¬.
Could anybody please explain this?

This isn't exactly a plot hole, but it does seem fairly inexplicable. The TriWizard tournament is a pretty major sporting event... two-thirds of which, apparently, happens totally unseen by the spectators. Everyone gets to watch the event where the contestants try to take an egg from a dragon. Then, in the second event, the contestants dive underwater for about an hour, and then come back up - and no one gets to see what they're doing down there. Must be really riveting, sitting and watching a cold, dark lake while everything worth seeing happens far below the surface. Then, in the final event, the contestants enter a maze - where once again, everything they do is completely hidden from the view of the crowd. Imagine "watching" a football game where after the first quarter, they cover the field with a giant opaque dome and then just tell the crowd who won at the end... that's what watching the TriWizard tournament is like. Why on Earth was everyone looking forward to this snoozefest?
To the person who wants to know why they cancelled quidditch it was to use the space( ex. Build the maze.)
It's funny because wizards seem to think that sports with out action(soccer etc) are boring!(says ron)Thats why there is so much action in quiditch
And why did they cancel the quiddich season just for this tournament? It takes all of three hours, spread over several months.
it should also be noted that not even the judges show any clue as to what was going on. Dumbledore had to ask the mer-people about Harry in the second task and apparently had no clue that Harry and Cedric had disappeared in the third. Just how they can claim they made the tournament safer is beyond me.
Um.... What about rally cars, bike races, etc.? I'm not blowing up your question, just saying that witnessing the victory is more common than you think. Not every sport has, or at least until recently, has had the ability to watch all the "action".

We know that Dumbledore's original plan was for the Elder Wand not passing down to Snape when the latter kills him, for the killing was agreed upon. All fine for that. But: as it can be lost when taken forcefully (it passes to Harry when he wrestles Draco out of HIS wand while at the manor), I am to conclude that, had Dumbledore's plan gone as planned, the wand's allegiance would have passed to Voldemort when he removes it from the tomb, just like the latter says at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts). Really Dumbledore did not expect Voldmeort to break into his tomb? I do not find it convincing that the wand's power would die out after Dumbledore's death.
When Voldemort kiledl Harry, the wand should have belonged to Voldemort period!
You'll remember that 'that night, another wizard stole the wand and slit the brother's throat for good measure'. For all we know, the Elder Wand can only be won by disarming the person holding it. Most powerful wand in existence for a reason.
But I think of it as this. Someone took the wand from Antioch. They didn't win it. Perhaps the wand never had a true owner or never really chose a wizard, until Harry disarmed Voldemort in the end. And you must remember, that it seemed to work best for Harry and Voldemort, who are both distant relatives(cousins) and both descendants of the Peverell line.
So, maybe
@previous. What are you talking about? I don't remember Grindelwald killing Gregorovitch or Dumbledore killing get it. I also kinda doubt a wand-maker like Gregorovitch killed the previous wielder either. But apart from that, just forget what Harry says (even if it does explain your issue completely), there is actually only ONE incontrovertible truth about wandlore that really matters, "The wand chooses its master." Obviously there is some truth in the idea of "winning wands" but as for the details, Harry could be wrong, Dumbledore could be wrong. As Olivander says, the most learned wizards in wandlore have been studying it for centuries and still don't understand everything, so why presume Harry, a 17 year old wizard with about 6 months of basic introductory theory suddenly got it all right?
Harry took DRACO'S wand from Draco. Not the Elder wand. So how the hell did Harry end up "owning" the Elder wand if he never took the actual wand from Draco?
Also, it makes no sense that the Elder wand has to be passed through death any other time, but all Draco has to do is Disarm him
I always got the impression that Dumbledore DID intend the wand to go to Snape and expected Harry to hate Snape enough to be capable of killing him or at least angry enough to fight Snape and defeat him and not escape from the better dueller if he had the opportunity.
You put too much trust in believing that Harry's conclusions are actually completely true. That his reasoning of who commands which wand and for which reason is entirely accurate. I believe JKR actually made the entire business intentionally confusing and that the whole "taking by force" business is not entirely correct. "The wand chooses its master" is the one indisputable rule of wandlore, no other rule really matters. And if for some reason JKR ever changes her mind and starts to write more wizarding stories, she actually has left an intentional opening to bring the Elder Wand back.
The whole allegiance-changing-when-the-owner-is-disarmed thing is probably one of the only legitimate plot holes in the series, and on this page. Kids disarm each other at school all the time and the issue has never been brought up before.
The wand didn't belong to Dumbledore when Voldemort took it from him. Voldemort would have had to take it from Draco in order for him to own it.
Regardless if Dumbledore expected Voldy to break into his tomb I would think that he'd not assume the wand to claim its' allegiance to Tom Riddle
Dumbledore was defeated and the wand chose Draco before Snape killed Dumbledore. If the wand doesn't choose a wizard at the death of its owner, it will die out as Harry describes to Dumbledore's painting.
It isn't true that the power of the wand dies with the holder, otherwise it would have died with the original Peverall brother that owned it. He was killed and the power of the wand transferred to his vanquisher, in other words, the person that killed him. Dumbledore DID originally plan for Severus Snape to have the Elder Wand, as a failsafe in case Voldemort did end up killing Harry. Then Severus would have been able to kill Voldemort with the wand. What Dumbledore DIDN'T count on was Voldemort killing Severus. That was why he petrified Harry, so that he'd witness Severus killing him, and so that when Voldemort looked into Harry's mind, he'd see Harry all upset about Severus killing Dumbledore, thus insuring Severus' cover as a spy.
Dumbledore intended for Snape to kill him, which would have caused the power of the wand to die with Dumbledore. Draco ruined the plan when he ambushed Dumbledore and disarmed him. When Draco did that, he became the elder wand's master, even though he never claimed the wand for himself. When Harry disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor, Harry "defeated" Draco and so the wand became Harry's. Even though Voldemort stole the wand from Dumbledore's tomb, the wand already belonged to someone else, which means Voldemort didn't defeat take the wand from the master of the wand, he just took it from its hiding spot.
When the holder of the wand dies, the power of the wand dies with him. It cannot be rekindled if the wand is taken from his body. Sure, Voldemort could have taken the wand, but its power wouldn't have belonged to him

I don't understand why Sirius didn't tell Harry to just use the mirror whenever he broke into Umbridge's office the first time. He asks if everything is all right and Harry says he just wanted to talk about his dad. Seems like Sirius should have told him to get out and go back to the dorm and use the mirror, it'd be much safer and you can bet Sirius carried his half of the mirror at all times just in case Harry was in trouble. Even if Sirius wasn't aware that Harry was breaking into her office to use the fire, he and Lupin both know that the fires are being watched so it still wouldn't be worth the risk.
Sirius is reckless. When he first saw Harry's head in the fire, his first sentence wouldn't have been 'Go upstairs and use the mirror!' He would have just wanted to see Harry, and given the direction the conversation went in (almost immediately), any thought of it would have been driven from his mind. And maybe the irony of the mirror was lost on Harry, but it definitely was not lost on the reader. Harry was thinking of other ways to contact Sirius at that point. The discovery of it triggers a different action from Harry. Maybe he thought about the tragic irony of it later, and what would be the point in reading about that? There's no place for it in the denouement, really.
In one of the books (I believe OotP) Hermione makes a comment saying that maybe Sirius is trying to live through Harry because he's shut in so much and whatnot. So it could be assumed that he was wanting him to take the risk because he couldn't
Maybe the mirror was stolen from Sirius, by Mundungus :s
Aberforth had the mirror that worked with Harry's, and he said he bought it from Dung. Maybe Mundungus stole it, didn't know what to do with it, and when Sirius died, dumbledore told aberforth about it, so Abe bought it
Sirius gives Harry the badly wrapped package in chapter 24 of OotP. He says it's a "way of letting me know if Snape's giving [Harry] a hard time". Harry doesn't know what it is yet but vows not to use it in order to keep Sirius from doing something foolhardy.
Anyone who thinks "there wasn't enough time to use or fetch the mirror" needs to read the book again. After receiving the mirror, Harry uses Umbridge's fireplace TWICE. The first time wasn't urgent at all because he just wanted to ask Sirius about his father. If Sirius cared at all about his godson, he would have asked why he didn't use the mirror then. In fact he could have given Harry the mirror long before Christmas. If he preferred Harry be a risk-taker like James, why give him the mirror at all?!
It's not even a good plot point for tragic irony, as the irony of the mirror is completely lost on Harry when he finally opens the package. Instead of realizing he could have talked to Sirius the whole time, Harry tries to contact Sirius from the dead with the mirror.
Rowling and her editors should have removed it from the book entirely.
Sirius clears to harry the mirrors function if my memory serves me correctly, however harry was intent on not using it so as not to make sirius do something rash like coming up to the school, no matter how bad snape treated him and after a year he forgot it at the bottom of his trunk, besides he couldnt think reasonabally since he fainted and was really scared for his godfathers fate. And sirius liked the way harry was more adventrous like james so he may have preffered harry to break into umbidges office to speak to him rather than use the mirror and sirius guiltily hoped harry might be expelled so he would go and stay with him.
Sirius gives Harry a wrapped parcel (containing the mirror) and Harry leaves it in the bottom of his trunk and forgets about it because, lets be honest, he has a rough year, and probably wouldn't remember it. Its a good plot point because it adds tragedy, when he finally finds the mirror after Sirius dies Harry realises that if he had remembered the package to start with then its possible that not of that would have happened and Sirius might still be alive.
Sirius didn't tell Harry to use the Mirror because Rowling didn't want it to happen that way. Plot Holes happen for a reason: The author is so caught up with having things happen in the way they have planned that they disregard logic and hope their readers overlook any alternative way that things could have been handled rather than revise their own plans to take such things into account.
An easy solution for this would have been if Rowling written had Sirius tell Harry to use the Mirror for any further communication later on only to have Sirius suspiciously absent (being upstairs concerned with nursing an injured Buckbeak) when Harry called again, leaving Kreacher free to take the call and succeed in his mission by lying to Harry about what Sirius was up to.
he either rememebrs his parents death (because of aLLLLLLLLLL the flashbacks he has about it allllll thgrough the series... countless flashbacks of them dying nad him knowign they died later, still means he understood and acknowledged death, so either all the flashbacks he rmemebers are BULLSit or the thestrals or whatever are, but you harry potter fans cant have both its impossible, and j.k rowling has even said its a plot hole .. o well shes not jesus/
This is really just another version of the same plot hole that starches the whole series: they can do magic only when it's time to introduce a new plot device; they forget they can do magic 90% of the time. If you had those skillz you wouldn't do anything without magic. Oops, must have forgot we know how to TURN BACK TIME OR BE IN TWO PLACES AT ONCE!
Here's something everyone seems to forget on all of these plotholes. In book five, harry's only fifteen and he really doesn't have an adult to turn to for guidance. They keep disappearing on him.
He didn't have time Harry wanted to talk about James immediately then had to leave quickly when he heard someone coming
Sirius Black is in no way proper parenting material. Regardless of 'when' Harry discovered the mirror, Sirius could have easily told him about it. I don't know what was running through Lily's mind when she allowed James to select Sirius as godfather. Remus would have been much better. Too bad about that werewolf thing...
Harry didn't know about the mirror, since Sirius couldn't tell him at the station - it was too risky. Sirius could obviously tell that Harry was in a bit of a hurry and needed information. If Sirius had told Harry to use the mirror right there, Harry would have to leave Umbridge's office, go to his dorm, dig through his trunk until he found it, and THEN talked to Sirius. Harry just didn't have that kind of time. And Sirius may have been going to tell Harry, but Umbridge caught them before the coversation was over.
Harry never opened the mirror, until the end of the book. He had completely forgotten about it.
Harry didn't open the mirror until the end of the book when he was packing up his things when Sirius was dead. He had no idea that it was a two way mirror. If he did open it beforehand and contacted Sirius through it, they would never have gone to the ministry, the death eaters would never have been arrested, Sirius wouldn't have died and the Ministry would have never seen Voldemort and still thought Harry and Dumbledore were lying. And when he did contact Sirius in the fireplace Sirius had things to tell him about the Order and the outside that he probably forgot about the mirror himself. Also, Harry isn't perfect, his rash decision to use the fireplace shows a flaw in his character that many of the readers will be able to relate too.
Sirius couldn't tell him at the station because Harry had to go. And sending an owl would have been too risky. Marry forgot about the package and he eventually opened it after Sirius had died and smashed it. Because he was so angry. But because of the mirror remember that dumbledore's bother saved him from the ms toys dungeon and promised death.
No way Harry didn't know how the mirror worked. Sirius has explained it to him. Using the mirror also will not harm Sirius at all since he was comfortably staying in Grimauld Place and can use it without the need of showing himself anywhere. It's a big big plot hole.
Harry never knew it was a two way mirror until after Sirius' death. And after what was going on, I agree with a comment above that the last thing Sirius would think about is the mirror with so many things to talk about.
You have kind have answered yourself "Harry says he just wanted to talk about his dad" Sirius missed James aswell and knew how much it meant to Harry, He probably didnt want to tell Harry to use the Mirror as a thought of insensitvity.
Sorry guys of the grammer mistakes/ typo's, there is no edit button, so I can't go back and change it (maybe because I don't have an account, as I am a guest). I just read it back, there are quite a few mistakes- e.g. serious = sirius , preent = present + repeating word at the start and end of a sentence- like 'now'=
"Now you may be thinking now" it should be: 'Now you may be thinking', (removing the double now). Or= "Aside from his already menstioned mistakes he mensions" when it should be 'aside from his already menstioned mistakes,' (cutting out the "he mensions"- being a repeat).
Wow, I wrote a lot and I have a english exam tomorrow ¬_¬ LOL. Explains why I wrote so much.
Spelling check=
Serious= sirius (sorry for that mistake)
portayed= portrayed (typo)
Additional comment:
Therefore, you can't blame Harry at all, he never knew what it did- all he wanted to do, was avoid using it as he never wanted sirius to get in trouble- can you see the irony now, its absolutely absurd, but in a good/ fustrating way.
Now you may be thinking now, it's sirius black falut- well to an extent I agree with you, however he did have his reasons as to why he doesn't menstion it.
Firstly, sirius black was in an arguement with snape. He was planning on giving the mirror to harry, before snape intruded. Out of fustration he gave harry the mirror, and said: (paraphrasing) if you ever have a problem with snape, just use this *gives the mirror, wrapped up- so harry had no clue as to what it is*. Sirius out of fustration and running out of time, proberly thought he had explained/ thought harry knew what it would do, by the way he gave it. Harry obviously, through it was something that would get sirius into further trouble, so he swore never to open it (biggest mistake , on serious half/ tiny bit on harry part.)
Serious black should have given this at the begging of the year, as he wouldn't have had to do all those fireplace metting then- In the end he was stopped by umbridge from doing anymore, as he was almost caught. However, dumbledore knew of the mirror function.
Finally we get down to dumblefore being at falut. Ok, as he menstioned he made a grave mistake; being smarter, than normal men, his mistakes tend to be bigger than other- paraphrased from his talk with harry. Aside from his already menstioned mistakes he mensions, his decision not to talk to harry also meant that harry could not talk about sirius black preent, which would have lead to dumbledore telling him function of the mirror.
Overall, I don't think this is a unintended plot hole, it was planned by J.K Rowling. Just to add a ironic twist, to the plot.
This was quite ironic/ absurd in a sense.
Harry could have comunicated with serious through the mirror, to double check if serious was there. Whats ironic, is the fact that they communicated dangerously (through the fireplace) but always had the chance to communicate safely. Harry instinctively went in a hurry to save serious through rash measures, when sirius black had given him an item which was to be used if harry was ever in trouble, but on the contrary it was the other way around. Because of that, it didn't even flash harry mind to use it- showing the mirror at the end, just added to the irony- which can be comprehended 2 books later, in the 7th book, after we understand the significance of the mirror.
J.K rowling was very well aware of this fact, and she even portayed the writing at the end of the 5th book in such a significant way (read the 5th book back, you will be killing yourself over, why harry doesn't look at the darn mirror).
When Harry was being handed it he tried to resist, telling Sirus that he didn't want him to get caught; in the end he gave in to keep his uncle happy, but never planned on using it. He threw it in his trunk and forgot about it; we are told that Sirus saw James in Harry; and James and Sirus would have thought it great craic to break into a teachers office to contact someone on the outside world, and was so happy to see Harry that he would have completely forgotten about the two way mirror.
Does everyone remember everything? Harry had so many things to tell him, and so did Sirius, so is the first think that you think about a mirror? No, I didn't think so. And by the way, Harry didn't know what the mirror did, and he was kind of afraid of using it. Did you actually read the books thouroughly?
I think book 5 has the most plot holes. Sirius had a chance to tell Harry to use the mirror when he first appeared at the fireplace but he didn't. I also find it weird that the magical community hasn't so much invented a popular communication device like mobile phones while Sirius had been using a 3G mirror for years. Surely if it was possible to do that with magic then everyone else would do it instead of using owls (which is so impractical) and there's just no way to intercept a 3G mirror like that
I personally dont understand why molly would have dissaproved of the mirror, it was a safe way for harry to communicate. It seems a little dumb not to just have told harry even if he didnt open it right then and there
sirius liked recklessness, he wanted harry to be a rebel like his dad... he would have thought it an adventure to break in to umbridge's office. Also he was probably a little concern, about harry coming to talk maybe he simply forgot.
Harry didn't know about the mirror until after Sirius died. athough i think that sirius should have told him to open the present, but harry didn't want to open it once he got it bec. he thought that whatever it was was going to expose sirius to the public. sirius told him it was something to use when he needed him (harry thought it would bring sirius to him.) that is the way i understood it.
-Oh cool! My godson broke into that fat frog's office just to use the floo! I'm so prou- oh wait, he wants to talk about his father (serious moment). As for Harry not using the mirror: he thought that it get sirius in trouble, so he stuffed in his trunk and promptly forgot about it. Even if he wasn't stressed out he wouldn't have even think about it.
For an attention-starved orphan with an easy ticket to ranting through a mirror that could safely communicate with his godfather. I think it was weak writing and characterization on Harry's part. He should have jumped at every opportunity to get to know Sirius.
Harry was panicking. He thought Sirius was dead. How would the mirror have worked then? -_-
I don't know why Sirius didn't remind him, maybe just weak thinking on Sirius's part, but when Harry fell asleep during the HIstory of Magic examination, I thought that it was Harry's default thinking...he usually is this rash, so it would be likely of him to forget the mirror. But I dont know why Sirius didn't tell him. :/
that always made me so mad, that he didnt just look at the mirror. oh well.
I might be wrong, but I don't think that Harry ever opened the package that the mirror was in until after sirius died. But yeah, if Harry used it after seeing Voldemort torturing sirius, sirius wouldn't have died.
Could he have thought Harry had broken it and decided not to mention it?

In Harry Potter, wizards can apparate/disapparate as they wish, but they depend mostly on owls for their communications? Doesn't it strike anybody as fairly odd?

There are also communications through fire, but you have to make special appointments... With all that magic around, how come there is no spell that performs instant communication? Muggles are so incredibly much more advanced than wizards in that area. Well of course the answer is easy - it makes it easier to create plots - but the result sounds pretty lame.
Owl is easier. Can you imagine pinpointing a location of a person each time to get in contact with them? Then having to appear suddenly in front of them to have your conversation? Urgent matters, sure. but it's more formal to send a letter (the owl will find the person for you). As for other forms of instant communication? Okay, maybe it isnt as advanced as Muggle texting and phone calls. But they do have other ways of instant communication. The rings in Book 5 to alert DA members of the upcoming meetings. Sirius's mirror. Floo powder. They don't use electricity or batteries, what makes you think it would be normal to carry a cell phone. I agree it is stupid for emergencies (see Book 5), but thats the norm in the Wizarding world. Sort of like how us Muggles were before all the fancy tech.
Why was the time turner (at the end of the 3rd book) NEVER USED AGAIN for any other (serious) problem?

Why didn't Harry (or anyone else) use the time tuner to kill Voldemort or revive anybody, etc.? Why didn't Voldemort use the time tuuner (or an equivalent to it) to kill Harry? Since there were no limitations of the time turrner (going back for a certain amount of time or an X number of times, etc), why didn't anyone ever consider going back in time?
My initial thought was, if Time Turners are readily available, then it woud be easy for the Ministry to find out who set Sirius free. Just go back in time and see what has happened! But then, why hasn't the Time Turners been used in the criminal trials. Surely it isn't that difficult to go back in time, being invisible with a proper disillusionment charm, and see what has happened. Sirius would not be wrongly convicted then. No one will be falsely imprisoned. I just can't think of a better use of the time turners.
Somebody said "Time-Turners only go back 12 hour", that's not true. Because in Pottermore, JKR said that Eloise Minttumble went from 1899 to 1402, and even though it was catastrophic, she still managed to travel back there.
1. The Time Turners were all destroyed in the Department of Mysteries in the 5th book.
2. Time Turners only go back 12 hours, so it would have been pretty useless for the most part.
3. I would have made the book really boring.
I know it was used for this exact reason in PoA, but using it to save people would have undermined the theme of death that drives a lot of The Deathly Hallows. Voldemort tries to conquer death by evading it; Harry succeeds in conquering death by embracing it. You can go back and safe Lupin and Fred after a message like that. Even if the time-turners hadn't been destroyed...
Jk rowlings said the time turners where a major plot fall for her and that's why she had them destroyed in the 5th book
In the fifth book when Harry goes to the Ministry of Magic with some of the DA, in attempt to rescue Sirius they destroy all the time turners there.
why didn't voldemort use the time turner to make heaps of verions or decoys of himself to trick harry and make it harder for harry and everyone else
Think about it, though. Harry and Hermione only go back to save innocent people - they do not kill anyone. Personally, I think that the Time-Turner can be used to save people, but it cannot be used for murder.
Not necessarily, You can change the past if in the intended use of the time machine was not interfered or changed to begin with. Like HG Wells the Time Machine, in order of the Time machine to exist, his wife had to die, since the ONLY reason why he created it was to save her. If he had built it before she died then he could save her and change the future, because it was built not for that sole use. Although, because if she lived, the time machine would have never been built, hence the Paradox. But in this case, it wouldn't be used to change something that it wasn't created to change, therefore the change could be done. LIke in BTTF,book Marty bought, and Biff stole changed the past, So they had to go back to fix it. In Deja Vu with Denzel Washington, he went back in the past before the blast happened saved Paula Patton from being killed, and stopped hundreds of people from dying in an explosion. So since there is no specific date as to when the time turner was created or why it was created, it can be used to change the past. There are obviously more than just the one. So I am willing to bet that the sole purpose was not to Kill Tom Riddle. Therefore, he could have been killed.
The one 18 below this comment makes the perfect point. I recommend reading the short story "Wikihistory" by Desmond Warzel, it is rather illuminating (sorry, can't link directly, just google it).
The one 4 below me i think i recognise, i think its the plot of a harry potter fanfiction
Because changing something that happened to long ago is so wrong. It would change everything and it is unethical and immoral. That's just common time travel knowledge. The only reason harry and hermione went back in the third book was because they could change things yet the events still happen. Dumbledore knew this he would not of sent them back otherwise. It's very complicated sometimes. But you would never change something so long ago as voldemort being born or something.
The one below I think is fake because I have never heard of it. But I will plus it anyway for being such an amazing story.
It is used again, after the events of the last book. Voldemort is actually Harry Potter in the future. After the events of the 7 books, Harry starts to dip into some darker magic. He begins his descent into evil and decides the he has become a monster, become too similar to the evil that he had faced while still in school. In his torment, he decides to rid the world of his evil ways, and performs a miraculous feat, Voldemort's "final spell", which is essentially an extended version of the Time Turner spell. He goes back in time to attempt to kill himself as a baby, so that he will never grow up to be who he became. He is, however, unable to kill himself (for obvious reasons) and ends up just leaving a scar on Harry's face (his own). You don't think that a powerful spell cast by an extrememly powerful wizard would be able to be stopped by... a child? He attempts to kill himself as a baby, fails, and he is instantly crushed by the realization that he is actually Voldemort himself. He spins out of control and throughout the years that follow, furiously attempts to kill himself, over and over.
It Voldemort had gone back in time to kill Harry as he failed to do so in the Graveyard, then Harry would have died in the graveyard. Do you know what this means? Future Voldemort would have no MOTIVATION to go back in time to kill Harry as another Voldemort would have been there when HE was trying to kill Harry. Furthermore, they were all smashed at the end of the fifth book, and during all of Order of the Phoenix Harry was seen as an untrustworthy lunatic who would never had been allowed to apply for a time turner. Also, time turners turn back HOURS. One turn for one hour. They would have to calculate the exact number of hours to go that far back which would require some time and you might not even get it right.
Harry and Hermione did not change anything. they were free to act as agents with fore knowledge and so able to accomplish tasks that they could not do the first time around. Buckbeak did not die the first time around. Harry and pals heard the axe fall and Hagrid howl so they assumed Buckbeak was dead but when the executioner saw that Buckbeak had escaped he swung his axe into the chopping stump and Hagrid shouted in triumph. Later, Harry thought he saw his father then realised it was himself on the second time through. The time turner does not create new timelines things will happen as they have already happened. This is not because of events being predetermind just that whatever action is taken to change the events have already failed.
You shall all watch the movie '' butterfly's effect'' to see why it is not wise to try to change the past
going back that far in time has its complications, and the person to do tso has to waste 50 years of his lives even if he does manage 50 years will make him forget everything and he will just ruin the present and give far worse results and it would create a paradox he kills voldemort then how will he go back to a future without voldemort and so on....
In the third book, Hermione turns the time turner back in to McGonnagal.
Not really, as number 1 its illegal and number 2 this is a time travel issue not a JK plot hole. Even when talking about time travel generally, if anyone had done that then it obviously hadnt made a difference because voldemort was still alive. also its mentioned how dangerous it is to change time etc etc.
Because they destroyed all of them in the 5th year after they went to the ministry of magic!
In POA, there is an unresolved issue. I really do believe it was overlooked by JK, accidentally overlooked that is. The Harry and Hermione who return to the hospital wing belong to another time line, not the one they seem (as well as Dumbledore) happy to become part of as they go to join a three-hours-younger-than-them Ron. This on its own still isn't it, the two that left to go off to do their stuff, thus vacating and allowing the time-travellers back in, could themselves easily return three hours later. It is only readers' assumptions that this was dealt with, maybe that's fair enough but maybe it isn't, but it wasn't made clear in the book.
Oh & even if Dumbledore wanted to go back in time & destroy the horcruxes, he couldn't because they were all destroyed in OOTP, remember? And the couldn't kill a child saying 'OH HE'S GOIN TO BE AN EVIL WIZARD WHEN HE'S OLDER!', that'll just get them thrown in Azkaban. :)
They wouldn't have been able to kill voldemort anyway because they would have to destroy the horcruxes first & I doubt that dumbeldore knew about the horcruxes then. If he did, he would've set out to destroy them way earlier than the 6th book:)
They were all destroyed!?!? Why couldn't they just build more?!? Did they also destroy the "how-to-build-a-time-turner" instruction sheet?
It's because when Harry and the others went to the Ministry to "rescue" Sirius, they smashed the entire supply of time turners. There is reference made to this in the subsequent books.
Because of the simple rule of time travel that exists in all time travel books, movies, and songs that I've ever come across: You can't change the past. In fact, this is usually the main point of these time travel stories. Buckbeak wasn't 1st killed and then brought back to life. Sirius wasn't 1st kissed, then unkissed. Neither was Harry. The 2nd time that night was lived changed nothing. It showed what had happened the 1st time that readers and the 1st Harry, Ron, and Hermione had missed. It was like a story from the point of view of 2 characters, where the 1st character misses much of a story and makes assumptions. Then we see it from the 2nd characters point of view, and all is made clear. I thought this was explained when Harry realized that HE was the person who saved himself across the lake. Also when Hermione holds Harry back from stopped Wormtail from morphing- she says something like, "When we live through that moment the 1st time, no one stopped Wormtail from morphing. So we can't now. It just wouldn't work." When they experienced that night the 1st time, it was experienced the same way it was the 2nd time. Voldemort was not killed or arrested as an 11 year old. He was not taken out through a secret attack by the order before he attack the Potters. So no one could go back in history and make those events happen. Since no one had killed young voldemort, some one going back to do so would be prevented or he'd come back to life or who knows what. But it hadn't happened, so they knew that they couldn't go back and make it happen. Seeing how Dumbledore planned this use of the time turner (distracting the executioner, telling Hermione what to do, etc), I think there would have been at least a chance that the time turners would have been used in the future against Voldemort had they not been destroyed. But you'd have to plan in the past and set things up for your 2nd trip through the same time if you wanted them to work.
I would like to point out to someone who has commented previosly that Harry's magic was detected in the second because Dobby probably did it to make sure it was noticed. Third because Harry probably had extra surveillance because of the Sirius Black situation. And fifth of course because of Fudge's paranoia/ Umbridge's cruel/ ambitious desperation for promotion/ acknowledgement
well most time travel things that would have use (e.g. killing/ arresting tom riddle as a child or changing his childhood) would create a paradox where they would only end up doing it because they knew what he would become therefore if he didn't become what he did, there would be no reason to go back in time and it wouldn't be done.
Also, when Harry, Ron and Hermione were "watching" Buckbeak's execution they couldn't see it clearly from their position. Dumbledore who knew of Sirius' innocence stalled the executioners with talk because he knew Hermione had the time turner and wouuld know they were smart enough to figure out the Buckbeak thing although if anyone would like to argue I would like proof from the book
The books make it clear that using time-turners is extremely dangerous and heavily controlled by the ministry. Hermione HAD to hand it back to McGonagal at the end of her 3rd year because she no longer needed it (for any official reasons at least). Then later all the time-turners were destroyed anyway
just saying... the ministry can only detect magic being preformed not who preformed it i.e. whether the person was under age or not, this is why they expect parents to uphold this law... the reason harry was 'caught' in the 2nd, 3rd and 5th books is because he is the only wizard in the area and there for the only person likely to use magic- this is the reason they cant use magic when extracting harry from privet drive in the 7th book... this is also the reason that riddle wasnt accused of murdering his family (even though no one knew they were related-apart from dumbledore) as marvolo, an overage wizard lived within the area..
in the 5th has been said that all time turners were destroyed during the fight in the DOM
Quite simply because Rowling realized that by introducing time travel in order to give the third book a novel ending she opened a Pandora's Box of "what ifs" and "why didn't theys" and had to slam it shut again. She made Hermione say that she handed her Time Turner back in and went even further to have "the Ministry's entire stock" of them destroyed and hope that the readership would forget about it. The damage, however, was done.
Easy. Hermione had to return the time turner at the end of book 3.
There is a scene in OOTP where all the time turners are destroyed. Also time travel is more complicated then you're implying.
To all those who think the dead cannot be brought back: im sorry, i havent read all of these comments so someone may have already mention it but... You actually CAN bring back the dead, through legal plot, in a number of ways. one, is using a timeturner. example: Buckbeak. his fat was known, and his "innocent life was spared" but i don't know, maybe it depends how you were killed, i mean buckbeak was to be slaughtered, maybe the time turner wouldnt work with the Avad Kedavra curse. but JK never mentioned anything....
Hermione gave the time turner back to McGonagall at the end of the third book.
It states in the series they can detect any magic used around someone who is underage they just expect adult wizard to uphold the rule of no underage magic so they would have know what spells were cast in he's uncles house and they would have know an underage wizard was there when the riddle family died it doesn't matter if he used someone elses wand Harry didn't use a wand to blow he's aunt up like a balloon but they knew it had occured around him
It states in the series all magic used around someone who is underage is detected they just expect adult wizards to uphold th rule while in there house ... It doesnt matter he used someone else's wand to kill he's family they would have been able to tell someone underage was there and your telling me dumbledore who was keeping a close eye on Tom riddle would t have put it together when the riddle family dyed knowing voldemort was named after he's father Tom riddle
All magic used around someone underage is detected it states that in the series they just expect adult wizards to uphold the rule of no underage magic while in there house .. it would not have mattered if he used someone else's wand Harry didn't use a wand to make he's aunt blow up like a balloon but they still detected it so they would have known someone underage was atleast there and your telling me dumbledore wouldn't have put it together riddle family murdered when he was keeping a close eye on Tom riddle ...
It doenst matter if he used someone else's wand ... They can decected magic used in a wizards house with someone underage in it they just trust parents to manage it clearly states that in the book ... It was a giant over look on the book series they would Be able to tell it was someone underage who did it ... And your telling me dumbledore wouldn't have put two and two together riddle family murdered when he knew he was named after he's dad Tom riddle?
Gee, what do you think, should you go back in time two decades and then LIVE THE TIME AGAIN. I bet even Voldy would be feeling a bit tired after living 20 more years than necessary (technically, some 15 or so, but anyway)
Underaged magic can't be detected in an adult's witch or wizards house, and seeing as when voldermort attacked his uncle, he was in an adult's wizard's house, his use of underaged magic was not deteacted by the ministry. And the reason why his underaged magic was not deteacted when he killed his dad and grandparents in their muggle house was because he used his uncle's wand to kill them.
How is this even number one the biggest hole is underage magic when voldemort killed he's dad and grandparents he was in a non wizard house so why couldn't they tell a underage wizard did it? And he used all those spells on he's uncle but voldemort was underage so they would have know what spells where used and known morfin was innocent
Oh FFS guys this is really not hard. The series deals with destinies and prophecies therefore we know that this element of the plot is present. Now a time turner is obviously tied in with ones "destiny" not will. Time is in a closed loop, so when the Harry and hermione went back, they were destined to spin that time turner and do what had already happened, therefore closing the loop. If one decided to try to alter destiny then the loop would not be closed and they would
Cease to exist.
This one is actually kind of easy. If you think about it, to use a time-turner, you must be standing in one particular place. When Sirius was put behind bars to be sent to Azkaban, Ron, Harry and Hermione were in the hospital. Hermione used the time turner in the hospital, which means that when time was reversed to a few hours ago, Hermione and Harry had to travel from the hospital to the rest of the places. They also had to make sure they ended up in the hospital before time caught up - otherwise they could really mess up things. Using the time turner means you have to go from the place you've used the time turner, to where you're trying to change things. Now if Harry had to go to save his parents, assume he apparates to Godric's Hollow and then uses the time turner (and that will take years i suppose). Now Harry will be the same old Harry (even age wise), but remember that during his parents' death, he's an infant. How can he kill Voldemort (or stop him from killing his parents) without being seen by anyone? And if he is seen, it is a dangerous thing in time. Also, he is changing events that are so major that they could completely mess up with time. So he'll be living in the turned time world, with his parents, with his infant form, until time finally catches up? Hello? There can't be two Harry's living amongst each other. That's why Harry and Hermione were so careful not to be seen by their past selves.
Hermione turned in her Time Turner in the third book then they were all destroyed in the fifth book at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries.
If you look up A Very Potter Sequel on Youtube by Starkidpotter then you'll see that Lucius Malfoy uses the time turner to go back in time to kill Harry. He fails. What happened happened.
All of you aren't thinking this through enough. The time turners can obviously be used to travel in time.
It would not be good if you caused a paradox, like killing Voldemort early on. However, there are no restrictions on going back in time and causing something to happen later. Like, I go back in time, do something, use poison on him, then later, after I got back, he dies. Something like that could be achieved very easily.
In the case of saving people who have died, that is also easy. When you know all that happened after and during the death, it should be easy to fake the death (they have MAGIC.)
In both cases, there is no actual change that causes a paradox, and therefore could have no ill effects.
In the third book Harry was saved by a patronus. It was only after the time turner was used that harry cast the patronus, indicating that time-turners negate free will, that everything to do with them is fixed, and will happen no matter what we do. hence, Voldemort couldn't be killed by one.
Time turners are dangerous. If you take a chance of going back in time, it could get you killed. Also, who says people weren't doing it? Events transpired as they did. Using time turners to go back and fix something that has occurred means that something, possibly your death took place to prevent you from changing it. Harry and Hermione did it before Sirius's fate was known. - Guy
In all of the Harry Potter books, and other books by J.K. Rowling about the wizarding world, the fact that you cannot bring the dead back to life has been reiterated over and over!!! Hermione was required to hand in the time turner- thats why they didnt use it again...and for other serious problems, well there'd be way too many things that could go wrong if the ministry intereferred.
Hermione was required to hand in the time-turner at the end of the third year, as in her fourth year she would be taking the normal amount of classes. In the fifth book, the ministry's stock of time-turners is destroyed, meaning, no time-turners, hence no time-travel. And also the Doctor decdied to appear as a snivveling Barty Crouch Jr without the Tardis.
Well, if you go to youtube and look up how Harry Potter should have ended. Snape goes back in time, using the time turner, and kills Voldemort.
Because there is a limit as to how long you can travel back (few turns will do). Plus you can only time-travel within the vicinity.
For those of you wo are say that they didn't use time-turners because the ministry's stock got destroyed. What about the other Time-Turners though, the one's that weren't in the ministry. Surley they could have used those?
YOU CANNOT CHANGE TIME. If someone dies you cannot go back in time and interfer, they are still going to die, perhaps even in a different way. Dumbledore is a lot more manipulative then people give him credit for, he needs Sirius and may as well do something nice for Hagrid and save buckbeak. Neither of them died in the 3rd book because they were always meant to save buckbeak and they went back in time (actually spinning the time turner) while Sirus was still in the holding cell, Harry was always ment to save him. The time turner is ministry Regulated and was only supposed to be used for educational purposes. They wer destroyed in the fifth book, in the fourth book they could not go to the ministry and say 'hey we need a time turner to go and stop voldemort from rising and cedric from dying' They would have said voldemort is not risen and that you cannot bring back the dead. Which you cant. And if you could a goverment could not go around giving a free pass for people to go back in time and make sure people didnt die. What if they mess up the time stream? What if they change something else? What if saving one person results in another ones death? Hermoine never changed anythng she was just in two places at once and they never changed the timeline, they were always going to save Sirus and Buckbeak
I know! They should have went back and SAVED DOBBY!!
if you mess with time, seriously bad things can happen, and there's no telling what they will be, and no matter how many times you go back, you may not be able to put things right. Plus they were all destroyed... JKR probably included this to avoid people thinking of anything like this.^^^^
the question is not "why don't harry, ron, and hermione use the time turner again," it's "why doesn't ANYONE use a time turner to solve serious problems?" stop saying "hermione had to give it back." you don't think dumbledore could have gotten another one? and i hate the idea that "people with time turners have to make sure the don't see themselves, or else they'd go crazy." if i had a time turner and saw myself, my first thought would be "hmm, i guess in a couple hours i'll use the time turner and come back to this time," not "oh my god, is that me? i'm going crazy!" and how long would it take for the future you to just explain "hey, don't worry, it's just me. i used the time turner." as long as you never went back beyond when you got the time turner, i think you'd be fine.
Yes, yes, no limitations... besides the Department of Mysteries which specifically controlled them and regulated their use. If you care to remember, Voldemort couldn't get into the Department of Mysteries until Harry broke into it. And all of the Time Turners were destroyed during the firefight that took place there.
Because somewhere it says that timeturners can only go back i time an hour or two which in most situations isn't worthwhile enough. You can't go ack and change 10 years, 1 ear, 1 month, 1 week, heck, 1 day ago. You probably cannot change 12 hours ago. You could change minor problems within the last couple hours like we all have but anyone wise and responsible will recognize that such petty things aren't work the risks of manipulating time
Why is everyone saying it was destroyed after HP5.What about the earlier time.Surely that thing was not created just for Hermione.It always existed.And if no one can bring the dead back.How Harry and Hermione were able to bring Buckbeak back from death?
Hermione has to give hers back. In the 4th book, the ministry is still in power and rigorously controls them. At the end of the fifth they get destroyed. Simple
That would create a paradox. Say, if Harry1 took a Time Turner before they were all destroyed in the 5th book, went back in time, killed Voldemort before Voldemort killed his parents, why would Harry2 go back if he had his parents and Voldemort is dead? Because he DOESN'T go back in time, the timeline reverts back to the first one, thus creating an infinite loop that oscilates back and forth between the two timelines (This is of course assuming nothing else happens and Harry doesn't, say, become his father or something). THAT IS NOT A GOOD STORY. Besides, I'm certain that Harry Potter doesn't use the "Time may be rewritten" time. If something happens, it happens, there is no stopping it, there is no going back in time to stop it, nothing. Besides, "No magic can revive the dead," were you not paying attention?
Alright EVERYONE. it's obvious isn't it? Hermione was the best in her year. She wanted to take all the classes so professor mcgonagall, an extremely influential person, got her one. Also, they DID get destroyed and do you really think voldemort would have wanted to break into the ministry only to get a little thing that he'd have to turn for hours to UNDP what he did? no. He would have found it above him. Also, just ask yourself one question. In the space between when voldemort came back and when the time turners were destroyed, everyone thought voldemort was dead. Why would they go back in time to destroy him if he was dead? As for the people who knew he was back, why would they use the time turners? Would you do it? I most certainly would not.
Because all of the time-turners were destroyed in the Department of Mysteries, so Voldemort or anyone else couldn't have used one to go back in time. I'm also pretty sure Hermione got her time-turner confiscated because she used it for something other than school.
First of all how the hell would voldemort get hermione's time tuner? All the other time tuners were destroyed in the Order of the Phoenix when they were running away so that part does not make sense what you said... Harry didn't use the time tuner to kill voldemort because time travelling can be dangerous and there is certain laws... maybe if you read the books you would no some of this!!!
They didn't go back because the series would have been terrible if they had. J.K. Rowling just knows how to write a fantastic story. Duh.
Someone could have gone back in time and killed Voldermort when he was a kid!! Or his mother!!
-It's because in the third book, Harry and Hermione were ALWAYS going to go back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak because Dumbledore came up with the plan while Sirius and Buckbeak were still alive and Dumbledore probably came up with this plan immediately after learning what happened.
-Once someone is dead, you just can't bring them back through any means.
-If they used the time turner to stop the ritual, Voldemort would have found another way to come to power because of his horcruxes!
-Voldemort would not have been able to get his hands on a time-turner or tell anyone to get one for him, because he was so weak before the ritual and most of his followers were in Azkaban, and you saw how long it took for Voldemort to get in the Department of Ministries. Voldemort wouldn't be able to go back and not curse Harry (which by the way Voldemort never knew about marking Harry his equal so Voldemort didn't even have that advantage) because Harry was ALREADY marked his equal and you just can't go back in time and easily take back part of your soul once you put it in someone or something else.
Why does everyone always reason this with "they were destroyed at the end of book 5". What about book 4? after voldemort was revived? no excuse then. Besides messing with time of course, but 'book 5 they were destroyed' is not an excuse for not using them between book 3 and 5. Stop saying it.
Because they were all destroyed in the department of mysteries. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM!
If I remember correctly, Hermione hands in her time-turner to Professor Mcgonigal, and she couldn't get a new one past the ending of Order of the Pheonix because they were all destroys when they battled in the Ministry of Magic.
Because you can't change when someone has died. But Sirius Black wasn't dead when Hermione used the time turner to make her and Harry go back in time. It could also be because Hermione did not have the time turner the next year. Does it say that she does have it or doesn't have it at any other point in the series?
The way the timeline works in Hp, in that is fixed, i.e. anything that happens when someone goes back in time, has already happened (thus preventing paradoxes)
You're forgetting that Hermione just wasn't some 'school girl' she was pretty much the best in their year and proved responsible enough to have one. Also, its like she said in PoA - if future Harry ran in on past Harry in Hagrids hut, past Harry could have killed future Harry thinking it was dark magic. Meddling with time is far too risky and it could change the whole future, something could have gone wrong which could have led to Voldemort succeeding in killing Harry and then risen to full power.
ahh don't give me that all time tuners were destroyed crap, if they were so rare and important they wouldn't give it to a school girl so she can take 2 extra classes , and i find it hard to believe that molfoy with all his influence would find it hard to obtain a single time tuner, there must defiantly be some left in some people homes or black goods shops, and in my opinion time travel must never have been used in harry potter, and for those guys who say past cannot be changed time travel just introduces a loop and that loop can be used to change many things in many places in series, like if they didnt go back in time sirus would have died by kiss so they went back and saved him just because we didnt see him die that day dosent mean he would have escaped if they didnt go back to save him, so the whole time travel concept is faulty.
I had the same question but remember that a time turner can only go back a certain amount of hours and if someone sees you the whole future is in jeprody. Plus at the end of the Order of the Pheonix, when they broke into the ministry all the time turners were destroyed.
It could save Lily and she can marry Snape so Severus life won't be such miserable from beginning to the end. *wailing*
its dosnt matter if you go back in time whats done is done, going back wont make a differance, its a closed loop time structure, this actually makes more sense then going back in time and chaging things if it happens in the present then if you go back it will still happen
1. It is not true that they can only go back 24 hours. They can go back years, but the number of times you would need to turn one of the dang things would be very, very numerous. 2. They WERE destroyed during the Ministry Battle in OotP. 3. "Voldemort is many things, but he is not foolish." Are you serious? He is the biggest fool there ever was, making a LIVE SNAKE into a Horcrux, and also choosing to make such glorious objects/items as his Horcruxes. Had he just made Horcruxes out of paperclips and bottlecaps, the dummy might've lived past Harry Potter LOL!
I dont know why not on the fourth (it would have been too much and too soon of the time turner), but at the fifth, the time turners were destroyed when they got into the Department of Mysteries, and apparently they are hard to rebuild, or they did not have time after knowing about Voldemort reappearance.
:O Harry Potter 9 - Death Eaters use a time turner and revive voldemort?
I guess JK just realised how stupid this idea was and tried to hide it after HP3.
I haven't read all of the comments here but you're forgetting the main point.
You can't meddle with time!
If someone died, its their destiny to die, and you mustn't save them. By saving them you could change the future and have a worse outcome.
This has always bugged me how people overlooked Hermione saying you can't meddle with time.
Everyone is saying that they were destroyed, which doesn't seem a particularly legitimate answer to me. If the wizarding world can produce these things, and they are so unvaluable they're willing (even grudgingly) to give them to a schoolgirl, they must be able to make more. But I'm not just here to gripe about other answers. If it was a schoolgirl and the Time Turners were capable of dramatically altering the past, all the letters of recommendation in the world couldn't convince them. After all, Tom Riddle had them all fooled, didn't he? And who knows what those things could have meant for the future. Voldemort is many things, but he is not foolish. I think he would have been wise enough to not want to tempt the Fates, because who knew what repercussions his action could have? Perhaps, if Harry's death was not obviously at the hand of Voldemort as a more powerful wizard, people could make it out to be a cowardly thing for Voldemort to do, going back in time to kill him, too afraid to face whatever happened in the future. Maybe he would have been made into a martyr, something to make them fight even harder. And why is everyone forgetting about his mother's protection? Just because his mother isn't here now doesn't mean her protection doesn't still stand. What about in book one, when Voldemort can't even touch Harry? And all the Time Turners are in the custody of the Ministry. I can't particularly see Voldemort, or even when of his followers, waltzing in their there to grab one. How would Lucius Malfoy explain away being caught with an illegal stolen Time Turner in his pocket?
Hermoine gave back her time turner to McGonagall because the work was to much, and all the other ones were destroyed
In the 5th book, it states that all the Time Turner's were destroyed during the Battle at the Ministry, and Rowling also mentions that Time Turners are not used often, and she portrays them to be frowned upon...and not used often AT ALL
but harmione, ron, and harry are on the run from voldemort and trying to kill him. of all the people i think she WOULDNT turn over her time turner to a knowingly corrupted thing like the ministry. also if you cant change something but further it along instead then they couldnt technically save buckbeack or sirius but they did so that makes no sense. the only reason why they coudlnt do it would be because you have to re live the time u went back but even then if u just travel forward you cancel it out and voldemorts dead.
This had me thinking about plot holes in the first place. Are they telling me that Voldemort, splitter of souls, can't handle a little time meddling?
Just before similar questions like from Aaaaa are asked, Hermione says at the end of the third book (p.314): "...That Time-Turner, it was driving me mad. I've handed it in..."
You cannot use it to change the past directly. Going back in time to kill someone would be detrimental to the furture. Hermione going back to take more classes did not effect anyone. Remember in the book when Harry wanted to grab Wormtail and kill him, and Hermione said that he couldn't do that because it would change their whole future.
you need to get ministry permission to use thejm and there storm of timeturners was distroyed in book5
This is a quick question,
How come Hermione and Harry didn't use the time turner to go back in time to save Cedric and warn Dumbledore that TWT cup is bewitched or tell him that voldy is coming back from the "dead" in the graveyard?
you cant change something, just further it along. in PoA harry sees a Patronus he thinks is his dads but its his. If they hadnt gone back there wouldnt have been a Patronus. Its a closed loop. (sorry if thats confusing)
It's said in the 6th book I think that all the time-turners were destroyed when Harry was in the Department of Mysteries.
The following is written on the time turner:
"My use and value unto you are gauged by what you have to do. I mark the hours every one nor have I yet outrun the sun."
This suggests that the time turner cannot actually change anything, the user can only do what they have already done.
I think it's mainly because it'd be way too complicated to add that part in. If Harry/Voldie went back in time, they could be seen, do some dastardly deeds, creating a lot of havoc, confusion, etc., and I think the reader might be lost.

Crouch aka Moody went through all the trouble to put Harry through the TWT just to get him to touch a stupid cup. But why did he overlook the *huge* detail of having the portkey being able to take Harry *back* to Hogwarts? Even worse why does the portkey take him back to the *front* of the maze rather than back to the portkeys original location in the center of the maze? Also, if you're able to make a portkey that works by touching it, rather than by going off at a specific time (Since this was obviously how the portkey worked in GoF, because Crouch couldn't have known exactly when Harry would get to the portkey), why didn't they create the portkeys to the Burrow like this in DH, so you wouldn't run the risk of someone missing the specific portkey time?
A portkey only works two ways. It takes to you to a predetermined destination and if you grab it again, it will take you back to where you were previously. J.K. Rowling made a mistake in that regard, as explained on Pottermore and the Harry Potter Wikia.
Most likely, the portkey was two ways because Voldemort had it made like that. He planned to kill Harry in the graveyard. Then, he would use pollyjuice potion to look like Harry and use the portkey to get back to the front of the maze and appear to everyone that he, looking like Harry, had won the TWT. As harry, Voldemort would be able to get close to Dumbledore and kill Dumbledore himself, along with many others.
That it brought Harry to the front of the maze does suggest that was supposed to be it's original function but when he was under the effects of veritaserum Crouch/fakeMoody said he "made" the cup into a portkey, not that he altered it... although it doesn't make sense that some sort of other enchantment wasn't on the cup. I guess you could say he made it into a portkey connected to the graveyeard without knowing it had already been a portkey.
I think the portkey was actually 'intercepted.' That ts was originally supposed to take him directly back to Hogwarts, but was altered. They perhaps forced it to go to the graveyard first, but didn't remove the original spell, so when touched the second time, it did it's first intended use.
If they were planning on sending Harry's body back under the illusion of him dying in the tournament, how would he have touched it with his cold, dead hands?
My guess would be that fake moody didn't bother removing the original charm(to transport the winner to the beginning of the maze) and simply slapped a second charm on top, a second 'layer'. He went to the grave yard, using up the top layer of the charm, allowing the original to be 'exposed'.
Another possility is that he planned on using the convenient 'hole' in the wards that allowed the cup to be used. (Because their has to be wards, 'else he would have simply made a port key onto the grounds earlier)
Originally the portkey was supposed to take the winner to the front of the maze. So when Crouch made it go to the graveyard it only took a detour.
While yes, this is a plot hole, I always liked to think that somehow the "ghosts" of Harry's parents who came out of Voldemort's wand helped reactivate the portkey.
I'm fairly certain the idea was to resurrect voldemort and then quickly invade hogwards and kill everyone while they were watching and without their wands and such.
They could make portkeys that work just by touching without having to wait. But then if any muggle touches the portkey she or he would be transferred.
Also during rescuing harry from No. 4 privet drive they had to use regular portkeys because if they used portkeys that worked by touch they risked the Death Eaters finding The Burrow,
I think it was bewitched to act as a 2 way portkey to send Harry's body back so everybody would think he died in the maze.
As to why did the portkey worked by touching, I honestly don't know. but don't forget moody's magical eye.. he could have easily spotted Harry and Cedric by the cup and bewitched it at that time.
Because JK Rowling had a very weird but wonderful ending, and it was very hard to make sure that Harry got back to Hogwarts. Maybe if they killed Harry, Voldemort would get inside Hogwarts via the Portkey? It's not like he wanted to close the death eater's way into Hogwarts!
So that when harry was killed, they could send him back to hogwarts so he does not just disappear. This whole triwizard tournament was important because its a cover up for harry dying. It would be suspicious if harry just disappeared. The tournament meant that if harry died in it, it would not be suspicious because people die in the tournament and no one would question it. Voldemort epididymis not want anyone to know he was alive yet so the tournament allows him to kill harry with it being suspicious. It's actually very smart you just need to think about it it's so obvious
The book isn't specific as to what Voldemort's plan was after he regained his body. The only thing he intended to do after he regained his body was to kill Harry in front of the Death Eaters so they would never doubt who is the better wizard. Remember, Voldemort wanted no one but his death eaters to know that he came back. He probably ordered Crouch Jr. to make it a 2-way portkey so Voldemort could transport Harry's body back to the maze. In that way, the everyone would have assumed Harry died trying to battle an obstacle in the maze. If it was just a one-way portkey, Harry's body would just disappear, probably causing a huge investigation and it might eventually lead to the discovering of the rebirth of Voldemort.
i think the portkeys are a semi-programmable object because of the way they were discarded in GoF after they used the old boot. and the way they were set to go at a specific time is to prevent arrival collisions when a large number of portkeys are used to travel to the same destination from multiple points of departure. As
when there is only one being used, it is much more adaptable to "programming" it to act a certain way.
The cup was originally a portkey for the winner to be taken to the front of the maze, to the audience. Becuase they won, so when they touch the cup, the game is over. BUT, crouch made the portkey take a detour - to the graveyard where voldemore was waiting and blah, you know the rest. So once harry was already there, and everything happened, and cedric died, and so when he touched the portkey again - it took him back where it was originally supposed to go - the front of the maze.
Voldemort didn't intend people to know he was back just yet, but he needed harrys blood and wanted harry dead as soon as possible because since he knows the prophecy, he can't wait for harry to grow more in magic, secondly the portkey was intended to bring the winner back to the front hence why nobody was surprised on how suddenly they got there, so it was made to take them to the graveyard and when harry dies it would make it look like he died by accident while touching the cup, anyways this is just my theory ;P
In addition to what the others said, what about the potion itself? It may have taken that long to prepare it? Its known that some potions have to stew for at least a month, and you would think it would need quite some time for one as powerful as this. Also Voldemort didn't want to bring attention to himself immediately.
There is no comment in any of the other books that portkeys don't do 'return journeys'. For all we know, all portkey's act like this, and take you back to your original location once 're-touched'. And Moody didn't just send him off to Voldemort at the beginning of the book, because he had to stay at Hogwarts for the year (presumably do abit of spying on Dumbledore, and Voldemort doesn't return until the night of the third task, what would be the point of Moody sending Harry, before he was actually back?
because it was meant to take the winner to the entrance of the maze to be praised, a new spell was put on it to take the winner (harry) to the graveyard.
but what i don't understand is why Cedric didn't get teleported to the entrance when he poked and kicked at it when they got to the graveyard>
Here is my thought:
The cup could've been portkey before Crouch put another portkey thing on it. Perhaps Crouch's portkey wore off after being used once. Then the Orginal portkey started to work yet again. The original portkey couldve taken the person back to be declared the winner?
I think Crouch Jr. could only work one part of the already designed portkey- that was to take anyone who touches it to the Graveyard. What happened afterwards was what the original portkey was designed for-ie., taking the first person to touch it back to the grounds to declare the winner!
If they used a touch activated portkey to get to quidditch thing, then either everyone would have to grab it at the same time, or only one person at a time could use it. Touch activated portkeys are designed for one person
crouch jr. was intending for the plan not to fail and after voldemort was revived with harry's death they would then insta-port to hogwarts and kill everyone. that would have been game over had the events transpired as such.
It worked two ways because It had two portkey spells cast on it..
1. the original TWT key to send them back the the entrance.
2. the key that 'Moody' aka crouch casts on it which I imagine became the primary key as it's been place over the original so when that key was used it got removed making the TWT key become the primary key again as it wasn't activated.
The original function of the Triwizard cup is to transport the winner to the front of the maze in this particular Tournament. I'm sure that it's main function couldn't be completely over ridden. Or maybe the portkey was allowed to return them back to the front of the maze because say Voldemort did killed Harry in the Graveyard, I think the first place he would go to flaunt would be to Hogwarts. He would want to show Dumbledore that he had done what he planned to do when Harry was a baby. So the portkey had a detour added and there you go.
explanation below only would make sence if it didnt have one flaw as well.. then how is it placed there, if no one can touch it without it transporting htem, the firs tperson to touch it, how do they put it on a table.. ect. bull its a plothole
This is just my speculation: The Triwizard Cup was always meant to be a Portkey that transported the winner to the front of the maze. Maybe Moody was unable to remove this spell when he added a detour location to the Portkey and/or the spell for the return trip was convenient because it allowed Voldemort to make it seem that Harry died in the maze, perhaps in a deadly duel for the Cup. As for why not a timed Portkey: different spells for different uses. For the World Cup timed is better as it allows a large group to grab on to it before the spell activates and helps on the organisation front at the campsite. For the Cup, having it activate the moment it is touched for the first time helps to clearly mark out the winner
For the most part, portkeys and other magical transportation devices are closely watched and regulated by the Ministry of Magic. It's a very complex spell that not all witches and wizards can do.
well sence u cannot apperate diretly into Hogwarts and the vanishing closet didnt work at the time, the portkey was the only way voldemort and his followers would have easily been able to gain control over Hogwarts once harry had died, that being the plan, and it took him back to the frount of the maze so Voldemort and them didnt have to worry about finding there way out of the maze and through the challanges that lay inside the maze. Because, if u rember, the plan was not for harry to make it out of there alive.
in DH they used a timed portkey incase someone did die on the way. if the portkey went off for whoever touched it first, and someone died on the trip, there could have been a random portkey laying around for a death eater to touch and appear at the burrow without any trouble.
Also, in GoF, after the death eater attack, the MoM would be hard-pressed to organize thousands of portkeyes in a few hours, so they might have used old ones that brought the ticket holders there to take them back
This is just my speculation: The Triwizard Cup was always meant to be a Portkey that transported the winner to the front of the maze. Maybe Moody was unable to remove this spell when he added a detour location to the Portkey and/or the spell for the return trip was convenient because it allowed Voldemort to make it seem that Harry died in the maze, perhaps in a deadly duel for the Cup.
As for why not a timed Portkey: different spells for different uses. For the World Cup timed is better as it allows a large group to grab on to it before the spell activates and helps on the organisation front at the campsite. For the Cup, having it activate the moment it is touched for the first time helps to clearly mark out the winner.
Voldemort thought he would definitely be able to kill Harry! He always thought he was the strongest person, and definitely stronger than a 14 year old
My theory on this is that Voldemort was intending to kill Harry right then and there. He didn't expect the twin core effect to occur and cause the disaster it did. I imagine that he wished to kill Harry there, then use the port key with the Death Eaters, and make his grand return in front of the majority of the wizard world there. Since his one true danger would be dead, and all 7 pieces of his soul intact (7 to his knowledge) and kept safe in the horcruxs, he would have nothing to fear, and since most of the wizards in Harry Potter kind of lose their balls at the very mention of his name, he would have no opposition and be able to take his throne. Seriously dude, do you have to have EVERYTHING explained to you? Use creative thinking when you read. Most of these "plot holes" on this list are ridiculously off, and I assume that most of them were written by people who either only saw the movies, or read the books very badly.
When Voldemort and Harry’s wands connected, shadows of Voldemort’s last victims came out. They all obviously knew what was going on and Harry’s parents were the ones who told him to go back to the cup. Right when they said that, the cup lit up again. It is assumed that they, somehow, turned the cup into a reverse portkey.
to the second comment, they didn't use "touch portkey" at the beginning of DH, probably because the two people would have to touch it exactly at the same time, plus having "timed" portkeys meant they knew if something had gone wrong and who was missing or hurt.
They didn't want to use timed portkeys because there would be a bigger chance of the death eaters being able to access them and take them to Order headquarters.
If you used touch portkeys too often, that could be really dangerous. A muggle could be walking around, step on some litter, and be flung into the Quidditch World Cup. I'm seeing some problems with that.
I don't know about why the Order didn't use this method, but Crouch Jr. made it work two ways in order to send Harry's body back. It would look as though Harry died in an accident along with Cedric.
they should make voice activated ones. like, "i am remus lupin and i am going to the burrow with george weasley!"
^yeah in GoF they used "timed" portkeys, but why did they used "timed" portkeys in the beginning of DH? Some of the groups missed their portkey, which was a huge inconvenience. Why couldn't they use "touch" portkeys then?
Not sure about the first question, but for the second, the portkeys would go at a specific time so that the right people catch the portkey. What if a muggle had touched the key first and ended up in the middle of the quidditch world cup?

Voldemort is supposed to have been one of the most powerful wizards of all time. The Stone was moved to Hogwarts so the teachers could protect it. Now in DH, the teachers show remarkable skill in magic (i.e. Bringing suits of armor to life), and manage to hold off Voldemort's advancing army of wizards, werewolves, and giants. Yet, in the first book, the traps they set up to keep just Voldemort out aren't strong enough to keep three first years out. I mean, Hell, they got through the Devil's Snare because Hermione remembered learning it a few months back... AS A FIRST YEAR!
I don't think Dumbledore would have wanted to make it impossible in case he wanted to get it out. Remember, it wasn't decided that it would be destroyed until after the climax of the book. Before this, Flamel and his wife would still have depended on it, or it would have been destroyed when it became apparent that someone was after it. I don't think the plan was to keep it there indefinitely, just until the threat had passed. And Dumbledore would have no reason to expect that Voldemort would be able to actually get the stone (his intention was exactly why he couldn't obtain it), so there was no necessity for the obstacles to be impossible to overcome. Having said that, without the pretense Voldemort would have suspected something. Being able to easily overcome the obstacles would have made him think Dumbledore an old fool, which would work more in Dumbledore's favour than if Voldemort was suspicious.
To the people asking why Voldemort didn't use the stone in the first place, remember the book said he didn't want to have to relay on anything, he only wanted the stone so he could create a new body for himself.
Why not hide it with flamel and make dumbledore Secret Keeper?
Obviously they wanted the stone accessible...otherwise all of the keys wouldn't have fit the door, the chess match would have been impossible to win, and all of the potions would have been poison.
The stonedoesn't make you imortal, it just alowsyou to livepast normal age. Even if Voldemort was 300 years old he would not be invulnerable to the Avada Kedavra spell.
Hence the Horcruxes.
To the person below me Dumbledore explained the Voldemort question. Tom was very vain and independent and didn't want to rely on another for immortality and would only use the PS to restore his body before relying on his Horcruxies again.
what i don't understand about the PS is that the stone had been around for centuries, given that Nicholas was 665 years old i mean why didn't voldemort try to get that thing in the first place when he was in power instead of doing the horcruxes?? if he wanted to be immortal the stone would suffice too, wouldn't it?
I don't understand how a) Prof Quirrel managed to complete the game of chess on his own whilst it took a convenient 3 people when H&H&R had to play b) did the game just reset itself? c) When harry gets the key he flies the broomstick through the door followed by many keys, did the same not occur for quirrel?
The traps weren't expected to stop a determined thief but to delay him long enough to be caught. Devil's Snare would kill if not stopped (see OoP) and deaths on school grounds are scandalous (even in Hogwarts) so it would have to have been checked regularly or alarmed in someway to avoid the staff finding a corpse in the morning when they went into feed Fluffy. Also, Devil's Snare was not recognised by fully trained medical staff in a secure ward so maybe the only reason that the first years were taught was to help Harry just like Hagrid giving Harry a musical instrument and Dumbledore returning the clock and telling him how the mirror worked.
They didn't particularly have anyone in mind who was going to steal the stone. Also, one of their best defenses was that most people didn't know the stone was at Hogwarts or even existed and the other was Dumbledor's idea, not to mention most people didn't know how to defeat Fluffy. Also, some of the obstacles had already been taken out (the troll) and it would have to be someone who really wanted to use the stone who could be bothered with all those tasks meaning the last one would stomp them.
Yeah, a huge plot hole. No doubt. JKR had not planned ahead of the first book all that much, its understandable.
How about this: Why didn't they just PROTECT the stone? Why didn't they just lock the door and hide the key in Dumbledore's pocket or whatever. Isn't it a bit silly to let the key fly around there?
because its a childrens book and in order to relate to the readers it has to be a kid who saves the day.
Kind of a valid point,however,think:Voldemort was not alive in PS. He was just using Quirrell's body as a host:as a house,not possessing it. Also,at least three or two of the tests were actually really smart,like the chess game and the logic puzzle,along with the spell placed on the rock. Most wizards would not be able to get past the logic puzzle,as stated by Hermione,since most of them do not care about logic,and Voldemort wanted to use the rock,meaning that'd make it incredibly hard for him,by himself or through asking Quirrell to get it for him,to acquire the stone. That'd squarely block most people that'd,in theory,attempt to steal the stone.
well a lot of people panic in situations like being strangled to death by a living plant, and it was something small they spent maybe a day on in class, tell me do u rember eveythin u ever learned from your kindergarden or 1st grade year? and theonly managedd the potions because of Hermione, who is, well, proabiliy close to a prodagee and rembers every little thing, its also muggle knowledge, most wizards dont fous on that stuff, do u honestly expect Voldemort to have taken muggle studies? the chess game most people especailly Voldemort would not have given there own life, or risk it anyway, to win a game, and dumbledores test above all the rest, only the person who wanted to find it but not use it could find the stone, obviously Voldemort wanted to use the stone
The whole ending of PS does not make sense. Yes, Dumbledore may have wanted Harry to get through or something, but this is actually dumb. Without Harry getting through, Voldemort would not have had a chance in hell to get the stone, as he would not have got it out of the mirror! Why doesn't anybody point this out to Harry, at least? Besides, it's hard to see who would have gotten the stone out of the mirror, other than Harry in this specific situation. Nicolas Flamel couldn't have, as he would have wanted to use it. For anybody else, it would probably not have been their actual deepest desire to just take a look at the stone, but NOT use it. Okay, maybe Dumbledore left a possibility for himself to get the stone out of the mirror, but even if that is so, Harry did a pretty dumb thing.
If you all actually read the first book, you would understand that DUMBLEDORE WANTED HARRY TO GET THROUGH TO SEE IF HE WAS TOUGH ENOUGH!!!
More importantly, how did Harry get through Snape's potion test? Shouldn't the only available potion for foreward motion already have been used by Quirrell/Voldemort? After all, the key in the first room was already damaged and didn't magically repair itself, and it's rediculous to think Snape left two of the same potion.
Reread the books. Dumbledore set up those traps knowing all along Harry was going to go after it. He even said later on that he was remarkably foolish and selfish for testing Harry like that.
They had a lot of help. First off, Hagrid accidentally told them how to get by Fluffy. The Devil’s snare was a little easy, the troll was already dead, the key was already bent out of shape with a broken wing so that tipped Harry off, and Ron was super good at chess whereas, most people aren’t. Plus, he had to sacrifice himself to win. One person couldn’t have gotten through those things. It took teamwork. I’ll admit that the potions and the snare were both easy but Dumbledore knew that the Mirror of Erised would hold anyone who was evil back so basically, the other barriers were just small precautions. Also, the teachers weren’t going down there to get Flamel elixir. He had stocked up. That would just be stupid.
One thing people never realize - THE STONE WASN'T MEANT TO BE COMPLETELY INACCESSIBLE! They needed to access it regularly to get the elixir for Nicolas Flamel and his wife! So, obviously they had to have obstacles that were possible to get around. The fact that the obstacles they chose were ones that catered to the strength of the Trio was complete luck. As anyone who reads the books knows, Harry has extreme luck. He has really bad luck which gets him into near-impossible situations, but he has really good luck that gets him out.
I think Voldemort would have had a harder time reaching the stone as a human if he didn't have Quirrel--because Quirrel already knew what all of the traps were, making it easy to get around them. Voldemort by himself would have had no trouble at all getting to the Mirror of Erised, because he was in Spirt Form at the time & needed the Stone to get his body back. Yet neither Quirrel nor Voldemort could get the Stone from the Mirror because they had their own selfish desires in mind for it.
Harry, Hermione, and Ron had each other. They all had certain skills that allowed them to get past each challenge because they knew their strengths. One student, first year or older, would not have been able to reach the Stone by themselves because they would not be very likely to possess such a wide range of skills. So it took three unprepared, but quite intelligent, minds to pass all of the teachers' defenses.
what i don't get is why make it possible for someone to get through the defences? surely the point is to stop anyone getting through. why not make the chess men or birds attack, or make all the bottles poison, therefore making it sure that no one could reach the stone?
Also, in PS only 4 or 5 teachers knew about and were trying to protect the stone. In DH, the whole staff and many aurors and students were trying to keep voldy out. Not a good comparison.
the traps where a delay system, designed to get people stuck down there for a while (and the potion trap would have because Dumbledore says a lot of wizards lack basic logic skills) there was no way for someone who seeked the stone and wanted to use it to be able to get it.
Personally I've always looked at the "obstacle course" at the end of PS as just that. It's a little too tailor made to each of their strengths to really be anything else.
I'm pretty sure Voldemort got through all of the obstacles without any trouble, his only trouble was the mirror. Remember, Voldemort left just enough potion for Harry to come to him. He wanted to meet Harry.
I agree that they had a significant advantage, already being at Hogwarts. Also, they had information and skills that, combined, were unique. They knew how to calm down Fluffy, which I doubt many others would have been able to worm out of Hagrid. It was fairly unusual for someone to have Hermione-esque memory and know how to deal with the plant. The logic Harry used to find the key, and his skill in catching it, weren't dime-a-dozen either. Basically, the levelheadedness with which they faced the tasks is not something they would expect to be found in who they thought would want the stone, maybe a power-hungry megalomaniac or someone foolish enough to desire immortality.
getting through the maze was only luck that each obstacle required a talent that one of the three had, but the last test was the one ment to stop anyone from getting it other than someone who did not want it (harry)
they weren't there to keep Voldy out they were there to keep anyone out. the perpatrater(?) not only would have to get into hogwarts but by the teachers. then the person would have to get by the obsticles. the likelihood that they could do that alone is slim. the trio were able to get through bec they were already in hogwarts and the teachers wouldn't hurt them. all that was left was the obsticles and they succeeded because there were three minds working together. they knew about the music, ron for the chess, hormine for the devil's snare and potions, and harry for the flying key and the heart of gold to want the stone but not use it. the ogre was taken care of by professor quarrel. i think there may have been more. anyway the prof had the same advantage (voldy was intellegent enough to help the professor along if needed) except the heart of gold for the stone.
Getting through the obstacles was all just luck and magic for the trio. The reason that Harry was able to get the stone and not Voldy was because of Dumbledore's enchantment on the mirror of Erised. He charmed it that you could only get the stone if you didn't intend to use it.
Also, I'm sure that the staff all knew that if Voldemort was to enter Hogwarts, he would not have a full body or at least one all to himself. A piece of a soul feeding off the back of a young professor's head is not the same as the most powerful dark wizard of all time.

Is it just that way everyday or did the Death Eaters do this? Either way, Voldemort could just easily walk in there and take the Prophecy himself. No one would have seen him. What's the point of tricking Harry into this whole thing?
the ministry was probably empty because the death eaters probably stupefied or did something to them
Definite plothole. If there was no night duty because as everyone says they went home than voldemort could have taken the prophecy himself as the prophecy is about him AND harry. it says it in the chapter when they read what on the prophecy. Harry asks why voldemort didn't come and take it and death eater laughs and says something like "The dark Lord reveal himself to the ministry?" can't remember the exact quote but there definitely should have been someone at the ministry. why would they have a place called the department of mysteries if anyone can walk in and have a look around? Arthur weasley said once he had no idea what they get up to in there.
ading to the one below...
plus the fact that only Harry and Voldemort can touch the prophecy on the shelf hinders them. If Harry is at Hogwarts, the Ministry and everyone else would know that Voldemort is back
You cannot pick up a prophecy off the shelf unless it has your name on it. Voldemort had to trick Harry because Harry was the only one able to pick the prophecy off the shelf. Lucius asks for the prophecy after Harry takes it off the shelf in the movie. He does this because he cant pick it up off the shelf, but once Harry has picked it up off the shelf any one can touch it.
"It was night" is not an excuse. Mr Weasley was attacked in the middle of the night and the portrait Everard rather easily got the attention in the ministry of someone to find him.
Consider that this is not just a bureaucratic building, all sorts of magical enforcement departments are headquartered there to take care of problems that happen at any time of the day or night. Whether its to detect Harry's apparent underage magic in the late evening or to respond immediately or to respond to disturbances at Moody's In the early morning, there's always supposed to be someone there. At the very least there would be security.
It could be said that there would at least be less people there and easier to figure out a way to keep the people that would normally be there out of the way. Mass confundus charms to make people think it was their night off... wards to block people from apparating in or getting there by Floo powder... something. I mean, too me the sudden appearance of ministry people at the end seems to suggest to me that they WERE trying to get in but were being blocked by Voldemort somehow and it was only when he was weakened and sent reeling by Harry's feeling for Sirius that they were ABLE to get in.
BUT it is seriously negligent that this is never explained in the book and odd that JK has never (to my knowledge) come up with an explanation since.
okay, why didn't voldemort, who is clearly able to remove the prophecy, just get into the ministry (no one is there, his death eaters got in undetected), take the prophecy, hear it out, then lure Harry there by showing him the vision of Sirius and finish him off? the members of the Order and the ministry employees arrived much later, I don't think Harry and the others would have stood much chance against voldemort and all those death eaters...they could have said it was the escaped prisoner's work and Fudge, oblivious as he is to Voldemort's return might have very well believed that story
Maybe voldemort wanted to get the prophecy and try to kill harry after he got the prophecy from lucius if he did. And if lucius fails which ye did, voldy would have gone to the ministry of magic like he did.
He needed harry because the prophecy can only be seen when the person to whom it belongs touches it. thats why when lucius malfoy grabs it, it turns dark
in response to the comment about prophecies only being taken by their subjects. Voldermort is a subject of the phrophecy, probably more so than Harry as there is no doubt who the darklord is but the child could have been Nevile or Harry when the prophecy was put on the shelf.
DUH I'm sorry if someone has already said this 9and they probably have several times) but if you've EVER read the books or seen the movies you know that the profacies (sorry for any spelling errors) can only be taken by the people or the person the profacy is about
Simple. The reason that the Ministry of Magic was empty is because it was not empty. Remember, most of the death eaters worked for the ministry. Therefore it is quite possible that the death eaters who broke in WERE the night shift employees.
Simply saying "It was night." is not a valid response. Government services don't shut down just because the sun goes down, there would have been a night shift! What the poster is forgetting though is that there were around a dozen Death Eaters who went in first who could have easily Imperiused everyone into neglecting their duties.
The MoM was empty because it was NIGHT. You know, that time where most people GO HOME and ARE NOT IN WORK. It happens in the Muggle world, it can very well happen in the Wizarding world...some people just don't use common sense...
1: Voldemort didn’t want to get caught. But, he did, which shows that he was right in thinking that he shouldn’t have went to ministry. Also, he wanted Harry in his grasp. Also, he did not want to run into Dumbledore because he was still afraid of him. ALSO, for those of you who are saying the whole point was just to hear the prophecy so Lucius could have listened to it and then broke it. NO. Lucius couldn’t have even taken the prophecy off the shelf. He never had possession of the prophecy. And do you really think Voldemort would want Lucius or anyone else to hear the prophecy? The prophecy explained vaguely exactly how Voldemort would meet his death. That is EXTREMELY valuable information. He would definitely not want anyone to know that. He didn’t trust anyone ever.
the whole point of getting the prophecy is to hear what it says. why don't lucius malfoy just break the prophecy without touching it, hear what it says, and report back to voldemort.
I agree with the comment above - Lucius is highly commended in the ministry and is allowed pretty much anywhere. At night there would be less people working there, therefore it would be easy for Voldemorts top death eaters to use the imperius curse on them all.
I think Voldemort didn't want to take the risk of being caught, even if there would be a single person in the ministry, all of the wizarding world would know about his return! I think he asked Lucius to head the attack because Lucius through his connections would have easy access to the Department of Mysteries! If you remember when Nagini went in pursuit of the Prophesy she was met by Arthur Weasley, I think Voldemort didn't want to take that risk!
Voldy could have easily taken it himself. Polyjuice potion, anyone?
It's right, the Prohpecy is only about Harry (the one who has chance to defeat the Dark Lord). Voldemort is only mentioned (as target), but hasn't the ability of getting without being "punished" (as every others except Harry)
If Voldemort had taken it, and it could be demonstrated that there was no way for Harry to have done so at the time, then it would be conclusive proof that Voldemort had returned. After all, they were the only two people who could take it, and if Harry didn't do it, then there would be only one other explanation. And they seemed to arrive when there was a big meeting or something because they all came out during the fighting like they were all together some place.
they had a fire drill so everyone was outside for a while, it was just a massive coincidence that Harry and the rest arrived at that time
the departement of misterys was pertected by the order, and with tring to remain a secret voldermort going to the ministry would be dangerous, also, it was night so that section was empty, at that time dut voldemort wasn't likely to be sure he could get away with coming in
^^ I find it rather difficult to believe that the headquarters for the seat of magical government in Britain would empty out completely just because it's nighttime. If nothing else, there's the practical matter of communicating with other wizarding governments around the world; where it might be 3:00 PM while it's midnight in England. Furthermore, one would expect that the Auror's office would be staffed 24/7; evil wizards don't stop committing crimes just because it's dark outside.
I thought it happened late at night, after the ministry had closed. Isn't Fudge in his pajamas when he shows up at the end?
If Voldemort had taken it, and it could be demonstrated that there was no way for Harry to have done so at the time, then it would be conclusive proof that Voldemort had returned. After all, they were the only two people who could take it, and if Harry didn't do it, then there would be only one other explanation.
Voldemort didnt go in and take it because he didnt want to show everyone that hes back.
The point of this comment isn't that Voldemort could have taken it; it's that the ministry was EMPTY. Surely there's a nighttime staff of some sort in the main governing center for Britain's wizarding community! The logical explanation for what happened to everyone is that the Death Eaters went around and Imperiused the entire night shift into leaving, or hiding under their desks, or some such thing. I think Voldemort didn't take the prophecy himself because he'd seen one person driven insane by trying, and he ASSUMED that it could be taken safely by Harry or himself, but he wasn't about to risk his own life just in case he was wrong; it would be reasonable to think that there might be extra protections set up around it.
I think that he could very easily have put a disillusionment charm on himself, or disguised himself, and any stragglers in the empty ministry wouldn't have lasted long enough to tell anyone. What's more important is that if Harry didn't take it, then the only other person who could have taken it was Voldemort. As soon as someone realised it was missing it would be easy to establish that Harry was elsewhere at the time and it could only have been Voldemort who had taken it.
It is stated in the book that Voldemort could remove the prophecy. Voldemort probably could have walked in, but what if someone happened to be in the wrong place? Why take the risk?
The books says that prophecies can only be taken by the person it IS about. And the prophecy is all about Harry, it says a boy born at the end of July will be the only one to kill Voldy (yeah, something like that)
it Is about harry and voldemort. the book says both of them can take it and voldemort didn't want to risk being seen. make sure you really know the stuff before making corny explanations!

How can there be so many plots involving secret rooms and passages in Hogwarts when there are so many speaking ghosts around that aren't hindered by walls? The plots of at least the first two books are based on hidden places that ghosts don't know anything about, strangely enough.
Only the heir of Slytherin could get into the chamber, and none of the ghosts are heirs. Also, what secret places are there in book 1? Just the place where the stone is hidden. And the ghosts are loyal to Dumbledore. They wouldn't have mentioned that and I'm sure he asked them not to. Either that, or since he's Dumbledore, he put a ghost repelling thingamajig on the trapdoor.
The easy, though perhaps lazy answer, is that certain locations are warded from ghosts or simply weren't "secret" enough for them to be bothered mentioning. First year the third floor corridor is hardly a secret, and the ghosts would likely have been forbidden by the headmaster to mention any specifics about. The chamber of secrets on the other hand likely has some sort of warding against spirits, or is simply so far below the school that no ghost would have ever floated through a sufficient amount of solid material to find it. It not much more likely they would have floated down a very long pipe to get there either, so ultimately the chamber never got found.
There was a death snake in the sewer for fifty years. Dumbledore knew this. This is somehow not on his list of priorities?
"what are you going to do with giant basilisk skeleton?" - The same you do with a giant dead accromantula- extrude it's extremely powerful venom. Even apart from that, the academic purposes of studying such a powerful and rare magical creature would seem numerous. Really, once they knew where the opening was, it does seem like they should be able to figure out a way to enter it without using parseltongue. ---This is just after the fact though. As has been said many times before- Dumbledore, nor anyone else had any idea the beast was a basilisk and even though they had searched for the entrance, could find no trace of it.
No one speaks Parseltongue other than Harry and Voldemort. They had no way of opening the Chamber, or knowing where the Chamber is. As for leaving the skeleton, what are you going to do with giant basilisk skeleton?
I think it's funny that they just leave its skeleton in the Chamber after the CoS. Do they even explore the Chamber after its existence is confirmed?
Actually this one needs a good answer. With his EXTRAORDINARY powers (both magical and mental) Dumbledore could have found the entrance to the Chamber. He is just to clear the path a little, a Parseltongue (and can speak Mermish and Gobbledygook, etc from Rowling), can reveal the entrance by detecting magic (which even in a place full of magic is possible, like the horocrux pool where Voldemort specifically tries to hide his tracks), for what good it does Myrtle is there. And the fangs would still be there if the basilisk died. If Hermionie figured it out Albus definitely could. Even if he didn't know what the monster was if staying consistent with his power levels he should have been able to find the entrance. At the very least he could have heard the basilisk as Harry did when it roamed the school. To a wizard like Albus a very defining attribute of KILLING EYES would be a definite pointer in the right direction. AND even if he wasn't the Heir of Slytherin he could have still entered because he knew Parseltonuge or kept the snake from exiting or killed the snake without he himself entering the Chamber.
Well dumbledore knew about the horcruxes by then(through the diary) and he probably wanted to keep the fangs safe for later use to destroy the horcruxes if by chance he couldn't attain other means to destroy it - just a thought
Dumbledore did not know that there was a Basilsk in the sewers. He knew that the chamber had been opened and that it contained a monster that could kill students. He didn't know what the monster was.
Even if Dumbledore had talked to Myrtle, all she'd be able to share is "Two big yellow eyes" which isn't exactly illuminating.
And Dumbledore no Parseltongue, how he get in?
How would he find the entrance?
Re: Harry getting rooster:
Yes. Why don't I just take this rooster that just happens to be sitting here conveniently?
why didn't dumbledore just ask murtle about her death. It wouldn't be hard to figure out the where the was entrance or the creature. Also the fact that hagrid was accused of being the heir of sylerthin is ridiculous. When harry goes to fight the snake, why doesn't he get himself a roster, it would have made it alot easier
I'm sure there was some part of Dumbledore that knew about it, but how could he have gotten rid of the dang thing? He didn't know where the Chamber was and even if he did, he'd need to be an Heir of Slytherin to open it! Plus, he never knew exactly what the creature was, no one did.

there must have been water pouring out of the sink while the chamber was opened.
They are wizards!!!! Obviously they are ahead of the times. Duh.
Good point. However, it's possible that the Chamber of Secrets may have magicked itself a pipeline to the girls' bathroom once the bathroom was made. (Which begs the question: where was the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets before then? Was it in the same spot as that girls' bathroom would eventually be?) Remember that Hogwarts has powers of its own, as evidenced by the Room of Requirement.
If the Chamber was anything like the Room of Requirements it would solve that problem all by itself. We are dealing with magic, after all, so this is not necessarily a problem.
When Salazar Slytherin died, he passed on his secrets to his son, including the location of the snake, who then passed on the info to HIS heir, and so on and so forth. Is it really so unbelievable to think that an heir was around at the time that the castle was being modified, and maybe said "hey, I'll help you add plumbing!!!", and rerouted the entrance to the tunnel? Maybe the heir was a female, explaining why the entrance was in the girl's bathroom. Maybe there's even an entrance in the boy's bathroom as well, but the trio followed the clues to the girl's.
OK, Slytherin built the chamber under the school to house the monster.
The next up to speak Parseltongue was Tom Riddle. Isn't it possible that Tom Riddle scratched the serpent into the side of the tap during HIS time at Hogwarts, after discovering that the tunnel/pit/opening to the Chamber of Secrets was in "Moaning Myrtle's" bathroom? Prior to MM being all basilisked to death, the bathroom was in use regularly. Maybe Tom Riddle marked it to assure discovery by HIS heir. "Son of Voldemort".
It says in Potter-more I believe, that Hogwarts modernizes itself through the years, so possibly the entrance was a different type of faucet, and when those bathrooms were added, the entrance just adapted. Its magical after all.
Plumbing has been around for thousands of years. Way before Salazar was even born. Maybe not as efficent as today, but they were still usuable. I
Im pretty sure that in the chamber of secrets there was no poo pee or water. The chambers were NOT the plumbing!! The sinks and toilets had their own plumbing skinny small and separate. The tunnels below the sinks were obviously created by Salazar Slytherin himself. He wanted a place to eventually keep a monster to rid the school of all non purebloods. This is where Tom Riddle got his ideas, from Slytherin's ideas! SO Salazar Slytherin made them, on purpose, for his own diabolical means. THAT is why only parselmouths can enter!
The only way that the chamber of secrets could be accessed through a bathroom is if the bathroom and all of its plumbing fixtures were built at the same time as the chamber. The idea that modern plumbing which was added later and was then incidentally used to access the chamber is faulty. In order to access the chamber, Harry had to say a magical phrase. That means that the object he was talking to (I.e. the sink) had to have been installed at the same time as the chamber, or that someone modified it to be an entrance when the modern plumbing was installed (impossible, because if that were true, the chamber would not have been lost). Because of this, there are only three solutions to this issue: 1) the plumbing in the bathroom is ancient, not modern (unlikely); 2) modern wizard plumbers know exactly where the chamber is, since they would have had to program the password (meaning the chamber was not as lost as the book leads us to believe; or 3) there is a very, very big plot hole in this book.
To the people who are saying why it's in a girls bathroom, IT;S BEEN 900 YEARS!!!, it could've been a boys or staff's bathroom back then.
Not relevant to the plot hole, but the comments got me thinking: maybe Salazar had the Chamber in the girl's bathroom because he was really transgender?! Just a thought :)
"Tom Riddle used Ginny to petrify all those people. That's shes powerful. Got exposed to dark magic early."
Is it just me, or does anyone else 1) Have any idea what this person was trying to say, and 2) Know how it's relevant to the plot hole?
The problem is the snake carved on the fixtures. It is utterly unbelievable that the castle has had those fixtures for 900 years. This is the first true plot hole in the list, imo.
I Think a more important question here is Salazar Slytherin a GUY. So why would his oh so special monster of a snake have a chamber entrance in the GIRLS bathroom???
The plumbing NEVER WORKED because the plumbing was actually huge TUNNELS, which are more primitive than a wheel.....
Tom Riddle used Ginny to petrify all those people. That's shes powerful. Got exposed to dark magic early.
The basilisk was not originally intended to travel through the pipes, just to be "released from the chamber" The travel through the pipes only dates back 50 yrs to the fist round of deaths when voldemort/ tom riddle released the snake (and could have devised the pipes travel then! I think the REAL plothole here is how did the basilisk easy get in and out of these pipes at the locations of the murders without being caught. The thing was huge. Even if it moved one ever spotted a tail or a huge pipe opening "uncorked" so to speak. I mean the pipes in my house only open up in my bathroom and sinks. How did it get into that open hallway where mrs. norris was found or the library where hermione was? Still I'm not that worried about it, I feel as though Magic could easily explain this problem away. It hasn't technically broken a plot rule yet, just raised some questions.
The Greeks had indoor plumbing. It was primative, but they had it. Your argument is invalid.
Maybe Salazar put the pipes there so the snake could move around, and had no idea it would end up as indoor plumbing. then the school just modified itself so it was used as indoor plumbing
the earliest known "city" with plumbing is an ancient Indian city: Catal Huyuk, founded about 7000 bce, which far out dates the founding of Hogwarts
Of course Mr. Weasley didn't know what a plumber was! Why would wizards need to hire a plumber?
You do realise the the Basilisk is probably A LOT larger than regular pipes nowadays, right? This implies that the plumbing is magical. The pipes could also have been added at a later date, it wouldn't be to hard CONSIDERING IT'S A SCHOOL DEDICATED TO MAGIC.
Plumbing is not necessarily mechanical could have been magical. Also note the ancient romans had baths with hot running water and flush toilets, the Minoans had some early plumbing as did the Chinese..
It's not exactly very advanced plumbing. There's a chance that the drains and pipes existed before hand in a MAGIC CASTLE, but the plumbing closer to the surface was added later on.
Are we really going to pretend that indoor plumbing, whether it hadn't existed in the time frame or not, is unrealistic when we are talking about books that have wizards who cast spells and can transport themselves to a location of their choosing with a mere thought?
The Chamber of Secrets was build under the school. It's quite possible that as the school modified and pipes added, the chamber connected itself to the pipes. Much like The Labyrinth in the Greek Mythology, it could have grown on its own accord to fit the growing size of the Basilisk as well as any changes in the castle! Salazar Slytherin was a powerful wizard, he could have bewitched the chamber as such!
This confuses me too. Chamber of Secrets *clearly* shows that wizards use muggle-like plumbing systems. However at the beginning of OotP, Mr. Weasley doesn't know what a plumber is.
Personally I assumed sinks and showers would simply create water, like the aguamenti spell, without the use of pipes, and a toliet would be like a vanishing bowl, where the contents would just disappear. However, then the wizards wouldn't use pipes, which would have created a major pothole in CoS
magical world is behind and ahead of muggles in different ways salizare slytherine planned this chamber
The Minoans and romans had indoor plumbing even 1700 years ago. It wouldn't be the same as modern plumbing, but I'm sure wizards wouldn't have forgotten it like muggles did.
The Chamber of Secrets was built under the school, not in it. It was probably concealed by magic and they did not come across it when bathrooms were later added to the castle. It was probably just the way things ended up working out that the basilisk could get around through the plumbing.
None of this is directly supported by the books, but it is plausible: In lieu of a modern bathroom, suppose that Slytherin had constructed his chamber entrance in a "garderobe" which was essentially the restroom in ancient castles, basically a bench with a hold that led into a cesspit. It's not unreasonable to think that there may have been some kind of well in the room where one could draw up water with which to wash, and that's where he put the actual entrance, carving a snake into the bucket to mark its spot. Over time, the garderobe was remodeled several times to bring it up-to-date (preserving historical architecture is fine and good, but people like modern bathroom facilities!). Remember that this isn't just some door that one could smash through; it's a magically concealed entrance. Tearing up the floors wouldn't reveal the Chamber of Secrets. But each time the room was remodeled, the entrance would re-establish itself in context. Sometime in the late 17th century, perhaps they replaced the well with a fountain, and the snake appeared on one of the fountainheads (which never worked). Then, they replaced the fountain with modern sinks, and the snake appeared on a faucet. The entrance, and the snake that marks it, remains no matter how they remodel the room. Like I said, unsupported by the books, but it sounds like the sort of thing that would happen in Harry Potter's world.
I remember reading that indoor plumbing existed more than a thousand years ago.
This creates all sorts of possibilities. Could Salazar Slytherin have been the first person to develop indoor plumbing?!
the idea of having actual plumbing running through the walls of a thousand year old magical castle is laughable anyway on multiple levels.
If you could do magic, would you train as a plumber?
True, but is seems logical they installed that later. I mean, they couldn't really let these children go outside in a hole or something. And they have magic, so it should be possible...

Why Lupin didn't see the extra Harry and Hermione on the mauraders map the night of the confrontation with Sirius and Peter Pettigrew

On the night that Wormtail escapes to rejoin Voldemort, Lupin is watching the Mauraders Map. He tells them later that he thought they might sneak down to Hagrids hut because of Buckbeaks execution. He also says he did see them leave the castle and go to Hagrids hut. So wouldn't he have seen that there was 2 Harry's, and 2 Hermiones on the grounds that night. There wasn't that many people out there that night. I would think something like that would be hard to miss.
It's not exactly a plot hole, I just feel it's one of the stupidest details in CoS. Hermione had been in the hospital for days, Madam Pomfrey, Dumbledore and who knows who else were examining her and caring for her, yet no one other than Harry and Ron ever bothered to notice that her petrified hand was clearly grasping a piece of paper?
A cool theory is that in the movies the reason draco ripped a page from a book in the bookshop was for them. Draco didn't call just anyone mudblood, he only ever called hermione it and it only started in her second year even though he was likely already aware of the slur in the first year. as if warning her.
And why would Hermione rip out a page of such a valuable book? Seems untypical of her
Hermiobe had her fist clenched around the piece of paper. No one would have seen it unless they looked very closely. Certainly, Madam Pomfrey would not have fussed over a paralyzed body since she would deem it futile to do anything (the mandrake potion was almost ready and would have provided a certain remedy). Hence Madam Pomfrey may not have paid Hermione much attention. However, Harry and Ron sat beside her bed and looked at her, probably holding her hand as well. They were more observant of Hermione than anyone else, Because they cared about her.
In book 7, after the fight in the diner, Harry suggests that they should wipe the Death Eaters' memories. Hermione steps up the the plate, saying that she's never done a Memory Charm before, but that she knows the theory. HOWEVER - Hermione had previously explained that she made her parents forget that they had a daughter, which would indicate that she had performed the spell at least twice before (once per parent), Furthermore, it must have been a very complex and powerful memory charm to make the subjects forget completely about their only child (speaking as someone who for 9 years had only one child, I can say with some degree of conviction that it would take something pretty major to make me completely forget her existence!). This isn't really a plot hole, since it could be fixed by changing a single line of dialogue, but it is an error. (I must admit, I didn't see this one until I saw the most recent movie.)
This one's not so much a plot hole as it's an error in the narrative.
Not really a plot hole if you consider the fact that Hermione could have brewed a potion with which to alter her parents' memories. She is the smartest witch in her year, after all.
Good point, Hermione wouldn't want to use "Obliviate" on her parents. From what we've learned, obliviate is irreversible, the memories are literally obliterated. She worked a different sort of magic that she notes could be reversed if they succeed. Plus, to obliterate memories that cover 17-18 years would most likely render her parents to a state similar to Lockhart's dementia. She would have done something much more subtle that confuses their memories, not erase them.
She uses Obliviate on her parents in the movie, but the book never tells you this. The book just says that she altered their memories. She could have done something different.
She "confunded" her parents. just like snape did with dung, which is different from obliviating.
Hermione "obliviated" both Rowle and Dolohoff in the cafe, and later Xenophilius Lovegood. Yet they all get their memories back. Within a few pages Voldy is grilling R and D. Obviously "obliviate" is not a permanent wipe.
Did anyone read the book??? It clearly says that Hermione 'modified' her parents memory. I guess the Memory charm and Memory Modifying Charm must be different!!!!
Maybe she used a potion on her parents as she would have had more time (setting up a story etc) but memory charms are quicker and possibly less detailed
Don't think she had already mentioned that, she may have wanted to avoid saying it before then?
Hermione wouldn't want to just erase two peoples memory that had probably only worked for Voldemort to protect their families as if they didn't Voldemort would kill them and their families so she lied to the boys to evade doing the spell because if they thought Hermione couldn't do it they would not ask her.
Indeed, there is a big difference between a Memory Modification Charm and a Memory ERASING Charm. She modified her paren't memories, she did not use Obliviate as Emma Watson did in the movie. That was a movie mistake. Obliviate completely wipes the memories and cannot be brought back. The memory modification just alters their memories, not erasing them. Therefore, she'd done a modification charm, so she was correct in saying she'd never done a memory ERASING charm. Hollywood screwed it up.
There is a difference between a Memory Charm and a Memory Modification. In Chamber of Secrets Gilderoy Lockheart stated that a Memory Charm, which he was so gifted at, erased a person's memory. In Prisoner of Azkaban Cornelius Fudge mentioned that Harry's Aunt Marge had had her "memory modified" and that she would have "no memory of the event." Memory Modifications either hides, changes, or alters the information that's already in a person's mind whereas a Memory Charm attempts to destroy it. Hermione used Memory Modifacations on her parents, she didn't erase them, which is precisely what Harry asked her to do to the two Death Eaters in Deathly Hallows.
Maybe a muggles mind is easier to cast memory charms on then a wizard/witches 'complex' and gifted mind.
i believe this is just a mistake that JK wanted to mollify by saying they are two different spells. This of course is just my opinion, but I believe a spell to make someone completely lose their memory would be easier to preform. A spell to actually twist the users memory would be more complex because you would need to know how to change it to your specifications.
ok but if hermione still used a memory charm that waas different,,, only erasing her out of their min dthen how did she find them when she was travelling hmmm that woul dbe impossible in australia especially.. good point
Jo said that the memory charm she used on her parents was different because it was some sort of mind wipe as it didn't just get rid of their memories it got rid of every influence of her in their lives.
I noticed this in the book and I (being a complete Potterhead) choose to think that they were differant spells.
If i remember correctly, she never told the boys what she had done until after the wedding, but i may be mistaken. But anyway, probably did not want the boys to feel guilty for her having to give up her family, or maybe its the fact that guilt would compel them to try and send her back, to get it all fixed again..?
V It may be the official answer, but that sounds like splitting hairs to cover a "whoopsie" to me.
False Memory Charm =/= Memory Charm. The scriptwriters for the movie, for whatever reason, decided that a False Memory Charm has the same incantation; however, JKR has said that they're two different spells.
Hermione modified her parents memories she didn't obliviate them. Acording to JKR (I know someone who wrote her) they are different.
Hermione never performed a Memory charm. She modified her parent's memories. They are two completely different things. A memory charm erases the memories that the caster chooses. When you Modify a memory, all you are doing is altering certain aspects of the memory. Also, she wouldn't have confunded them, because all that does is confuse the opponent momentarily.
she never did wipe her parent memory's because if she did she wouldn't have been able to find them again in Australia would she? there memory's would have been gone forever like professor Lockhart's was
hermione had performed a memory charm before, however, this was a complete memory wipe.
you said that it must've been a powerful memory charm, but it was simply making them forget she was there, not know she existed. all the things she did, everywhere she went, they were simply forgotten
In the movie, Hermione used a memory charm on her parents, when in the book it doesn't confirm which spell Hermione used- it just says that she made them think that they didn't have a daughter, they had completely different names and wanted to go to Australia. That would take a completely different spell than just simply wiping the Death Eaters memory.
She confunded her parents to the point they though they were someone else, she hadn't used a memory charm before in the book. The movie used the wrong wording (obliviate).
Hermione a complected memory charm on her parents, she modified their memories to make them believe that they didn't even have a daughter! It wasn't a simple Obliviate! However in the movie that charm shown is Obliviate and thus the scene where she says she hasn't used it before has been left out!
She never used a memory charm on her parents, she just changed their memories
I was thinking about that one, and I'm glad someone mentioned it! It was bothering me...
Yeah, if she confunded her parents or something similar, that would not be a memory charm.
JK Rowling answered this. Changing someone's memory to make them think they are someone else is a different spell than completely wiping someone's memory. And no, Hermione did not make the death eater think he was someone else, she just wiped his memory.
^WTF are you talking about? making someone totally forget who they are sounds alot harder than just a basic memory wipe. In fact, Hermione probably did make the death eater think he was someone else, so he wouldn't be a threat anymore.
Actually, Hermione hasn't done a memory charm until she did it on the Death Eater. What she did on her parents wasn't a memory charm, because she didn't wipe their memories. She just made her parents think they were different people. They are two completely different things.
it's possible that hermione intended to say she never performed a memory charm on a wizard before (seeing as both her parents are muggles). maybe muggle minds are easier to alter
I don't get this either. Plot hole by JKR's faulty writing. This *cannot* be explained, unless Hermione forgot she used a complex memory charm to send her parents to Australia just days earlier. -__- unlikely

If Harry's survival is one of a kind, how do the whole wizarding, in a short time after it happened, figure out that Voldemort is "dead" and Harry survived a Killing Curse?

Not much of a plot hole but, isn't it a also bit funny that in the whole history of the magical world, there is no other documented case of a person escaping death due to a loved one's sacrifice.
the protection didnt only "last one year". think of his mother's protection this way. when he isnt home its like harry is walking aroung with a voldemort-bullet proof suit. (does not protect against anyone but voldemort) versus when hes at the dursley's (Them being his only remaining boold family) amped his protection up the equivilent of holding up in a bomb shelter. Not indestructable but as close to it as possible.
To begin with, it wasn't a common event to have happen. People aren't just protected by a loved ones sacrifice. The sacrifice has to be freely and willingly given. Lily could have lived, Voldemort gave her that choice, but she decided to die to try and save Harry. Thus the protection placed upon him. Same thing when Harry walked into the forest knowing he was going to die, protection placed on everyone he was dieing for. Second, the protection only lasts one year, which is why Harry had to return the Dursley's every year. As long as the Dursley's were where Harry called "home" the protection was extended. Which is why it would have expired on his 17th birthday, became an adult, and was no longer part of the Dursley home. Given that, how often is an individual going to knowingly and willingly die for another, and then have the protected person attacked again in less than a year.
On a side note, Dumbledore knew about the protection, so somewhere it had to have happened before, or been theorized, for him to know.
Curses (and other magic) are broken when a person dies.Witches and wizards suddenly were free (with the imperious curse, this was questionable with some people, but of course some were obviously true. It is extremely unlikely that Voldemort had refrained from curses lots of other people in ways more obvious than imperious curses. When those people were suddenly uncursed, it was a pretty big clue.
Godric's Hallow was a town with many wizards, and it apparently had a Dark Mark just hovering over it. As for the 'one of a kind' situation, no one's split their soul seven times, so no one's had the weird horcrux-rebound thing. Normal enchantments might have only lasted for a few seconds or a minute before the curse could penetrate.
It's been said that it was old magic. Maybe something not a lot of people knew about. Plus you would have to know beforehand that someone was coming to kill you and your child, with no other way to escape. Lily knew she couldn't run away, and the only way she could hope to defeat Voldemort was to have his own plan backfire. But she knew that would require that she sacrificed herself, and really, how many people would be brave enough to sacrifice themselves like that? Besides, maybe it did happen and it was so long ago that no one knew about it in the present day. This isn't a plot hole at all, there's too many reasonable explanations. I haven't seen any legitimate plot holes on this site that don't have any way to explain them within the books' storylines.
ever lived in a small town? Word spreads fast. The Wizarding Community might be spread out geographically, but it is a small community
This is just speculation, but once the house became visible after the Fidelius charm broke, there is a good chance that neighbors heard the scuffle, maybe witnessed the explosion of green light as part of the house got blown away. Now I'm sure there are plenty of spells with green light, but considering Voldemort already used the killing curse on both Lily and James, it would be unlikely that he would use any other spell on Harry. Why else would he go through the trouble of killing two full-grown magical adults if not to kill the son, too? Even an ill-informed onlooker would figure that one out.
As to how the information spread so fast, there were plenty of witches and wizards in Godric's Hollow and I'm sure they'd pass on the word quickly enough.
I know that J.K. Rowling herself wrote the whole Parent-killing scene for the movies. But does that extend to the scene in The Princes Tale in 7:2? Is it possible that she wrote that as well? If so, then Snape was the one that found out and let the Wizarding World know.
It was because Lily had the choice to live but she chose to die instead. Those who use the killing curse either don't typically care about harming others, or they try to just attack the one person. Lily was never meant to die, so her sacrifice meant all .the more, and secured her son's safety
Now that is something I always thought of thanks for bringing it up
Because Snape asked voldemort to spare Lily and he told her she could live but she made a choice to die. She wanted to die to save Harry. Usually if you are going to kill someone (especially if you are voldemort) you don't ask them if they want to go.
off topic, but another plot hole is the fact that the potters trusted pettigrew. like, really? i ont care how good an actor he was--he was the most cowardly, disgusting character in the book. capable of murder, shady enough to stay as a rat for 12 years living as a pet to some small kids, retreating back as a slave to voldemort.... sure he did all this after they died, but he must have always been a truly coward. stupid on their part and sort of unbelievable.
Okay, first of all, when Pettigrew told Voldemort where to find the Potters, the Fidelius charm broke. Thus, the Potters' house in Godric's Hollow would be visible. Voldemort attempted to kill Harry, but instead the curse rebounded. The house took most of the curse (I believe that's why it collapsed/burned up, etc.). Also, Voldemort "died," or so the wizarding community believed, possibly due to the creation of a new horcrux in Harry (albeit unknowingly done; possibly because of Lily's protective charm). In addition, Lily was always good at charms. Her wand is specifically good for charm work, as Ollivander said in the first book when Harry shows up to purchase his wand. Thus, it isn't far off that she'd be the one to create such a powerful protective charm. However, since Godric's Hollow is a wizarding community, all the people who would be surrounding the Potters' house are wizards. To confirm that fact, when Sirius shows up at the Potters; house, he confronts Pettigrew. Pettigrew uses magic, which is totally acceptable because they are in a wizarding community. This the blown up/burnt up house, the "death" of Voldemort, the "death" of Pettigrew, and the infant left behind are spread throughout the wizarding community by eye witnesses, ie. residents of Godric's Hollow. Note the owls, etc. seen by Muggles because of the wizarding community. Also, in the third book, PoA, everyone says that Pettigrew's death was written in the papers (probably Daily Prophet? Sorry I don't remember; it's been so long since I read that book). Even McGonagall remembers Pettigrew as a "small weak boy" (I think that's what she says) "always tagging along after James and Sirius." She laments that such a fragile, presumably harmless, kid was killed that same night. Or so she thinks (she doesn't know that Pettigrew's alive at that point in the book). Hope this makes sense and clears up a little discussion here.
Regarding the side comment of the above plot-hole: As stated by Bartemius Crouch, Jr., there is no way to block, deflect, or prevent the killing curse in any way. Well, until Lily Potter uses that powerful charm to protect Harry. And I would say the reason it hadn't been done before is because of how rare it would be that someone would kill a baby in front of a loving mother who happened to be extraordinary at charms. (Also, the fact that Trelawney had made a prophesy about it means nothing; Dumbledore himself basically says it was a self-fulfilling prophesy in #6)
Obviously the word spread. Things happened in such a short amount of time but if people had come out of the imperius curse and the dark mark faded then people would be thinking that he had been defeated. Rumours spread about James and Lily being killed but Harry not- I don't think the wizarding world actually understood what really happened- but it's kind of like WW2, being British I still cannot fathom how we defeated the Nazi's but I'm not complaining- the wizarding world had no idea how Harry survived but weren't going to sit around moaning about the vagueness of the defeat. There might have been cases of people dying for loved ones, but not necessarily sacrificing themselves. Voldemort didn't have to kill Lily- he wasn't going to. He was going to quite happily let her live but she refused. It was't like, jumping in front of a bullet it was a proper 'I will die.' type thing.
someone asked about how harry survived the collapsing house--he's a horcrux now, remember? horcruxes are virtually indestructible. in fact...that actually raises another issue, if he's a horcrux, then how is it he can get hurt?
Probably because of the baby still alive amongst the wreckage of a demolished house with the dark mark above it.
How about the trace which can detect which magic is done, so the killing curse x3 done near harry would be noticed. and as its unlike a baby cast it, he must have survived it?
also prior incantum or whatever its called would show voldermort's spells
The Dark Mark faded to nothing (nothing but maybe a raised, flesh-color outline) when Voldemort was "vanquished" the first time, so Snape would've been able to confirm to Dumbledore that Voldemort was gone. Speaking of which, it makes no sense that Sirius would not have known what the Dark Mark was in the Goblet of Fire when Harry told him about how Karkaroff was showing Snape something on his arm. Now THAT is a plot hole!
According to Minerva McGonagall, all four of the houses have produced exceptional witches and wizards in their time, but due to Helga Hufflepuff's policy of accepting any student and its usually poor performance in the House Cup, Hufflepuff is often thought of as the place where students are sorted when they don't have any of the qualities of the other three houses, which have more defined attributes. Perhaps as a consequence of the broad principles of acceptance upon which it is founded, Hufflepuff has been stereotyped as the house of the unexceptional (or, more unkindly, as "a lot o' duffers"). This also corresponds with the Sorting Hat's song where it states:
"Dear Hufflepuff, she took the rest and taught them all she knew."
I al not answering The question but i think we should give a little credit to harry i mean he is The son of two powerful wizards ant The chosen one so he has to have something else that males him special other than his mommy loved him which i think is common
True he had The help of his parents for a long time but in The end it was him right?
And if cedric could appear as a spirit or whatever lily could have done it and sealed herself in harry to later on protect him
These aré my thoughts
someone asked how Harry survived the physical collapse of the house - J.K. has said that wizards are able to generally withstand greater amounts of physical trauma than we muggles. This explains how they're able to play a game like Quidditch, for instance, which would surely claim a few hundred lives each year otherwise.
its is because Lily said- "take me instead of him please, please" she did not just stand in front of harry and say to voldermort please dont kill me
Well that German woman didnt really try to save her children she tried to shut the door on voldemort.. And I think it might have been recorded far back, I mean Dumbledore always talks about acient magic, maybe some type of old acient runes was somewhere and Dumbledore was able to figure it out.
during fake moody's confession he distinctly mentions "themap " dumbledore asks him for a clarification, and moody/crouch replies"potter's map of hogwarts". dumbledore is also the one who opens moody's trunk, so wouldnt he have searched it again (after the interrogation,probably returned like that invisibility cloak was in the first book) and given harry his map back? especially so because it has been repeatedly mentioned that harry was dumbledore's favourite student at hogwarts, regardless of his rule-breaking, so he wouldnt have thought twice about returning it, since its also one of harry's last possesions from his father...
the same thing could have happened but because this time it was voldermort, it became famous, plus usually it wouldn't have hurt the murderer but it did this time beaus he accidentally created a horcrux, or maybe a murderer once failing to kill it victim would give up unlike voldemort
A little off topic, but how does Harry survive the fall from the second floor to the ground and the whole 'collapsing, burning house' scenario, anyway. He must be virtually indestructible.
The whole house was destroyed so it would have attracted wizard authority. They would have found voldemort's wand and done that spell where you can see the last spell cast by someone's wand. And then there were the bodies of Lilly and James but not Harry. Maybe...
^^ and the answer to that question is: They didn't know how Harry lived. No one except for Dumbledore, and later Voldemort, ever advanced a theory about it. Likely, the main thing that convinced people that Voldemort was "dead" was the reaction of the Death Eaters. All of them knew what had happened right away because the Dark Marks faded from their arms, and their reactions (whether it was to flee, turn themselves in, wake up from Impirius curse, etc.) told everyone else what had happened.
I'm shocked at how many people responding to these plot holes completely miss the question. It wasn't 'how did Harry survive' or 'why did Harry survive', the question was 'HOW DID THE WIZARDING COMMUNITY KNOW THE EXACT REASON HARRY LIVED WHEN HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DID IT?'. Come on folks, read, it's not rocket science.
The thing is only Dumbledore knew the truth the rest world didn't know how it happened the first book says this and the reason Harry knows the truth is because Dumbledore told him.
It's not supposed to be one of a kind, if it happened before it just looked like any other murder. The protection was the result of voluntary sacrifice; Voldemort tried to spare Lily sin Snape has begged so. And Dumbledore knew about the whole thing so he could deduce what happened and spread the word (in the first book there's so many owls going around that it's on the news, also there's floo and aparition)
remember that those who had been Impiriused by Voldemort "came back" after he tried and failed to curse Harry. That would have been a significant indicator that Voldemort was defeated. It was probably a while before people figured out the details; they simply knew that he died while trying to kill Harry Potter, and that somehow this baby survived and the Dark Lord perished. As for the "sacrifice protection" never before having been recorded, even Dumbledore didn't fully understand what had really happened, and there may have been some other magic at work besides what we know about.
James's death could've given protection to Harry n Lilly like lilly's gave protection to Harry... Its because James had no choice, but to die... Lilly had an option, she can save her life... But she sacrificed her life for Harry... It comes like this... Only if someone really sacrificed, the killing curse re bounces... This may be rare case...
The difference with Harry was that Lily didn't have to die. She was given a choice and sacrificed herself, unlike the woman who didn't choose. It could have happened before and not been recorded. Feel like I'm clutching at straws here though.
Well, the prophesy was rather vague regarding Harry's victory over Voldemort... I find it rather hasty to assume that Voldemort's curse rebounded on himself due to his mother's sacrifice(which is supposedly a situation has never occured in history) when the scene of the crime consisted of a living infant, a burning house, 2 dead bodies, and no trace of Voldemort. But everyone seemd quite convinced of his death.
Well it was prophosized by Trelawney, that's what makes it different. The downfall of Voldemort and such, specifically. The prophecy also implies that it COULD have been Neville and not Harry. I'm not sure if that explanation suffices but that's what I think.
I was wondering about this one too - especially the bit about there being no other similar cases. I know that Harry and Voldemort's situation is unique, but if there is a special magic which protects a child whose mother died for them, then why is there no example of that before or since? For instance, in book seven, chapter 12, Voldemort attacks a German family. The mother shields them from the killing curse - why didn't this produce a similar situation?
Sorry if there's an obvious answer to this, it's a while since Ive read them.

Dumbledore says before he and Harry set off to the cave, that they are setting off to find and destroy one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, yet when they get to the cave, they don’t seem to think about, or know how they are going to destroy the horcrux that they thought they were going to recover. When Dumbledore is about to drink the potion, he doesn’t know what the effects on him are going to be; he could be paralysed, forced to forget why he was there. He tells Harry to force the potion down him but he gives no instructions on what to do afterwards when the Horcrux is now accessible and Dumbledore is affected in whatever way by the potion. You would have expected him to perhaps tell him to destroy it (presumably with [[Godric Gryffindor’s sword]] that Dumbledore brought with him, did he actually bring it?) and maybe bring back the incapacitated Dumbledore to Hogwarts. To me they did not plan well, so what were they out there to do, merely find the horcrux or find it and destroy it? Now offcourse, what happens is that Dumbledore merely hallucinates, becomes weakened and thirsty so they just about managed to get away with the fake horcrux, but had the potion made Dumbledore forget everything for example; Harry would not know what to do.
And that makes me think about Regulus Black’s horcrux hunt. He knew a lot less about horcruxes than Dumbledore, but he did know that he was going to die (he told kreacher to leave him to die in the cave), but he seems to have also poorly planned his hunt. It can be assumed that he did not tell Kreacher, nor even find out how to destroy them (he didn’t even tell Kreacher that it was a horcrux, did he?)
What do you think?
Voldemort would have set up the horcrux's defences so that he could have got it out without any trouble. Dumbledore suspected the potion would not do permanent harm to him, like killing him or making him lose his memories or his mind because that would have happened to Voldemort too. Voldemort would have chosen something to hurt his enemies but wouldn't affect him, and after the first drink, Dumbledore knew it was a potion to make the drinker feel guilt or remorse. He knew he would be temporarily incapacitated but would survive it. (Though he could have told Harry how to fight off the Inferi, I reckon he didn't expect the sudden thirst afterwards.) Voldemort has no conscience so guilt would not have hurt him. (I guess he didn't plan for other psychopaths wanting to find and destroy his Horcrux?) Also, Voldemort can fly, so he wouldn't have had to swim. And Dumbledore did remark on how crass he found the blood protection. As for Regulus, he was probably reacting and not thinking things through. Especially after he had drunk that potion and wasn't in his right mind. He had already decided to sacrifice himself, dying in a pool of Inferi might have seemed like a fitting end in that second, and it was more important to him to get the Horcrux away from there.
First of all (to a commenter below), if they filled up a goblet and dumped it on the floor, the basin would have refilled for the same reason there was a barrier preventing, presumably, anything you cannot drink with from entering it: the liquid is bewitched so that it must be drunk.
Second, while Dumbledore was prepared, he was also somewhat surprised when they returned to Hogsmeade and saw the dark mark. Maybe he assumed he would have time to tell Harry about the sword after they returned. Maybe Dumbledore was being just a little cocky and thought they would both survive the cave and live to share cockroach clusters (or what have you) in his office and discuss horcrux extermination methods.
Just some thoughts..maybe...Dumbledore had been to the cave before (since he had been to the other Horcruxes locations I highly doubt it was his first visit to the cave), had studied it before (so he knew about the blood tribute, the boat and pretty much what expected him over there). Now he either...1)Assumed he couldn't do this alone (because of the potion) so he'd need to come back there with someone, and the only other person that could know about this was Harry (since he would have to search and destroy the Horcruxes anyway later on) or...2) he drank the potion, discovered the medallion was fake but brought Harry there anyway, as a "test" (and proof) of all he had been teaching Harry:That he couldn't do this job alone, how far would Voldemort go to protect the pieces of his soul, how was Voldemort style of doing things, etc...Also, maybe Dumbledore knew that Draco was due to attempt to kill him that day, since Snape was watching over him. So he had no more time to train Harry, and decided to visit the cave with him as a final lesson. This way, Harry wouldn't know that he tried to use the resurrection stone; he'd assume that Dumbledore was too frail because of the potion and that's why Draco was able to disarm him and Snape could then kill him. This way, he could hide his foolish mistake from Harry, and protect his legacy as the powerful magician. Which would be intelligent - The idea that Dumbledore could fail wouldn't be good for Harry later on - he could give up on searching for Horcruxes because of this.
For those who have rightfully pointed out that Dumbledore did not know to expect the potion problem, this is very true. However, what would have prevented them from turning around and going back to the castle without the Horcrux? Could they not have done a little bit of research and come back better prepared? Also, Dumbledore definitely should have told Harry about the way to destroy the Horcruxes.
Because J.K. was extremely upset at Dumbledore at the time.
Who knows.
They could have just emptied the basin without drinking it I assume, but nope!
to the comment below me, this is dark magic we are on about, its like saying why didn't dumbledore use dragons blood/another creatures blood to enter
what I don't get is why they didn't just fill the cup with potion, then dump it on the ground, fill it up, dump it, etc. Why drink it?
Am I the only one who thinks this is so far fetched: a horcrux - in a potion filled basin - on an island - in a huge cave - with a lake filled with dead people - that you can only get into by bleeding all over the rocks and swimming down a long tunnel - risking hypothermia? This hiding place is SO complicated compared to the others: the shack that any hobo could have squatted in; Gringots was not theft proof; and Hogwarts. The diadem didn't even have a curse, because Harry picked it up when he hid the potions book. Just wondering if it bothered anyone else?
Regulus probably had a suicide wish, a) because he had done bad things and wanted to repent in death, and/or b) he didn't want to run the risk of Voldemort finding out what he had done and torturing him.
Also, I believe that only house elves can apparate in non-apparation zones (like Hogwarts), and Regulus probably would have died if Kreacher had taken him along. Maybe he actually wanted a chance to survive.
As for dumping the potion on the floor, I'm sure the "barrier" prevented the drinker from emptying the shell anywhere other than in a mouth, and the same barrier would prevent someone from lifting the locket out of the potion with the shell. JK Rowling could have dedicated more time to "hmm, let's try this instead. no? OK let's try THIS instead" scenarios, but it would have made for a dull read.
The planning? Dumbledore only knew where the Horcrux was, not how it was protected. Nice try, this isn't really a plothole.
or maybe, why couldn't they have scooped the potion out, an dumped it on the cave floor? Or used the cup to scoop out the locket?
Well, this isn't a plot hole at all, not in any way whatsoever. Dumbledore couldn't have anticipated the potion. And he's not perfect- maybe it didn't occur to Dumbledore to tell Harry what to do should he go crazy due to the potion as his thoughts were focused on acquiring the horcrux. As for why they didn't bring something to destroy the locket with, they clearly planned on bringing it back to Hogwarts with them.
dumbledore didn't really care about what would happen to him, as he was about to die anyway. he also trusted Harry much, which may have been foolish, but it was his reason.
This is just to answer the question: "The bigger plot-hole is: why didn't Regulus just allow himself to be apparated out of the cave alongside his house elf?". Regulas Black was a death-eater that had turned against Voldemort in the end. His last actions were the only proof of this. Had he returned and fought against the Dark Lord, it would have brought shame to his mother, who had already disowned Sirius. By dying in the cave and never revealing his last wishes to stop Voldemort, he in turn was protecting his family. Also, most of the big adventures in the HP books aren't well planned out....
Dumbledore does.not tell people everything they need to know. Harry didn't need to know Dumbledore no doubt wanted Harry to figure it out, or most likely Hermione. He knew he was going to die anywa, the potion effects didn't matter. Considering Regulus was a Death Eater he could have thought it obvious that he was going to.die.considering how kreacher was. He only returned because he master ordered him to. And house-elves are.bound by their masters orders
I must admit, this is the first question that I cannot easily answer - a legit plot hole. And an applause for the person who posted the phrase "stoned on voldy juice".
i think that Dimbledore knew where it was, knew it had to do with Voldemort which = bad, and knew that he didn't have much time left, in fact merely hours so he decided to wing it. as for Regulas he knew where it was cause he followed Voldemort and was starting to not like what Voldemort was doing, so he decided to stop it best he could, and knew he was proabiliy going to die so he took Kreacher with him and decided to wing it the rest of the way
RAB was a Death Eater, unlike Dumbledore, so he would be allowed much more inside information. Plus, it was Regulas that loaned Kreacher for the mission. Not only would Regulas know that Voldemort had Horcuxes, but Kreacher would be able to inform him how to get through the cave/get the locket/etc. Dumbledore and Harry did not have this inside knowledge. In the end, it did not come down to RAB being a better wizard than Dumbledore--he was just much more prepared, and had a house elf that had already experienced the journey once before. The bigger plot-hole is: why didn't Regulus just allow himself to be apparated out of the cave alongside his house elf?
well for starters dumbledore didn't need the sword to destroy horcruxs because he did destroy the ring. Plus if he was paralyzed he need to drink the whole thing and it would fade. As for the regulus part, he was to weak at thr time and Kreacher was only a house elf he didn't know what it was!!
Did Dumbledore bring Godric Gryffindor's sword, after all he was planning to DESTROY the Horcrux, not just find it. Why didn't Regulus or Kreacher try and find out how to destroy it?
Well Dumbledore knew that it wouldn't be inaccessible because voldemort might want to retrieve it. Also he said he trusted harry to do what was right, even if it meant leaving him to die. Also, dumbledore did leave clues on how to destroy the horcrux even if he didnt tell harry outright. Last, when Kreacher helped voldemort but in the horcrux, he knew what would happen, and told regulus about it when he was called back.
he needed snape to kill him anyway for the whole elder wand thing to work out, so he figured he might as well be the one to get stoned on voldy juice in the process.

In the Seven Potters chapter, when the Order of the Phoenix had to sneak Harry out of his aunt's house, why did six members of the Order have to drink the Polyjuice potion to become Harry? Wouldn't it have been better if Harry took the potion to become someone else? Or why couldn't he have snuck out of the house using his Invisibility Cloak?
It also kept the other "Harrys" (who were all the weakest and least experienced) safer. The death eaters were instructed not to kill Harry. If Harry had been disguised as a powerful wizard, he and anyone else disguised likewise would be bigger targets...... I guess they could have ALL disguised themselves as The Chudley Cannons or something, it would have been even more confusing, but it wouldn't have given any more safety to the weaker members of this group in the way their actual plan did. .................. You also have to remember that they did not predict a large attack, their plan was just meant to work and confuse a couple weaker look-outs
I honestly believe this was done just to make the story more satisfactorily dramatic for Rowling.
He didin't moved in Hermoine's bag because they knew he was getting moved and if they didin't found him there then they and last of all Voldemort obviously will kill everyone of the order.
he cant use polyjuice potion to be someone else because he still has his trace , he's still wasn't 17.
To the comment below,
It was because Harry still had the trace and was thus rendered unable to side-by-side apparate or any other such method of transportation without being tracked by the death eaters
Instead of that, why didn't they just do side by side apparating? That would have solved the problem completely. I mean, Harry had done side-by-side apparition by bringing Dumbledore to Hogsmeade - so honestly, why couldn't have Moody have apparated with Harry side by side?
Brilliant idea! Just climb into Hermione's bag. I don't know if she had it when the Order picked Harry up. But she certainly did in the forest when they were caught by Snatchers. Brilliant.
I agree that this whole idea, in and of itself, is possibly the weakist plot device in the entire series. If we can't magic Harry out, simply hire a limo with tinted windows to pick him up at the Dursley's and drive him to the Burrow! Problem solved. Unless I'm expected to think that the collective beain-power of tOotP is too dumb to think of something so simple.
I think the the Weasley house was way too obvious of a hideout. Snape couldve easily figured it out.
They should have changed into Death Eaters. That would make them impossible to track in the air.
A bad plan does not equal a plot hole. I think this should be commented on about half of these plot holes. Characters in books make bad choices too.
the trce, if u age up u would still have the trace but if u age down u get the trace, if that makes any secne and besides that if u saw 2 of one person u would no "o kill those 2"
They knew the threat of Death Eaters was imminent, so they made the other Harry's as decoys. They couldn't risk changing the real Harry into someone else because, if you remember, Voldemort wanted Harry ALIVE. If Harry was disguised as someone else, the Death Eaters may have accidentally killed him. The Order knew this, and realized that keeping Harry as himself would be advantageous.
The Mom was monitoring the Dursley's for any mode of transportation out of there, but they weren't monitoring the safe houses.
The MoM put traces on Privet Dr. so that any magical means of travel ie... apparation, potkey, floo would be detected.
What I don't get, is that more than once, we have been told that you cannot trace someone who apparates. So why not JUST apparate out.
The Ministry would know it happened, but they wouldn't be able to tell where they apparated to.
The main thing that puzzles me about this is that is that they went through a ton of trouble to get Harry away from the dursley's house to a portkey when one person could have just taken a portkey to him.
I think it's because they didn't want to use any magic on Harry. That's why he rode off on the motorcycle instead of departing in some other magical way
Plus, as soon as Harry left the dursleys, the enchantments would break and the death eaters could approach them and would then directly know that it was Harry outside somewhere and attack
They knew when Harry was being moved, so if a random muggle came out of his house with an auror, it would be obvious that that was Harry. They're not stupid you know!! And changing 6 other members of order into muggles would have the same effect as changing them into harry. I don't see a plothole in this...
He couldn't do any of thoughs things, because he still had the trace on him and the ministry had been infiltrated by Death Eaters. They would know when Harry would be moved and the house was being watched and the charm would break as soon as he left.
Hahahaaa it would be hilarious for him to climb into Hermione's bag.
It would be so much easier if they all just disguise as random muggles with polyjuice potion and went to harry, changed him into a random muggle too or use invisibility cloak or just hide him in a bag, and all just go to one near by location to portkey back to the Burrow.

Why didn't Lucius Malfoy get arrested for threatening the hogwarts governors, or harry and Dobby's claims that Lucius Malfoy was behind the opening of the chamber of secrets?
It's a corrupt government. If you read the whole book, the whole ministry is completely corrupt and Lucius Malfoy had the ministry in his pocket. Even if there was proof, he would've probably gotten away with it. For goodness sakes, he got away with being a Death Eater TWICE!
Their proof was the Diary. The Diary was destroyed. They had no proof.
The same reason things like this happen all the time in the non-magical world: money. He was funding them big time.
The Hogwarts governors probably didn't like the Malfoys much if Lucius had to threaten them to get them to suspend Dumbledore, so it would probably seem like they were making it up to get Lucius in trouble. As for Harry and Dobby, Harry's just a twelve year old, so most people probably wouldn't listen to him, and Dobby was the Malfoys' slave, so people might think he was trying to get them into trouble because of that.Any of them could say that it was Lucius, but there was no proof, so people were unlikely to believe them.
The Malfoys are highly ranked family in the wizarding world, even if they are cruel. In a high society, people threaten, gamble, cheat, steal, and many other illegal things all the time, but in their own secretive way and they can trust on the fact that their neighbors have enough knowledge on them to keep their secrets. I'm sure Lucius knew things about the other governors, likely what he used for the threats, that kept them quite but still unhappy. It's all a big game of when to open or shut your mouth. Also, Dobby was a house elf and not the most mentally sturdy one at that, although I'm sure none of the poor souls were that sturdy in that kind of life. Other than the words of a slave, they had no real proof, sadly.
Well not really, he gets sacked by the governors for threatening them
no one knew but harry&&i think..ginny might've also. they are not in dumblesores office when they have that conversation.
Malfoy is, besides Dumbledore, THE most influential person in the Hogwarts administration.

During the first chapter of book 1 you see Dursley going to his place of business and noticing wizard celebrating Voldemort "Death" all day. Owls, cape peoples, shouting stars... He even overheard the name Potter at one point. Yet later during the night Hagrid bring the baby Harry to Dumbledore directly from Godric Hollow.
So if the Wizarding world know of Voldie downfall for most of the day how come the first adult they send to retrieve the miracle kid was sent 15 to 20 hours later! And the way it written left no doubt that Hagrid just extracted the kid he did not take him to I don't know the magical hospital to have that scar check.
And it not like Hagrid is too dumb to make that kind of judgement call either. The one time somebody got seriously cursed around him he pick up the girl and immediately bring her to the nearest healer. So J.K had an out and could have said he both extracted the kid form the house and bough him from the Hospital, Hogwart or even the Ministry to the Dursley later that day. But she did not took it. The other plot hole is that when Harry visit the house in Deathly Hallows it is stated to be partially burn down. So they left a one year old baby in a blown up, burn up house for 15 to 20 hours! This bring another question is Harry Potter some sort of super wizard ghost?
Hagrid didnt took the direct way. Bristol is not in the way. Maybe he got lost or he just took the long way for a reason(really long)
Sirius said in the third book the night James and Lilly died " I had arranged to check on Peter make sure he was still safe. But when I arrived and his hiding place he'd gone it didn't feel right.I was scared, I went to their house straight away when i saw their house distoryed and there bodies i realized what Peter must have done what i'd done" there is never a mention of Snape and he surly would have said it if there was Snape was there also note the punctuation may be worng i just remember the whole qoute word for word not punctuation.
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After harry survived, a witch or wizard found Harry, kept him safe, sent word to Dumbledore, Minstry or whoever. Then Sirius took Harry because he was Harry's godfather. Then Sirius gave Harry to Hagrid to take to Dumbledore. Hagrid waited until it was dark to fly the motorbike to Surrey.
Voldemort kills Harry late at night on October 31, almost midnight. As to why nobody in the neighborhood would've noticed the house being blown to was still under the Fidelius Charm, meaning it was invisible to those who aren't mean to see it. Anywho, Dumbledore is the first to find out about the attack since he cast the Fidelius Charm and would know if it was broken. He informed Sirius and Snape, who both go to the house. Sirius pisses Snape off to the point that Snape leaves, and shortly after, Hagrid arrives on Dumbledore's orders. I don't think it's wrong to assume that Dumbledore would trust Hagrid with the mission. At this point it's probably around dawn. Hagrid takes care of Harry until the next night, when he brings Harry to Dumbledore on Privet Drive.
Sirius came shortly afterwards to collect harry. (in the movie Snape came, and then sirius) so harry wasn't left alone. sirius gave harry to hagrid, who took care of him while dumbledore decided what to do with him.
I believe Severus Snape was there first. And Sirius most likely came a little later when ge checked on Peter and noticed him missing. Dumbledore was most likely aware someone was there, he is the almighty Dumbledore after all. Hagrid got Harry, most likely, after Severus left, seeing as e only mentioned Sirius being there.
well thjere was a case in russia that a 3 month girl lied under a rubble of 5 floor building after an earthquakle in Russian WINTER for 3 DAYS and survided, so the last statement isn't so miraculous
harry was definitely being watched by sirius. hagrid said sirius was there when he went to the house to get harry, he even lent him his bike.
Rowling said once in an interview she just messed up with time. She never figured out the time gap between Godric's Hollow attack and the night that Harry was left on the Durselys' doormat. By the way he didn't stay all that time in the house, he was with Hagrid somewhere. If you really have to explian it I'd say Hagrid made a few detours just to leave behind any possible Death Eater.
There are neighboring wizards and witches he could have stayed with for half a day. Godric's Hollow was full of them.
Just a thought. Wormtail was the Secret Keeper for James, Lily, and Harry. Harry couldn't be found by anyone who didn't already know where he was. Maybe it just took Sirius a little longer to hear of the Potter's demise (it certainly took him time to confront Wormtail about it), and then retrieved Harry from the wreckage and allowed Hagrid to bring him to Dumbledore as he was ordered to do. I might be totally wrong but that's just my first thought.
This is a bit of a reach. I guess you added this 1 because you needed an even 10 plot holes?
A 1 year old could survive much, much longer without water or food, especially a well cared for one like Harry who had been fed and watered every day of his life. Considering Hagrid's ineptitude with magic, we can assume that Harry was not healed by him. As there is no mention of injuries to Harry, we can assume that he was, well, not injured. So could an uninjured, startled, confused 1 year old trapped in his crib have survived less than a day without food or water? Of course.
But that's beside the point because I'm not sure what you read that shows you Harry was just picked up, either time Hagrid tells the story (This is the only reference to when Hagrid found Harry: he took right before the muggles began to swarm. If a house down the street from you blew up in the night, do you think you'd wait until evening to go check it out? We know from book 7 that it was a well populated street. It's very unlikely then that muggles did not swarm as soon as the first neighbor shouted out. Not only does the writing leave plenty of doubt about Hagrid grabbing Harry just before flying to Privet drive, it leaves little doubt about Hagrid grabbing Harry soon after the attack. To go beyond what the book actually says: do you think deatheaters hearing of Harry's survival wouldn't have done anything they could to kill or capture Harry immediately? Dumbledore, or any member of the order for that matter, wouldn't have left Harry there for protection of the wizarding world if not for humane reasons.
Hagrid makes it clear also that he was acting on Dubledore's orders to a T. Dumbledore seemed to anticipate, and maybe even slightly understand Harry's scar when we see him see it for the 1st time. I have no trouble trusting that Dumbledore told Hagrid to take Harry right to him with no stops and that Hagrid trusted that.
Seriously saying Snape was there first? Are you guys stupid or not real fans. That was added in the movie. In the book Sirius was there before Hagrid, perhaps he had Harry. Does anyone even know how far Godrics Hollow is from surrey? Hmm? Its most likly far. As someone pointed out he was using a flying motorcycle, perhaps he.didn't even leave till night.
He wasn't there for a day, In the book he's picked up mere minutes afterwards by Hagrid, because Dumbledore cast the fiddelius(spelt Wrong I'm sure) charm so he was alerted once it had broken. So he could set things into action
remember, Hagrid is travelling by flying motor bike. at no point in the story does the author indicate how far Godric's Hollow is from Surrey. It is completely feasible that it took Hagrid all day to reach the residence of the Dursley's.
how would every one know Harry surivived if no one had gone to the potter house and seen him there alive? Heck, BATHILDA BAGSHOT probably heard the commotion and retrieved Harry. some people need everything spelled out directly infront of them... honestly
Honestly, with any hope that Lily fed Harry just before he died, perhaps Hagrid just did basic first aid magic spells to get rid of any cuts/bruises and Harry was okay. Kids have survived longer without decent food, with diseases, etc. so Harry surviving just a little longer shouldn't have been extremely hard.
Also, how have the rest of you commenters missed the comment on being a super wizard ghost? OP, I seriously pity your intelligence. Or I respect your troll skills, whichever comes first.
In the books (I believe it was in Prisoner of Azkaban) Hagrid said he saw Sirius at the Potter's house and Sirius gave him the bike so he could take Harry. Who knows how long Sirius had been at Godric's Hollow before Hagrid turned up. Plus he wouldn't have just automatically flown to the Dursleys, he would have had to contact Dumbledore so they could arrange what should have happened to Harry. Also there is nothing to suggest that Harry wasn't taken to St Mungos during that day.
Hey did anyone consider the possibility that it isn't smart to drive a flying bike during any daylight hour in the muggle world? If you ask me, Snape took Harry, notified someone, most likely Dumbledore, and brought Harry to a safe place. If you remember correctly, Sirius is in Askaban at this time, so he couldn't have been with Sirius. The Order did have Sirius' house, though. Hagrid must have borrowed the bike after instructions from Dumbledore. Common sense said he drove late on the bike under the cover of night so he wouldn't attract too much attention.
Snape is the first one to get to Godric's Hollow just after Lily and James were killed. Harry was probably alone for a few hours at the most, the length of a nap. Seeing as how Snape was a death eater at the time he knew when Voldemort went to kill them. Or their dark marks signaled that Voldemort was gone just like they signaled when he returned. Feeling something was wrong Snape was there probably within the hour finding James, then Lily and Harry.
It would have taken Hagrid a while to safely get Harry there. Plus, he was on a flying motorbike, how often would a muggle see that? Hagrid would have waited with Harry somewhere until it got darker. As for the fire, Snape went to the house shortly after Lily and James death to see Lily, he would have stopped the fires.
I think the main thing to consider here is, it's Hagrid. How often has he messed things up. It was a hectic day. I'm sure he was the first one to get to Harry, and the one to drop him off, so it's easy for him to say, just brought him here straight from godrics hollow. He was talking to muggles. Is he really going to go into details about how he waited out for message from Dumbledore and there was some debate about where to bring him and trouble with owls that day because of so much owl traffic [or w/e the fictional hold up was.] No. He's going to give the muggles the main message, which is he was the one who picked up Harry directly, and as soon as he got word from Dumbledore took the journey via motorbike to the Dursleys.
This is the definition of 'reading too much into something'. Why doesn't someone ask JK Rowling the only person who can accurately respond?
Harry was being taken care of, either by Sirius or Hagrid, or McGonagall or Dumbledore himself.
If you remember, Hagrid got the bike from Sirius Black. It is quite likely that Sirius Black was looking after Harry, and also mourning the lost of his best friend, but when Hagrid arrived, gave both baby and bike to him so he could take him to the Durselys.
Can't figure out this plot hole because it only bears a semblance to English.
Yes they were celebrating during the day and yes harry was dropped off at night. They dont say when people found out or how. They knew Lily and James were dead and Harry had survived. Snape had to have told Dumbledore and he took Harry and had Hagrid bring him to the dursleys, the safest way a baby could be transported by magical means. You can only drive so fast with a sleeping infant. And I imagine one would drive considerably faster if being chased by death eaters. Hagrid could take his sweet time bringing baby Harry to Privet Drive, wizards were out in day light celebrating, they obviously didnt think any death eaters would be about.
One main theme in this series is how remarkable it was that Harry survived that day. If you read the books or watched the movies, you should know by now that Lily, Harry's mother, was the reason Harry was not killed by Voldemort as a baby. The only counter-spell to the killing curse is sacrificial protection, which Lily provided. If you read the series and understood it, then you shouldn't be confused as to why Harry is not a "super wizard ghost".
It says in the books that Hagrid got him as soon as it happened. He traveled on that Flying motorbike so he had to of taken more than 15 hours to drive to Surrey. Dumbledore had more than likely arranged a port key to get him there when it happened.
So many people commenting on speed, how many of you have ever traveled with a baby? I doubt it's many, here in the states it's actually illegal to take a child on a plane under the age of 6 months because it can be deeply damaging to a baby due to the air pressure exerted on an imperfect skull. Children under the age of 2 aren't supposed to be allowed to sit in a car longer then two hours at a time due to the massive ill effects it can have on their bone structure.
I'm going to make it clear, if you think slow, careful travel with a baby doesn't make sense, you aren't fit to carry a child.
You wouldn't apperate with a baby they could get splinched which is why most wizards don't appaerate. Did you even read the books.
Babies cannot apparate. Apparating is not like using a portkey. Sirius' motorbike was probably the quickest and safest way to transport baby Harry. With regards to the journey taking such a long time: Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters were universally feared in the wizarding world, and baby Harry (and baby Neville) were being hunted. Perhaps they waited to travel with Harry to ensure that the Dark Lord had in fact disappeared and it wasn't just a trap to lull them into a false sense of security.
duuudes, just accept it: Its a plot hole! Nobody is perfect, although JK damn near is!
Nowhere is it said Harry was left alone for hours. Snape was there soon after lily and james died. He could have easily stayed until hagrid or some other friend of the family got there. Also, Hagrid had to find Sirus borrow his bike get harry meet Dumbledore
It would take Hagrid almost a day to fly carefully and slowly with a little baby, and they would probably have to stop for food and rest along the way. And, also, "Hagrid doesn't Travel By Magic" isn't a plot hole. It was actually done on purpose, to have some connection to Sirius (it was Sirius' motorbike). It would probably be too dangerous to Apparate with a baby, anyway.
Didn't Snape go into the house where Lily died, almost right after it happened?
i don't think your taking into account how long it would take for hagrid to travel to and from godrics could have, for all we know, taken that long. Also, Hagrid was taking the baby right to Dumbledore and McGonagall, who are both pretty awesome wizards and might have been able to help him if something had gone wrong. The fact that Harry didn't die in the first place and wasn't unconcious is probably a sign that his health was fine, too.
"Hagrid doesn't travel by magic." is another plot hole. Would you send an untrained wizard who does not apparate to retrieve a baby from a dangerous situation? You can explain it by saying he happen to be on his way to visit the Potters and showed up barely after the house was blown up. He got Harry out and maybe made a call to Dumbledore using whatever wizards do to communicate and was told to bring him to Privet Drive. The distance still bother me England is not that big an island especially when flying. Paris to Heathrow is 30 minutes at worse. You spent more time checking in and checking out than flying. Say the flying motorbike only travel at a quarter the speed of the average airliner you still be able to join any two points in England in less than two hours.
Yet the flying motorbike was used again and it was fast enough to almost outrun death eater on broom. Did JK ever made a map of her magical world?
Hagrid doesn't travel by magic. It would take time for him to get from place to place. I'm not sure how he got to Godric's Hollow but I know he took the motorbike to get to the Dursley's, seems like a long bike ride.
No, dumbledore said that it was too risky too have him taken anyWhere after the event. The place was quarantined, and in a later book there was a debate over the scare being cursed. You have to read the entire series! Did u ever think that the news of what had happened had ot reached the wizarding people until morning and that serious and hagrid and dumbledore had been with Harry all day at the potter house trying to make sense of everything?

Why didn't she just find a quiet corner and slept with the help of the time turner?
Remember, she had to promise to use the turner only for class and Mcgonagall had vouched for her and such. They made such a big deal out of it that I think even less of a goody-2-shoes would have resisted that.
Yes she could have gone back to make up sleep, but she also was experiencing twice the amount of waking hours. Example. Say on a normal day--normal being she didnt have classes booked at the same time---she was awake from 7am to 11pm: a 16 hour day. Using the time turner, she'd be going back and doing a 32 hour day. Even if she went back to catch up on sleep, it probably wouldnt be enough to make up for the amount of waking hours.
if she used ti to sleep she coul dstill stay away from seeing herself because she had to make intricate plans this way anyway... pluys it would be fore her own good so she can study more efficently so ya its an inconsistancy, not a huge flaw but ya its weird as hell
You kiddin? Good two shoes that she still was? she didn't become remotely a bad-ass really till book 5. We're talking young mione here. she'd never breack a rule like that unless it was for a good (save the world) reason.
Maybe she was worried one of her other "selves" would accidently stumble across herself n one of her favorite quite corners, a major time-turner no-no. Besides, 800 students, plus several professors running around? There can't be that many quiet corners that haven't already been claimed.
I think that the ONLY thing a person could change in the past is to kill his past self. Maybe it makes them dead in the future. A sec before they use the time turner, so they don't change any other events.
Why didnt the ministry just go back in time to stop
Voldemort as soon as they came to know about the murders. if hermione can use a time turner for lessons surely aurors should
because its illegal for her to use it and she could have been seen if she was sleeping, so someone could easily have noticed, that something was up.
I find the weirdest Time-Turner problem to be that in the third book, it is made quite obvious that everything Hermione and Harry did had ALREADY HAPPENED. (eg hearing Buckbeak being killed but it was really the ax hitting the fence, or in the movie, Hermione throwing the rocks). But then Hermione says wizards have killed their past or future selves, which would not have been possible under those rules.
This is probably because Dumbledore intended Hermione to have it.
There are many possible reasons why this might not have been feasible. Perhaps the Time Turner had a limited capacity, in terms of how far you could go back and how many times you could use it. Also, there's the problem of how she would age much faster than her fellow students, if she were using it to catch up on sleep as well as going to classes; she might have finished the year having lived through twice as much time as the rest of the school. But I think the most likely reason is simply that Hermione is not one to break rules, and that if she were told to use it only to go to extra classes, then she would scrupulously use it for nothing else.
You really think Hermione would break rules to sleep? McGonagall had to write so many letters to the Ministry to convince them to give Hermione a timeturner, she's not just going to abuse it!
Not to mention how a timeturner could have been (ab)used by both sides of the war. The order since they were able to provide for Hermione and probably those who control the Ministry of Magic.
Not relevant, but I find the Time Turner too unrealistic... Tampering with time is a remarkable power, even for wizards, yet it isn't mentioned significantly in the series.. And even stranger, that power was given to a student; simply to have extra classes..

Kreacher tells Harry Ron & Hermoine that Regulus double crossed Voldemort by replacing the Horcrux locket with a phony containing only a note. He does this by drinking all of the potion in the basin then Kreacher has orders to take the Horcrux locket and put the phony in the basin. Regulus dies from drinking the potion. How does the basin once again get filled up with the potion that Dumbledore must later drink to get the phony locket (which he believes to be real)? When Kreacher was with Voldy the first time to test out the potion, Kreacher clearly states that Voldy made him drink the potion, then seeing it worked, put the Horcrux locket in the basin and FILLED IT UP WITH POTION AGAIN. Regulus could not and did not do this. So why was there potion in the basin when Dumbledore arrived years later to claim the phony locket?
Regulus doesn't die from drinking the potion, Kreacher clearly states watching 'Master Regulus' being dragged under the surface by monsters (Inferi)
In addition to this instance, the potion refilled after Harry retrieved the fake locket also. When Voldemort went to check to see whether his horcrux was safe, he "looked down upon a basin whose potion had turned clear, and saw that no golden locket lay safe beneath the surface." This implies that the potion refilled itself, because there was no mention in book six that Dumbledore refilled it. It is unlikely that anyone except Voldemort knew exactly what potion was used to fill the basin, hence I don't think Regulus or Dumbledore would have brought any extra to refill. Thanks for pointing out this plot hole!
Perhaps in case Voldemort went to check on it, it would fill back up for the next person seeking out his horcrux
to everyone who was smart enough to simply answer "magic", i love you
Kreacher was told to replace the locket and so he would have followed Regalus' instructions and refilled the bowl with potion to replace it.
Umm, excuse me? How do you know that Regalus didn't refill it? The story is from Kreacher's point of view and Regalus told Kreacher to leave which he did. Regalus could have easily filled it back up before he died.
The basin refilled itself, just as the other enchantments did, like the cave wall requiring blood to be opened.
Quite simple. Maybe Regulus COULD do this. Kreatcher just didn't see it.
These books are about magic. It shouldn't have to be explained "...and this happened because a spell was cast" about every single magical action. This can only be considered a plot hole if we saw every detail of what Voldemort and Regulus did on the island. There are many, many, many details of these books where something magical is encountered, but we aren't told how or when that magic happen. You could choose any of them and say this about it. Voldemort was still creating it when Kreacher was brought there. Voldemort easily could have put a refilling charm on it once he saw that it worked. Maybe Regulus did this. He was desperate to make it look real. Dumbledore had plenty of time to cast a charm after he drank the potion, and he wasn't out of his mind the entire time so Regulus could have also. Regulus put another locket there to trick voldemort. It would have been an ineffective trick if there was no potion. He either knew that voldemort had created the refilling situation or knew that he would do so or his efforts were totally in vain. We don't see every detail of what happened here. They live in a magical world. So was magic!
Well, what I think is that Regulus wanted kreacher to keep the horcrux as it was before so no one and especially voldemort won't know that the horcrux is gone.... and kreacher just didn't tell the trio , maybe thought that it was obvious...
he needed to test it first. being confident in his abilities he would prepare the location and vessel for the piece of his soul and set his defenses. he had thought about this for some time. it took a lot of cursed corpses to produce an underwater army of inferi. with everything in place it was a logical step to test his final defense: the potion. he always was rather paranoid. the potion drained and being satisfied by it's effects he would refill the basin and place a replenishment charm on it.
When Voldemort test it with Kreacher he himself refilled it & then probably put a charm so it would refill itself after.
It probably has a indefinite replenishment spell of some kind that refills the potion over a certain amount of time.. After all the whole Harry Potter world revolves around magic after all. Lol.
why didn't Regulus Black tell kreacher to appirate him out of the cave (like Dobby did to Harry etc at Malfoy manor). If he did that, he could have found out how to destroy the horcrux and continue (or start) his war against Voldemort and maybe reconcil with his brother
Actually that theory is flawed; Harry was able to conjure water (it dissapeared before entering Dumbledore's mouth) even though it was forced to evapourate. This must mean that anything is allowed to be conjured (excluding drinking goblets which defenitley are) So yes, why didn't they just conjure a fake locket, or conjure broomsticks to fly or conjure anything?
Some comments ago, someone wondered why Dumbledore or Harry didn't conjure a fake goblet. Well, I think that nothing can be conjured in the cave (other than a cup to drink the potion from), otherwise they could have conjured broomsticks to fly to the island, or they could have conjured an animal to force-feed the potion. If my theory is the case, then they would have had to go back outside to conjure a fake locket, by which time the potion may have refilled itself
The potion automatically refills itself as a defense mechanism. After each victim drinks and vacates the scene, all of the protective charms re-seal themselves to ensure that the next visitor must also encounter each obstacle equal to all the other victim's encounters. Also, Regulus did not die by drinking the potion. He drank the potion, and as he reached for the water to quench his agonizing thirst (just as Harry did in the 6th book) the inferi grabbed him, drug him under the water, and he drowned.
One, this book is fantasy, two, The potion probably had a spell on it to replace itself. IT'S CALLED MAGIC PEOPLE!!!
I would say that Kreacher was taken there and fed the potion to test it and test it alone. Tom had no reason to have a complicated spell on an empty basin, and so filled it with potion, tried it out on Kreacher and then refilled it and cast the spell that would fill it when it became empty before leaving.
Regulus didn't die from drinking the potion, he was too weak and he slipped into the lake to be killed by inferi.
As for the potion, I'm sure that the basin is self-refilling. After all, Voldemort would set it up so he couldn't be bested by chance. He would think of a situation like multiple people (over time, not together) coming to drink just a little
Regulus wanted to make it look like it did before he took the locket, so he had Kreacher refill the potion. Voldemort never noticed the difference because he was so confident in his hiding spots that he didnt bother to check
Regulus did not die from drinking the potion. He died because he decided he wasn't going to be a death eater anymore. If you read the 5th book, Sirius says at one point that nobody stops being a death eater, meaning Voldemort will kill you if you stop. Look at kakarof is gof. He had stopped being a death eater but fleed when he heard Voldemort had returned. A current death eater found him and killed him.
It could be self-refilling, however the time with Kreacher, he knew he was going to leave him there so he filled it himself to make sure kreacher didn't take it out when he left.
If it's magically refilling, why did Voldemort fill the cup when he left Kreacher on the island?
no, not really a plot hole... more a tiny detail that you can explain for yourself if you want to (magically refilling basin)
But Voldemort left Kreacher for dead. He was expecting him to die and was thus expecting an Inferior attack, so wouldn't he have expected the basin to refill itself? Why would he need to refill it if he thought Kreacher would die?
Maybe it resets itself once the inferi attack or the person drinking dies. Since Kreacher never died/ the inferi never attacked Voldemort had to refill it himself
If it is magically refilling, why did Voldemort need to fill it up himself the first time? Why couldn't he just leave it to fill for itself?
It's quite possible that sometime after he returned to his full form, he could have re-filled the basin! Or even have a charm on the basin to refill on its own just like he put the charm on the goblet next to the basin to not hold water in any form!
Hmmm, I did not think about that, because at first I believed that Voldemort might have fixed the enchantment that, whenever the locket was back in place, it would fill up again after he did the test with Kreacher, but it makes no sense. Why he would do that for? Maybe after all the basin was meant to be filled up again after the intruder drinks the potion to protect the locket again?
clearly a plot hole, dumbledore had to drink the potion, furthermore Voldy himself turned to potion clear to see the bottom so it refilled after albus drunk it ....very good point
I agree with above. The potion weakens and dehydrates the drinker, but the amount needed in order to completely incapacitate a person might vary. Also, Voldemort would need the potion to refill completely within a very short time, in case another wizard came soon after the first wizard had drunk most or all of the potion. A trap that cannot reset itself would be of little use if he did not plan to check it periodically. (In other words, being able to tell if it had been tampered with was not the goal of the potion at all. Voldemort could vanish the potion to see that.) As for Kreacher, maybe he just meant Voldemort caused more potion to appear immediately, rather than guard the locket and wait for Kreacher to die, or leave the locket unguarded with Kreacher nearby.
You need to understand the Nature of the Potion before you call this a Plothole. The potion needs to be drunk, nothing else will empty it, it needs the Human sacrifce. This could also provide some evidence that it refils itself. Also there is the Sketchy House-Elf Magic, Kreacher could have beeen ordered to fill the basin back up.
Additonal comment, to the one I posted above:
I doubt dumbledore knew that he was going to be invaded by deatheaters on that night, so he can't have been in a hurry. Therefore, giving him more time to think things through, and if hermoine can think of an idea like that in front of dementors and an attack from the ministry (that's huge amounts of pressure), I don't see how a more gifted and more intellectual teacher could not have. Also, I'm sure he thought the attack would hapeen from outside hogwards (penetrating the defence of hogsmeade, that's why he put aurors there), not from within the school. Also, that it wouldn't hapen at that specific time (when they went to the cave) because, he wanted snape to kill him without interference from the deatheaters- who would be attacking his school from within, which could cause a fataility amoung the students. His plan, was that the school wouldn't be endagered anymore and snape could flee the scene of the crime undetected (to report to voldermort), not that deatheaters would try to kill him off beforehand.
@The guy who mosted above me + others...-
If that's the case, how would voldermort ever know if its been emptied? That's defintely a stupid idea. Regulus told kreature to replace it with a locket, correct? Why wouldn't he ask to also fill in a potion, harry didn't want to know the exact details, just about the locket! Note that kreature does tremble and go of speech, I'm sure, like Harry, kreature doesn't want to re-call the excact specfics of that dreadful day (especially since he was 'ordered' by regulus not be speak to anybody about that day, so he could have simple forgotten).
Additionally, Hermoine was able to conjur up a 'fake locket' out of thin air (7th book, to replace umbridge locket), I don't understand why harry/dumbledore didn't think of that beforehand (that the potion might refill itself, with something else inside it). Dumbledore could have speculated, that in order for Voldermort to never suspect the locket to have gone missing, as he would eventually go looking for it (harry horcrux venture could take years, and voldermort could find out about 1 of them- which indeed did happen)- thus, should have given Harry a fake locket, if not also a fake potion. Weak writing by J.K rowling? Maybe....
I would imagine the potion just gets filled up when there is something to protect. Harry takes the locket out, and then the basin is empty. There is no reason to refill an empty basin if the purpose of the potion is to protect whatever lies in it, right??
Hmmm, kreture actually stops going into details about the cave after he says he saw regulus go into the water. Harry also didn't want to re-collect the awful memeroy of the cave. Regulus may very well gave given kreture a potion to refill the basin (something as strong as he could brew up, or bought). I mean kreture couldn't retell the story in much detail, as he was tramatised by the scene. Yes this is a plot-hole, but it is understandable as regulus may have came prepared with a potion, we can't we too sure- but we will have to make an assumption.
Regulus would have gotten the logistic idea of the potion, through kreture desciption (maybe different/ weaker than voldermort orginial)- therefore dumbledore survived, or it just could be dumbledore survived and was able to do side along appartion through harry, because he was an exceptional wizard- either way, I don't think this is a major flaw in J.K rowling writing (compared to the, how did voldermort get his wand back, from the potters home).
Regulus wasn't killed by the potion at all, the potion merely weakened him and make him see things like it did to Dumbledore. He was killed by the inferi when they presumably dragged him under water.
voldermort must have put a spell to refill the potion after he tested it.
Regulus filled the basin back up before he died so it gives the illusion that the horcrux is still safe
For all we know when Voldermort refilled the basin he enchanted it to refill itself. Voldermort is certainly a powerful enough wizard to do so.
Regulus WAS killed by the potion. Sirius assumed that Regulus had been killed by Voldemort, but he never saw it happen (and actually, he specifically mentions that Regulus was probably killed by an underling, not Voldemort himself). Kreacher actually witnessed the event, and he was bound by the rules of the house-elf to speak the truth about it to Harry. Kreacher's account is the one to be believed.
Couple of things:
1) Regulus wasn't killed by the potion. Sirius tells us in book 5 that he was killed by Voldemort himself for trying to back out of being a Death Eater.
2) Kreacher was under the effects of the potion when he saw the basin fill up again. As we saw with Dumbledore, it greatly effects your mind, making you see things that weren't there (he saw his sister being killed again). How can we rely on Kreacher's version of how the basin was filled?
3) How do we know that Regulus didn't know what the potion was? Potions aren't a "Voldemort only" thing. Perhaps, upon Kreacher's return, he used that information and researched (just as he did to figure out Voldy was using horcruxes) and figured out what it was.
It's not a plot hole. The explanation as to how and why the basin refilled itself wasn't relative to the over-all story, nor was it relative to Regulus' story so Jo didn't put in the books. If she explained every single little detain in the books, they would go on forever.
It obviously refills itself, seeing as there was potion in it when Voldemort was checking on his horcruxes near the end of the book.
I don't think it's a plot hole. Elf-magic isn't thesame as wizardmagic. When Harry asks Kreacher how he managed to get out of the cave, he said he did so because Regulus ordered him to. Harry doesn't understand, but Hermione does. House elfs have a different kind of magic. So it's possible that Regulus ordered Kreacher to do the exact same thing Voldemort did when he forced Kreacher to drink the potion.
Plus, Kreacher doesn't get the chance to finish the entire story because Hermione tried to hug him. It's not a plot hole, there is no contradiction whatsoever.
The only resolution I can come up with here is that Kreacher may have been somewhat mistaken. He says that after he was forced to drink the potion, that Voldemort "put more potion into the bowl". But recall that at the time, Kreacher was suffering from the effects of the potion itself, which must have affected his perception of what was going on around him. He may have seen the bowl refill on its own, and simply assumed that Voldemort did it. It may also be that once Voldemort had tested the potion, he refilled the bowl and then cast a spell which would replenish the potion automatically from then on - something he wouldn't have wanted to do until the horcrux was actually in there, just in case it didn't work quite right. Neither explanation is directly supported by the books, but both are plausible.
Maybe Voldemort refilled it immediately because he didn't want the locket out there unprotected with Kreacher right beside the basin even though the basin would fill up automatically again. Or he just did it without any particular reason at all (like every little random action of a human doesn't need an explanation) again even though he knew it would fill up. Kreacher's memory and storytelling could be faulty too.
Voldemort never did know if someone had tampered with the basin, which was one of his mistakes. In fact, could Regulus have done the automatic refilling to ensure that Voldemort did not notice? I agree that it should be made clearer in the book, but then again, it's only a few people who need to know every detail about the books (myself included!).
I agree that this is a plot hole. The explanations offered do not make sense. Also, when Voldemort had Kreacher drink the potion the book clearly states that Voldemort filled the basin up again. It was not done automatically or by magic. When RAB goes back with Kreacher, and replaces the horcrux with the fake locket, there is no indication that the basin "magically" refilled. The same is true when Dumbledore drinks the potion. The basin doesn't magically refill. So, this is a plot hole, pure and simple. There should have been no potion in the basin when Dumbledore arrived long after Regulus drained the basin.
Guestb - that is a plausible explanation, but there is a flaw in the logic. If Voldemort charmed the basin to refill automatically after the "experiment" on Kreacher, how would Voldemort know if someone had tampered with the basin. Part of the trap in requiring intruders to drink the potion to get at the locket was the ability for Voldemort to know that someone had tampered with the basin as a result of its being now empty. And, if your theory is what happened, it should have been more specifically explained for us the readers because without such explanation, it is a huge plot hole.
Voldemort, being an immensly powerful wizard, could make the potion refill automatically. Kreacher was the first person to drink the potion. This was to test that it worked, so only after the "experiment" would the potion be charmed to refill automatically.
Kreacher does not state that any of those things happened when he tells his tale.
Perhaps Regulus was able to secret the ingredients and enchantments on the potion, revealing to Kreecher how to fill it up after drinking or to prepare before drinking - making it seem the same locket in case Voldemort came to check on his Horcrux, prolonging his ignorance of anyone else knowing of his Horcruxes, which he reveals his surprise to Harry in the 7th, even after finding the Marvolo Ring gone.
That doesn't work either. Kreacher's tale clearly states that Lord Voldemort actually refilled the basin himself after Kreacher drank the potion. It was not done automatically.
Magic basin that automatically fills with poison when you put something in/wait until a fullmoon/whatever?
Not a good explanation. First, Regulus would not know what the potion was before drinking it. Second, Kreacher does not tell Harry, Hermoine and Ron that he was instructed by Regulus to refill the basin nor does he state that he actually did so.
Well done guestB. It would have needed to look like nothing had changed, so he would have taught Kreacher how to make the poison to fill the basin.

How come the portkey to the quidditch world cup left at a predetermined time, yet the Triwizard Cup portkey was activated by touch?

Seems like a pretty big hole to me. In the beginning of the fourth book Rowling makes it sound as if portkeys are set up across the country to leave at certain times and bring wizards to the Cup. So why does the portkey Crouch makes out of the triwizard cup not behave the same way?
Maybe the boot works like the cup but you've got to be there at a certain time or everyoe would have already gone.
Why did it take Lupin three days to evade the Death Eater tailing him (DH), and why did Dumbledore have to jinx Dawlish when Scrimgeour assigned him to follow Dumbledore (HBP)?

It says repeatedly that you can't be followed if you apparate, without the follower physically touching you. Did a Death Eater actually hold on to Lupin for three days without catching him?
Or better yet why didn't Dumbledore destroy the ring with the elder wand? Or didn't he know that the ring was a horcrux, therefore being inflicted with a curse before destroying the beast within the wand.
This is clutching at straws a bit, but all right:
I'd imagine - since the Ministry was corrupt by this point - that Death Eaters have permission to use powerful magic to track him - Ron managed to find Harry and Hermione using the Deluminator, didn't he? Besides, Dumbledore is always saying, magic leaves traces; maybe they were able to track Remus using residues from his Apparition. Another explanation could be that, since Remus is a werewolf, the Ministry are able to keep track of him, the same way they keep tabs on underage wizards with the Trace.
Dumbledore had to jinx Dawlish because for starters, he doesn't like to be followed, and secondly, if the Ministry ever found out what Dumbledore was looking for (Horcruxes, obviously) it'd make it very hard to keep it a secret from Voldemort. Voldemort would put more spells up of even move the Horcruxes to keep them safer and Harry and Dumbledore would have a very, very hard time trying to destroy them.
I am guessing he was too distressed to attempt apparition. Apparating requires full concentration. If Lupin had concentrated on Apparition he would be vulnerable to Death Eaters attack. If he was fending off Death Eaters while apparating he would have splinched himself.
During the Astronomy O.W.L., the time is described as "midnight" when Harry Potter looks into his telescope and sees the planet Venus. The problem is that Venus simply isn't visible in the sky at midnight, from any part of the Earth outside the polar zones. Venus is ONLY visible shortly after sunset and shortly before sunrise.
Perhaps if J.K. realized that Astronomy is a Science, rather than Magic, she wouldn't make errors like that.
The AstroPros say, "Both Mercury and Venus are both evening and morning stars. That is because they are nearer to the sun than the earth is, so they can never appear very far from the sun in the sky. In other words, when the sun sets in the evening they might be in the west, near the sun as an evening star. Or they could be in the morning sky before sunrise, again, near the sun. But neither Mercury nor Venus can be opposite the sun in the sky, such as rising at sunset. Hence, they are called the evening and morning stars. Actually, "evening star" or "morning star" nearly always refers to Venus, which is by far the brightest celestial object in the sky after the sun and moon. Mercury is much dimmer and only visible for a few weeks of the year."
we probably dont see it due to light pollution the astronomy tower is the tallest and the castle is in the mountains in or near scotland meaning you see clear night skies
Actually, you have it mixed with Mercury. Venus can be seen between eleven and three.
Ahh. False. I see Venus all through the night almost everyday of the week. And sometimes even before sunset and after sunrise. Clearly whoever wrote this is not an Astronomer
You're all making huge (and overall terrible) excuses for this alleged error. It's actually quite simple: Harry is bad at Astronomy. I think he only got an 'A' on his OWL.
They were taking an astronomy exam. The examiners could have easily (and probably did) do some sort of spell to have the sky show things that it wouldn’t normally show. If they didn’t, the students would have to spend days taking the exam because only certain things are visible sometimes and other times the weather obstructs the view etc.
JK Rowling never claims that Harry Potter takes place in the same reality we live in. For all we know, it could take place in an alternate reality where Venus is visible at midnight. Oh wait! It does, otherwise we would have heard about death eaters destroying London...
THIS ISN'T A PLOTHOLE. Plotholes are areas where the universe an author sets up contradicts itself. Science doesn't have to match up with the real world, only with the science used elsewhere within the literary universe. This is the same as saying "Wait, goblins don't exist in the real world!" or, "You can't turn back time! Einstein proved that's impossible!" In Rowling's universe, either they have magical telescopes that can look at any celestial body at any time, or else Venus is simply visible at midnight, either way this doesn't contradict anything in the HP series.
They clearly have a telescope that can bend around corners and show plots in a 360 sphere
1. Are you perfect? Didn't think so.
2. THEYRE FRICKEN MAGIC! They can probably do some sort of charm on the telescope, DUH!
... I don't think an error of science really constitutes a plothole in a book about magic. Emphasis on MAGIC. Science isn't exactly relevant in Harry Potter, and even if it were, magic telescopes, anyone?
Also, I think they studied astronomy because it has a lot of relevance in magic, like in mythology (mythological wizards are often referred to as historical figures in this series).
I don't think this counts as a plot hole. It's an error, but since seeing Venus in no way affects the story, it's not a problem in the PLOT.
Haha an obscure but very valid plot-hole, well done. I never understood having astronomy as a class at Hogwarts anyways. Astrology sure might be a type of divination that wizards have mastered but as was said, astronomy is a (muggle) science.
well...what can you say? It's children's book and J.K. Rowling probably didn't bother to look out every single (tiny) detail. It would've taken years! I thinks it's understandable.

How did Voldemort get his Phoenix wand back if he was "less than the meanest ghost" after trying to kill Harry? He fled to the forests of Albania and hid in the hollow tree where he picked up Ravenclaws diadem. He couldn't pick his wand up and none of his death eaters could have picked it up either. The only one who could have was Peter pettigrew who is an unlikely choice as he was trying to go into hiding when Sirius found him.
When you go to platform 9 3/4, you're supposed to go through the wall between platforms 9 & 10, right? So can we assume that you leave the same way? Find a wall and lean against it to go back to the "normal" platforms? Then how do they tell when they can leave? How do they know that there isn't some muggle leaning against the wall on the other side, or that no one is watching the wall?
When Ginny, Ron, and Hermione use it at the end of the 6th book they say that the death eater's curses "barely missed them". I know that Hermione says it takes 6 months to make the potion, but I presume for some price, a skilled witch or wizard could make tons of this stuff and Harry (or Dumbledore or Voldemort or Snape or Belltrix etc. etc.) could just buy some. This is especially apparent with the amount of money just sitting in Harry's vault. Why didn't he just buy a big bottle of the stuff once he found out about it?!
Not to mention that drinking more than the prescribed dosage can cause magical overload, addiction or other problems. Magical poisoning(since it is toxic in higher quantities) for one thing.
You do comprehend they're in the middle of a war, right. If it was so easy to come across that Harry could just walk into any old store and bought it, then it would have already been sold out.
But, it's not that easy to come across, because it's dangerous when used too much, it was foolish for Slughorn to distribute it in the first place.
Dumbledore and Snape are too wise and Voldemort and Bellatrix are too proud. Stop mixing plot holes with character flaws (fyi the latter are not the fault of the author. Characters have faults).
Think of it this way. When Ron only THOUGHT he had taken it, he was possessed with "giddiness, daring resolve and unflappable confidence," a step away from the negative description. It causes a person to think they can do no wrong- which is incorrect. Luck only goes so far, you still can only do what you're already capable of doing. If you go up against a foe you're truly no match against, you'll still fail... just maybe not as badly. Consider that, although they were lucky enough to doge being killed, they weren't lucky enough to take a single Death Eater out by their own doing. It's also likely that it makes you forget yourself and believe the luck is still working after the effects have worn off. I mean... narcotics make you feel good... stimulants make feel aware but take too much and there will be consequences.
So what if you start acting like a typical Gryffindor so long as you don't end up dead? Total Plothole along with why House Elves aren't used by everyone all the time and Time Turners.
'Why don't people drink it all the time, sir?' said Terry Boot eagerly.
'Because if taken in excess, it causes giddiness, recklessness and dangerous overconfidence,' said Slughorn.
It's mentioned that if one takes the Felix Felicis in excess, it is toxic and has side effects such as excess giddiness and recklessness. It's also mentioned that the potion is amazingly complex and takes six months to make. And then it's most likely that a lot of the ingredients wouldn't be in the student's cupboard, so there would be quite a bit of stealing from Snape's private stores, and he would probably notice the missing ingredients, given that he noticed when small amounts disappeared (in CoS and GoF).
Slughorn said that if you use it too much or too often it becomes dangerous.
What did Slughorn do with the rest of the cauldron full of Felix?
It is a dangerous and probably illegal substance. Why would the magical world sell it and let the public use it when it makes the drinker completely lucky and practically unbeatable? Anyone could then use it to do crazy **** like kill the minister, rob houses, cheat in gambling, or whatever - but I don't think the ministry - or any government - would want a load of unbeatable people running round.
Slughorn clearly explains in his class that you cannot drink it regularly as it is highly toxic and has other negative side effects. Also about the other "plot hole" that he wouldn't have had time to make it in time for his class, I believe he had it from before. As we know Slughorn does not have a desire to become famous himself but rather prefers to show off with his "trophies". Therefor a potion like felix would not tempt him as a luck potion but rather as another trophy for him to show and award as he also states that it is extremely hard to make.
I think te bigger part of this plot-hole is at immediately at the beginning of the class. Harry is pcked up at the Dursley's and recruited Slughorn. OK, a fortnight, is what 14 days. Does that allow enough time to make Felix Felicis, veritaserum or Polyjuice poton for their first class? And where is Slughorn keeping these potions while they stew? Both veritaserum and polyjuice potion need to go thru a full-moon's cycle. And I think I remember somewhere that Felix Felicis takes months to prepare. So how is it that Slughorn had thse potions ready for their first class??
To the person who said it's psychological, I don't think so. Maybe you're mixing that up with when Harry made Ron think he drank it. A placebo type effect.
To the person(s) saying Harry made the vial, no. He won it in his first potions class with Slughorn.
To the person who said making the potion only yields a small amount (given what Harry won), that's also wrong. There was an entire cauldron full in that classroom. Slughorn only gave enough for 12 hours' luck on purpose - because FF is toxic in high amounts and he didn't want whoever won it to abuse it's magical properties.
This whole note isn't a pothole. None of the main characters had the time or, in all cases but Hermione, skill to make it. And I doubt the potion is sold in Hogsmede, and even if it was, the school was being monitored that year to prevent potions and other objects vein brought into the school. They most likely couldn't have gotten hold of it around Hogwarts even if they had thought to buy it.
you can't take lots of felix felicis because it's toxic in large quantities, slughorn says so in his potion class
Would you want to drink a ton of milk? The effects wear off reasonably quickly and if it takes a long amount of time to make the small amount Slughorn does it would take much too long and a lot of work to do it.
It's a matter of pride and a lack of necessity, I believe. Why would Voldemort need it when he thinks he is invincible? Dumbledore has no occasion to take it, which day would he need it on? He can't just take it every day. Snape also has this problem. He probably could make it, but it would take him a long time and he is not rich enough to buy it. Bellatrix is too proud and confident to suspect she will need it. She is also insane.
it only works if you BELIEVE it will make you lucky. It really just relaxes you so you aren't worried and by believing you will be lucky, you are. i think its a bit more of a psychological thing
Okay, first of all, Harry never made liquid luck, he won it...which is clear in both the movie and book, so I don't know where that idea even came from. slughorn says its "desperately tricky to make, and disasterous should you get it wrong." I would also assume that it only makes a small amount once its finished (hence the small vial given to harry) so, six months to make one small vial, probably lots of stealing from Snape's store cupboard, and the risk of getting it wrong and taking it (who knows what would happen? look at hermione when she took the polyjuice with the wrong hair...). Seems like it is just really impractical. Plus the side effects already mentioned...
Well, it's stated in the book that drinking too much of it can lead to bad side effects (mentioned below) and they would have gotten too cocky and risky in their behaviors. But it also takes six months to make, showing it's extremely complex. The directions on how to make it probably aren't even in the potions text book. Why would they book a recipe that is that complex in a sixth year potions student's book? And even if they did, do you think Harry could of made it? He's really not that great at potions... Maybe Hermione, but she probably has other things that she has to do in the upcoming six months. I doubt any of them would have been able to dedicate a full half year to make the potion, which they would probably have made wrong. And if they were to just buy it, it would have been so expensive. The selling and purchasing of luck is probably illegal anyways.
It's "bottled luck" so it can only really help you do something you would be capable of already. The complexity of the potion probably means that only a very, very rare few amount of wizards or witches in the world could even make it, coupled with the amount of time it would take to make, and also that it's not allowed to be used in competitive events. There really wouldn't be a lot of profit in anyone making large quantities of the stuff, and ingredients aren't free.
this is a plot hole because it just doesn't make any sense that harry could made it, but never made any more. he threw out the half blood prince book, but any logical person would have made some extra for himself and his friends(especially knowing they would eventually be going up against the dark lord in the future.)
Someone below mentioned it's side effects, but it would have been very negligent for him to not make a couple of vials for him and his friends
Look, although Sluggo says that it helps you succeed in all endeavours, I'm pretty sure he was talking about winning a Quidditch game, or finding a book, or passing an exam- not killing people. It's not that strong that it can turn you into a full blown master or magic :P
It was mentioned somewhere that it had some pretty nasty side effects on the long run, as well as causing dependence to it.
You wouldn't be able to use it more than 2-3 times "safely" imo.
A good idea would be to keep some around at all times just in case but there can be a thousand reasons why no one actually does this

During PoA, when Harry and the gang are leading Wormtail up to the castle, the clouds move, revealing the full moon, which turns Lupin into a werewolf, allowing Wormtail to escape. My question is, how did Lupin forget that night was a full moon? Wouldn't he have known since he was young exactly when the moon would be full? Also, Snape mentions he forgot to take the Wolfsbane Potion, so he should've known, at that mention, that that night was a full moon and should never have left the Shrieking Shack. Obviously Rowling needed some type of way for Wormtail to escape, but this just seems like a huge plot hole to me.
I'm pretty sure that the Wolfsbane Potion requires the person who is using it to drink it before the day of the full moon as well. When Harry and Lupin were talking in Lupin's office Snape came in and gave him the potion, if it was a full moon that day i'm pretty sure neither Snape or Lupin would have let Harry stay to talk with Lupin. So the potion is probably taken for the days before a full moon AND the day of the full moon, but Lupin wasn't concentrating on that at the time and was very distracted by all of the things that were happening. Snape probably didn't remember either, since he bound Lupin in ropes/chains(can't remember which at the moment) and those wouldn't have been able to hold him if he turned into a werewolf(he broke out of them pretty easily on his own anyway).
It is a bit silly. Even when Snape reminds him that he hadn't taken his potion, no one takes heed of it. There are tons of little things they SHOULD have done (stunned or tied up Peter like they did with Snape, held him in the shack, not tie up your prisoner to an injured kid) but it wouldn't have been a tragic blunder if they had done everything the right way. These are just character failings, not plot holes.
Yup big plot hole. Perhaps he was just really absent-minded (like me). Yes I know, he shouldn't be able to forget something like that, but remember, he was under a lot of stress. Finding out Sirius is alive, trying to convince the trio that Sirius is innocent,....... But on the brighter side.......I'm the first to comment!! Yaaaaayyy!!!!
Dumbledore tells Harry that one of the Deathly Hallows is a cloak that makes the person wearing it "completely invisible" but if that is true, how could Mad Eye always see through the cloak?
About the map... the cloak does not hide feet. The wearer still has to touch the ground to walk.
He also looked through Harry's robes and saw his funny socks. Why would Hogwarts hire a male teacher who could see through student's clothing?
He also appears on the Marauders Map while wearing it. And the map certainly wasn't all that powerful like Moody's eye was. Not sure exactly, but just figured you should know.
I have seen it explained so that Dumbledore enchanted that eye with elder wand so they have equal power.
dude he could see when Parvati and the other one were looking at a pamplet, he could see through the back of his head, and HE HAS A MAGICAL EYE!!!!
his magic eye? barty crouch jr. could literally see through the back of his head and a wooden desk when seamus was putting gum on the bottom of his desk..
I believe it might be that he could see indicators of harry s presence rather than harry himself, such as his shadow (however dim it may be) or harry moved just enough for mad eye to notice him (though the first one seems more likely)
Hmm. Your right. A hallow definitely would be the strongest of it's kind and Mr. Lovegood said that it was comepletely impenetrable. I mean, couldn't anyone just replace their eyes with magic eyes and then see wherever they wanted to?
True, but even a magic eye shouldn't be able to, according to the description of the invisibility cloak as being even undetectable by Death

Harry told the portrait of Dumbledore that he was going to put the Elder wand back where it came from. That seems incredibly dangerous, since he and Voldemort discussed very loudly in front of a large crowd of people where he got the wand "I took it from the grave of Albus Dumbledore..." and how to become it's master. Surely, a dark wizard could come along and disarm or kill Harry, fetch the wand from Dumbledore's grave, and easily be the new master of the wand. Wouldn't it make more sense to bury or destroy the wand?
Also, Harry has children, as we know. Isn't it possible that before they went to Hogwarts that one of them would disarm him? Or even after they left Hogwarts, they might have wanted duelling practice. Harry has to go through the rest of his life ensuring that he never gets disarmed.
It is Harry's intention to put it back and never use the Elder Wand to prevent anyone else from becoming its master, so that upon his death the Wand will become masterless i.e. useless.
But how does not using the Wand guarantee that?
It doesn't fit with how the wand has changed allegiance over the course of the books. Anyone who simply disarmed Harry in the future would become the Elder Wands new master, no matter which wand Harry was wielding at that time.
This whole 'wand chooses the wizard' bit has a few gaps in it. Draco disarmed Dumbledore when he, Dumbledore, was using the Elder wand. When Harry disarmed Draco in DH Draco was not using the Elder wand. Here is the question: if I disarm a wizard of his wand, do I become the rightful wielder of only that wand, or every other wand that wizard had possessed or will possess in the future was well?
Well, lets see. You've just been attacked by an evil wizard that killed your parents and many friends, not to mention family and have managed to kill him and several of his followers. Would YOU be in YOUR right mind????? For gods sake, come up with more valid plot holes.
It's not possible to destroy the elder wand, it is indestructible. Yes, burying it would have been a good idea though.
Yes, Voldemort did say that in front of a huge crowd, however, Harry did only tell Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore and the rest of the paintings that he was going to put the wand back in the grave and I do believe that the portraits would respect Harry and not pass that information on.
Nobody else knew that Dumbledore once owned the Elder Wand, why should they check his grave by putting it there?
Wow. I think you're rather on about the Perevells. Originally, I had thought that he was going to disassemble it and give it back to the tree from whence it came. Or, my second thought, was that he would call on Death (as he is now the Master of Death, with all three items) and return it to Death himself.
This is the same as Plot Hole 9 "The fate of the wand" (above)
In the same paragraph in which Harry states his intention to put the wand "back where it came from" he also mentions Ignotus Peverell, from whom the invisibility cloak, and apparently Harry, descended. There's no telling where the other two P. brothers (makers of the wand and the deathstone) may be buried. Harry could mean to bury the wand in the grave of the only Peverell brother (where it came from) that he knows how to find.

Birth: Fail to kill harmless baby because he did not subscribe to the 'Power of Love'--being as well-read as he is, don't you think he ought to have at least made some allowance for this 'power', even if he didn't believe in it?
Year 1: Again, ignore 'love' and remain stubbornly confused as to why he cannot kill him, and chose a very-much-lacking-in-everything minion who is more incompetent than almost anyone else.
Year 2: Lure girl to Chamber with ties to Harry, hoping that Harry will come to rescue her and die by the Basilisk--why didn't he just take over her body, as he was wont to do, and AK him?
Year 3: Wait. Peter will come...Um, no. There is no guarantee that little turd will show up. What was he doing in the mean time?
Year 4: Come back to life, monologue, then allow a teenaged boy, scared out of his wits, to 'fight fair'. Just kill him, you idiot.
Year 5: Lure the boy AGAIN to the MoM, where he still doesn't kill him..because he can't hold his own against Dumbledore. Has he considered that he might need to actually kill Dumbledore first?
Year 6: Entrust killing Dumbledore to a pansy-boy who is clearly inadequate, then to his possibly-turned-traitor Potions Master. What was he thinking? He has a body. Just storm the bloody castle.
Year 7: Fight. Chase. Attack. Attempts are made. Deaths are had. Spells are spent. Ignorance of his own looming death due to his lack of thought to wonder about the security of his horcruxes is bliss...until he's dead.
Seriously. Voldemort's and idiot. I'll bet Severus knew this all too well.
adding to below.......Voldemort's mother had him with Tom Riddle while he was under a love potion....this meant that Voldemort was never capable of being able to love.
Voldemort does not understand love. He has never even felt it and he can't imagine how love is a stronger than his power!
Tom Riddle was just a memory in that book! He couldn't possess Ginny until he became strong enough! He was only strong enough o take physical form when Harry went to the chamber of secrets too.
Voldemort knows Peter just wants protection and power. He knows he'll come running to him.
Voldemort wanted to PROVE that he was stronger than Harry and that he could kill him1
Dumbledore is as powerful as Voldemort but Dumbledore uses his power in a good way. Any idiot who has read the books will know that Dumbledore was the only one Voldemort ever feared! The Ministry was and ootp was on their way to the MoM and Voldemort didn't want it to be known that he was back!
He gave Draco that job to punish his father for messing up at the MoM and not retrieving the prophecy. The castle has PROTECTION! and like I said before Dumbledore is the only one voldemort ever feared and Dumbledore was in the castle!!
Voldemort thought he had left no way of anyone knowing about his horcruxes. He didn't think any wizard would know about the cave, diadem, locked, the ring, the diary and even nagini and even voldemort didn't know Harry was a horcrux!
Voldemort is the worst villain ever because he has done the worst things ever. He is the most powerful dark wizard of all time and he is not an idiot.
When Voldemort appoints Snape to kill Dumbledore he is still the Potions master. Dumbledore doesn’t promote Snape to DAtDA teacher until Snape tells him about his new mission. Dumbledore then allows him to be DAtDA teacher because he knows about the curse on the job and that in a year Dumbledore will be dead and everyone will know Snape killed him and he won’t be able to be a teacher anymore. (Unless Voldemort makes him headmaster.)
You made me laugh.
I am currently hiding under my blanket, meant to be asleep.
This was not a good thing.
People don't use IQ tests to determine if a villain's villainous. They tend to go for the whole 'he was evil, he couldn't be stopped, he wasn't afraid to split his soul into tiny pieces to aid his evil reign, he killed lots of people, etc...'
Can I just point out that by Year 6 Snape was the possibly-turned-traitor Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher? BOOM!
Dear commented directly below mine. That is just ludicrous. Where did you get the idea that an author should not take their audience in mind. And no fictional character in anything ever written is "independent of the author." The characters in the story, like every other aspect of the story are whomever or whatever the author dictates.
dear 2nd comment under mine,
the characters in a story must be themselves, independent of author and expectation. they are unaware of any "story." no one should ever write a story with the intention of it being read by anyone, ever.
The whole point of voldemort is that he is completely evil, he therefore does not understand the concept of love. That's why he attempts to kill Harry without taking time to consider the consequences, as he cannot conceive of any power greater than his... EVIL - this is his one true weakness, as dumbledore mentions many a time
I agree to the "he doesn't get the concept of love" thing. Furthermore, as a writer, I have asked myself the question why villains are always at least a little dumb many times. It's because they have to. A villain who kills the chosen hero when said hero is still a kid would kill the potential epic story, too. Readers don't want successful villains. They want good stories, laughs, action, drama, romance, and of course a happy ending. Without the trope of the "idiot villain" (used to some extend, at least), some stories simply wouldn't work.
What most people don't realize is that he was trying to commit genocide. Think of Hitler with magical powers... duh
Voldemorts absence during third year is a plot device not plot hole. He was wandering around as a sort of spirit demon. Supposedly he might have died if Peter hadn't found him, but not really because of his horcruxes.
well voldy was oncived under a love potion and cannot in any way understand love because of it, he only gave the job to Draco knowing either draco would seccede or die and he trusted Snape the most

I thought only 3rd years and above were allowed to hogsmede. Colin creveys brother goes with him to the hogs head to see harrys DA meeting
Educational Decree 24 said "All Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs are henceforth disbanded. An Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge). No Student Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an Organisation, Society, Team, Group, or Club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled."
and the D.A. did not have regular meetings therefore the members of the D.A. could not be punished
Just wanted to answer one of the comments^^
They were allowed to have meetings until their first meeting in the Hog's Head. Umbridge sent someone to spy for her, and after she realized what they were doing, she decided to ban meetings.
After that, they stopped meeting for a while until they remembered the room of requirement. They decided to meet in there in secret. And, yes, they were being naughty lol The whole point was to go against Umbridge. They rubbed it in her face. And she deserved it {^_^}
And as for Collin sneaking out, he didn't. He was a third year in the Order of The Phoenix. His brother, however, will have probably sneaked out as well though...
It is plausible that younger students could sneak into Hogsmeade. For Harry it would be more difficult because he is a person of interest to the authorities and well-known around the school. And in 3rd year there were dementors. But during Ootp, there are no dementors and someone like Dennis could easily be overlooked. Besides, the Creevey brothers are so enamored with Harry that they would definitely consider breaking the rules to attend the meeting.
If they were naughty then Santa's not gonna bring them presents
It was a meeting about a strictly forbidden secret society. Do you really think those kids were bothered about adhering to the rules?
Right, and there was also a rule against meetings, so how did they have DA meetings?!!!! Ohmigosh, maybe they were being naughty?
To those saying
Because... 5-2 = 3, not 2. Please review basic rules of mathematics, then the definition of a plot hole. etc.
Maybe you need to learn maths.
Harry = 5th Year
Colin= 4th Year
Dennis= First appears in Goblet of Fire, making him 2nd year in Order of the Phoenix.
Get it right first lads
Quote: "If you go to the Harry Potter wiki, you'll find that it says Collin's first year was the 4th book, which yes puts him in 2nd year for the 5th book. However, it says that he and his roommate, Nigel, sneaked out to go to the meeting (breaking school rules in the process)" Please tell me you mean Dennis, Colin most certainly was not a 2nd year in the 5th book... though the sneaking out part makes sense for Dennis.
Colin was in first year in Harry`s second year (making him the same age as Ginny). His younger brother Dennis is in his first year when Harry is in his fourth year. So for the DA meetings, Colin is in his fourth year. But his brother is a wonder how he had gotten there.
If you go to the Harry Potter wiki, you'll find that it says Collin's first year was the 4th book, which yes puts him in 2nd year for the 5th book. However, it says that he and his roommate, Nigel, sneaked out to go to the meeting (breaking school rules in the process)
Dennis appeared first in the fourth book, when the weather was terrible and Crouch-Moody appeared after the feast had started. So the plot hole stands, Dennis was in second year and not able to go to hogsmeade. 1+1 um, not sure?
Crevey was in his 4th because when Harry was in his 2nd year Colin was in his first year which by then Colin was in his 4th year and his brother was in his 2nd year. His brother could have some how used the invisibility cloak or Maruders map with out Harry knowing it somehow.
Because... 5-2 = 3, not 2. Please review basic rules of mathematics, then the definition of a plot hole.
"wait DA meeting is in the 5th book = 5th year for harry collin 1 years younger= 4th year Dennis 2 years younger = 3rd year maybe im not understanding the question" --- Ever learned math?
^^ Dennis Creevey is two years younger than his brother, and three years younger than Harry.
wait DA meeting is in the 5th book = 5th year for harry
collin 1 years younger= 4th year
Dennis 2 years younger = 3rd year
maybe im not understanding the question
He was a 2nd year, but he could easily have sneaked out using one of the secret passages. We don't know much about Dennis' character, but his brother Colin was enthusiastic and outgoing enough to ask Fred and George for help getting his younger brother out, and the Weasley twins would have been happy to oblige.
Colin was a first year in Harry's 2nd. Did Dennis come in POA or GOF? If it was POA that would make him a 3rd year
I think he would have found a way because he liked harry a lot like Colin. And would a creevey miss an opportunity to listen to Harry? I dont think so :)
He was snuck out of the castle for the Dumbledores Army meeting. Not sure how he did it though because Umbridge would have had close eye on everyone, and he doesn't know any secret passage ways

Wouldn't Draco and other sources tell Tom Riddle of Dumbledore's injury? And Dumbledore even wore the ring, a very distinct ring I might add. Riddle wouldve/shouldve know the enchantments he placed on that ring and that he did not inflict the injury on Albus is the ministry, as many believed. Thus Riddle should have been alerted to the hunt for horcruxes in the 6th book.
I made the comment two below, it contains an embarrassing and significant typo. "they know that his 'reflexes are as sharp'," is supposed to say ""they know that his 'reflexes AREN'T as sharp'," - it is a direct quote from Snape that shows clear evidence that he did indeed inform the Death Eaters of the injury. They knew about it, Voldermort knew about it, and they discounted it.. Voldermort is a supremely overconfident and arrogant individual that doesn't believe anyone could have found out about his horcruxes and, even if someone did find one, even Dumbledore, he would believe the curse on it would have had its intended effect, to kill the person who tried to use it. Only Snape knew exactly what caused it, and he wouldn't have told the whole story.
"Hey Voldy, Dumbledore's hands all black. Do you think it's significant?" No, I don't think anyone would have bothered to mention it.
How is it a give-away? Was the curse on the ring meant to burn your hand up? No, the rings curse was meant to kill the wearer. IT's only through Dumbledore's strengths and Snape's administrations that the curse was postponed. So they know something hurt him and they know that his "reflexes are as sharp," but only Voldemort himself would have recognized the ring for what it was and it's not likely that anyone else would have even guessed it was a cursed ring. Not that he even wore it all that long. It was off his finger by the time of the first Penseive lesson.
They were thick-headed and did not care, Draco was on edge all year with his "job" and Crabbe and Goyle...well you'e read the books they were blondes in disguise.
VOLDEMORT WASN'T THERE!! Only Draco was. This one is so stupid. The whole point of Draco was to get the Death Eaters in there the first place!
None of them would have known. No one saw Dumbledore wear the ring and no one bar riddle dumbledore and harry were aware of the horcruxes. No one would be on the lookout. I'm sure he was aware of dumbledores hand but I think he was too wrapped up in his ego believing no one knew or could guess or find his Horcruxes to connect the two
Overconfidence. He thinks the horcruxes are so well hidden that he doesn't worry about them. Think of how he responds in book 7 when he finally thinks they might have possibly found 1. Also, I don't think voldemort and draco had a ton of draw out one-on-one. I'm sure those were more business convos than chats about what appeared to be dumbledores fashion choices in jewelry.
Riddle knows he didn't do the damage and he knows that Dumbledore is working against him as much as possible. You're all telling me he wouldn't investigate how the injury happened?
Dumbledore doesn't wear the ring, aside from the very brief moment of madness he tried it on with the desire of seeing his parents, hence why he was cursed.
Draco has just been ordered by the most evil wizard to commit murder. I know he is a creep but he is preoccupied with the task he is being asked to do.
do u think Draco would pay that much attention to what he thinks it the worst thing that has happened to Hogwarts besides Harry potter, and how often do u notice every single detail of someone u hate, and have 2 murder even though u dont want to, i frankly wouldnt have looked at him at all, and besides, Draco thinks Dumbledore is loonier then luna lovegood, so he would have just though Dumbledore was playing with fire or something and was to daft to heal it or go to madam pomfry
On disadvantage to being a ruthless psychopath is that one's underlings may be less inclined to share information which seems irrelevant. Yes, someone surely passed on information about Dumbledore's injured hand; Snape refers to it in conversation with Bellatrix and Narcissa, so it clearly wasn't a secret. But why would someone bother to tell Voldemort that Dumbledore was wearing a new ring? Only Snape knew that it was connected to the injury, and Dumbledore surely told him not to tell Voldemort about it. As far as anyone else was concerned, it was just a new accessory he was wearing. Draco would certainly NOT have gone up to Voldemort and said, "No, I haven't actually killed Dumbledore yet like you told me to, but I thought you'd want to know that he's wearing this nifty ring lately." Draco presumably didn't want to die that badly.
I agree, although maybe Snape cast a memory charm on Draco Malfoy

In the first HP professor Quirrel uses a troll to trick everyone into going other place than they should be going to stop the troll. If Quirrel Is being controlled by Voldy, why didn't Voldy just use trolls in DH7 pt2 also along with the spiders and giants he gathered up for the battle? We're they too stupid and unconteollable? Unreliable? Did their kind just die out? Where did the trolls go?
a better one that I don't feel like making a unique post about. When Quirrel notifies everyone of the troll on Halloween he makes out as if he's scared to death and couldn't possibly take care of it himself... But Dumbledore knows that he set up a troll obstacle for the stone, so him faking weakness about it would have been a silly feint...
Quirrel has a gift with trolls, not Voldemort. Quirrel died. Simple.
The teachers who provided the enchanted blockades don’t necessarily know about the other teachers traps. Dumbledore probably brought them in one at a time and had them install their traps. And it is believable that Dumbledore and Snape thought something was fishy with Quirrell but didn’t act on it on Halloween night. Dumbledore may have assumed Quirrell was just over excited and fainted even though he could have handled the situation- especially with just a couple teachers with him. They could protect the school from multiple giants and acromantulas they could surely handle one troll that a very untalented first year was able to take down.
Trolls wouldn't be on either side, they are too dumb. they try to kill everything. The side that brought them would be around them more and probably suffer more losses at their hands (well, at their clubs). Do none of the teachers find it odd that he would act so scared after he just recently supplied them with a troll to protect the stone?
@Do none of the teachers find it odd: one of them does. Snape. Not all the teachers know, only a few, they are wrapped up in getting rid of the troll and protecting the students. They probably made up excuses for Quirrel in their heads; after all, they weren't looking for a 'bad guy' at that time.
Ok.. Let's talk about the fact that Quirrell faints after announcing there's a troll in the dungeon insinuating that he is incapable of functioning let alone able to help ward off the troll, yet Quirrell is the was responsible for providing a troll to protect the philosopher's stone. It would seem as if he would be the most qualified to handle the situation. Do none of the teachers find it odd that he would act so scared after he just recently supplied them with a troll to protect the stone?
Yes, they are very hard to control. Quirrel was actually good at trolls himself (as he says at the end of ss). He was actually trained in defense against the dark arts. He was researching his studies in albania when he met voldie.
I had three issues with this scene.
1. Why the heck would intelligent wizards tell untrained children to wander up/down to their common rooms with a freaking troll on the loose - I mean wouldn't it have been safer to keep the kids in the Great Hall with teachers guarding doorways and counting heads? But if the story went this way (the logical way) Hermione would have died and there would be NO Golden Trio, and they (Ron and Harry) would be screwed.
2. Slytherin Common Rooms are in the freaking dungeons (see Book/Movie 2). See reason number one for my rant on this.
3. In the book and in the movie, Quirrell didn't freaking stutter. Go check if you don't believe me. Not one freaking hyphenated consonant! It shouldn't have been, "Troll in the dungeons, thought you ought to know." (or whatever) It should have been, "T-t-troll-l i-in th-the d-d-d-dungeons! Th-th-thought you o-ought t-t-to kn-know!" *faint*
Here's a better plot hole for the 'troll in the dungeon': when the it is first stated that there was a troll in the dungeons, the children were told to go to their common rooms. But what about the Slytherins? Their common room is in the dungeons.
I think that though Quirrel was being controlled by Voldemort the power over trolls was his not Voldy's.
I too noticed a plot hole with the "TROLL IN THE DUNGEON" line.
The Slytherin common room is in fact in the aforementioned dungeon.
Quirrel being DEAD might have been a bit of a snag in that idea, don't you think?

Wouldn't Voldemort need to use on of his horcruxes after his killing curse backfired at the Potter house? It says he created 6 (7 technically) So wouldn't he have to use either the diary, the ring, the locket, the cup, the diadem, or his snake in order to resurrect himself?
A Horcrux can be reabsorbed, but one must feel true remorse for the life they took when making it. It's a long ritual.
That isn't how Horcruxes work. A horcrux houses a part of your soul and because a part of your soul is kept safe it tethers the rest of your soul to existence. When Voldemort's body was destroyed what was left (less than spirit, less than the meanest ghost) was the portion of his soul that was in his body, trying to find a bodily host again.
As we saw, The Voldemort in the diary wasn't a real person, He wasn't dead, but he needed a body, transforming to a body was the hard part!
Actually odds are Voldemort made 7 horcruxes (8 if you could that one that was accidentally made when he tried to kill baby Harry) I believe the reader is supposed to infer this from the discussion young Tom Riddle has with Slughorn in the memory Harry gets from him in the 6th book (When Riddle asks Slughorn about horcruxes and if it's possible to make 7 of them)
The Horcrux was a life-preserving tool, not a resurrection tool. When Voldy resurrected in the Riddle graveyard, he didn't use a Horcrux, but his father's bone, Harry's blood, and Peter's hand. In CoS, the soul fragment in Tom Riddle's diary tried to resurrect himself using Ginny Weasley's life force, but apparently Voldy 1, in spirit form, had no knowledge or sense of what the diary Horcrux was doing. I imagine that if Tom Riddle from the Diary had succeeded in revitalizing himself, eventually Voldy 1 would've rejoined the new Tom Riddle, reuniting two soul fragments.
I've given this lots of thought. Voldemort had the elder wand, when Harry went to meet him in the forest. Harry was the real master of the elder wand. The wand would not kill Harry, but it would kill the horcrux inside Harry.
Harry dying would have killed the part of Voldemort's soul he possessed but Dumbledore "guessed" that if Voldemort killing Harry who was intending to sacrifice himself to Voldemort, that Lilly's protection would kick in and save Harry and destroy that horcrux , a special set of circumstances that probably will never happen again
"milking" Nagini, thi is getting a dose of venom, not actual milk. It has nothing to do with male or female
Yeah, snakes don't make milk! But this only proves that Nagini is a female!
I'm sorry, this is not an answer to the question...but I whoever said "Nagini's milk!" just made my day better.
Wait a second.
Ignore the comment before the one before this one. I'm dumb. I was half asleep if that's any excuse. XD
I think the "Nagini's milk" comes from Voldemort telling Wormtail to milk Nagini at the start of book 4. Obviously, venom was milked but it's a more understandable mistake this way.
Because Voldemorts soul in his body when he was "killed" te first time didn't die; it fled to Albania. ;) his body was merely gone...
Agree with the previous comments, with the note that the reason why Harry was a horcrux was a combination of Voldemort's evil (having killed two people moments before, and on the verge of killing a third), his soul's instability (6 horcruxes aren't good for you), and Harry's protective enchantments.
OP: One does not simply 'glue together' one's soul.
whoever said voldemort used "harry's blood and nagini's milk" to regenerate is an idiot. nagini provided venom, not milk.
To restate what a previous person said, only without the wild supposition that had no relevance to the issue at hand... No, a horcrux is not "used" or "used up" in order to bring a person back from their pseudo-death. For more information you may want to read up on a type of undead called a Lich.
If I'm not mistaken, a horcrux is not used to resurrect the wizard after he has died but for him not to be able to die in the first place because his soul is no longer whole. The portion of soul in the wizards body can't be killed unless it is the only portion left.. This leads to the question of how then could the horcruxes be destroyed by Dumbeldore, Harry, Ron & Hermoine. Well it is because they were not attached to another human body except for the one in Harry, this is why Dumbledore says at the end that Harry can't just die in order to destroy the horcrux inside him but Voldemort has to be the one to kill him. So I guess in this case where a piece of one's soul is latched to another human body the original owner is the only one that can destroy it.
*facepalm* Horcruxes are not normally made willy-nilly. There is a specific enchantment/Dark Ritual involved in creating a Horcrux. Harry is an "unintentional Horcrux" whose creation has nothing to do with the Dark Magic Ritual, but everything to do with the consequences of using the AK spell on a protected being (Harry). Now for the OP's post: Nagini was not a Horcrux until after Goblet of Fire/after he came back to his "solid" form. As for the others, a Horcrux is merely a vessel to hide a piece of your soul to be protected from death should someone attack you. And in order to "put the piece back", if you were, it would be hideously and unbearable painful/worse than death and you also have to genuinely be remorseful for your crimes. By the time Voldemort had tried to kill Harry, he had already killed SO many people (Hint: The Inferi in the cave) that it's impossible to be remorseful for ALL of those deaths.
I've always wondered...but maybe as he killed James + Lilly = there was 2 hocruxes : 1 in the living-room near James; the other, Harry.
So, he resurrected using not the latest one (Harry) because he was protected by his mother's sacrifice, but using the one just before (an object = photoframe, remote control ;o)

In the Chapter the Prince's Tale in the Deathly Hollows, it features Snape talking to Dumbledore's portrait in the Headmasters office talking about confunding Mudungus and giving the right dates of Harry's departure. He also tells Snape to protect the students from the Carrows. However this happens before the ministry falls and Death Eaters take control of Hogwarts. How can Snape be at Hogwarts talking to Dumbledore when he is seen as an criminal at the time and how would Dumbledore know specifically that the Carrows would be the Death Eaters posted at Hogwarts?
This is an interesting one. This is a legitimate, classic, plot hole. McGonagal would have still been interim headmistress at this time and she had no reason to trust Snape, and the portraits would have been honor bound to serve her, not him. I guess the only explanation is that Dumbledore had left instructions for McGonagal that would have allowed him access. I guess it's also possible that the plan for the Carrows to be installed at Hogwarts was already in place at this time, even though they weren't formally made professors yet. I admit these are weak explanations though. I really think this was just a mistake Jo made.
what I don't get is why people didn't just make a portrait of Lily and James so they could talk to Harry. Or what about Sirius? Or Fred?
Snape had told Dumbledore that the Dark Lord see's a time in the near future where he will no longer need a spy at Hogwarts. If Snape is no longer a spy what.would Not go out into battle. The Dark Lord needs an intelligent person to put as Headmaster. Snape has been there a long time and knows more.about Hogwarts. Besides Dumbledore ask if he will protect the students. He does not knowwho is.going to be appointment but I'm sure he knows it will be a Death eater. "Hogwarts would be left to the mercy of the Carrows" I expect Voldemort had planned no doubt to put them there but it hadn't been executed yet because the Ministry had yet to fall.
Snape can fly. He went to Hogwarts, filled Dumbledore's portrait on everything Voldemort wanted to do (him being installed as Headmaster, the Carrows being stationed at Hogwarts as teachers, etc.), and Dumbledore continued to give him orders as if he'd never died.
The point of this is not that he is talking with Dumbledore's portrait, it's that he is talking to the Portrait before Hogwarts falls under the control of the Death Eaters.
Snape is close to Voldy and knows Voldy's plans for the ministry and hogwarts and the use of the Carrows. Snape passed the info on to portrait Dumbledore and they are discussing it.
i'm not entirely sure if this is correct but I believe some of the conversations between them were post-dumbledores death and they were communing through use of his headmasters portrait. if not, a lot of enthasis is put on the face dumbledore is good at guessing.

According to Gamp's Laws of Elemental Transfiguration, you can't conjure food. I reason that this is a way of showing how even magic has its limits and wizards are still susceptible to some things. However, you can conjure water (Aguamenti), which is more vital for human survival. You can go much longer without food than you can without water; so why is it so simple to make this imperative part of life appear out of nowhere?
maybe when they conjure water they are just cooling the air around them and making some of it into water (condensation), so they aren't actually creating it but just changing the form of gas from it's gas form to it's liquid form whereas they would have to CREATE food from nothing
OK. Point is that for food, all they come up with is mushrooms, a few out of season berries and an occasional fish. But on the river bank, Ted Tonks assios a salmon. They could have had fish everyday. Eventually they would have learned how to cook it so it's tasty. More importantly Hermione went on camping trips with her folks. I think she would have know a bit about eating roots and bark. She would have also used the Muggle Library for survivalist books.
@Why didn't Hermione simply summon food from the Hogwarts Kitchen?: people would notice a sandwich flying umpteen miles across the country. This is touched on in the fourth book before the lake trial.
hermione says that you can make more of food if you already have some and that you can turn things into food. why didn't they multiply the food they had and turn it into food that tasted better and was more nutritious
The real question is "Why didn't Harry, after months of being on the road and the likelihood that Kreacher's in danger and the chance that he'd be followed is minimal, call upon him and have him bring them food?" or perhaps, "Why didn't Hermione simply Summon food from the Hogwarts kitchen?"
This is the reason there were slim pickings when Harry Hermione and Ron were on the run in Deathly Hallows and living rough (tent) you can't conjure something that isn't around so they live on fish and mushrooms and various items that they were able to steal like eggs. In the Chamber Of Secrets when Ron and Harry show up to start of school late because the platform was closed. Professor McGonagall accio'd some sandwiches from the kitchen for the boys since they missed the feast in the great hall. When Mrs. Weasley created soup she did so from the ingredients around her.
I think it's for questions like these that Hogwarts exists, don't you think?
maybe its just part of the book? you can conjure water, but not food. why cant it be that simple?
Food comes from living things. Water is a chemical. The chemicals of water are found in the air. ALSO: When Mrs. Weasley makes soup come out of her wand, she knew where the soup was. She used Accio, which summoned the soup to her wand. :D I KNOE STUFF!!! xD
I think this is how it works.... almost all food was once living. Magic can't create true life so creating food wouldn't work. Also if you were to turn a rock into a chicken then eat it, the chicken would probably 1)turn back into a rock when you kill it or 2)it would taste like rocks/be hard and be too disgusting too eat. As for molly making soup come from here wand, the soup was probably already in a can somewhere and she just summoned it from her wand
There wouldnt be enough water in the air to put out a fire, like Hagrid's hut, but water is a definity chemical, H20, whereas food like bread is not, having uneven mixtures of cellulose, starch, etc
Your pardon, please disregard "pepper" from earlier comment, as that, too, was once a plant.
perhaps it is the element of life? Most "food" with exception of some spies (ie salt, pepper) used to be alive, either as animals or vegitation. Water might contain life in it, but pure water itself is not alive. I doubt the RoR could summon a person or pet, either.
there is hydrogen and oxygen in the air, which as we know oxygen is formed of 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen atom, so it is simply creating water from these elements in the spell
You can't use water on fiendfire. Which is why it didn't work in the RoR.
As for conjuring it... Maybe you aren't creating it, but merely transporting it from one place to another. Like you CAN do with food.
There is water in the air. All the time. It probably just takes the water out of the air. That would also explain why Augmenti didn't work on the fire in the room of requirement. It was so hot the water in the air was evaporating.
The water isnt meant to be drunk its meatnt to be used as a offensive spell anyway if you tried to fill your glass with water using aguamenti the glass would shatter
When Molly does the soup-thing everyone is talking about, I think it's much more likely that she used her wand like a baster or a dropper.
Well you can conjure fire..... so why not water? Basic elementalism......
well us muggles can make water out of nothing. Well, an empty bottle and a lit splint, but if we can do that, surely wizards can counjure the same thing.
What's considered food, anyway? If you conjure a live chicken, and then you kill it and cook it, is it considered food?
No, the second commenter is right. I noticed this on the re-read of...HBP, I think. Molly does conjure food out of thin air because she wasn't prepared, so it should be a mistake.
the dog from the rock is not real. Cedric does this in GoF to fool his dragon into not killing him. it doesnt work because the dragon is not confused long enough
Doesn't someone transfigure a rock into a dog at some point? If you can turn non-organic material into organic material, then isn't this basically just creating food?
I think food and water must be separated, and water can't be considered just as sort of food/drink at this point. It's a simple material, not only in gastronomy, but also in every other science (chemistry, agriculture, architecture), so don't think that water spell is used only when someone is thirsty (well, it's funny that we see only one case, when Dumbledore needs drink in the cave where the fake Locket is hidden).
For the technical background, I also think that creating water from nothing is possible as mentioned, with using some circumstances like water.filled air or whatever, so it's not strange that can be made by spell (like other materials on higher level, just remember the Sorcerer's Stone)
na mrs weasley just magics food that has already been made but apparates it... and wats this about particles? its magic bumface
Hang on a minute, doesn't Mrs Weasley conjure soup out of her wand at one point?
Perhaps aguamenti condenses water particles in the air, while there are no "food" particles in the air.

he used it to kill harry's parents and tries to kill harry then I assume he takes a spirit form. Are we to infer that his wand just sits in Harry's house until he has wormtail fetch 14 years later? No one searched the area for clues
JK Rowling has said that Pettigrew went to the Potter's house and found and kept Voldemort's wand somewhere safe, probably in hopes of being rewarded or doing powerful things. He later got it back for Voldemort.
I think that either Wormtail took it right after the Potter's death, or that he snuck back in his animagus form after finding what's left of Voldemort in Albania and brought it to him....
he did not become a spirit, he sort of became another being, as when he made Harry a hulcrox, he had ripped his soul too many times, I think maybe his wand transformed with him.
No longer a plot hole, it was but JKR answered it.
"Upon his curse rebounding upon himself, Voldemort's wand was blasted from his body and landed not far away from his body in the ruin of the Potter home. After Rubeus Hagrid rescued the infant Harry from the wreckage of the house later that evening, Peter Pettigrew returned to the house and discovered the Dark Lord's wand in the wreckage[1], taking it with him as he fled the scene in order to prevent the wand from falling into the Ministry's hands and possibly exposing him as a traitor since all wands have a record of the spells they have cast and can be examined by those trained to do so. He would keep this wand in an undisclosed location for twelve long years afterwards, until the time when he could locate its true owner once again"
From the Harry Potter Wiki and sourced from JKR, Pettigrew returned to the Potter house that evening after Hagrid left with baby Harry, found the wand hidden amongst the rubble, and took it with him so as to prevent the Ministry from finding it and discovering his treachery. Peter hid the wand in an undisclosed location before Sirius tracked him down and confronted him.
for anyone who tried to make the argument of Voldemort simply using another person's wand; you're forgetting the priori incantatum effect of the wands locking. It is specifically stated that this is the result of the brother cores of Harry's and Voldemort's wands.
snape was still working as a double agent at the time, he would have been one of the first to enter the house, and he would have been the one who knew about voldemorts plans to kill the potters, as he told dumbledore before it had happened. unfortunately they trusted the wrong person. obviously it wasn't mentioned in the novels, however my guess would be that snape took it shortly after finding the potters dead. just a guess
in the film it shows snape showing up to find lily's body - he could have taken the wand
1. His body DID very much go poof. He said he was ripped from his body. If he had been able to carry and/or use a wand, he would not have needed pettigrew to help him so much. If he could still do magic when dead, what is the point of being alive even.
2. Snape would not have returned the wand b/c SPOILER... he was a good guy
3. Voldemort never mentioned followers being with him in his memory.
4. Pettigrew has been covered.
5. It was either Dennis Kucinich or this is a plot hole
Is it specified in the book that his wand survived the attempted killing of Harry? Couldn't it have been destroyed with him, and he stole a wand from somebody else when he returned?
1. Anyone who spells his name "VoldeRmort" should not be commenting about the intricacies of Potter. 2. Movie canon *is* J.K. Rowling approved; she is the one who wrote in the scene in the first movie where it is shown that Voldemort travelled ALONE to the Potter's house. And because movie canon is JKR approved additional canon to the books, that means that Snape was one of the first to arrive to the Potter house to find James and Lily dead (as per DH Part 2). Also to correct another mistake from some other comment, OBVIOUSLY Snape also knew that the Potters were going to be targeted. 3. We can assume it wasn't Snape who took Voldemort's wand, though--no connection. 4. In one of the books it did say that the curse rebounded upon Voldemort but didn't say exactly the state he was left in. Whether it was that gaseous form or a very weak body (because by then he had already made Horcruxes). Though his body was not at the Potter's, that doesn't mean it just went *poof*.
Peter had all the time in the world to fetch the wand. If you look at it, it does not say how long the Potters were dead before the officials arrived.
I havent read the book (dont kill me) but in movie 7:2 Snape is seen crying and holding Lily potter after her death. He could have picked it up and given it to him 14 years later or possibly just given it to wormtail...
The accio spell doesn't work on most objects of importance throughout the series.
If it did dumbledore could've disarmed voldemort from the world over cuz he is effin dumbledore.
Poor reasoning.
^wormtail didn't have a wand but I see your point. He could have just used another's wand and summoned it or maybe he doesn't need a wand to summon stuff cuz he's effing Voldemort.
Accio Wand. Duh. He'd have to use wormtails wand but so what? dobby's evil brother we will call him steve. Follows Voldy to the Potter house. Then after Tom Riddle turns to dust on the floor steals away the wand and puts it on Ebay (registered trademark) it sells to Dennis Kucinich for a large sum who hopes to protect himself from the imminent threat of alien invaders. when the aliens dont come he lists it on Craigs List and sells it to lucious molfoys younger brother Frank. Well Frank does not know what to do with it so he chucks it int the bin where peter petigrew living as a rat snatches it up and hides it next to the goul in rons attic. then after seeing that sirrus escaped from azkaban grabs it in his maw and lugs it around until he finds voldy...just as likely as the rest of you that's not what happened . there is no explanation. period
to the post of .......Voldemort could have travelled to the house with an entourage of Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy among them, quite likely. Just because the house was destroyed and Voldemort "killed" doesn't mean the rest of the Death Eaters would have been. One of them could have easily grabbed the wand before any Ministry person showed up. Why? Save it for Voldemort, or just as a relic.......not possible the book covers this when harry is attacked by nagini in godrics hollow. Voldy relives the night and with no mention of his followers. clearly a plot hole
Who ever thought of this plot hole is a mad genius and is a brilliant person I to was wondering about this. U deserve a award for this... I want to marry Harry potter lol
there is no answer, every one who thinks there is an answer you are all idiots!
Not a plot hole: Voldemort could have travelled to the house with an entourage of Death Eaters. Lucius Malfoy among them, quite likely. Just because the house was destroyed and Voldemort "killed" doesn't mean the rest of the Death Eaters would have been. One of them could have easily grabbed the wand before any Ministry person showed up. Why? Save it for Voldemort, or just as a relic.
I believe that Wormtail got Voldemort's wand and used it instead of his own. Wormtails wand was left when he faked his own death and while some wizards do not need a wand, Pettigrew needed his. I believe the wand works on the same principle of their clothes re-appearing even though they left them behind when they transformed. After turning back into a human they are always dressed even though they lost their clothes when they turned into their respected animal.
Additional comment, to the one I posed above (can't exceed 2000 characters):
When Sirius tracked down pettigrew, he may have killed the 13 muggles with his own wand or voldermorts (note that pettigrew didn't meet voldermort till the end of Harry's 3rd grade- about 12-13 years after voldermort mysterious disappearance). If pettirgrew didn't retrieve the wand for his master (Voldermort) when Sirius had tracked him down, then he would have done so straight afterwards and then hidden it, as I'm sure, he wouldn't have guessed Voldermort was really dead (this was probably on the very same day he died, or a few days after)- however, I'm sure he thought Voldermort was dead later on, thus deciding to reside in a wizarding house (the weeselys). But I'm sure, throughout this ordeal, he knew were voldermort wand was hidden. The ministry of magic aurors must have checked out the scene of the crime (Voldermort dissapearance) much later, as they would have been wary to approach it- anywhere between this time, Pettigrew would have surely retrieved his Voldermort's want from the Potters house.
Since I don't have an account, I'll be stating my gamer Initials now, lol.
Out of all of these suggestions, I believe I have the answer:
My answer is going to be based off the wiki answers (just about how sirius got into prison), which I had replied on (so I'm not plagiarizing). For you to understand, I will be going through a brief reminder as to how sirius went to prison insead of pettigrew.
Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban because when Lily and James were going into hiding they decided on Sirius as their secret keeper however they changed at the last moment without telling anybody, including Dumbledore.
Peter then betrayed Lily and James on the same night that Sirius decided to go check on him and after discovering Peter was gone he went straight to the Potter's house, which was of course destroyed. (At this point he gave Hagrid the motorbike telling him he wouldn't need it again, Hagrid then used it to deliver Harry to his aunt and uncle's).
Sirius knew he would be blamed but he managed to track down Peter and he yelled out to the whole street (full of muggles) what Peter had done. Peter then cut off his finger, blasted the street apart killing thirteen muggles and turned into a rat making it look like Sirius had killed all the muggles as well as betrayed the Potter's. Dumbledore himself gave evidence that Sirius was the Potter's secret keeper.
I suppose he could have possessed some animal and hid it somewhere in the village himself. Assuming he figured out that he could do this within hours of it happening to him.
Not all of Voldemort's followers abandoned him after he disappeared - the Lestranges were not imprisoned until they tortured the Longbottoms, as they believed they may had information on Voldemort's whereabouts. It is unlikely Voldemort didn't tell any of the death eaters where he was going, since this was such a big event. It is likely he had some nearby, and after discovering he had been torn from his body, it was likely one retrieved the wand and kept it safe, in case of his return. The Lestranges could have easily placed it in one of the other death eater's possession, for example the Malfoys, who avoided prison time by saying that had been imperiused, ready to be returned should he ever arise.
Impossible to explain this is. The biggest plothole and the thing is, if JKR must cover this she has to rewrite the whole set of the novel
^quirrel would of been the first person he could have gotten to do it for him, and that makes NO sense, b/c someone would have found it by then... wasn't dumbledore himself investigating voldemort's entire life, the ministry, hagrid, ANYONE! Secondly, peter doesn't make sense either, as sirius chased him down, and he didn't even have HIS OWN WAND after those years as scabbers. why in the h would you think he had voldy's wand. Obvious plot hole.
voldemort got his wand by making quirel get it or another previous victim that fell across his path
Pettigrew is an Animagus that can turn in to a mouse. He could've easily sneaked in.
Pretty gaping plot hole considering the wand's importance to the plot.
The ministry finding it and holding it for protection could have made sense and Voldy could have stolen it back later, but instead Peter "magically" (spoken ironically) has it after spending over a decade as a rat.
Pretty obvious on the first read even. J.K. must have realized this one and ignored it
^ No, it isn't. DH clearly states that theFfidelius charm is broken, due to the death of those who it was cast upon. Direct evidence is that many people were able to see the house and write on the sign, even though we may safely assume that Peter Pettigrew didn't tell the entire Wizarding World where the house was.
Pettigrew might have gone back and collected it right away, once he heard that Voldemort had been destroyed. He was the only one, other than Voldemort himself, who knew that Harry Potter was being targeted that night; he may even have been hiding out nearby in his rat disguise, and actually witnessed the event, then went in to see what had happened. Finding Harry alive and Voldemort gone, he picked up his former master's wand in trembling fingers, hardly daring to believe what had happened... and then disapperated in a panic when other wizards began to arrive. It's not in the books, but it COULD have happened.
The Potter house was memorialized, so it's entirely possible that it was somehow missed. Pettigrew is the only means by which it could have been retrieved. It stands to reason that had the Ministry found it, it would have been destroyed or taken for protection by the Ministry. On that note, Ministry seems to do some shoddy work when it comes to investigations. Just sayin'

The rules didn't mention any rats! How did Ron get away with it? He couldn't have broken any rules because Percy once owned Scabbers, and he's a stickler for rules.
This isn't really a Plot Hole but, more of an inconsitancy. If my memory serves, Charlie was 2 years older than Percy. Percy wasin his 6th year in book 1. Therefore, Charlie had just graduated. So, they had won the year before and it makes no sense for him to say that.
Maybe he left the Quidditch team. Or maybe they hadn't won since he was on the team, but they didn't always win when he was on the team.
In book 1, Percy's a fifth year prefect! Charlie's 4 years older than Percy and Gryffindor hadn't won for two years.
Charlie didn't actually finish in his 7th year, he left a few years before.
Not a plot hole, just the way people use language. Wood doesn't say they won in Charlie's 7th year. If Charlie was largely responsible for Gryffindor's victory in his fourth year, Wood could still use this phrasing and it would be accurate. What I find more confusing is that if Charlie graduated the year before, they wouldn't have played Quidditch since Charlie left, so of course they hadn't won! Unless maybe Charlie left the team before his seventh year...
Charlie's 7th year was in 1990, the year before Harry started. I think Oliver was just exaggerating to make the team work harder - can you deny it? He was super obsessed...
Percy had been a Newly appointed prefect in the the 1st book which would make him a 5th year. Further more Charlie is three years Percy's senior.
Actually, Percy was in his 5th year when Harry was in his first. Charlie is three years older than Percy. Also, in another place it is said that Gryffindor may have had Charlie but they didn't win that often.

In DH, why did Harry, Ron, and Hermione keep taking shifts wearing the Locket Horcrux? Why didn't they just lock in in a box and charm it or something until they decided to stab it?

This has never made much sense to me as of late. I haven't read the book since it first came out, so there may have been something that mentioned why they did this, but I don't see why they had to wear it. I mean, it's the reason Ron got all angry and stuff and left, right? If none of them were wearing it, wouldn't it have made everything much easier?
Would you want to lose the locket after everything you did to get it?
It's just what they decided to do! Paranoia, extra care, supernatural influence. Whether you agree with it or not this is not a plot hole, it's just a character action.
It said that someone could take it- Hermione said they should keep it in a box but Harry disagreed with her,
I've been thinking about this lately. An answer (perhaps a convoluted one) I came up with: maybe the Horcrux makes you think that you need to wear it, so as to be more easily able to corrupt people. That'd also be a contributing factor to Umbridge taking it and wearing it.
Because Ron wouldn't have been mad because of harry and hermione being together all the time. When Ron leaves and then comes back, and when the locket opens Ron doesn't want harry and hermione being together and then stabs the locket, if none of that happened, ron would be to scared to stab it
Seriously, if they really were worried about forgetting it or loosing it then just stick it in the bag and be done with it, the locket is not the One Ring, the locket spent many years in Regulus' room before being half-inched by Mundungus and then being proudly displayed by Umbridge; further, Horcruxes only contain a piece of the soul whereas the Ring contained a living piece of Sauron and could think for itself, it is for this reason that the Ring betrayed Isildur and was able to control Gollum both of whom were weak-minded - it committed these acts in an attempt to return to its master, the Horcruxes being in-animate objects were not going anywhere which is probably as well as Voldemort probably didn't want his pieces of soul chasing him all-over the show therefore, there should have been no reason to have to wear the locket. Also, having retrieved the cup from Bellatrix' vault, they didn't decide that they should wear that around their necks despite then riding a dragon, jumping from a height into a lake, travelling through Hogsmead, then dealing with the furor at Hogwarts.
because she was paying her respects to Tolkien .. or ripping off.
They didn't want to risk losing it. They were on the run and they knew that they might have to leave someplace in a big hurry if something went wrong. If the Death Eaters had breached their defenses, theymight not have had time to go grab it, so one of them just had to keep it handy all the time, in spite of its ill effects.

If you had to drink the Mandrake thingy to be Unpetrifed and it quite clearly states in the Chamber of Secrets ghosts can't eat ir drink, how is Nearly Headless Nick returned to his oringinal state?

What I was always more bothered by was how it is, in all the world, Hogwarts was the only place that had any mandrakes to cure the petrified people with.
Maybe the Mandrake potion was poured over Nick, or it was boiled and turned into vapor that could penetrate his body or enter through his nose.
sir niccolas was never petrifide. its as simple as that. he looked into the eye of the basalisk and died. you see they just had to wait for him to come back. when you die its not just "oh no hes dead" and then a milisecond later "oh hello ghost virsion friend" it takes a while for them to sort of recover so niccolas was not petrifide and therfor he did not need the mandrake droght
The first commenter is right in the sense that he got the full blast of the basilisk but couldn't die twice.. so I always assumed he was petrified like the others. I know he was described as smoky and black but as none of the others were ghosts we'd have to assume this is just the affect it has on ghosts... he couldn't move and then came back at the same time so must have been petrified. I would say they sprayed it on him, or had him inhale it like they do at the ghost's deathday party.
The first commenter is completely right even though horribly down voted. Harry says that Nick got the full blast of the basilisk, meaning that he would have died, but he's a ghost so he can't die again. Therefore Nick never really was petrified.
also, how could Seamus waft Nick up stairs to the hospital wing? wouldn't he just drift through the stairs and be irremovable?
His petrification was psychosomatic. Just being administered what he believed to be a 'cure' cause his mind to catch up to his body and allow him to miraculously 'recover'.
he wasn't petrified he actually saw the basilisk but coz he is a ghost he can't die.

The death eaters and Voldemort are just going to go Avada Kedavra on everyone which cannot be blocked. So how are they able to duel for a period of time? Its like dueling with loaded guns. All it takes is one shot, not really a duel.
The Order wasnt just using Avada Kedavra; they were using other spells just to hold the Death Eaters at bay. And because most spells are shorter than AK, the Death eaters retaliate faster with other spells.
Also there are other spells that you can die from, like the Bellatrix died from.
It's blockable by objects, and a wizard can always transfigure an object for it to hit in front of them.
I don't know if it was me or something, but when Harry was Dueling Voldemort on the stairs of Hogwarts it looked like Harry was deflecting AK with a magical shield. I know it is said to be impossible but when Voldemort was casting spells they were green just like the AK and when it hit the Basilisk fang it destroyed it.
You do realise that people did actually duel with loaded guns in the past, right?
yeah, its been said earlier that Moody/Barty said you had to really mean it for it to actually kill someone, so im assuming in the heat of battle it would take a lot of concentration to produce an effective spell, by which time you could have been attacked
Avada Kedavra can be blocked by solid objects, just not magic. Also, it can be dodged.
you're dueling. by the time you've said "avada kedavra," your opponent could have said "stupify" twice. all about speed, in these dueling matters...
It may be that the "Avada Kedavra" spell is one which takes a lot out of you, either in the form of physical exhaustion or mental concentration. In the midst of a duel, to take a moment and work up the mental effort to cast it may leave one vulnerable to a quicker form of counterattack. Voldemort could cast it with a certain degree of impunity because he was just that good at it, but wizards of lesser power and skill would have a harder time of it. There is a counterargument to the effect that apparently Crabbe, an idiot, was able to cast it near the end of Book 7 - but we never did find out whether it would actually have been effective had he hit someone with it.
Non verbal spells are not as powerful as their spoken form, so they would not kill. Since dueling is so quick, saying the spell would take too much time.
Moody said in GoF that you could say 'Avada Kedavra' as much as you liked but unless you really meant it, it wouldn't work- I suppose the Death Eaters didn't really hate the Aurors and people with a passion, just didn't really like them.
It's blockable by ducking and moving around and also by putting something in the path of the curse, aswell as some extremely powerful shield charms like the ones used in the ministry by dumbledore and voldemort( not simple protego ones)
Good point. Since AK is unblockable, dueling makes no sense.

Does anybody else think it is a bit silly that wand ownership changes with a simple disarm? So you are not looking for one second and somebody disarms you and you lose your wand. I just have an image of everybody running round disarming each other for their wands
The wand chooses the wizard... when the owner's disarmed, the wand turns to the person who disarmed them as they were clearly the stronger of the two
It's explained in Pottermore that differnt types of wands have different strengths of alligences. For example, Bellatrix's wand if very stiff; therefore, it doesn't accept new owners very well. Draco's is the opposite.
I think it's all about intent...when practicing in the DA, you wouldn't be duelling to win the opponent's wand or even a serious duel, you'd just be practicing. And then I think that it's also up to the wand, as we see from Draco's wand changing allegiance, yet not Bellatrix's. Like Ollivander says, wand-lore is mysterious and hard to understand.
The elder wand is so powerful that anyone who can forcibly take the wand becomes its master. Regular wands aren't made out of the wood of the elder tree. With a regular wand the new owner might not have as much control as the original owner so with such a strong wand the effects, terms, and conditions are magnified .
Like in the 3rd book when lupin disarms everybody but gives the wands back in the shrieking shack they stil work
I think that probably a wand only changes aleigence when you are actually fighting, when it's a proper duel rather than just a practice or a prank.
This is what happen when you retcon a major plot element after six book spent ignoring it!
And howcome everyone's wand didn't change ownership during practices in class and the DA?
Yes, I could see this has an issue. but you see, if you just disarm someone and have no intention of picking up or stealing their wand, then the wand would feel no allegiance to the person who disarmed its original owner. Wands just want to be hookers. You may remember in the 7th movie (part 2) when Ollivander talked about Bellatrixes wand? He never said that the wand had changed its allegiance. So, its basically up to the wand.

We are told repeatedly that Dumbledore and Moody are old friends, they were in the original Order of the Phoenix together and must have had lots of shared history and memories. How come Dumbledore never realises that the guy walking around in Moody's body is not him? Especially knowing that Voldemort is getting stronger and is on the offensive, and that Polyjuice potion is easy enough for Second year students to make.
Probably he went down there (the trunk room) & questioned moody about his behavor under under vesterum. Also lol to the person with the doctor who comment
@ The person assuming this is poor writing I think it needs to be said. Batry Crouch Jr. is a hugely underrapreciated character. Very talented, skilled and intellegent. It's highly likely that the impression had been worked on for months and perhaps more importantly the best way to hide someone to Dumbledore ? Directly under his nose. Just because he is a genius does not mean that dumbledore is perfect.
Because he kept the real Moody alive to question him on his behaviours + from what I can see Moody is a bit of a recluse... Dumbledore probably wouldn't have spent much time with him!
Dumbledore states that the plan was smart,and that Barty Crouch Jr. was studying Moody's behaviour to act like him flawlessly. Probably he suceeded,and Dumbledore just did not notice.
this is the only one on this whole list i potentially agree with. dumbledore knew there was someone working against harry on the inside and should have been suspicious of everyone, especially newcomers. also, the fact that they knew each other so well and dumbledore never suspected a thing was weird. though crouch had moody captive and could have easily studied and therefore immitated his mannerisms, he would never be able to know moodys whole life and his relationship with others. moody would never have cracked or told him anything!
He did. DD knew something fishy was going on, and started to suspect Moody after discovering Crouch Sr's body. He already extracted from Trelawney about how Pettigrew had returned to Voldemort, and started to suspect that the second part of the prophecy was beginning to take effect. So, he crossed his arms, sat back, relaxed, and rolled the dice letting things play out. Of course he was all smiles when Harry mentions the blood resurrection spell. It all worked as planned, how perfect. LOL Conspiracy!Dumbledore
well first of all if u rember they needed to go to the redtricted section of the liberay for the book on making polyjuice and if u would have look-uo polyjucie u would find it an advanced and difficult potion to make, r u forgetting that Hermione made this potion, who's mind is obviously above that of a first year, and what do u expect Mad-Eye and Dumbledore to spend every waking hour together, Mad-Eye proabilily avoided Dumbledpre and the other teachers as much as possiable, and sence everyone already thought him to be mad, no one really bothered him to muh either
Why would Dumbledore need to suspect anyone as a potential Death Eater at this point? The next book, maybe, but he had no reason to suspect an impersonator at all. Dumbledore may be brilliant and a genius but he says himself that he makes mistakes. Crouch jr was obviously a very intelligent man and a powerful wizard as he was able to repel his fathers imperius curse and escape, and his plan was almost successful so he would obviously have done his research on moody before impersonating him as he was aware he would have to trick Dumbledore. The only slip he made was at the end.
Because he's the Doctor and the Doctor is way more powerful than a lowly human Wizard! lolll
dumbledore in fact is the first one to realise its cruch jr. but at the very last moment. Although albus is a genius, labelling this as a plothole implies deeply underestimating crouch jr's performance
Given Moody's nature of being secretive and his hatred of Death-eaters made it a very easy person to impersonate. He and Crouch had alot in common and he kept moody around for questioning incase he ever needed more information.
It may be a kids book, but that doesn't make the plot hole go away.
JK Rowling has said ad nauseam that Dumbledore is brilliant and a genius, yet he mistakes a death eater for one of his closest friends? That's not so much in character for Dumbledore as it's poor writing.
Fake Moody never did anything out of the ordinary for Dumbledore to suspect him and he apparently did a perfect impersonation. Crouch jr. had probably been watching Moody for a few Months. He would have had to have been impersonating him when he was asked by Dumbledore to be the knew Defence teacher.He was also clever enough to overcome the powerful Auror in the first place. I doubt the real Moody would let anyone get close enough to him, even Dumbledore, to get to know what type of personality he had. He was old and grumpy and a solitary character I doubt him and Dumbledore shared secrets at sleepovers in Dumbledores office! Hope this helped! Plus it's a kids book:):)

In the third book, Lupin says he was watching Harry, Hermione and Ron making their way down to Hagrids. When Harry and Hermione use the time turner they hide in a broom cuboard and listen to themselves go past. Wouldn't Lupin see two sets of Harrys and Hermiones, same goes for Snape when he finds it on Lupins desk.
Because the marauders map only shows the real people not the the time turner people
Snape did not know how to use the Marauder's Map, or even what it was. Lupin probably wasn't sitting idly at his desk watching dots on the map the entire time they were moving.
Perhaps Lupin knew about the time turner as McGonagall and Dumbledore knew
It's also possible that the map cannot process the time/space paradox re: someone using a Time Turner. But here's an even better question: If Fred and George nicked it from Filch in their first year, then why did they not see Peter Pettigrew with their little brother Ron when he came to Hogwarts? You would think that Molly would've asked them to keep an eye on Ron/watch out for him (she likely didn't know about the map, so Fred and George were more confident they could do that), and once they kept seeing a "Peter Pettigrew" always near or around Ron, you would think that they would at least ask Ron who the Hell Pettigrew was, or figure it out for themselves.
Lupin didn't see Ron on the map, he just saw Hermione and Harry (the future one). The map doesn't let you see the grounds of Hogwarts, so he wouldn't have seen the original trio coming from Hagrid's hut - or Wormtail. That's why Wormtail bit Ron and escaped, he knew if he got back in the castle, that Lupin would find him on the map.
Maybe he just happened to open it and saw straight away that they were somewhere they shouldn't be and didn't think about looking anywhere else because he doesn't know Hermione has a time turner, and that there should be two Harry and Hermione's running around Hogwarts.
there r a lot of dots he could have missed them the seconde time, snapew ouldn't have been able to c them in the shack, it is not on the map.
I think you are precisely right. the hidden room is not on the map either, bec they never knew about it. remember in HBP when Draco was using the room, he completely disappeared from the map.
I dont know... Its possible, because lupin was a student when he and the others made the map, that they didn't consider time travel when creating it...
weren't the teachers made aware that hermione had the time turner for classes? lupin probably figured what they were doing and knew hermione wouldn't mess with time unless it was very important
Maybe the map wasn't made for time travel and so only showed one pair.
He may not have spotted them twice. There are hundreds of black dots. OR he may have been wise enough not to mention this as he thought it was probably important not to. OR he never got time to mention it.

Harry's dad came out before his mom, but it should have been the other way around. Since his dad died before his mom, his mom should have come out before his dad.
Actually no the comet below this wrong his Father cam out first since he said "Your Mother's Coming she want's to see you"
Yes this was fixed, My hardcovers still say this and I believe the audiobooks have it correct.
not a plot hole because it doesn't effect the rest of the story but a mistake that was easily changed
this was only an issue in the american version... the ditor wanted to change it to make it more dramatic, but J.k realised the mistake and had it changed
Confirmed, it was fixed in the paperback release. Lily Potter came out first, and said to Harry, "Hold on for your father. Then, James came out.

The entire Sirius storyline is dependent on him being the secret-keeper for james and Lilly, yet at shell cottage Bill is HIS OWN secret-keeper. Um, what?
Why didn't James just become his own secret keeper?
It isn't really a plot hole that James wasn't the secret keeper of his own house. They would have needed the secret keeper to be outside of the house in order for the keeper to be able to share the secret to trusted allies, and James was completely in hiding, he couldn't be that guy. It does however, seem strange, that Sirius hadn't told Dumbledore about the change. The only explanation I can think for that was that Sirius was trusting Peter to inform Dumbledore and other Order members himself.
Lol, everyone should read the books before trying to talk about stuff they don't even know. Bill is Secret Keeper for Shell Cottage- he says so in the book!
Chapter 24: The Wandmaker
He (Bill) looked round and saw Harry standing there.
"I've been getting them all out of The Burrow," he explained. "moved them to Muriel's. The Death Eaters know Ron's with you now, they're bound to target the family- don't apologise," he added at the sight of Harry's expression. "It was always a matter of time, Dad's been saying so for months. We're the biggest blood traitor family there is."
"How are they protected?" asked Harry.
"Fidelius Charm. Dad's Secret Keeper. And we've done it on this cottage too; I'm Secret Keeper here..."
It always seemed to me that the secret keeper could only visit the house that he is keeping the secret for. Perhaps the Fidellius charm wears off if he spends too much time there. Neither James nor Lily was SK for Godric’s Hallow and Dumbledore was SK for Grimmauld Place, and he only visited occasionally. Bill is the SK for Shell Cottage but we don’t really get the chance to see if the charm works properly, especially over time.
Bill is not his own secret keeper. The Order is the secret keeper, or more specifically, someone in the order. Obviously Ron was a keeper too, after being told by the original keeper of Shell Cottage. You CANT be secret keeper of your own home, just so you know.
To McTricks: how the hell could Dumbledore be Bill's Secret Keeper? Dumbledore died at the end of the 6th book, and I'm pretty sure that they didn't put Shell Cottage under the FC until book 7. Yeah, I know that this comment is years old but it really bugs me when people don't read the books and make stupid comments! >:(
He was married to a muggle born who he knew would be seeked by a dark wizard, meaning he may be put under the imperio curse. At this point, Sirius wasn't wanted so if James was imperio'd, his secret wouldnt be given away.
no one knows who the secret keeper is, and as u said it would make more sence that james was the secret keeper, which is why he made someone else the secret keeper cause someone could have found james and got the answer from him by torcure and what not, or james and lily the secret keepers to cause they have to be able to u no get back in the house when they leave it, which ever floats ur boat more
Didn't they say Ron/Bill's dad Arthur was secret keeper for Shell Cottage? I'm about 100% sure Ron says it after they arrive. Why don't people actully read.
Now that I think about it, it's a plot hole. Besides, Lily could have been the secret keeper if this is all about being a target. Lily wasn't Voldemorts target (I know they weren't aware of this but still) You know, neither was James. Harry was the sole target, but Voldemort didn't hesitate to murder James because he was in his way.
This means that James or Lily could have easily been the secret-keeper, and just because James might trust his friends, doesn't make it a good idea. I'd trust myself more because that's MY kid and wife in there. Why would he rat on himself and his family when it was stated that he and Lily both defied the dark lord three times already? What would motivate him? He's no scaredy-cat very obviously.
If Bill can be his own secret-keeper then James should have been his own, plain and simple. He didn't have to tell anyone about the charm, but they were in their house anyways to prevent anyone knowing. They wouldn't have had freedom regardless, so it would have been safer for James to be his own keeper.
James could have told Sirius about it, making him a keeper, but if James is the ORIGINAL secret keeper, Sirius wouldn't have been ABLE to pass it, only James.
(This information is irretrievable until the Secret-Keeper chooses to reveal it; those who have the secret revealed to them CANNOT reveal it to others.)
So there would have been two keepers, and Sirius could be the one to come in and out to help provide for his friends. Simple as that.
By the way, if James IS the secret as WELL as the keeper, he wouldn't have been seen ANYWAYS, so there it is.
There may be drawbacks to being one's own Secret Keeper. Take Bill for example - if he is both the Keeper and the Subject of the secret, then he is revealing himself (and the Secret) to anyone who sees him, thus making it exceedingly difficult for him to leave the house. If Shell Cottage hadn't been so isolated, he probably wouldn't have been able to step outside his front door without rendering the charm useless. But if someone else is the Secret-Keeper, then the subjects of the Secret may still have at least some freedom of movement - they can leave the house and be seen by others without giving away the Secret, and their loved ones remain safe.
Why couldn't that have meant that Sirius was A Secret Keeper. James could have been the original secret keeper, but he trusted his best friend enough to share the info, thus making Sirius a Secret Keeper as well.
Yeahh... if James never left his house he wouldn't have to worry about trusting himself because he would never be found anyways. Odd. But trusting his friends more than himself sounds like something James would do :)
Voldemort was after James, so it would make sense that Voldemort would expect James to be the secret-keeper. The fact that he wasn't would make it harder for Voldemort to get the information.
Maybe they learned their lesson after the Potter's death and figured out a way to change the charm so the owner could be the secret keeper.
Voldemort was coming after James personally, not the case with Bill. James may have been afraid that Voldemort would be able to get the information out of him.
Maybe James trusted his friends more than he trusted even himself...
No, Bill spicifically stated that both the Burrow and Shell Cottage were under the Fidelius and that Arthur was the S.K. for the Burrow and HE was S.K. for Shell Cottage. He also comments that they can't leave (had to quit their jobs) because of it, but it beats getting killed.

Last year we rescued an 8 yr old dog. Did her DNA. Came back a quarter yorkie, a quarter lab, and a long miscellany of others. We have to imagine it was grandFATHER yorkie. Same with Hagrid; had to be GrandMOTHER giant...
I'm reading all the comments for this and I'm just dying of laughter! No offense meant! =D
Be glad it wasn't a human mom and a giant dad. THAT would've been painful!
These are books of fiction ---- for children! This isn't a plot hole, stop the strange sexual conjecturing. There are adult websites for that. And love conquers everything. That's one of the basic themes of HP.
Maybe they were in love and wanted to have a child, but couldn't have sexual intercourse. They could have just gotten a humongous turkey baster xD
Same way obese women have kids lol... do I really have to do the math?? :/
Just use your imagination. Just be glad that you wouldn't have to endure the awkward conversation if you'd asked that in the actual book.
We don't know anything about giant anatomy. They could have some human sized parts.
That's easy, you can fit a toothpick in an airplane hangar no problem. the REAL problem comes when you consider that Hagrid asked Maxime whether she was half giant on her mother or fathers side, implying that giant men mate with human women. I can't even imagine what kind of agony a woman would have to endure to mate with a giant.
A small snake can enter a huge cave. A hose can water a crack and get it well soaked. Get the picture?
I'm not sure I want to visualize this. :)
(the math thing under this is hard especially if like me math is basically impossible w/o a calculator)
has somewhat already been voiced, but my question was always why hagrid asks madame maxine which side she 'had it on'. Because yes a giant dad and human mom doesn't work in multiple ways.
a LOT of practice and a LOT of jumping maybe, and he was proablily on top considering he would b squashed otherwise...
You can be 5 foot tall or 500 foot tall, the eggs and sperm will still be the average size, just the equipment is different :)
The engorgement charm I would suspect. And a lot of healing potions.
Do you really want to be given an answer to this? Okay, you asked for it. Ever heard of vore? Perhaps in the wizard world there is a variation of vore that involves being "swallowed" by a giant's vagina. I am not trying to be gross here, because this is not the only odd sexual thing in HP. I would imagine he was swallowed, and then ejaculated into her cervix, fertilizing the egg. Before anyone argues with me about this being totally unlikely, remember that Umbridge was raped by centaurs in book 5. It isn't blatantly said, but it is implied. Centaurs rape women, that is what they do in mythology. Also the implied bestiality between Aberforth and his goat.
If you're asking about crossbreading two species, may I submit: horses and mules can crossbreed, and so an tigers and lions. Humans and Giants can probably crossbreed as well, just with a similar genetic result: traits of both species, but sterile.
Grawp is also mentioned as being small for a giant, so it is possible that their shared mother may have also been smaller than usual for her species, if still much larger than Hagrid's father.
If you recall, Hagrid thinks that Madame Maxine was a half-giant, like he is: this suggests that real giantesses are generally smaller than real giants too. Besides, Hagrid's father was a wizard, highly possible that he used some sort of transfiguration charm on himself to make him taller, buffer, etc.
If you are curious it makes more sense than having a giant dad and human mum. This is because a human female would not have been physically able to carry such a large baby over her pregnancy. It is the same principle as interbreeding dogs, the mother has to be bigger to ensure survival of herself and the offspring xoxo
we aren't supposed to think of details like that but its the other way round that would have created a pobleme haha
This is indeed technically a plot-hole, but its one of those things I attribute to the books being a "kid's series." The books have a lot of other cartoonishly absurd concepts throughout them (muggles being comically unaware of magic, for example) that seem to be there to intentionally keep the books lighthearted. In the later books when things take a darker tone these concepts are frequently glossed over, but in books 1-4 they're fairly common.
The whole thing doesn't make sense. Hagrid's mom abandens him because he is too small to be a giant, but being with a normal size wizard was ok?
Hagrid's dad was a Wizard. He could have cast an "Engorgio" charm upon himself, or something. Let's just let this one lie at this point, shall we?
considerably better than a giant dad, human mom...
if you're looking for more information, i'd suggest asking your parents about the birds and the bees

Dumbledore: "Only one who wanted to find the stone, find it and not use it, would be able to get it. Otherwise they'd just see themselves making gold or making elixir of life." But Quirrel didn't want to use it himself, he didn't see himself making gold or drinking elixir. Quirrel: "I see the stone. I'm presenting it to my master but where is it?" He wanted to give it to someone else in the same way Harry wanted to give it to someone else.
The stone seems to have been safer if just kept in the mirror. So why did Dumbledore send Harry in there, and why did Harry try to get it in his pocket?
It's possible that Quirrel DID want to use the stone himself, and that's exactly what he saw. But he didn't want Voldemort to know that was what he was seeing, so he lied about it and said what Voldemort would want to hear. Whether he was actually getting away with that lie is another matter.
Quirrel did want to use the stone in some way. he wanted to give it to his master. that's why he didn't saw himself finding the stone. he saw himself giving the stone to voldemort.
First of all, it's a sport that spans 9-10 months and only schedules 6 matches in total without even a dedicated championship game to decide the winner. But mostly, it's the scoring that, as I understand it, make it such a broken system- The final two teams to play have complete control of the final outcome (and somehow the final game always contains Gryffindor) with the other two teams having no say in how he final tally is figured. The final two know how many points they need to score to outstrip the other two and can wait out the game if possible and feasible. neglecting to catch a snitch if spotted in order. Fast games are actually a huge disadvantage because the final end of year tally is based not only on wins but also by how many points were made. So, if a match ended with a score of 410 to 400, both of those teams would actually rank twice as high as a team that won 190 to 10.
If dying for someone out of love protects them then Voldemort killing Harry to keep his friends and class mates from being killed is the dumbest idea ever.

Seriously, Voldemort already learnt this lesson HARD.
He told Harry to end the war and give himself up, which, for all intents and purposes, he did. So, wouldn't that mean that whenever Voldemort tried to kill someone that it would backfire? Voldemort's only way to convince any one to do anything is to threaten to kill them; with this taken away he would be powerless, his death eaters wouldn't be scared of him- he would just be an old weird guy.
Even if this isn't the case wouldn't you at least consider it if you were Voldemort? I know if I were Harry, I would have thought that I could have used this as a last resort. It could just be me, but I was positive after Voldemort 'killed' Harry that this would be the ending - he would try to kill one of Harry's friends and die again.
Would love to get this one disproved because it annoys me.
It's not a branch of magic Voldemort understands or respects, one of which he is "woefully ignorant". He believes he defeated it once already so it shouldn't matter. And I don't think it's merely the act that protects others, it's a very set mindset, maybe even a specific charm whose criterea must be met. Harry died in a specific way with the implicit desire to selflessly protect others by willingly allowing Voldemort to kill him instead of running away or defending himself in any way. LIlly understood this magic, she too "didn't have to die" but she willingly gave herself up in the same manner.
Even though he might not have been able to kill any of the people that supported Harry, his followers would be more than willing to do it for you. He could still kill any one of them because Harry didn't try to save Voldemorts followers.
I think it's telling that Voldemort doesn't try to kill anyone with magic between the time that he "kills" Harry in the forest and the time when he discovers that Harry is still alive. Maybe he was worried about this, which is why he tries to get everyone to obey him rather than just killing them.
At Hogwarts, the only subjects that are taught seem to be magical ones. They don't seem to learn, for example, maths or English, but everyone seems reasonably well educated.
Yes, math confuses Wizards. Muggles have arithmetic, a system of 10's and integers and etcetera that go together to form a larger whole. Wizards have arithmancy, which concerns the meaning and significance of numbers. They're different things. Consider how Aurthur cannot fathom muggle sums- because a metric system of tens and hundreds apparently has no "meaning" to a wizard. And consider that time when Ron mentions with incredulity the muggle cousin who became an accountant. They just cannot conceive of the concept of accountancy.
They do seem well educated given that they don't seem to have any lessons in math, literature etc after they enter Hogwarts. I have always assumed that they simply don't need to be educated in those things because they have magic to do it for them. Obviously these qualities are not important in their world. In PS, when Hermione and Harry are trying to get past Snape's potions riddle, Hermione tells Harry that most wizards don't have an ounce of logic, and that is probably because they figure they don't need logic, because they rely on their magic. There would be very few wizards who would take the time to study such "mundane" things (Hermione and Dumbledore for instance). After all, would you rather learning to fight a Boggart or sit through a maths class?
Well it does mention on harry potter wiki
that as Extra curricular you can take Ancient Studies, Art, Earth Magic, Muggle Art, Music, Muggle Music, Ghoul Studies, Magical Theory, Xylomancy, Frog Choir and the Hogwarts orchestra
I think it's almost taken that math/arithmetic in HP is unneeded for wizards as it is so closely related to science and the physical world. Math leads to algebra, which leads to calculus, which leads to physics and witches and wizards have no understanding of physics. Numbers and figures just go together because... MAGIC!
It does seem like the Humanities could be useful though. Composition, Art, Music, (they do have History).... But I guess talking about those classes would make for a pretty boring book.... Not really much interest in having Ron complain about his worksheet to differentiate between simile and metaphor.
We never see their whole daily scheudle for the entire day, nor do we see all the teachers at Hogwarts. They could have regular classes in between the magical ones. We do not get the amount of time each class lasts either.
Arithmancy and arithmetics are two entirely different subjects. Confusions is understandable though because both their names originate from the Greek word arithmos, wich means numbers. Arithmancy is a mystical subject that consists of assigning different objects and/or people number values in order to determine there personalities and so on.
For all those saying that wizarding folk have no need to learn language skills past the age of 10/11 I have one question: ARE YOU KIDDING?
Primary school is there to provide a foundation for learning. There is no way people who receive no education in English could ever write essays or any other form of accurate or extended writing.
The same applies to mathematics. the kids learn astronomy, one of the cornerstones of which is mathematics.
Let's not forget subjects such as Religious studies, ethics, philosophy, geography, art, any kind of physical education and of course sex ed and so many others.
These subjects HAVE to be taught of there would be armies of pregnant 14 year old girls wandering around Hogwarts.
I agree with that, I think they should be taught some normal things, especially maths, where basic things taught in secondary school are needed, seeing as they don't have calculators in the wizarding world! But it wouldn't be as interesting for the readers, watching wizards learn the boring stuff that muggles have to. It would take some of the magic out. --
It's not really necessary.
And if you want to take math, you could take Arithmancy. Something like Calculus, however, wouldn't be taught because it would never be useful. Arithmancy, however, could be used for things (for example, Bill Weasley had to take Arithmancy at Hogwarts in order to become a curse breaker).
Also, kids at Hogwarts were educated in normal school up until about the 6th grade.
We stopped learning grammar in 8th grade. So it's only 2 years less... not a big deal. Also they still work on English-like skills, such as they have to write essays in classes a lot.
They have schooling for their first ten years of life. So it may be basic but when would a wizard need any advanced subject? Grown wizards could get by with basic math, they dont need calculus or anything.
I know, that has con fused me. If they are only home for the summer, where do they learn more important stuff like math, (like the math you have to do to put a comment) English or anything else.
Its called Arithmancy and its not simple math. It more like using numbers to figure out the universe.
They do do maths.... It's just called arithmetic. It says it in the third book when Hermione is using the Time Turner.

This isn't a plot hole but I thinks it's interesting. Don't Dumbledore and Harry realize they are walking past the graveyard where Voldemort came back as they are making their way to the Gaunt house in Dumbledore's memory. I feel like something should have been said or a bad memory to pop up as Harry recognized what he was seeing. I'm sure Dumbledore knew from Harry's story in book four where Voldemort had taken him but it was just weird to see no recognition of it as they casually walked by.
if you do the research you'll find that "Gaunt" was tom riddle's mother's maiden name riddle is his muggle father's name. so the guant's and the riddle's are related through tom riddle (AKA Lord Voldemort)
I'm assuming you mean in Ogden's memory? The graveyard is way across the valley. Like basically on the other side of town but the valley set-up helps them see if from far away. It would be indistinguishable from any other graveyard at that distance, and not what they were focusing on. And it didn't really matter to that situation, so why would they need to talk about it. I feel like she wrote that in for readers to go "ooooo- I know that graveyard!!". I think it's more for our fun than an almost mistake.
Very true. It might take him a bit, but Harry should have eventually realized - "Hey...wait a minute, I know this place! Oh no, nasty flashbacks..."
Dumbledore should have been able to figure out where Riddle Sr. was buried and put two and two together. Reading the resurrections scene again, Voldie does make it obvious where they are IF you already know the whole story. If not - and if you're a bit distracted by seeing a friend murdered in front of you, being bound to a tombstone, having a gag shoved in your mouth, and watching your arch-nemesis come back to life - you might not connect everything.
But Harry totally should have had some serious PTSD if he'd looked at that graveyard for more than 5 seconds.
The cemetery that Voldemort came back in was the Riddle's, not the Gaunt's.
I'm not sure what memory you're talking about,the Voldemort one or the one with the Ogden guy,but i think the graveyard was pretty old at the time. Plus,Harry did not know where they were going:he probably just dismissed it as a random cemetery:I mean,there are cemetaries everywhere. Sorry for my bad english and sorry if i said anything wrong on there,just what i think.

This isn't really a plot hole, but wouldn't Voldemort have made the horcrux's a little bit harder to find? I know he wanted to use "trophies" for the horcrux's, but he would think that someone could find them if they knew just a little bit about him and his past, like Dumbledore?
Voldemort believed himself to be the greatest wizard to have ever lived, even greater than Dumbledore. He was arrogant, and, as Dumbledore told Harry, Voldemort also believed nobody knew, or could have guessed what he'd done to make himself immortal. As Dumbledore told Harry, technically, a horcrux could be anything at all; Voldemort didn't realize that Dumbledore had recognized his pattern of using meaningful objects to house his horcruxes in, and even Voldemort himself didn't realize Harry was one. If he had, he would never, of course, tried killing him.
Voldemort was proud enough to create most of his Horcruxes out of items significant to each house of Hogwarts. I seriously doubt that he'd think that anyone--even Dumbledore--would devote all the time and detective work needed to examine Tom Riddle's life. Remember, Dumbledore had to visit a whole lot of memories and see a whole lot of places! Also, according to the book, Voldy thought that he was the only one clever enough to uncover the Room of Requirement (a rather arrogant thought considering that the R of R had centuries of hidden items!).
I think what the original poster was saying, and what many people say, is that if Voldemort could have just swallowed his pride a little and created one horcrux disguised as something very simple and hidden it in the middle of Australia or any country far away from England he really would have become nigh invincible.
In addition to the comments given above, Voldemort is also quite arrogant. No one even KNEW he had Horcruxes at first, and he thought it would remain this way. He also thought that his hiding places were very safe, and that Bellatrix and Lucius would be loyal to him because of fear or whatnot.
Also, the ring was in fact quite safe, too; even with Dumbledore and Snape cooperating to get it, it would have killed Dumbledore if Snape hadn't killed him first!
Firstly, I think the Horcuxes were extremely difficult to find - did you read the 7th book? :P
Secondly, Voldemort changed his name - not many people knew that - and the ring and the diary were associated with Tom Riddle's heritage, not Voldemort's (even though they are the same person). The cave where he hid the locket was a place he went on a holiday when he was living as a muggle in an orphanage; that couldn't be more obscure if it tried! Also, all of these were protected by complex magical wards - one was killing Dumbledore all through the 6th and the other just about finished him off. :S
He probably wanted the people who were hunting the horcrux's to expect them to be in a object thats hard to find, so, he put them in simple objects
Because the story wouldn't be as interesting otherwise. That is why.
Hufflepuff's cup- in Gringotts a bank that has only been broken in to once, by voldemort no less. surely he would have thought that 3 barely legal students would have had the wizarding capabilities to break in.
Slytherine's locket-Behind a stone wall in a cave that is only accessable by swimming trecherous waters. the wall requires a blood donation which is not instantly what comes to mind when you come up to a wall. furthermore it is on an island in a inferi infested waters! your right, easy!
Ravenclaws Diadem-Told to be 'lost' hasn't been seen in many many years. i think the book says that voldemort hid it before being brought to the room of requirement.
His Diary- unless known that he kept a diary it would be hard to guess that the dark lord wrote his feeling in a journal. also lucius malfoy had it so you'd have toget through him first.
Marvolo Gaunt's Ring - Yea this one would be slightly obvious with previous history on Tom's life just go under his mother's house floorboards.
Nagini-The pet snake voldemort kept on his posession at all times especially in

In the books it states Voldy killed, thats killed, countless, thats countless withes/wizrds and muggles, so no other wittch or wizards stood infront of someone they loved to protect the same way Lilly did to protect Harry?
Voldy had been in power for a number of years before that night and in that time no one else did what Lilly did, i understand that love is enough to 'defeat' the Avada Kedavra so why dosnt the MoM just say 'hey, as long as you truley love some you-know-who and all thoose who use the AK curse are defeated as long as you are willing to die for them'
Has this never happened in the history on magic??
Good grief the "flashback" in the 7th book. Lily accidentally got Tommy-boy to agree to a magical contract where he would kill her instead of Harry. Then he tried to kill Harry without realizing what he had just agreed to.
I still think Lily did some sort of blood ritual, even if she was given a choice, surely Voldemort would have given the choice for some other influential people to join him as well before killing them and their loved ones? Hagrid also says that Voldemort gave the choice to join them and if they refused, then he killed them.
Unlike Voldy's other victims--including James Potter--Lily was given a choice. Lily could've stepped aside and let Voldemort kill her son and so spare her own life. She didn't. She chose to die rather than let Harry die. It's also possible that Snape's love for Lily played a role here; Voldy was giving Lily the choice only because Snape asked him to. Snape's love for Lily could've combined with Lily's love for her son to create the protection for Harry.
Quote: "surely there were many situations when Voldemort was about to kill a child or childre n and their mother jumped in the way"
Harry was the first child Voldemort had really ever needed to kill. Dumbledore states that this act was unique to him, taking an innocent baby boy's life. It's not likely the opportunity arose for any other child to be murdered.
As well as Lilly sacrificing herself to save Harry, he was also saved by the prophecy "Voldemort marking him as his equal"
Okay, I get the point that it was different because Lily was given a choice....but SERIOUSLY, what mother wouldn't give her own life to save her own child??? I'd say most mothers would, certainly more than 50% of them! it's a natural instinct with mothers....and some fathers too. So really, looking at that, surely there were many situations when Voldemort was about to kill a child or childre n and their mother jumped in the way....surely this has happened before?? Then people would have found out about the whole "Love overcomes Avada Kedavra" and far more many people would have been saved and should have this amazing protection in their blood. It just doesn't make sense for it to be only Harry
You've missed the key point. Have you wondered why James' dying for Harry wasn't the thing that made the protective enchantment? It was because James didn't get a choice- Voldemort was going to kill him anyway, just like all those muggles and countless others, etc. Lily, however, was a huge exception because Voldemort was PLANNING on sparing her, because Snape (one of his most faithful servants) had pleaded for her too, and he allowed it. So it was the fact that Voldemort was telling Lily to "step aside" beacuse she needn't be killed, and her refusal to step aside that set the charm on Harry. No other of Voldemort's victims had gotten a choice like that, which is why no others' deaths created the love enchantment. So if you think about it, Snape's begging for LIly's life is the only reason that Harry is alive today.
It was a choice. She was given that chance to save herself.or die protecting her son.she is the Voldemort ever gave the chance too. Why? Because Snape asked him too. Why Voldemort listened to snape? Perhaps he thought that he would rape and toture Lily.
that idea is just a desperate attempt for harry potter to survive in the last one
love defeats avada kedavra. that's really quite cheesy, isn't it
Yes, it's all about loving someone enough, but you forget that Voldemort gave Lily the choice to live or die. THAT'S what triggered the charm: the fact that Voldemort gave her a choice. If it was as simple as just standing between it...yeah, Voldy would have been killed a long time ago!
In addition to the first comment:
Remember, Snape asked for Lily's life, but didn't believe Voldie would actually spare her - thus he went to Dumbledore. Voldie, for the first time, had a sort-of reason to spare a person who wasn't actually his target, as a reward for his 'faithful Death Eater'. But when she refused, the good ol' Avada Kedavra for her. Plenty of other people would have been willing to die for a friend or family member, but were never given the chance - Voldie just goes around killing indiscriminately when people get in his way.
maybe they would rather die with the person they loved than to die without them
You seem to think people have uncommon bravery and perfect timing. Just think of the circumstances that would be required for this. Even just changing the order of how the Potter's died could have changed everything. I believe it would be an exceptionally rare occurence. Dumby even says how rare that branch of magic is... love. Most people would die with fear rather than pure love. JK is trying to show how exceptionally unique and rare the Potter's are.
The protection charm is explained at various points in the series. 1. Lily Evans was gifted at Charms and this was her strongest talent. 2. The protection charm is created by human sacrifice - sacrificing yourself, willingly choosing death so that another may live. Lily does this to save her son. Harry does this to save all of Hogwarts. You could say that Dumbledore understood that Harry had to do this, since the snitch only opened when Harry accepted that he had to die. This is how Harry's sacrifice renders Voldemort's powers ineffective after he returns from the afterlife. 3. The other wizards, by analogy to James Potter's death, fought for their lives when facing Voldemort. Thus, they did not willingly choose death, even though they may have fought for another's life.
Given how rare the circumstance of Lily Potter's sacrifice of willingly choosing death so another may live, one could assume that the wizarding world hasn't come to know or understand this type of magic due to the current duelling culture of the day.
It wasn't because lily loved harry, it was because she was his mother. at least that's my understanding.
but that still doesn't explain why it had never happened before...
Dumbledore said to harry in book 1 that love is what saved Harry, then why not tell everyone else in the wiazarding world that 'love' is enough. He kept it between him and Harry, why didnt he tell the ministry that 'hey you know what you can beat AK if your willing to die for someone you love'.
Ok Voldy may not have given anyone else the choice, but others who use Ak may have, and would have done what lilly did.
(1) the above, i agree; (2) it is stated that this magic is ancient, difficult, powerful, mysterious... therefore a current study in the Department of Mysteries. Readers happen to understand this magic through Jo. Within the book's universe, it is reduced to Dumbledore and a few other's theories. Doesnt seem an universal fact or magical law present in the wizarding world's collective consciousness
Because Voldemort gave Lily a choice to live. Lily could of said "Okay I'll stand by the side and live while you kill my baby." But she didn't. she was given a clear choice to either stand aside or protect Harry and she chose to protect Harry. Voldemort has never given that choice to anyone but her.

In one of the early books hagrid says that James and Lilly were head boy and girl in their day yet later in lupin says he was made gryffindor prefect to keep James and Sirius in line?

Molly Weasley says to Ron that he could be Headboy as becoming prefect is the first step, therefore implying that to become HB or HG one must become a prefect. So yes, plothole.
Although James is the first time, that we know of, that a Head position was given to a person who wasn't a prefect, it never said that it wasn't possible. Dumbledore probably saw a maturity and sense of responsibility in James by his 7th year that he hadn't seen in his 5th year. He may also have believed that giving James the Head Boy position would give him that maturity and responsibility that he knew he could have. It also isn't impossible to believe that Dumbledore could have had the idea of finally getting James and Lily together after watching him pine after her for years since he has been know to do crazy things as such.
Right, Hagrid says they were head boy and girl. I think a radical transformation takes place in James's last two years. He probably straightened up quite a bit.
Nowhere in the books does it say you need to be a prefect to be a head boy or girl. Head boys and girls are considered to be in charge of the prefects, it has nothing to do with their academic standing, only their maturity.
Prefects are like school officers, like a president and secretary and what not. Head boy and head girl are like valedictorians, the top of their class educationally.
Head boy and Head Girl are chosen in the final year and Prefects in the fifth year. James and Lily probably were together by then so James would have matured hugely by the time it came to their final year, therefore worthy of becoming Head Boy.
No, the plot hole lies in the assumption that the Head Boy wouldn't need anyone to keep him in line.
I think the commenter above me misunderstood the question.
However, they never explicitly said that only prefects could become headboy/girl. James could have become headboy despite the fact that Lupin was Prefect. Or Lupin could have turned it down and Dumbledore thought James had matured enough for the responsibility.
Prefects can become head boys and girls. For instance, Percy Weasley was a prefect when Harry first came to Hogwarts, but was made Head Boy in his 7th year.

Why doesn't the MoM detect Tonks performing "scurgify", "locomotor trunk", and "lumos" when she and the advanced guard pick Harry up from the Dursley's in OotP?

She uses all of them within the Dursley's house. Wouldn't this be suspicious?
to the last commenter... yes your argument makes sense on its own... but why then did they worry so much about getting harry away from the Dursleys WITHOUT USING MAGIC in DH? Using your logic, the ministry would have assumed that moody or one of the aurors or other adults was using magic if they had apparated harry or whatever. I'm sure you will argue that the ministry was being partially controlled by death eaters so they would have been looking for an excuse to arrest harry but that was essentially the case in OOTP (minus the death eaters).
My point is that following the explanation of the trace given in book 7, harry should have been arrested multiple times in the previous years for adults using magic around him while he was at the dursleys
Harry doesn't get a letter the multiple occasions that there are grown up wizards visiting I. The Duraley's home... Arthur Weasley and Albus Dumbledore both performed magic in the sitting room alone... If there is an adult around... The MoM assumes they did the magic. Done and Done... You people are idiots.
I don't know why people are arguing this. The reason why Harry has gotten letters is because there are no other witches or wizards around to perform magic, so the ministry deduces that he is the one who has performed it. If Harry casts a spell in Diagon Alley, or the Burrow he wouldn't get a letter because overage witches and wizards are known to be around. It clearly says that wizarding families are to keep their children from using magic. It's their responsibility to enforce the law. So Harry and Ron could have been hiding and performing stupid 2nd year charms on Ginny when Harry stayed at the Burrow and Arthur and Molly wouldn't have known unless Ginny told them!
The ONLY explanation that makes any sense is that Tonks is able to make her magic undetectable. Otherwise, THIS IS A PLOTHOLE.
Some of these points are ridiculous "Dumbledore was dead at the beginning of book 7, he wouldn't have been notifying the ministry of anything.........." Since when was OotP book 7?
In anycase, Harry was sent the Advanced Gaurd, something that was comprised of AURORS. Aurors, most often being afillitated with the Ministry, would most likely be KNOWN to be moving Harry, thus making it ok to use magic around him. Besides, it took a little while for the Ministry to react to Dobby using magic the first time, don't you think it wouldn't taken some time even if it were a wizard using Magic?
None of you understand!!!!! When magic is done IN THE HOUSE, any underage wizard can be suspected of performing it. Tonks is not underage, but HARRY IS!!! What could possibly happen is Harry would get a letter that reads, "We have detected a Scourgify spell performed in your household. As an underage wizard, this is against the wizard law for you to perform.".....
What most likely actually happened is this:
Dumbledore or Moody informed the Ministry that Harry was being rescued that day, and magic might possibly be used, so that they would not be alarmed by it and think it was Harry.
I know some people have pointed out some of my points, but I just want to make it all clear and prevent further misunderstandings.
um, the ministry can only detect underage magic. otherwise fred and george could of done magic at home all time, and just blame it on their parents.
Dumbledore was dead at the beginning of book 7, he wouldn't have been notifying the ministry of anything..........
There are several plausible explanations for this;
a) Dumbledore notified the ministry that they would be moving Harry from the Dursleys and would be using various Aurors to do so.
b) Tonks is an Auror, she would have to do magic in all sorts of places therefore her magic would go undetected- she could have been catching a dark wizard.
c) I doubt elf magic is tracked at the ministry, therefore when Dobby used magic at Privet Drive- it would have flashed up as Harry doing underage magic. Therefore Tonks was able to use magic in that house because she was of age.
In DH they would have been keeping extra tabs on Harry as he was 'undesirable number one' so thats why they would know if people did magic around him.
Harry wand having a Trace and the Ministry of Magic noticing that magic has been done around Harry's vicinity are 2 different things. The first is unavoidable. The second has lots of loopholes. I mean, Dobby obviously didn't have a Trace on him, yet his magic triggered alarms that somewhere near Harry magic had been performed. Tonks is old enough not to have a Trace, but her magic doesn't set off any alarms?
For that matter, why didn't Hagrid giving Dudley a pig tail set off alarms at the ministry?
Tonks doesn't have the trace on her, when she performs magic, even in an underage wizards house, she cannot be detected! Unlike Dobby who made it seem that Harry performed the hover charm! He possibly used elf magic to manipulate where the magic came from! If you remember Dumbledore summon krecher to Privit Drive and also makes bottles of meed appear for himself and the Dursleys, this also happens at Privit drive! When Harry performs Magic he is detected as an underage wizard using magic! A loophole in the movie is when Hermione fixes Harry's glasses in Diagon Alley, in the book it's Arthur (I think) who fixes them!
in deathly hallows moody tells harry that the trace will detect if anyone uses magic around him, so he should have gotten an owl when tonks cast her spells.
Even if Dumbledore was not in the best of term with the Ministry at the time it likely that they got notified that Harry was being moved that day. If only to prevent further legal trouble. Same for books six and four.
Im pretty sure they dont have traces on overage wizards. Consider in Deathly Hallows they never find the group.
Um, both Tonks and Kingsley worked for the Ministry. Kingsley was a Senior Auror and Tonks was an Auror and they both passed Ministry information to the Order of the Phoenix. Kingsley himself was supposed to lead the investigation into Sirius's whereabouts after his escape, but instead intentionally mislead them to believe he was in hiding in Tibet. Kingsley certainly could've mislead or directed the office that traces magic towards an excuse They mislead Scrimgeour otherwise, so it's not a stretch to think that they would mislead him in this instance. The 6th commenter is *wrong*.
Tonks didn't have the trace on her anymore. Doesn't that mean the ministry can't detect her magic?
I wouldnt discard that aurors of the OP have connectios with the Improper Use of Magic Office (they both belong to the Dpt Magical Law Enforment); nor that Tonks knew how to fool the trace as she mentions Stealth and Tracking, Disguise and Concealment (although this last seems more akin to physical appearance) as courses to join the auror office.
The second commenter is right. It is a valid plothole. The only explanations would be that the ministry knew they were moving Harry (unlikely), someone in the Order worked at the underage magic department got them to let it slide (unlikely because none of the known members worked there, and nothing in the books suggested there were more members), or they tipped off someone at the underage magic department (unlikely they would go through all the trouble just to perform a few simple spells)
If she gets undetectable magic, she could have just apparated with Harry in DH
I think that performing magic in a house filled only with other wizards and witches would have been let slide. Think about all the Wizarding families that live in Muggle communities; even the Weasleys. They have to have some kind of criteria, or every one of them would be getting letters left and right. Also, I think one of the reasons Harry got that letter was because of the house filled with Muggles and he being the only wizard anywhere. They can't see house-elves, can they? SO it would have been logic.
Maybe since she's an Auror she gets certain privileges like undetectable magic, or she could even know how to be undetectable.
They detect magic but can't see who's done it. So when Tonks did magic the ministry should think that Harry did it.
Therefor, this is a plothole.

IN #7 why couldnt harry just drink polyjuice turning him into a random muggle and be driven to Tonks's parents'? Much easier than 7 people turning into harry.
But Snape made up the plan for them. Harry gets to see this in the DH. And they didn't think the death-eaters knew about it, since the had spread out a false rumour about Harry not being moved until he was seventeen. And I think that the death-eaters would have noticed if a large group of people left Privet drive 4 at the same time.
And why did they give Harry to the one person who's wand was broken and couldn't protect him? I know, I know, there wouldn't be an exciting chase otherwise. But why did she need to kill Hedwig?
Didn't the death eaters know where he lived, therefore if left the house as a random muggle they'd know. Also if he'd left the house and been the only random muggle wouldn't they know?
And if harry was the only one who turned into someone else, then the death eaters would realize: "hey, look at the new person, it's gotta be harry!"
NOT A PLOTHOLE. If they chose any other method, the death eaters would still chase after them. (The death eaters knew both from where and when they would leave). This one, with a bunch of harry potters and a sweet broomstick chase scene, is much more exciting and fun than a muggle car ride.
Voldemort knew that they would be going by broomsticks/flying bike/thestrals etc. So I don't understand why they don't all jump in cars disguised as muggles?
Because the Order thought the Death Eaters would assume that Harry was with the strongest wizard, and thus give the real Harry time to escape if they were attacked. This is what happened, as Voldemort went for Mad Eye's Harry first.
if Harry uses the potion, then there's 2 similar looking guy. If you want to make it hard to recognize, then you need other pairs. Otherwise, they just have to know who is duplicated, then chase down the 2 guys. But so, there's 7 identical person, so the force of dark side must be split into 7 part as it's not known who's the real. The guards are not relevant, they can be 7 similar guy or not, they just make harder the chase of the correspondent replication.
the turning into seven potters thing is ironic because of voldemort 7 souls, but it actually comes from an old tale.
Actually, it's much easier to turn them all into Harry--you only need one potion instead of seven.
It's been said by now that making them Harry would be the best way to ensure that they weren't killed in transport. As for the new question (raised by commenter 3 - and a good one!), they probably didn't turn everyone into Harry because they weren't counting on being attacked so early, maybe until they were already sufficiently split up - seven Harrys all together makes it obvious that something's up, as opposed to one lone Harry, escorted by another wizard. 14 Harrys would have been even more obvious. Then again, 14 Harrys would still probably do the trick because I don't think they'd risk attacking any one of them. I may be thinking too much into this, but that's my best guess.
Personally I never understood why the 'protectors' didn't take a little polyjuice potion too... that way Voldemort wouldn't have known which one Madeye was and therefore wouldn't have had any clue who to go for first...
As Moody pointed out, the Death Eaters wouldn't be trying to kill Harry, because they wanted to save him for Voldemort to kill. Having everyone transform into Harry was the best way to keep them safe. Of course, the fact that Voldemort himself showed up ruined that idea, but they had no way of knowing that Voldermort would be there personally. The real question is why EVERYONE didn't drink the polyjuice potion and turn into Harry (it wouldn't work on Hagrid, but there would probably be ways around that).
i mean like the order of the pheonix disguising as muggles and ron's dad (who can drive) drive them to tonks' place. the death eaters didnt check every single car nearby just in case harry was in it.
Because if you have a group of people and no harry, he would obviously be the random muggle in the group -_-

How could the inhabitants/pastinhabitants of an individual school have enough numbers to form an entire government/ministry

It is also unlikely that an entire league of professional quidditch players can come from a community so small it only has one school. Durmstrang is not in Brittain and so doesn t count.
And if Hogwarts is really large, it is strange that Gryffindor has only one living room with one fireplace. And who are Rons cousins and why don t we meet them at school, only at the wedding?
The numbers of wizards doesn t add up.
I imagine that the Wizarding World, compared to the whole Muggle population of Great Britain, has a small population, and therefore the Ministry of Magic would have a proportionately small population as well. Small populations have small governments.
I mean I know that Hogwarts is the main school in Britain but there could be other smaller schools like local schools or people meing homeschooled and all.
Not all magical children are school educated, or even hogwarts educated!
Plus I'd always assumed that harry's year was a comparably small one due to the war
Also, each house might take a different number of students e.g. Hufflepuff might take more because they 'accept everyone'
There's Durmstrang and the other school too...that we're made aware of. It's not like Hogwarts is the only wizarding school in all of...uh...wherever they are.
You can't compare the wizard world to the entire world it would only make up a small percentage of the population and if not, then most wizards would have muggle jobs. The purpose of the MoM is to protect wizards from muggles, not stabilize a separate economy, govern a separate population, or create jobs for witches and wizards.
last post by me. the real question here is what the rest of the population does for work. there really are no corporations, and most goods are made and provided by individuals or families running small shops. combine that with the number of muggle occupations that simply don't exist in the wizarding world (how many people work at airports in america? all those jobs don't exist. nobody understands that hermione's parents are dentists, so i'm also guessing most other specialized forms of medicine are out. you wouldn't have anyone in the auto industry, just the broom industry, and even that is typically more for sport than actual transportation.) it does seem that a lot of wizards simply live off the land a little more than people do in america or most other industrial nations.
all that said, there seems to be some misconceptions about the size of the ministry of magic. there are only seven departments, and some of those would only have 10-15 or so people (aurors make up the biggest group, i'm guessing there's a few dozen of them). overall, the entire british ministry might have 300-500 employees. the washington post ran an article that estimated that over the last 50 years, 8-15 people per 1,000 of population in the U.S. are federal employees. apply that to my numbers about wizards in britain, and you'd have more than enough people to staff the ministry. since i could believe that rowling isn't telling us about 5 other students in each house, as opposed to the 25 i already mentioned, that would bring those numbers even closer together.
there aren't enough teachers to teach that many students. as far as we know, every teacher sits at the main table in the great hall, and we're told who all of them are, even a couple obscure ones (vector, sinestra, grubbly-plank). there's roughly 12 professors. 12 professors cannot teach thousands of students without using college-style lectures, and clearly, all the classes we are shown in the books have a fairly small student/teacher ratio. also, i just can't believe that if the five gryffindor boys (harry, ron, neville, dean, seamus) and three gryffindor girls (hermione, parvati, lavender) would create 200-300 students in the entire school, we're not being told about some 20 boys and 20 girls in harry's year to get that total number up into the thousands. i do concede that the late 70's/early 80's (in the books timeline) might have been a bit of an anti-baby boom with a lot of wizards getting killed or being on the run, so that, coupled with wizards living longer than muggles, would put the british wizarding population at roughly 75,000-150,000. consider that countries like monaco, andorra, and aruba all have populations of 100,000 or less, as well as fully functional governments, there's no real problem with the harry potter universe.
jk has come out saying she only describes a few of the students in each year, and the fact there are more griffindors in the films in harrys year than what are mentioned in the books, and JK has said this is right and she just didnt describe them in the book, meaning there are alot of students in each year, it has also been mentioned there are other schools in england aswell, such as the charm academy, in which she has mentioned some of the ex teachers from hogwarts moving to teach at the charms academy therefore it can simply be explained as JK not giving away all the details in the books, which will probably be explained when her site pottermore is up and running fully
There are more schools in the wizarding world! The ones in HP4 were just the three OLDEST
On an average Hogwarts hosts 1000 students at any given point, which means 250 in each house, 250/7 = 36 (there really cant be a 35.71% people) so on an average from Hogwarts 36- 40 (lets assume) student graduate, multiply that by say 100 (because the average life of a wizard it longer than a muggle) 3600 adult wizards at a time, lets subtract the few that have alternate careers (working in shops, working in another country and such) in all there should be about 2600-2800 wizards working in the MoM at any given time from hogwarts alone! You say that the other countries may have their own ministry, I think not. In Goblet of Fire, the others are refereed as Bulgarian Minister, not the Bulgarian Minister of Magic! It's quite possible he's the minister of Bulgaria, but not an over all Minister of Magic, because Fudge is the only one who is Refereed as the Minister of Magic and is the only one in contact with the Muggle Prime Minister! so by that explanation and the students of Durmstrang and Beaubatons, there should be more than 4000 people at any time working at or for the ministry! Technically not a loophole!
Two words "Baby Boom". A normal population bell curve can be affected by traumatic event like I don't know a big wizard war. In that scenario population graph will have sharp up and steep down. It even alluded by Molly Weasly in book six. "Peoples eloping left and right." Harry is a typical Generation X baby and was born likely during a steep drop year after either a big boom or just before one.
Not every English Wizard would have gone to Hogwarts. In the Fourth book, Draco says that his mother wanted him to go to Durmstrang, so if they knew the language, they could go to any wizard school in the world.
In the first book it says that Hogwarts is the best school of witchcraft and wizardry, I don't believe it ever says it's the only school.
Forget the movie, consider the books.
J.K Rowling menstioned that there were 'thousands' of students, even from harry year.
The movie just didn't have a building large enough for thosands, obviously lol.
Yes war would have lessened the amount of wizards, but consdering there are more than 15 million people within britain (even at that time- 19th century)- there should be like ten thousand student ATLEAST.
J.K rowling also mensions that her maths is bad, and she didn't consult with anyone else while writing her book.
She couldn't describe like hundreds of not thousdands of gryfindoor students from harry year, let alone the whole school. J.K rowling also changed her mind halfway about the amount of students, basing it more on the movies.
So considering the minstery of magic is like the MAIN magical job, I'd say it consists of 1000 employees probably.
And dont forget how many students there would be, each year and considering anybody above the age of 18 can join. Lets for the sake of argument, say there are 50 students each year. Also lets say retirment age is 70 = 52 years of hogwards students. 50 x 52 = 2600 wizards, and if this is the case, only about 400 are needed- as MoM is the biggest magical job within britian, I'd say there is plenty of wizards, within both assumptions.
In the Goblet of Fire we are clearly shown that their is a different minister for magic when they are watching the Final; were Fudge is trying hopelessly to communicate with the Belgian Minister for Magic.
While there are only a few students in Harry's year, the year that Harry was born (and probably the 5 or so years before that) probably had a lot less births that usual due to the war. So even if there's less than 50 students in Harry's year, it doesn't mean that it's the same for the rest of the years--they could easily be double or more.
I don't think the ministry is necessarily a gigantic organization.
there are other schools and creature in the ministry of magic, plus it a big school with 800 students at once.
If Harry's year is any indication then there can't be much more than 280 or 300 students in the entire school, but J.K. Rowling says once in one of the books that there's 200 in Slytherin alone. Also, it has been mentioned in the books that almost everyone in Britain has gone to Hogwarts (I think Lupin said it). The numbers have never added up. It's a mistake, and there are entire essays written on the subject that you can find.
The 7th book says there is home schooling, but almost all kids go to Hogwarts. It is ridiculous that a school of 40 people per year (based off 5 boys in Gryffindor) can find time to make a whole ministry and seemingly have loads of other jobs too.
Last comment, they really took the time to think this one out. In the book they even mention homeschooling. and there are probaly more schools that are less conspicious
A few points to consider: (1) Not every young witch or wizard necessarily goes to Hogwarts. Perhaps only about half of them do, and perhaps even fewer; not many parents are willing to send their children off to boarding school at age 11. (2) Wizards seem to live much longer than Muggles, perhaps about twice as long. Therefore, there are more of them than we might expect given the size of the school-aged population. (3) Putting the two facts together - if we assume that there are 1000 students at Hogwarts (as J.K. has said), that this is half the student-aged wizarding population, and that wizards live to an average age of 150, then this means there are about 38,000 adult wizards in Britain. Add in their muggle family members who are aware of magic, and this is more than enough to make up a "community". The real question is how you get all those people to flawlessly follow the Statutes of Secrecy, so that none of us Muggles have figured it out yet.
hogwarts is pretty large when you think of every house having so many people...
One of the main plot holes in the books are the numbers of wizards. Can't really explain this. Ah well, it's not the main point of the books.
the 2 posters who disagreed with the OP make no sense. 1st one:There is an international wizarding confederation, and many allusions to different ministries, which suggests there is more than 1 ministry of magic.Quite silly to suggest that every wizard in the entire world works for the UK MoM.have you two read the books???2nd one: must be a tiny ministry if they can only choose from a single school
Yes I do. However it is natural to assume each country has a seperate ministry,and there are numerius examples in the books. judging by the fact that the vast majority of ministry workers named in the book have british names, and common sense, there would be few if any foreign wizards empoyed
Yes there are other wizards all over the world (See the Beaubatons and Durmstrang). However, every character in the BRITISH MoM seem to have their roots in Hogwarts. No mention at all of other English schools (making Hogwarts the *best and only* magical school).
... You realize there are wizards all over the world, with more than one school, right?

Why doesn't Voldemort just use the Polyjuice Potion to turn into Malfoy and sneak into the ministry at night to take the prophecy. If I was Voldermort, I could have won those battles easily
Huge fan of JK and Harry Potter and I pride myself on knowing most of the information about the series. But in the Sorcerer's Stone, when Hagrid brings Harry to Dumbledore on Privet Drive, Dumbledore asks Hagrid where he got the motorbike and Hagrid replies that he borrowed it from Sirius Black. At this point, Dumbledore believed that Sirius Black was the Potters' Secret Keeper, not Pettigrew, and thus believed that Sirius betrayed Lily and James. Why wouldn't he ask Hagrid where Sirius was heading or at least be a little caught off guard by the bike? Just a little bit curious.
"borrowing" the bike doesn't mean he did it right before the task, he could have borrowed it weeks ago.
Probaly a plot hole, but at a stretch I'd say that dumbledore's priority a that stage was to make sure Harry was safe. Telling Hagrid that Sirius was a traitor would be a bad idea given how emotional Hagrid. It may even be that, at the time, Dumbledore suspected alternatives for how Voldemort got to the Potters'. It was after the confontation between Peter and Sirius that it was without a shadow of a doubt that Sirius was the traitor.
Definitely a plothole. Even if this was prior to the Sirius/Peter murder of 13 people, Dumbledore would definitely still be concerned with tracking down the person whom he believed to be responsible for the Potter's deaths. And based on his comments in PoA, Dumbledore definitely believed that Sirius had been the Potters' Secret Keeper up until the truth was revealed to him over a decade later.
When Hagrid got the bike, Sirius had not yet 'murdered' 13 people. I'm sure after that whole incident Hagrid was questioned a little bit. :)

Why didn't Regulus Black find out how to destroy horcruxes before getting himself killed in the cave?
Kreacher MIGHT have been able to destroy the locket, but he couldn't get it open. We will never know.
He probably didn't know much about them and didn't think they could only be destroyed in certain ways, so left it to Kreacher to destroy, but Kreacher couldn't find a way to do so
um i dont think that was exactly his plan, u know "wake up, eat, shower, go get my self killed" was exatly what he was thinking, and i think he knew that Voldemort would, and could use occlumency so if he waited to long Voldemort would know about his plans, so he figured do what he could at the time being, not "hey imma just go die instead of doing more work"
Well in a sense trying to recover a horcrux is hunting for it. And when he went to the cave, not only did he risk his life even told Kreacher to leave him there (to die) and so in every way he did get himself killed. Couldn't he have had Kreacher appirate him back (like Dobby does in Malfoy Manor) and then see it destroyed, maybe doing a bit of research before hand?
Reagulus didn't go on a horcrux hunt. Voldy took kreacher to put the horcrux in the cave. kreacher then told Regulus about it so Regulus took it. And he didn't get himself killed he died there because he wanted to kreacher took the locket and tried to destroy it.

Ok i can just about get to terms with Dumbledore understanding parsel tongue although as it is a magical laguauge it no sense that he can understand it.
But Ron can speak it in DH, what? how? does that mean if Harry puts out an 'English to Parseltongue dictionary for dummies' he will become a best seller at 'Flourish and Blotts', this makes no sense, so any one make silly hissing sounds and they maybee be speaking snake?
Ron wasn't speaking Parseltongue, he was simply mimicking the sounds Harry made when he opened the locket.
Harry can't tell when he is speaking in Parseltongue - it is a magical reaction that happens to him when he tries to talk to snakes in any language. Remember in COS when he calms down the snake from attacking Justin? He didn't know what he was doing, so therefore, it isn't something that can be taught. Dumbledore does not understand Parseltongue, but can simply tell if someone is using it. Wouldn't you notice if people started hissing at each other? Ron took a shot in the dark when he tried to open the chamber of secrets in DH, and luckily for the fate of the world, he succeeded!
Ron does not remember it from second year! Don't be ludicrous! This is Ron we are talking about! He remembers it from Harry opening the locket! I would love to know what Ron's first attempts meant in Parseltongue though :D And yes, you never know what you are saying in a different language. A hissing tire could compliment a snake's skin and a deflating lilo could insult a snake's mother.
Seriously, watch the film or even read the book before pointing out plot holes!
In the book of DH Ron says he remembers what Harry said in year 2, and in the film he says Harry talks in his sleep.
Dumbledore is a really educated wizard, not to mention like 150 years old. He has had enough time to learn it or pick it up somewhere.
Man you're stupid. When did Dumbledore say he understood parseltongue? He just pointed it out to Harry that the Gaunts were speaking in parseltongue. Ron, however, somehow remembers harry speaking it in the second year
If Ron could learn a phrase, then it could be taught. So why didn't people, especially Dumbledore, learn it?
Ron even says he "had to have a couple goes to get it right". He copied Harry, just as you would copy someone speaking German or French.
Read the book.. Ron heard Harry say open in parsel tongue to the locket and repeated it to the entrance to the chamber... and yes if you watch teh movies it's the same snake like hiss... Hasssssh sheeeesh I believe or something close to it
Ron said Harry talks in his sleep! its not a specific word you have to say! Compare it to CoS and it most likely was'nt the same word! Its just saying something in parseltongue in general will open the door!
I think Ron used the same word that Harry used to open the locket, even though he didn't know what the word meant he probably just took a shot in the dark hoping that the word meant open
the fact that its a magical language is bs because how can only a select few say it? why? are these select words taboo to everyone else? I think what it should be is a select few are born with the knowledge to speak it, but anyone can learn.
Ron heard Harry say it and he just copied him. I don't think that this is a plot hole. It's just a case of people not reading and understanding the information properly.
This is so simple (doesn't deserve the math below) that I think you're stupid for not getting it.
Harry said the word "open" in front of Ron, and Ron remembered it at the right time. Not a crime. He was just lucky.
As for Dumbledore, he was 150 years old and had access to books not even in the library, and he knew mermish, so why couldn't he learn Parseltongue?
Dumbledore can speak Mermish though he's not a mer-person. For most Parseltongue speakers it's an innate ability because of bloodline (or in Harry's case, connection with Voldy's soul), but that doesn't mean people can't learn it later - I think Dumbledore would have had the intelligence and the curiosity to learn Parseltongue, or maybe just understand it even if he was not so good at speaking it. Ron could only speak one word of Parseltongue: 'open', because he'd heard Harry say it so many times to get in the Chamber of Secrets and open the Locket, and Ron did have to have a few tries at it before he got it right.
I think Ron saying the one word "open" by hearing Harry say it but having no comprehension of the language.
It would have made a lot more sense if they had of just blown up the sink guarding it. At this point Hogwarts is crumbling around them and such acts of vandalism definitely be in their minds for the sake of saving the world.
During Harry, Ron, and Hermione's search for the horcruxes in DH, Harry speaks in his sleep and Ron listened
To my above comment. Sorry for the poor wording :D "off it goes" obviously.
I don't think Dumbledore understood parsel. In book 6 when they are watching the Gaunt house memory there were only a few lines said in parsel. If I recall correctly those weren't very important, only a threat and other very simple things. Dumbledore could easily guessed what they said by the gestures only. If you meant something else I'm sorry please remind me.
Ron heard Harry saying "open" a few times so he just tried to mimick it (it is even written in the book that he tried multiple times and it was very hard).
And it is pretty logical that noone ever tried to make a dictionary because it was linked with and speaked by dark wizards exclusively.
Yes Harry could have written a dictionary but I think when the Horcrux inside him dies off there goes the parsel-tongue skill with it.

so, Voldemort kills lilly and "accidentally" creates a horcrux. so why does it latch itself to the only living thing in the room, why he had created every horcrux to that point as an inanimate object...some will ague he did not say the incantation but then why isnt there people all over the world walking around as horcrux's because dark wizards kill all of the time not intending to make horcruxs. why isnt harry's baby blanket or rattle a horcrux
Part of the process is killing someone - he sort of did kill Harry without him actually...well, dying. So when the curse rebounded, isn't it pretty plausible that the soul would latch to the STRONGEST thing in the room, which is obviously Harry because he DID survive the curse? I mean, he has the curse inside him without him dying and that's like dark magic, and Horcruxes are dark magic, so being the same they would attach...?
Voldemort's soul was already unstable and shattered into 7 separate pieces. I'm sure it was easier for a chunk of it to break off than for a perfectly normal, solid soul to suddenly break.
There aren't Horcuxes all over because:
#1. You have to perform a specific, Dark piece of magic before committing the act that splits the soul - this means that you can commit murder without creating a Horcrux, but you will split your soul.
#2. Harry was made a Horcrux because a Killing Curse rebounded off of him and Voldemort's last fragment of soul had no prepared Horcrux to enter. So, it chose Harry.
#3. There are no Horcruxes wandering around because the circumstances that resulted in Harry being a Horcrux are so unique. A severely damaged soul (Voldemort) tried to kill Harry after initiating the protective charm created by giving Lily a choice in dying or not. You have to think... how often does that happen? How often does a truly evil, corrupt wizard attempt to kill a child whose mother CHOSE to die to protect it?
it wasn't an actual horcrux, there are many steps it takes to make a true one. however, it ACTS like a horcrux because so long as part of Voldemort's soul was "alive" he would remain so as well. it latched onto Harry because the soul needed to feed of something, and that could only happen if it was something living.
I think that Voldemort isn't the creator of the horcrux that latches to Harry, in fact I don't think it's an actual horcrux. I believe it ACTS as a horcrux, but HARRY pulled a piece of Voldemorts sole into him when the curse backfired. So, really (In my beliefs) Harry or Lily's sacrifice turned Harry into a horcrux.
Voldemort didn´t created Horcrux Harry when he killed Lily, he tried to killed Harry and spell bounced back to him, technically killing him, except his soul was already broken, all the spell did was to separate the part of the soul he still had into two, one went to Harry and the other runned off to Albania.
For the person who said, "First, Horcrux is the plural of Horcrux," I just wanted to point out that, no, Horcruxes is the plural of Horcrux. JKR has said this and it is how almost everyone says it in the books.
First, horcrux is the plural of horcrux. And I think the whole wizarding world would like the answer to why harry and not another object. That was an absolutely unique magical action. I'm sure the 1st time a wizard turned a teacup into a mouse, similar questions were asked. But Dumbledore answers very clearly one part of your question: Voldemort's soul was "unstable" after so many horcrux, and Voldemort had gone further down the path of immortality than any other wizard ever. There weren't tons of wizards walking around with souls as unstable as his, even if they murdered. Also, this is the only time ever the curse didn't work. The reason there aren't tons of wizards walking around as horcux is because you don't walk around after a killing curse is sent your way.
Voldemort's soul was already very fragile, that combined with the fact that never before or since Voldemort tried to kill Harry has the killing curse failed to work so it would do something never seen before. The curse hitting Harry and rebounding to Voldemort created a situation and a connection completely unique and Rowling decided that unique situation would create a horcrux
I believe that because Voldemort had already made 7 horcrux his soul was so unstable that the hate and fear he felt as he attempted to kill Harry directly after killing Lilly unwillingly and unknowingly split his soul which then was attracted to the powerful magic that was protecting Harry. Harry just got in the way because of the magic surrounding him
I believe that since Voldemort didn't say the incantation, it split itself in two all by itself because of the horrid act. I believe that "Harry's rattle" isn't a horcrux because it didn't mean anything to him like all the other horcruxes did. Harry mattered. Also, there is no claim to it going to Harry just because he was the only living thing, because I believe that the Potter's had a cat, as stated in Lily's letter to Sirius where she claimed that Harry almost killed the cat riding around on the toy broomstick that Sirius got him for his birthday.
The last bit of Voldemort's soul latched onto the only living thing there, Harry, probably because it needed a living body to sustain that portion of the soul. His soul needed a way to stay alive and if Avada Kedavra rebounded the only thing running through his mind was probably the boy the caused it. So the soul latched itself onto the thing Voldemort was most concentrated on.
because voldy tried killing harry but couldn't since Harry was protected by his mother's love who died saving him. The power of love is sronger than evil, and so voldy only lost a part of him to harry, explaining why harry can look into his mind, feel his feelings, and speak pastel tongue. This is basically the whole reason HARRY HAS THE LIGHTNING BOLT SCAR.
I think its because when the killing curse (Avarda Kadarva) re bounded, it split his (Voldemorts) already very fragile soul into 2, one part of which resided in Voldemort and the other which flew through the air and latched itself onto Harry, the only living thing. (can people please learn how to spell SOUL)
In order to make a horcrux a wizard has to commit a murder. Voldy intended to use Harry's death to make his horcrux. However, James and Lily died before he got to Harry, his soul was fragile, and so it shattered and latched itself onto Harry. There was no incantation involved it was an accident, but there was a motive and so Voldemort willed it into being.
Nagini was a living horcrux not an inanimate object. Also it is a plot device. Maybe prior Incantatem. Since he was trying to kill harry his soul became attached and that is why they both cannot exist supposedly.
All V wanted to do was kill the Potters... He didnt really know about the protection Lily gave Harry when she died for him...
its because voldemort wanted to live, that was the last part of his soul, so if it attached to a rattle, he would never live again and be a rattle
Voted down because Sole is a type of fish not even in this series.
It was when voldy tried to kill Harry, not lay, that he made the horcrux..
The horcrux was not under anyones control. When V created the horcruxes deliberately he was prepared. He had the item he wanted to store it in and had any necessary spells to encourage/force the horcruc to bind with what he wanted. The one that took up residence in Harry was under no one's control so it took the closest easiest place.
First of all I want to know how a shoe sole would latch to a living being.
But seriously, Voldemort's soul latched on to Harry because it gave off a feeling of life. His blanket or rattle did not, obviously.
since thehorcrux was unintended, the soul part naturally goes to the only living thin.
i believe that you need to have the desire to want to make a horcrux to have your soul fragment put into something you specifically want it to. my opinion is when voldemort kills someone his soul breaks but does not enter anything. just stays in voldemort giving him broken soul. yet if he wants it in nagini or the locket or what have you then it would go in them. when he killed lilly and then failed to kill harry the soul entered harry as it couldnt return to voldemort. just a thought
You have to go through some horrible ritual to make a horcrux (apparantly the description to do it is going to be in the encyclopedia JKR is meant to me making) which is why wizards who have killed haven't got horcruxes. Voldemort killed so many people and he had already made too many horcruxes that his soul was pretty much on its last leg as it had been ripped into too many pieces. The rebounded killing curse destroyed Voldemorts body, but not his soul- but it couldn't just float around and because it was in pieces it couldn't 'move on' so it went onto the nearest living thing. He obviously hadn't done the horcrux ritual thing because he hadn't intended to. If he had- then it could have been a rattle or whatever.
To answer the question: "why isnt there people all over the world walking around as horcrux's because dark wizards kill all of the time not intending to make horcruxs".........I'd imagine this is a rare occasion where a dark wizard doesn't just kill somebody, but is killed himself by at that exact moment with his own killing curse. So you have an extremely powerful dark wizard capable of creating horcuxes (which not all can), AND who split his soul by using the killing curse to kill someone, AND who was killed at that exact same moment soul-splitting by his own reflected powerful curse, AND who already had other horcruxes in use tethering him to life instead of just killing him outright. I'm sure that combination of events was not particularly common in the annals of wizarding history.
His soul needed another host. And he would of had to have a specific object laid aside to make a horcrux but he hadn't at the time and it was an accidental horcrux. Remember his soul is broken. He lost the last piece and it needed somewhere else to live when he killed lily. But since there are no laws for the way hot fuzes work, you just have to let it be.
It could be to do with the prophecy, as Dumbledore explained. Harry was given the tools he needed to defeat Voldemort. So maybe that is the reason that his soul latched onto Harry's, to fulfil the prophecy and allow Harry to see into his mind, speak Parseltongue, etc etc
^^When the book says "Harry is the horcrux that Voldemort never meant to make." It means that he never meant to make HARRY into a horcrux. Not that he never meant to make another horcrux. As for the op, although a murder is required to make a horcrux, killing someone doesn't automatically create a horcrux. I imagine it takes a complex spell or ritual to do that. That's why there's not a bunch of people walking around as horcruxes. I think that Voldemort was planning to make a horcrux from Harry's death. But he only completed part of the ritual before he arrived at the house. Then after he "died" and a piece of his soul was freed (because of the possible ritual he did before hand, and he did kill Lilly and James so it would have still worked) the soul went into the closest living being because the second half of the spell/ritual wasn't completed, which is probably to direct the soul into an object of your choice. Though this is just my guess of what happened from what little we're told of horcruxes. We'll never know for sure because the creation of horcruxes was never explained to us in detail. But that doesn't make this scene a plot hole.
Because it's a story and Harry's the protagonist and Voldemort's the main antagonist. They need to be special. It would also be kinda lame if harry died and Ron and Hermione had to find Harry's binky in order to bring him back.
Voldemort couldn't have originally meant to make another Horcrux, it says that Harry was the horcrux that he had never meant to make, therefore he would not have created one because of an unfinished incantation or something. I think it had something to do with the love protection Lily placed on Harry when she died for him; when Voldemort tried to kill Harry, not only did the curse rebound, the force chipped off a piece of his soul and latched itself onto Harry. Because Voldemort never meant to make this Horcrux, the soul is not acclimated to a non-living "house", and frantically searches for the only living thing nearby: Harry.
On the other hand, it may just be a plot hole/device.
it remains that this could be a plot device. However accepting this if we assume that something must be done to intend to make a horcrux it is a plot hole seeing as riddle planned to split his soul in seven or was it seven horcruxes? refer to slughorn memory reviewed by harry and dumbledore. if its six horcruxes then it is a plot hole he would not prepare to make another
^ this is highly likely, obviously wizards kill each other, does that mean everyone splits their soul when they kill someone? No. I hadn;t specifically envisioned it as such but I believe the Harry thing can be explained by the magic and protection of the sacrifice/ the fact that voldy may have been under some type of vow (unbreakable?) with snape as explained by a google search for said essay on snape
I imagined that there was some sort of foresight or planning necessary to create a horcrux, that the spell or ritual had already been done in preparation, and then when something went wrong, the piece of soul he had been planning to attach to something just sort of flew off and went to the only living thing because life is a soul's "native environment."
Since there are no real-life rules about how fragments of soul behave in different circumstances, I think that J.K. is at liberty to invent what they do when left to their own devices. There's a difference between a plot hole and a plot device.
excactly whay i am saying, Voldemort killed more than just to make horcruxs, then where are the others....he used the muggle at the riddle house to create the "nagini" horcrux and the book tells is that he killed at least two where are the horcruxs from those two murders

In the second and last movies, the Polyjuice potion does not change your voice. Yet in the 4th one, it changes Barty's voice. Unless ofcourse he put the voice on. Which would explain why when they used the Veritaserum that his voice changed back to normal. Because he was lying by doing the voice. Does anyone have any prrof? Like an interview from JK mentioning that Barty just put the voice on? Or is it something the movie-makers just overlooked?
REAADDDDDDDDD THE BOOOOOOKS the director is really ignorant about polyjuice potion within the movies because in all actuality it changes not only your appearance but also your voice
He must have just used the voice because in the chamber of secrets when Ron said bloody hell, Harry told him to change his voice. Then he said bloody hell again in a deeper voice that Harry said was much better.
I'd like to think that the voice was David Tennant the whole time and no one ever noticed because he is JUST THAT GOOD.
That's just something for the movies, like the guy harry impersonates in the Ministry purposely walking sheepishly, to emphasise the fact that it's him, and to help you connect with the character. As well as that, with Mad-Eye, you're not supposed to know it's Crouch in disguise, using the voice of Crouch's actor would make it pretty obvious.
i think the people who made the movie just wanted to make it easier to remember that for example hermione was bellatrix. otherwise the goblins would have definitely noticed the difference between them. these so called 'plot holes' arent plot holes. just because you arent given every. single. bit. of information doesnt mean somethings been left out
It’s just the movies. You’re changing bodies and therefore, vocal chords. It’s not like you just change the skin and have the same organs as you did in your real body. That would be stupid and really screw things up if you are changing into a different gender. The movies just thought that would be more entertaining, plus it might have been confusing to people who haven’t read the books to see Crabbe and Goyal acting like Harry and Ron. The voices helped you remember what was going on and made it more comical, and therefore, more entertaining.
well, we must assume that the potion changes your voice or draco would of noticed it was harry and ron not crabbe and goyle. And the poster below me says it is written, although i dont personaly remember this. But it does make sense, therefore, why harry says in the seventh book he had never heard either crabbe's voice before and it was oddly high pitched, because, although he would of heard it in the second book, he would not of heard him speak after puberty until the last book.
The movies make SO many mistakes. This is definitely a mistake the films made because in the book, the polyjuice potion DOES change your voice. I read it in the second book today.
Your voice is a direct product of air moving over your vocal cords shaped by the position of your tongue, teeth, and lips. Changing yourself physically into someone else is obviously going to change your voice too but it would be flat without any form of accent as that is a product of where you grow up.
A little off-topic, but serious Kudos to Helena Bonham-Carter for her portrayal of Hermione-as-Bellatrix! She had Hermione's mannerisms so down pat, I actually had to look twice to realize that it wasn't Emma Watson made up to look like Bellatrix.
I think the voice changing in the movies is something that is done to ensure that casual movie-goers understand that, for example, Bellatrix Lestrange isn't ACTUALLY helping Ron and Harry rob Gringotts. In Goblet of Fire, preserving Crouch, Jr.'s identity is absolutely central to the plot twist at the end, and so his voice has to be concealed.
It's just something that is in the movies. In the books your voice changes as well as your appearance (several examples, most recently being when Hermione changed into Bellatrix when they broke into Gringotts).

its been stated tht the elder wands allegiance was to harry and would therefore not hurt him unless harry allowed it... like when he knowingly walked to the forest accepting death
He felt the pain but he didn't care as it was the most wonderful thing just to be alive
"Narcissa blocked it"? Are you serious? that excuse is so full of holes it looks like swiss cheese.
1) It is stated REPEATEDLY in the books that you CAN NOT BLOCK AN UNFORGIVABLE including the Crutatius Curse.
2) Had Narcissa blocked it with her body Voldi would have killed her on the spot.
3) Nothing of the sort was implied, "Harry had been expecting it, knew his body would not be allowed to remain unsullied upon the forest floor; it must be subjected to humiliation to prove Voldemort's victory. He was lifted into the air, and it took all his determination to remain limp, yet the pain he expected did not come." IMPLYING Harry was hit with the curse and it didn't work.
4) "Narcissa is not a bad person"? Yes she loves her son but she still has no problem alowing him to atempt to kill Dumbledore, or alowing Severus to do it in Draco's place. She also had no plans to save Harry and friends when they are Snatched and taken to Malfoy Manor. Her ONLY redemable quality is that she cares for her son, though aparently not enough to ensure he does not become a murderer. I don't care what my beliefs are; I'm not about to let my daughter murder a promenent member of scociety just because some nutcase dosen't like him, even if I share the same beliefs as said nutcase.
Because Voldemort believed Harry to be dead there was no need for the curse to hurt, it was done simply to mock Harry and Harry's life. Remember, Bellatrix tells Harry that he needs to feel it (hate) in order to cast the Crutatius Curse. When he finally believed Harry to be dead, Voldemort no longer felt the entente hate and fear so the curse don't have the power and there for the pain behind it
This is the easiest one to answer on here... they say it specifically. Harry let Voldy kill him so in short he was protected by his own sacrifice. Same with the students... how Neville couldn't be bound by Voldy's silencing charms, etc.
Narcissa blocked it. She knew that the only way to get back to the school to see if Draco is safe is for Harry to be dead. Narcissa isn’t a bad person. She loved her son more than anything and definitely risked her life to get back to him. Obviously, Harry would have started screaming if he felt the curse, and then Voldemort would know she lied. Then , he probably would have tortured her and killed her and Draco and Lucius. At this point, she did not believe in Voldemort’s ideals anymore. He had tortured her family and punished them. He had threatened their lives. Obviously, she knew the only way for their family to get out of this mess was for Harry to prevail. She blocked the spell. It was implied
I interpreted it as that Harry's body was still stunned from dying and coming back. Or, he willed hard enough to stay still to keep up appearances.
because voldemort curses aren't binding, harry, died to give protection that protection includes himself.
DH explicitly explains that when Harry willfully accepted his "death" and let Voldemort's killing curse hit him that it cast a sort of protection (a la Lily dying to protect Harry) over everyone Voldy intended to harm, rendering his spells impotent (remember he also fails to silence the crowd outside of Hogwarts). The ownership issue addressed above is probably a factor as well
The above comment is spot on. JK said that the elder wand would not work properly against it's true master.
I'm not entirely sure but it might be because Harry was the master of the wand and that it wouldn't harm it's true master
It could be said that Voldy really meant it in that he was genuinely trying to prove that Harry was really dead. Either way Harry not feeling pain can justified from what we are told about how the elder wand would not harm it's own master.
It is questioned by Harry in DH. It is said in one book that you really need to mean it. Obv since Harry was thought to be dead, no one would have meant to put actual pain to a body that wouldn't feel it.

In the first 6 HP books, it is made clear that underage magic cannot be detected, only magic in general. However, in book 7, all this is disregarded, when "the trace" is mentioned as real magic several times by order members. An answer to this could resolve many other plot holes. Could someone please explain?
Harry also uses lumos to read at privet drive in POH. Are some spells "legal" to use while underage?
It is explained in one of the books....OoTP, I believe. Underaged magic CAN be detected, which spell is used can be detected; the character explaining it (I don't remember which character it is) says that in a houseful of underaged wizards, such as the Weasley's, it cannot tell which child used it, just that an underaged one did, and if it's just a non-dangerous one, they leave it up to the parents to keep track of, control, or punish. In Harry's case, he lives in a muggle household, in a Muggle community, with no other wizarding family nearby, and they knew he didn't own a house elf, who would have no business in a muggle household anyway, therefore they didn't suspect Dobby, only Harry, as he was the only wizard in the vicinity. The same as when he cast his patronus to drive off the Dementors; he was the only wizard in the vicinity. Arabella Figg didn't count, because she's a squib. She could see the dementors, because even though they cannot use magic, squibs are still magical in the sense that they are born of magical parents. Squibs are not muggles.
Tonks is using magic in Privet Drive in book should have had the same effect (Harry's expulsion from Hogwarts) as Dobby's magic in book 2...great, great plot hole for me
I've seen a question like this before. The answer was like this: the trace is on underage wizards but the trace can't tell exactly who is doing the magic. In Wizarding families, it's assumed that the parents would control or discipline the children. Harry was raised by Muggles and would have so such parenting control over his magic.
It's probably something like the trace is only on underage magician's but can't tell who performs the magic it detects, so it wouldn't detect the fact Harry had used magic in book 2 for example, but the trace on Harry would detect that magic had been used around him. As no one knows Dobby is present and they know there aren't any wizards living near him, they assume it's Harry that used the magic.
all underage wizards/witches have a trace on them that can detect magic be it human elf under/overage so plothole
It's stated in book 6 by Dumbledore when they are looking at a Gaunt memory that the ministry cant punish underage wizards in wizard families because they aren't able to tell who committed the magic, and so have to rely on the parents to discipline their child
Where does it say that magic in general can be traced? In 1-6, the only magic that we ever see detected by the Ministry occurs near and underage wizard. Remember, the trace doesn't detect underage magic, it detects magical activity around underage wizards. It can't tell the difference between a child's magic and an adult's, which is why Harry got blamed for Dobby's charm in Chamber of Secrets etc etc.
I think they can detect it, but it doesn't raise any alarm bells. As in, they know that some of age performed magic, but what do they care? When someone underage performs magic, that's when they notice it and decide if it's something done consciously or worthy of punishment.
harrys magic is detectable becaus hes the only underaged one around.
It seems to me that restrictions on underage magic are generally treated by the Ministry in much the same was as speed limits are treated by American police: small transgressions are generally ignored. Harry tends to get "pulled over a lot" because the Ministry is keeping a close eye on him for other reasons.
I think its likely that the Ministry traces magic done based on location. Not that this makes it true, but many fanfiction writers tend to use that in their fics. So they were alerted by the spells done in a Muggle dwelling.
However, much evidence also shows the possibility of tracking spells by the wand. So I'm not certain hmm. But here's my two cents' worth.
I think when it comes to Morphin and that whole ordeal, the Ministry just wanted someone to arrest. Not unlike some police/governments in the real world.
hey you're right. they say in the 7th book harry's magic can no longer be detected when he's come of age. so that means they can only detect underage magic. if it's that way, why was dobby's magic detected?! ok maybe they can detect elf magic and can't tell it different from underage. then why was morphin arrested when they would only have seen underage magic even if morphin said he did it and they didnt really bother to investigate becuz of his records?! it just doesn't make sense.

Several times throughout the series, we read that Hogwarts students are "checking their watches" or "looking at alarm clocks". But we know from Book 4 that electronics go haywire and do not work within the Hogwarts grounds. Easy to overlook, but mysterious all the same. How are these clocks working? Magic? Gimme a break.
Why, in The Chamber of Secrets do Harry, Ron and Hermione spend 4 weeks struggling to construct a notoriously difficult to source and risky to make, polyjuice potion (to try to find out from Malfoy who the heir of Slytherin is), when Harry has an invisibility cloak that he could use or at least try using first?!
In TDH harry is contacted by Aberforth through Sirius' magic mirror. But in the movie you find out he has a giant piece of the mirror and harry has a small part, of the same mirror. Shouldn't Aberforth have Sirius' mirror and Harry have a shard of his?
If Voldemort was planning to create a Horcrux upon the death of Harry, what object was he going to use as an object to house that part of his soul?

Dumbledore theorized that Voldemort was planning to create his "final" horcrux with the death of Harry as a baby, as he would have seen it as a final triumph to prove his invincibility. What is never addressed is what sort of meaningful object he would have used for the horcrux. I always figured this would have been addressed in the final book, but it never was.
Perhaps a horcrux need not be created immediately after the act of killing. In such a case, there would be no need for Voldemort to finish the ritual there, in a baby's bedroom; instead, he could finish it at the place where he intended to hide the horcrux.
The opportunity to kill Harry Potter fell rather unexpectedly into Voldemort's lap. He knew what kind of person Peter Pettigrew was, and he realized that if Peter were found out, it wouldn't take much for him to blab to the Order that Voldemort was on his way to kill Harry. Voldemort had to act quickly; he didn't have time to go find something to use as a Horcrux. There's also a more gruesome possibility, which is this: He might have planned on using Harry's CORPSE as the vessel for the Horcrux. Its significance would be that it was the dead body of the only one who could have defeated Voldemort, thus symbolizing his ultimate victory, and it also explains why the fragment of soul which was produced went and latched onto Harry - because that's what Voldemort had intended for it to do. all along.
I kept waiting for an explanation that Harry's scar was created, at least partially, by the object Voldemort was planning to use, and that's why a part of his soul was trapped there.
Good question, I'm wondering that myself. Perhaps he had Nagini with him and intended to turn her then, and instead when it all backfired, he took her and fled to Albania?

Why does Harry never remember Halloween as the day his parents were killed? Why do no other wizards mark the day in the was that McGonagall predicted?

Halloween is, appropriately, a big holiday for wizards and witches, but it should also be important to Harry as the day his parents were killed, and the day he was almost killed as well. Yet he never seems to mark it as such. Even the year he attends Nick's "Death Day" party, a day to remember Nick's death, neither Harry nor anyone else seems to bring up the morbid coincidence. It's also odd because of the manner in which the day was celebrated when it occurred. Professor McGonagall even pondered whether or not it would be remembered in the future as "Harry Potter Day" due to the significance of it. Although I could see why wizards wouldn't want to give a new name to Halloween, or even November 1st (the day they were celebrating) which is in itself is a holiday, All Saints Day, aka All Hallows Day (Halloween also being known as All Hallows Eve). Still, it is an anniversary that should be remembered as significant Harry, and to wizard-kind at large.
In GoF, when Harry is heading for Snape's dungeon and drops the egg and Marauder's Map, this causes Filch, Snape, and Moody to come check out the noise. Before they get there, why didn't Harry use "accio" (the summoning charm) to retrieve these items? He had just perfected this spell for the first task. This would have prevented the fake Moody from getting the Map and possibly prevented Barty from killing his father.
In DH, it clearly shows that Harry sees his mom die, right in front of him. Later, in the graveyard, Harry is in so much pain from his scar that his eyes are closed when Cedric is killed. Even with all this, he still doen't see the threstrals in year four. What?
Yeah, I remember reading a Q&A with JK that explained that you have to really comprehend what what you've seen, to "know death". This also explains why Harry didn't see them even when they took the carriages to the train at the end of the Goblet of Fire, he was still in a state of shock and hadn't processed what had happened adequately.
He was too young to comprehend what had happened to his mother so he hadn't been able to see thresrals prior to seeing Cedric's death
When Voldemort discovered that Harry was destroying them, shouldn't he have run off somewhere to make new ones quickly?
It may be interesting to note that Voldemort never exactly successfully completed having 6 horcruxes + himself active at the same time (The greatest magical number). The closest he got was 5 horcruxes, himself, and the piece of soul attached to Harry, which wasn't technically a horcrux because, according to JKR, they have to be created intentionally to protect that part of himself. He came close, but he made his sixth horcrux, Nagini, upon the killing of Bertha, AFTER Harry had destroyed the diary
Voldemorts eyes turned red after one horcrux and he had the characteristics of a snake after the seventh. At that rate another few more could end up with him looking like a blast ended skrewt. And he became weaker with every new horcrux and whenever a horcrux was destroyed he got weaker. All together it becomes a paradox of the more lives you have, the less lives you have until voldemort is no more than a spec of dust.
Beacause Voldemort always fancied the number 7 as it was ''The greatest mgical number'. by JKR'
Making a horcrux isn't like making a PB & J sandwich. You have to tear off part of your soul and put it into some object- one which Voldemort would have t have had sme deep cnnection with (like the ther horcruxes) as well as the fact that he already has ripped his soul so much previously.

In GOB before the 3rd task it states that Molly Weasley reminisced about the groundskeeper before Hagrid - a man by the name of Ogg. However, the Harry Potter wiki, it says that Molly Weasley was born approx. 7 years after Hagrid was expelled in 1942. Even if he had to be trained, it wouldn't take 18 years
When Hagrid was first expelled, he was trained, then, he was Ogg's Helper. JKR said this herself.
Yes it would, you'd have to know EVERYTHING about the grounds, the forbidden forest, and the things that live in there. AND who do you think would teach Hagrid to be groundskeeper? Well the old one duh! At one point there was probably two groundskeeper, Ogg, to make sure Hagrid knew what he was doing, and Hagrid.
P.s. it's GOF not GOB...
How do the Weasley twins know what to say to get the map to work? I mean I thought they made it up but then Lupin says it and I thought maybe instructions but why would the Marauders put instructions on it? I'm confuzed! Someone please enlighten me
Rowling said that when they tried to figure out how to work it that parts of it would flicker to life when they said the right word. All it took was time to get the phrasing just right.
perhaps the map knew to tell them what to say. after all, it knew who Snape was when he tried to command it to reveal its secrets-- the snide remarks were geared specifically to Snape. also, it told Harry what spell to use to open the one-eyed witch's hump. it sensed kindred spirits in the twins, and in Harry, thus knew they would be 'worthy' of the map's usage.
Why don't you just apperate away when someone attack you and you know you can't beat them. Many people in the books are able to apperate really quickly. For example if Voldermort came to attack you couldn't you just apperate to the MoM and tell them were Voldermort is. The only person to do this was Voldermort and that was only in the movie (FINAL BATTLE) WTF?! I always wonder why they don't do this.
Most places probably have wards around them, so they would have to escape from the wards before even trying to apparate, but they're kinda trying to get away from an AK coming their way so it would take a bit of time to escape the wards...and by then it would be too late, like with the Halloween night when the Potters were killed...
By the way the death eaters didn't apparate in the Half Blood Prince they actually came through the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirement that Draco was fixing since the start of the book
I think everyone's forgetting that not being able to apparate with Hogwarts was Dumbledore's doing. He's the one who cast the spell for that to happen, henceforth he was able to lift it in the sixth book when everyone was practicing in the Great Hall. So when Dumbledore died in HBP, all the death eaters apparated in straight after because the spell was lifted and was not there in DH, so Voldy COULD apparate during the battle.
Anyway, it would be quite hard to concentrate on apparating with spells flying at you. Also, the REASON for a duel is to defeat someone. You can't defeat someone if you just apparate away!
Voldemort wasn't Apparating on Hogwarts grounds during the final battle, he was flying.
Destination, determination, deliberation. you have to really focus, and it's kinda hard to focus when you're trying not to get hit with a spell before you can fully apparate. if you're trying to do so while NOT on Hogwarts grounds, that is... :P
WHEN WILL ANY OF YOU BOTHER TO READ HOGWARTS: A HISTORY? it clearly states that there can be no apparition within hogwarts grounds!
Obviously you haven't read the books carefully!!! It has been said over and over that you can't apparate on Hogwarts school grounds!!! The only reason Voldemort and Dumbedore can is because they are extremely powerful wizards!
it has been stated by JK that both dumbledore and voldy were using apparition during their duel in the MOM, however they were both known to be masters of apparition, which not many wizards/ witched are and so they would be much more capable of apparating without warning or much thought, and therefore capable, where many other less power wizards would not be and so dont use this technique
i think it has said somewhere that there are anti apperation wards up in regards to where voldamort is .

Voldemort got his snake like appearance when the curse that should have killed harry rebounded and he was brought back to like in Goblet of Fire. But in the Deathly Hallows part II theres a clip where it shows Voldemort killing harrys parents and he has this snake like appearance?! He should still have looked like tom riddle at this point shouldnt he?
You're thinking about The Revenge of the Sith when the emperor got his appearance from his force lightening backfiring on him by Mace Windu.
Dumbledore tells Harry that as time went Voldemort (who in my opinion is the greatest villain of all time especially Ralph Fiennes performance of him) gradually became snake like in appearance as he committed more and more evil. Evil that like Dumbledore said is far beyond the usual evil. He had the appearance before he arrived in Godrics Hollow.
I think as he made each Horcrux, he became less and less human...I think that when he made Nagini a Horcrux, it altered his appearance to snake-like, or maybe it was mirroring his soul.
In some of Dumbledore's memories, you see Voldemort a few years after his first attempt to become a professor of the Dark Arts. He has already begun his transformation into his snakey appearance, as stated in the memory by a loss of hair, skin pigmentation, and change of eye color. As Voldemort gradually advanced into the darkest of magic, his appearance also gradually altered accordingly. By the time he met James and Lily in Godric's Hollow, he had committed multiple murders and had created several horcruxes, he had almost entirely reached the pinnacle if his darkest magic when he encountered Harry for the first time. As a result, he was already at the height of his grotesqueness as well.
In multiple points before your evidence, Voldemort was shown to slowly becoming more and more snakelike as the years of his first attempt at seizing power went on. Nowhere does it actually claim the rebounded curse is why he looked like a snake.
I always assumed that he got the snake-like appearance when he bound his sixth and only living (up until that point) horcrux: Nagini.
Since it was after his visit to to Dumbledore (where he still looked like Riddle) but before binding his last Horcrux (Harry), and given that Nagini was alive as opposed to inanimate, it always made sense to me.
Because his appearance changed so drastically again when he attacked Harry, it is impossible to know for sure if Harry being alive changed his appearance any further. Perhaps it would have made him marginally more human appearing again, if only his AK curse hadn't rebounded and hit him.
This is said by Dumbledore in COS, "Very few people know that Lord Voldemort was once called Tom Riddle. I taught him myself, fifty years ago, at Hogwarts. He disappeared after leaving the school … travelled far and wide … sank so deeply into the Dark Arts, consorted with the very worst of our kind, underwent so many dangerous, magical transformations, that when he resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, he was barely recognizable. Hardly anyone connected Lord Voldemort with the clever, handsome boy who was once Head Boy here."
It's a shame, he used to be such a handsome boy lol I bet bella woulda been all over him
I do believe he appeared more snake-like before he attacked the Potters, due to the creation of his horcruxes. However, his appearance after his rebirth was altered even more because of the potion he was immersed in, which contained Nagini's milk, among other horribly dark substances.
I also thought it was because he was drinking
naginis Milk...
when voldemort ripped his soul apart, his appearance shaped to that of which reflected his soul, maimed and evil.
Actually, I believe horcruxes gave him that appearance, not the curse backfiring

Regulus told Kreacher to stay hidden after summoning him back from the cave. The fact that he survived the cave should have been clear to Voldemort that something was amiss with his horcrux. Kreacher reveals himself to Bellatrix and Narcissa in book 5 and didn't they use the information Kreacher gave them to help Voldermort lure Harry into the ministry?
Voldemort is an unfeeling monster who cares little for 'pureblood' wizards and even less for those who aren't. He is not going to bother remembering the name or appearance of an elf he thinks is dead. He is over confident that way. Also, as people have earlier said, why would Bellatrix and Narcissa mention Kreatcher?
Kreacher showed him to Bellatrix and Narcissa, yes. They never said anything about Kreacher being revealed to the Dark Lord. The info, was most likely passed from Bell/Narc in a way to gain themselves favor. Saying it came from a house elf, most likely, would have been taken much like a joke. Especially by Voldemort.
Narcissa and Bellatrix likely didn't know about the locket -Voldemort wouldn't have told all the death eaters that he had hidden the locket in the cave and used a house elf to test its protection. Bellatrix didn't know that Kreacher was supposed to be dead, and she wouldn't have mentioned his name to Voldemort.
^ to the comment above: I think you'll find Voldemort is a half-blood, so he doesn't actually have any 'pure-blood air' to breathe.
well to voldemort house elves are nothing to him, he probably never knew his name when he first brought him to the cave, and even if he saw him he wouldnt recognize him he is just a sub species that doesnt deserve to breath pure blood air

according to the 1st book, Flamel is 665 years old. it says dumbeldore worked with him on the philosophers stone. dumbeldore is at most 100 years old (he was a teacher 50 years ago when voldemort was at hogwarts) so apparently, nicholas flamel lived for at least 500 years before he and dumbeldore worked with each other on the elixir of life?
The books said that Dumbledore and Flamel worked on some projects together, although I'm not completely sure what the projects were, but I AM sure that they weren't anything to do with the stone.
Dumbledore could be much older - in fact, you have to remember wizards might not go by what our timeline generally is. Minerva is at least 50 - she was there I believe whenever Dumbledore was headmaster at the school if I remember right - so, wizards might live past a hundred. - and maybe the stone wasn't perfect, but it still worked. Or that perhaps Flamel had worked with unicorn blood - we know it will keep you alive, even if your an inch from death - and maybe they didn't kill the unicorns, so the curse didn't activate.
Alchemy is a type of magic. Though you use alchemy to make something like the philospher's stone, it is not limited to that.
it said that he was his partner in ALCHEMY not that he actually made the stone with Flamel. Flamel probably created the stone first and then did other alchemy work with dumbledore
Dumbledore's brother was still alive in the 7th book and they were only a few years apart. That means dumbledore couldn't have been in his late 100s because then his brother would no longer be alive.
alchemy is the study of making gold, or changing other metals into gold...the sorcerer's stone does make gold, but it is possible that they were trying to find another way to go about it without having to have the stone.
I can't remember it exactly but there's something in the fourth book about Dumbledore being at a Triwizard Tournement in the 1700s, so he must be a lot older than 100
But in the first book it's said that alchemy consists of making the sorcerer's stone
flamel is the only known maker of the stone, no mention of dumbledore there, yes they did work on alchemy together, but its fairly obvious alchemy is a much larger field than simply the creation of the philosophers stone
The book says Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel worked together on *alchemy*, not specifically on the Philosopher's stone. Perhaps there are other alchemy projects. Or, they could have added the properties that make it create gold later. So Flamel could have done the elixir of life bit on his own, long before Albus was born.

I may not be such an expert of HP series but one thing makes me curious. If the map can actually list every people, it must be so confusing since there will be hundreds of names appear on it. After all, the map isn't that big, right?
Less important than the zoom features of the map, How did it possibly show the different floors?
I imagine it's similar to the map features on a cell phone... pinch to zoom
It not exactly made to find somebody in a crowd it made to alert you if the corridors are not empty when you're sneaking around at three in the morning to get some Witch strange.
It's fairly big. After all, it manages to show all of Hogwarts in a detailed way. Probably is confusing though.

this isn't really a plot hole, it's just strange that this detail would be left out of the movie. if i'm correct, in the book the only spell harry casts with the elder wand is fixing his own wand, which broke when hermione cast a spell while fighting nagini in godric's hollow that rebounded and broke harry's wand. this does occur in the first DH movie, so why isn't it fixed in the second part? what, is harry going to use draco's wand for the rest of his life? in the movie, harry, hermione, and ron are walking through the ruins of hogwarts and if i remember correctly, when ron asks what harry will do with the elder wand, he simply snaps it in half and throws it away. i'm confused.
The movie never made much of a point of establishing that Harry had a great love for his wand. It was basically just a tool. So, for the movie, it was unnecessary.
I thought that Harry's wand and Voldemort's wand had a connection so that each wand could not harm he owner of the other wand. If Harry fixed his wand and used it, he could not kill Voldemort.
(I haven't watched the movies in a long time so sorry if I'm wrong)
The movie disappointed greatly on this point. The Elder Wand had a life of it's own. It could be traced for centuries. I don't think it could be broken. It was made by a "skilled dark wizard". If it could just be snapped in half, I think Dumbledore would have done it once he knew that Voldy was looking for it. He must have still had his original wand someplace. As an aside: I think Harry would have offered Draco his hawthorn wand back.
Because it's a moot point, both actions just show how much character Harry has, and it was probably an ending JK didn't think of, i'm pretty sure we can say the ending of the last book could be retconned into something like "harry repairs his old one then snaps the elder wand"
I think it's just plain stupid that Harry just snapped the Elder Wand like a twig and threw it off the bridge. He doesn't do that in the books at all. And what a disrespectful thing to do. It was Dumbledore's wand and a Deathly Hallow. It couldn't have just shown a quick scene of him putting it back in Dumbledore's coffin?
Not to mention the Elder Wand is in two pieces on the ground below the bridge. That's a real smart place is just leave it like that. I know that the chances of someone finding it and fixing it is slim to none, but seriously? Whoever decided on that for the movie is an idiot.
that is because the movies, the entire series, is a complete mockery to the books. that just isn't up for debate.
Um, movie adaptations are always different. The director didn't want to focus on how sad Harry was when his wand broke.
It was incredibly irritating, it would've taken all of 10 seconds to fix his wand, and obviously none of us would be bothered by that. Fixing his wand was also an important part of the book, as Harry considered his wand an incredibly important thing to him. I think it was just stupidity on the director's part to cut that out of the movie.
And I'm fairly sure he didn't do it "off screen", it's a movie, there would be no point having it off screen at all.
However, yes, breaking the Elder wand was definitely a good choice
i think that he did fix his wand but off screen, as for breaking the elder wand I thought that was much better, no problems that way.
The book situation leads to plot holes, discussed on here lol
The Wand and the Stone were really too dangerous to have around. As Beedle the Bard tells us, they both ended up killing their owners. Only the cloak was safe to keep. Hence Harry dropping to stone and breaking the wand. I don't think Dumbledore would disapprove. Much safer to destroy it than for Harry to keep it or any potential new wizard who would try and take it from either PotPot himself or Dumbledore's tomb. Furthermore, Draco's wand had switched allegiance and helped defeat the greatest dark wizard of all time. That's not too shabby.
That bothered me, because I felt it was important and it could have easily been in the movie. It would have taken six seconds' worth of screen time. Of course, it's not a plot hole - nothing in the general plot requires Harry to repair his wand at the very end. But it is annoying that the moviemakers didn't see fit to keep it.

A lot is made of how surprising it is that Voldemort can fly without the aid of a broomstick or other artifact; apparently, this is a difficult thing for even a powerful wizard to do. However, it seems to me that it should be an easy enough trick to manage, given the rules in Harry's world. Broomsticks can obviously be enchanted so as to fly, as can motorcycles, cars, and carpets. Why not clothing? Couldn't a wizard simply enchant his robes such that they could fly, and then take off into the air supported by his own clothes? It's obviously not that hard for a wizard to cast a charm to negate gravity; Ron is able to levitate a heavy troll's club fairly early in his first year, and he wasn't exactly a stellar student. Once that part is done, it can't be too difficult to cast a few more charms for powered, controlled flight.
I think it is important to just remember the power vodamort has.In the context of the full stories.If he was powerful enough to take on Dumbledore(who has the deathstick)why couldn't he have the power to do extreme magic?
you can also ask yourself why do they sell magic brooms for so much money? harry got the top of the line broom in the first book i believe but its obvious that it's expensive because everyone goes gaga over it but doesn't have one. So I'm gonna say the enchantment is hard to do because it's a passive effect that never waers off.
To the above comment. It is clearly stated in the fifth and last book that both leg. And apperation are wand based spells. Snaps points his wand at Harry and cast the spell leg. And I can't remember where in last book but look it up if you like that you do need a wand to apperate. I seem to think it had something to do with mrs. Catermole but I don't have a book on me to check but I remember it is there
It seems to me that Voldy isn't magic-ing his clothes to fly around, I imagine that would be very uncomfortable and very difficult to control the flight path... i think what's meant to be extraordinary about it it that he's flying using wandless magic (ie without casting any spell upon himself) using a similar force of will that's probably required in legilimency or apparition, just simply concentrating really hard on what you want and the magic inside you makes you take off flying into the air... you would have to be a pretty powerful wizard to do something like that, and i bet it'd come in really handy if you find yourself in a sticky situation, without a wand :)
Even if the clothes could be enchanted to fly, if you add the body weight to the clothes it might become hard to fly! it's shocking because voldemort becomes whisps of smoke when he flies, but still maintains a physical distinctive face. Snape must have at some point learned this from Voldemort as reward for his loyalty, and he is said to wrap himself in his cloak and fly away like a bat!
Voldemort is obviously capable of flying because he's just so goddamn evil.
I realize that cars and motorcycles have the ability to move without magic, and that the magic is used primarily to levitate them. But somehow, it is possible to impart both levitation AND propulsive magic to a BROOM, which is a stick with a bundle of straws attached to one end. There is also a mention in book 4 that flying carpets exist, and they presumably do more than just levitate. It is clearly possible, in HP's world, to make a piece of cloth capable of flight. So once again - why can't a wizard make his clothing flight-capable? (and I don't generally wear clothes that could support my weight under extreme stress either, but clothes that could do that are available).
I don't know about you, but I don't wear clothes that can support my body weight at high speeds over extended periods of time. They'd probably just rip right off 0.0
Exactly, levitation and flying is not the same!
The car and motorcycle we meet in the series are tuned by hard work to get extra flying ability in addition to the regular usage of transportation, but once it's done, then getting into the car or motor is easier, that "configuring a human" to fly :P And if you make only cloth flying, then you can fall out of it (or can be very uncomfortable, maybe Voldy really wanted to protect his balls... XD)
It's not like he is wingardiumleviosa-floating. He is really flying. You cant enchant your underwear to make you fly motocycle-speed several meters from the floor. Unless Voldy has no balls (which is not mentioned).

In Prisoner of Azkeban, when everyone is looking for Sirius Black, why not send a note to him by owl and follow said owl on a broomstick? Harry corresponds with him by owl a lot. Surely someone from the ministry (even a low level minion) could think of doing the same and following said owl?
Might be reaching a little, but maybe they wanted to keep Black at large to use as a scapegoat.
I doubt that it would be that easy. J.K. Rowling answers this on her website; almost all of these are answered on her website. Why does no one ever check her website? If it was that simple, they certainly wouldn't have had such a time finding Voldemort. Sirius knew of and approved Hedwig. Maybe that had a factor in it; that only if correspondance was welcomed it could be sent.
Dumbledore knew that was Sirius was innocent and in the fourth book, when he talks to HP in fire, he says he couldn't reply because the ministry WAS trying to track him but he stayed in "doggie disguise".
the minestry of magic may have tried but he would have kept the owls so they wouldn't know if the owl was sucessful
I think that the reason why the Ministry didn't search for Sirius directly, using their own Aurors, was that Fudge is essentially a coward. He preferred to leave the dangerous work of tracking Sirius to the Dementors rather than risk his own people. He also probably had an inflated opinion of how effective the Dementors were, and he expected them to find Sirius quickly. After Book 3, of course, there were Ministry officials who were actively sabotaging the search for Sirius, so that's why they didn't find him at that point.
I'd surmise that the MoM may have tried this but that owls don't know how to recognize wizards transformed into dogs. While Sirius was on the run I'm sure he spent almost every moment in his doggie disguise. Also, the ministry seems, at this point, to be relying on dementors to do the job of finding Sirius.

In one of the books it says that he did 12 OWLs, and that's all the subjects (Hermione did 10 and she left Divination and Muggle Studies), so shouldn't he need a time turner?
What if like you feed it to a baby or something?
It might not affect you. It's explained that part of the "curse" is that occurs because of the action of attacking or taking the life of something so pure and innocent. If you yourself are not guilty or complicit in the killing of the unicorn, the curse might not take effect.
Harry couldn't take the exam because he wasn't 17 at the time, his birthday is 31th July, and the test was in March, but Hermione could take the exam and she was born on 19th September???
In book five thay say multiple times that you only have to be 16 to take the apperation test, like driving in real life
She was born September 19th, 1979, whereas Harry was born July 31, 1980. So Hermione was born in September of the previous year. Which is obvious, because if she were born in September of the same year as Harry, she would be a grade below Harry. Sept. is the cut off month.
She probably aged when using the time turner, even though her birthday stayed the same.
hermione was born in early september, just missing the cut off for being a year earlier.
You have to be 11 on the first day of Hogwarts, so she couldnt be younger than harry. Her birthday is shortly after the first day of school, so she is almost a year older.
I think that Hermione was actually almost an entire year older than Ron and Harry, she probably just missed the cutoff date from being put one year ahead.

I know someone has already posted something like this, but this is slightly different: if you read Goblet of Fire carefully, Harry's eyes were shut tight because of the pain from his scar when Cedric was killed. But to see thestrals, you have to SEE death. So how come Harry can see thestrals?
You're looking at this too mundanely. It doesn't matter if his eyes were open or not at the exact moment. "Seeing death" doesn't have to mean "Seeing the exact moment a person dies." It's just the experience of being with someone who is alive- and then dead and realizing what happened. And it is that process of realization and understanding that matters most. It's not an instant switch either, Harry doesn't see the thestrals on the way home in GoF (it specifically says they were using the carriages to reach the station for the train home)
No, he actually saw it. It said that he saw Cedric fall with a blank expression on his face.
does it actually say in the book a HUMAN death because then, most people would see thestrals and if it doesn't say a HUMAN death then that's an error
I think it means death as in "Death" the figure of speech character when the life leaves someone (ie when Cedric fell)
Seeing is not the same as understanding an accepting. You can see something tragic happen and it not fully sink in for hours, days, weeks... Harry hadn't accepted Cedric's death until the summer. And though he saw his parents die, he was too young to comprehend it. It is not "seeing death" but "accepting death".
The comment below is absolutely right. Harry wasn't old enough to understand what happened when he was a baby, so even though he might have seen his mother's murder he didn't understand it. With Cedric, he might not have actually seen the instant he died, but he witnessed it and comprehended it.
It is about accepting death and understanding death, not just seeing it.
He saw his mom die in front of him when he was a baby - he was in the crib, and Lily was in front of him blocking the Avada Kedavra.
Wasn't he right there? He's still seeeing death, just not directly.

(based of the film, I can't remember how much the book differed) In 'Half-Blood Prince', Dumbledore appears desperate to get Slughorn to admit the true memory of his and Tom's discussion of Horcruxes. So why did he not use some kind of magic, like a truth-telling potion, or get Snape to invade his mind like he did to Harry to prepare him for Voldemort's invasions of his thoughts? You could argue that to use these methods would be unethical, or against MoM rules. But Dumbledore goes to all this trouble to invite him to the school, pressures Harry to get to know him, and Harry ends up using the extremely rare Liquid Luck (which could have been used for much more important purposes). So surely all of this trouble and burdening Harry to convince him (which isn't exactly a foolproof plan) is just as unethical as using magic to force it out of Slughorn? Spending all that time pursuading him to join the school and tell Harry just seems a long-winded and complicated way of getting something which could be achieved by a simple spell.
There are quite a few half-bloods, and people have easy access to the ordinary world so can read books etc from there if they wanted to find out more about an aspect of it, so why do most people know nothing about Muggles? Take Arthur Weasley, for example. He claims to be fascinated with Muggle objects and ways of life, he even worked for the MoM concerning the misuse of Muggle artefacts. Yet he has demonstrated throughout the books a clueless, naiive knowledge of Muggle ways, despite his supposed research into them. Furthermore, why did the MoM employ him, rather than a Muggle-born who knows what they're talking about?
I have the opinion that magic people simply cannot properly understand muggle ways because it's against their nature. In the Harry Potter world it isn't the case that witches and wizards know MORE than muggles, it's that their nature is completely different than theirs. Muggles naturally do not have the aptitude for magic and Wizards and witches naturally cannot understand science.
It isn't like living next door to another country, Russia, etc. It is like living among the Russians. Half-bloods and mudbloods have lived for 11 years in the Muggle world. Inquisitive children want to know how things work. But Arthur and his mispronunciations are supposed to be comic relief. To me Arthur is a 3/4 guy. He will try to figure out how something works until it is 3/4 done. The other 1/4 us just flying by the seat of his pants. He tinkers, he doesn't study. And remember, it was just him and Perkins in the office for years.
The world is an ignorant place. I am a vegetation and have been asked if I have to ask special vegetarian potatoes. I mean, seriously?
Probably they are fat people. Like how americans know so little about rest of the world
I AGREE!!!! like how are they confused about dentists and trains?!! but they celebrate Christmas and muggle holidays ... -__- makes no sense. i mean life doesn't seem that different just no magic?
So, we're kind of living next to countries like Russia, China, Japan... We know they're there, but we live in our own country (meaning society in HP), with own traditions and customs to understand. So why should we deliberately learn about customs and traditions from other countries? I know it's not exactly the same, but I hope you get what I mean. It's like... the Amish vs. modern America. People know the Amish are there, and they roughly know how they live. But why should that mean they have to learn how to drive a carriage if they have cars, or make their own clothes if they can buy them in a store? Meaning, why would a wizard bother learning to do things the muggle way when they have magic?
As to why Arthur Weasley got employed... well, I guess they just have the muggle stuff department because they need someone to clean up after them; it's not a reputable position, but Arthur has quite a passion for muggles, so he maybe was the only applicant when the position was vacant...?

When Harry opens the toilet or however you want to call it, they go in without getting some help or whatever. I think i'm missing something I've forgot reading the books, but it seems so stupid not to get help when you know you're going to face a beast that will kill you if you look at it?
Because they went for Lockhart to make him help and to prove him an unreliable git. Besides, they would miss out on all the fun!! :P No, they would get in trouble for opening it, for being out bast curfew, for being in the girls lavatory, and probably a few other things...
Cuz it's a freaking book! That's how JK wanted it. Deal with it
they did get a teacher. before harry spoke the words to open the sink he went to the teachers lounge and the teachers sent lockehart with harry and ron to go try and open the chamber of secrets. also, if you remember, to get out of the chamber fawkes had to fly them out so they probably couldn't get out.
Um, maybe because the teachers barely help - look at McGonagall in PS! Harry's rash like that, he was probably thinking 'Ron's sister's going to die, we don't have time to get a teacher!" Besides, Lockhart was there and they probably thought that, as much of an incompetent as he is, he knew SOMETHING to help them!
It's made pretty clear throughout the book that everyone thinks Harry is the heir of Slytherin. If he went to a professor and said "Oh I just opened the Chamber of Secrets, just like Voldemort did a few decades ago and killed half the school." People wouldnt be like "Oh yeah, its clear you're not the heir!" and like I said he'd get expelled. Its continually expressed how dangerous it is to open the chamber.

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