Top 20 U.S. Presidents
26 items ranked
The greatest presidents that have ever led the United States. Does not include Barack Obama, since he is still in office, and therefore it is unreasonable to pass judgment on him.
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Ronald Reagan. What can I say? You were one of the best US presidents ever in terms of Foreign policy, ending communism, and Americas over all morale owes a huge debt to your administration, your incredible work during you Presidency. You wil sadly missed. The 80's. One of the greatest and most peaceful times in current in US history.
An incredible leader.
Thank Mr. President
The misinformation here is stunning. Reagan raised taxes. He raised the national debt. The Berlin Wall fell under Bush 1, not Reagan. As for accomplishing more than any other president, that distinction must go to FDR, who got the U.S. through the Great Depression and mobilized an outdated military to fight in WW II.
Mr. reagan and his sdi program were wonderful. he cut taxes, built the military up and bettered relations with the soviet union. Even though he is a republican and I am a democrat he is on of the best 20th cenutury presidents
Mr. Reagan if there is one thing I could say to you it would be thank you, you've done so much for the American people and I am forever in your debt, R.I.P
brought down inflation, ended the cold war, created 19 million new jobs by 1984, restored hope in the american people, cut taxes, built up military, berlin wall fell, peace treaty between us and ussr, balanced the budget, our hostages were flown in during his 1st inaguration, had a great sense of humor, got big government off our backs, reduce the size of government, survived being shot, earned trust from the soviets, could outwit the media and also won 2 elections by landslides in which one of them was the biggest landslide ever, and still had a full head of hair by 85 yrs old. Reagan is without a doubt #1.

The first president of the United States. More importantly than anything else, he stepped down after two terms of four years each, demonstrating humility and establishing the precedent of two term presidencies. He proved that the United States government could defend itself in his reaction to the Whiskey Rebellion, and he normalized relations with the British.
The greatest of the progressive presidents. He busted trusts, he improved governmental relations with labor, he pushed for the passage of the Pure Food and Drugs Act and the Meat Inspection Act, he fought for conservation of the environment, and he assisted in the creation of the Panama Canal and the establishment of Panama as an independent state.
he was the first president to have an actual vision for the country and do beyond what a president was required to do (aka do nothing unless there is a crisis which needed military intervention)
The greatest president of all, who led the United States during its most difficult hour, the Civil War. He fought for equality for African-Americans which, for its time, was quite progressive. He also fought for protecting the integrity of the United States itself, and these two forces combined were his rationale for fighting the war.
None president like lincoln . His time was most difficult than other . Civil war can't be compare other war , when having one man decision to make , and united all . And also abolish slavery by this time . With a great aettysburg address .
How can Lincoln possibly make it only as high as 6???? No other president faced and overcame as many problems as Lincoln. Historians consistently rank him as #1, and they're right.
Lincoln Only President to Declare Martial Law, Only President to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus, Threatened to imprison without trial for treason several Supreme Court Justices who declared the previous acts unconstitutional (They were). Fought an War that undermined the justification for the United States even existing (The Succession was over States Rights and Unfair Taxation Not Slavery..You know like the reason the Colonies left The British Empire), Fought a War that cost 600,000 lives and enough Money that they could have Bought and freed every slave in the South 10 times. Had so poor a knowledge of Law he couldn't even practice in most cities. Used Slavery as an "Excuse" (Starting half way into the War). Even Fredrick Douglas stated while speaking at Lincoln's Funeral that he (Lincoln) was not opposed to Slavery just to it's spread Oh and Delaware (Union State) had Slavery Legally until 1865 with the 13th amendment the Emancipation Proclamation specified areas it was to be effected in (The South) rendering it nothing more than propaganda used in hopes to entice Rioting on the large plantations so the CSA's Army would have to act as Peace Keepers splitting their forces.
Agreed. History has only confirmed Lincoln's greatness. His determined effort to win America's greatest war with dignity not only procured freedom and created a foundation for true equality for nonwhites, but restored some of our integrity in the world.

Whether you agree with him or not, his actions after 9/11 sent a strong and lasting message to terrorists that the U.S. will no longer take any more attacks on U.S. soil (at least for the duration of his term in office). Since 9/11, he kept his promise that there will be no further attacks on U.S. soil. Restructure our entire intelligence forces to share information and better coordinate anti-terrorist efforts. Bush was erroneously blamed for Katrina -- it was in fact the Governor of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans that refused help that was waiting for their go ahead. After the catastrophe, new rules and regulations were installed so that the next hurricane would not be devastating! His economic policies helped our economy grow for 7 years and helped prevent a depression when banks collapsed in 2008. The collapse is directly attributable to banking changes made by Bill Clinton & the Democrats in the 90's.
It's just about un-american to rate him in the top 5 ahead of Lincoln.
This man never passed blame to anyone.Katrina he took full responsibility foreven though the help in preparation Bush offered was turned down by the Gov. of La. and the Mayor of New Orleans.
people blame him over two huge diasters 9/11 and
everyone hates him i dont now why probably cause poeple like pointing fingers before they educate themselves
Bush was tough on terrorism, yes, but squandered our credibility by invading a country we weren't at war with, and he admitted that he blundered Katrina. Clinton admitted he should have done something with derivatives in the '90s, but he rightly predicted that the republicans who owned Congress would have shot him down if he had tried.

The man who purchased Louisiana, doubling the size of the United States. He banned the slave trade (though he did not end the use of slaves), and he created the West Point Military Academy, which still stands today.
William McKinley was tied in with the monopolizing tycoons of the industrial era. His election was won through the shear financial might of John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie. They essentially "bought" their own president to ensure Teddy Roosevelt would not get the office. Teddy was a threat to big business because he wanted to install antitrust laws into the system and stop the current-day government corruption to ultimately break up the monopolies. McKinley was simply president so the industrial titans could continue to cut wages, conduct dangerous working environments for their employees and raise profits. Unfortunately for big business, President McKinley was assassinated in the beginning of his 2nd term and Teddy (being Vice President at this point) was sworn into office. There's a big uh oh for Standard Oil, Carnegie Steel and the J. P. Morgan Financial Firm right there. William McKinley doesn't even deserve to be on this list let alone number 8.
James Madison was the "towering intellect" of the founding fathers. He was one of the authors of the Federalist Papers, he was the prime author of the Constitution, and it is thanks to Mr. Madison that we have a surviving first-hand account of the debates within the Constitutional Convention. Madison also was the behind-the-scenes voice of reason and moderation for Thomas Jefferson. Madison led the country during the War of 1812, refused to abandon the burned out capitol city
He was the man who pioneered the New Deal, which helped pull the U.S. out of the quagmire of the Great Depression and prepare it for World War II. He also presided over the majority of the U.S.'s involvement in World War II and was one of the great leaders of the allies, along with Winston Churchill and Josef Stalin.
He inherited the depression and proceeded to make it worse. He was lucky that World War 2 came along and dragged this country out of the depressions. His programs didn't work, were not working and never would have worked if not for the war. He was however a great inspirational leader.
He was one of the most humane presidents. It was under his administration that the elderly and most vulnerable would have at least some care under Social Security. He also wanted to implement a National Health Care System but it was the Conservative party that stopped that, in fact, they were opposed (and are still) to Social Security. It was after his administration that everyone prospered, not just the wealthy. It seems the conservatives are getting their wish and turning back the programs of that great president
probably one of the best if not the best president of all time

President Trump is a great man and is already following through on campaign promises such as the travel ban, putting America first by withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement, and bringing jobs back. He is doing a good job, especially considering that he has to deal with everything that Obama has left him such as the enormous amount of debt and Obamacare.
trump is the worst president ever and he is races to all Hispanics and should be thrown off the president role and should have never won to become president
Wilson will probably continue to slump in these rankings over time, as he becomes more scrutinzed by a politically correct society, however, in truth, he was one of our best presidents. Did he have racist issues? Yes. But did he get it right on world war 1? Absolutely. Did he sign women's suffrage into law. Yes. If we had listened to him, could the entire world have been saved from its most devastating war? Yep. Would he have become the greatest American, and possibly the most influential person to ever have lived? Maybe. But how would we have known?
Lets see most jobs created in history, balanced tax system, US had high foreign approval rating and a surplus. Hmm seems to be a radical tea bagging crowd on here,
he should be at least top 10 presidents just cause hes at a war ain t make him a bad president
He should be in the top 10. This man has made history, and helped African Americans purchase homes. I have benefited from that. Thanks President!
I'm stiil waiting for him to do something that actually helps America.
Instead Of Looking at His Skin Color. -How About We Look at the Good He's Done for Our Country Folks.Stop Judging a Book By It's Cover and Judge Him for What He's Done. -Stop Being Ignorant.
Obama only saved the economy from depression, and has been creating private sector jobs for a consecutive 23+ months now, reduced goverment jobs, end deregulated policies by Bush, cleaned up a war Bush nor his father could complete, accutaly got the man responsible for the attack on or US that Bush with his amazing intelligence could not capture. Obama started health care reform, and the US has seen progressing in all areas of economic growth since the fall of the US economy. Foreign policy is all back on track as Bush withdrew from all foreign interaction. Bush is actually considered one of the worst presidents of all time. Obama has accomplished more for the American people to save what could have been the greatest devestation to our country.

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