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Report Abuse

Best Saved by the Bell Characters

21 items ranked

Rated 2 points - posted 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl in category Television.
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Kelly Kapowski Report Abuse
Boys wanted to date her. Girls wanted to be her. She was everyone's dream girl with the perfect hair, and the only girl cool enough to deserve Zack.
17 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Zack Morris Report Abuse
The coolest kid in school, Zack Morris was always a favorite with the ladies. He owned a cell phone before it was cool, and he could stop time with just two words (Time Out!).
11 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Lisa Turtle Report Abuse
Lisa always looked good and was more laid back than Kelly and Jessie, which made her much more fun to be around. She also always had the latest gossip.
10 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Stacey Carosi Report Abuse
9 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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A.C. Slater Report Abuse
A.C. Slater was the best athlete in school. An all-star wrestler and all-around smooth talker, he could have had any girl he wanted. Who knows why he chose Jessie Spano.
8 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Richard Belding Report Abuse
7 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Samuel "Screech" Powers Report Abuse
4 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Terrible Testaverde Report Abuse
3 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Jeremiah Lasky Report Abuse
2 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Andrea Larson Report Abuse
1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Rhonda Robinstelli Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Jessie Spano Report Abuse
0 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Violet Anne Bickerstaff Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Mike Rogers Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Leslie Burke Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Alex Tabor Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Leon Carosi Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Julie the Duck Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Johnny Dakota Report Abuse
-1 point - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Tori Scott Report Abuse
-2 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -


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Max Report Abuse
Always quick with a joke or a magic trick, Max was always there for the kids to help them out or give them advice.
-4 points - added 15 years ago by smallbrowngirl -
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